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Design Criteria

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CHE Design

Design Criteria  Highest temperature to which the equipment may

be subject at the upper and/or lower design
Definition of terms
A. Pressure  Lower Design Temperature (LDT)
 Operating Pressure  Lowest temperature that equipment may possibly
Gauge pressure inside the equipment and reach
pipping during any intended operation
 Maximum Operating Pressure (MOP) Determination of DP
 Operating pressure + Additional Margin (Per A. Above Atmospheric Pressure
project specification)  Sample design pressure guideline:
 Typically, 105% - 110% of operating  If DP is not specified
pressure OP + 1.1 or OP + 1.8 (barG)
 To provide sufficient flexibility for the 3.4 (barG)
control of intended operation Whichever is higher
 Design Pressure  Sample criteria for equipment
 Most severe condition of coincident pressure 0<MOP≤1000KPAG: MOP + 100KPAG
and temperature expected in normal or 250
operation Whichever is higher
 Gauge pressure at top of the equipment
 Determines the minimum thickness of MOP>1000KPA G: 1.1 x MOP
equipment parts at the design temperature
 Lower Design Pressure (LDP) Question: Since design pressure is related to the
top of equipment, how to consider the design
 External design pressure or the sub-
pressures for other parts of the equipment?
atmospheric pressure at the top of the
Answer: to enable mechanical engineers to
 Determines the minimum thickness of
establish associated design pressures for other part
equipment parts or stiffening rings at the
of the equipment, the following should be specified
design temperature
in the equipment datasheet:

 liquid height
B. Temperature
 liquid density
 Operating Temperature
 maximum pressure drop caused by flow through
The temperature that prevails inside the
the equipment
equipment and pipping during the
predominant intended operation.
B. Sub-atmospheric pressure
Maximum operating temperature
 At sub-atmospheric pressure, equipment should
Temperature higher than OT for operational
be design for full vacuum

Full Vacuum
 Greatest amount of vacuum that can be
 Design Temperature (DT) experienced in normal operation
CHE Design

 design for external pressure = 15 psi (depends since condensation could happen
on project) consequently
2. Heat input fails for equipment of vapor
 Scenario 1: Vessel opens to atmosphere service with an atmospheric dewpoint higher
than minimum ambient temperature
 No vacuum
3. During start-up, shutdown, utility failure,
external cooling, blocked-in situations
 Scenario 2: Valve is closed and fluid is
evacuated C. Heat Exchangers
 Consideration:
1. Design pressure of low pressure side should
be 10/13 higher than the design pressure of
high pressure side (10/13 rule).
Based on hydrotest pressure ratio = 1.3
Merit: To save from installing PSV against tube rupture

D. Centrifugal Pump
1. Liquid full system to withstand pump shut
off pressure
Pump shut off pressure = pressure at the
pump discharge with the suction pressure &
 Equipme specific gravity at maximum possible value
nt could
E. Centrifugal Compressor
experience vacuum when: 1. Sufficiently higher than settle out
1. Vessel Settle out pressure = pressure at which the
subject discharge balances with suction after the
to steam compressor stops & anti valve opens
Determination of DT
A. Upper Design Temperature
 Sample design temperature guideline
 If DT is not specified
OT + 15oC
CHE Design

 Considerations applied up to the last block valve which the fluid

 Typically: MOT + 10oC goes.
 Should not be less than maximum ambient  Pressure rating break should be at block valves, not
temperature at check valves.
 Should not be less then black bulb temperature
1. Material should be selected based on design
Use condition.
of  Correct ASME P-T rating should be selected.
 CS, DP:10 barg, DT:82oC: #150
DP/DT  SS, DP:8 barg, DT:370 oC: #300
A. Basis for material selection  CS, DP:50 barg, DT:78 oC: #600
 ASME P-T Rating should be selected.  CS, DP:15 barg, DT:82 oC: #150
 CS, DP:10 barg, DT:82oC  SS, DP:15 barg, DT:82 oC: #300
 SS, DP:8 barg, DT:370oC  LTCS (ITCS) or SS should be used for cold service.
 CS, DP:50 barg, DT:78oC  CS: ~-20 oC
 CS, DP:15 barg, DT:82oC  LTCS: ~-46 oC
 SS, DP:15 barg, DT:82oC  SS:~-196 oC
 LTCS (ITCS) or SS should be used for cold  Consideration of Sour/Corrosive service is required.
 CS: ~-20oC 2. Severe side condition should be applied.
 LTCS: ~-46 C o  Severe design temperature and design pressure
 SS: ~-196oC should be selected for valve set on the connection
B. Basis for equipment thickness calc. (DP) between different process conditions.
 Mechanical Engineers calculate equipment
thickness considering: DPx: Higher Pressure DP1 or DP2
MaxDTx: Higher temperature Max DT1 or Max
 Internal Pressure
 External Pressure
MinDTx: Lowe Temperature MinDT1 or
C. Basis for flexibility Analysis
 Flexibility Analysis
 Pipe stress analysis to ensure sufficient support
and flexibility when pipe is subject to loads
and thermal expansion or contraction.
Rule of Thumb: Break Point
 Basic rule for piping segment break point
 Material should be selected based on design
 Severe side condition should be applied.
 High pressure rating should be applied up to the last
block valve
 Example:
should be
CHE Design

 Low grade material at upstream, high-

grade material at downstream
DPx: 10.0 barg
MaxDTx: 120oC
MinDTx: -20oC

DPx: 12.0 barg
MaxDTx: 120oC
MinDTx: -46oC

3. Same Pressure Rating Between Upstream &

 High grade material at upstream, low-grade
material at downstream

 Low grade material at upstream, high-grade

material at downstream

4. Higher pressure rating at upstream than

 High grade material at upstream, low-
grade material at downstream
 Low grade material at upstream, high-
grade material at downstream
5. Lower pressure rating at upstream than
downstream Defrost gas connection
 High grade material at upstream, low- User line is not insulated
grade material downstream
CHE Design

 High pressure rating should be applied up to block

valve at downstream of BDV. Insulation break be
at BDV

 High pressure rating should be applied up to block

valve at downstream of control valve. Insulation
break shall be at control valve and bypass glove
7. Around
 Desi
gn pressure of pump suction line is based on
vessel (column) design pressure and liquid head
 Design pressure of pump discharge line is based
on pump shut off pressure
 Design pressure break should be 1st block valve at
10. Drain Connection
suction side around pump
 Amine drains
 In case that there is only 1 pump without standby
1-1. In case that process line is insulated by
pump, design pressure break can be at the pump
Insulation “2” personal protection

1-2. In case that process line is insulated by

insulation “4A” sound control
8.  Drain to dry liquid disposal

Shell & Tube H/E (consideration of tube)

 In case of reboiler tube rupture, low pressure side 1. In case that process line is insulated by
equipment should be designed pressure as high- insulation “5” cold insulation
pressure side
 10/13 Rule (API 521)
9. Control valve and BDV

In case that Process Line is insulated by

insulation “8C” sound control
CHE Design

 Drain to wet liquid disposal 1. Material should be selected based on design

3-1. In case that process line is insulated by condition
insulation “5” cold insulation 2. Severe design temperature and design pressure
3- should be selected for valve set on the connection
2. between different process conditions.

case that Process Line is NOT insulated and drain

header is higher design pressure than Process

Main Line

11. Around PRV:

 Valve set material on the PRV bypass line applies
higher grade material.
 Sound control insulation is not required for
bypass line, but cold insulation is required


Utility connection
 Nitrogen connection

 Basic
Engineering Design Data (BEDD) has
information about utility condition
 Severe design temperature and design pressure
should be selected for valve set on connection
between process and utility


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