Psychology Assignment s2
Psychology Assignment s2
Psychology Assignment s2
Semester 2
Cheilyn Isaacs
22 August 2023
Table of Contents
Question 1 ........................................................................................................................2
Question 1.2 .....................................................................................................................4
Question 2 ........................................................................................................................6
References ........................................................................................................................7
Question 1
The "self" in psychology refers to a complex, multilevel system that includes social,
individual, neural, and molecular aspects of one's own existence and experience. It is the
central concept through which people perceive and interpret the world around them in
relation to themselves (Stangor, Jhangiani and Tarry, 2022).Each of these levels can be
understood as a subsystem consisting of environmental influences, component parts,
interconnections between parts, and regular changes in the properties and relations of the
parts. The difference between ego being "I" and ego being "me" can be understood through
the perspectives of philosophy and psychology. These terms have been explored by various
philosophers and scholars to describe different aspects of personal identity and self-
The "i" self refers to the subjective experience of being an individual. It represents your
inner thoughts, feelings, consciousness and self-awareness. This aspect of the self is often
related to first person experience and introspection. When you say "I," you refer to your
personal core, your inner thoughts and perceptions. It is the aspect of yourself that is
constantly aware of and involved in your experience. "I" represents the subjective,
spontaneous, and positive side of oneself. It's part of yourself that experiences the world
and begins to act. The "me" is the creative and impulsive part of our identity that reacts to
situations and interacts with the environment. It's the part of us that makes decisions, acts,
and reacts in the moment. (Norman and Hoyle, 2004).
The "me" self refers to the external and observable aspects of your identity. This includes
your physical body, your social roles, your relationships, and how you present yourself to
others. The "me" aspect of yourself is often shaped by social norms, cultural influences, and
your role in different contexts. It is how others see you and how you identify with the
broader social framework. It's a part of yourself seen from another's point of view. The "I" is
the self-seen through the eyes of society, and it gives a sense of continuity and consistency
to our behaviour. It's part of us that reflects on our actions (Joireman et al., 2008).
Essentially, "I" represents the inner, personalized, and inner side of oneself, while "me"
represents the outer, social, and observable side of oneself. This distinction has been
explored by philosophers such as George Herbert Mead and William James, as well as in
various psychological theories of self-concept and identity development.
It is important to note that these two aspects of self are interconnected and influence each
other. How you see yourself from the inside ("I") can shape how you present yourself on the
outside ("me"), and how others see you from the outside can affect how you feel on the
outside. The interplay between subjective and objective aspects of self contributes to the
complexity of human identity and self-perception. (Thagard, 2012).
Research by Markus and Kunda (1986) emphasizes the idea of a 'possible self', which
includes the desired and feared self that an individual envisions in the future (Markus and
Wurf, 1987). This concept influence’s goal setting and motivation. In addition, Bandura's
social cognitive theory emphasizes the role of self-efficacy, belief in one's ability to complete
tasks, and shaping behaviour and achievement (Heydari, Dashtgard and Moghadam, 2014).
The psychological level of self corresponds to the "me" aspect. The ego consists of individual
behaviours and many mental expressions that people apply to themselves and others. The
most common representations are personality concepts. Behaviours are attributes of
individuals, but mental manifestations can be considered part of them if one adopts a view
of the mind based on information processing rather than common sense.
The neural and molecular levels of self correspond to the "me" aspect. These levels involve
the most immediate and personal experiences and reactions. The patterns of neural
activation and molecular processes that contribute to the spontaneous responses and
decisions that make up the "me". It is the part of self that interacts with the environment in
a unique and subjective way, generating thoughts and initiating actions based on personal
experiences. The molecular ego develops slowly in neuroscience, aspects of the self such as
personality are influenced by biochemical reactions. The social level is also consistent with
the “me” aspect. This is where interaction with others and social influence come into play.
How we see ourselves in a social context, how we behave based on social expectations and
cues, and how we adapt our actions to specific social situations are all aspects of "me". “.
in conclusion self is not a singular entity but a complex system with multiple dimensions and
levels , which include individual, self, neural and molecular- each of them includes
interconnections, environment, and changes. The self as "I" corresponds to the more
individualized aspects of experience, which are influenced by neural and molecular
processes. The self as "me" corresponds to the reflective, societal, and social aspects of
identity and behaviour, shaped by psychological and social mechanisms. The "I" and "me"
together constitute a comprehensive understanding of the self, reflecting its multifaceted
nature across various levels of analysis.
Words: 842
Question 1.2
He considers himself not good at art and expresses doubts about his artistic skills. Carl's
negative perception of his own artistic abilities leads to the expectation that his drawings
will not meet the desired standards. This expectation affects his motivation to participate in
the activity. Carl's repeated attempts and dissatisfaction with his drawings suggest that he
may have had previous negative experiences with art-related activities. These experiences
contribute to his current lack of confidence. The fact that Carl mentions not being as good
as others shows that he is comparing his abilities to those of his peers. He finds himself
lacking compared to his classmates. The fact that Carl asks to complete a puzzle instead of
an art activity shows that he thinks he is more capable of solving puzzles than engaging in
the creative arts. (van Dinther, Dochy and Segers, 2011).
Self-efficacy is influenced by many different factors that shape an individual's belief in their
abilities. Carl's repeated unsuccessful attempts to draw the vase may have reduced his self-
efficacy. Positive experiences of success can improve self-efficacy, while repeated failures
can reduce it. Carl's perception of the superior ability of his peers in art contributes to his
belief in his self-efficacy. Observing other people's success can increase or decrease an
individual's confidence, depending on perceived similarities between themselves and the
success model. Feedback and encouragement from authority figures, such as teachers, play
a role in self-efficacy. If Carl receives positive and supportive feedback, his self-efficacy can
improve. Carl's depressed and withdrawn emotional state affects his self-efficacy. High
levels of anxiety or stress can reduce one's belief in one's abilities (Panadero, Jonsson and
Botella, 2017).
Question 2
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
The causes of ADHD are complex and often involve a combination of genetic, neurological,
and environmental factors. Genetic predisposition plays an important role, as studies have
shown that ADHD tends to run in families. Neurologically, an imbalance in the
neurotransmitter system, particularly dopamine, is involved. Environmental factors, such as
exposure to toxins during pregnancy or childhood, may also contribute (Thapar et al., 2013).
Children with ADHD may exhibit symptoms that can disrupt the classroom environment.
They may have difficulty concentrating on tasks, be easily distracted, have difficulty
following directions, and exhibit impulsive behaviour. Hyperactivity can manifest as
restlessness, restlessness, or talking too much. These symptoms can lead to learning
difficulties, social challenges, and strained teacher-student relationships. (John Hopkins
Medicine, 2023).
One way to manage the classroom with ADHD students is to establish a predictable routine
that can help children manage their time and expectations, thereby reducing anxiety and
impulsivity (Kaczegowicz, 2023). Another way to manage the classroom is to provide clear,
concise instructions and break tasks down into smaller steps to keep students on track and
reduce frustration (CHADD, 2018). Adding visual aids, charts, schedules, and diagrams can
help children with ADHD better understand and follow instructions. (Linda, 2021). By
allowing short and frequent breaks while performing tasks, it helps students manage their
energy levels and improve their focus (Brooks, 2020). Positive reinforcement always works,
and by rewarding positive behaviour and small accomplishments, students with ADHD are
more eager to stay engaged and on task (Digital et al., 2019). Without making learners feel
restricted or punished, try to position students in seats where the teacher is more visible,
this will help reduce distractions and give the teacher an opportunity to spend more time in
the classroom. more time to pay attention to students' needs (Koffman, 2022). Not only are
physical changes in the classroom required to run the classroom, but tailoring instructional
methods and assignments to individual needs can ensure that students with ADHD receive
the support they need full support.
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