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Republic of the Philippines

Schools Division of Occidental Mindoro
Daily Lesson Log
School CAMINAWIT NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL San Jose, Occidental Mindoro
Grade Level GRADE 7 Quarter SECOND
Learning MATHEMATICS Section Amorsolo (9:45-10:45, Luna (1:00-2:00), Molina (3:30-4:30)
Area and
Date November 2, 2022 Time

Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of the key concepts of measurement.
Performance Standard The learners are able to formulate real-life problems involving measurements and solve these using a variety of
Learning Competencies The learner approximates the measures of quantities particularly length, weight/mass, volume, time, angle and
temperature and rate. M7ME-IIa-3

Content Measurement
References Learner’s Material pages 91 – 94
Teacher’s Guide, pages: 119-122
1. Elem. Algebra I. 2002. pp. 2-4*
2. DLM 1 – Unit 2: Measurements and Scientific Notation
Objectives 1. Describe what it means to measure;
In this lesson, the learners 2. Describe the development of measurement from the primitive to the present international system of unit;
are expected to: 3. Estimate or approximate length;
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Elicit student KWL about different of the body using in measurement during primitive times.
presenting the new lesson
B. Establishing a purpose for the Can anybody can tell me what are the objects can be measure?
lesson Like____?
Why we need to measure things?
Do you know the primitive style of measurement?
“The History of Measurement”
One of the earliest tools that human being invented was the unit of measurement. In olden times, people
needed measurement to determine how long or wide things are: things they needed to build their
houses or make their clothes. Later, units of measurement were used in trade and commerce. In the 3rd
Century BC Egypt people used their body part to determine measurement of things.

What tools they used to measure things?

C. Presenting examples / During the ancient times, there was an Egyptian carpenter who was not able to misplace his ruler
instances of the new lesson because it was attached to his body. Some of the units are shown below.

1. What non-standard unit are you familiar with?

2. Give a daily life situation which applies the non-standard unit of measurement.

Thats how the olden people way of measuring things. They used their body part.
Body parts that used to measure things.
Palm – the width of one’s hand excluding the thumb.
Handspan – the distance from the tip of the thumb to the tip of the little finger of one’s hand with fingers
spread apart.
Forearm length – the distance from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger.

What are important terms?

D. Discussing new concepts and GROUP WORK
practicing new skills # 1 Let us try measure today
D.I.Y (Do It Yourself)

Instruction: Determine the

dimension of the following
using only parts of your
arms. Record your results
in the table below. Choose
a classmate and compare
your results.

E. Discussing new concepts and Since that you’re done with your partner activity. I have question for you:
practicing new skills # 2
1. What your reason for choosing which arm part to use? (Sheet of paper, teachers table, Classroom)
2.Did you experience any difficulty when you were doing the actual measuring?
F. Developing mastery (leads to Can you name other body measurements which could have used as a non-standard unit of
Formative Assessment 3) measurement?
G. Finding practical application of Can you relate an experience in your community where a non-standard unit of measurement was used?
concepts and skills in daily
Like what experience?
What about size of the jeans?
Very good experience
Another experience?
What about cooking rice?
Oh really very impression example
H. Making generalizations and What can you say about measurement and primitive way of measuring things?
abstractions about the lesson
I. Evaluating learning Comparisons of their results will underscore the advantages of using standard unit’s measurement as
compared to using non-standard units of measurement.

J. Additional activities for Class tomorrow I will let to bring any measuring tools/ device. Choose if any available in your home.
application or remediation -Ruler, Measuring Tape, Meter stick, L square, etc.
REMARKS Lesson objective(s) attained
Lesson objective(s) not attained: Reason: _____________________________________________

A. No. of learners earned 80% in Amorsolo B. No. of learners who require additional Amorsolo
the evaluation. Luna activities for remediation. Luna
Molina Molina
E. Did the remedial lessons Amorsolo F. No. of learners who continue to Amorsolo
work? No. of learners who Luna require remediation Luna
have caught up with the
Molina Molina
I. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
J. What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal
or supervisor can help me
K. What innovative or localized
materials did I use / discover
which I wish to share with
other teachers?
Checked by: Noted:
Prepared by:


PETERSON D. ENRIQUEZ Master Teacher I Principal I
Teacher III

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