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Listen to the conversation. Listen to the conversation.

Then answer questions 1-4. Then answer questions 5-8.

1 What is the woman looking for? 5 What can be recycled?

a A tie a Clean food containers
b A gift b Hot coffee cups
c A sale c Plastic straws
d A sweater d Plastic bags

2 What does the word “quality” 6 What does the woman say about
mean? the recycling bin?
a How good something is a Everyone uses the bin.
b What colour something is b All paper cups should go in
c What something looks like the bin.
d How expensive something is c People know what to put in
the bin.
3 Why does the woman choose the d Some things in the bin are
sweater? recycled.
a It’s on sale.
7 What does “habit” mean?
b There are no ties.
c She likes the colour. a Something you do often
d She doesn’t like the shirt. b Something you hate to do
c Something you learn to do
4 What will happen next? d Something you do very well
a The man looks for a shirt.
8 What will the man do to help
b The woman pays for the gift.
c The man gives the woman improve the problem?
a discount. a Use paper straws.
d The woman gives the gift to b Stop buying coffee.
her brother. c Stop using food containers.
d Learn about recycling rules.



Listen to the conversation. Listen to the conversation.

Then answer questions 9-12. Then answer questions 13-16.

9 What does the woman like about 13 What does the woman say about
her job? cooking and working out?
a Her co-workers a She's too busy to do them.
b The location b She can only do one of them.
c The projects c She’s doesn't enjoy
d Her boss doing them.
d She doesn’t know how to do
10 What does the woman say about them.
travelling for work?
a She enjoys the experience. 14 What does the man say about
b She wants to do more of it. lunch?
c It's too hard on her schedule. a Prepare it in advance.
d She can do less of it b He doesn’t have a plan.
next year. c There is no time to cook.
d Buy healthier lunches at work.
11 How does the man feel about
being a dad? 15 What is one way the man wants
a Scared to create a healthy lifestyle?
b Excited a Eat out with their friends
c Grateful only on weekends.
d Worried b Cook dinner together every
12 Why did the man move out of c Take classes at the gym.
the city? d Work out at the gym.
a To get more space
b To make his wife happy 16 How does the man feel about
c To be closer to his office achieving a healthy lifestyle?
d To be closer to his parents a It is very expensive to maintain.
b A busy schedule makes
it difficult.
c Planning ahead will make
it possible.
d It is important to share the



Listen to the talk. Then 20 According to the speaker, what is

answer questions 17-20. the most effective way to achieve
a long-term goal?
17 What is the speaker’s point of a Start a podcast channel.
view on life? b Create detailed budget plans.
a You should make time to c Break it down into smaller
chase your dreams. parts.
b It’s difficult to do the things d Ask community members for
you love. help.
c Decisions are difficult to
d Planning is critical for

18 How did the speaker feel about

preparing for this year-long trip?
a Determined to succeed
b Excited to travel the world
c Fearful about the unknown
d Worried about his finances

19 What was the speaker’s goal

in travelling?
a Sharing experiences with
online community members
b Making deep connections to
a new place
c Having a rich tourist
d Visiting many famous places



Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

21 They a lot of time 26 That was sandwich.

together recently. I’m so full!
a had spent a so big
b will spend b very big
c were spending c such big
d have been spending d such a big

22 You have seen Brian 27 I have waited so long

yesterday. He’s out of town for to start this project. Now I don’t
work this week. have enough time.
a could a can’t
b couldn’t b couldn’t
c should c wouldn’t
d shouldn’t d shouldn’t

23 When I lived in London, I 28 He hungry. He ate the

pick up a coffee and muffin on entire pizza by himself.
my way to work every morning. a may be
a would b must be
b should c could have
c must d must have been
d might
29 The information is not only
24 They haven’t been to incomplete inaccurate.
the market, ?
a also
a have they b but also
b haven’t they c moreover
c did they d in addition
d didn’t they
30 Everyone the party by
25 The plane for take off yet. the time Rebecca showed up.
She was two hours late!
a has cleared
b hasn’t cleared a left
c has to be cleared b has left
d hasn’t been cleared c had left
d had been left


31 home at 5 pm today, 36 The Jazz Fest is a

so I can call you then. festival
every year.
a I walk
b I have walked a happen
c I’ll be walking b to happen
d I’ve been walking c it happens
d that happens
32 You can’t wear shoes in the
house. Please .
37 We have money left,
so we’re going to shop
a take off them some more.
b take them off
a few
c them off take
b a few
d them take off
c little
33 Sushi Lounge is closer to the d a little
office. , Haru Sushi has
better food. 38 By the time we stopped for petrol,
we driving for almost
four hours.
a However
b As a result a were
c In addition b will be
d Therefore c had been
d have been
34 If you more, your
vocabulary would be better. 39 He was late, was
a will read
b had read a why
c have read b when
d are reading c which
d where
35 Please don’t touch the plates.
They are .
40 By this time tomorrow, I
in Paris and checked into the hotel.
a hotter
b the hottest a will be arrived
c extremely hot b will have arrived
d extreme heat c will be arriving
d have been arriving



41 If we earlier, we wouldn’t 46 We’ve milk. Do you

have missed the plane! have time to go to the shop?
a left a run off
b leave b run out
c had left c run in to
d were leaving d run out of

42 I wish harder when 47 I in Rome when I met

I was at university. Maurizio.
a I study a live
b I’ll study b lived
c I’d studied c was living
d I’m studying d am living

43 The package will 48 My dream is in

by the time you get home. London one day.
a deliver a live
b be delivered b to live
c be delivering c like to live
d have been delivered d have to live

44 The picture 49 This is the watch on my

by a famous artist. twentieth birthday.
a painted a my grandfather gives me
b was painted b my grandfather gave me
c was painting c when my grandfather gave me
d has painted d how my grandfather gives me

45 Sara told me she 50 Anthony to be a

feeling well. She went home to doctor, but he decided to study
rest. business instead.
a isn’t a plans
b wasn’t b will plan
c hasn’t c was planning
d hadn’t d has planned



Choose the correct answer to complete the sentences.

51 I’ve never seen a painting like 56 My visa was , and my

this before. It’s very . passport is ready. I’m going to
China next week.
a usual
b unique a approved
c regular b enabled
d appropriate c offered
d advised
52 The Jazz festival is a(n)
event and happens every March. 57 This place looks .
I think I’ve been here before.
a current
b standard a domestic
c temporary b familiar
d annual c common
d urban
53 I did well on the interview.
I feel I got the job. 58 Could you me your car
for a few days?
a patient
b excited a lend
c confident b owe
d uncomfortable c borrow
d permit
54 Welcome! It’s your first time
here, right? Let me show you . 59 A: Do you know where Tom is?
B: I’m sure he’ll be here .
a up
b off a eventually
c around b occasionally
d out c immediately
d frequently
55 Paul is rich, so he can
to buy nice things. 60 I’m so tired. I slept last night.
a afford
b earn a actually
c spend b hardly
d invest c carefully
d practically



61 Kim is working out, eating right, 66 The car accident wasn’t

and making great to my . The other driver hit me.
keep a healthy lifestyle.
a stress a fault
b purpose b charge
c effort c complaint
d performance d disadvantage

62 Many scientists spoke at the 67 The white sneakers

international about the started on social media when
environment. a famous singer wore them.
a business a law
b announcement b habit
c conference c trend
d report d tradition

63 enjoy the big end- 68 I pay a £5.99 monthly

of-season sales. to watch movies on this website.
a Applicants a fee
b Consumers b price
c Researchers c pound
d Representatives d money

64 It is my to take care of 69 Tom loves golf! This golf bag is

my parents. a(n) gift.

a trust a ideal
b promise b ordinary
c obligation c typical
d guarantee d original

65 Don’t forget to the light 70 Sophia is a very coach.

when you leave the room. She will lead the team to victory.

a turn up a polite
b turn in b capable
c turn off c generous
d turn over d practical



Read an announcement about a bike share programme. Then answer questions 71-73.

Starting next week, a new bike share programme will be available in the city centre.
Passes are £365 for the year, £15 for a week, and £5 for a day. To sign up for the
yearly pass, register online and you will receive a personal key card in the post. You
can purchase weekly and daily passes online or at any of our bike stations with a
credit or debit card. PIN codes will be provided for these passes.
Please note that there is a one-hour time limit on bike usage at all times. After one hour,
you will be charged £2 for each additional hour until the bike is returned. Bikes can be
returned to any station, as long as there is available docking space. You can check bike
or docking space availability on our website or download our app so you can
access the information on your mobile phones.

We have partnered with several bike shops around town that offer discounts on
safetyitems such as glasses, night lights, and helmets. Please be safe and don’t
forget to wear your helmets. Show your bike pass or PIN code for in-store discounts.

71 Which of the following statements is true?

a Bike passes cost £2 per hour.
b Key cards are available upon request.
c Discounts are available for daily passes.
d Bike passes can be purchased at bike stations.

72 What is one rule for bike sharing?

a You must wear a helmet.
b Bikes must be returned every hour.
c You must download the app to pay.
d Bikes must be returned to the same station.

73 What is the community’s attitude towards the bike share programme?

a The community thinks bike share programmes are expensive.
b There are not enough participants for the bike share programme.
c The community doesn’t support bike share programmes.
d Bike safety is important to the community.



Read two flat reviews. Then answer questions 74-76.

B. Thomas (2 days ago)

We have been living in the Essex Flats for about six months now. The biggest problem we have
are the floors, as you can hear your neighbour’s every step. You will not just hear every step. You
can feel it, too! At first we thought they just moved in and the noise would stop once they settle in,
but it is never-ending. We finally had to ask our upstairs neighbour to try to be quieter, but she
said that she can hear her upstairs neighbour as well. That is when we realised it must be the
flooring. I can't work from home, and we can't even sleep because of sudden noises in the middle
of the night. Our entire flat shakes. I have lived in various flats throughout the London area, and I
have never experienced such constant disruption. Only consider living here if you will be living on
the top floor. Otherwise, it’s a nice spacious flat in a convenient location near the town centre.

J. Miller (one month ago)

Although the bedrooms and living area are quite big, the kitchen is rather small. It’s difficult to move
around when there’s more than one person in the room. My roommate and I enjoy cooking together, so
this is a problem for us. There's some issue with the car park, and people who park on the lower level
have a white substance falling on their cars. The windows don’t quite close completely, so we feel air
coming through the cracks. This doesn’t help with our air conditioning and central heating bills. We hear
our upstairs neighbours constantly. As if that weren’t enough, we hear our downstairs neighbours as
well. I'm currently enjoying the musical tastes of the residents below us. Tonight's selection is Miles
Davis’s classic "So What." Needless to say, we are not happy.

74 What is a common problem at the Essex Flats?

a The neighbours
b The size
c The floors
d The location

75 Why does J. Miller mention windows?

a To talk about flat design
b To describe a special feature
c To illustrate a problem
d To explain how to keep warm

76 Which statement is most likely true based on the reviews?

a B. Thomas enjoys the flat's location.

b B. Thomas doesn’t mind the parking issues.
c J. Smith enjoys spending time in her kitchen.
d J. Smith has a more positive opinion of the flat.


Read an article about Tadao Ando. Then answer questions 77-80.

Tadao Ando
Tadao Ando is a well-known Japanese architect whose style is marked by a clean minimal
look. His work can often be recognised by a sense of simplicity and focuses on inner
feeling rather than outward appearance. Having been exposed to the religious culture of
Buddhism in Japan, Ando became aware of relating architecture to spirituality and nature.
In order to practise the idea of simplicity, Ando's architecture is mostly constructed with
concrete and just a few other materials such as glass and steel.

A remarkable fact about Ando is that he is a self-taught architect. He was first inspired by the work
of architect Frank Lloyd Wright when he saw the Imperial Hotel on a trip to Tokyo in high school.
After high school, Ando worked for a brief period as a professional boxer. He eventually
decided to leave his boxing career to pursue architecture by taking evening classes to learn
drawing and interior design. He visited buildings designed by renowned architects around
the world before returning to Osaka in 1968 to establish his own design studio. Despite his
self-taught educational background, Ando went on to receive the Pritzker Prize in 1995,
widely recognised as architecture’s highest award. He has won other top awards in
architecture, including the Praemium Imperiale, the Gold Medal of the Royal Institute of
British Architects, and the Gold Medal of the American Institute of Architects.

Ando has designed everything from homes to churches to museums. Some of his best-known works
include the Church of Light in Osaka, the Water Temple in Awaji Island, the Hill of Buddha Temple in
Sapporo, and the Punta Della Dogana Museum in Venice. No matter what kind of building he is des igning,
Ando uses the same approach. To him, each space is a residence that houses a heart and a spirit. His
only job is to make that sentiment visible, which has always been his guiding philosophy.

77 What is a distinguishing feature of Ando’s work?

a Complex design
b Use of concrete
c Physical beauty
d Relation to Japan

78 What is significant about the fact that Ando received the Pritzker Prize?
a Ando has had no formal education in architecture.
b Ando doesn’t believe there should be prizes in architecture.
c It is the highest award in architecture.
d It is given to only a few architects.



79 What is one of Ando’s best-known works?

a The Imperial Hotel
b The Church of Light
c The Praemium Imperiale
d The Royal Institute of British Architects

80 What is the main influence in Ando’s work?

a Works of famous architects
b Teachings in interior design
c His former boxing career
d His spiritual beliefs


Name Class


1 abcd 6 abcd 11 a b c d 16 a b c d
2 abcd 7 abcd 12 a b c d 17 a b c d
3 abcd 8 abcd 13 a b c d 18 a b c d
4 abcd 9 abcd 14 a b c d 19 a b c d
5 abcd 10 a b c d 15 a b c d 20 a b c d

21 a b c d 26 a b c d 31 a b c d 36 a b c d 41 a b c d 46 a b c d
22 a b c d 27 a b c d 32 a b c d 37 a b c d 42 a b c d 47 a b c d
23 a b c d 28 a b c d 33 a b c d 38 a b c d 43 a b c d 48 a b c d
24 a b c d 29 a b c d 34 a b c d 39 a b c d 44 a b c d 49 a b c d
25 a b c d 30 a b c d 35 a b c d 40 a b c d 45 a b c d 50 a b c d

51 a b c d 56 a b c d 61 a b c d 66 a b c d
52 a b c d 57 a b c d 62 a b c d 67 a b c d
53 a b c d 58 a b c d 63 a b c d 68 a b c d
54 a b c d 59 a b c d 64 a b c d 69 a b c d
55 a b c d 60 a b c d 65 a b c d 70 a b c d

71 a b c d 76 a b c d
72 a b c d 77 a b c d
73 a b c d 78 a b c d
74 a b c d 79 a b c d
75 a b c d 80 a b c d

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