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Osi and Protocols

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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

Q1. What is TCP/IP?

Ans. TCP/IP is the short form of the Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol. It
is a set of protocol layers designed to facilitate data exchange on heterogeneous

Q2. How many layers does TCP/IP Model have?

Ans. TCP/IP is a real-world implementation of a networking stack and is the protocol
stack used on the Internet. === application > transport > network > data link

Layer Description

Network Interface is also called a network access layer.

Network Interface It defines how data should be sent physically using the

It enables hosts to insert packets into the network and

Internet have them delivered to the destination, on the same
network, or another remote network.

This layer permits devices on the source and destination

hosts to carry on a conversation. It ensures reliability,
flow control, and correction of data that is being sent
over the network.

It is the topmost layer of the TCP/IP model. It defines

TCP/IP application protocols and how host programs
interface with transport layer services to use the

Q3. Explain the different layers in the OSI model?

Ans. OSI model was never implemented (just theory!): application > presentation >
session > transport > network > data link > physical
Layer Description

It is the lowest layer of the OSI Model. It transmits raw

unstructured data bits over a communication channel. The
Physical layer is responsible for the actual physical
connection between the devices. While receiving data, the
Physical layer gets the signal received, converts it into 0s and
1s, and sends them to the Data Link layer.

At this layer, the directly connected nodes perform node-to-

node data transfer where data is packaged into frames. This
layer also corrects errors that occurred at the Physical layer.
Data Link Data Link Layer is divided into two sub-layers :
• Logical Link Control (LLC)
• Media Access Control (MAC)

The Network layer is responsible for transmitting data from

one host to the other located in different networks. It receives
Network frames from the data link layer and delivers them to their
intended destinations based on the addresses contained
inside the frame. It also takes care of packet routing.

The transport layer is responsible for managing the delivery

Transport and error-checking of data packets. It ensures the end-to-end
delivery of the complete message.

This layer creates communication channels, called sessions,

between devices. It opens sessions, ensures they remain open
Session while data is being transferred, and closes them when
communication ends. It is also responsible for authentication
and reconnections.
This layer extracts data from the application layer and
Presentation manipulates it as per the required format to transmit over
the network.

At the Application layer, both the end-user and the

application layer interact directly with the software
Application application. This layer acts as a window for the application
services to access the network and for displaying the received
information to the user.

Q4. A gateway works in which layer of the OSI model?

Ans. Transport layer.

Q5. Explain why the standard OSI model is known as 802.xx?

Ans. The OSI model was introduced in February 1980. In 802.XX, ‘80’ is named for the
year 1980, and ‘2’ is named for the month of February.

Q6. Can you tell me the main elements of a protocol?

Ans. There are three main elements of a protocol –
1. Syntax: It refers to the structure or format of the data and their order of
2. Semantics: It specifies the meaning of each section of bits.
3. Timing: Timing refers to two characteristics, which include the timing of data
sending and the speed of data sending.

Q7. What is NAT?

Ans. It stands for Network Address Translation and is a protocol that allows a network
device, usually a firewall, to assign a public address to a computer/s inside a private

Q8. Explain NAT in networking.

Ans. Network Address Translation (NAT) is a protocol used to convert the IP address of
the computer network into a local network to a single IP address. It takes all your local
network devices and provides a single IP address to share a single connection to the
internet. NAT is used router, computer, firewall in a local network.
Q9. Name the user support layers.
Ans. There are three types of user support layers –
• Session Layer
• Presentation Layer and
• Application Layer

Q10. What are Datalink Protocols?

Ans. Datalink protocols are defined as the sets of requirements used to implement the
data link layer. There are the following categories of Data Link protocols:
• Synchronous Protocols
• Asynchronous Protocols
• Bit Oriented protocols
• Character Oriented Protocols

Q11. What are the functions of a Network Layer?

Ans. The Network Layer or OSI Layer 3 provides services for exchanging individual
sections of data over the network between identified end devices. To perform this end-
to-end transport Layer 3 uses four basic processes:
• Addressing
• Encapsulation
• Routing
• Decapsulation

Q12. Mention any five applications that use TCP port.

Ans. Following are the five application that uses TCP port:
• Telnet

Q13. What is SMTP?

Ans. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a protocol used to move all internal mail
across different networks. It works with Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) and provides the
mail transmission on the TCP/IP protocol stack.

Q14. Name the layers of the TCP IP protocol suite that are involved in a link-layer switch.
Ans. In TCP IP protocol, a link-layer switch is involved with the data-link layer and
physical layer.

Q15. What is ICMP?

Ans. ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) is a network layer protocol of the TCP/IP
suite used by hosts and gateways to send notification of datagram problems back to the

Q16. What are the differences between TCP and UDP?

Ans. This is one of the important networking interview questions. The differences
between TCP and UDP are:
For more information, you can also explore: TCP vs UDP: What’s the Difference?

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) UDP (User Datagram Protocol)

Datagram-oriented protocol. It is a
Connection-oriented protocol.
connectionless protocol.

TCP is more reliable as it guarantees UDP is less reliable as the delivery of

the delivery of data to the data to the destination cannot be
destination router. guaranteed

TCP offers extensive error-checking UDP provides only the basic error-
mechanisms. checking mechanism.

Slower transmission. Faster transmission.

Heavyweight. Lightweight.

Packets order is not fixed as all

Packets order can be preserved or
packets are independent of each
can be rearranged.

Does not support Broadcasting. Supports Broadcasting

The header size is 20 bytes. The header size is 8 bytes.

TCP is used by HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, UDP is used by protocols like DNS,

Q17. What is DNS?

Ans. The Domain Name System (DNS) is a central part of the internet, providing a way to
match names (a website you’re seeking) to numbers (the address for the website).
Anything connected to the internet – laptops, tablets, mobile phones, and websites – has
an Internet Protocol (IP) address made up of numbers.

Q18. Differentiate between ‘forward lookup’ and ‘reverse lookup’ in DNS?

Ans. Following are the major differences between a forward lookup and reverse lookup
in DNS:

Forward DNS lookup Reverse DNS lookup

Converts a human input or a Converts an IP address into a domain

domain name to an IP address name

Has a mapping between Has a mapping that relates IP addresses to

hostnames and IP addresses hostnames
Used for a website or other
Used for network troubleshooting
server access

Resolves reverse lookup queries where a

Utilizes different servers with
client requests a hostname by providing
different IP addresses
an IP address

Uses A Records (basic) to

Uses DNS pointer record to identify a
identify any IP address for a
hostname for a given IP address
particular hostname

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