Before You Begin
Before You Begin
Before You Begin
If you are installing DataCAD on a computer with a prior version, you may have existing
program preferences and customized support files like wall types, door types, window types,
hatch patterns, and line types. During installation, you can choose to copy some of your settings
and files to your DataCAD program folder automatically. You will need to copy other support
files manually. Customizable files (such as drawings, XREF drawings, symbols, and templates)
are not automatically copied into your DataCAD program folder during installation. You need to
decide which of these files, if any, you will copy into your DataCAD program folder.
These instructions will help you update your DataCAD software. We recommend that you make
a complete backup of your program data and support files before you install this upgrade and
before you modify, copy, or convert any data or support files. If you don’t make a backup, you
may not be able to recover from an error or program failure.
You can convert several drawing files at once by selecting multiple DC5 files in the File\Open
dialog. Once they are open, select File\Close All. The resultant AEC files will automatically be
saved at the same location as the DC5 files. DataCAD will convert DC5 files to AEC files, but it
will not convert AEC files to DC5 files.
If the XREFs remain in their original folders when you open the Master file, DataCAD will
attempt to automatically convert them from DC5 to AEC format provided that Automatically
Convert is checked in the XREFs section on the Drawing tab of Program Preferences. If they are
not found in their original location, DataCAD will search the current drawing folder and attempt
to convert them. If they are not found there either, they will be flagged as Orphans.
DataCAD 11 introduced a powerful new feature called the Symbol Browser. This toolbar lets
you view and use all of your symbol folders without cumbersome template files. By taking
advantage of the Symbol Browser toolbar, you will probably find that you no longer need your
existing template files. In addition, the symbol libraries that are included with DataCAD have
been reorganized into a logical directory structure, making symbols easier to find.
DataCAD symbol files have a new file format and use the file extension DSF. DataCAD can
read existing symbol files (with the SM3 extension) as well as the new DSF file format. You can
access your existing symbol libraries with the Symbol Browser by setting the path to your
existing symbol folder. DataCAD automatically creates DSF files when you save symbols.
Support Files
DataCAD has a variety of support files used for different purposes; you can customize many of
these files. You may have modified some of your DataCAD support files in a previous version or
installed add-on products for DataCAD which updated them.
The DataCAD installation program allows you copy your existing program preferences and
customized files. If you chose to copy these files, they will be copied into your DataCAD
program folder during installation.
Text Fonts
DataCAD provides direct support for SHX fonts and TrueType fonts (TTF). DataCAD CHR
fonts are no longer used. However, your existing DataCAD fonts are automatically converted to
SHX format. If you have additional CHR fonts, you can copy them to your DataCAD ‘Fonts’
folder. If you are using TrueType fonts in DataCAD, you don’t need to copy those font files
since Windows manages your TrueType fonts from a central location on your computer.
DCAL Macros
If you have additional DCAL Macros installed with your previous DataCAD version, you can
copy those files into your DataCAD ‘Macros’ folder. DCAL Macros have the file extension
DCX. Some macros may have additional support files or settings files that need to be copied
along with them. In versions of DataCAD prior to 11, macros resided in the ‘DCX’ folder.
The following macros are no longer included with DataCAD and should not be used:
LyrUtil (Layer Utility)
SymExp (Symbol Explode)
EstLink (Estimator Link)
ViewMast (View Master)
Functionality from LyrUtil and SymExp is built into Layers, LayerSets and 3D Explode menus
respectively. Do not copy LyrUtil, SymExp, EstLink, or ViewMast macros into the ‘Macros’