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Survivorship CRL Patient

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Survivorship Care
for Cancer-Related
Late and Long-Term
Presented with support from:

Available online at NCCN.org/patients

Survivorship Care for Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects

It's easy to
get lost in the
cancer world

 NCCN Guidelines
for Patients®
be your guide

Step-by-step guides to the cancer care options likely to have the best results

9 Based on treatment guidelines used by health care providers worldwide

9 Designed to help you discuss cancer treatment with your doctors

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 1

NCCN Guidelines for Patients® are developed by

the National Comprehensive Cancer Network® (NCCN®)

NCCN Clinical Practice NCCN Guidelines

NCCN  Guidelines in Oncology 
for Patients
(NCCN Guidelines®)

An alliance of leading 
Developed by doctors from 
Present information from the
cancer centers across the NCCN cancer centers using NCCN Guidelines in an easy-
United States devoted to the latest research and years to-learn format
patient care, research, and of experience

For people with cancer and

For providers of cancer care those who support them
all over the world
Cancer centers 
Explain the cancer care
that are part of NCCN:

Expert recommendations for options likely to have the
cancer screening, diagnosis, best results
and treatment
Free online at
Free online at NCCN.org/patientguidelines

and supported by funding from NCCN Foundation®

These NCCN Guidelines for Patients are based on the NCCN Guidelines® for Survivorship (Version 2.2020,
July 14, 2020).
© 2020 National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Inc. All rights reserved. NCCN Foundation seeks to support the millions of patients and their families
NCCN Guidelines for Patients and illustrations herein may not be reproduced in affected by a cancer diagnosis by funding and distributing NCCN Guidelines for
any form for any purpose without the express written permission of NCCN. No Patients. NCCN Foundation is also committed to advancing cancer treatment
one, including doctors or patients, may use the NCCN Guidelines for Patients for by funding the nation’s promising doctors at the center of innovation in cancer
any commercial purpose and may not claim, represent, or imply that the NCCN research. For more details and the full library of patient and caregiver resources,
Guidelines for Patients that have been modified in any manner are derived visit NCCN.org/patients.
from, based on, related to, or arise out of the NCCN Guidelines for Patients.
The NCCN Guidelines are a work in progress that may be redefined as often National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) / NCCN Foundation
as new significant data become available. NCCN makes no warranties of any 3025 Chemical Road, Suite 100
kind whatsoever regarding its content, use, or application and disclaims any Plymouth Meeting, PA 19462
responsibility for its application or use in any way. 215.690.0300

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 2

Sponsored by

Good Days is proud to support this educational resource for patients and their
families and offers unwavering commitment to those who struggle with chronic disease,
cancer, and other life-altering conditions. mygooddays.org

Endorsed by
American Lung Association informative, straightforward NCCN Patient Guidelines.
The American Lung Association strongly supports These guidelines are a valuable tool for patients,
efforts to help ensure all patients facing lung cancer caregivers and survivors, empowering them to live
get the highest standard of treatment and care. the best version of their lives while facing cancer.
Helping patients understand treatment guidelines is cancerhopenetwork.org
one important step in empowering them to get the
care they want and need. That is why we are pleased Save Your Skin Foundation
to endorse NCCN’s efforts to provide accessible Save Your Skin Foundation (SYSF) is a Canadian
treatment guidelines and information to patients patient-led not-for-profit group dedicated to the fight
through the NCCN Guidelines for Patients. lung.org against non-melanoma skin cancers, melanoma
and ocular melanoma. By using and sharing the
Be The Match® valuable and thorough NCCN Guidelines, SYSF is
National Marrow Donor Program® (NMDP)/Be The confident in their provision of solid patient support with
Match® is the global leader in providing a possible accurate and current information on these cancers
cure to patients with life-threatening blood and marrow and related topics such as skin cancer treatment with
cancers, as well as other diseases. Our Be The Match immunotherapy. saveyourskin.ca
Patient Support Center provides support, information,
and resources for patients, caregivers, and families. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
BeTheMatch.org/one-on-one The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is
dedicated to developing better outcomes for blood
Cancer Hope Network cancer patients and their families through research,
As an organization committed to providing peer education, support and advocacy and is happy
mentorship and ensuring that no one faces cancer to have this comprehensive resource available to
alone, Cancer Hope Network is proud to endorse the patients. lls.org/informationspecialists

With generous support from

Gena and Dan Cook Wui-Jin Koh, MD
Crystal Denlinger, MD • in honor of Judith Anne Hanada Koh
• in honor of Edgar and Cynthia Denlinger Terry Langbaum
• in honor of Joan McClure Javid Moslehi, MD
Kristina Gregory Lindsay Peterson, MD
Melissa Hudson, MD William Piri

To make a gift or learn more, please visit NCCNFoundation.org/donate

or e-mail PatientGuidelines@nccn.org.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 3
NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for
Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 4
Survivorship Care for Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects

6 Survivorship

11 Hormones and hot flashes

17 Cardiovascular disease

24 Lymphedema

30 Cognitive dysfunction

34 Sexual dysfunction

41 Fatigue

46 Sleep

52 Pain

59 Distress and mental health

63 Resources

69 Words to know

71 NCCN Contributors

72 NCCN Cancer Centers

74 Index

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 5
7 Cancer survivors
7 Survivorship care
9 Survivorship guidelines
10 Review

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 6
1  Survivorship Cancer survivors | Survivorship care

People with cancer are living longer than Survivorship care

they did in the past. They are surviving,
and their needs have changed. The large and rising number of cancer survivors
Survivorship care includes recovering need survivorship care. Survivorship care
from cancer and promoting health. improves health, wellness, and quality of life.
Standards of survivorship care are listed in
Guide 1.

Cancer survivors Prevention

Prevention of a new or recurring cancer is a key
Over the past 40 years, cancer care has greatly part of survivorship care. You can reduce your
improved. Cancer screening is finding cancer risk of cancer with healthy living. Healthy living
at early stages when it can be fully removed. includes physical activity, eating well, and not
Newer treatments are more precise and better using tobacco.
at stopping cancer growth.
Less often, medical treatments are used to
With better cancer care, people with cancer prevent cancer. Some people have surgery to
are living longer. As a result, the needs of the remove a body part, like a breast, where cancer
cancer community have changed. More people is likely to start. Some people take medication
need help to recover from cancer and its
treatment and to be healthy.

The term “cancer survivor” was proposed in Guide 1

the 1980s. The intent of the term was to raise Standards for survivorship care
awareness of better outcomes and changing
Prevention of new and recurrent cancers
needs. A person with cancer is a survivor:
Prevention of late effects of cancer and
† starting at the time of diagnosis, treatment
† during and right after treatment, and Routine testing for the return of a cancer
† through the balance of their life.
Routine testing for new cancers (screening)
Some people do not like or identify with the
term survivor. It is not meant to be a label. Its Assessment and treatment of late effects of
purpose is to identify the community of people cancer and treatment
with a history of cancer. Having a common term
is useful for improving the care of survivors. Coordinated care between providers

Planning for ongoing survivorship care

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 7
1  Survivorship Survivorship care

that lowers hormone levels to reduce the † Excess radiation from a lifetime of
chance of getting cancer. computed tomography (CT) scans slightly
increases cancer risk. Ask your provider if
Besides cancer, other unwanted effects of these scans are needed and for how long.
treatment and cancer can occur after treatment.
A goal of survivorship care is to lower your Some survivors are at risk of hereditary
chance of having these late effects. If detected cancers. Hereditary cancer is caused by
early, treatment for a late effect may reduce its abnormal genes that are passed down from
impact on your life. parents to children. Cancers that can be
hereditary include breast, ovarian, colorectal,
and prostate cancer.
Cancer surveillance
Cancer that was thought to be cured can
At health visits, update your health care
reappear on tests. The return of cancer is
providers on any new cancers among your
called a recurrence or relapse. Survivorship
blood relatives. Your provider may suggest
care includes routine checking for a recurrence.
getting genetic testing. A blood sample is
This is called surveillance. Surveillance often
needed. You may talk with a genetic counselor
includes updating your health history and a
to discuss your family’s cancer history.
physical exam. Some survivors get blood tests
or imaging like x-rays or scans.
Late effects
Many effects of treatment quickly resolve
Screening for cancer
after treatment ends. An example is nausea
Cancer screening is routine testing of cancer
and vomiting. Long-term effects start during
or pre-cancer conditions. The aim is to detect
treatment and persist after treatment is done.
cancer at an early stage when treatment works
Less often, effects start long after treatment
best. There is screening for prostate, breast,
has ended. During health visits, your health
cervical, skin, lung, and colorectal cancers.
care providers will assess for such late effects.
Screening is started when there is an average
They will provide treatment for late or long-term
or high risk of cancer. Ask your health care
effects as needed.
provider what screening, if any, you need.

Survivors have a higher risk of a new (second) Coordinated care

cancer. Ask your health care provider about Cancer survivors often receive care from
your chance of getting a second cancer. multiple providers. You may receive care from
oncologists, a primary care provider, and non-
† Some causes of a first cancer may be cancer specialists. Your providers will work
related to getting a second cancer. together and clarify their roles to address all
your needs. Over time, your primary care
† Some cancer treatments may increase
provider will resume charge over your health
cancer risk. Such treatments include
care. You’ll see your cancer doctor less often or
radiation therapy, certain chemotherapies,
if new symptoms arise.
and certain targeted therapies.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 8
1  Survivorship Survivorship guidelines

Ongoing planning of care Survivorship guidelines

A key part of survivorship care is ongoing
planning of your health care. Your cancer or There have been challenges to putting
primary care provider will assess your needs. survivorship care into practice. One of the
See one or both of them at least once a year. strategies to overcome these challenges is
They will review your cancer care, health practice guidelines.
history, current abilities, and medications.
Practice guidelines include recommendations
Your provider will review the plan with you. You by experts of the best options for care. They
will be given a schedule of follow-up visits, such are based on health research, such as clinical
as cancer surveillance and screening. Possible trials. Providers use practice guidelines to tailor
late effects may be included in the plan. Your health care to each person.
providers may refer you to other specialists and
community resources. NCCN has practice guidelines on survivorship
for health care providers. The guidelines:

† Pertain to survivors with an onset of

cancer in adulthood
† Apply whether treatment is ongoing,
paused, stopped, or completed
† Address general survivorship issues, late
and long-term effects, and healthy living
† Include screening, testing, and treatment
† Complement treatment guidelines for
NCCN has a two-part book series for survivors
that are based on the practice guidelines. This
survivorship book addresses late and long-term
effects of cancer and treatment. Read about
preventing poor health in NCCN Guidelines for
Patients: Survivorship Care for Healthy Living,
available at NCCN.org/patientguidelines.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 9
1  Survivorship Review

Review † NCCN practice guidelines have been

adapted into a two-part book series
† A person with cancer is a survivor starting intended for cancer survivors. This
at diagnosis and through the balance of survivor book addresses late and long-
their life. term effects of cancer and treatment.
† Survivorship care is needed for the large
and rising number of survivors. It improves
health, wellness, and quality of life.

† Prevention of new and recurrent cancers is
part of survivorship care. One way to lower
your chance of cancer is through healthy
† Survivorship care includes routine testing,
called surveillance, for a recurrence. I decided that I am a survivor; I
† Survivors are at higher risk for a second have to call myself one. Once I did,
cancer. Follow cancer screening it changed my mental focus.
recommendations. If needed, genetic
testing can confirm if you are at risk for
hereditary cancer. – Mike
† Your health care providers will assess for Cancer survivor
late effects of cancer and its treatment.
They will prescribe care to relieve or treat
late effects.
† Your team of care providers will work
together to meet your needs. They will
clarify their roles in your care. Over time,
your primary care provider will resume
charge of your health care.
† Planning of survivorship care is ongoing.
Survivorship plans often include follow-up
visits, possible late effects, and referrals to
† There have been challenges to putting
survivorship care into practice. To address
these challenges, NCCN produces
practice guidelines on survivorship for
health care providers.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 10
Hormones and hot flashes
12 Sex hormones
14 Assessment
14 Treatment of hot flashes
16 Review

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 11
2  Hormones and hot flashes Sex hormones

Some cancer treatments cause levels of Causes of low sex hormones among cancer
sex hormones to drop. Hot flashes are survivors include aging and cancer treatment.
one of many symptoms that may occur Certain cancer treatments reduce hormone
as a result. Read this chapter to learn levels or block hormone effects.
about hormone-related symptoms and
treatment for hot flashes. † Hormone therapy for prostate cancer
targets male sex hormones. The most
common form is called androgen
deprivation therapy (ADT).
Sex hormones † Orchiectomy is a surgery that removes
one or both testicles. It is a type of ADT
Sex hormones play a key role in puberty, and also treats testicular cancer.
having babies, and overall health. Testosterone
† Chemotherapy, pelvic radiation, and
is the main male sex hormone and is made
surgery may damage testes and ovaries.
by the testicles (or testes). Estrogen and
When damaged, these organs may not
progesterone are the main female sex
make hormones.
hormones. The ovaries produce the most
estrogen and progesterone. † Endocrine therapy for breast cancer
targets female sex hormones. It is also
The level of sex hormones declines as people called hormone therapy.
age. The pattern of decline differs between the
† Oophorectomy is a surgery that removes
sexes. Testosterone made by the testes slowly
ovaries. It is a type of endocrine therapy
drops over many years. During a menstrual
and also treats ovarian cancer.
cycle, estrogen and progesterone levels rise
and fall. They quickly drop when a person stops
A drop in sex hormones may cause unwanted
having menstrual cycles.
symptoms. Low female sex hormones caused
by aging or cancer treatment often causes
The end of menstrual cycles is called
menopausal symptoms. Sudden drops of male
menopause. Menopause caused by aging is
sex hormones caused by cancer treatment
called natural menopause. Health providers
often causes symptoms. Symptoms as well as
identify natural menopause by an absence
signs and health risks of low sex hormones are
of menstrual periods for 12 months. There
listed in Guide 2.
is a transition time to menopause called
perimenopause. During perimenopause,
menstrual periods may start sooner or later
than normal.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 12
2  Hormones and hot flashes Sex hormones

Guide 2
Symptoms, signs, and health risks of low levels of sex hormones

Low female sex hormones Low male sex hormones

Hot flashes, night sweats Hot flashes, night sweats

Urogenital problems like urinary tract infections Enlarged breasts

Vaginal dryness A size decrease of the penis, testicles, or both

Sexual dysfunction Sexual dysfunction

Sleep disturbance Sleep disturbance

Mood disorders, such as depression Mood disorders, such as depression

Cognitive changes Cognitive changes

Joint pain and muscle aches Joint pain and muscle aches

Fatigue Fatigue

Weak bones and fractures Weak bones and fractures

Heart disease Heart disease

Parkinson’s disease Sudden kidney injury

Blood clots

Less muscle and more fat



Hair loss

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 13
2  Hormones and hot flashes
flashes Assessment
Assessment | Treatment of hot flashes

Assessment Treatment of hot flashes

Your health care provider may ask about Hot flashes are a sudden feeling of warmth
symptoms related to low sex hormones. If the in the upper body. During a hot flash, many
symptoms cause problems, your provider will people sweat and their skin looks flushed. The
do an assessment. The cause of the symptom intensity of hot flashes can range from mild to
will be confirmed. Be ready to give an update severe. Other names of hot flashes are night
on your health history and medications. You sweats and vasomotor symptoms. Treatment
may get blood tests of sex hormones. for hot flashes is listed in Guide 3.

There is treatment for many hormone-related For prostate cancer survivors taking ADT, a
symptoms. change in the prescription may help. You may
be able to take breaks from ADT to relieve side
† Read chapter 3 for treatment of heart effects like hot flashes. This treatment approach
disease. is called intermittent ADT.
† Read chapter 5 for treatment of cognitive
Hormones may be used to treat hot flashes
but are not safe for some cancer survivors.
† Read chapter 6 for treatment of sexual Estrogen by itself may be used to treat
dysfunction, vaginal dryness, and survivors whose uterus has been removed. It is
urogenital complaints. given with progestin when the uterus is intact.
† Read chapter 7 for treatment of fatigue.
Medroxyprogesterone, estrogen, and
† Read chapter 8 for treatment of sleep cyproterone acetate relieve hot flashes caused
problems. by ADT. Androgens are used to treat hot flashes
caused by treatment-damaged testicles but
† Read chapter 9 for treatment of joint and
should not be taken by prostate and breast
muscle pain.
cancer survivors.
† Read chapter 10 for treatment of
depression and anxiety. There are medications without hormones that
reduce hot flashes. Antidepressants treat hot
† This chapter focuses on treatment of hot
flashes at lower doses and faster than they
treat depression. Anticonvulsants also treat hot
flashes at lower doses than they treat seizures.
Anticonvulsants can cause sleepiness, so they
may be most helpful for night sweats. Clonidine
is a blood pressure medicine that also treats
hot flashes.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 14
2  Hormones and hot flashes Treatment of hot flashes

Hot flashes may be reduced by methods other Compounds that don’t work or aren’t safe
than drugs. Acupuncture, yoga, and hypnosis include phytoestrogens, botanicals, dietary
may help. Healthy living improves overall health supplements, and black cohosh.
and may help with hot flashes. Avoid drinking
alcohol if it is a trigger of hot flashes. Cognitive
behavioral therapy (CBT) may help reduce the
impact of hot flashes.

Guide 3
Treatments for hot flashes
Options for females: Options for males:
Hormones • Estrogen with progestins • Medroxyprogesterone
• Estrogen • Cyproterone acetate
• Estrogen with bazedoxifene • Estrogen

• Venlafaxine (preferred)
• Desvenlafaxine
• Escitalopram
Antidepressants • Citalopram
• Sertraline
• Paroxetine
• Fluoxetine

Anticonvulsants • Gabapentin (preferred)

• Pregabalin

hypertensives • Clonidine

Options for females: Options for males:

• Acupuncture • Acupuncture
Integrative therapy • Healthy living including physical • Healthy living including physical
and lifestyle changes activity and maintaining a normal activity and maintaining a normal
weight weight
• Cognitive behavioral therapy • Cognitive behavioral therapy
• Hypnosis

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 15
2  Hormones and hot flashes Review

† Sex hormones play a key role in puberty,
having babies, and overall health.
Gynecomastia is an enlargement of male breast † A drop in sex hormones may cause
tissue. Male breasts enlarge as a result of aging. unwanted symptoms.
Certain health conditions and medications can
† Cancer survivors may be screened
also increase breast size. Cancer treatments
for symptoms related to a decrease in
that reduce male sex hormones may enlarge sex hormones. If the symptoms cause
breasts. problems, an assessment is needed. You
may get blood tests of hormones.
There are 3 treatments for gynecomastia.
One option is radiation to the breasts before † There are treatments for many hormone-
related symptoms.
they enlarge. Another option is a medication
called tamoxifen. Tamoxifen stops the action † Hot flashes are a sudden feeling of warmth
of estrogen in breast tissue. The third option is in the upper body. The intensity of hot
surgery that removes breast tissue. This surgery flashes can range from mild to severe.
is called reduction mammoplasty. † If on ADT nonstop, taking breaks may
provide relief from hot flashes.

† Treatment for hot flashes includes
hormones, antidepressants, and
anticonvulsants. Acupuncture, healthy
living, and cognitive behavioral therapy
may also help treat hot flashes.

Knowing there is treatment

available gave me hope at diagnosis
and for the future.

– Margaux
Cancer survivor

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 16
Cardiovascular disease
18 Cancer and heart health
20 Preventing heart disease
22 Anthracycline-induced heart
23 Review

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 17
3  Cardiovascular disease Cancer and heart health

Cancer survivors are at risk for heart The onset of cardiovascular disease varies
disease. Read this chapter to learn how among cancer survivors. Except for radiation,
you and your health care providers can cardiovascular disease that is related to
lower your risk. cancer treatment starts during or shortly after
therapy. Radiation-related cardiovascular
disease may occur years after treatment ends.
Cardiovascular disease that is not related to
Cancer and heart health cancer treatment most often develops 5 or
more years after diagnosis. There is time to
prevent or control cardiovascular disease with
Cardiovascular disease is a group of disorders
healthy living and treatment.
of the heart and blood vessels. It is often
simply called heart disease. Some types of

cardiovascular disease are listed in Guide 4.

Cardiovascular disease causes the most

deaths around the world. It can cause disabling
and fatal events.

† Heart attack (myocardial infarction) Stay in contact with family, friends

† Stroke (cerebrovascular accident) and neighbors. Let them know
† Blocked blood vessel (embolism) you want to hear from them via
text. My family and friends sent
Cancer survivors are more likely to develop
heart disease than people who never have me daily songs, inspirations and
had cancer. Cardiovascular disease causes humor. You will see that it is really
more deaths among survivors than many types
helpful to re-read them when you
of cancer. Some of the causes of cancer can
also cause cardiovascular disease. Some are alone.
cancer treatments increase the chance of
cardiovascular disease.
– Judith
† Chemotherapy such as anthracyclines Cancer survivor
† Targeted therapy such as HER2-targeted
† Hormone therapy such as androgen
deprivation therapy (ADT)
† Radiation therapy delivered near the heart
† Immunotherapy such as immune
checkpoint inhibitors

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 18
3  Cardiovascular disease Cancer and heart health

Guide 4
Types of cardiovascular disease
An abnormal rate or pattern of the heartbeat.

A fatty buildup in the inner walls of arteries that may restrict blood flow.

atrial fibrillation (Afib)

An abnormal beating of the top chambers of the heart.

Diseased heart muscle.

cerebrovascular disease
Disorders of blood vessels in the brain.

coronary artery disease

Disorders of the arteries that encase the heart.

heart failure
An inability of the heart to pump enough blood. Also called congestive heart failure.

peripheral vascular disease

Disorders of blood vessels outside the heart. Also called peripheral arterial disease.

ventricular fibrillation
An abnormal beating of the bottom chambers of the heart.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 19
3  Cardiovascular disease Preventing heart disease

Preventing heart disease Work with your health care providers to learn
about and lower your risk of cardiovascular
A risk factor is anything that increases your disease. Your cancer and primary care
chance for cardiovascular disease. Your risk providers will work together to coordinate your
of cardiovascular disease increases as the care. You may see other specialists as needed.
number of risk factors increase. Some risk Steps to prevent heart disease among cancer
factors can’t be changed, such as your age. survivors are listed in Guide 5.
Other risk factors can be managed, such as:
ABCDEs of cardiovascular wellness
† High blood pressure (hypertension)
One of the first steps of cardiovascular wellness
† High cholesterol is awareness. Learn about the risk factors of
cardiovascular disease. Also, learn about its
† High blood sugar (diabetes)
signs and symptoms. Signs and symptoms
† Tobacco use differ between the types of heart disease. They
also differ between sexes. See Chapter 11
† Obesity

Guide 5
The ABCDEs of cardiovascular wellness in cancer survivors

• Awareness of the risk factors and symptoms of heart disease

A • Assessment of being at risk for or having heart disease
• Aspirin use as needed

B • Blood pressure management

• Cholesterol management
C • Cigarette and tobacco cessation (quit smoking)

• Diet and weight management

D • Doses of anthracylines, radiation to the heart, or both
• Diabetes prevention and treatment

• Exercise
E • Echocardiogram, electrocardiogram, or both—as needed

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 20
3  Cardiovascular disease Preventing heart disease

for informational resources on cardiovascular the primary care provider who monitors. Your
disease. weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol will
be measured on a regular basis. You will be
Your health care providers will assess if you screened for diabetes. Be prepared to discuss
have or are at risk for heart disease. Testing of your exercise, eating, and tobacco habits.
your heart with an echocardiogram (ECHO),
electrocardiogram (ECG), or both may be Your health care providers will help you reduce
needed. An echocardiogram detects structural your risk of cardiovascular disease. Medication
changes in the heart. An electrocardiogram can help control diabetes, high blood pressure,
detects abnormal heartbeats. and cholesterol. Exercise, healthful eating, and
not using tobacco can also reduce your risk.
Ask your cancer doctor if your treatment may Read about preventing poor health in NCCN
damage your heart. Radiation near the heart Guidelines for Patients: Survivorship Care
may be harmful. Certain chemotherapy drugs, for Healthy Living, available at NCCN.org/
like anthracyclines, may also cause heart patientguidelines.
damage. Heart damage from radiation therapy
or chemotherapy is related to dose. Doses Taking aspirin once a day may decrease the
have been standardized to treat cancer and risk of heart attack and stroke. Its benefits
limit heart damage. vary between people. It may cause unwanted
effects. Ask your provider if you should take
One or more of your health care providers will aspirin to lower your chance of cardiovascular
monitor for cardiovascular disease. Often, it is disease.


An echocardiogram makes
pictures of the heart. A
technician will move an
ultrasound device on
your chest and record the
pictures. Your health care
provider will discuss the
results with you.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 21
3  Cardiovascular disease Anthracycline-induced heart failure

Anthracycline-induced heart Symptoms of heart failure include:

† Shortness of breath or chest pain after
Anthracyclines are a type of chemotherapy. physical activity
They increase the risk of heart failure—a
† Shortness of breath when sleeping
condition in which the heart can’t pump enough
blood. Heart failure ranges from mild to severe. † Waking up from shortness of breath
† Swelling in your legs
The risk of heart failure from anthracyclines
differs between people. It is partly based on
Your doctor will assess for all risk factors of
which anthracycline was received and the total
heart failure. You will get an echocardiogram if
dose. A high doxorubicin dose of 250 mg/m2 or
you had a high anthracycline dose, have other
above is more likely to be toxic.
risk factors, or have symptoms of heart failure.

Screening of heart failure

Prevention and early treatment
Get screened for heart failure within 1 year after
After screening, your care providers will keep
anthracycline treatment. Your cancer doctor will
checking for heart failure. Heart failure may not
examine your body and ask about symptoms of
show until many years after treatment. Read
heart failure.
Guide 6 to learn about the 4 stages of heart

Guide 6
Stages of heart failure

Your cancer and primary care providers

Stage A Your heart appears healthy but you are at
will manage risk factors. They may refer
risk for heart failure.
you to a cardiologist.

Tests show structural heart disease but A cardiologist will provide treatment. As
Stage B you do not have signs or symptoms of needed, your cancer and primary care
heart failure. providers will address risk factors.

Stage C You have structural heart disease and

A cardiologist will provide treatment.
signs and symptoms of heart failure.

You have advanced structural heart

Stage D disease and major symptoms of heart A cardiologist will provide treatment.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

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3  Cardiovascular disease Review

The 4 stages are partly based on heart defects about your risk factors of cardiovascular
called structural heart disease. Structural disease. Your care providers will monitor
defects may be detected before you have and help manage risk factors that can be
symptoms. Defects in the heart’s main pumping changed.
chamber (left ventricle) or to heart valves may
† Anthracyclines are a type of
occur, such as:
chemotherapy. They increase the risk of
heart failure.
† Enlargement of the left ventricle
† Screening for heart failure within 1 year
† Thinning of left ventricle wall
after anthracycline treatment is needed.
† Weakened contractions of the left ventricle You may get an echocardiogram. An
echocardiogram detects structural
† Heart valve disease
changes in the heart.
To prevent severe heart failure, follow the † After anthracycline treatment, it
ABCDEs of cardiovascular wellness. Your is important to lower your risk of
cancer and primary care providers will manage cardiovascular disease including heart
risk factors. An expert in heart disease, called failure. You may take medication, live more
a cardiologist, treats stage B, C, and D heart healthfully, or see a cardiologist.
failure. This doctor may prescribe medication
and other treatment to keep your heart as

healthy as possible.

† Cardiovascular disease is a group of Survivorship is HOPE.
disorders of the heart and blood vessels.
† Cancer survivors are more likely to
– Nigel
develop cardiovascular disease than
people who never have had cancer. Cancer survivor
† A risk factor is anything that increases
your chance for cardiovascular disease.
Reducing risk factors can help prevent
cardiovascular disease and events. Risk
factors that can be managed include high
blood pressure, high cholesterol, and
† To reduce your risk, follow the ABCDEs
of cardiovascular wellness. To start, learn

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

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25 Stages of lymphedema
26 Assessment and referral
27 Management and treatment
29 Review

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4  Lymphedema Stages of lymphedema

Lymphedema is a buildup of fluid called vessels transport the fluid, now called lymph,
lymph. This chapter explains how to the bloodstream. As lymph travels, it passes
lymphedema can be reversed in early though lymph tissue that filters out germs and
stages. It also explains how to reduce cell waste. Lymph tissue includes the tonsils,
symptoms of lymphedema. spleen, and lymph nodes.

Lymphedema is a buildup of lymph in fatty

tissue under the skin. It occurs when the lymph
Stages of lymphedema system is damaged or blocked. Lymph buildup
causes inflammation that can lead to scar
tissue, infection, and fat deposits.
The lymph (or lymphatic) system is a network of
fluid and tissues in your body. It transports fluid
Swelling is the key symptom of lymphedema.
called lymph to the bloodstream. It also helps
Lymph may amass in a limb, neck, trunk,
fight infections and disease.
genitals, or other part of the body. Swelling
occurs on the side of the body that was treated.
The space between cells in body tissue is filled
Symptoms of lymphedema by stage are listed
with fluid. When tissue fluid increases, some of
in Guide 7.
it drains into ducts called lymph vessels. Lymph

Guide 7
Symptoms of lymphedema by stage
No swelling but there may be subtle symptoms, such as
Stage 0 • A heavy feeling in a limb
• Feeling of fatigue in a limb

• Swelling can be seen on the side of body that was treated

• Swelling in a limb is reduced with elevation or compression
Stage 1
• An indent in the skin may occur when pressure is applied (called pitting)
• Area with lymphedema is larger, heavier, or stiffer

• The swollen area has a spongy texture

• Swelling in limb does not decrease with elevation
Stage 2
• An indent in the skin (pitting) is less visible as swelling increases
• Scar tissue may form making the swollen area larger and feel hard

• Swelling has further increased making the area larger

• Skin of swollen area is severely dry, scaly, or thickened
Stage 3
• In the limbs, fluid leakage and blisters are common
• Moving limbs or turning your neck may be limited

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4  Lymphedema Assessment and referral

Lymphedema may get worse over time without Assessment and referral
treatment. Stage 0 lymphedema is the earliest
stage when there are subtle or no symptoms. If you are at risk for lymphedema, your cancer
Swelling starts in stage 1 and gets worse in doctor will ask about symptoms at health
stages 2 and 3. visits. Lymphedema can occur any time after
cancer treatment but most often occurs within
Lymphedema is common among cancer 18 months. If symptoms are present, your
survivors. It may occur after surgery or radiation doctor will ask questions about:
to lymph nodes near the armpit, collarbone,
or groin. It may also occur after procedures † How often and severe is the swelling
called sentinel node biopsy and lymph node
† Pain or discomfort

† Loss of strength, range of motion, or
† Ability to do things you usually do

To confirm that you have lymphedema, tests

are needed to rule out a return or worsening of
Sometimes no matter how tough cancer. You then may be referred to a certified
lymphedema therapist. This therapist may be a
the journey, there were beautiful
physician, an occupational therapist, or physical
days. No cars on the road, and a therapist.
clear sky. This is how I felt later on
The therapist may measure your limb. If not
in my journey. I started seeing that measured before treatment, the swollen limb
there is hope. can be compared to the normal limb. You may
need to do stretches to check your range of
– Michael
Cancer survivor Lymphedema may cause or worsen distress,
depression, or anxiety. Tell your provider if you
feel distressed. There is help. Read chapter 10
to learn more.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 26
4  Lymphedema Management and treatment

Management and treatment for Healthy Living, available at NCCN.org/

For the best results, detecting lymphedema
at early stages is needed. Lymphedema can
Medical procedures
be reversed in stages 0 and 1, but treatment
Early research suggests that air travel,
doesn’t work as well in stages 2 and 3. Self-
venipuncture, and blood pressure
management strategies and treatment of
measurement don’t trigger lymphedema. More
lymphedema are listed in Guide 8.
research is needed to prove these results. Until
there are better data, get medical procedures
Education on the limb that is not at risk for lymphedema.
It is important that you learn about But, if needed, procedures may be done on the
lymphedema. Learn the risk factors of at-risk limb.
lymphedema, such as older age, being
overweight, and cancer treatment. Know the
signs and symptoms of lymphedema. When
you first notice symptoms, promptly tell your Guide 8
care provider. Self-management and treatment of
Infections Learn about lymphedema
Infections are more likely to happen in the
Promptly report any symptoms of
swollen area. Infections can occur even before lymphedema to your care provider
swelling begins. Prevent infections by taking
good care of your skin. Keep your skin clean. Prevent infections at the site of lymphedema
Moisturize to prevent skin cracking. Protect
yourself from injury that would cause swelling. Promptly report any symptoms of infection to
your care provider
Immediately tell your provider if you notice Consult with a lymphedema specialist before
symptoms of infection. Symptoms include starting physical activity
redness, pain, skin streaking, and feeling
Find a trainer for water exercise or
of warmth in the area. You may need to progressive resistance training, which may
be hospitalized to receive intravenous (IV) improve lymphedema symptoms
antibiotics for infections.
Get medical procedures done on the limb that
doesn’t have lymphedema
Physical activity
Physical activity and strength training do not Talk to a lymphedema specialist about
trigger lymphedema. In fact, strength training wearing compression garments
may reduce symptoms of lymphedema. Water Talk to a lymphedema specialist about
exercise may be an option, too. Consult with a manual lymph drainage
lymphedema therapist before starting physical
activity. Read about physical activity in NCCN See a physical therapist for range-of-motion
Guidelines for Patients: Survivorship Care

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Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 27
4  Lymphedema Management and treatment

Compression garments Physical therapy

Compression garments apply pressure to Lymphedema can restrict your range of motion.
the area with lymphedema. The pressure See a physical therapist for help. The therapist
helps move lymph away from the swollen will teach you gentle stretching and range-of-
area. Your therapist will assess your need motion exercises. These movements may push
for these garments. If needed, it’s important the lymph to another area. At follow-up visits,
to get garments that fit well and to use them your provider will check your range of motion
correctly. At follow-up visits, tell your therapist again.
if the garment is not fitting right. Compression
garments can be replaced as needed.

Manual lymphatic drainage

Manual lymphatic drainage is a type of
massage. The massage moves fluid from the
swollen area to where the lymph system is
working. There is also a simple form of self-
massage. Your provider will assess if manual
lymphatic drainage is safe for you.

Compression garments

Compression garments apply

pressure that helps move lymph
away from a swollen area.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

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4  Lymphedema Review

† Lymphedema is a buildup of a fluid called
lymph under the skin.
† Stage 0 is the earliest stage of
lymphedema. Swelling starts in stage 1
and worsens in stages 2 and 3.
† Causes of lymphedema include surgery
and radiation to lymph nodes.
† Lymphedema can occur any time after
cancer treatment but most often occurs
within 18 months.
† You may be referred to a lymphedema
therapist if you have lymphedema.
† To plan treatment, you will be asked about
symptoms of lymphedema. You may have
your limbs measured and your range of
motion checked.
† Self-management of lymphedema starts
with learning about lymphedema. Promptly
tell your care provider if you notice
symptoms of lymphedema or infection.
Do strength training if your lymphedema
specialist says it’s safe.
† Wearing compression garments, having
lymph drainage massages, and physical
therapy may help relieve symptoms.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 29
Cognitive dysfunction
31 Problems with thinking
31 Assessment
32 Interventions
33 Review

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5  Cognitive dysfunction Problems with thinking | Assessment

Cancer and its treatment may impair Assessment

your memory or other thinking skills.
Read this chapter to learn how to At this time, there isn’t one good screening tool
improve your skills and cope with these of cancer-related cognitive dysfunction. To get
changes. help, tell your health care provider about any
cognitive problems you have. Ask family or
friends to share what they have observed. Your
health care provider will ask questions about
Problems with thinking the nature, onset, and course of the problem.

Your provider will assess what is causing or

Cognitive function is a set of brain-based
adding to the cognitive dysfunction. Some of
thinking skills. These skills include learning,
these factors can be changed or treated, such
reasoning, memory, problem solving, and
decision-making. Cognitive dysfunction is an
impairment of one or more thinking skills.
† Pain
Many cancer survivors report having some † Sleep problems
degree of cognitive dysfunction. Common
† Fatigue
problems occur with memory, attention,
planning, processing, and learning. Cognitive † Depression
dysfunction may be caused by cancer and its
† Medications or supplements
treatment. It may be more severe when cancer
starts in or spreads to the brain.
Some people may need imaging. Your provider
may prescribe brain imaging based on your
Cognitive dysfunction most commonly
symptoms. Imaging may also be done to
occurs after chemotherapy. When related to

assess for cancer in the brain.
chemotherapy, it is often called “chemobrain.”
The causes of chemobrain are not well
understood. Other cancer treatments that may
cause cognitive dysfunction include endocrine
therapy, radiation therapy, and surgery.

Cognitive dysfunction differs between cancer Anxiety and depression were real
survivors. The type of problem varies. Problems
can be long-term or short lived. Most survivors during my cancer treatments.
do not have severe problems but some do.
When severe, cognitive dysfunction can impact
– Judith
quality of life and ability to work.
Cancer survivor

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5  Cognitive dysfunction Interventions

Interventions Self-management strategies

You may improve your cognitive ability through
Cognitive dysfunction among cancer survivors brain training. Brain training may include
does not get worse over time. Instead, it may cognitive rehabilitation or cognitive behavioral
get better. For bothersome problems, there therapy. Both are described later in this section.
are ways to improve or cope with cognitive
dysfunction. See Guide 9 for a list of If you’re forgetful, get organized and use
interventions. memory devices. Also, keep items in the same
place. Use notes, planners, and apps on smart
Education and counseling
Many cancer survivors who have cognitive
Manage stress and energy. Practice relaxation
dysfunction benefit from education and
using meditation or by other means. Develop
counseling. Survivors also benefit when their
stress management skills. Mindfulness-based
family understands cognitive dysfunction.
stress reduction is a program that teaches how
Education focuses on symptoms and the
to deal with daily stressors. Do demanding
course of cognitive dysfunction. Counseling
tasks when your energy levels are the highest.
focuses on management and coping strategies
of cognitive dysfunction.
Live a healthy lifestyle. Move more and
exercise. Limit alcohol and other agents that
alter cognition and sleep.

Get help for health conditions that limit

cognitive ability. Distress and depression can
Guide 9 make it hard to focus. Sleep problems, fatigue,
Interventions for cognitive dysfunction and pain can affect cognitive abilities, too.
Education and counseling Some medications and diseases can impair
brain function.
Self-management strategies

Neuropsychological evaluation Neuropsychological evaluation

A neuropsychological evaluation is based
Cognitive rehabilitation on testing of your cognitive function. It
may include tests of attention, memory,
language, perception, learning, planning,
Routine physical activity and judgment. Cancer-related cognitive
dysfunction is not always detected by tests.
Medications Based on the results, the neuropsychologist
will give recommendations, such as cognitive

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 32
5  Cognitive dysfunction Review

Cognitive rehabilitation Review

The brain has the ability to change and
adapt in adulthood. Because of the brain’s † Cognitive function is a set of brain-based
plasticity, training can improve cognitive thinking skills. Cognitive dysfunction is an
function. Cognitive rehabilitation is a set impairment of one or more thinking skills.
of services designed to improve cognitive
† Among cancer survivors, cognitive
function. You may work with an occupational
dysfunction can be caused by the cancer
therapist, speech-language pathologist, or
or treatment.
† To get help, tell your health care provider
about any cognitive problems you have.
Your provider will assess what is causing
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a type
or adding to the cognitive dysfunction.
of short-term psychotherapy. Treatment goals
include changing unhealthy thoughts and † Many cancer survivors benefit from
behaviors. CBT for fatigue or cognitive function education on cognitive dysfunction. It
may improve some types of cognitive function. can be a relief to know that cognitive
dysfunction does not get worse over time.
Physical activity † Counseling can help survivors manage
Being physically active is good for overall and cope with cognitive dysfunction. You
health. It may also improve cognitive function. may benefit from memory tools, stress
Aerobic activity that improves heart health also management, and living healthfully.
improves cognitive function in older adults.
† A neuropsychological evaluation may
More research is needed on physical activity
detect specific types of cognitive
and cognitive function among cancer survivors.
dysfunction. Based on results,
a neuropsychologist can make
Medication recommendations.
Your health care provider may prescribe
† Interventions that may improve cognition
medication. Stimulants, such as
include cognitive rehabilitation, CBT,
methylphenidate and modafinil, are sometimes
exercise, and medications.
used for treatment. Another option is donepezil,
which enhances cognition in people with
dementia. Your provider will choose the
best medication for you. Do not take these
medications without medical oversight. More
research of medications for cancer survivors
with cognitive dysfunction is needed.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

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Sexual dysfunction
35 Symptoms and causes
36 Assessment and referral
37 Female sexual dysfunction
39 Male sexual dysfunction
40 Review

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6  Sexual dysfunction Symptoms and causes

Many cancer survivors experience a Sexual dysfunction is common among cancer

decline in sexual function and activity. survivors. It may be caused by cancer and
This chapter explains what causes the its treatment. Tell your health care provider if
decline. It also describes treatments that you are having sexual problems. Ask if your
may restore sexual function. problems are related to cancer or treatment.

The impact of cancer treatment on sexual

function varies. Sexual dysfunction is common
Symptoms and causes when organs in the pelvis have cancer or are
removed. Radiation and surgery in the pelvis
may damage sex organs. Androgen deprivation
Sexuality is part of who you are. It includes
therapy (ADT) and endocrine therapy lower
your feelings and thoughts of people you find
the level of sex hormones. Certain types
attractive. It also includes how you express
of chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and
these feelings and thoughts.
immunotherapy reduce hormone levels, too.
Many people express their sexuality through
sexual activity. Normal sexual function includes
feelings of desire, becoming aroused, orgasm,
and feeling satisfied. As people age, changes in Guide 10
sexual activity and function are common. Symptoms of sexual dysfunction

Sexual dysfunctions are ongoing problems with Male and female symptoms
desire or the ability to respond with arousal, Low desire for sexual activity
orgasm, or satisfaction. Sexual dysfunction
often causes distress and discontent with Trouble getting or staying aroused
sexual activity. Some symptoms of sexual
dysfunction are listed in Guide 10. Trouble having an orgasm

Pain during sex

Besides aging, sexual dysfunctions can occur
because of one or more reasons. Female symptoms

† Illness or disease Vaginal dryness

† Low levels of sex hormones Tight vaginal muscles

† Medication Male symptoms

† Poor mental health and well-being Trouble getting or maintaining an erection
† Relationship issues Ejaculation occurs too soon, slowly, not at all

Backward flow of semen into bladder

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6  Sexual dysfunction Assessment and referral

Many cancer survivors do not feel well during † Gynecologists are doctors who are
and after cancer care. High levels of distress, experts in the female reproductive system.
pain, sleepiness, or fatigue reduce sexual Urologists are doctors who are experts in
desire and arousal. After a cancer diagnosis, the urinary tract and the male reproductive
mental health and relationships may decline system.
and impact sexual functioning. You may want
† Fertility specialists help people have
to avoid sexual activity because you do not like
babies. Your cancer doctor will refer you to
your body.
a fertility specialist if you want to have kids
after treatment.

Assessment and referral

Your health care providers will ask about your
sexual functioning. Don’t be shy to share any
concerns or problems. If you are younger,
your provider will also talk to you about having
children and birth control.
Anxiety? You are not alone,
Your health care provider may ask you to especially for the newly diagnosed.
complete a short survey. Surveys help pinpoint It will get better! You will be able to
the type and severity of sexual dysfunction.
To plan treatment, your provider will identify think clearer and develop questions
the causes of sexual dysfunction. Be ready that you want more info on.
to give an update on your health history and
medications. You will likely get blood tests of
testosterone if your testes were affected by – Steve
cancer treatment. Cancer survivor
Based on an assessment, you may be referred
to other providers.

† Sexual health specialists are experts

in sexual function. They may have a
background in primary care, gynecology,
urology, oncology, psychology, or
rehabilitation medicine.
† Mental health professionals can provide
sex and couples therapy. They also treat
issues related to sexual function, such as
depression, anxiety, and alcohol abuse.

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6  Sexual dysfunction Female sexual dysfunction

Female sexual dysfunction may not be safe if you had an estrogen-

dependent cancer.
There is little research on treatment of female
sexual dysfunction. Treatment options for For vaginal dryness and pain, there are
female cancer survivors are mostly based on treatments without hormones. Ospemifene is
research of non-cancer patients. See Guide 11 an oral medicine that reduces pain by acting
for a list of treatments. like estrogen. Survivors of estrogen-dependent
cancers should not take ospemifene. Pain
Vaginal hormones may reduce dryness and may be prevented with anesthetics applied to
pain. Estrogen can be directly applied to the the vulva before sex. Lubricants also prevent
vagina with an estrogen ring, suppository, or painful sex but may irritate the area. More
cream. Other hormones called DHEA and research is needed for vaginal moisturizers,
testosterone are creams. Vaginal hormones vaginal gels, and oils.

Guide 11
Treatment for female sexual dysfunction
• Androgens
• Bremelanotide
Low sex drive • Flibanserin
• Bupropion
• Buspirone

• Vaginal estrogen
• Vaginal testosterone or DHEA
Vaginal dryness
• Lubricants for sex
• Vaginal moisturizers, gels, and oils

• Treatments for vaginal dryness

• Ospemifene
Pain during sex • Topical anesthetics
• Vaginal dilators
• Pelvic physical therapy

• Vibrator
Problems with orgasm
• Pelvic physical therapy

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6  Sexual dysfunction Female sexual dysfunction

Devices improve sexual function. A dilator is a

tube-shaped device that stretches the vagina. Urogenital complaints
It is used to prevent painful sex. More research
is needed, but dilators may prevent narrowing
Urogenital complaints are female health
of the vagina after pelvic radiation. Stimulation
problems related to the thinning of the vaginal
devices, like a vibrator, can help people have
better orgasms. or urinary tract wall. Such problems include:

• Urine leaks (incontinence)

Pelvic physical therapy strengthens the pelvic
floor muscles. This group of muscles supports • Pain when urinating
the bladder, uterus, and rectum. Pelvic physical • Urinary tract infection (UTI)
therapy can help reduce pain during sex and
problems with orgasm. • Vaginal discomfort

If your sex drive is low, talk with your provider Urogenital complaints are a common
about medications. Androgens, flibanserin, menopausal symptom. They may affect sexual
and bremelanotide may help but need to be function.
studied among cancer survivors. Androgens
Treatment options include estrogen or
may increase the risk of hormone-dependent
testosterone applied to the vagina. Be aware
cancers. Bupropion and buspirone may be
used for a low sex drive although they are not that vaginal hormones may not be safe for
approved for this use. survivors of estrogen-dependent cancers.
You may also be referred to a specialist for

Pelvic physical therapy

Pelvic physical therapy can

reduce female and male sexual
dysfunction. It strengthens
weak pelvic muscles. Your
physical therapist will teach you
strengthening exercises and
may use biofeedback to check
your results.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 38
6  Sexual dysfunction Male sexual dysfunction

Male sexual dysfunction (Stendra®). Do not take PDE5 inhibitors if you

take nitrate drugs or have major heart failure.
The most common male sexual dysfunction is
erectile dysfunction (ED). Erectile dysfunction Certain cancer treatments can reduce the
has been the subject of research for decades. level of testosterone made by the testes. Low
There are many good medical and surgical testosterone may cause erectile dysfunction,
treatments. ejaculation problems, or problems with
orgasm. Taking testosterone may relieve these
There are often mental causes of male sexual problems.
dysfunction. These causes can be treated
with one-on-one or couples counseling or Medications called antidepressants often cause
medication. See Guide 12 for other treatments sexual dysfunction. Most commonly, they make
of male sexual dysfunction. having orgasms difficult. In contrast, a group
of antidepressants called SSRIs may prevent
PDE5 inhibitors are medications that improve premature ejaculation. Clomipramine is another
erections and orgasms. The four major PDE5 antidepressant that may also delay ejaculation.
inhibitors are sildenafil (Viagra®), tadalafil The antidepressant imipramine is used to treat
(Cialis®), vardenafil (Levitra®), and avanafil

Guide 12
Treatment for male sexual dysfunction
Low sex drive • Testosterone if levels are low

• PDE5 inhibitors
Erectile dysfunction • Testosterone if levels are low
• Healthy living including physical activity and not smoking
• Pelvic physical therapy

• Testosterone if levels are low

Ejaculation problems • Antidepresants called SSRIs and clomipramine
• Pelvic physical therapy
• For urine leaks, empty bladder prior to sex and try imipramine

• Testosterone if levels are low

Problems with orgasm • Vibrator
• PDE5 inhibitors
• Pelvic physical therapy

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

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6  Sexual dysfunction Review

bedwetting and may help stop urine leaks safe for survivors of hormone-dependent
during sexual activity. cancers.
† Treatment for male sexual dysfunction
Pelvic physical therapy and vibrators may
often focuses on physical and mental
improve orgasms. The goal of physical therapy
causes. Testosterone may help sexual
is to strengthen weak pelvic floor muscles.
dysfunction caused by damaged testes.
Vibrators stimulate the body and may help you
PDE5 inhibitors improve erections and
achieve orgasm.
orgasms. Certain antidepressants may
help with premature ejaculation and urine
Healthy living can improve sexual function in
leaks. Other treatments include vibrators,
men. It may be particularly helpful for erectile
physical therapy, and healthy living.
dysfunction. Quit smoking. Lose weight if
overweight. Move more and exercise. Don’t
drink a lot of alcohol. Good heart health is also
good sexual health.

† Sexual dysfunction is an ongoing
problem with feelings of desire or your
body’s response of arousal, orgasm, and
† Cancer or its treatment may cause sexual
dysfunction among cancer survivors.
† Surveys help pinpoint the type and
severity of sexual dysfunction.
† You may be referred to one or more
specialists who help people with sexual
dysfunction. These specialists include
sexual health specialists, mental health
professionals, gynecologists, urologists,
and fertility specialists.
† More research is needed for treatment
of female sexual dysfunction. Treatment
options vary by type of sexual dysfunction.
They include over-the counter and
prescriptive drugs, devices, and physical
therapy. Some treatments may not be

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42 Cancer-related fatigue
42 Screening and assessment
44 Strategies that work
45 Review

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7  Fatigue Cancer-related fatigue | Screening

Cancer-related fatigue is distressing. Screening and assessment

Read this chapter to learn more about
fatigue and the ways to manage it. Your health care provider may screen for
fatigue on a regular basis. Fatigue screening
tools consist of a brief scale or survey. There
is no exam or lab test for fatigue. Fatigue
Cancer-related fatigue screening helps identify people with fatigue and
assess treatment results.
Most people have felt tired or fatigued for a
brief time. This fatigue can be caused by being Fatigue ranges from mild to severe levels. Your
overworked, poor sleep, worry, stress, inactivity, provider will perform an in-depth assessment
and medications. Most cancer survivors have if you have moderate or severe fatigue months
cancer-related fatigue, which differs from after initial treatment. An assessment is also
common fatigue. needed if fatigue starts or worsens after
treatment ends.
† Cancer-related fatigue is felt physically,
emotionally, or mentally Your provider will ask you questions. Be ready
to describe when the fatigue started and
† Cancer-related fatigue is not related to
whether it’s changed over time. Your provider
recent activity
will also assess for causes of fatigue that can
† Cancer-related fatigue is ongoing be treated. Some health conditions that cause
fatigue are listed in Guide 13.
† Cancer-related fatigue is distressing
† Cancer-related fatigue makes it hard to do Your provider will order blood tests if needed.
normal day-to-day activities A complete blood count (CBC) with differential
measures parts of the blood, such as red blood
Cancer-related fatigue is related to the cancer cells. A comprehensive metabolic panel can
or its treatment. It is a common effect of show if you have liver or kidney problems.
chemotherapy, radiation therapy, blood stem Levels of hormones can be checked using a
(hematopoietic) cell transplant, and biological blood sample.
therapy. It sometimes occurs after surgery.
Cancer survivors may have mild to moderate Some people may need further testing. Your
fatigue for months or years after diagnosis. provider may order imaging if you have
concerning symptoms. Imaging makes pictures
of the insides of your body. An echocardiogram
(ECHO) detects structural changes in the heart.
If you have breathing problems, you may get a
chest x-ray or oxygen saturation test.

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7  Fatigue Screening and assessment

Guide 13
Conditions that add to cancer-related
Cancer can temporarily rob you
Alcohol or drug abuse
of your energy, but it can’t steal
Heart problems
your burning desire to get it all
Low hormone levels back.
Digestive problems

Liver problems – Joe

Cancer survivor

Lung problems

Kidney problems



Sleep aids

Pain medications

Vomiting and nausea medications


Sleep problems


Changes in eating or weight

Physical inactivity

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7  Fatigue Strategies that work

Strategies that work CBT for insomnia improves sleep and may
also improve fatigue. Read chapter 8 for more
For moderate or severe fatigue, your health information. Acupuncture and healthful eating
care provider will tailor a management plan may also reduce fatigue.
for you. It will be based on your experience of
fatigue and the causes. Strategies to reduce Psychostimulants may reduce fatigue in some
fatigue are listed in Guide 14. survivors. More research is needed. The best
dose and schedule of medications are still
The first step is to treat anything that causes or unknown. Medications for fatigue should be
worsens fatigue. Such factors may include pain, used with caution.
poor sleep, distress, anemia, and diseases.
You may need to have your medications

Education and counseling can help you

cope with fatigue. Learn about typical
patterns of fatigue among cancer survivors. Guide 14
Monitor your fatigue and find ways to Strategies to manage fatigue
conserve energy. You can conserve energy Treat the causes of fatigue
by setting priorities, being active when your
energy peaks, and pacing yourself. Education and counseling

Physical activity
Physical activity reduces fatigue and
improves energy. It also improves strength, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
fitness, mood, and body image. A physical
therapist or exercise specialist may help Mindfulness-based stress reduction
you meet your goals. Read about physical
Supportive expressive therapies
activity in NCCN Guidelines for Patients:
Survivorship Care for Healthy Living, Psychoeducational therapy
available at NCCN.org/patientguidelines..
Nutrition counseling
Psychosocial interventions reduce fatigue.
CBT for insomnia
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps
people change unhelpful thinking and Acupuncture
behaviors. Reducing stress may in turn
reduce fatigue. Supportive expressive Psychostimulants
therapies help people find support and
express emotions. Such therapies include
support groups, counseling, and journal

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7  Fatigue Review

† Cancer-related fatigue is a distressing,
ongoing tiredness that limits one’s ability to
do day-to-day tasks.
† Many cancer survivors have fatigue as a
result of cancer or its treatment.
† Fatigue screening helps identify people
with fatigue and assess treatment results.
† Your health care provider will identify and
treat the causes of your fatigue.
† Learn about patterns of fatigue among
cancer survivors. Monitor your fatigue and
learn ways to conserve your energy.
† Physical activity, psychosocial treatments,
and CBT reduce fatigue. Acupuncture,
acupressure, and psychostimulants may
improve fatigue, but more research is

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47 Sleep-wake disorders
48 Screening and assessment
48 Treatment that works
51 Review

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8  Sleep Sleep-wake disorders

Sleep is essential for living. Problems problems with sleep or daytime sleepiness. The
with sleep can greatly impact life. This symptoms are distressing or cause a loss of
chapter explains the treatments for sleep ability. Some causes of sleep-wake disorders
problems. are health conditions, medications, and poor
sleep habits. Common types of sleep-wake
disorders are listed in Guide 15.

Sleep-wake disorders Many cancer survivors have sleep problems.

Sleep problems may be due to more than
one reason. They can be due to changes in
Sleep is needed for good health and well-being.
the body. They can also be caused by certain
It recharges your body and mind. It helps your
actions, such as drinking caffeine at bedtime.
body to fight disease.
After cancer treatment, sleep problems
In general, adults need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a
can persist. They can persist due to long-
night. Quality of sleep is important, too. Good
term treatment effects, medications, and
sleep includes falling asleep easily, staying
mental health. They can also persist because
asleep, and having restful sleep.
of poor sleep patterns that started during
treatment. You may spend a lot of time in bed,
Everyone sleeps poorly from time to time. In
sleep during the day, or have an irregular
contrast, sleep-wake disorders are ongoing
bedtime and waketime.

Guide 15
Common types of sleep-wake disorders
circadian rhythm sleep disorder
A mismatch between sleep-wake cycles and day-night cycles.
Excessive sleepiness during the day despite getting enough sleep.
An inability to fall asleep, stay asleep, or get restful sleep.
insufficient sleep syndrome
A chronic lack of sleep due to unhealthy sleep habits.
An impaired ability of the brain to control states of sleep and wakefulness.
restless legs syndrome
An intense urge to move the legs that worsens during rest and is partly relieved by movement. Also
called Willis-Ekbom disease.
sleep apnea
Pauses in breathing during sleep due to blocked airflow. Also called obstructive sleep apnea.

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8  Sleep Screening and assessment | Treatment

Screening and assessment daytime naps. Your provider will ask about any
strategies you use to fall or stay asleep.
Your health care provider may screen for sleep
problems on a regular basis. A brief survey is A sleep study is sometimes needed to measure
used. An assessment is needed if you may sleep. It is also called polysomnography. It
have a sleep-wake disorder. detects sleep-wake disorders like sleep apnea,
narcolepsy, and restless legs syndrome. A full
An assessment includes a health history and sleep study is often done at a sleep center.
an exam of your body. You may also complete Some studies for sleep apnea can be done at
brief surveys about distress, hot flashes, pain, home with a portable device.
and fatigue. Your provider will order blood
tests if you may have low red blood cell counts
(anemia) or hormone levels (hypothyroidism).
You may see a sleep expert for further Treatment that works
Treatment of sleep-wake disorders often has
It is common to complete a sleep diary or wear very good results. Your cancer doctor will treat
a tracking device. These tools are helpful for health conditions that are related to sleep-
assessing sleep patterns. In the diary, you will wake disorders. Such conditions include pain,
record your bedtime, time you fell asleep, and obesity, anemia, heart disease, and hormone
the time you got up for the day. Your diary will problems. Your medications will be adjusted if
also need to include if you woke up during the they affect your sleep. Specific treatments for
night and for how long. Diaries also capture sleep problems are listed in Guide 16.


A polysomnography is a sleep
study. Sensors will be placed
on your body to detect brain
waves, heart rate, blood oxygen,
breathing, and movement. While
you sleep, a technician will
monitor and record your data. At
the end of the study, the sleep
center doctor will write a report
about your results.

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8  Sleep Treatment that works

Guide 16
Treatments for sleep problems
• Stick to a regular bedtime and waketime
• Be physically active in the morning, afternoon, or both
• Seek out bright light during the day
• Avoid bright light at night and turn off devices near bedtime
• Don’t eat heavy meals and limit fluids 3 hours before bedtime
Sleep hygiene • Limit caffeine intake during the day and don’t consume caffeine at
least 4 hours before bedtime
• Don’t drink alcohol or consume nicotine before bedtime
• Sleep in a dark, quiet, and comfortable place
• Schedule a time to think about worries well before bedtime
• Don’t look at the clock during the night
• If needed, take 1 nap a day for less than 30 minutes

Devices • CPAP machine

• Oral appliance

• Limit activities in bed to sleep and sex (stimulus control)

Cognitive behavioral • Limit time in bed to the amount of time sleeping (sleep restriction)
therapy • Change unhelpful beliefs about sleep (cognitive therapy)
• Calm your body and mind (relaxation)

• Zolpidem
• Zaleplon
• Eszopiclone
Medication for insomnia • Ramelteon
• Temazepam
• Doxepin
• Suvorexant

• Gabapentin enacarbil or dopamine agonists (preferred)

Medication for restless • Opioids
legs syndrome • Clonazepam
• Iron supplement if you have low iron

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8  Sleep Treatment that works

Your cancer doctor may refer you to another Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is the
provider. You may see a sleep expert or your preferred treatment for insomnia. CBT for
primary care provider for treatment. A sleep insomnia (CBT-I) is a structured program that
expert is especially helpful for these sleep has very good results. Its methods include
issues if they last at least 3 months: stimulus control, sleep restriction, cognitive
therapy, relaxation, and sleep hygiene.
† Too much time awake in the middle of
sleep Medications called hypnotics are used to treat
insomnia. They are also called sleep aids
† Too much time awake overall
and sleeping pills. They should be used with
† Too much sleep (9 or more hours) caution. Hypnotics may make you do activities
while sleeping, such as sleep-driving and sleep-
† Narcolepsy
eating. There is a risk of abusing hypnotics.
† Circadian rhythm sleep disorder Some hypnotics may cause drug dependence
and withdrawal.
† Hypersomnia
† Parasomnias, which are abnormal Medications called sedatives are used “off-
behaviors during sleep label” to treat insomnia. They aren’t approved
by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
Sleep hygiene is a set of healthy sleep habits. (FDA) for this use. Sedatives include
These habits will help you fall and stay asleep. antidepressants, antihistamines, atypical anti-
They include physical activity, daytime light psychotics, and melatonin. NCCN experts do
exposure, and regular sleep patterns. Sleep not recommend sedatives for routine use due
hygiene should not be used alone to treat to a lack of data.
sleep problems. It should be used with other
treatments. Sleep hygiene can help treat many Gabapentin enacarbil and dopamine agonists
types of sleep-wake disorders. are FDA approved and are preferred initial
treatments for restless legs syndrome (RLS).
Losing weight may help people with obstructive Other medications for RLS are opioids and
sleep apnea. It can improve breathing clonazepam. Take iron supplements if you have
during sleep and reduce daytime sleepiness. low iron. Iron can improve symptoms.
Breathing is also improved with a CPAP
machine. CPAP is short for continuous positive
airway pressure. For mild obstructive sleep
apnea, mouthpieces (oral appliances) may

Read about physical activity and weight

management in NCCN Guidelines for Patients:
Survivorship Care for Healthy Living, available
at NCCN.org/patientguidelines.

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8  Sleep Review

† Sleep-wake disorders are ongoing
problems with sleep and excessive
daytime sleepiness. You don’t have time to dwell
on things when you’re in it. It
† Many cancer survivors have poor sleep
quality. Some have a sleep-wake disorder. changed me and it was borne out of
† Cancer, treatment, and related stress may survival.
cause or worsen sleep quality.
† You may be asked to complete a short – Yvonne
survey as part of an evaluation of sleep-
Cancer survivor
wake disorders.
† To diagnose a sleep-wake disorder, you
may complete a sleep diary or do a sleep
† Treatment of sleep-wake disorders often
has very good results.
† You may be referred to a sleep expert for
† Sleep hygiene is a set of healthy sleep
habits that help treat many sleep
† Weight loss, CPAP machines, and
mouthpieces may help reduce obstructive
sleep apnea.
† CBT-I is a structured program for insomnia
that has very good results. Insomnia may
be treated with medications but there are
† Gabapentin enacarbil and dopamine
agonists are medicines for restless legs
syndrome (RLS). Iron supplements may
also help improve symptoms if your iron is

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53 Cancer pain syndromes
54 Assessment and referral
54 Pain medications
56 Non-pharmaceutical pain
58 Review

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9  Pain Cancer pain syndromes

Read this chapter to learn about pain disease. It is managed to reduce problems,
among cancer survivors. There are such as:
many treatment options.
† Distress, depression, anxiety
† Inactivity, disability
Cancer pain syndromes † Poor quality of life

Pain is the body’s alarm system that something Many cancer survivors have pain. The type
is wrong. It alerts people to act and teaches and severity of pain differs among them.
people what to avoid. Pain usually stops when More than 1 in 3 survivors have chronic pain
its cause ends or the body heals. after treatment. For many, pain management
is needed. Causes of pain among survivors
Pain is either acute or chronic. Acute pain starts include the cancer and treatment. Pain
suddenly and can often be treated. Chronic syndromes among cancer survivors are listed
pain lasts a long time and is often caused by in Guide 17.

Guide 17
Cancer pain syndromes
neuropathic pain
Pain caused by damage to the nerves. It is often described as a shooting or burning pain.
Sometimes, it is described as numbness and it can cause muscle weakness.

chronic pain syndromes

Pain caused by surgery including amputation, neck dissection, mastectomy, and thoracotomy.

arthralgias, myalgias
Arthralgias are joint pain and can be caused by aromatase inhibitors for breast cancer. Myalgias are
muscle pain.

skeletal pain
Pain that occurs from bone damage. It includes pain caused by spinal bone collapse (vertebral
compression), dead bone (osteonecrosis), and cancer in the bone.

myofascial pain
A type of ongoing muscle pain that is often set off by pressure on trigger points.

gastrointestinal pain, urinary pain, pelvic pain

Pain that occurs in the abdomen and pelvis. It is often caused by pelvic radiation.

post-radiation pain
Pain in an area treated with radiation. It may start soon or years after radiation therapy ends.

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9  Pain Assessment and
Assessment and referral
referral| Pain medications

Assessment and referral Pain medications

Your health care provider will screen for pain on The goals of pain management are to improve
a regular basis. A pain screening tool consists your comfort, function, and quality of life.
of a brief scale. There is no exam or lab test Management of pain often is done with multiple
for pain. If you have pain, tell your health methods. Examples are pain medication and
care provider. Your provider will do a full pain different types of therapy. Pain medications for
assessment. cancer pain syndromes are listed in Guide 18.

Your provider will ask you to complete a survey

on pain. Surveys help pinpoint the intensity
Opioids relieve pain by affecting opioid
and type of pain. To plan treatment, your
receptors on nerve cells. They are a treatment
provider will identify the causes and physical
option for moderate to severe pain. If you have
pathways of the pain. Share your goals for pain
completed cancer treatment, opioids are not
management, such as the level of comfort you
typically the first choice for pain management.
A dual-action opioid that affects opioid and
noradrenaline receptors is also an option for
Based on an assessment and follow-up visits,
neuropathic pain.
you may be referred to other providers.
Ask your provider about the benefits and
† Pain management services
risks of opioid use. Addiction to prescribed
† Physical medicine and rehabilitation opioids can happen. Your provider will take the
following steps to prevent addiction.
† Mental health providers
† Urologist or gynecologist † Discuss the goals of treatment
† Palliative care † Educate about side effects

† Create a treatment contract
† Prescribe the lowest dose for the shortest
period of time
† Monitor results and reassess need for
Never give up, fight a good fight,
† Slowly reduce the amount of opioids to
keep the faith, and believe you will avoid withdrawal
conquer this. You are not alone.
Learn how to safely use opioids. Strategies to
prevent misuse of opioids include medication
– Judith diaries, pill counts, psychological interventions,
Cancer survivor and urine drug testing. Also, learn how to safely
discard unused opioids. Opioids should not be

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9  Pain Pain medications

taken by people who don’t have a prescription. gabapentin and pregabalin. More research
You should never use someone else’s on anticonvulsants for pain among cancer
prescription. survivors is needed.

Adjuvant analgesics NSAIDs and acetaminophen

Adjuvant analgesics may be taken with opioids NSAIDs and acetaminophen are sold over-
but can also be used alone. When taken with the-counter or by prescription. NSAID is
opioids, they may further reduce pain. They short for nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.
also allow a lower dose of opioids to be used. Acetaminophen is a very common pain reliever.
High doses can hurt the liver.
Adjuvant analgesics include antidepressants
called SNRIs and tricyclics. SNRIs have good NSAIDs reduce inflammation and pain, but can
results for arthralgia that is caused by a breast hurt your stomach. For some people, they can
cancer treatment called aromatase inhibitors. hurt the kidneys. Ibuprofen and naproxen are
types of NSAIDs. COX-2 inhibitors are also
Adjuvant analgesics include anticonvulsants. NSAIDs and are less likely to cause stomach
The most commonly used anticonvulsants are ulcers.

Guide 18
Pain medications for cancer pain syndromes

Neuropathic pain • Opioids • Adjuvant analgesics

• Dual-action opioids • Creams, patches

Chronic pain • Opioids • Trigger point injections

syndromes • Adjuvant analgesics • Botox injection
• Nerve blocks

Arthralgias, myalgias • Adjuvant analgesics • NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors

• Muscle relaxers • Acetaminophen

• Opioids • Antiresorptives,
• Adjuvant analgesic bisphosphonates
Bone (skeletal) pain
• NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors • Muscle relaxers
• Acetaminophen

Myofascial pain • Adjuvant analgesic • Acetaminophen

• NSAIDs, COX-2 inhibitors • Ointment, patches

Chronic pelvic pain • Dorsal column stimulation

Post-radiation pain • Pain medications for specific cancer pain syndrome

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9  Pain Non-pharmaceutical pain management

Muscle relaxers Topical pain relief

Muscle relaxers can help some types of pain. Some pain medications can be applied to the
An example is a decrease in painful muscle skin where you feel pain. Pain patches stick
spasms caused by chronic pain. Muscle to the skin like a band aid. Pain creams and
relaxers are an option for arthralgias, myalgias, ointments are rubbed on the skin. Medications
and some types of bone pain. from patches, creams, or ointments pass
through the skin and into the body.
Antiresorptive medications
Your bones are living organs. New
bone replaces the old bone all the time.
Bone resorption is the breakdown and removal
Non-pharmaceutical pain
of old bone. Antiresorptive medications
slow down bone resorption and help keep
There are many options for non-pharmaceutical
bones strong. Bisphosphonates are a type of
pain management. These options may be used
antiresorptive medication and are commonly
with or instead of medications. A list of non-
used. They can help treat pain from vertebral
pharmaceutical pain management for cancer-
related pain is in Guide 19.

Pain killing injections

Psychological and psychosocial
Injections to the site of pain may help. Nerve
blocks are one type of injection.
Psychological and psychosocial treatments
enhance a sense of control over pain. Cognitive
† A stellate ganglion block may reduce pain
behavioral therapy (CBT) focuses on changing
from an upper body amputation.
negative thoughts and learning how to relax.
† A lumbar sympathetic block may reduce Other treatments include skills training and
pain from a lower body amputation. supportive-expressive therapy. Hypnosis may
help to relieve neuropathic pain.
† Phenol and alcohol blocks may reduce
pain from a pinched nerve (neuroma).
Physical therapy and activity
† An intercostal nerve block may help pain
It is often helpful to be physically active even
caused by post-mastectomy or post-
when in pain. Physical activity can increase
thoracotomy syndrome.
mobility and strengthen muscles. Physical
therapy teaches you how to do activities with
There are two types of injections that may help
less pain and increases flexibility and strength.
post-radical neck dissection syndrome. Trigger
It will help you perform your day-to-day routine,
point injections relieve pain from muscle knots.
such as bathing. Aquatic therapy consists of
Botox is short for botulinum toxin injection. It is
exercises that are done in water.
known to reduce wrinkles but is also used for
muscle pain relief.

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9  Pain Non-pharmaceutical pain management

Guide 19
Non-pharmaceutical management of cancer pain syndromes
• CBT • Acupuncture
Neuropathic pain • Psychosocial support • Cold, heat
• Hypnosis • TENS unit

• Psychosocial support and • Massage for post-radical neck

behavioral treatment dissection syndrome
Chronic pain • Physical therapy for post- • Myofascial release for post-
syndromes amputation (mirror therapy) or radical neck dissection syndrome
post-radical neck dissection pain • TENS unit

• Acupuncture • Aquatic therapy

Arthralgias, myalgias • Physical activity, yoga • Massage
• Physical therapy • Cold, heat, ultrasonic stimulation

• Physical activity for vertebral • Limited bedrest for acute

compression vertebral compression
Bone (skeletal) pain • Physical therapy • Surgery
• Back brace for acute vertebral

• Acupressure • Massage
Myofascial pain • Acupuncture • Ultrasonic stimulation
• Physical activity

Chronic pelvic pain • Physical therapy • Laxatives, enemas

• Surgery • Lots of fluids

Post-radiation pain • Physical therapy • Surgery

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9  Pain Review

Mirror therapy Surgery

Mirror therapy may relieve chronic “phantom For some people, surgery may be needed.
limb” pain after amputation. It involves viewing Vertebral augmentation is a surgery that
a reflection of your intact limb in a mirror. The inserts cement into the spine to stop pain from
reflection tricks your brain into thinking the vertebral compression. Core decompression
missing limb has reappeared. A therapist will drills into dead bone to relieve pressure. Dorsal
guide you through a set of movements that column stimulation stops pelvic pain signals
relieve pain. with implanted electrodes. For severe pelvic
pain, surgery to remove scar-like tissue may be
Acupuncture, acupressure
Acupuncture involves inserting very thin
needles into the skin at several places on
the body. It has good results for aromatase
inhibitor-induced arthralgia. Acupressure uses
pressure instead of needles.
† Pain is the body’s alarm system that
something is wrong.
Hands-on treatment
† Many cancer survivors have pain caused
Therapists may relieve pain by manipulating
by the cancer or treatment.
body tissue. Areas with and without pain will
be treated. Massage relaxes painful muscles, † Survivors will be screened for pain at
tendons, and joints. During myofascial release, health visits. If you are in pain, your
a therapist stretches myofascial tissue. It provider will do a full assessment. You
may relieve pain caused by post-radical neck may be referred to specialists for pain
dissection. management.
† Pain is often managed with multiple
Local treatments methods.
Local treatments relieve pain where you feel it.
† Medications for pain vary based on the
specific pain syndrome. Opioids can be
† Cold decreases inflammation and muscle
safely used for moderate to severe pain.
spasms and relieves pain.
They are often not the first pain medication
† Heat relaxes muscles and raises the used. Other pain medications include
threshold for pain. Ultrasonic stimulation is antidepressants, anti-inflammatory drugs,
a type of heat treatment. acetaminophen, nerve blocks, and topical
pain killers.
† A TENS unit involves placing electrodes
on your skin where you have pain. A mild † There are options for pain management
electric current blocks pain signals from other than medications. These options
reaching your brain. include mind and body treatments, local
treatments, and surgery.

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Distress and mental health
60 Distress is normal
60 Screening and assessment
61 Initial steps of care
62 Review

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10  Distress and mental health Distress is normal | Screening

Many cancer survivors are distressed at Screening and assessment

some point. Read this chapter to learn
how to take care of your mental health. Your cancer or primary care provider may
screen for distress or mental disorders on a
regular basis. Ongoing screening is important.
Mental health issues can start any time after a
Distress is normal cancer diagnosis. Also, your provider may not
know you’re struggling unless you very clearly
Distress is an unpleasant experience of a say so.
mental, physical, social, or spiritual nature.
It can affect the way you think, feel, or act. Distress can occur at any point in time, but
Distress is normal during cancer care, but it there are times when distress is more likely.
may make it harder to cope with cancer. Distress is likely during routine health care
visits, when getting health tests, or when
Distress ranges from mild to severe levels. symptoms occur. Mental health screening is
Many survivors have a normal fear of a cancer very important at these times.
recurrence. Mild distress may reduce quality of
life. Severe distress can affect a person’s self- A mental health screening tool consists of a
care, social life, mood, or faith. Survivors with brief scale or short survey. If you’re struggling
severe distress may not go to health visits or with a mental health issue, your provider
have a healthy lifestyle. will ask more questions. It’s important to
understand the type and cause of distress and
Distress can lead to or worsen mental to rule out other health conditions. You will be
disorders. Mental disorders are health asked about a range of topics.
conditions just like heart disease is a health
condition. There are many types of mental † Emotional symptoms like worry, sadness,
disorders. Each mental disorder is a group of and irritability
symptoms that are related to major problems
† Physical symptoms like trouble sleeping,
with emotion, thinking, or behavior. Anxiety
lack of energy, heart pounding
and depressive disorders are common among
cancer survivors. † Cognitive symptoms like trouble
concentrating and mind going blank
† Symptoms of anxiety include severe
† Loss of ability to do normal life activities
fear or worry, panic attacks, and strong
behavioral impulses. † Medical factors like illness, medication,
and alcohol or drug abuse
† Symptoms of depression include feeling
down or irritable and losing interest in
things that you used to like.

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10  Distress and mental health Initial steps of care

Initial steps of care SSRIs and SNRIs are two common types of
Your provider will use the mental health
screening and follow-up questions to guide It may take 2 to 6 weeks for antidepressants
care. Cancer and primary providers will treat to work. Your provider may prescribe a
some mental health issues and ensure your benzodiazepine until an antidepressant starts
safety. For needs beyond their care, they will working. Benzodiazepines treat anxiety.
refer you to a specialist. Initial steps of mental
health care are listed in Guide 20. Medication can cause unwanted effects. Tell
your provider about any new or worsening
symptoms. Abruptly stopping antidepressants
or other medications may cause withdrawal.
Your care team can provide education on
When a medication is no longer needed, your
cancer and cancer survivorship. It’s important
provider will slowly reduce the dose.
to know that feeling distressed is normal. Every
cancer survivor is distressed at some point.
Learning about cancer can help prevent high
levels of uncertainty and stress. If you become Guide 20
anxious or depressed, these conditions can be Initial steps of mental health care by
treated. cancer or primary care providers
Educate on cancer and its treatment to
Medical conditions prevent confusion and distress
Medical conditions can cause or add to mental
health issues. Such conditions include pain, Educate on distress and mental health
among cancer survivors
hormone changes, and heart disease. Your
care provider will identify and treat medical Treat medical conditions that add to mental
conditions. health issues

Provide a plan for physical activity and

Healthy living healthy eating
Healthy living can improve mental health. Work
Prescribe mental health medications
with your provider to make a plan of physical
activity and healthy eating. To learn more, read Develop safety plan
NCCN Guidelines for Patients: Survivorship
Care for Healthy Living, available at NCCN.org/ Provide resources for spiritual, mental,
patientguidelines. social, or practical problems

Refer to social work and counseling services

Mental health medication or patient navigators
Your cancer or primary provider may Refer to chaplains
prescribe medications for mental disorders.
Antidepressants treat depression and anxiety. Refer to mental health providers
They also help treat pain and hot flashes.

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10  Distress and mental health Review

Safety plan † Tell your provider if you are distressed.

Sometimes, cancer survivors become a danger Distress is not always obvious. You may
to themselves or others. Your care provider will not look or sound distressed.
assess your level of distress and resources.
† One of the first steps of mental health care
If you have a plan to do harm, your weapons
is education. Knowing what is normal and
will be secured, you will be watched, and
what to expect can reduce stress.
emergency services will be contacted. If you
have thoughts of death but no plans to hurt † Medical conditions can contribute to
yourself, you will be referred for mental health mental health issues. Your cancer or
services. You must agree to call 911 or go the primary care provider will treat contributing
emergency department if you feel close to conditions. Living a healthy lifestyle can
doing harm. also improve mental health.
† Your cancer or primary care provider
Resources and referrals may prescribe medications for mental
Your care provider can put you in touch with disorders. If you may harm yourself or
local resources. Based on your needs, you others, your provider will work with you to
may need help with practical problems, such ensure people’s safety.
as housing and food. You may benefit from
† You may need care from a specialist.
educational and support groups.
Your provider may refer you to a chaplain,
social worker, or mental health specialist.

Your cancer or primary care provider may
refer you to a specialist. Specialists include
chaplains, social workers, psychologists,
psychiatrists, and advanced practice clinicians.
Chaplains can help you with religious or
spiritual concerns. Social workers can help
with practical and psychosocial issues. Mental
health providers can diagnose and provide I have mixed emotions on a regular
treatment for mental disorders. basis. On one hand, I’m so happy
and grateful because I found a
treatment that is working, but on
Review the other hand I have to live with

† Distress is normal during cancer care. the fear and anxiety for the rest of
Many survivors have a normal fear of a my life. It’s always in the back of
cancer recurrence. my mind.
† Distress can lead to or worsen mental
disorders. Anxiety and depressive
disorders are common among cancer – Danika
survivors. Cancer survivor

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 62
64 Survivorship
65 Cancer-related effects
65 Heart and vascular effects
65 Immunotherapy effects
65 Mental health effects
65 Oral effects
66 Sleep effects
66 Healthy living
67 Support programs
67 Help lines

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 63
11  Resources Survivorship

There are many resources to help you National Cancer Institute

improve your health. Learn more about cancercontrol.cancer.gov/ocs/resources/
survivorship through the organizations survivors
listed in this chapter. Get help and use
supportive tools to achieve your health National Cancer Survivorship Resource
goals. Center (The Survivorship Center)

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship

Survivorship canceradvocacy.org

Save Your Skin

American Institute for Cancer Research
American Society of Clinical Oncology

American Society of Clinical Oncology

tracking form

Be the Match®
In time you breathe a little easier,
Cancer Hope Network you have less scans, then less
cancerhopenetwork.org/get-support appointments and transition to
Cancer Survivors Network survivorship. I became a survivor
csn.cancer.org when I could buy long term car

Centers for Disease Control and insurance as opposed to six months

Prevention at a time.

Children’s Oncology Group – Kathy

survivorshipguidelines.org Cancer survivor

Leukemia & Lymphoma Society


NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 64
11  Resources Cancer-related effects

Cancer-related effects Mental health effects

American Cancer Society Anxiety and Depression Association
cancer.org/treatment/treatments-and-side- of America
effects/physical-side-effects.html adaa.org/

National Cancer Institute Anxiety and Depression Association of

cancer.gov/about-cancer/treatment/side-effects America (ADAA) Reviewed apps

NCCN Guidelines for Patients: Distress

Heart and vascular effects During Cancer Care
American Cancer Society, Heart rate aspx#distress
Oral effects
cardioonc.org/patients National Institute of Dental and
Craniofacial Research
CardioOnc.org, Heart Risk Calculator nidcr.nih.gov/health-info/cancer-treatments/
cvriskcalculator.com more-info

Million Hearts Sexual and fertility effects


Immunotherapy effects oncolink.org/support/sexuality-fertility/sexuality
NCCN Guidelines for Patients:
The Oncofertility Consortium
Immunotherapy Side Effects: CAR T-Cell

NCCN Guidelines for Patients:

Immunotherapy Side Effects: Immune
Checkpoint Inhibitors

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 65
11  Resources Sleep effects | Healthy living

Sleep effects Physical activity

American Cancer Society
National Cancer Institute
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
American Cancer Society, Exercise
Healthy living Cancer Supportive and Survivorship Care
American Cancer Society, Calorie Counter LIVESTRONG at the YMCA
cancer.org/healthy/eat-healthy-get-active/take- livestrong.org/ymca-search
html SilverSneakers
American Institute for Cancer Research
aicr.org/cancer-prevention/healthy-eating/new- Tobacco
American Cancer Society
Cancer Nutrition Consortium
American Lung Association
Livestrong, MyPlate Calorie Tracker
American Lung Association
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
American Society of Clinical Oncology
MyPlate app
Livestrong MyQuit Coach
Oncology Nutrition

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 66
11  Resources Support programs | Help lines

National LGBT Cancer Network Good Days

cancer-network.org/tobacco-related-cancer- mygooddays.org/patients
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
North American Quitline Consortium lls.org/support-resources
Save Your Skin
Smokefree.gov saveyourskin.ca/patient-support-webinars

Weight management
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Help lines
American Cancer Society
CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians
American Lung Association
Patient Page
American Psychosocial Oncology Society
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, Adult BMI Calculator
Be the Match®
Cancer Support Community
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS)
National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive Kidney Diseases Body Weight

National Cancer Institute

Support programs
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
Cancer Hope Network Get Matched

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 67

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 68
Words to know

Words to know compression garment

A wearable piece of material that applies
androgen deprivation therapy continuous positive airway pressure
anticonvulsant CT
A medication that treats seizures and other computed tomography
health conditions.
antidepressant An unpleasant experience of a mental,
A medication that treats depression, anxiety, physical, social, or spiritual nature.
hot flashes, premature ejaculation, urine leaks,
and pain.
cancer screening
Ongoing testing to detect cancer before it
erectile dysfunction
causes symptoms.
cancer survivor
A person who has or had cancer.
cancer-related fatigue
Food and Drug Administration
An ongoing tiredness that is distressing and
caused by cancer or its treatment. heart failure
A condition in which the heart muscle can’t
cardiovascular disease
pump enough blood.
A group of disorders of the heart and blood
vessels. Also called heart disease. hereditary cancer
Cancer that is caused by abnormal genes
passed down from parents to a child.
complete blood count
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
A chemical in the body that triggers a response
A short-term “talk therapy” that focuses on
from cells or organs.
changing thoughts and behaviors to improve
health. hot flashes
A sudden feeling of warmth in the upper
cognitive rehabilitation
body. Also called night sweat and vasomotor
A set of services designed to improve thinking
immune system
The body’s natural defense against disease.
cognitive behavioral treatment for insomnia
cognitive function
A set of brain-based thinking skills.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 69
Words to know

intermittent androgen deprivation therapy sleep-wake disorders

(ADT) Ongoing problems with sleep or daytime
Alternating periods of time on and off sleepiness that cause distress or a loss of
medications that reduce androgen. function.
IV surveillance
intravenous Ongoing testing for the return or a worsening of
late effect
A cancer- or treatment-related health issue that survivorship care
occurs long after diagnosis or treatment. Interventions to improve the health and well-
being of people who have or had cancer.
A buildup of a bodily fluid called lymph. sexual dysfunctions
Ongoing problems with desire or the ability to
manual lymphatic drainage
respond with arousal, orgasm, or satisfaction.
A type of massage that moves fluid out of the
swollen area. sleep disorder
Ongoing problems with sleep that causes
distress or loss of function.
The end of menstrual cycles
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug
neuropsychological evaluation
A report based on testing of brain-based
thinking skills.
pelvic physical therapy
A type of treatment that strengthens muscles in
the pelvis.
physical therapy
A type of treatment that improves movement.
A sleep study.
restless legs syndrome
sexual function
Feelings of desire and the body’s ability to
respond with arousal, orgasm, and satisfaction.
sleep hygiene
A set of healthy sleep habits.

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 70
NCCN Contributors

NCCN Contributors
This patient guide is based on the NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN
Guidelines®) for Survivorship Version 2.2020. It was adapted, reviewed, and published with help
from the following people:

Dorothy A. Shead, MS Erin Vidic, MA Tanya Fischer, MEd, MSLIS Kim Williams
Director, Patient Information Medical Writer Medical Writer Creative Services Manager
Rachael Clarke Stephanie Rovito, MPH, Susan Kidney
Laura J. Hanisch, PsyD Senior Medical Copyeditor CHES® Graphic Design Specialist
Medical Writer/Patient Medical Writer
Information Specialist

The NCCN Guidelines® Melissa Hudson, MD Chirayu Patel, MD, MPH

St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/The Massachusetts General Hospital
for Survivorship Version University of Tennessee Cancer Center
Health Science Center
2.2020 were developed by Lindsay Peterson, MD
the following NCCN Panel Nazanin Khakpour, MD Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes-
Moffitt Cancer Center Jewish Hospital and Washington
Members: University School of Medicine
Divya Koura, MD
*Crystal S. Denlinger, MD/Chair UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center William Pirl, MD
Fox Chase Cancer Center Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s
Allison L. McDonough, MD Cancer Center
Tara Sanft, MD/Vice-Chair Massachusetts General Hospital
Yale Cancer Center/Smilow Cancer Hospital Cancer Center M. Alma Rodriguez, MD
The University of Texas
Michelle Melisko, MD MD Anderson Cancer Center
Saro Armenian, DO, MPH
City of Hope National Medical Center UCSF Helen Diller Family
Comprehensive Cancer Center Kathryn J. Ruddy, MD, MPH
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
K. Scott Baker, MD, MS
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/ Kathi Mooney, RN, PhD
Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Huntsman Cancer Institute Lillie Shockney, RN, MAS
at the University of Utah The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive
Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins
*Gregory Broderick, MD
Mayo Clinic Cancer Center Halle C. F. Moore, MD
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center/ Sophia Smith, PhD, MSW
University Hospitals Seidman Cancer Duke Cancer Institute
Wendy Demark-Wahnefried, PhD, RD Center and Cleveland Clinic Taussig
O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Institute
Cancer Center at UAB Karen L. Syrjala, PhD
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center/
Natalie Moryl, MD Seattle Cancer Care Alliance
Kristin Dickinson, PhD, RN Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center
Amye Tevaarwerk, MD
*Javid J. Moslehi, MD University of Wisconsin
*Debra L. Friedman, MD, MS Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center Carbone Cancer Center
Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
*Tracey O’Connor, MD *Phyllis Zee, MD, PhD
Mindy Goldman, MD Roswell Park Cancer Institute Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive
UCSF Helen Diller Family Cancer Center of Northwestern University
Comprehensive Cancer Center
Linda Overholser, MD, MPH
*Norah Lynn Henry, MD, PhD
University of Colorado Cancer Center
NCCN Staff
University of Michigan Rogel Cancer Center
*Electra D. Paskett, PhD Deborah Freedman-Cass, PhD
The Ohio State University Comprehensive
Christine Hill-Kayser, MD Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital
Manager, Licensed Clinical Content
Abramson Cancer Center at the and Solove Research Institute
University of Pennsylvania Nicole McMillian, MS
Guidelines Coordinator
* Reviewed this patient guide. For disclosures, visit NCCN.org/about/disclosure.aspx.
NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for
Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 71
NCCN Cancer Centers

NCCN Cancer Centers

Abramson Cancer Center The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Stanford Cancer Institute
at the University of Pennsylvania Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins Stanford, California
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Baltimore, Maryland 877.668.7535 • cancer.stanford.edu
800.789.7366 • pennmedicine.org/cancer 410.955.8964
www.hopkinskimmelcancercenter.org UC San Diego Moores Cancer Center
Fred & Pamela Buffett Cancer Center La Jolla, California
Omaha, Nebraska Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive 858.822.6100• cancer.ucsd.edu
402.559.5600 • unmc.edu/cancercenter Cancer Center of Northwestern
University UCLA Jonsson
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center/ Chicago, Illinois Comprehensive Cancer Center
University Hospitals Seidman Cancer 866.587.4322 • cancer.northwestern.edu Los Angeles, California
Center and Cleveland Clinic Taussig 310.825.5268 • cancer.ucla.edu
Cancer Institute Mayo Clinic Cancer Center
Cleveland, Ohio Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona UCSF Helen Diller Family
800.641.2422 • UH Seidman Cancer Center Jacksonville, Florida Comprehensive Cancer Center
uhhospitals.org/services/cancer-services Rochester, Minnesota San Francisco, California
866.223.8100 • CC Taussig Cancer Institute 480.301.8000 • Arizona 800.689.8273 • cancer.ucsf.edu
my.clevelandclinic.org/departments/cancer 904.953.0853 • Florida
216.844.8797 • Case CCC 507.538.3270 • Minnesota University of Colorado Cancer Center
case.edu/cancer mayoclinic.org/cancercenter Aurora, Colorado
720.848.0300 • coloradocancercenter.org
City of Hope National Medical Center Memorial Sloan Kettering
Los Angeles, California Cancer Center University of Michigan
800.826.4673 • cityofhope.org New York, New York Rogel Cancer Center
800.525.2225 • mskcc.org Ann Arbor, Michigan
Dana-Farber/Brigham and 800.865.1125 • rogelcancercenter.org
Women’s Cancer Center | Moffitt Cancer Center
Massachusetts General Hospital Tampa, Florida The University of Texas
Cancer Center 888.663.3488 • moffitt.org MD Anderson Cancer Center
Boston, Massachusetts Houston, Texas
617.732.5500 The Ohio State University 844.269.5922 • mdanderson.org
youhaveus.org Comprehensive Cancer Center -
617.726.5130 James Cancer Hospital and University of Wisconsin
massgeneral.org/cancer-center Solove Research Institute Carbone Cancer Center
Columbus, Ohio Madison, Wisconsin
Duke Cancer Institute 800.293.5066 • cancer.osu.edu 608.265.1700 • uwhealth.org/cancer
Durham, North Carolina
888.275.3853 • dukecancerinstitute.org O’Neal Comprehensive UT Southwestern Simmons
Cancer Center at UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center
Fox Chase Cancer Center Birmingham, Alabama Dallas, Texas
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 800.822.0933 • uab.edu/onealcancercenter 214.648.3111 • utsouthwestern.edu/simmons
888.369.2427 • foxchase.org
Roswell Park Comprehensive Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center
Huntsman Cancer Institute Cancer Center Nashville, Tennessee
at the University of Utah Buffalo, New York 877.936.8422 • vicc.org
Salt Lake City, Utah 877.275.7724 • roswellpark.org
800.824.2073 Yale Cancer Center/
huntsmancancer.org Siteman Cancer Center at Barnes- Smilow Cancer Hospital
Jewish Hospital and Washington New Haven, Connecticut
Fred Hutchinson Cancer University School of Medicine 855.4.SMILOW • yalecancercenter.org
Research Center/Seattle St. Louis, Missouri
Cancer Care Alliance 800.600.3606 • siteman.wustl.edu
Seattle, Washington
206.606.7222 • seattlecca.org St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital/
206.667.5000 • fredhutch.org
The University of Tennessee
Health Science Center
Memphis, Tennessee
866.278.5833 • stjude.org
901.448.5500 • uthsc.edu

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 72


NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 73

ABCDEs of cardiovascular wellness 20, 23 NCCN Cancer Centers 72
acupuncture 15, 44, 58 NCCN Contributors 71
androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) 12, 14, neuropsychological evaluation 32
opioid 54
anticonvulsant 14, 55
PDE5 inhibitor 39
antidepressant 14, 39, 55, 61
pelvic physical therapy 38, 40
blood stem cell transplant 42
physical activity 27, 50
blood test 42, 48
physical therapy 28, 33
cancer screening 8
polysomnography 48
chemobrain 31
radiation therapy 18, 21, 26, 31, 35, 42
chemotherapy 12, 18, 21–22, 31, 42
sedative 50
cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) 33, 35,
stimulants 33, 44
surveillance 7–8
cognitive rehabilitation 32–33
survivorship care 7–9
compression garment 28
targeted therapy 18, 35
dilator 37–38
vaginal hormones 37
echocardiogram (ECHO) 21, 42
endocrine therapy 12, 31, 35
gynecomastia 16
heart failure 22–23
hormone therapy 12, 12, 18
hypnotic 50
immunotherapy 18, 35
late effects 8
manual lymphatic draining 28
menopause 12
mirror therapy 58

NCCN Guidelines for Patients®: Survivorship Care for

Cancer-Related Late and Long-Term Effects, 2020 74

Survivorship Care
for Cancer-Related
Late and Long-Term
NCCN Foundation gratefully acknowledges our advocacy supporter Good Days and the following corporate supporters: Incyte
Corporation and Seagen Inc. for helping to make available these NCCN Guidelines for Patients. These NCCN Patient Guidelines were
also supported by an educational grant by Daiichi Sankyo. NCCN independently adapts, updates, and hosts the NCCN Guidelines for
Patients. Our corporate supporters do not participate in the development of the NCCN Guidelines for Patients and are not responsible
for the content and recommendations contained therein

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We rely solely on donations to fund the NCCN Guidelines for Patients.
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