JFMK 08 00044
JFMK 08 00044
JFMK 08 00044
Functional Morphology
and Kinesiology
Insights into Non-Exercise Physical Activity on Control of Body
Mass: A Review with Practical Recommendations
Diego A. Bonilla 1,2,3 , Javier O. Peralta-Alzate 1,4 , Jhonny A. Bonilla-Henao 1,5 , Roberto Cannataro 1,6 ,
Luis A. Cardozo 7 , Salvador Vargas-Molina 1,8 , Jeffrey R. Stout 9 , Richard B. Kreider 10, *
and Jorge L. Petro 1,2
1 Research Division, Dynamical Business & Science Society—DBSS International SAS, Bogota 110311, Colombia
2 Research Group in Physical Activity, Sports and Health Sciences (GICAFS), Universidad de Córdoba,
Monteria 230002, Colombia
3 Research Group in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences and Education,
Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogota 110311, Colombia
4 Programa Talentos Colombia, Ministerio del Deporte, Apartado 057840, Colombia
5 Semillero de Investigación en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Entrenamiento Deportivo (SISCAFED),
Complejo Tecnológico, Agroindustrial, Pecuario y Turístico SENA, Apartado 057841, Colombia
6 Galascreen Laboratories, Department of Pharmacy Health and Nutritional Sciences, University of Calabria,
Via Savinio, Edificio Polifunzionale, 87036 Rende, Italy
7 Research and Measurement Group in Sports Training (IMED), Faculty of Health Sciences and Sports,
Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina, Bogota 111221, Colombia
8 Faculty of Sport Sciences, EADE-University of Wales Trinity Saint David, 29018 Malaga, Spain
9 Physiology of Work and Exercise Response (POWER) Laboratory, Institute of Exercise Physiology and
Rehabilitation Science, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL 32816, USA
10 Exercise & Sport Nutrition Laboratory, Human Clinical Research Facility,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843, USA
* Correspondence: rbkreider@tamu.edu; Tel.: +1-979-458-1498
Abstract: Non-exercise physical activity (NEPA), also called unstructured or informal physical
Citation: Bonilla, D.A.;
activity, refers to those daily activities that require movement of the human body without planning
Peralta-Alzate, J.O.; Bonilla-Henao,
or strict control of the physical effort made. Due to new technologies and motorized transportation
J.A.; Cannataro, R.; Cardozo, L.A.;
devices, the general population has significantly decreased its NEPA. This increase in sedentary
Vargas-Molina, S.; Stout, J.R.; Kreider,
R.B.; Petro, J.L. Insights into
lifestyles, physical inactivity, and excessive energy intake is considered a risk factor for obesity,
Non-Exercise Physical Activity on non-communicable diseases (NCDs), and all-cause mortality. Searching in PubMed/MEDLINE and
Control of Body Mass: A Review Web of Science databases, a narrative review of NEPA was carried out to address its conceptualization,
with Practical Recommendations. J. promotion strategies for the general population, and monitoring through wearable devices. It is
Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2023, 8, 44. strongly recommended that governmental entities, health practitioners, and the construction industry
https://doi.org/10.3390/ adhere to “The Global Action Plan on Physical Activity 2018–2030: More Active People for a Healthier
jfmk8020044 World” and implement different salutogenic urban strategies. These strategies aim to generate
Academic Editor: Helmi Chaabene environments that motivate increases in NEPA, such as cycling and walking transportation (between
5000–12,500 steps per day), and the progression to physical exercise. There is a wide variety of
Received: 4 March 2023
electronic devices for personal use, such as accelerometers, smartphone apps, or “smart clothes”,
Revised: 5 April 2023
that allow for the monitoring of NEPA, some with a wide range of analysis variables contributing
Accepted: 7 April 2023
to the estimation of total daily energy expenditure and the promotion of healthy habits. In general,
Published: 11 April 2023
the further promotion and monitoring of NEPA is required as part of a strategy to promote healthy
habits sustainable over time for the prevention and control of obesity and NCDs.
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. Keywords: sedentary behavior; physical inactivity; non-communicable diseases; activity trackers
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
This article is an open access article
distributed under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons 1. Introduction
Attribution (CC BY) license (https://
Obesity is multifactorial, highlighting factors such as genetics, age, sex, and nutrition,
among many others [1]. Physical inactivity is one of the main causes of this condition
that leads to metabolic alterations, considering the importance of the locomotor system
and physical effort in the communication between tissues and organs (cross-talking) at a
systemic level [2]. The combination of excessive energy intake and physical inactivity act
synergistically as the main causes of obesity [3]. Over time, adaptation to a positive caloric
balance and physical inactivity generates physiological negative feedback mechanisms
to an eventual reduction in energy intake, which is common in body fat loss programs.
This is mainly due to the decrease in resting energy expenditure and the fluctuation in the
serum concentration of orexigenic/anorexigenic hormones [4]. Besides effective fat mass
reduction, another challenge is to avoid regaining it after a diet or exercise intervention.
Many people who lose fat mass eventually regain most of it in the long term [5,6]. In recent
decades, emphasis was placed on strategies that seek to increase non-exercise physical
activity (NEPA), such as walking or active transportation [7], to increase physical activity
levels and the subsequent levels of non-exercise activity thermogenesis (NEAT). However,
in most people, NEAT is the second largest contributor to total caloric expenditure, and
it was reported that individuals with obesity, compared to lean individuals, have a lower
NEAT [8], which increases the risk of obesity.
It should be considered that physical inactivity results in a decrease in physical fit-
ness [9], which has an impact on the health of the individual because the latter is also a
risk factor for all-cause cardiovascular morbidity and mortality [10,11]. Considering the
importance of NEPA in the control of excess weight and obesity, the aim of this review
was (i) to evaluate the impact of NEAT on obesity management and indicators, and (ii) to
address aspects of NEPA related to conceptualization, promotion strategies for the general
population, and quantification through portable devices.
2. Methods
Taking into account that narrative synthesis often lacks transparency and that synthesis
methods are rarely reported [12], previous guidelines on the development of a narrative
review outlined by Dixon-Woods et al. [13] and Peters et al. [14] were followed. In brief, the
identification, selection, evaluation, and synthesis of the available literature were performed
to summarize the body of knowledge related to NEPA to be used for practitioners [15].
The first version of the manuscript was conducted as part of the capstone project required
by the ‘Specialization in Physical Activity and Health’ degree program at Universidad de
Córdoba (Montería, Colombia). Experts and researchers in the field collaborated remotely
on revising the draft before final approval.
sitting time,
time, television viewingtime,
television viewing time,and
physical activity
activity with
with all-cause
mortality. (A)Analysis
(A) Analysisofofsitting
time (n
(n = 1,005,791)
time(n (n
= 465,450) as as
= 465,450)
well asas theirrelationship
their relationshiptotophysical
physical activity
activity levels
levels and
andmortality risk[29]
mortalityrisk .
4. 4.Energy
from Non-Exercise PhysicalActivity
Non-Exercise Physical Activity
reductionof ofbody
body mass,
mass, or more
more specifically,
specifically,body bodyfat,fat,isisa afunction
function of of a negative
a negative
balance induced
induced by by dietary
manipulation andand physical
physical activity,
activity, whichwhich
mustmustbe in be
accordance with
with thethe needs
needs of each
of each subjectsubject and sustained
and sustained over time over
[30].time [30]. control-
However, However,
ling the energy the energy
balance balance
is difficultis difficult due to factors
due to several severalthatfactors that arelinked
are mainly mainly to linked
caloric to
caloric expenditure.
expenditureininhumans humansisiscomposed
sum sum theofenergy
the energy allocated
allocated to thetomaintenance
the maintenance ofbasal
of the the basal metabolic
metabolic rate,rate,
the the thermic
thermic effect
food, of andfood,
the and the physical
physical activity expenditure.
activity energy energy expenditure. Basal metabolic
Basal metabolic rate is therate is the
amount amount
of energy of energyinexpended
expended in all homeostatic
all homeostatic processes ofprocesses
the body.ofItthe body. It the
represents repre-
sents the
energy basic energyofrequirements
requirements our body’s organs of our body(e.g.,sbrain,
organsgut,(e.g., brain, gut,
kidneys, kidneys,
heart, liver,heart,
etc.) and muscle,
comprisesetc.) and
thecomprises the largest of
largest proportion proportion
total dailyof total
energy daily energy expenditure
expenditure (~60–70%).
Basal metabolic rate is assessed after rest and fasting (10–12 h) with theh)subject
(~60–70%). Basal metabolic rate is assessed after rest and fasting (10–12 with the subjectin a
awake, in a prone position, and under thermoneutral conditions.
prone position, and under thermoneutral conditions. It should be noted that the evaluation It should be noted that
the evaluation of resting energy expenditure is more frequent due
of resting energy expenditure is more frequent due to practical considerations that are not to practical considera-
met whenthat evaluating
are not met whenbasal evaluating
metabolic basal metabolic
rate [31]. rate [31].effect
The thermic The thermic
of food effect of food
is the energy
is the energy expenditure associated with the process of the
expenditure associated with the process of the digestion, absorption, and assimilation digestion, absorption, and
assimilation processes of food; it represents between ~6–12% of total daily energy ex-
processes of food; it represents between ~6–12% of total daily energy expenditure and
penditure and is a relatively stable component. The thermic effect of food is proportional
is a relatively stable component. The thermic effect of food is proportional to caloric
to caloric intake, and the differences between lean and obese subjects are small; further-
intake, and the differences between lean and obese subjects are small; furthermore, there
more, there is insufficient evidence to demonstrate a relationship between the thermic ef-
is insufficient evidence to demonstrate a relationship between the thermic effect of food
fect of food and the development of obesity [32]. The physical activity energy expenditure
and the development of obesity [32]. The physical activity energy expenditure comprises
comprises energy expenditure from physical exercise (structured PA) and NEPA; both
energy expenditure from physical exercise (structured PA) and NEPA; both components
components vary widely within and between individuals.
vary widely within and between individuals.
It is important to note that both NEAT and NEPA are not interchangeable but repre-
It is important
sent complementary to note that both
concepts; NEAT NEAT andtoNEPA
refers energy areexpenditure,
not interchangeablewhereas but NEPArepresent
complementary concepts; NEAT refers to energy expenditure,
scribes types of body activity that are not defined as purposeful movements but contribute whereas NEPA describes
types of body
to NEAT. activity NEAT
Specifically, that are not defined
corresponds to as
all purposeful
of the energymovements
expenditurebut contribute
of all activities to
NEAT. Specifically, NEAT corresponds to all of the energy expenditure
that are not physical exercise, such as daily chores or work, leisure activities, sitting, stand- of all activities that
are not physical exercise, such as daily chores or work, leisure activities,
ing, walking, singing, dancing, and others [8]. It should be noted that a certain percentage sitting, standing,
walking, singing,physical
of spontaneous dancing, and others
activity, which[8]. It should
is part of NEAT,be is
a certaincontrol
(e.g., of
spontaneous physical activity,
ʺrestless leg movementʺ while sitting). which is part of NEAT, is beyond voluntary control (e.g.,
"restless leg movement" while sitting).
Studies on NEAT have focused their attention on the prevention and control of obesity.
In this regard, a study by Levine et al. [33] showed that obese subjects sat 164 min more
per day than lean subjects; also in addition, lean people were reported to be upright and
J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2023, 8, 44 5 of 16
walking for 152 min more per day than obese participants. According to the authors, if obese
individuals adopted behaviors to increase NEAT (e.g., increasing NEPA by walking) similar
to lean subjects, then they could expend an additional ~350 kcal per day. In particular, obese
people are described to have an innate predisposition to sit for 2.5 h per day more than lean
sedentary people, possibly due to factors that induce this, mainly environmental factors [34].
NEAT varies up to 2000 kcal per day among individuals; therefore, its modulation may
play an important role in increasing body mass, as obese subjects show low NEAT values.
The increased use of motorized transportation, mechanized manufacturing, and the
prevalence of labor-saving technology at home and at work, combined with high sedentary
behavior, decrease NEAT [35]. Modifying many of these issues is complex, but strategies
can be employed to increase NEPA. For example, adding 2.5 h of walking per day for office
workers (i.e., people with high sedentary activity) brings benefits for body composition
and increases total physical activity without a compensatory overall effect [36]. There are
potential benefits to increasing NEPA in controlling body fat, but it is important to consider
the limitations of relying solely on this approach. For example, a systematic review by
Silva et al. [37] found that compensatory phenomena were observed in 15 out of 36 clinical
studies, such as increases in NEAT, NEPA, or both, after diet-only, combined diet/exercise,
and exercise-only interventions. The degree and duration of energy imbalance generated
can affect energy conservation in response to increased NEPA. Research has shown that
short-duration continuous exercise programs (<40 min) can increase NEPA as a compen-
satory mechanism, whereas longer protocols (180 min) can lead to a decrease in NEPA. This
response is more pronounced and delayed in overweight than in normal-weight individu-
als [38]. However, despite concerns that an increase in NEPA can lead to compensatory
increases in energy intake, no increases in food cravings have been confirmed with both
protocols. Furthermore, studies by Castro et al. [39] and Romero et al. [40] show that in
obese populations, there is no compensatory increase in caloric intake during physical
exercise programs as long as adequate nutritional guidance is provided. Therefore, an
active lifestyle intervention that involves increasing NEPA and gradually progressing to
physical exercise to increase caloric expenditure is a promising approach to controlling
excess fat mass.
5. Promotion Strategies
As mentioned, physical inactivity and sedentary behavior are of high public health
concern, as there is an interaction between behavioral risk factors that increase risk. For
example, the constant exposure to food advertising during television viewing contributes
to some extent to the modification of diet behavior, that is, the consumption of unhealthy
foods (e.g., processed foods with added sugar) in both children [41] and adults [42]. In
addition, a lifestyle that reduces NEPA and, thereby, energy expenditure may promote an
obesogenic environment; therefore, it was reported that increasing active transportation
(e.g., cycling or walking) and reducing automobile use may reduce the prevalence of obesity
and NCDs [43]. In this sense, each government’s policies should encourage the use of
active means of transportation in addition to incorporating measures to reduce the use
of automobiles. For example, a study by Courtemanche [44] evaluated the relationship
between fuel prices, body mass, and obesity rates. Higher gasoline prices were associated
with a reduction in restaurant use and an increase in walking, which, in turn, was related to
a decrease in body mass. Similarly, the association between fuel prices and physical activity
levels in young adults (18–30 years old) was reported. For example, a $0.25 increase in fuel
price is associated with increased energy expenditure (1.3 METs), which is equivalent to an
increase of three min of walking per week [45].
Strategies to promote NEPA in the general population seek to increase physical activity
levels and reduce sedentary behavior because drastically reducing NEPA increases the
risk of coronary, muscular, nervous system, reproductive, digestive, immune, bone, and
endocrine diseases [46,47] (Figure 2).
Strategies to promote NEPA in the general population seek to increase physical ac-
tivity levels and reduce sedentary behavior because drastically reducing NEPA increases
J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2023, 8, 44 6 of 16
the risk of coronary, muscular, nervous system, reproductive, digestive, immune, bone,
and endocrine diseases [46,47] (Figure 2).
Figure 2. Effects when
2. Effects when moving
moving from
from high
high to
to low
low levels
levels of
of physical
physical activity,
activity, including
including significant
reductions in NEPA. Source: designed by the authors (D.A.B.) based on published materials
in NEPA. Source: designed by the authors (D.A.B.) based on published materials [46].
One of the barriers to physical activity is screen time (TV, PC, smartphone), and
One of the barriers to physical activity is screen time (TV, PC, smartphone), and pro-
promoting NEPA is one strategy to reduce it. To achieve this, individuals can modify the
moting NEPA is one strategy to reduce it. To achieve this, individuals can modify the
configuration of their electronic devices by adjusting the time of use for each application or
configuration of their electronic devices by adjusting the time of use for each application
setting an on/off schedule to generate a pause in their usage period. Blocking smartphone
or setting an on/off schedule to generate a pause in their usage period. Blocking
notifications and uninstalling unnecessary applications (e.g., games and social networks)
are notifications
also helpful strategies.and uninstalling
However, unnecessary
for children applicationspositive
and adolescents, (e.g., games and so-
cial networks)
guidance, and are also helpful
parental strategies.
influence are keyHowever,
factors in for children
reducing and adolescents,
media-related riskspositive
engagement, guidance, and parental influence are key factors in reducing
In cases where it is not feasible to remove social networking apps for work or academic media-related
risks [48,49].
reasons, peopleIn cases wheregroups
can remove it is notthat
feasible to remove
encourage social networking
polarization, apps for
misinformation, work
or academic reasons, people can remove groups that encourage polarization,
and distraction [50]. Another useful strategy is enabling the grayscale display mode in misinfor-
mation, outrage,
Android and iOSand distraction
operating system [50]. Another
devices. useful
This makesstrategy is enabling
browsing the grayscale
social networks less
display mode
attractive and in Android
reduces theand iOS operating
positive system
reinforcement devices. This
generated by the makes
ranges used social
networks less attractive and reduces the positive reinforcement generated
video games and social networks, thereby reducing screen time [51]. Additional strategies by the color
for used in population
the general video games and social
include: networks,
establishing thereby
specific reducing
schedules screenany
without time [51]. Ad-
ditional strategies for the general population include: establishing
creating shared spaces at home for recharging electronic devices; avoiding the use specific schedules with-
out any technology; creating shared spaces at home for recharging
electronic devices in bedrooms; using traditional alarm clocks to restrict smartphone electronic devices;
use early the usemorning
in the of electronic
and devices in bedrooms;
before going using traditional
to bed; scheduling one day alarm
a weekclocks to re-
strict smartphone
smartphone use early smartphone
use; avoiding in the morning useand before
during going
meal to bed;
times; scheduling
taking one day
a walk every daya
in without
outdoor smartphone
spaces without use; avoiding
carrying mobilesmartphone
devices oruse during meal
restricting theirtimes;
use intaking a walk
these leisure
every day
spaces in outdoor spaces without carrying mobile devices or restricting their use in
theseOnleisure spaceshand,
the other [52,53].
the progression of time and intensity of NEPA, such as active
transportation (e.g., walking), will not only identify health risk but also encourage physical
activity in subjects with low adherence to physical conditioning programs [54]. For example,
increasing physical activity at the expense of NEPA has clinically relevant effects for healthy
(e.g., untrained) individuals and NCDs, even, in some settings, without reaching the
minimum recommended physical activity [55]. Because of this, and as supported by the
J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2023, 8, 44 7 of 16
accumulated evidence on the multiple benefits of physical activity, not only in terms of
health but also in social and economic terms, “The Global Action Plan on Physical Activity
2018–2030: More Active People for a Healthier World” [56] urges countries to implement,
based on normative solutions, actions to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary
lifestyles (Table 1).
Table 1. Public health objectives and actions to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary lifestyles.
developing countries, the use of devices and sensors that monitor the behavior and track
daily activity is recommended. Various apps can be used on cell phones to promote NEPA
and facilitate the progression to regular physical exercise. Evidence suggests that individ-
uals of different ages and sexes respond positively to using these apps as a persuasive
element, facilitating a synergistic and sequential process of positive behavioral change [61].
This topic is discussed in the next section.
Table 2. Cont.
Vivomove HR, Garming Ltd. Accelerometer, barometer, Compatible with the Garmin Connect app, long Activities of daily living (NEPA), EE and total PA,
photoplethysmography, Wrist
(CAM) ambient light sensor battery life, and water-resistant. and sleep monitoring.
Mi Band 3, Xiami Corp. 3-axis accelerometer, Compatible with the Mi Fit app, water-resistant, and
Wrist Activities of daily living (NEPA), EE, and total PA.
(CAM) photoplethysmography affordable price. No GPS and no HR.
3-axis accelerometer, Multisport tracking, connected GPS, and an OLED
Pulse HR, Withings (CAM) photoplethysmography, Wrist screen that displays full smartphone notifications for HR, training zones, and sleep quality.
ambient light sensor calls, texts, events, and all of your favorite apps.
3-axis accelerometer, day Compatible with the Health Mate app, Activities of daily living (NEPA), EE and total PA,
Steel HR, Withings (CAM) Wrist
and night motion sensor water-resistant, and call and message notification. sleep monitoring, EE, and HR.
Good concordance to assess PA and EE during
physical exercise. Very high correlation when
TriTrac-R3D, Madison, WI, Activities of daily living (NEPA),
3-Axis Accelerometer Hip evaluating HR in children. Does not show good
USA EE, and acceleration.
accuracy in sedentary individuals. Requires software
to estimate total EE (kJ/min).
CAM: consumer activity monitor; EE: energy expenditure; GPS: Global Positioning System; HR: heart rate; METs: metabolic equivalents; PA: physical activity; RAM: research-grade
activity monitor. Based on [71,75].
J. Funct. Morphol. Kinesiol. 2023, 8, 44 11 of 16
Pedometer use was shown to be associated with increased physical activity, decreased
body mass, and lower blood pressure [76]. Furthermore, the promotion of physical activity
through walking can be promoted using these devices so that monitoring the number of
steps per day allows the recommended levels of physical activity to be achieved. In this
regard, recommendations were made on how many steps per day are sufficient to obtain
health benefits in the healthy adult population [77] (Table 3).
Table 3. Classification of physical activity based on the number of steps per day.
rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, body temperature, arterial oxygen saturation, and
blood glucose, among others. Additionally, it allows for permanent biomechanical monitor-
ing of the person through location algorithms, sensors such as gyroscopes, magnetometers,
and barometric pressure sensors, among other systems, for preventing or developing a
fall, body imbalance, hours of rest, and other activities of daily life. Smart shirts from
HeddokoTM , Hexoskin, Cityzen Sciences, Ralph Lauren Polo, and Athos are good examples
of this technology [84].
7. Conclusions
There is consistent evidence that shows the benefits of physical exercise on health
and, specifically, their effects on the reduction of fat mass of the overweight and obese
populations. However, the recovery from body mass loss, after a physical exercise pro-
gram, constitutes an important challenge in the intervention of excess weight and obesity;
additionally, strategies are required at the public health level to promote regular activity
practice. In the general population, NEPA should be increased as a strategy for preventing
and controlling excess fat mass by promoting the use of active transportation (e.g., walking
and cycling) to increase NEAT and, thereby, total daily energy expenditure. Likewise,
sedentary activities should be reduced by modifying or replacing them with activities that
involve NEPA (e.g., family walks, traditional games, musical activities, and creating active
environments and systems, among others). The evaluation and control of NEPA can be
done through wearable devices such as smartphones, which allow tracking activity and, in
this way, establishing goals regarding the fulfillment of “steps per day” and progression
to physical exercise according to the individual’s ability or limitations. In line with this,
improvements to NEPA should consider aspects of motivation, tastes for types of activity,
and the ease with which it can be carried out (e.g., schedules, working hours, facilities, and
urban designs), with which the aim is to achieve adherence and changes in the subject’s
habits and lifestyles. Thus, NEPA constitutes a sustainable long-term strategy for prevent-
ing and controlling obesity as a complement to physical exercise (which should include
strength training) and nutrition programs.
Although promoting NEPA is an important strategy for preventing and controlling
obesity, addressing the systemic factors contributing to sedentary behavior and physical
inactivity is also critical. Creating active environments, such as safe and accessible parks
and bike lanes, and promoting policies that incentivize physical activity, such as workplace
wellness programs and school physical education requirements, are examples of how this
can be done. Additionally, efforts should be made to address structural inequities and
barriers that prevent certain populations, such as low-income and minority communities,
from participating in physical activity. We can work toward a more comprehensive and
effective approach to reducing excess weight and obesity and promoting health for all by
addressing these broader factors and promoting NEPA at the individual level.
fitness center. J.R.S. conducted industry-sponsored research on exercise science over the past 25 years.
R.B.K. has conducted sponsored studies on the safety and efficacy of the Curves® fitness and weight
loss program that examined its short and long-term effects on health-related outcomes. The other
authors declare no conflicts of interest. All authors are responsible for the content of this article.
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