BSC in Computer Networking
BSC in Computer Networking
BSC in Computer Networking
Semester 1:
• C5 - ICO - 11, C5 - MAT - 11, D5 - CSS Bachelor of Science in
- 14 Computer Networking
Semester 2:
• C5 - CSA - 11, C5 - OSH - 11,C5-
DMA-19 Programme details:
Semester 3: This programme consists of core modules
• C6 - QMD - 11, C6 - IPC - 11 (required) which are combination of 10 credit
Semester 4: and 20 credit modules, Elective modules
• C6 - DCN- 19, C6 - LIE - 19, C6 - WDD and some modules may have pre-requisites
(i.e. may require the student to pass another
- 19 module or set of modules first). Some modules
Semester 5: may be core requisite (i.e. such modules are
• C7 - JAV - 11, C7 - MDC - 19, C7 - required to be taken together). 1 credit is equal
MOS - 13 to 10 hours of learning (guided, in-class and
Semester 6: independent combined); therefore a 10-credit
• C7 - WNM - 13, C7 - MDP - 13, C7 - module requires on average 50 hours of
learning from the student.
MTE - 13
Semester 7: Core modules:
• C7 - PPR - 11 • C5-CE1-20: Computer and its Essentials 1
Semester 8: (10)
• C8 - MID - 13,C8-WMS-19 Select one • C5-PLD-20: Programming Logic and Design
from (C8 - DIS - 13,C8-MIA-13) • C5-MAT-20: Mathematics (10)
Semester 9: • C6-PIE-20: Professional Issues and Ethics
• C8 - PRO - 11, Elective (B8 - ENT - 11, E8 (10)
- ISD - 17) • C5-OSH-11: Operating Systems and
Hardware (20)
Admissions Criteria • C6-NEF-20: Networking Fundamentals (20)
• C6-DBC-20: Database Concepts (10)
1) Applicants are expected to have • D6-AWS-20: Academic Writing for STEM (10)
successfully completed secondary • C6-CE2-20: Computer and its Essentials 2
schooling. The typical entry requirement • C6-CSA-20: Computer System Architecture
is LGCSE or other equivalent secondary (10)
school qualification. • C6-MDW-20: Managing Business Desktops
using Windows (10)
2) LGCSE/equivalent with a minimum of
• C6-PUC-20: Programming using C++ (20)
• C6-NSE-20: Network Security (10)
5 subjects of which 3 Credits (C), 2 Pass • C6-RSW-20: Routing and Switching (10)
(D) including minimum Pass (D) in English, • C6-RSL-20: Routing and Switching Lab (10)
Pass (D) in Mathematics • C6-WDD-20 : Web Design and Development
• C6-WDP-20 : Web Design Practice Lab (10)
3) Applicants in possession of a Diploma • C6-EOL-20: Essentials of Linux (10)
or Higher Diploma in related field may • C6-DSA-20: Data Structures and Algorithm
be given exemptions based on the credit (10)
Course Code Course Description Credits Elective List Pre-Requisite List Co-Requisite List PreElect ResourceList
Weeks :234.00
MCO-8BH-19 Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mobile Credits :540.00
24 540.00
Program Version : Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Mobile Computing
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