Hbse 2023
Hbse 2023
Hbse 2023
On Social Deviation
6. Social regulation is the adherence to the norms
1. Considered as a product of the individual’s and values of society. What do you call the act of
activities as he/she interacts with the social those people who are overtly regulated and stiff in
environment. following the norms?
A. Social status A. Anomie
B. Social functioning B. Fatalism
C. Social reality C. Altruism
D. Social role D. Egoism
2. A man may be a father, husband, brother, a 7. What about the situation in which acts are
neighbour or an officer of a community overtly unregulated or those who do not recognize
organization. This implies that he is expected by the validity of laws or norms?
society to perform specific pattern of behavior and A. Anomie
attitudes as he assumes a specific position in B. Fatalism
relation to others. This situation is a clear C. Altruism
exemplification of: D. Egoism
A. Social status
B. Social functioning 8. The kind of suicide which is committed to
C. Social reality remove the self due to or justified by the lack of
D. Social role ties to others.
A. Altruistic Suicide
3. Which of the following set of factors which B. Egoistic Suicide
affect social functioning cannot be purely C. Anomic Suicide
considered as physical variables? D. Fatalistic Suicide
A. Tradition, illnesses and natural endowments at
birth 9. Which of the following is not a function of
B. Disabilities, genetics and inherited physical deviance according to structural-functionalism?
traits and health and nutrition A. Affirmation of cultural values and norms
C. Familial relationship, genetics and physical B. Definition of moral boundaries
disability C. Creation of responsibilities to law enforcers
D. All of the above are considered as physical D. Pushes social change
4. Which of the following trends in family 10. The theory which postulates that anomie is the
structures is considered as emerging? state in which social goals and the legitimate
A. Nuclear family means to achieve them do not correspond
B. Extended family A. Structural-functionalism
C. Single parent family B. Structural Strain Theory
D. Blended family C. Labelling Theory
D. Psychopathology
5. Who among the following postulated the famous
triangle which clearly describes the concept of 11. The type of deviance according to Merton is a
human social functioning? response due to the strain generated by our
A. Rex Skidmore culture’s emphasis on wealth and the lack of
B. Helen Harris Perlman opportunities to get rich
C. John B. Watson A. Innovation
D. Nancy Summers B. Conformity
C. Ritualism
D. Retreatism
12. Deviation is but a normal occurrence in 18. There is no definite distinction between
society. There is nothing abnormal about it. behaviors which are considered deviant and those
A. Control Theory which are not considered as such. This is because
B. Anomie Theory it is dependent on the perception of who provides
C. Neutralization Theory a name for the action.
D. Biological Theory A. Control Theory
B. Labelling Theory
C. Conflict Theory
13. There is a socially-accepted norm of goals and D. Subculture Theory
means which provides some sectors of society
19. This theory has the proactive view of
difficulty which in turn produces different
deviating responses.
A. Control Theory
A. Neutralization Theory
B. Neutralization Theory
B. Symbolic Interactionism
C. Biological Theory
C. Control Theory
D. Strain Theory
D. Structural Strain Theory