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Logistic Regression

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Logistic Regression

Logistic Regression is one of the most popular algoriths used in the field of data Science.

It is different from linear Regression in term of the cost function used.

Logistic function used the Sigmoid Function.

Understanding Regression
Linear Regression outputs continuous numeric values, whereas logistic regression transforms its output to
return a probability values which can be used for mapping to two or more classes.

Sigmoid Function
The hypothesis of logistic regression tends it to limit the cost function between 0 and 1. The sigmoidal

function is given as :

Using linear regression, formula of hypothesis is:

For logistic regression:

Dicision Boundary
The hypothesis of logistic regression can be given as:

Decision Boundary: A threshold value is decided between 0 and 1, which decides the class a numeric value
may correspond to.

Cost Function
The cost function to be minimized in logistic regression can be given as:

Which can be compressed into a single function:

I) Binary Logistic Regression: The categorical response has only two possible outcomes.

eg. email Spam or Not

II) Multinomial Logistic Regression: Three or more categories without ordering.

eg. Predecting which food is preferred more.

III) Ordinal Logistic Regression Three or more categories with ordering.

eg. Movie or Product rating 1 to 5.

1.Makes no assumption about distribution of class in feature space.

2.Quite easier to understand, implement and efficient to train.

3.Can easily formulate multiple regression in consideration.

4.It gives direction of association among the dependent and independent variable involved.

5.Gives good accuracy for simple datasets.

1.Can lead to overfitting if the number of feature is more than observations.

2.It also assumes linearity between independent and dependent variables.

3.It can only be used to predict discrete functions.

Real Life Application

I) It is often used in classification problem dealing with spam detection in email. A spam may be labelled as
'1' and '0' is given to no-spam

II) Credit Card Fraud can also be detected through logistic regression. It uses factors like data of the
transaction, amount, place, type of purchase and many more.

II) Tumer Prediction maybe classified into malignant or bening.

In [2]: import numpy as np

%matplotlib notebook
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
import pandas as pd
import sys
from sklearn.datasets import load_digits
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, classification_report
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

In [3]: x = np.linspace(-10,10,100)
y = 1/(1+np.exp(-x))
Logistic Regression Practicle
In [4]: #Collection and import dataset, before import data you must be import pandas package.
dataset = pd.read_csv("Loan.csv")

In [5]: #check columns of your dataset


Index(['Income', 'Loan Amount', 'Target'], dtype='object')


In this dataset we have three columns. The first two (Income and Loan Amount ) are the predictor(
independent variables), While the last one - Target is the response (or dependent Variable).

we will use dataset to train logistic regression model to predict whether a borrow will default or not default
on a new loan based on their income and the amount of money they intend to borrow.

In [6]: #check last data of your dataset


Out[6]: Income Loan Amount Target

25 15 85 yes

26 18 90 yes

27 16 100 yes

28 22 105 yes

29 14 110 yes
In [7]: #summary statistics of your dataset

Out[7]: Income Loan Amount

count 30.000000 30.000000

mean 20.966667 54.233333

std 6.195011 28.231412

min 12.000000 8.000000

25% 16.250000 32.000000

50% 20.500000 54.500000

75% 24.750000 71.750000

max 34.000000 110.000000

In [8]: #Explore the Data


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 30 entries, 0 to 29
Data columns (total 3 columns):
# Column Non-Null Count Dtype
--- ------ -------------- -----
0 Income 30 non-null int64
1 Loan Amount 30 non-null int64
2 Target 30 non-null object
dtypes: int64(2), object(1)
memory usage: 848.0+ bytes

In [9]: #Visualize data , Boxplot

ax = sns.boxplot(data = dataset, x = 'Target', y='Loan Amount')
In [11]: ax = sns.boxplot(data = dataset, x = 'Target', y='Income')
In [12]: ax = sns.scatterplot(x = dataset['Income'], y = np.where(dataset['Target'] == 'No',0 ,1)

In [13]: ax = sns.scatterplot(x = dataset['Loan Amount'], y = np.where(dataset['Target'] == 'No',

Prepare the Data

Primary Objective in this step is to split our data into training and test sets. The training set be used to train
the model , while the test will be used to evalutate the model.

In [14]: x = dataset[['Income', 'Loan Amount']]

# X for the independent variables.

In [15]: y = dataset['Target']
# y for dependent variable.

Using the train_test_split() function, we can split x and y into x_train, x_test, y_train, and y_test.

Within the train_test_split() function, we will set: train_size to .70 to .80 . this mean depend on data size
basically we assigned 70% to 80% for training data while rest of 20% to 30% is assigned to the test data.

startify as y which means that we want the data split using a stratified random sampling approach based on
the values of y.

random_state to 123 we get the same result every time we do this split.

In [16]: x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(x, y, train_size=0.7, stratify=y, ra

In [17]: #shape of train data


(21, 2)

The about result show us that 21 out of the 30 instances in the dataset were assigned to the train set.
In [18]: #shape of test data

(9, 2)

The about result show us that 9 out of the 30 instances in the dataset were assigned to the test set.

In [19]: #Train and Evaluate the Model

classifier = LogisticRegression()
#Instantiate a new object called classifier from LogisticRegression class.

In [20]: #To train model, we pass the training data(x_train & y_train) to the fit() method of the
model = classifier.fit(x_train, y_train)

In [21]: #Recall taht there are 9 instances(or rows) in the test set.
#to predict labels for the test instances , we pass the independent variable of the test

array(['yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'yes', 'No', 'No', 'No', 'yes'],


In [22]: #To evaluate how accurate our model is , we pass the test data(x_test and y_test) to sco
model.score(x_test, y_test)


The result tells us, Logistic Regression model is able to correctly predict 8 out of 9( 89%) of te labels in the
test set.

The accuracy of a model only gives us a one-dimensional perspective of performance.To get a broader
perspective, we need to generate a conusion matrix od the model's performance.

In [23]: confusion_matrix(y_test, model.predict(x_test))

# here we pass the dependent variable from the test set(which are actual labels) and the

array([[3, 1],
[0, 5]], dtype=int64)

The output is a 2*2 array that shows how many instance the model predicted correctly or incorrectely as
either Yes or No. this confusion matric can be define :

The first row of the matrix shows that of the 4 instances that were actually NO, the model predicted 3 of
them as NO but 1 of them as Yes. The second row of the matrix shows that of the 5 instances that were
actually Yes, the model predicted all 5 correctly as Yes.

Interpret the Model we did built model and evaluated the performance of the model on the test data, we
can now interpret the model's output. The model coefficeints.

The relation between the dependent and independent variables in a Logistic Regression model is generally

represented as follows:

In this representation , the left hand side of the equation is know as the logit or log-odds of the probability
of an outcome or class P. β0 is the intercept. β1 to βn are coefficients of the independent variables x1 to xn.

In [24]: model.intercept_
#get intercept(β0 ), we use intercept_ attribute for model.


In [25]: model.coef_
# To get the other model coefficient that is β1, β2 we use coef_ attribute for model

array([[-1.0178107 , 0.14656096]])

The model coefficient

correspond to the order in which the independent variables are listed in the training data.This means that
the above equation is our logistic regression model.

In [26]: coff_odds = np.round(model.coef_[0], 2)


array([-1.02, 0.15])

The above code make coefficeints easier to work with , can convert the coefficients from a two dimensional
array to a one-dimensional array and round the values to two decimal places.

round() is a mathematical function that rounds an array to the given number of decimals. Syntax :
numpy.round(arr, decimals = 0, out = None)

In [27]: pd.DataFrame({'coff odds': coff_odds}, index = x.columns)

Out[27]: coff odds

Income -1.02

Loan Amount 0.15

Above we create a Pandas DataFrame using the coefficint values and the columns name from the training
data as row indexes.

Above , first coeff tells us that, when all other variables are held constant, a $1 increase in a borrowers
income decrease the coeff odds that they will target on their loan by 1.02.

Likewise the second coefficient tells us that a $1 increase in the amount a customer borrows, increase the
coeff odds that they will target on their loan by 0.15 when all other variable are held constant.

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