Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Design Criteria
Full Vacuum
Greatest amount of vacuum that can be
Design Temperature (DT) experienced in normal operation
CHE Design
design for external pressure = 15 psi (depends since condensation could happen
on project) consequently
2. Heat input fails for equipment of vapor
Scenario 1: Vessel opens to atmosphere service with an atmospheric dewpoint higher
than minimum ambient temperature
No vacuum
3. During start-up, shutdown, utility failure,
external cooling, blocked-in situations
Scenario 2: Valve is closed and fluid is
evacuated C. Heat Exchangers
1. Design pressure of low pressure side should
be 10/13 higher than the design pressure of
high pressure side (10/13 rule).
Based on hydrotest pressure ratio = 1.3
Merit: To save from installing PSV against tube rupture
D. Centrifugal Pump
1. Liquid full system to withstand pump shut
off pressure
Pump shut off pressure = pressure at the
pump discharge with the suction pressure &
Equipme specific gravity at maximum possible value
nt could
E. Centrifugal Compressor
experience vacuum when: 1. Sufficiently higher than settle out
1. Vessel Settle out pressure = pressure at which the
subject discharge balances with suction after the
to steam compressor stops & anti valve opens
Determination of DT
A. Upper Design Temperature
Sample design temperature guideline
If DT is not specified
OT + 15oC
CHE Design
DPx: 12.0 barg
MaxDTx: 120oC
MinDTx: -46oC
Main Line
Utility connection
Nitrogen connection
Engineering Design Data (BEDD) has
information about utility condition
Severe design temperature and design pressure
should be selected for valve set on connection
between process and utility