IRENA Energy Subsidies 2020
IRENA Energy Subsidies 2020
IRENA Energy Subsidies 2020
ISBN 978-92-9260-125-6
Citation: Taylor, Michael (2020), Energy subsidies: Evolution in the global energy transformation
to 2050, International Renewable Energy Agency, Abu Dhabi.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) serves as the principal platform for
international co-operation, a centre of excellence, a repository of policy, technology, resource and
financial knowledge, and a driver of action on the ground to advance the transformation of the
global energy system. An intergovernmental organisation established in 2011, IRENA promotes the
widespread adoption and sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, including bioenergy,
geothermal, hydropower, ocean, solar and wind energy, in the pursuit of sustainable development,
energy access, energy security and low-carbon economic growth and prosperity.
Nicholas Wagner, a colleague at the IRENA Innovation and Technology Centre, provided key input on the
REmap analysis.
Valuable external review was provided by Ben Caldecott (University of Oxford), Youngjin Kim (University of Sussex),
Doug Koplow (Earth Track), Andreas Kraemer (Ecologic Institute), Wataru Matsumura (International Energy Agency)
and Benjamin Sovacool (University of Sussex) .
Valuable review and feedback were provided by IRENA colleagues Dolf Gielen, Emanuele Bianco, Xavier Casals,
Ricardo Gorini, Paul Komor and Neil MacDonald. The editor of this report was Jon Gorvett.
IRENA is grateful for the generous support of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy of Germany,
which made the publication of this report a reality.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of IRENA. This publication
does not represent IRENA’s official position or views on any topic.
The Technical Papers series are produced as a contribution to technical discussions and to disseminate new findings on relevant topics. Such
publications may be subject to comparatively limited peer review. They are written by individual authors and should be cited and described
The findings, interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of IRENA
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Neither IRENA nor any of its officials, agents, data or other third-party content providers provides a warranty of any kind, either expressed or
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Figures 4
Tables 5
Abbreviations 7
Key findings 9
Executive summary 10
Energy subsidies in 2017 10
Evolution of total energy subsidies to 2050 11
More work needed on total energy subsidies 13
2.2 Fossil-fuel subsidy levels: Definitions and calculation methodologies matter 38
• Methodology matters: Fossil-fuel subsidies in Germany 39
Conclusions 58
References 61
Annex A: Different definitions of energy subsidies 63
Figure S–1: Total energy sector subsidies by fuel/source and the climate and health costs, 2017 11
Figure S-2: Energy sector subsidies by source excluding climate and health costs in the REmap Case,
2017, 2030 and 2050 12
Figure 1: Global energy sector carbon-dioxide emissions in the Reference and REmap Cases, 2010–2050 15
Figure 2: Negative externalities and their impact on supply and demand 19
Figure 3: Negative externalities and subsidies for fossil fuels – impact on supply and demand 20
Figure 4: IRENA's global subsidy estimates for renewable power generation and biofuels by
country/region, 2017 34
Figure 6: IRENA subsidy estimates for biofuels for transport by country/region and fuel, 2017 36
Figure 7: Subsidies to fossil fuels in Germany from different sources, 2014/2016 41
Figure 11: Total energy sector subsidies by fuel/source and the climate and health costs, 2017 48
Figure 12: Key energy sector indicators in the REmap case to 2050 49
Figure 13: Energy sector subsidies by source excluding climate and health costs in the
REmap case, 2017, 2030 and 2050 51
Figure 14: Energy sector subsidies by fuel or sector excluding climate and health costs in the
REmap case, 2017, 2030 and 2050 53
Figure 15: Transport sector energy subsidies by fuel/source excluding climate and health costs
in the REmap case, 2017, 2030 and 2050 54
Figure 16: Industry and Buildings sectors: Energy subsidies by fuel/source excluding climate
and health costs in the REmap case, 2017, 2030 and 2050 55
Figure 18: Total energy sector subsidies by fuel/source compared to climate and health
cost savings in the REmap Case, 2017, 2030 and 2050 57
Table 1: Different definitions of energy subsidies and their strengths and weaknesses 21
Table 3: An overview of the common methods of subsidy calculation and their relative merits 27
Table 4: Selected country and regional estimates of renewable energy subsidies in 2017 29
Table 5: Overview of IRENA coverage and calculation methods for country and regional
estimates of renewable energy subsidies in 2017 32
Table 6: Comparison of the level, scope of comprehensive multi-country fossil-fuel subsidy estimates 39
°C degrees Celsius
CCS carbon capture and storage
CO₂ carbon dioxide
CSP Concentrated Solar Power
EV electric vehicle
G20 Group of Twenty
GDP gross domestic product
GJ gigajoule
Gt gigatonne
GW gigawatt
GWh gigawatt-hour
IEA International Energy Agency
IMF International Monetary Fund
IRENA International Renewable Energy Agency
kWh kilowatt-hour
LCOE levelised cost of energy
MW megawatt
MWh megawatt-hour
OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
PJ petajoule
PV photovoltaic
RE renewable energy
REmap renewable energy roadmap analysis by IRENA
TWh terawatt-hour
USD United States dollar
VRE variable renewable energy
WB World Bank
The world’s total, direct energy sector subsidies according to the REmap Case set out by IRENA for
– including those to fossil fuels, renewables and realistic acceleration in the worldwide deployment of
nuclear power – are estimated to have been at least renewables. Total energy sector subsidies in 2050 are
USD 634 billion in 2017. 25 % lower than in 2017 and 45 % (USD 395 billion)
lower than they would be based on current plans and
Total fossil-fuel subsidies in many countries are policies.
dominated by subsidies to petroleum products.
IRENA’s roadmap for more sustainable energy
Subsidies to clean and renewable energy (environmentally development sees a rebalancing of energy subsidies
friendly subsidies) can help to improve the efficiency away from environmentally harmful ones to fossil
of capital allocation across the energy sector. This fuels and towards support for renewables and energy
is because externalities stemming from fossil-fuel efficiency by 2050.
use – notably the costs imposed on society from their
associated air pollution and climate change – are not In the REmap Case, total energy subsidies decline
typically fully priced. from 0.8 % of global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in
2017 to 0.2 % in 2050.
Yet the continued imbalance remains staggering. In
2017, the costs of unpriced externalities and the direct Greater harmonisation of subsidy calculation
subsidies for fossil fuels (USD 3.1 trillion) exceeded methodologies, definitions of what constitutes
subsidies for renewable energy by a factor of 19. a subsidy and the boundary conditions for the
application of the definition would help provide
By 2050, total, annual energy subsidies could decline greater clarity around both the current level and
from USD 634 billion to USD 475 billion per year, trends in total energy sector subsidies.
The world’s total, direct energy sector subsidies USD 189 billion, or 42 % of the global total. The top ten
– including those to fossil fuels, renewables and countries accounted for 61 % (USD 272 billion) of total
nuclear power – are estimated to have been at least fossil subsidies in 2017.
USD 634 billion in 2017. These were dominated by
subsidies to fossil fuels, which account for around 70% In this analysis, the International Renewable Energy
(USD 447 billion) of the total. Subsidies to renewable Agency (IRENA) has estimated supply-side support
power generation technologies account for around to renewables at around USD 166 billion in 2017.
20 % of total energy sector subsidies (USD 128 billion), Total support to renewable power generation
biofuels for about 6 % (USD 38 billion) and nuclear for was around USD 128 billion in 2017, and transport
at least 3 % (USD 21 billion). sector support added a further USD 38 billion for
biofuels. The European Union accounted for around
The actual level of total energy sector subsidies is, 54 % (USD 90 billion) of total estimated renewable
in all probability, larger due to data gaps. Coverage subsidies in 2017, followed by the United States, with
of sub-national incentives for both fossil-fuel and 14 % (USD 23 billion), Japan with 11% (USD 19 billion),
renewables subsidies is likely not comprehensive, the United States with 9 % (USD 16 billion), India with
while the subsidy value for nuclear in this analysis is a 2 % (USD 4 billion) and the rest of the world with
placeholder value, reflecting the lowest realistic level slightly less than 9% (USD 15 billion). Subsidies for
of subsidies for existing nuclear power generation. renewable power generation were dominant in Japan
(99 %), China (97 %), the EU (87 %) and India (76 %).
Subsidies for biofuels dominated in the United States
ENERGY SUBSIDIES IN 2017 (61 %) and the rest of the world (71 %).
By combining existing estimates of subsidies to Robust estimates of subsidies to existing and new
fossil fuels from the Organisation for Economic nuclear power globally are not available. Scaling up
Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the the lowest estimate of subsidies to existing nuclear
International Energy Agency (IEA), this analysis finds capacity in the United States to a global level, however,
the global total, direct fossil-fuel subsidies in 2017 yields a subsidy figure of around USD 21 billion for
to be at least USD 447 billion. Subsidies to petroleum 2017. This must be considered a placeholder, with the
products dominated the total, at USD 220 billion, possibility that much higher values are realistic; but it
followed by electricity-based support to fossil fuels is also an acknowledgement that a value of zero is not
at USD 128 billion. Subsidies to natural gas and coal a robust assumption. Comparable detailed analysis is
in 2017 were estimated to be USD 82 billion and not available globally, so although the United States
USD 17 billion, respectively. may not be representative of the global experience,
the estimates for existing nuclear subsidies in the
Total fossil-fuel subsidies in many countries are United States per unit of generation, when scaled to
dominated by subsidies to petroleum products. Half global nuclear generation in 2017, could have ranged
of the twelve countries with the largest fossil-fuel from around USD 21 billion to USD 165 billion. This is
subsidies in 2017 had total subsidy levels dominated an area where further additional research is warranted,
by support for petroleum fuels. The top five countries given the absence of comparable cross-country data
for fossil-fuel subsidies in 2017 had total subsidies of on subsidies in the nuclear power sector.
2018 USD billion
500 447
21 38
Air pollution Climate costs Fossil fuels Nuclear Renewable Transport
(direct) power
Environmentally friendly subsidies (EFS) to clean and subsidies for fossil fuels (USD 3.1 trillion) exceeded
renewable energy can help to improve the efficiency subsidies for renewable energy by a factor of 19. In
of capital allocation across the energy sector. This this report, subsidies to fossil fuels are referred to
is because externalities stemming from fossil-fuel use as "environmentally harmful subsidies" (EHS) and
– notably the costs imposed on society from their those to energy efficiency, clean and renewable
associated air pollution and climate change – are not energy "environmentally friendly subsidies" (EFS).
typically fully priced. In 2017, a central estimate for the
health costs arising from outdoor pollution generated
by fossil fuel use was around USD 2 260 billion, with EVOLUTION OF TOTAL ENERGY
climate change costs of around USD 370 billion SUBSIDIES TO 2050
assuming USD 11/tonne of CO2 (Figure S-1). Subsidies
to renewable energy, albeit a second-best policy Between 2017 and 2030, total, annual energy sector
response from an economist’s perspective, help to subsidies could decline from USD 634 billion to
reallocate capital investment away from fossil fuels, USD 466 billion per year, according to the REmap
going some way to mitigating the negative impacts of Case set out by IRENA for realistic acceleration in
fossil fuel use in the absence of the full pricing of fossil the worldwide deployment of renewables, and be
fuel externalities. around USD 475 billion in 2050 (Figure S-2). Total
energy sector subsidies in 2050 would therefore
Yet the continued imbalance remains staggering. In be around 25 % lower than in 2017 and 45 %
2017, the costs of unpriced externalities and the direct (USD 390 billion) lower than they would be based
600 100%
500 35%
70% 4%
447 139
400 70%
Share of subsidies
2018 USD billion
21 7% 22%
300 50%
27 10%
34 106
21 30%
41% 44%
100 192 209
166 26%
1 0%
0 0%
2017 2030 2050 2017 2030 2050
on current plans and policies. Under the current plans the subsidies to fossil fuels are to support carbon-
and policies (the Reference Case), oil and natural gas dioxide capture and storage (CCS) in industrial
demand would be higher, and there is little progress applications. The share of fossil fuels in total
in the reduction of per unit subsidies to fossil fuels. energy sector subsidies falls from around 70 % in
The increased use of renewables in the REmap Case 2017, to 35 % in 2030 and to 29 % in 2050. In 2050,
brings a subsidy reduction compared to the Reference the subsidies for fossil fuels from CCS in industrial
Case in 2030 of USD 341 billion, or 42 % lower, rising applications (primarily to address process emissions)
to USD 390 billion lower in 2050. Overall, total energy reach USD 126 billion, with over 60 % required for the
sector subsidies in the REmap Case could be around iron and steel sector, 23 % for the cement sector and
USD 10 trillion lower than in the Reference Case over 14 % in the chemicals sector.
the period to 2050.
IRENA’s roadmap for more sustainable energy
Direct subsidies for fossil fuels fall from development sees a rebalancing of energy sector
USD 447 billion in 2017, to USD 165 billion in 2030 subsidies away from environmentally harmful
and to USD 139 billion in 2050 in the REmap Case, subsidies towards environmentally friendly subsidies
as per unit subsidies are reduced and fossil fuel by 2050. As renewable power becomes increasingly
demand declines. Existing subsidy programmes competitive and early high-cost subsidies to solar
are reduced significantly and by 2050 over 90 % of PV, in particular, expire, the subsidies for renewable
1 The subsidies to finance investment in CCS for fossil-fuel operations are in addition to this figure.
2 The historic 2015 climate deal, endorsed by nearly all countries worldwide, calls for limiting the rise in average global temperatures to “well below 2 °C”, and ideally
1.5 °C, during the present century, compared to pre-industrial levels. Every country needs to cut carbon-dioxide (CO2) emissions in the energy sector for the world
to achieve these aims, regarded as crucial to avert catastrophic climate change.
In order to meet the Paris Agreement objective that To meet the Paris goals, current annual emissions of
the global temperature rise be kept to “well below CO₂ from the energy sector need to fall as soon as
2 °C”, the global energy sector requires nothing short possible, while sustaining a downward trend to net
of a complete transformation, during the coming zero in the shortest time possible.
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA),
At the same time, while the political will to avoid in the report Global Energy Transformation: A
dangerous climate change demonstrated by the Roadmap to 2050 (IRENA, 2019a), has provided just
countries of the world in signing the Paris Agreement such a pathway for renewables and energy efficiency,
is welcome, as the IPCC Special Report on “Global outlining the crucial elements for the world to achieve
Warming of 1.5 °C” makes clear, time is of the essence. the Paris goals (Figure 1).1
Figure 1: Global energy sector carbon-dioxide emissions in the Reference and REmap Cases,
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
1 See IRENA (2019a) for more details of how the Reference and REmap Cases discussed in this report are developed.
2 Although energy subsidies may not be “bad”, the way they are designed may not be the most efficient way of achieving legitimate policy goals. Subsidies designed
to correct market failures should ideally do so in the most efficient manner possible in order to maximise the benefits. The German overseas development agency
has created guidelines for how to approach the trade-offs between efficiency and policy goals in order to develop subsidies that are as efficient as possible
(GTZ, 2009).
3 From an economist’s perspective, subsidies are difficult to justify in “perfect” markets, where full competition occurs, particularly in the absence of externalities.
4 Such interventions are virtually never “costless” in that they involve some inefficiencies or costs in administration and implementation. Policy makers and regulators
must therefore determine how to intervene at least cost, in order to maximise efficiency gains.
5 Externalities can be either positive or negative, although in the energy sector they have historically been predominantly negative, given the pollution and health
costs associated with the use of fossil fuels.
6 There are a wide range of other negative externalities that are often not adequately priced, including pollution of water sources in the mining and extraction
process, habitat loss, heavy metals that contaminate the land, crop yield reduction, increased building cleaning, accelerated degradation of building materials, land
acidification, etc. See NRC, 2010 for more details.
7 This is a very specific example of when negative externalities and subsidies shift the marginal cost curve up and down. It is not meant as a detailed discussion of the
economics of subsidies or negative externalities. For a detailed economic assessment of how different types of subsidy affect demand and supply in different ways
see Coady, et al., 2015; GTZ, 2009; and McKitirck, 2017.
8 The scope of this report does not extend to discussing the difficulties in calculating the “accurate” cost of many externalities and hence what constitutes an efficient
Private+Social Costs
Private Costs
Q* Q Private Q
Unfortunately, there has been little progress in ensuring the benefit of all of society. In these circumstances,
that fossil fuels pay the full cost of their negative subsidies in the early, high-cost period can be
externalities, whether from local or global pollutants. considered learning investments. Crucially, this mean
In the absence of taxes or quotas set at optimal that subsidies for renewable energy technologies like
levels (to create a market), policy makers have often solar and wind power can be temporary, required only
looked for alternative options to deploy renewables during a period of learning-by-doing, as costs then
to address market failures in the energy sector fall, to become competitive with fossil fuels – even if
and unlock the dynamic economies of scale many these fossil fuel producers of negative externalities do
renewable technologies exhibit. The use of subsidies not bear their full costs.
in this context can be seen as governments trying to
ensure that the market operates more efficiently than Notably, in the presence of unpriced or partially-
today. priced negative externalities, subsidies for renewables
represent efforts by policy makers to improve
Subsidies that support renewable technology economic efficiency in the energy sector, while also
deployment that lead to the displacement of fossil unlocking cost reductions.
fuels when the negative externalities of fossil fuels
remain unaddressed therefore help improve the Indeed, given the fact that the negative externalities
economic efficiency of the energy sector. They do of fossil fuels remain predominantly unpriced, the
this by shifting energy generation and use towards subsidies given to fossil fuels today represent a
technologies that reduce those negative externalities. perverse incentive and amplify an already serious
In many cases, subsidies have also been promoted market failure with significant socio-economic and
because of the dynamic economies of scale that apply environmental costs. For example, the World Bank
to the small, modular renewable energy technologies data suggests that the average effective rate of the
(notably solar and wind). In this respect, subsidies world's carbon pricing schemes was just USD 1/t CO2
are the means to unlock low-cost technologies for in 2017 (World Bank, 2019).
Private + Social Costs
Private Costs
Q* Q Private Q Subsidy Q
Figure 3 highlights the impact of subsidies that sectors, technologies or fuels are used to advance
allow greater supply than is economically justified specific proposals. Conversely, better, more transparent
by allowing fossil fuels with negative externalities to data and analysis of energy sector subsidies may
be produced at a lower cost. The subsidies shift the allow policy makers to focus more clearly on achieving
supply curve to the right. At equilibrium in the market, change while more efficiently deploying scarce
the gap between the equilibrium when the negative resources.
externalities are taken into account (P* and Q*) widens
even further (to Psubsidy and Qsubsidy) than in the situation Therefore, the first challenge in trying to calculate the
without subsidies for fossil fuels. amount and source of subsidies in the energy sector is
what definition of subsidies should be used.
Different definitions of energy subsidies
A key issue that will become apparent in this report, is
Today, there is no systematically applied, standardised that at their highest level, subsidy definitions are often
definition of what an energy sector subsidy is, despite broad and simple in order to ensure that the myriad
the prevalence of subsidies in the energy system. Even forms which energy subsidies can take are captured.
without this uncertainty around definitions, given the The drawback of this approach is that although the
breadth and complexity of support given to different spirit of their design is to ensure the net is cast as
energy sub-sectors or fuels, calculating subsidy levels wide as possible in determining what is a subsidy, in
or unpriced externalities can be difficult (Sovacool, reality, this approach makes the decision about which
2017). individual policies or programmes should be included
in subsidy calculations somewhat subjective. This
This lack of clarity in the classification and calculation problem is compounded by the different accounting
of subsidies and their impact can sometimes distract methodologies used to calculate actual subsidy levels,
from the critical issue of accelerating the energy with these sometimes missing a range of energy
transition, when estimates of subsidies for various subsidies.
WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION (WTO) • How energy • Near universal • Not widely used by
subsidies distort acceptance some of the main
“A financial contribution by a government
trade • Often institutions involved in
or any public body within the territory of
• Dispute referenced subsidy reform
a Member”, or when “There is any form of
settlement • Used by many
price support…(where) a benefit is thereby
as basis for
their analysis
INTERNATIONAL ENERGY AGENCY (IEA) • On consumer • Broad • Applied only to
subsidies, rather definition consumer subsidies
“Any government action directed primarily at
than producer • Explicitly • Disagreement over
the energy sector that lowers the cost of energy
subsidies covers all reference prices
production, raises the price received by energy
• Fossil and energy • Can miss a range of
producers or lowers the price paid by energy
renewables subsidies
consumers. It can be applied to fossil and non-
• Price-gap • No nuclear numbers
fossil energy in the same way.”
ORGANISATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION • The inventory • Broad • Can miss a range of
of support is definition of supports delivered
“Both direct budgetary transfers and tax first step to “support” via price measures
expenditures that in some way provide a benefit identifying • Inventory (prevalent in
or preference for fossil fuel production or subsidies to a approach adds developing countries)
consumption relative to alternatives.” sector to transparency • No estimates for
• Inventory nuclear or renewable
approach subsidies
WORLD BANK (WB) • Support • Good overview • No recent subsidy cal-
countries in of approaches culations of their own
“A deliberate policy action by the government
their subsidy to subsidy • No estimates for
that specifically targets fossil fuels, or electricity
measurement calculation nuclear or renewable
or heat generated from fossil fuels.”
INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND (IMF) • Understanding • Includes • Data intensive
magnitude of unpriced • No estimates for
“Pre-tax consumer subsidies arise when the
subsidies to negative nuclear or renewables
prices paid by consumers, including both firms
support reform externalities
(intermediate consumption) and households
• Price-gap
(final consumption), are below supply costs
and inventory
including transport and distribution costs.
Producer subsidies arise when prices are above
this level. Post-tax consumer subsidies arise
when the price paid by consumers is below
the supply cost of energy plus an appropriate
“Pigouvian” (or “corrective”) tax…”
Table 1 provides an overview of five different definitions to articulate what is a subsidy in slightly different
of energy subsidies that have been proposed by ways. In some cases, this is influenced by the area of
institutions either active in calculating energy subsidy competence of the organisation or the mandate under
levels and/or active in the debate over energy sector which they were invited to examine energy subsidies.
subsidy reform (see Annex A for more details). In others, it is more aligned with the method of
Although they all have a common theme, they choose calculation of the subsidies envisaged.
Different institutions have historically had different In addition, data limitations, or the difficulty of
motivations for cataloguing and analysing energy calculating some subsidy types, can lead to the
sector subsidies. These differences can influence underestimation of energy subsidies. For instance,
the methodology and scope of subsidy analysis. For there have been very few attempts to try and
instance, the OECD inventory approach to subsidies identify the monetary value of credit-based subsidies
allows a detailed understanding not only of the order (e. g., loan guarantees or “concessional” reduced-
of magnitude of subsidies, but which specific policies rate loans),9 while government-mandated liability
would need to be reformed. This approach is logical in caps (either for pollution or accidents) are almost
the context within which the OECD tries to advocate universally excluded, given the difficulties of accurately
for better policies. In a similar vein, the IEA has calculating their value. This in part reflects the difficulty
historically undertaken subsidy estimates as part of in finding sufficient data with which to calculate a
its energy modelling exercise. A price-gap approach subsidy. The public sector concessional financing
leverages the IEA’s existing model inputs to provide of energy infrastructure by export credit agencies,
subsidy level estimates and highlight trends in their national development banks and other development
magnitude and incidence over time. Given that the finance institutions is large and may have averaged
IEA focus is on informing their member states through USD 123 billion annually between 2013 and 2015, with
its analysis, rather than on making specific policy 58 % of that going to fossil fuels, 15 % to clean energy 10
recommendations for reform, the lack of detailed and the remaining funding to a miscellanea of other
policy programme information is not a significant energy sector investments (OCI, 2017).
9 There are various efforts to call attention to these subsidies. Oil Change International (OCI, 2017) has highlighted the issue and the OECD has proposed an approach
that could be used to calculate these subsidy values if sufficient data could be collected (OECD, 2018).
10 Which they define as, “Energy that is both low carbon and has negligible impacts on the environment and on human populations, if implemented with appropriate
safeguards. Some energy efficiency and some renewable energy – energy coming from naturally replenished resources such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, and
geothermal heat.” “Other” includes nuclear, bioenergy, waste incineration, large hydropower and biofuels. Their reasoning for this is that these energy sources “can
have significant impacts on the environment and on human populations that make it difficult to consider them truly ‘clean’.
This is also true for government-granted public There are three commonly used approaches to
liability limits (notably for nuclear) in such cases as: calculating subsidy levels (Sovacool, 2017 and Koplow,
accident; weakly enforced environmental regulations; 2018), including:
exceptions for polluters in environmental regulations
(e. g., higher emission limits for coal-fired power • Programme-specific estimation – an inventory
plants); weak regulations for environmental or remedial approach where sources of energy subsidies are
contingencies at the end of project life (e. g., self- identified and quantified.
bonding for coal ash disposal or mine rehabilitation);
government ownership of high-risk or expensive parts • A price-gap analysis – an approach that tries to
of energy infrastructure or fuel cycles; and the transfer identify producer support 11 and consumer support
of end-of-life liabilities to the public sector. These are estimates based on comparing actual prices to some
some of the more prevalent subsidies that are typically reference price.
left uncalculated.
• Total support estimates – tries to identify total
As is clear from this discussion, the importance of consumer and producer support levels, typically to-
how energy subsidies are categorised and calculated date, by combining the above two approaches.
is great. One recent categorisation (Sovacool, 2017)
11 This will not capture certain producer subsidy programmes, however. For instance, producer subsidies in markets with international market pricing for consumers.
12 The methodological issues of how subsidies that arise from unpriced negative externalities are calculated is another aspect of this.
The present part of the analysis examines the levels The sections that follow look at subsidy estimates to
of energy sector subsidy estimates made by some of renewable energy – including new results from IRENA
the major institutions that have produced reports on – fossil fuels and nuclear. The analysis here does not
global subsidy levels. attempt to examine the current level of subsidies to
energy efficiency or other demand-side technologies.
The focus is on comprehensive studies that look at their relative importance in the evolution of total
global subsidy levels. This is in order to ensure that energy sector subsidies to 2050 is, however, discussed
the numbers presented are as comparable as possible. in the final section of this report.
There are, however, a number of important regional
subsidy estimates, particularly for fossil fuels, that can
in some cases provide useful detail to complement 2.1 RENEWABLE ENERGY SUBSIDIES
or inform these global estimates. Notable examples
include fossil and renewable energy subsidies in To-date, analysis of energy sector subsidies at a global
Europe (Trinomics, 2018; and Gençsü and Zerzawy, level has predominantly focused on environmentally
2017), fossil-fuel subsidies in Asia (ADB, 2016), and harmful subsidies to fossil fuels,13 given their
federal tax subsidies in the United States (CBO, 2016; dominance in the global energy system and total
and CRS, 2017). There is also a significant body of energy subsidies. There are therefore fewer estimates
analysis and data at a country level compiled by the of the financial support given to renewables, calculated
International Institute for Sustainable Development's on a comprehensive and comparable basis. As a result,
Global Subsidies Initiative. available data are often partial, collected on a different
basis and difficult to compare. The exceptions are the
An important point is that although the definitions data in the IEA’s World Energy Outlook, which takes
and calculation methods outlined above apply to the a price-gap approach to estimating renewable energy
energy sector in general – and indeed often explicitly subsidies, and the analysis in this report by IRENA
state so – the much greater part of analysis of energy (both will be discussed below).
sector subsidies to date, whether by governments,
think tanks, research institutions or academics, has Before discussing the global IEA and IRENA subsidy
focused on fossil-fuel subsidies. As will become clear in estimates for renewable energy, the data available for
the sections that follow, relatively little work has been individual countries is worth examining in individual
done examining global subsidies to renewable energy countries. This only provides a partial view of subsidy
(although this is changing as their importance to the levels, yet it is a useful benchmark against which other
energy system grows). The situation is even worse for estimates can be compared.
nuclear, as comprehensive efforts to calculate nuclear
subsidies at a global level are not available.
13 “Inefficient fossil-fuel subsidies” in this report refers to the fact that they are inefficient in an economic sense, given that they multiply the impact of the negative
externalities of fossil fuels. The other common usage of this term in subsidy discussions relates to the G20 commitment to phase-out “inefficient” fossil-fuel
subsidies, where the interpretation of the meaning is effectively based on “national circumstances” (G20, 2009).
Inventory and
EUROPEAN UNION* 78 10.9-11.9 Price-gap
Inventory and
UNITED STATES 6.7 Inventory 14.1
*Total subsidies to all renewables are higher, as an additional USD 5.7 billion was categorised as “All/several/others” to catch cross-cutting
All values in this table are in real 2018 USD, that is to say taking into account the effect of inflation.
Sources: IRENA analysis from CEER, 2017; CRS, 2017; USDA, 2017a; IEA Bioenergy, 2016; IISD, 2008; IRENA analysis; METI, 2018; IISD, 2017;
and Trinomics, 2018.
To give a few examples, data is available for: the German both total cumulative support payments and support
electricity surcharge that funds the deployment of to newly commissioned projects based on premiums
renewable power generation 14 (calculated using a over wholesale prices (CEER, 2017 and Trinomics,
price-gap methodology that also includes some 2018). Recent work provides a more comprehensive
administrative aspects); the United Kingdom’s overview of subsidies to the renewable energy sector
Renewables Obligation Certificates, Feed-in-Tariffs by including tax expenditures, direct transfers and
(FiTs), Contracts for Differences (CfDs) and Renewable R&D expenditure (Trinomics, 2018). Yet, there does
Heat Incentive (BEIS, 2016 and 2018); and the United not appear to have been a systematic effort, to-date,
States’ support through the production and investment to create a global inventory of these programmes’
tax credits for wind and solar (Congressional Research total level of subsidies, updated on a regular basis.
Service, 2017). There are also the regional subsidy
estimates that have been mentioned. All of these Table 4 provides an overview of the amount of
sources usually apply either a price-gap or inventory of subsidy received by renewables from a variety of
programme costs methodology, making comparability sources in China, India, Japan, the United States and
and completeness an issue. For attaining an order the EU. These estimates, it should be stressed, are, in
of magnitude of what total subsidies may look like some cases, a summation of different sources using
globally to renewable energy, however, this is a useful different definitions and methodologies. As such, the
starting point. totals should be treated with caution and country
comparisons should be avoided as the coverage of
Efforts to consolidate individual country subsidy level subsidies and their calculation methods differ. They
estimates on a comparable basis are not common, do, however, provide a lower bound from which
but do exist. The EU is active in trying to catalogue global subsidy estimates for renewable energy can be
support for renewable electricity, with estimates for compared, to ensure they are robust.
14 The so-called EEG surcharge (EEG Umlage) from the Renewable Energies Act (EEG), which gives power plant operators a fixed tariff for every kWh of renewable
power that they fed into the grid over a 15-year or 20-year period, but also includes direct payments and premiums under other measures (e. g., from offshore wind
auctions). See
15 These policy tools are not automatically subsidies, but depend on the level at which they are set relative to a reference cost.
16 Unless otherwise stated, all monetary values in this report are expressed in real 2017 USD, that is to say taking into account the effect of inflation.
17 This is based on comparing wholesale prices for ethanol and biodiesel to those for conventional gasoline and diesel. The variation represents the different
wholesale conventional gasoline and diesel price sources. Unfortunately, the most recent analysis for the EU28 (Trinomics, 2018) does not break down its biofuels
support estimates. It does estimate renewable quota subsidies values at around USD 6.7 billion in 2016, however, and, given that most EU states only use renewable
quotas for biofuels, the price-gap estimate range calculated by IRENA appears reasonable.
19 The surcharge recovery rate is lower than this figure, so actual subsidy levels were some USD 2–3 billion lower in 2017, however, given the accumulated deficit in
payments to renewable project developers the higher figure is used as a more realistic value for the subsidy level.
20 This is an estimate based on the direct support levels for 2017 and an estimate of indirect support for 2017 based on a 2008 analysis by the Global Subsidies
Initiative scaled-up to reflect production growth. Whether these indirect support measures remain in place is unclear; yet if they do, their impact on subsidy levels is
21 In the absence of specific data on Japanese ethanol prices/costs, European prices are assumed to provide a suitable proxy.
22 These are best estimates of the tax benefits that accrue to renewables from Treasury analysis. Actual forgone revenues (e. g., tax preferences actually claimed) are
not available until the detailed individual tax claims are processed and reviewed. For instance, as of October 2018, the detailed tax record summaries are available
for individuals tax returns for 2016, but the bulk of the tax credits are from corporate entities and line item estimates are only available for 2013. In some cases the
line item estimates result in significant differences to the previous Treasury estimates, so these values must be treated with caution.
23 CBO, 2016 and the Treasury grant data are not in agreement (
service/1603-program-payments-for accessed 11 October 2018). The lower value comes from the more recent Treasury data.
24 The tax credits for biodiesel, have however lapsed and do not apply beyond 2017.
25 The United States Department of Energy – Energy Information Administration provides data on refiner’s prices for resale, while Iowa State University provides data
on weekly ethanol and biodiesel prices in different states.
26 Where tax benefit policies are known to be planned to lapse, the analysis transitions to a price-gap approach to capture subsidy levels over time.
27 For instance, by 2015 state-level rebates for solar PV systems had fallen from between USD 1 to USD 4/W by state in 2010 to between USD 0 to USD 0.8/W in 2015
(LBNL, 2018).
Rest of world
18.8 United States
100 Japan
15.2 EU 28
2018 USD billion
40 78.4
20 14.1
Power Generation Transport - Biofuels
On this basis IRENA has estimated the supply-side In 2017, the EU had the largest share of renewable
subsidies for renewable energy to have been around energy subsidies, due to its USD 78 billion subsidy for
USD 167 billion in 2017, with total subsidies to renewable power generation (Figure 5). This saw the EU account
power generation of around USD 128 billion in 2015 and for 62 % of total renewable power generation subsidies
transport sector subsidies of USD 38 billion (Figure 4). in 2017, while Japan and China accounted for 15 % and
12 %, respectively. The EU accounted for an estimated
The EU accounts for around 54 % (USD 90 billion) of total 86 % of offshore wind power subsidies in 2017, 52 % of
estimated renewable subsidies in 2017, followed by the solar PV subsidies and 57 % of onshore wind subsidies.
United States with 14 % (USD 23.7 billion), Japan with
11 % (USD 19 billion), China with 9 % (USD 15.6 billion), Globally, solar PV is estimated to have received the
India with 2 % (USD 3.8 billion) and the rest of the largest share (48 %) of renewable power generation
world accounts for 9 % (USD 14.8 billion). Subsidies for support, with USD 60.8 billion in 2017. The next
renewable power generation are dominant in Japan largest recipient was onshore wind which received
(99 %), China (97 %), the EU (87 %) and India (76 %). USD 31.6 billion (25 %), followed by biomass with
Subsidies for biofuels dominate in the United States USD 21.9 billion (17 %) and with offshore wind receiving
(62 %) and the rest of the world (75 %). USD 6.6 billion (5 %).
80 Biomass 100%
Offshore wind
Onshore wind 80%
60 Solar PV
2018 USD billion
Percent of total
0 0
EU-28 Japan China United RoW India EU-28 Japan China United RoW India
States States
Focusing on the renewable power generation In China, India and the rest of the world, onshore wind
technologies receiving support by country/region received large shares of the total renewable power
(Figure 5) reveals that in 2017, Japan had the highest generation subsidy. Some 43 % of China’s renewable
share (77 %) of support going to solar PV (which is also power generation subsidies went to onshore wind in
the highest share for one technology). This reflects 2017, while the figure was 51 % for India and 40% for
the overwhelming dominance of solar PV in recent the rest of the world. Subsidies to bioenergy for power
deployment (IRENA, 2018b). Of the EU’s USD 78 billion generation are an important share of total renewable
subsidies for renewable power generation in 2017, power generation subsidies in the EU and Japan,
40 % supported solar PV, 23 % supported onshore where they accounted for 22 % and 16 %, respectively,
wind, 22 % went to bioenergy power generation, 7 % that year.
to offshore wind, 5 % to “hydropower, geothermal and
others” and 3 % to CSP.
14 100%
Advanced ethanol
Conventional biodiesel 80%
Conventional ethanol
0 0
United EU-28 RoW India China Japan United EU-28 RoW India China Japan
States States
Subsidies for biofuels are less concentrated in one At USD 19 billion in 2017, subsidies for conventional
region than those for power generation. The United biodiesel accounted for 50% of total global subsidies
States, with an estimated USD 14.1 billion in subsidies for biofuels, while conventional ethanol took just
for biofuels, accounted for 37 % of total biofuels under USD 18 billion in subsidies, which accounts for
subsidies in 2017. As the EU accounted for around just under half of the total. In 2017, estimated subsidies
30 % (USD 11.4 billion), the United States and the to advanced biofuels remained modest and accounted
EU combined therefore accounted for around two- for less than 1 % of the global total.
thirds of the total, while India accounted for 2 %
(USD 0.9 billion) and China and Japan for 1 % each. The
rest of the world accounted for 30 % (USD 11.4 billion).
IRENA, however, has arrived at different numbers for renewable power generation subsidies. Although
IRENA has a lower estimate of subsidies for renewable power generation in 2015, there are countries/
regions with numbers above and below the IEA value. For the EU, IRENA estimates total subsidies that
are around USD 12.6 billion (20 %) higher in 2015 than the IEA’s estimate. 28 Yet, IRENA’s estimates for the
United States are USD 10.3 billion lower, while those for China are USD 4.5 billion lower. IRENA’s figures for
India are USD 0.9 billion lower, while for the rest of the world, they are USD 6.7 billion lower.
The key difference in the treatment of the United States is that, for 2015, IRENA took the federal tax
subsidy values and, after using PPA and auction results for solar and wind corrected for federal tax
subsidies, undertook a price-gap analysis to capture state-level subsidies for utility-scale projects. 29 The
value of subsidies for distributed solar PV systems may explain the lower IRENA total, however.30
The IEA estimated subsidies for biofuels in 2015 to have been USD 27 billion, taking total subsidies for
renewables to USD 149 billion, that year.31 IRENA’s estimates of the global biofuel subsidy in 2015 are
around USD 0.8 billion lower than the IEA subsidy value for that year. How IRENA’s country estimates
compare to IEA values is unclear, as no country or region breakdown is provided by the IEA for 2015, but
the share of subsidies at a global level between conventional biodiesel and ethanol appears to be similar
in both the IEA and IRENA data.32
Recent IEA analysis has provided less commentary on renewable energy subsidies, making comparisons
for more recent years less comprehensive. For 2017, the IEA estimated subsidies to renewable power
generation to be USD 146 billion (IEA/OECD, 2018), USD 18 billion higher than IRENA.
28 IRENAs numbers are in line, however, with the Council of European Regulators (CEER, 2017) and the European Commission estimates (Trinomics, 2018).
29 With the exception of California, where the state-level solar PV rebate values have been included.
30 In practical terms, this may be due to the difference in the subsidy value from net metering for distributed solar PV by the IEA. IRENA has calculated this based on
the difference between average retail prices and average generation costs. If the IEA is estimating based on an LCOE for solar PV, then the difference between this
and the IRENA estimate will be the missing state tax expenditures not captured by IRENA. The gap, however, remains large between the two estimates and without
access to the IEA analysis, the reasons for this remain unquantifiable.
31 The World Energy Outlook 2017 (IEA, 2017) does not appear to include an estimate of biofuels subsidies in 2016, unlike the previous year’s edition.
32 See Figure 11.24 from the World Energy Outlook 2016 (IEA, 2016).
As previously discussed, there are three commonly Significant variations can arise from different
used approaches to calculating subsidy levels definitions of what is a subsidy, the programmes or
(Sovacool, 2017). This leads to two key challenges that policies that are deemed to meet the criteria laid out
mean different energy sector subsidy numbers are in these definitions (or simply inferred from them) and
sometimes not directly comparable. These challenges the calculation methods. This has led to a wide range of
are: estimates of fossil-fuel subsidies. The IMF, for example,
calculated fossil-fuel subsidies of USD 4.9 trillion34
• The broad scope of energy subsidy definitions (6.3 % of global GDP) for 2015 and USD 5.3 trillion in
means there is significant variation in what measures 2017, based on an externalities approach that includes
or policies are considered subsidies by different climate and health impacts (Coady et al., 2019). In
stakeholders. contrast, the IEA uses a price-gap approach and
estimates fossil-fuel subsidies of USD 317 billion in
• Calculation methodologies for assessing the 201535, USD 276 billion in 2016, USD 319 billion in 2017
absolute level of the subsidy programmes included and USD 427 billion in 2018 (IEA, 2019). The yearly
in the analysis can yield different results and are variations are primarily driven by changes in fossil fuel
sometimes not directly comparable. prices, but are also due to some structural reforms
(IEA, 2016, 2017a and 2019). The OECD, meanwhile,
These two sources of divergence in subsidy level takes a different approach to the IEA, by examining the
results introduce uncertainty in the minds of policy impact of individual programmes that support fossil
makers and other stakeholders. They are also a drain fuels – from tax exemptions to financial support to
on scarce analytical resources, when understanding the fossil fuel companies to compensate for below market
reasons for divergence between numbers is important. pricing. The OECD thus estimated fossil-fuel subsidies
This can limit the usefulness of these definitions and at USD 143 billion in 2017 (OECD, 2019). None of these
their different energy subsidy estimates (IEA, et al.; three sources have the same geographical coverage
2010) and can distract from the vital efforts to reduce or calculation methodology. Despite a wide range of
inefficient and harmful fossil-fuel subsidies, especially estimates for environmentally harmful subsidies, their
when slightly different country approaches make value is clearly very large, with the potential to distort
comparability between countries even more difficult.33 individual markets significantly.
33 See Koplow, 2012 for a discussion of how G20 definitions vary slightly by country and can create gaps in comparability and overall coverage.
34 Unless otherwise stated, all monetary values are expressed in real 2018 USD, that is to say taking into account the effect of inflation.
35 For 2015, the IMF had higher estimates of “pre-tax” fossil-fuel subsidies – those that are broadly equivalent to the IEA definition of subsidies – of USD 341 billion, but
some of the tax items captured by the IEA and OECD estimates are likely to appear in the IMF post-tax estimates, to some extent balancing this out.
(USD BILLIONS/YEAR) 319 143 302 347
36 OECD countries
plus Argentina,
Brazil, Colombia,
COUNTRIES 42 (predominantly
COVERED China, India, 191 67
Indonesia, The
Russian Federation
& South Africa
The OECD and IEA have also completed an analysis Methodology matters: Fossil-fuel
blending their subsidy inventories, but only for fossil subsidies in Germany
fuels, therefore excluding the IEA estimates of fossil
fuel subsidies in the electricity sector. With this, they The latitude for interpretation in some subsidy
have arrived at a more comprehensive value. Their definitions, in combination with the different possible
estimate of the total subsidy from their two, different calculation methodologies, can have a large impact
approaches, but avoiding overlaps, is USD 347 billion on country-level subsidy estimates. Subsidy estimates
in 2017. This, however, still appears to be missing must therefore be clearly documented to allow
some tax expenditures, notably in the United States comparisons to be made.
(CRS, 2017), and although the OECD has discussed
how these might be calculated, subsidised loans, The importance of this can be demonstrated by
loan guarantees and other policies that reduce examining different subsidy estimates for fossil fuels
financing costs are still excluded. Crucially, however, in Germany. Germany is a useful example, because it is
the combined estimate does not include the IEA’s quite transparent in its subsidy inventory and there is
subsidy estimates for electricity support that directly a healthy debate about the impact of envrionmentally
benefits fossil fuels, and thus they likely underestimate harmful subsidies supported by a number of other
total subsidy levels. Table 6 presents a comparison of subsidy estimates from various non-governmental
the scope and geographical coverage of these major sources. Each of these estimates differ in material
subsidy estimates. ways, but can be compared due to the effort that has
been taken to separately report the individual value
36 They report USD 42.9 billion per year, including USD 2.9 billion per year for gross public finance volumes (93 % of which was international) for fossil fuels. Normally,
these are not all considered to be subsidies. The value of the subsidy would be in terms of better terms and conditions, longer tenures, reduced rates charged and
the value of any loan guarantees relative to what the financing costs would have been, if sourced from the market.
37 The German self-assessment identifies around USD 670 million in 2016 in tax relief to the domestic aviation. The ODI and CAN Europe estimates are taken from
Zerzawy (2017) and include the tax exemption of aviation kerosene sold in Germany for international flights.
38 The estimate for company car tax deductions is, however, for the year 2014 and is taken from Zerzawy, 2017. Although this could be seen as a transport or corporate
subsidy, there are certainly grounds for including this figure, as the German federal self-assessment often states, “This measure is not targeted at particular fuels
and, in so far as this is the case, does not intervene selectively in competition in the fuel market. In view of fossil fuels’ large share of the market at present, they
profit from this measure.” This is to justify the inclusion of the measure as a subsidy.
39 Interestingly, the G20 peer review report on Germany’s self-assessment includes a total value for these two mechanisms, as well as one for CHP, placing the value
of the two at EUR 5.293 billion in 2016 – although no value is given for these schemes in the self-assessment. This measure clearly provides a competitive boost to
the industries that benefit, but it could be argued this is not a subsidy in the strictest sense of the term, as the survey acts like a tax.
2018 USD billion
Federal IMF Federal ODI and CAN Greenpeace IMF ODI and CAN
government (excluding government Europe (including Europe plus
pollution) plus OECD state pollution) IMF pollution
subsidies costs
Based on: Bundesministeriums der Finanzen, 2017; Coady, et al., 2019; Gençsü and Zerzawy, 2017; OECD, 2019; Zerzawy, 2017.
This is not the largest estimated of fossil-fuel subsidies with boundary conditions closer to those used by
in Germany, however. Separate analysis conducted Greenpeace (Umweltbundesamt, 2016).
for Greenpeace identified the even higher 2016
level of USD 53 billion (Zerzawy, 2017). Most of the Combining the externality-based fossil-fuel subsidies
difference results from the inclusion of value added tax from the IMF and the ODI and CAN Europe budgetary
exemptions for international flights and tax deductions and taxation subsidies would yield a figure of around
possible by individuals for travel to work by vehicle. USD 97 billion in fossil-fuel subsidies in Germany
Finally, the IMF estimates Germany’s “pre-tax subsidies in 2015/2016 (Figure 7). Notably, this could be
and forgone tax revenue” at USD 10.8 billion in 2015, considered a more complete estimate than any one
similar to the German self-assessment, but with total of the individual studies, but it is around 30 % higher
subsidies of USD 74 billion. The vast majority of these than the largest single study’s estimate for Germany
subsidies come from externalities, with global warming and almost ten times larger than Germany’s self-
accounting for USD 22 billion and local air pollution for assessed fossil fuel subsidy estimate. Germany is to
USD 34 billion. be commended for its transparency, as this kind of
comparison is not possible for most countries. This
Germany and other countries have notably seen a comparison does serve, however, to highlight the
healthy debate in the public and private sectors around challenges to the wider debate within society about
the costs and benefits of energy subsidies. The German the importance of reducing harmful subsidies in the
Federal Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt) has energy sector when subsidy estimates vary widely.
also analysed environmentally harmful subsidies and
2018 USD billion
Coal Natural gas Electricity: Oil
Support to fossil
Source: IRENA, based on OECD, 2019 and IEA/OECD, 2019.
40 For the rest of the presentation of subsidy values, data is presented using 2017 as a base year in the main body of the text to align with IRENAs Global Energy
Transformation: A Roadmap to 2050 analysis.
41 This requires the removal of individual programmes in the OECD inventory, by fuel, that are related to electricity sector support and impact consumer or producer
prices. This is necessary to avoid double counting, given that the IEA price-gap total for all subsidies to fossil fuels via electricity support should already capture
these price-affecting measures in the OECD inventory.
2018 USD billions
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42 The estimate for 2016 falls to USD 394 billion because of oil and gas price declines that year that reduced total petroleum subsidies by USD 39.7 billion and natural
gas subsidies by USD 25.4 billion. Conversely, between 2015 and 2016, electricity-based support to fossil fuels grew by USD 8.5 billion.
43 These are estimates of the tax subsidies, not actual lost revenue, as provided to the Congressional Research Service by the Joint Committee on Taxation. There
is a significant lag in the availability of the actual values for the subsidy cost in terms of lost revenue, as there is a significant delay in the availability of line item
summaries of tax forms that reveal what was actually claimed. For instance, in late 2018, the latest line item estimates for corporate tax returns related to the 2013
fiscal year.
44 For instance, individual plants have liability coverage of just USD 5 million in Brazil, while in Germany that figure is USD 2.78 billion (OECD/NEA, 2018). The United
States has the largest insurance scheme, with each plant required to have USD 450 million in private insurance, with a pool of coverage (second tier) available from
accessing retrospective premium payments after an accident, if the costs exceed this level. The retrospective premiums can be levied from existing nuclear plants
for a seven year period, raising the accident coverage in the United States to around USD 12.8 billion (with potentially another 5 % of the second tier pool total
coverage, raising the total to USD 13.4 billion).
45 See accessed 5 March 2019.
DECOMMISSIONING AND WASTE • Nuclear waste management liabilities taken over by government
• Plant decommissioning costs (effective government underwriting of
fund shortfalls).
46 The values could, however, be much larger. For example, an assessment of the likely economic costs of a nuclear accident in Germany based on existing studies
suggests that a serious nuclear accident could incur costs in the order of trillions of dollars. Translating this into an insurance premium would yield a cost of at least
USD 0.21/kWh, if premiums are assumed to go into a reserve fund over a 100-year duration (Versicherungsforen Leipzig, 2011).
This section brings together the IRENA estimates for Crucially, the value of USD 634 billion for 2017 is, in
subsidies for renewables and the adjusted combined all probability, an underestimate of total energy sector
IEA/OECD fossil-fuel subsidies, as outlined in the subsidies. Coverage of sub-national incentives for
previous sections. Combining the estimates of fossil both fossil fuel and renewables subsidies is likely not
fuel, renewable and nuclear power subsidies yields comprehensive, while the subsidy value added here
an estimate of total direct energy sector subsidies for nuclear is a placeholder value, showing what the
for 2017 of USD 634 billion (Figure 10). The total is lowest level of subsidies might look like for existing
dominated by the subsidies received by fossil fuels, nuclear. Thus, although this estimate of the total energy
which account for 70 % (USD 447 billion). Subsidies sector subsidies provides a useful order of magnitude
to renewable power generation technologies account estimate to help inform policy makers, further work is
for around 20 % of total energy sector subsidies clearly needed to arrive at a more definitive value for
(USD 128 billion), biofuels for 6 % (USD 38 billion) and total energy sector subsidies.
nuclear for at least 3 % (USD 21 billion), but potentially
more, as already noted.
600 100%
2018 USD billion
0 21 0% 3%
2017 2017
2018 USD billion
500 447
21 38
Air pollution Climate costs Fossil fuels Nuclear Renewable Transport
(direct) power
These numbers, notably, exclude the climate and health 3.1 TOTAL ENERGY SECTOR SUBSIDIES
costs of the local air pollutants emitted by fossil fuels. TO 2050
The IRENA analysis to 2050 includes estimates of these
unpriced externalities, however (IRENA, 2019a). In IRENA has used the analysis in the REmap Case
2017, the costs of outdoor air pollution from fossil fuels (IRENA, 2019a), in conjunction with the current
were estimated to be in the order of USD 2.3 trillion estimates of total energy sector subsidies in 2017, to
in 2017,47 with climate change costs adding around analyse how total energy sector subsidies out to 2050
USD 370 billion48 (Figure 11). The inclusion of these might evolve if the world is to stay on track to achieve
costs, if added to total energy sector subsidies, would the Paris Agreement climate goal of restricting global
raise total energy sector subsidies to USD 3.1 trillion, warming to 2 °C or less.
or 6.9 times larger than the pre-tax subsidy estimate
alone (Figure 11). The costs of unpriced externalities The REmap Case projections include data on energy
and the direct subsidies for fossil fuels (USD 3.1 trillion) production and consumption for the entire energy
exceed subsidies for renewable energy by a factor of sector globally and examine in detail the different
sixteen. energy service demands (e. g., space and water heating
in buildings, process energy needs in industry, etc)
47 This is a central estimate of the value in 2015. It is lower than the IMF estimate for 2015 of around USD 2.8 trillion.
48 There is significant uncertainty about the actual level of costs stemming from both climate change and local air pollution. This calculation assumes a value of
USD 11/tonne of CO₂ and is based on the lower bound of the societal cost of carbon (Interagency Working Group on Social Cost of Greenhouse Gases, 2016).
210 240 87 95 60 41
Annual wind 200
Oil demand
additions 31 54 22
min min min min min
GW/yr GW/yr GW/yr GW/yr GW/yr barrels/day barrels/day barrels/day barrels/day barrels/day
Natural gas
Passenger electric 3307 3752 4000 3400 2250
cars on the road
bcm/yr bcm/yr bcm/yr bcm/yr bcm/yr
<0.5 min 6 min 157 min 745 min 1166 min
2000 713
Coal demand 4963 5357 3190
Heat pumps
Mtce/yr Mtce/yr Mtce/yr Mtce/yr Mtce/yr
20 mln 155 mln 259 mln 3446 mln
Total fossil fuel
Hydrogen reduction relative -20% -64%
production with to today -41%
electricity 3 EJ 8 EJ 19 EJ
Emissions per
2.0t 1.1t
Solar thermal
675 2000
5800 capita
4.3t 4.6t 2.9t
collectors 290
CO2 per cap CO2 per cap CO2 per cap CO2 per cap CO2 per cap
min m2 min m2 min m2 min m2 min m2
Transport liquid
100 130 370 530 650
bln litres/yr bln litres/yr bln litres/yr bln litres/yr bln litres/yr
and modes for transportation (e. g., light-duty vehicles, Figure 12 provides an overview of the evolution of some
road and rail freight, and aviation) in the end-use of the key energy sector indicators out to 2050 in the
sectors. Importantly for this analysis, the REmap REmap Case that are part of the underlying drivers
Case also includes data on the stock of energy sector of the evolution in energy sector subsidies outlined
assets (including electricity generating technologies, below. Further details of the IRENA REmap tool can
but also end-use technologies), that is needed in be found in various IRENA publications (IRENA, 2014;
order to assess gross capacity additions per year. IRENA, 2017; IRENA, 2018a; and IRENA, 2019a).
49 The average subsidy rate (USD/MJ) is assumed to be reduced to 20 % of 2017 levels for coal, oil and natural gas by 2030, and by 50 % for fossil-fuel support,
channelled through the electricity sector. By 2050, coal subsidy rates are assumed to be eliminated and those for oil, natural gas and fossil-fuels through electricity
support are at 5 % of their 2015 levels.
50 One implication of this is that subsidy levels in 2030 and 2050 are effectively assumed to be set at efficient levels for the level of deployment based on perfect
information. In reality, support programmes are rarely 100 % efficient, as there are administrative costs, while policies may not be designed efficiently. The subsidy
levels estimated here exclude these future administrative costs and any other policy inefficiencies.
51 Each kWh of nuclear generation is therefore assumed to receive USD 0.008/kWh in subsidies (Koplow, 2011). The actual level of subsidies out to 2050 for nuclear
will be higher than this, given subsidies to new nuclear construction will be required in most markets. This requires additional analysis, though. Future work by
IRENA will look at incorporating better estimates of the ongoing subsidies to existing nuclear power and, crucially, estimates for the subsidies for new-build that are
not covered here.
Figure 13: Energy sector subsidies by source excluding climate and health costs in the
REmap Case, 2015, 2030 and 2050
600 100%
500 35%
70% 4%
447 139
400 70%
Share of subsidies
2018 USD billion
21 7% 22%
300 50%
27 10%
34 106
21 30%
41% 44%
100 192 209
166 26%
1 0%
0 0%
2017 2030 2050 2017 2030 2050
52 See for example, Agora Energiewende (2016), “Projected EEG Costs up to 2035” for a detailed analysis of the renewable electricity surcharge evolution in Germany.
2050 21 139 28 116 166
Reduction from Industry Transport Buildings Renewable power Fossil fuels Nuclear
Reference Case generation (direct)
Note: The subsidy totals in this figure to Industry, Transport and Buildings include subsidies from the deployment of renewable and energy
efficiency measures in those sectors.
Globally, by 2050, solar PV capacity reaches over No net subsidies will therefore be paid out directly to
8 500 GW, onshore wind surpasses 5 000 GW, renewable power generation in 2050.
offshore wind surpasses 1 000 GW and CSP 300 GW.
With continued technology improvements, large and As significant efforts are made beyond the electricity
ongoing economies of scale, and highly competitive sector, the growth of subsidies relative to the Reference
manufacturing and global supply chains, renewable Case for the end-use sectors also grows. The subsidies
power generation technologies are commercially needed over and above the Reference Case53 in the
competitive without subsidies. Any remaining legacy Industry and Buildings end-uses for energy efficiency
subsidies have by then expired or been compensated and renewables are USD 137 billion and USD 24 billion,
for by lower costs than incumbent technologies from respectively in 2030, before growing to USD 166 billion
new and replacement investment in renewable power. and USD 28 billion, respectively in 2050.
53 The IRENA analysis effectively assumes that the energy efficiency actions taken in the Reference Case are economically attractive at the time they are
implemented, so no subsidy is required. The highly variable level of detail in country's Nationally Determined Contributions (which heavily influence the Reference
Case) mean that the REmap analysis has not been able to evaluate to what extent this assumption is correct. The subsidy values here for Industry and Buildings
should therefore be considered minimum expected values, as there may be some subsidy elements in the Reference Case trajectory.
Advanced ethanol 12
100 Conventional biodiesel
Conventional ethanol 20
Electric buses and trucks
Vehicle efficiency
2018 USD billion
18 9
2017 2030 2050
In the transport sector, subsidies increase from In the transport sector, by 2050, subsidy needs double
USD 38 billion in 2017 to USD 59 billion by 2030 compared to 2030, reaching around USD 120 billion.
(Figure 15). By then, higher oil prices will make Several factors will drive this development between
conventional biofuels largely economic. With the 2030 and 2050:
necessity of growing sustainable biofuels use, subsidies
for advanced biofuels from lignocellulosic feedstocks • Oil prices will fall between 2030 and 2050, as oil
for ethanol and the use of biokerosene for the demand is reduced, from USD 85/barrel to just over
aviation sector enter the early phases of commercial USD 60/barrel. This increases the economic hurdle
deployment. By 2030, advanced ethanol use requires rate for alternatives to fossil fuels.
around USD 7 billion in support and biokerosene
around USD 5 billion. Hydrogen derived from renewable • Deployment of renewable fuels increase, with
electricity also starts to contribute to decarbonising significant growth in hydrogen and advanced
freight transport, with around 540 PJ requiring ethanol use for freight transport and biokerosene for
subsidies of around USD 9 billion in 2030. While in aviation occurring.
the short-to-medium haul freight segment, electric
trucks in the smaller and medium-size categories will • Production costs for renewable fuels fall. This is
start to contribute in larger numbers. These small- and driven by learning-by-doing, economies of scale,
medium-size trucks will initially be more expensive efficiency improvements in production, and cost
than their fossil fuel counterparts in terms of total declines for inputs (notably for renewable electricity
cost of ownership and account for USD 34 billion in for hydrogen).
subsidies by 2030. Efforts to improve vehicle efficiency
also start to rely on more expensive options, raising
costs by that date.
Figure 16: Industry and Buildings sectors: Energy subsidies by fuel/source excluding climate and
health costs in the REmap Case, 2030 and 2050
2030 2050
Current BAT – chemicals
160 Current BAT – pulp/paper
Double glazing
140 Efficiency – others
Efficient smelting – electricity
66 Emerging – cement
120 28 Emerging – chemicals
Emerging – iron/steel
Energy efficient drying
2018 USD billion
Insulation doors
Integrated pulp & paper mills
80 Loft insulation
37 20 Wall insulation
60 11 Renewables
14 9 Geothermal
40 Hydrogen
Solar cookstoves
20 40 9 41 Solar cooling
Solar space heating
9 10 Solar water heating
Buildings Industry Buildings Industry
Figure 17: Energy sector subsidies by fuel/source and sector/end-use (excluding climate and health
costs) in the REmap Case, 2030 and 2050
2030 2050
76 66
120 28
2018 USD billion
37 126 20
60 11
14 24
40 34
20 41
10 42 40 33
10 21
Fossil fuels
Fossil fuels
Figure 18: Total energy sector subsidies compared to climate and health cost savings in the REmap
Case, 2015, 2030 and 2050
2030 2050
2018 USD billion
Carbon costs
Fossil fuels
-4000 Outdoor pollution costs
Renewable and energy efficiency
Subsidies Low carbon and High carbon and Subsidies Low carbon and High carbon and
outdoor pollution outdoor pollution outdoor pollution outdoor pollution
costs costs costs costs
54 The cost range for 2030 is from USD 17-80/tonne of CO₂, rising to USD 50-110/tonne of CO₂ in 2050.
As countries around the world grapple with the meaningful impact, even with functionally equivalent
realities of how to deliver on the goals of the Paris subsidy definitions.
Agreement, the multi-facetted nature of the energy
transition is increasingly apparent. Alongside the need • Significant gaps remain in the coverage of estimated
to cut energy-related CO2 emissions, the transition subsidy levels in the energy sector. This is because
by countries around the world to high shares of subsidies that may be difficult to estimate in the first
renewables and energy efficiency is being driven by place (e.g., exemptions from pollution regulations, lax
increasingly inter-linked economic, environmental of enforcement of end-of life environmental clean-up
and social-development policy goals. One area that regulations, insufficient nuclear liability insurance, etc.)
deserves more attention in this respect is the role of are often excluded from official subsidy estimates.
energy subsidies, and more specifically the role of
environmentally beneficial or harmful subsidy types, in • The author of this technical paper is not aware of
the steadily expanding energy transition. any previous, systematic effort made to assess the
total value of energy sector subsidies. Yet for the
Subsidies to fossil fuels prove especially damaging, reasons mentioned above, even the estimates in
because they exacerbate the already serious issue of this technical paper are likely to underestimate total
fossil fuels negative externalities (e.g., health and climate energy sector subsidies.
costs resulting from fossil-fuel combustion) which are
rarely, if ever, fully priced. Much of the analysis of energy sector subsidies has, in
the past, focused primarily on fossil fuels. Furthermore,
The present technical paper finds that: relatively few institutions examining global subsidies
to particular fuels or technologies have used a
• Relatively few estimates exist at the global level for consistent methodology and accounting approach in
environmentally harmful subsidies to fossil fuels, and their calculations. This makes comparisons of subsidy
even fewer for support to renewable energy. levels between fuels and technologies from different
sources problematic.
• Many more studies are available at the country or
regional levels. These mainly address fossil-fuel To provide greater clarity about all kinds of energy
subsidy levels – and to a lesser extent support to subsidies, greater emphasis could be placed on:
renewables. Still, data comparability remains a
challenge. • Fostering dialogue among academics, research
institutes, think-tanks and international organisations
• No commonly agreed definition exists for energy on definitional and accounting methodologies for
sector subsidies. Instead, different organisations and energy-subsidy analysis.
forums have adopted different definitions, which can
result in confusion among interested stakeholders • Identifying opportunities to establish common
over subsidy data. subsidy definitions and accounting methodologies,
or at least some key components of these, to increase
• Accounting methods for energy sector subsidies the comparability of different subsidy estimates.
also vary widely. In some cases, this reflects the
constraints of data availability. In other cases, the • Improving the analysis of global subsidy levels for
boundaries of what constitutes a subsidy can have a the entire energy sector, not just fossil fuels.
This technical paper has presented a range of estimates This technical paper combines the prior analysis in
for energy sector subsidy levels in one recent year, 2017. IRENA’s REmap Case (IRENA, 2019a) with the best
These include a new estimate of the environmentally possible estimates of total energy sector subsidies
harmful subsidies provided directly to fossil fuels in in 2017. Viewing these estimates in conjunction with
that year, based on data from the IEA and OECD for various paths for energy sector development helps to
2017, supplemented with IRENA’s analysis of massive see how total energy sector subsidies might evolve
indirect subsidies to fossil fuels through the under- over the next three decades (until 2050), particularly
pricing of negative externalities (e.g., costs of climate if the world follows the necessary path to achieve the
damage, health costs from pollution). This technical Paris Agreement climate goal of restricting global
paper also attempts to provide a comprehensive first warming to well below 2°C.
estimate of total energy sector subsidies in 2017.
In the envisaged transformation of the world’s energy
Accordingly, it finds that: system, the analysis finds:
• Direct environmentally harmful subsidies to fossil • Total energy subsidies would fall sharply – from
fuels in 2017 amounted to at least USD 447 billion. USD 634 billion annually in 2017 to USD 466 billion
in 2030 and USD 475 billion in 2050.
• Indirect subsidies to fossil fuels stemming from their
negative externalities in 2017 were in the order of • Phasing out environmentally harmful subsidies
at least USD 2.6 trillion and possibly much higher. means that the remaining subsidies for fossil fuels
This total comprised an estimated USD 2 263 billion (USD 139 billion in 2050) would be dominated by
for increased health costs due to outdoor pollution subsidies to CCS in industrial applications, which
caused by fossil-fuel combustion, combined with would also capture process emissions.
USD 366 billion for climate costs.
• Support for renewables would increase from
• Support to renewable energy, at USD 166 billion USD 166 billion annually in 2017 to USD 192 billion
in 2017, was almost 19 times smaller than the in 2030 and USD 209 billion in 2050. Support to
environmentally harmful, both direct and indirect, renewable power generation falls to USD 53 billion
subsidies to fossil fuels in the same year. in 2030 – a 60% decline between 2017 and 2030.
Table 1: Subsidy text from the WTO “Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures”
1.1 For the purpose of this Agreement, a subsidy shall be deemed to exist if:
(a)(1) there is a financial contribution by a government or any public body within the territory of a
Member (referred to in this Agreement as "gobernment"), i. e. where:
(i) a government practice involves a direct transfer of funds (e. g. grants, loans, and equity
infusion), potential direct transfers of funds or liabilities (e. g. loan guarantees);
(ii) government revenue that is otherwise due is foregone or not collected (e. g. fiscal
incentives such as tax credits);
(iii) a government provides goods or services other than general infrastructure, or purchases
(a)(2) there is any form of income or price support in the sense of Article XVI or GATT 1994;
55 The full text can be found on the WTO website (accessed on 4 July 2018).