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Hbse 2023

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PART I. On HBSE-Related Concepts PART II.

On Social Deviation
6. Social regulation is the adherence to the norms
1. Considered as a product of the individual’s and values of society. What do you call the act of
activities as he/she interacts with the social those people who are overtly regulated and stiff in
environment.  following the norms? 
A. Social status  A. Anomie 
B. Social functioning  B. Fatalism 
C. Social reality  C. Altruism 
D. Social role D. Egoism

2. A man may be a father, husband, brother, a 7. What about the situation in which acts are
neighbour or an officer of a community overtly unregulated or those who do not recognize
organization. This implies that he is expected by the validity of laws or norms? 
society to perform specific pattern of behavior and A. Anomie 
attitudes as he assumes a specific position in B. Fatalism 
relation to others. This situation is a clear C. Altruism 
exemplification of:  D. Egoism
A. Social status 
B. Social functioning 8. The kind of suicide which is committed to
C. Social reality  remove the self due to or justified by the lack of
D. Social role ties to others.
A. Altruistic Suicide 
3. Which of the following set of factors which B. Egoistic Suicide 
affect social functioning cannot be purely C. Anomic Suicide 
considered as physical variables? D. Fatalistic Suicide
A. Tradition, illnesses and natural endowments at
birth  9. Which of the following is not a function of
B. Disabilities, genetics and inherited physical deviance according to structural-functionalism?
traits and health and nutrition  A. Affirmation of cultural values and norms 
C. Familial relationship, genetics and physical B. Definition of moral boundaries 
disability  C. Creation of responsibilities to law enforcers 
D. All of the above are considered as physical D. Pushes social change 
4. Which of the following trends in family 10. The theory which postulates that anomie is the
structures is considered as emerging?  state in which social goals and the legitimate
A. Nuclear family  means to achieve them do not correspond
B. Extended family  A. Structural-functionalism 
C. Single parent family  B. Structural Strain Theory 
D. Blended family C. Labelling Theory 
D. Psychopathology
5. Who among the following postulated the famous
triangle which clearly describes the concept of 11. The type of deviance according to Merton is a
human social functioning?  response due to the strain generated by our
A. Rex Skidmore  culture’s emphasis on wealth and the lack of
B. Helen Harris Perlman  opportunities to get rich
C. John B. Watson  A. Innovation 
D. Nancy Summers B. Conformity 
C. Ritualism 
D. Retreatism
12. Deviation is but a normal occurrence in 18. There is no definite distinction between
society. There is nothing abnormal about it.  behaviors which are considered deviant and those
A. Control Theory  which are not considered as such. This is because
B. Anomie Theory  it is dependent on the perception of who provides
C. Neutralization Theory  a name for the action. 
D. Biological Theory A. Control Theory 
B. Labelling Theory 
C. Conflict Theory 
13. There is a socially-accepted norm of goals and D. Subculture Theory
means which provides some sectors of society
19. This theory has the proactive view of
difficulty which in turn produces different
deviating responses. 
A. Control Theory 
A. Neutralization Theory 
B. Neutralization Theory 
B. Symbolic Interactionism 
C. Biological Theory 
C. Control Theory 
D. Strain Theory
D. Structural Strain Theory

20. The clash between the elites and the working

14. Social change is made possible because of the
class opens venue for expression of feelings of
deviations that happen in society. 
oppression and marginalization, usually in the
A. Anomie Theory 
form of deviation from the expectations of
B. Structural Strain Theory 
powerful people who comprises mainly the
C. Labelling Theory 
mainstream society. 
D. Conflict Theory
A. Control Theory 
B. Conflict Theory 
15. The human body has four elements, in which, C. Neutralization Theory 
when they do not balance, produce particular D. Labelling theory
human behavior. 
A. Control Theory 
PART III. On Theories of Personality and Other
B. Conflict Theory 
Relevant Theories
C. Biological Theory 
D. Neutralization Theory 21. Has the conception that the ego exists to deal
realistically with the basic instinctual drives 
A. Sigmund Freud 
16. Due to the limitation of access to resources, B. Karen Horney 
people turn to a structure which they believe can C. Carl Jung 
provide them with satisfaction and acceptance D. Henry Murray
which they need, thus giving them the image
which is that of deviants as it is not in accordance
with that of the mainstream.  22. The structure of personality which acts as the
A. Labelling Theory  moral counterforce to the practical concerns of the
B. Control Theory  ego 
C. Conflict theory  A. Id
D. Subculture Theory B. Ego
C. Superego 
D. Ego-ideal
17. Social connections have great influence in the
formation of deviant behaviors. 
A. Structural Functionalism 23. The anxiety which is first experienced by a
B. Symbolic Interactionism child when he/she is separated by the mother
C. Conflict Theory during childbirth. 
D. Biological Theory A. Reality anxiety 
B. Neurotic anxiety  C. Asexual behavior 
C. Moral anxiety  D. All of the above
D. Birth trauma

29. The stage which is considered as a relative

24. Marilyn once had an experience with calm. 
conflagration. She saw the apartment where they A. Phallic stage 
were staying on fire on her way home from class. B. Anal stage 
Eventually, she was notified that her pet was not C. Latency stage 
rescued because all their doors and windows were D. Genital stage
locked. That event caused her trauma that every
time she sees a fire even just in wooden stoves, she
30. Which among the choices below is considered
would shiver and break down. What kind of
as gratification of the latency stage? 
anxiety is Marilyn experiencing? 
A. Attention is directed towards same sex, school
A. Birth trauma 
and hobbies 
B. Moral anxiety 
B. Attention is directed towards heterosexual
C. Neurotic anxiety 
mating and maturation 
D. Reality anxiety
C. Attention is directed towards discharging and
retaining bowel movement
25. Jenny did not exert any effort to review for the D. Attention is directed towards eating, biting,
midterm. When she looked at the test papers, she sucking and chewing
automatically had an urge to copy the answers of
her seatmate, Joy, whom she knows have really
31. An array of psychological coping devices
studied as she is constantly an honor student. But
against danger to self
Jenny is aware that when she is caught doing that,
A. Repression 
she can be given a failing grade or a suspension. 
B. Defense mechanism 
A. Birth trauma 
C. Differential diagnosis 
B. Neurotic Anxiety 
D. Drug addiction
C. Moral Anxiety 
D. Reality Anxiety
32. A woman who remains devoted to his father
and is unable to transfer her affections to another
26. Which of the following is not part of the basic
man may be showing signs of ---
ingredients of the adult personality?
A. Oedipus complex 
A. Oral Stage 
B. Fixation 
B. Genital Stage 
C. Repression 
C. Anal Stage 
D. Suppression
D. Phallic Stage

33. A two-fold attention toward parents: a wish to

27. What stage highlights the Oedipal complexes? 
eliminate the hated father and take his place in a
A. Oral stage 
sensual relationship with the mother and a wish to
B. Anal stage
eliminate the hated mother and take her place
C. Phallic stage 
with the father
D. Genital stage
A. Love
B. Sibling rivalry 
28. What is the most popular fixation for the C. Oedipal complex 
reversion of the Electra and the Oedipus D. Ambivalence
A. Homosexuality 
34. As an effect of Typhoon Sendong in Cagayan de
B. Unsuccessful marital relationships 
Oro, the dela Merced family made sure that their
members, including extended ones, stayed in one III. The human mind has three provinces or
evacuation center. They also made sure that no divisions – the conscious, the preconscious and the
matter how small the supplies they get, everyone unconscious. 
can have a share. What Filipino value is most IV. The conscious and the personal unconscious
apparent in this situation?  are of lesser importance than the collective
A. Pakikisama  unconscious.
B. Pusong Mamon  A. I, II, III and IV
C. Hospitality  B. I, II and III
D. Amoral familism C. I, II and IV
D. II and IV only

35. The id is considered to have a primitive and

intrinsic nature. In this situation, identify what is 39. What is the best characteristic of a healthy
most likely the action of the id as a response: You individual according to Jung?
saw a mendicant family who all look so thin and A. In contact with the world but allows themselves
pale. You really want to help them because you to get in touch with the unconscious
think it is your moral obligation. B. Knows the content of both his/her conscious and
A. You will not give them anything because it is unconscious
against the law C. Recognizes his past and present and make it as
B. You will give only some of what is in your an inspiration to achieve the true “self”
wallet  D. All of the choices given above
C. You will right away give everything in your 40. Which of the following IS NOT a content of the
wallet without second thought  personal unconscious?
D. You will just run away to throw your pity A. Repressed infantile impulses 
B. Experiences of the ancestors 
36. What is the highest stage of Freud’s C. Repressed infantile memories 
psychosexual stage which is considered as the D. Forgotten events
peak of one’s personality formation?
A. Genital stage  41. Jung’s schizophrenic patient was once caught
B. Latency stage  staring at the sun with half-closed eyes. He said
C. Phallic stage  that he is looking at the sun-phallus which is the
D. Anal stage source of the wind. This is the same as the practice
of the Mithraic cult with their initiates and the
37. Jung’s theory has a touch of mysticism. same also with their belief on the sun God. This
According to critiques and other psychologists, this best explains the concept of --- 
may be attributed to the fact that his family are A. Archetype 
most comprised of --- B. Anima 
A. Doctors  C. Persona 
B. Theologians  D. Collective unconscious
C. Psychologists 
D. Psychotics 42. Mina is a responsible daughter, diligent
student, active choir member and responsible
38. Jung had reasons for splitting from Freud. He youth leader. These attributes of Mina is actually a
made his own assumptions or hunches about the manifestation of ---
formation of human behavior. Which of the A. Her persona 
following were his major assumptions? B. Her animus 
I. The mind has both the conscious and an C. Her anima 
unconscious level.  D. Her wise old man
II. The collective unconscious is a more important
content of the unconscious than personal
43. Most of the time, Dino would isolate himself discovered to fully understand one’s personality
inside his room because he thinks that the outside D. Each unique characteristic of an individual
world of his classmates is too loud and chaotic for contributes to personality formation
him. He deems it best to study things on his own 48. Amor strives to excel above all her classmates
for he can absorb it better. This response to the in their high school section. She does this as it is
realities of the world is called --- her dream to become a known lawyer specializing
A. Introversion  in taxation. She even deprives herself of
B. Extroversion  enjoyment and intimate relationships. This
C. Self-actualization  expressed best the tenet of Adler which states that
D. Self-realization ---
A. The one dynamic force behind people’s
44. An extrovert person tends to be more behavior is the striving for success or superiority
interested in --- B. People’s subjective perception shapes their
A. The gesture and expressions of people as they behavior and personality
say their opinion C. Personality is unified and self-consistent
B. The opinion of people on certain things D. The value of all human activity must be seen
C. The way a person says his her opinion about from the viewpoint of social interest
something of interest to the extrovert 49. Donna perceives that people compare her with
D. All of the choices given her older sister who is a consistent class
valedictorian, an active 4H club president, and
now a medical student. Having this in mind, she
45. Which of the following cases best exemplifies a
sees the need to strive harder and draw people’s
‘feeling introvert’ personality?
attention to her achievements. She has wanted to
A. Shiela shun herself away from a group after
become a lawyer since high school.
being called a manipulative leader
A. The one dynamic force behind people’s
B. Indira retreats away from possible friendship
behavior is the striving for success or superiority
cliques for dislike to attachments
B. People’s subjective perception shapes their
C. Wendy daydreams all the time about things
behavior and personality 
which are out of this world. She thinks that she
C. Personality is unified and self-consistent 
can make it real by being creative.
D. The value of all human activity must be seen
D. Kika is an EMO who is always staying in just
from the viewpoint of social interest
one specific corner of the library. She does not
want any intruder in her self-declared ‘territory’ 50. The concept of organ inferiority is a ---
A. Cultural concept integrated into psychological
explanation of behavior
46. Lyra is so concerned with the affairs of her B. Medical concept integrated into psychological
immediate community. She wants to develop the explanation of behavior
youth center by donating some of her savings to C. Social concept integrated into psychological
the organization. Most probably, she is in this age explanation of behavior
due to her new set of value.  D. Biological concept integrated into psychological
A. Late childhood  explanation of behavior
B. Adolescence 
C. Young adulthood 
D. Middle adulthood

47. What is the rationale behind Adler’s theory on

individual psychology?
A. Every individual experience is unique, thus, the
need to help each client individually
B. Each person is unique and no single theory is
applicable to all persons
C. The uniqueness of an individual has to be

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