Meille Review Corrected
Meille Review Corrected
Meille Review Corrected
V. Meille
Valérie Meille ∗
Laboratoire de Génie des Procédés Catalytiques, CNRS-CPE, 43 bd du 11
novembre 1918, BP 2077, 69616 Villeurbanne cedex, FRANCE
The methods used to deposit a catalyst on structured surfaces are reviewed. Phys-
ical methods such as PVD and chemical methods (sol-gel, CVD, direct synthesis. . . )
are described. The coating of catalysts based on oxide, zeolite or carbon support
is detailed on various surfaces such as silicon or steel microstructured reactors,
cordierite monoliths or foams, fibres, tubes. . .
1 Introduction
Structured catalysts and reactors are gaining more importance each year [1].
The use of microreactors and heat-exchanger reactors for fuel processing [2,3],
but also for gas-liquid-solid reactions [4,5] (screening and kinetics investiga-
tions) often requires a shaping of the catalyst. Micro-packed-beds of powder
catalysts can sometimes be used [6], but in general, a very thin layer of catalyst
that sticks to the reactor wall is preferred, because of mass and/or heat trans-
fer improvement. Many methods can be used to deposit a catalyst layer on a
surface, depending on the properties of the surface and the catalyst that has to
be deposited. Concerning the deposition on monoliths, some reviews already
exist [7,8,1]. Descriptions of some coating methods on microreactors can also
be found [9]. We have decided not to be restrictive and to gather all published
∗ Corresponding author.
Email address: (Valérie Meille ).
The pretreatment of the substrate to coat is gaining more and more impor-
tance because it allows to increase the adherence of the catalytic layer and thus
the life time of the strcutured catalyst. The evolution is for example clearly
seen in the work of Wu et al. Five years ago, the pretreatment consisted of
a chemical treatment and a mechanical roughening of the FeCrAl substrate
[11]. Recently, a more complex pretreatment has been carried out, including a
chemical treatment, an aluminizing treatment and a boehmite primer deposi-
tion [12]. The deposited layer was very resistant to ultra-sonic vibration test.
In this paragraph are only mentioned some pretreatment methods which may
allow to directly impregnate the substrate with a catalyst precursor, by form-
ing an oxide layer or by creating anchoring sites. Plasma oxidative treatment
used for silicon substrates but also for stainless steel (see for example [13,14])
and UV treatments are not detailed.
Anodic oxidation
The anodic oxidation method is generally applied to structures containing
aluminum with the objective to obtain a porous alumina layer at the surface
[15,16]. When applying a direct current (or a direct voltage) to an electrolyte
in contact with an aluminum surface, there is a competitive formation of an
oxide layer and dissolution of the substrate, generating a porous layer. The
temperature must be carefully controlled since the process is exothermic and
temperature favours the dissolution rate. The method is either used as a pre-
treatment before another coating method [17], or as a way to obtain a thin
porous layer than can be directly impregnated [17–20]. Trying to increase the
porous density of the alumina layer obtained by anodic oxidation, Ganley et
al. found that the lowest anodization potential (30V in their comparative ex-
periments) and highest oxalic acid concentration (0.6M) were the best process
conditions. The surface area of the obtained alumina layer can be further in-
creased by a hydrothermal-thermal treatment allowing to reach a surface area
of 25m2 /g [21]. The oxidation of flat substrates in general leads to uniform ox-
ide layers. In the case of aluminum plates (60mm x 20mm x 0.5mm), Guillou
et al. [22] have studied different parameters such as the presence of additives
(oxalic acid, acetic acid, magnesium sulfate) to the electrolyte (sulfuric acid),
the composition of the support (pure Al or AlMg) and the anodisation du-
ration. Thicknesses from 10 to 70µm have been obtained after anodisation
at 200A/m2 and 20V at 25˚C. As another example, aluminum foils (50mm
x 20mm x 1mm) were anodized in sulphuric acid medium (400 g/l) for 4 h
under direct current near 0˚C. It resulted in 65 microns thick of Al2 O3 [23].
Ismagilov et al. proposed recently a concept to scale-up the oxidation pro-
cess, using a heat-exchanger, leading to effective isothermal conditions [24].
Twelve aluminum-containing microstructured substrates can be oxidised si-
multaneously with an uniform oxide layer. An AlMgSi alloy, in the form of
microstructured plates (20mm x 26.6mm x 0.43mm) was chosen. At differ-
ent oxidation times the resulting geometry of the channels varies, because of
non-uniform alloy composition (and thus different dissolution rates). Using
0.4M aqueous oxalic acid solution, a current density of 5mA/cm2 and at a
temperature of 1˚C, a correlation was found between the layer thickness on
the microstructured plates and the oxidation time (S-curve). The thickness
reaches 65µm after 50h oxidation.
crostructure at 30L/h. Aluminum wires at the inlet and outlet of the channels
served as cathods. Following this process, the coated object was rinsed and
calcined at 500˚C and could be further impregnated with a catalyst precursor
(Figure 1). The oxide thickness was found to largely depend on the microchan-
nel dimensions. The same anodisation process applied during 6 hours resulted
in 7µm thick alumina layer in 15mm length microchannels, and only 3µm in
40mm length channels.
The same electrolyte bath and process can be used for electrochemical etching
to roughen substrate surfaces, e.g. stainless steel 316L surface. This pretreat-
ment modified the smooth steel surface, the microroughness reaching 200-
300nm [26]. Another example concerns the formation of porous silicon [27].
Thermal oxidation
Like anodic oxidation, thermal oxidation is not really a deposition method but
a surface modification. However, it can be used either as a pretreatment step
[10,28–31] to increase the catalyst adhesion or as a catalyst support obtention
[32]. It is often applied to FeCrAl substrates. The mechanism of the oxide layer
formation at FeCrAl surfaces by thermal treatment in air has been studied by
Camra et al. [33]. During segregation at high temperature (840˚C), aluminum
oxides are preferably formed on the upper part of the substrate in the range
of 1µm thickness. Giani et al. [34] also found that the optimal oxidation tem-
perature was around 900˚C. FeCrTi have also been pre-oxidized by this way
at 850˚C [35]. However, in the case of FeCrNi wire, the thermal treatment
led to the formation of an amorphous iron oxide layer, thus less suitable for
catalyst deposition [36]. Thermal oxidation at 1500˚C has also been used to
form a SiO2 layer (10µm thick) on α-SiC substrate [37].
Chemical treatment
Again used as a pretreatment step, a chemical oxidation of the substrate is
sometimes carried out. Valentini et al. [38] first immerse aluminum slabs in
HCl solution to increase the surface roughness and then in HNO3 to favour
the formation of a Al2 O3 layer. The HCl treatment is often used to clean
the metallic surfaces [39] but also helps forming a pseudo-layer accessible to
chemisorption of small charged particles [40]. Concerning silicon and titanium
based substrates, etching and/or oxidation of the surface can be obtained by
an alkali treatment [41].
All methods based on the dispersion of a finished material (catalyst support
or catalyst itself) have been gathered under the term “suspension method”.
In some preparations, the difference with sol-gel method is tiny because the
suspension method often implies some gelification steps. It is the most largely
used method, namely for ceramic monoliths. Thus, all the reviews concern-
ing monolith coating give the details of this method [7]. Only some basics
are recalled here as well as specific measures which make this method adapt-
able to other supports than ceramic monoliths. Powder (catalyst support or
catalyst itself), binder, acid and water (or another solvent) are the standard
ingredients. The concentration of all ingredients varies largely from one ex-
perimentator to another and also depends on the nature of the surface to
coat and on the desired layer thickness. The size of the suspended particles
has a great influence on the adhesion on the susbstrate, as demonstrated by
Agrafiotis et al. in the case of monolith coating by different oxides. Particles
size diameter in the range 2µm lead to much more adherent layers than 17 or
52µm [42]. Gonzalez-Velasco et al. [43] have studied the influence of crushing
and acid addition in the deposition of a catalyst on a cordierite monolith. It
was found that a good washcoating of these materials is favoured by particle
size distributions preferably below 10µm. Nitric acid at pH of 5 was preferred
among different acids and resulted in uniform washcoat. Small particles are
also advantageously used for non-porous substrates. Zapf et al. [44,45], for ex-
ample, prepared the suspension with 20g Al2 O3 (3µm particles), 75g water, 5g
polyvinyl alcohol and 1g acetic acid and obtained a very adherent Al2 O3 layer
on stainless steel microchannels. Very good description of the role of binder,
surfactant, viscosity modifier are given in the publication of Agrafiotis et al.
and the review of Avila et al. concerning the coating of ceramic honeycombs
[46,8]. It is interesting to notice that the suspension method allows to deposit
ready-to-use (e.g. commercially available) catalysts. Valentini et al. [38,34] use
the same method to deposit Al2 O3 or a ready-to-use catalyst. It consists in
depositing a primer made of boehmite sol, then after calcination, depositing
a ball milled slurry containing the powder (Al2 O3 or catalyst), water and ni-
tric acid. Sometimes, a viscosity modifier is added, as seen for example in the
work of Jiang et al. [47] to deposit Pt/TiO2 catalyst on Al/Al2 O3 -coated wire
meshes and that of Chung et al. [48] to coat cordierite and wire-mesh mono-
liths with TiO2 . In the latter case, the slurry was heated at 60˚C during 2h
before dip-coating. No details of the suspension is given. In the case of Pfeifer
et al. [3,49], the suspension contained a cellulose derivative (1wt-% of hydroxy
ethyl (or propyl) cellulose) and a solvent (water or isopropyl alcohol). The
nanoparticles (20wt-% in the suspension) of CuO, ZnO and TiO2 or Pd/ZnO
catalyst were mixed together with this solution. The cellulose derivative was
found to efficiently avoid the particles agglomeration [50]. The resulting sus-
pension was filled into microchannels, dried and calcined at 450˚C. A com-
plete burn off of the polymer was obtained (Figure 2). An organic dispersant
(terpineol and ethyl cellulose) was also used by Choi et al. [51] to deposit a
Pt/Al2 O3 catalyst on a silicon substrate (10-30µm thick). Some preparations
Fig. 2. Catalyst coating in microchannels (Reprinted from [3] with permission from
only contain oxide powder and solvent. Whereas this is not currently the case
for the coating of non-porous substrates [52,29], many examples can be found
for ceramic coating. For example, Liguras et al. prepared a dense suspension
of catalyst (Ni/La2 O3 ) powder in de-ionized water. A simple immersion of
ceramic substrates in the suspension followed by drying at 120˚C and calci-
nations (550˚Cand 1000˚C) allowed to obtain the catalytic material [53]. A
simple mixture of oxides in water is also used by Ding et al. [54], Boix et al.
[55], Kikuchi et al. [56] to cover a ceramic monolith.
In one study, the catalyst was not deposited on a structured support but as a
tape which can be rolled in the desired shape [57]. Gd-doped CeO2 with 0.5
wt-% Pt was used as the catalyst material and was dispersed by using com-
mercial dispersion agents and solvents, xylenes and alcohols. The dispersed
catalyst slurry was mixed with organic binder resins such as polyvinylbutyral
or acryloid. The final slurry was cast at the desirable thickness (50-200µm)
with a blade and subsequently dried in air.
Sol-gel deposition
Under this term are gathered various methods [58]. The starting point is a
solution (or a colloidal dispersion) of a chemical precursor of the material to
deposit. One important factor in sol-gel technology is the ageing time allowing
the gelation (peptisation) of the sol. It can vary from a few minutes to several
weeks, depending on the concentrations in the sol and the characteristic size
of the object to coat. The conditions during sol formation have to be chosen
in order to obtain oligomers with desired degree of branching. Sol with high
viscosities, obtained after long ageing time, allow to deposit thicker layer but
are exposed to cracks. A compromise has to be found for each preparation and
substrate to coat. For example, to deposit alumina, the precursor of the sol
can be :
Other supports than alumina can be deposited [62]. For example, Ligura et al.
[53] have tested a sol-gel prepared using Al[OCH(CH3 )2 ]3 , Ni(NO3 )2 · 6 H2 O
and La(NO3 )3 · 6 H2 O as precursors. Monoliths or foams were immersed in the
sol-gel without any other pretreatment, removed and dried at 120˚C. A final
calcination at 550˚C completed the preparation. Richardson et al. [63] also
added lanthanum nitrate to their preparation, to avoid Al2 O3 to transform
to alpha alumina. The other ingredients are boehmite, aluminum nitrate, wa-
ter and glycerol (viscosity modifier). Tonkovitch et al. [64] prepared a ZrO2
layer on Ni foams from zirconium alkoxide in acidic solution. SiO2 was also
often deposited on surfaces, namely glass and silicon ones starting from silicon
alkoxides [65,66]. For the synthesis of sol-gel derived TiO2 , the precursors have
to be partially hydrolyzed in a very controlled manner, such that subsequent
polycondensation reactions yield a weakly branched polymeric metal oxide
sol. To deposit TiO2 , Giornelli et al. [23] solubilized tetrabutyl orthotitanate
Ti(OBu)4 in dry propyl-alcohol at room temperature. After hydrolysis, the
Al2 O3 /Al plates to coat were immersed under stirring for 1h and withdrawn
using a home-made apparatus at 6mm/s. A very similar method is also used
by Danion et al. to coat optical fibres [67]. Important details on the influence
of the pH and the calcination temperature of the above titanium sol on the
crystalline phase are given in the study of Yates et al [68]. It is also possible
to use sol-gel method to directly obtain an alumina supported noble metal.
Ioannis et al. [69] have mixed an aluminum isopropoxide sol with a rhodium
nitrate solution in nitric acid; Kurungot et al. [70] have mixed rhodium chlo-
ride and poly(vinyl alcohol) with a boehmite sol; Chen et al. [71] have mixed
an aluminum isopropoxide sol with H2 PtCl6 in butanediol. It should be noted
than in recent years, oxide thin films with a meso ordered framework have
been synthesized according to several methods (based on sol-gel preparation)
detailed by e.g. Huesing et al. for silica [72] or Fajula et al. for other materials
[73]. For example, by the solvent evaporation-induced self-assembly (EISA)
method, silicon wafers have been coated with SiO2 −TiO2 , SiO2 −ZrO2 and
SiO2 −Ta2 O5 catalytic films with a thickness of 200-300nm [72]. The start-
ing materials comprised metal alkoxide with oligo(ethylene oxide) alkylether
surfactants as structure-directing agents enabling the formation of ordered
mesophases with high surface areas.
Fig. 3. Hybrid method suspension/sol-gel: monolith coated with Al2 O3 powder dis-
persed in colloidal ceria sol (reprinted from [76] with permission from Elsevier)
years (2003-2006), many examples of hybrid preparation have been published
and the catalysts seemed to present good activities. Seo et al. [35] have de-
posited some zirconia on a pre-oxidized FeCrTi fin-tube. The ZrO2 sol was
prepared by dissolving zirconium alkoxide with nitric acid. The sol was mixed
with ZrO2 powder, resulting in the formation of the slurry. After thoroughly
stirring the slurry, the tube was dip-coated into the slurry containing ZrO2 .
After drying during 6 hours, the tube was activated at 850˚C to form the
zirconium oxide layer on the surface. The same authors also used a mixture
of CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 catalyst with alumina sol to coat stainless steel sheets
[80]. Germani et al. [81] compared the layer obtained from pure sol-gel with
Fig. 4. Deposition of CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 on the internal wall of 530µm capillaries
(reprinted from [79] with permission from Elsevier)
that obtained from the hybrid method. The first step comprised the prepara-
tion of an aluminum hydroxide sol-gel from aluminum tri-sec-butoxide. The
platinum precursor (H2 PtCl6 · 6 H2 O) in water was added for hydrolysis and
simultaneous catalyst incorporation. The ceria precursor (Ce(NO3 )3 · 6 H2 O)
in water was added after peptization. In the hybrid method, catalyst powder is
added. This catalyst comes from the calcination of a part of the sol. The pure
sol-gel method produced layers of about 1µm thick whereas the hybrid one
allowed to get layer thicker than 10µm. Both catalysts, deposited on stainless
steel microchannels, were active in the conversion of carbon monoxide; their
activity was higher than a powder catalyst due to diffusion improvement.
In the study of Tadd [31], to prepare the washcoat, the catalyst was mixed
with water, polyvinyl alcohol, and a ceria-zirconia binder prepared from pure
support. The mixture was ball-milled with zirconia grinding media for 48h,
resulting in a uniform slurry used to coat FeCrAl foams. Woo et al. [82,83]
mix a commercial catalyst (CuO-ZnO-Al2 O3 ) with a zirconia sol (from zir-
conium isopropoxide) and isopropyl alcohol to coat stainless steel plates and
microchannels. For Karim et al. [84,79], the typical slurry formulation con-
sisted of 100ml water, 25mg of CuO/ZnO/Al2 O3 catalyst, 10mg of boehmite
and 0.5ml of nitric acid. It was rotated overnight, during which time gelation
of the sol occurs. The sol-gel slurry was coated onto the walls of the capillaries
using the gas displacement method (Figure 4). In the work presented by Wal-
ter et al. [85], the V75 Ti25 Ox catalyst was mixed with a filtered sodium silicate
aqueous solution (sodium has been removed by ion exchange) and applied onto
aluminum microchannels.
immersing the structure in a slurry, a spray of the suspended powder is applied
[86]. The properties of the suspension differ from that used for dip-coating,
namely viscosity since the shear rate is many times larger during spraying
than immersing. As an example, Sidwell et al. prepare a suspension (hybrid)
containing a commercial catalyst (Pd/Al2 O3 ), an aluminum oxide (Catapal
D) and acetone (acetone/powder ratio = 4/3) [87]. Several layers are applied
by spraying till the desired thickness. Acetone is removed by nitrogen flow-
ing between each sprayed layer. A calcination is carried out at the end of the
coating. In that example, the spray is applied to a cast-alumina disk. Spraying
is well-adapted to the coating of fibres [59]. Wu et al. [11] used both spray-
coating (plasma spraying) and dip-coating methods to apply suspensions on
FeCrAl mesh. The same thickness was obtained with both methods but start-
ing from different suspensions: suspended alumina with polyvinyl alcohol and
water for plasma-spray coating, suspended alumina in a boehmite sol (hybrid
method) for dip-coating. The spray-coated layer was found to be more adhe-
sive. In the case of coating deposited before microreactor assembling, drops
of the sol-gel can be deposited (drop-coating) with a possible simultaneous
heating of the microreactor channels [88]. Spin-coating can also be used for
wafers (microstructured or not) [66,60]. According to this deposition method,
a correlation between the film thickness, the sol viscosity and the spin speed
was proposed by Huang et al. [89]. Less predictible method such as the use
of a brush to deposit the liquid as a thin layer is also possible [85]. In closed
micro-channel (assembled micro-reactor or capillaries), the deposition can be
performed by infiltration of the sol-gel [71] or gas fluid displacement, which
consists in filling the capillary with a viscous fluid, and clearing the capil-
lary by forcing gas through it [79]. On the contrary, in the example detailed
by Janicke et al. [90], the excess fluid was not removed. Microchannels were
filled with an aluminum hydroxide solution (pH=5.8, 1.70% Al2 O3 ), which was
allowed to slowly dry over a 24h period, and then calcined at 550˚C. Electro-
static sol-spray deposition has been used on aluminum surfaces to spray zinc
acetate or zirconium propoxide sols [91] or on stainless steel to spray a tita-
nium tetrahydropropoxide sol [92]. By combining the generation of a charged
aerosol and the heating of the substrate to coat (100-200˚C), an easy control
of the morphology of the deposited layer was obtained.
in a suspension [95,47]. For example, Yang et al. [95] used aluminum powder
of 5µm diameter as the suspension’s particles. Polyacrylic acid and aluminum
isopropoxide were used as additives, and expected to improve the adhesion
of aluminum particles and control the suspension conductivity, respectively.
The substrate to coat was stainless steel wire mesh. EPD allowed to deposit
100-120µmAl on the substrate which was further oxidised to form a porous
Al2 O3 layer (12m2 /gwire ) This technique can also be used to obtain a highly
porous catalytic support [94]. Vorob’eva et al. used alumina sol (from hydrol-
ysis of aluminum isopropoxide) for particle suspension during electrophoretic
deposition. After drying and calcination, they obtained a very regular layer
of aluminum oxide on their stainless steel gauze, with a high BET specific
surface area (450m2 /g). In the case of Wunsch et al. [25], microchannels had
to be coated. Al2 O3 nanoparticles in water were used and the properties (vis-
cosity, conductivity) of the liquid medium were varied (glycerol, oxalic acid,
aluminum oxide gel). It was found that a colloidal suspension of Al2 O3 in ox-
alic acid led to an insufficient adhesion, whereas the addition of an alumina
gel or of glycerol allows to obtain adhesive layers of 2 to 4µm thick [50].
a copper plating bath based on Cu(NO3 )2 . The bath contained formaldehyde
solution as a reducing agent. The successive platings allow to obtain a better
adhesion because of small differences between standard potential electrodes.
The deposition of the catalyst support on structured objects can be performed
by impregnation in the case of ceramic (macroporous) structures. Ahn et al.
[100] have immersed a monolith in solutions of aluminum or cobalt nitrate
to obtain, after calcination, a layer of Al2 O3 or Co3 O4 that have been fur-
ther impregnated with an active metal precursor. The direct impregnation
of the structured object by catalyst precursors (without any porous support)
is sometimes the only realistic way for some objects to become catalytic. In
the case of glass fibres cloths of different weaving modes, Matatov et al. have
perform a direct impregnation with Pd by ion-exchange method [101]. This
direct impregnation is justified because the specific surface area of glass fi-
bres can amount up to 400m2 /g. Reymond propose the direct impregnation of
stainless steel grids and carbon fabrics with palladium chloride as a simplest
way to obtain a structured catalyst [39]. Again, concerning carbon fabrics,
its high specific surface area makes a preliminary support deposition unneces-
sary. β-SiC structured objets prepared by Ledoux et al. [102] do not require a
washcoat since the surface area is appr. 50-100m2/g. Different catalysts have
been deposited on the SiC structures (Pt-Rh, NiS2 . . . ) by traditional catalyst
preparation methods. Nevertheless, most of the time, the impregnation follows
either a anodisation step, an oxide deposition. . . or other methods to obtain
a catalytic support [60] and thus does not differ from traditional catalysis.
In the work of Suknev et al. [40], silica fibreglass (7-10µm thick) have been
impregnated with platinum chloride or ammonia complexes. In that case, the
acidic (HCl) pretreatment of the silica, even if it did not reveal a porous layer,
allowed the chemisorption of small charged species into the bulk of the glass
fibres. 0.03 wt-% Pt on the fibreglass was obtained.
Techniques for electronic oxide films growth have been reviewed by Norton
[103]. Although this review does not concerns catalysis, the description of the
different techniques is common to catalytic oxide films deposition in dry way.
The technical details of the methods can be found there. In the following
paragraphs, the examples chosen concern catalyst deposition.
The chemical vapor deposition technique requires the use of chemical pre-
cursors of the desired deposited material. The chemical precursor can be the
same than used in sol-gel methods (e.g. aluminum alkoxide) but no solvent
is required. Only the volatile precursor and the structured object are present
in the deposition chamber. To enhance the deposition rate, the use of low
pressures and high temperatures may be required. PACVD (plasma assisted
CVD) also allows to perform the deposition at lower temperature and higher
deposition rate [104]. Such methods have been used for many other applica-
tions than catalysis but we will only deal with this last point. Moreover, as
CVD can be used to deposit catalyst on a powder substrate [60] or on car-
bon nanotubes, only deposition on geometric structures will be considered.
Aluminum isopropoxide was used by Janicke et al. [90] for the production of
aluminum oxide coatings in stainless steel micro-channels, before the impreg-
nation with a platinum precursor (Figure 5). Molten Al(OiPr)3 was kept at
a constant temperature of 160˚C in a glass bubbler through which 1L/min
of N2 was passed. This N2 /Al(OiPr)3 was mixed with O2 flowing at 7L/min.
Oxygen was necessary for the decomposition of the alkoxide and to prevent
the buildup of carbon in the reactor. Following mixing, the combination of
gases passed through the 140x200 microns channels in the reactor at 300˚C
for 1h. In the example presented by Chen et al. [105], Mo2 C thin films were
formed on Si surfaces. It was demonstrated that a simultaneous heating of
the chemical precursor (Mo(CO)6 ) and the silicon substrate was necessary to
obtain a nano-structured thin film. The deposition was performed at 0.2mbar
and 600˚C. It should be noted that ALD (atomic layer deposition), also called
ALE (E for epitaxy), is a modification to the CVD process consisting in feed-
ing the precursors as alternate pulses that are separated by inert gas purging.
The thickness of the deposited layer linearly depends on the number of cycles.
This modern method allows to obtain uniform films. For example (not in the
catalysis field), Aaltonen et al. [106] deposited in two successive steps an alu-
mina film and a platinum layer on a 5cm square borosilicate glass substrate.
The film was uniform, with a thickness varying from 60 to 65nm all over the
substrate. This method was used for catalyst preparation [107] and also to de-
posit an intermediate oxide layer before zeolite deposition on microstructured
reactors [108].
Physical Vapor Deposition (PVD)
This term includes a mechanical method (cathodic sputtering), and thermal
methods (evaporation and electron-beam evaporation). The equipments re-
quired for such deposition methods are available at microelectronics fabricants
and often concerns silicon coatings.
Cathodic sputtering: A capacitive plasma is generated between the surface
to coat and a target made of the material to be deposited. Sputtering is per-
formed under vacuum, the structured surface is operated as the anode and the
coating material is operated as the cathode which emits atoms to the surface.
The catalytic metal (Pd, Pt, Cu) is often sputtered without a prior oxide layer
[4,109–113]. Glass fabrics have also been coated this way with platinum [114].
The PVD method also allows to deposit i) a catalyst on a porous support
(e.g. Pt or Au sputtered on porous silica [66,13], Ag sputtered on oxidised
FeCrAl microchannels [115]), ii) the desired amount of support (e.g. Ti [41]).
In the latter case, the support can be further treated to make it porous (by
Electron-beam evaporation: In electron beam evaporation, a high kinetic en-
ergy beam of electrons is directed at the material for evaporation. Upon im-
pact, the high kinetic energy is converted into thermal energy allowing the
evaporation of the target material [116,117]. In the example presented by
Srinivasan et al. [116], platinum is coated on silicon wafers (100nm) after the
deposition of 10nm Ti as an adhesion layer.
Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) This process is also known as pulsed laser abla-
tion deposition; a laser is used to ablate particles from a target in a deposition
chamber under reduced pressure and at elevated temperature. The number of
laser pulses is directly related to the thickness of the film deposited on the
substrate. For example, TiO2 /WO3 has been deposited by PLD at 500˚C
on silicon and quartz glass substrates for photocatalytic applications [118].
Cu−CeO2 thin films with various copper composition were deposited on Si
at 750˚C in 90 to 360 seconds. Correlations were found between crystalline
texture of thin films, copper atom fractions and deposition times [119].
Flame assisted vapor deposition (FAVD), flame spray deposition (FSD) and
powder plasma spraying
According to FAVD, the deposition process can take place in an open at-
mosphere without requiring the use of complex deposition chamber and/or
vacuum system like in CVD or PVD methods [120]. The atomised chemical
precursor of the catalyst (nitrates of nickel and aluminium in ethanol and wa-
ter in that case) is burned in a flame. The method can thus be considered as
a “dry” way of deposition for the substrate which is placed in the combustion
zone, at controlled distance and temperature. The average deposition rate for
coatings deposited from 400 to 600˚C was found to be about 10µm/min, 10
times higher than the CVD and PVD methods. The FAVD was also found to
overcome the limitation of the sol-gel technique due to cracking of thick layers.
A layer of 100µm catalyst was deposited on a stainless steel tube. This method
is also called flame pyrolysis and can be used to deposit various oxides like
Fe2 O3 , Co3 O4 , Y2 O3 , CeO2 and Cr2 O3 [121]. Flame spray deposition (FSD) of
porous nanostructured catalysts is a modification of flame synthesis. It looks
like FAVD, since chemical precursors are sprayed in a flame. But in this case,
the precursors are decomposed in the flame at 1220˚C and the surface to coat
is maintained at low temperature (50˚C) [122]. Powder plasma spraying was
developed by Ismagilov et al. to coat structured objects [123,124]. This method
is not related to traditional spraying which depends on the preparation of a
suspension or a sol-gel. In the present case, the oxide powder is directly de-
posited as a dry way. Alumina powders differing in phase composition and
particle size (10 to more than 500 micrometres) were injected in a plasma
torch, forming a spray used to coat titanium plates and nickel foam materi-
als. Pranevicius et al. [125,126] have used a plasma gun to deposit Al-Al2 O3
coatings on steel sheets. The distance between the plasma gun and substrate
was 100mm. The steel sheets were rotated during deposition. In that case, the
method is called “reactive plasma spraying” because aluminum particles are
oxidised in the air plasma. Al(OH)3 is mixed to the aluminum powder; CuO
and Cr2 O3 have also been added in some experiments. The particle size is
approximately 50µm. Well-adhering coatings consisting of 70% Al2 O3 present
a specific area of 100-120m2/g.
2.4 Comparison of the results obtained with different methods - which method
for which application
Deposition method Deposited support or Size and material of the structure Scale of Thickness Ref.
catalyst structura- or loading
Susp. after thermal ox. Al2 O3 40mm x 40mm x 10mm FeCrAl mi- 0.6-1mm 60µm Yu (China) [30]
Susp. after pretreatment Al2 O3 Slabs of Al and FeCrAl, tubes of α- - 5-80µm Forzatti (Italy) [38]
and primer dep. Al2 O3
Suspension Al2 O3 6mm O.D. Stainless steel tubes - 20-200µm LGPC (France) [59]
Suspension Al2 O3 78mm long stainless steel microchan- 100-300µm 10µm IMM (Germany) [4]
Susp. after thermal ox. Pt/Al2 O3 9mm O.D. x 12mm FeCrAlY foam 0.5-1mm 1.5g/in3 Rice (USA) [128]
Suspension Pt/Al2 O3 5mm x 10mm x 0.35mm Si sensor - 10-30µm Choi (Japan) [51]
Susp. after thermal ox. and Pd/Al2 O3 FeCrAl foams 2-4mm 5.5mg/cm2 Forzatti (Italy) [34]
primer dep.
Susp. after thermal ox. Pd/Al2 O3 160mm x 250mm FeCrAl fibre panels 35-45µm (fi- 2wt-% Cerri (Italy) [129]
bre O.D.)
Suspension Bi-Mo/Montmorillonite, 80mm long stainless steel tubes 10mm I.D. 300-600 µm Redlingshofer (Germany)
Pd/Al2 O3 [130,131]
Susp. + plasma spraying Al2 O3 and other oxides 30mm x 100mm FeCrAl mesh - 50µm Wu (China) [11]
Table 1
Suspension method used to deposit oxides or catalysts on various structures, part I
Deposition method Deposited support or Size and material of the structure Scale of Thickness Ref.
catalyst structura- or loading
Susp. CeO2 −Al2 O3 and Ceramic monoliths 1mm 20µm Agrafiotis (Greece) [76]
Suspension La2 O3 -Al2 O3 3mm O.D. x 25mm alumina tubes - 10-40µm McCarty (USA)[132]
Susp. (after thermal ox. for Pd/ZnO, CuO/ZnO- 23mm x 78mm microstructured Al and 100µm 20µm FZK (Germany) [3,49,28]
FeCrAl) Al2 O3 and TiO2 FeCrAl plates
Susp. after thermal ox. Rh/MgO−Al2 O3 9mm x 50mm x 0.25mm FeCrAlY felts 150µm pore 14mg/cm2 Wang (USA) [133]
Susp. (after thermal ox. for CeO2 , ZrO2 20mm x 20mm FeCrAl and stainless 70-200µm 0.3-20µm FZK (Germany) [29]
FeCrAl) steel microstructured foils
Suspension TiO2 15 cm long quartz microfibres 9µm O.D. < 1µm Rice (USA) [134]
Susp. after thermal ox. Ni/Ce0.75 Zr0.25 O2 30mm x 30mm x 600µm FeCrAl foams - 200mg/foam Schwank (USA) [31]
Suspension after thermal Pt/HS-Ce0 · 68 Zr0 · 32 O2 21mm O.D. x 21mm cordierite mono- 1mm 2-30wt-% Gonzalez (Spain) [43]
treatment liths
Suspension CuO based catalysts 20mm x 20mm x 200µm FeCrAl mi- 100-200µm - Renken (Switzerland) [52]
crostructured plates
Susp. after anodic ox. or Vanadium oxides 20mm long microstructured Al plates 230µm 10-40µm Liauw (Germany) [17]
thermal ox.
Susp. after chem. etching BaMnAl11 O19 4.75mm O.D. mullite tubes - 100µm Forzatti (Italy) [135]
Hybrid CeO2 −Al2 O3 and Ceramic monoliths 1mm 10µm Agrafiotis (Greece) [76]
Hybrid CeO2 −ZrO2 - 40mm x 20mm ceramic monoliths 1mm 8-15wt-% Jiang (China) [136]
La2 O3 −Al2 O3
Hybrid Al2 O3 and other oxides 30mm x 100mm FeCrAl mesh - 50µm Wu (China) [11,10]
Hybrid after thermal ox. ZrO2 38mm O.D. x 120mm long FeCrTi fin 4mm 20µm Seo (Korea) [35]
Hybrid after chemical ox. CuO/ZnO-Al2 O3 30cm long quartz and fused silica cap- 0.2-4mm I.D. 1-25µm Bravo (USA) [79,84]
Hybrid Hexaaluminates, 8cm O.D. cast Al2 O3 disk - 26-163µm Zhu (USA) [87]
Pd/Al2 O3
Sol-gel after thermal ox. Al2 O3 FeCrAl foams 2-4mm 2-3mg/cm2 - Forzatti (Italy) [34]
Sol-gel Al2 O3 30mm x 30mm glass plate - 10-20µm Belochapkine (UK) [137]
Sol-gel Al2 O3 4.9mm O.D. x 10cm long α-Al2 O3 - 100µm Cini (USA) [138]
Sol-gel (after thermal ox. Al2 O3 10mm x 20mm Si microreactors and 5-50µm 1µm LGPC (France) [59]
for FeCrAl) FeCrAl fibres
Table 3
Hybrid and sol-gel methods used to deposit oxide or metal-on-oxide catalyst on various substrates
Deposition method Deposited support or cat- Size and material of the structure Scale of Thickness Ref.
alyst structura- or loading
Sol-gel Pt, Al2 O3 10mm x 40mm Si microreactor 60-600µm 2.5µm Kusakabe (Japan) [113]
Sol-gel Pt/Al2 O3 6 to 54mm long Si microchannel 75-500µm 3µm Besser (USA) [71]
Sol-gel Rh/Al2 O3 35mm long α-Al2 O3 tubes - 9µm Kurungot (Japan) [70]
Sol-gel Pd/Al2 O3 , La2 O3 or SiO2 FeCrAl monolith 1-2mm 2wt-% WUT (Poland) [62]
Sol-gel Ni/La2 O3 , Rh/Al2 O3 Ceramic monoliths, foams and tubes 1-5mm 13wt-% (Ni), Verykios (Greece) [53,69]
Sol-gel CeO2 −Al2 O3 and Pd/oxide Ceramic monoliths 1mm 2µm/layer Agrafiotis (Greece) [76]
Sol-gel Al2 O3 -La2 O3 12.7mm x 25.4mm Ceramic foams 1mm 6-20wt-% Richardson (USA) [63]
Sol-gel Al2 O3 -La2 O3 60mm O.D. x 20mm cylindrical ce- 4mm 5wt-% Jiratova (Czech Rep.) [139]
ramic foams
Sol-gel SiO2 , Al2 O3 and TiO2 Stainless steel microreactor 100-200µm 2-3µm FZK (Germany) [61,25]
Sol-gel SiO2 10mm x 30mm Si microreactor 5-100µm 0.2-10µm Besser (USA) [66]
Sol-gel SiO2 24mm x 32mm micro cover glasses - < 1µm Gunther (Germany) [140]
Sol-gel SiO2 , Al2 O3 0.49mm thick panel of sintered metal 2-30µm 0.5-0.8µm Renken (Switzerland) [141]
Electrophoretic deposition Al2 O3 Stainless steel microstructured foils 400µm 2-4µm FZK (Germany) [143,25]
Electrophoretic deposition Al2 O3 Stainless steel gauze from 50µm O.D. - 1-15µm Vorob’eva (Russia) [94]
Electroless plating Cu-Zn 21mm x 120mm x 0.4mm Al plates 1mm 50-100µm Fukuhara (Japan) [98,99]
Electrodeposition ZrO2 , La2 O3 /ZrO2 10mm x 10mm x 0.5mm stainless steel - 0.5-2µm Stoychev (Bulgaria) [26,97]
Impregnation Rh 15mm x 15mm Al2 O3 foams and Fe- 100µm-1mm - FZK (Germany) [144,32]
CrAl monolith
Impregnation Fe2 O3 20mm x 20mm stainless steel mi- 70-200µm 1-10µm FZK (Germany) [29]
crostructured foils
Precipitation Al2 O3 Woven fabrics from 0.35mm O.D. glass - 6wt-% Renken (Switzerland) [145]
Colloidal polymer solution Pd 450mm long glass microchannel 100µm 18µm Kobayashi (Japan) [146]
CVD Al2 O3 15mm x 15mm microstructured stain- 140-200µm 10µm Janicke (Germany)[90]
less steel plates
Langmuir-Blodgett tech. Al2 O3 and Co3 O4 FeCrAl, FeCrNi, Co leaves 0.1-0.3mm ? Lojewska (Poland) [36]
Table 5
Various coating methods applied to structured substrates
Deposition method Deposited support or Size and material of the structure Scale of Thickness Ref.
catalyst structura- or loading
Raney metal formation Raney Ni or Cu Ni gauze - Ni and Cu grids from 100µm - 500nm Renken (Switzerland)
O.D. wires [147,148]
Anodic oxidation Al2 O3 50mm long AlMg microreactors 50-200µm 3-12µm FZK (Germany) [143,25]
Anodic oxidation Al2 O3 20mm long microstructured Al plates 280µm 10µm Liauw (Germany) [17]
PVD Pd 78mm long stainless steel microchan- 100-300µm 100nm IMM (Germany) [4]
PVD Pt 25mm x 15mm Si chip < 1mm 0.1µm Jensen (USA) [116]
PVD Various oxides (La2 O3 , 75mm O.D. Si wafer - 20-500nm Symyx (USA) [117]
Al2 O3 . . . )
PVD Pt, Mo, Zr 120mm O.D. stainless steel titer plate 10mm 50-500nm IMM (Germany) [150]
PVD Ti followed by Pt 20mm x 14mm Si microreactor 50-400µm 20nm + 20nm Cui (USA) [41]
FAVD NiO-Al2 O3 3.5mm O.D. x 15mm stainless steel - 100µm Choy (UK) [120]
FSD Au/TiO2 10mm x 20mm Si microreactor, Ti and 300µm 50-150µm Thybo (Denmark) [122]
Al samples
Table 6
Physical methods used to coat structured substrates
From these tables, it appears that sol-gel allows to produce layers around
10µm thick, whereas PVD methods produce layer thiner than 1µm. The sus-
pension methods can produce layers from 1 to hundred micrometers but is in
general used to obtain thicker layers than sol-gel [44]. The method to choose
thus depends on the required properties of the deposited layer. For example, to
deposit a catalyst on porous substrates (foams, ceramic monoliths), two ways
are possible: covering the flat surface or penetrating the porosity [151]. Giani
et al. [34] found that using a sol-gel method allows to penetrate the porosity
of the foam material, whereas the use of the suspension technology resulted in
pore blocking (Figure 6 and 7). The same observation is made by Agrafiotis
et al. [76] in the case of ceramic monolith coating. To avoid the penetration of
the oxide precursor in the porosity, a hybrid method between suspension and
sol-gel is prefered than sol-gel alone. Hybrid method is, in their recent publica-
tions [152,76], also chosen rather than the suspension method used previously
[42]. Hybrid indeed combines the advantages of the sol (precise control and
tuning of the catalyst microstructure) and that of the suspension (ease of
deposition). The Pd or Rh/(CeO)0.25 (CaO)0.02 (Al2 O3 )0.73 catalysts obtained
by hybrid method revealed improved performances (compared to commercial
catalysts) in terms of catalytic activity and resistance to thermal aging during
catalytic hydrocarbon combustion. In the case of TiO2 coatings dedicated to
Fig. 6. FeCrAl foams coating by sol-gel method (reprinted from [34] with permission
from Elsevier)
From the tables, it is also obvious that various examples of microreactor tech-
nology involve the use of unsupported metallic catalysts deposited through
sputtering, in accordance with observations from Yeong et al. [4]. Where
greater catalytic surface area is required, anodisation of metals (typically alu-
Fig. 7. FeCrAl foams coating by suspension method (reprinted from [34] with per-
mission from Elsevier)
minium) has been used, since a variety of surface morphologies and porous
layer thicknesses can be made in a controlled fashion. Supports have also been
prepared using sol-gel techniques and by growing zeolites. Wunsch et al. [25]
have applied three different techniques to coat channels of a micro-reactor. An-
odic oxidation, sol-gel method and electrophoretic deposition all seem to give
adherent Al2 O3 layers in the channels. Micro-channels with 10µm O.D. pillars
have also been coated by sol-gel method [59] (Figure 8). After impregnation
of the oxide phase by a platinum precursor, the microstructured reactor was
used to catalyse the oxidation of carbon monoxide as a model-reaction. Its ac-
tivity was compared to a Pt-sputtered microstructured reactor. The Pt/Al2 O3
catalyst showed a better ignition temperature (25˚C) than the sputtered Pt
(100˚C) [153]. PVD methods in general lead to low activity catalysts. Muller
et al. also compared catalysts prepared by a wet-chemical procedure (suspen-
sion) with sputtered catalysts [150]. The ease and speed of the PVD process
are very advantageous in the case of parallel screening because allow to obtain
an important catalyst library in few hours and thus a rapid information on
the active metals to catalyse a reaction. However, due to their low porosity,
the activity of the obtained catalysts are not directly comparable to catalysts
prepared by wet-chemical procedures.
Fig. 8. Silicon microchannels with 10µm pillars coated with Al2 O3 (reprinted from
[59] with permission from Elsevier)
Fig. 9. Al2 O3 deposition by sol-gel inside a microstructure (reprinted from [61] with
permission from Elsevier)
Recently, after investigations to improve the coating method [38], the same
team have published the coating of FeCrAl substrate, using finely crushed
powder to prepare the suspension [155].
The methods used to get a zeolite layer on structures differ from other oxides
deposition. Methods based on a suspension of zeolite [156,157] are possible,
but a direct synthesis on the structured object is most of the time applied.
Applying the zeolite crystals by a dip-coating technique results in a coating
consisting of randomly oriented zeolite crystal layers useful for adsorption and
catalysis purposes. The support is immersed in a suspension of the zeolite
crystals in a solvent containing a binder and other additives followed by evap-
oration of the solvent by drying and calcination. Because various zeolites are
commercially available, this seems to be a relatively simple coating method,
as synthesis issues concerning the zeolite itself do not need to be considered. A
binder, e.g. colloidal silica, is added to the suspension for better adherence of
the zeolite crystals onto the support. The obtention of BEA zeolites on ceramic
monoliths and metal gauze packing is described by Beers et al. [156]. The sus-
pension comprised BEA zeolite, a solvent (water or butyl acetate), a binder
(silica sol, nitrocellulose) and a surfactant (teepol). The role of the surfactant,
the solvent. . . in the case of suspension of zeolite is very well described in a
recent review [8]. Growing the zeolites directly on the surface of the carrier is
a another coating method which is detailed by Jansen et al. [158] and also well
reviewed [8]. The advantage of a directly grown zeolite layer compared to the
dip-coated support, is that a complete coverage of an oriented zeolite crystal
layer can be achieved [158,156]. The preparation of directly grown MFI zeolite
coatings on catalytic supports is largely reported [159,160,108]. The method
is similar to sol-gel technology. The synthesized film can be deposited as a
uniform layer at the surface, or in localized positions (e.g. in the microchan-
nels) [157,161,162]. Sil-1, Al-ZSM-5 and TS-1 zeolites have thus been confined
within silicon microchannels. They were synthesised from different amounts
of tetrapropylammonium hydroxide, SiO2 , AlOOH, tetraethyl orthosilicate,
tetraethyl orthotitanate and NaOH in water. The different results obtained in
the literature are presented in Table 7. The synthesis of SAPO-5, Sil-1 and
Zeolite Y on copper and steel substrates is detailed by Mintova et al. [163].
These zeolites behave differently on the different surfaces. For example, zeolite
Y adhers to copper but not to steel. The growth of ferrierite on FeCrAl foils is
also reported [164], starting from silica, alumina and piperidine, at 160˚C. To
facilitate the zeolite synthesis on various substrates, Sterte et al. use the seed
film method which consists of adsorbing some colloidal crystals of molecular
sieve to induce its growth as a continuous film [165]. This method is also used
by Rebrov et al. to deposit an adhering monolayer of ZSM-5 on microchannels
[160] and by Chau et al. [166]. Other pretreatments than seeding have been
studied. In the case of Wloch et al. [164], the FeCrAl foils were pretreated ther-
mally to obtain alumina whiskers on the surface. Small crystals of zeolite were
synthesised to favour a better contact between the metal foil and the zeolite
coating. In the case of Mies et al. [108], molybdenum-containing plates were
coated with ZSM-5. Different pretreatments, including chemical etching, ALD
of TiO2 and Al2 O3 , UV treatment of the TiO2 layer, the use of a solution of
templating agent. . . , were applied before zeolite synthesis. These treatments
resulted in growth rate and/or nucleation rate enhancement. Jansen et al. have
reviewed the supports that have been used for zeolite coatings by direct syn-
thesis [158] with some of their possible pretreatment. Ceramics, crystal wafers,
glass, steels are some examples. A review on zeolite synthesis, even not very
recent, details the obtention of zeolite films on different substrates [167]. Note
that many publications dealing with zeolite deposition on structures are for
membrane applications.
from this three methods, Garcia-Bordeje et al. [171] have also used a suspen-
sion of commercial carbon support in furan. This resulted in an increased
mesoporosity compared to the method with furan-type resin alone. Once the
carbon surface is obtained, it needs to be activated. The role of carbon activa-
tion is also well described in the review of Vergunst [168]. Under an oxidising
treatment (air, ozone, nitric acid. . . ) it allows the modification of the textural
properties of the carbon by the creation of pores. Some indications on how
to develop the pore structure of carbon can be found in [172–175]. A further
functionalisation of the surface is required to generate anchoring sites for the
catalyst according to well-known methods for the preparation of carbon sup-
ported catalysts [176]. This can be perfomed by immersing the carbon-coated
object in NaOCl (up to 15wt-% active chlorine) [177], in concentrated HNO3
or in hydrogen peroxide for durations varying from one author to another. Car-
bon nanofibres (CNF) have also been applied on ceramic monoliths [178,179].
The carbon nanofibres are grown on Ni/Al2 O3 -washcoated monolith by a gas
containing 50% methane. Table 7 summarizes carbon coating results.
Fig. 10. Different steps during preparation of carbon coatings in submillimetric
channels (reprinted from [180] with permission from Elsevier)
Deposition method Deposited support or Size and material of the structure Scale of Thickness Ref.
catalyst structura- or loading
Suspension Zeolite BEA Monolith and wire gauze packing 1-3mm 4-10wt-% TU Delft (Netherlands)
Synthesis Zeolite ZSM-5, Sil-1 Stainless steel grids and metal fibres 10-800µm 1-38µm Renken (Switzerland)
Hydrothermal synthesis Zeolite ZSM-5 10mm x 10mm x 2mm stainless steel 500µm 1-24µm Rebrov (Netherlands)
(or Mo-based) plates [160,108]
Suspension, synthesis Zeolite ZSM-5, Sil-1, TS-1 Si microreactor 0.2-1mm 3-16µm Wan (Hong-Kong)
Sol-gel Zeolite BaY Quartz microfibres 9µm <1µm Raftery (USA) [184]
Synthesis Zeolite Sil-1 Si wafers 500µm 1-100µm Chau (Hong Kong) [166]
nano-fibres growth Carbon Ceramic monoliths and Ni foams 1mm 1µm Lefferts (Netherlands)
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