Modi Call
Modi Call
Modi Call
Complimentary Copy
t Issue: 01-15 July, 2023 t Year : 1 t Volume: 7
Fortifying Indian
Cybersecurity in the
Digital Age
G20 Conference on Crime and Security
In the age of NFTs AI & Metaverse
Delegates' Insights: Balance Privacy & Regulation 11
Cover Story
05 Fortifying Indian
19 Prime Minister Modi's
Visit to France and UAE
25 Reviews and
W ith the advancement of the internet for the use of common men and
women, cyberspace has become one of the most exciting places for
sharing knowledge, information, and learning. Now, taking a new leap, the
universe of the internet has enabled the emergence of Artificial Intelligence to
perform tasks that were once the domain of humans. A similar transformation
can be seen in Metaverse, where virtual identities are superimposed to create
seemingly real experiences. The shift has extended to the financial world as well
through Crypto currency models and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).
These developments have given rise to a wider cyber world with dual use
applications. While most individuals benefit from its convenience, criminals have
also taken advantage of cyberspace for pursuing their nefarious purposes.
Recognizing the emerging nature of cyber crime and its potential consequences,
Balaji Srivastava under India’s G20 Presidency, the Ministry of Home Affairs recently organized a
Director General, BPR&D conference titled "Crime and Security in the Age of NFTs, AI, and the Metaverse."
The objective was to draw the attention of the world community to this evolving
threat and adapt law enforcement skills accordingly. The conference served as
a vital platform for high-level international representatives from various sectors,
including law enforcement, research organizations, academia, and banking, to
discuss, collaborate, and strategize on mitigating risks.
The Conference, inaugurated by the Union Home Minister and Minister
of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, who heads the governance of internal
peace and security in the world's largest democracy, underscored the global
interconnectedness of cyber crime. Shri Shah strongly urged the world community
to forge alliances across borders to combat this menace effectively.
The presence and active participation of the Union Minister of State for Home
Recognizing the Affairs, Shri Ajay Kumar Mishra, and the Union Minister of State for Electronics
emerging nature of and Information Technology, Shri Rajeev Chandrasekhar added to the significance
cyber crime and its of the conference, reinforcing the Government's commitment to address this
potential consequences, emerging challenge. In his valedictory address, the Union Minister for Railways,
under India’s G20 Communications, Electronics & Information Technology, Shri Ashwini Vaishnaw
Presidency, the Ministry provided immensely valuable insights on the way forward.
of Home Affairs recently The current issue of Vigilant India delves deep into issues related to
organized a conference cybersecurity. It also provides a glimpse of the proceedings of the aforementioned
titled "Crime and Security G20 conference. While it may appear to be a domain for specialists and experts,
in the Age of NFTs, AI, we have endeavoured to simplify these matters and emphasize the importance of
and the Metaverse." awareness in this rapidly evolving landscape.
We look forward to your feedback and suggestions on this 7th issue of Vigilant
India. Please feel free to share your comments at Thank you for
your support and engagement with Vigilant India.
Jai Hind!
þ»f þeU³f d¸fVf³f IZY °fWX°f 11 IYSXûOÞX ÀfZ Ad²fIY §fSXûÔ ¸fZÔ ³f»f The launch of PM MITRA Park in Maharashtra
IY³fZ¢Vf³f, Af¹fb¿¸ff³f ·ffSX°f þ³f AfSXû¦¹f ¹fûþ³ff ÀfZ 22 IYSXûOÞX ÀfZ epitomizes the power of Hon'ble PM Sh @
Ad²fIY »ff·ffd±fʹfûÔ IZY ÀUfÀ±¹f IYe d¨fÔ°ff IYe ¦fBÊ, BÊ-³ff¸f ´»fZMXRYf¸fÊ narendramodi ji's 5F vision. #PragatiKaPMMitra
´fSX 1.74 IYSXûOÞX dIYÀff³fûÔ IYf ´fÔþeIYSX¯f AüSX ´fi²ff³f¸fÔÂfe ¸fbQif ¹fûþ³ff amplifies the momentum, ushering in a remarkable
IZY °fWX°f 23.2 »ffJ IYSXûOÞX IYf »fû³f dQ¹ff þf ¨fbIYf WX`Ü era of growth, innovation, and endless possibilities.
¦fÈWX ¸fÔÂfe ßfe Ad¸f°f VffWX ³fZ A´fSXf²f AüSX ÀfbSXÃff ´fSX WXû SXWXZ
ªfe20 Àf¸¸fZ»f³f IYû Àf¸¶fûd²f°f IYSX°fZ WXbE IYWXf dIY IYûBÊ ·fe QZVf ¹ff
LVM3 M4 vehicle successfully launched ÀfÔ¦fNX³f, AIZY»fZ ÀffB¶fSX J°fSXûÔ IYf ¸fbIYf¶f»ff ³fWXeÔ IYSX ÀfIY°ff, WX¸fZÔ
Chandrayaan-3 into orbit. Congratulations to all IY³UZÔVf³f»f dþ¹fû¦fifdRYIY ¶ffgOXÊSX ÀfZ DY´fSX CXNXIYSX Àfû¨f³ff WXû¦ff AüSX
the scientists who worked for this project. @isro BÀfIZY d»fE EIY ¹fc³ffBMXZOX RiYÔMX IYe AfUV¹fIY°ff WX`.
Fortifying Indian
Cybersecurity in the
Digital Age
G20 Conference on Crime and Security
In the age of NFTs AI & Metaverse
mankind because of the creative contributions of our
rilliant minds across the world are working cyber professionals. However, equally tech-savvy minds
tirelessly to make our lives easier through are operating underground to hack, break and disrupt
continuous inventions to harness the these inventions that are now so much a part of our
unlimited potential of cyber space. Computer hardware everyday lives. They are highly qualified criminals, trained
and software-based technologies have a significant in advanced technology and computer programming.
impact on the way we live and do our daily chores. It has These cyber crooks are a menace and pose a threat
been so revolutionizing that we do not even care to recall to civil societies, democracies and governments. As the
how things were done two decades back. established world order seeks a secure future for its
These are surely positive changes that have embraced citizens, criminals try their luck to disrupt the cyberspace
and dupe people. first such meeting related to cyber threats in the history
To tackle this threat, there is an urgent need to take of the G20. While asserting that under India’s presidency,
measures that beef up cybersecurity. The challenges are the effort is to flag issues of national and international
manifold because technology is not stagnant. importance, the minister said that the theme of the
India is very much aware of this monumental challenge. meeting was “the most relevant in today’s digital world”.
Considering its importance, the Union Ministry of Home Echoing this year’s G20 theme of ‘One Earth-One
Affairs organized a conference on “Crime and Security Family-One Future’ Union Home Minister, Shri Shah
in the era of NFTs, AI and Metaverse” in Gurugram near
the national capital on 13-14 July, 2023. This was part
of a series of 200 meetings that India had committed to Structure of the G20 Conference
organize in the runup to the G20 summit to be held in
New Delhi on 9-10 September, 2023. The G20 Conference on Crime and Security
Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri in the age of NFTs, AI, and Metaverse
Amit Shah inaugurated the conference, which was the consisted of the following thematic sessions:
n Internet Governance - National Responsibility
and Global Commons
n Securing Digital Public Infrastructure (DPI) -
Addressing the Challenges of Digitalization:
Design, Architecture, Policies, and
n Extended Reality, Metaverse, and the Future
of Digital Ownership - Legal and Regulatory
n Artificial Intelligence - Challenges,
Opportunities, and Responsible Use
n Understanding the Dark Net: Challenges of
Crypto currency and Dark Net Connections
n Addressing Criminal Use of Information
and Communication Technologies (ICT) -
Developing an International Cooperation
threats have increased and taken different forms with outlined, real-time reporting of cyber crimes has been
increase in internet penetration. The report warns that established, and capacity building of law enforcement
some of the cyber crime trends such as ransomware, agencies (LEAs) has been prioritized. The establishment of
phishing, online scams, online child sexual abuse, and the Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Center (I4C) ensures
hacking are posing serious threats across the globe and a comprehensive response against cyber crime.
are becoming a challenge for maintaining order in the Finally, since all the developments in the cyber world
respective societies. “The G20 has so far focused on are taking place with support of artificial intelligence, Union
digital transformation and data flow from an economic Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Shah
perspective, but now it is very important to understand the asked for building “Transparent and Accountable AI and
aspects of crime and security and find a solution,” Union Emerging Technologies Governance Framework” to ensure
Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Shah responsible use. He also advocated creating a “dedicated
cautioned. He said that seeing these challenges, “It is our common channel” among nations to prevent financial
endeavor to stay ahead in the era of NFT, AI, Metaverse, irregularities. In addition, he suggested introducing a system
and other emerging technologies by responding in a timely of third-party verification of NFT platforms to strengthen
manner to new and emerging threats in a coordinated and trust and to curb criminal activities. Needless to say, the
cooperative approach”. G20 needs to push for a renewed global commitment on
Union Home Minister, Shri Shah said that the cybersecurity. Advocating for a resolution, Union Home
Government of India, under the leadership of Prime Minister and Minister of Cooperation, Shri Shah reaffirmed
Minister Shri Modi, has made significant efforts to enhance India’s commitment for creating a Cyber Successful world
cybersecurity measures. A uniform cyber strategy has been and not a Cyber Failed globe. n
Delegates' Insights:
Balance Privacy
& Regulation
Bureau Bureau of Investigation as well as Interpol and UNODC. Apart
from participants from these organizations, the Conference
he two-day G20 Conference on Crime and brought together G20 countries, guest countries, special
T Security in the age of NFTs, AI and Metaverse
witnessed enlightening and informative
invitees, international bodies and institutions, technology
leaders and subject matter experts from around the world.
discussions in a structured manner. The topic The six technical sessions, in addition to the Inaugural and
was so interesting that panellists and participants were Valedictory sessions saw brainstorming around the issues of
glued to their seats making notes, listening avidly and utmost relevance pertaining to the emerging cyber world. In
raising questions for clarifications. The indoor conference these sessions, the aim of the speakers was to comprehensively
was organised by the Ministry of Home Affairs, Government discuss and find solutions to the challenges arising from cyber
of India in partnership with Ministry of Electronics and crime. They also discussed ways to ensure security in the era
Information Technology, Ministry of External Affairs, of highly innovative but largely unregulated new technologies
National Security Council Secretariat, and the Central like NFTs, AI, and Metaverses. The speakers acknowledged
that cyber-attacks are creating serious and complex potential of AI to improve societies and called for
challenges at all levels. But, there are issues of paramount innovative mechanisms to bolster enforcement systems.
importance related to cyber attacks, lack of regulation
and law enforcement. The panelists as well the audience Mr. Mark Timothy Turnage, CEO
discussed issues like human rights and privacy while raising and Founder of DarkOwl, USA
the need for regulation, making the conference both cautioned that while the dark
academic and practical. Emphasizing global cooperation, net's origin was non-malicious,
experts highlighted the need to increase interaction among it is now primarily associated
professionals as well among the regulatory bodies. Their with criminal activities, with 95
discussions included cyber awareness, robust regulations, per cent of its use being criminal.
and digital infrastructure in addition to strengthening the He highlighted the use of dark nets
talent pool to ensure innovation of new technology and for donating to terrorist organizations
the security of individuals, organizations and society from through crypto currencies. He said that
wrong doers. in order to address this danger, regulations are needed
when they exchange crypto currencies for real currencies
Ms. Anat Shoshana Gueta, who at payment gateways.
was the former Chair of the Israeli
Securities Authority addressed Mr. Vijay Nambiar, G20 Sherpa
the issue of jurisdiction and former Under Secretary
and applicability of laws in General of the United Nations
the realm of cybersecurity. noted that 40 per cent of cyber-
She emphasized the need to attacks target state institutions.
differentiate between cyber Criminals heavily use AI for their
crimes and the application of illicit activities, turning it into a
appropriate laws to different types profitable industry. He suggested
of offenses. A one-size-fits-all approach won't suffice. effective use of the Budapest
Additionally, Anat highlighted the importance of keeping Convention for cyber coordination
abreast of developments in generative AI and Web 3, as among countries.
well as the evolution of decentralized apps (dapps), which
American cybersecurity expert
often operate outside the control of a single authority.
and Head of Cybersecurity Strategy
Mr. Madan Mohan Oberoi, in PayPal, Mr. Dimitry Shvartsman
Executive Director of Technology revealed that over the past
& Innovation in Interpol, 3 years, there has been a
Singapore drew attention of significant increase of 742 percent
the audience to the challenges in average cyberattacks. Cyber
of job displacement due to AI. crime has become a rapidly growing
He stressed on the importance field, encompassing activities such as
of addressing ethical and human phishing, spoofing, network scanning,
rights implications. He pointed out data breaches, service disruptions, virus infections, code
that privacy rights are also a significant manipulation, and website hacking. He emphasized that it
concern, particularly in democratic societies where law was a borderless and global phenomenon affecting the top
enforcement should address these issues affecting the five countries, including India, vulnerable to cyber crimes.
general population.
Ms. Nnenna Nwakanma, Board
Dr. Omar Hatamleh, Lead for member of I-DAIR of Côte d’Ivoire
NASA IT Strategy, USA highlighted in West Africa said that building
the rapid development of trust in policies was the first
AI and urged for a closer challenge in enforcement. She
collaboration between said that digital cooperation
academic institutions and among all stakeholders in the
industries. However, he ecosystem of trust must be
expressed concerns about the ensured. In this context, internet
lack of democracy in AI and advised governance should be inclusive,
taking measured risks in innovation benefiting everyone. This will address numerous
and dissemination. Nevertheless, he recognized the issues, such as global cooperation vs. national security,
security vs. individual rights, personal privacy vs. state
Prevention of Cyber
Crime in India
Under the leadership of Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, the Union
Ministry of Home Affairs takes the cybersecurity challenges head on
olice' and 'Public Order' are State subjects as The government of India has also
'P per the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution of
India. Therefore, States and Union Territories
created a massive open online courses
platform called the 'CyTrain' portal, which
are primarily responsible for the prevention, perhaps, will be the world's largest training
detection, investigation, and prosecution of crime through program in the field of cybersecurity. The
their Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs). The LEAs take legal Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and
action against offenders as per the provisions of the law.
However, in the course of tackling the cyber crimes,
System (CCTNS) has been implemented
cordination is established between states and union in all the police stations of the country.
government through various agencies. The Central Government has established the Indian
Government supports state initiatives through advisories Cyber Crime Coordination Center (I-4C)
and financial assistance provided under various schemes to ensure a comprehensive response
to enhance their capacity in dealing with cyber crime. One against cyber crime.
such scheme is the Cyber Crime Prevention against Women
& Children (CCPWC) scheme, where financial assistance has -Shri Amit Shah, Union Home Minister
been provided to all states and UTs. This scheme focuses on and Minister of Cooperation
setting up cyber forensic-cum-training laboratories, training,
and hiring junior cyber consultants. Notably, cyber forensic-
cum-training laboratories have already been commissioned in programs for network and system administrators and Chief
28 states. Information Security Officers of government and critical
To further strengthen the fight against cyber crime, the sector organizations. Mock drills are also conducted to assess
Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) has been the cybersecurity posture and preparedness of various
established by the government. Union Home Minister and organizations.
Minister of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah during the G20 CERT-In operates the Cyber Swachhta Kendra (Botnet
conference flagged off cyber volunteer squads comprised of Cleaning and Malware Analysis Centre), which detects
students from seven educational institutions in the country. malicious programs and provides free tools to remove them.
The squads will work to generate cyber awareness, identify The center also offers cybersecurity tips and best practices for
and report harmful content and render technical assistance citizens and organizations.
for making society cyber-safe. The National Cyber Coordination Centre (NCCC) has been
For public involvement in reporting cyber crime, the established by CERT-In to generate situational awareness of
government has launched the National Cyber Crime Reporting existing and potential cybersecurity threats. It is currently
Portal ( This portal allows the public to operational in Phase-I. Furthermore, CERT-In collaborates
report incidents of various cyber crimes, with special attention with international CERTs, overseas organizations, service
given to crimes against women and children. Moreover, a toll- providers, and Law Enforcement Agencies to coordinate
free number, 1930, has been activated to assist individuals incident response measures. CERT-In also provides leadership
in lodging online cyber complaints. Furthermore, the Citizen for the Computer Security Incident Response Team-Finance
Financial Cyber Fraud Reporting and Management System Sector (CSIRT-Fin) operations, which respond to, contain
module has been introduced to facilitate immediate reporting and mitigate cybersecurity incidents reported from the
of financial frauds and prevent fund siphoning by fraudsters. financial sector. Additionally, the Ministry of Electronics &
The Government of India has also created CERT-In (Indian Information Technology (MeitY) conducts programs to raise
Computer Emergency Response Team) awareness about information security.
to enhance cybersecurity and prevent Specifically designed materials,
cyber-attacks. CERT-In regularly issues including books, videos, and online
alerts and advisories concerning the resources, are developed for children,
latest cyber threats and vulnerabilities, parents, and general users. These
suggesting countermeasures to materials are disseminated through
protect computers and networks. To portals like "www.infosecawareness.
foster proactive threat mitigation, in" and ""
CERT-In operates an automated cyber By implementing these measures
threat exchange platform, collecting, and fostering collaboration between
analyzing, and sharing tailored alerts central and state governments,
with organizations across sectors. India strives to create a safer cyber
To ensure cybersecurity readiness, environment for its citizens and to
CERT-In conducts regular training protect them from cyber threats.n
1. National Cyber crime Reporting Portal (NCRP) (NCEMU) formed to develop ecosystems to neutralize
connecting more than 250 financial institutions. The threats from cybercriminals by bringing together
cyber crime incidents can be reported on portal or on government and non-government organizations
National cyber crime helpline number 1930. through multi-pronged efforts for creating awareness.
2. National Cyber crime Threat Analytics Unit (NCTAU) 5. Joint Cyber crime Coordination Teams (JCCT)
is a platform for government and private research constituted for interstate coordination among law
agencies for analysis on the collected cyber crime enforcement agencies on cyber crime investigations.
feeds from open sources and other agencies. 6. National Cyber crime Training Centre (NCTC) focuses
3. National Cyber crime Forensic Laboratory (NCFL) on standardization of cyber crime courses and
provides online forensic services to Central and State practical training.
Law Enforcement Agencies in addressing issues of 7.National Cyber crime Research and Innovation Centre
digital forensics. (NCR&IC) to track emerging technologies and to
4.National Cyber crime in Ecosystem Management Unit predict potential vulnerabilities.
Propels the Nation's
Space Aspirations
I propelled the nation to a new height, with molecules on the Moon, a groundbreaking discovery published
Chandrayaan-3 serving in over 200 scientific publications
as the latest example India began historic space worldwide.
of this remarkable progress. On journey with the successful Prior to Chandrayaan-1, the
14th July 2023, a momentous event launch of Chandrayaan-3. My Moon was widely regarded as a dry,
unfolded as the country's third lunar geologically inactive, and uninhabited
mission, Chandrayaan-3, embarked
heartiest congratulations to
celestial body. However, the mission's
on its journey, carrying the hopes the scientists of ISRO. Their findings transformed this perception,
and aspirations of the entire nation. relentless pursuit has set India revealing a dynamic and geologically
Covering a vast distance of over on a path to script a remarkable active celestial entity harbouring
3,00,000 km, the Chandrayaan-3 is space journey for generations. water and ice beneath its surface. This
expected to reach the Moon in the revelation has opened up possibilities
coming weeks, where its scientific -Shri Amit Shah, Union Home for potential lunar habitation in the
instruments will diligently study the Minister and Minister of Cooperation future.
lunar surface, further enriching our Chandrayaan-2, another
understanding of our celestial neighbour. milestone mission, made significant strides in lunar
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi described the successful exploration. Its orbiter detected the presence of
launch of Chandrayaan-3 as a manifestation of India's collective chromium, manganese, and sodium for the first time using
dreams and ambitions in the field of space exploration and remote sensing technology. Additionally, Chandrayaan-2
stated that this historic day would be etched in golden letters contributed valuable insights into the evolution of the
in the annals of space exploration. Upon accomplishing the Moon. The mission's noteworthy scientific achievements
soft landing of Chandrayaan-3, India would join the ranks of include creating the first global map of lunar sodium,
the world's few countries to have this remarkable feat. providing advanced information on crater size distribution,
The Prime Minister proudly acknowledged that India owes and detecting water and ice on the lunar surface using the
its remarkable progress in the space sector to the brilliant IIRS instrument. These remarkable outcomes have been
contributions of its scientists. Indeed, the country has an documented in approximately 50 publications.n
Bolstering Ties
Prime Minister
Modi's Visit to
France and UAE
Prime Minister conferred with the
"Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour"
rime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi was bestowed
with the esteemed ‘Grand Cross of the Legion
of Honour’ by French President, Emmanuel
Macron, the highest honour in France for military or civilian
achievements during his recent visit to Paris on 13th July, 2023.
This accolade holds special significance as Prime Minister, Shri
Modi became the first Indian Prime Minister to be awarded
with this prestigious honour.
The Grand Cross of the Legion of Honour is a distinction
previously awarded to distinguished global personalities,
including former South African President, Nelson Mandela,
the then Prince of Wales, King Charles, and former German
Chancellor, Angela Merkel.
This remarkable recognition from France adds to the shared values and mutual trust. Both leaders emphasized their
growing list of top international awards and honours received unwavering commitment to international law, sovereignty,
by Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi from various countries, and strategic autonomy, while endorsing the quest for a stable
highlighting his significant contributions on the global stage. multipolar world.
These notable accolades include the Order of the Nile From France, Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi
bestowed by Egypt in June 2023, the Companion of the Order embarked on a visit to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on 15th
of Logohu awarded by Papua New Guinea in May 2023, the July, marking yet another milestone in the growing strategic
Companion of the Order of Fiji conferred by Fiji in May 2023, partnership between the two Asian nations. Incidentally, this
the Ebakl Award presented by the Republic of Palau in May was the fifth visit of PM Modi to the Gulf country in the past
2023 and many other prestigious awards. eight years, highlighting the increasing importance of the
Celebrating 25 years of the India-France Strategic India-UAE relationship.
Partnership, Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi's visit to Upon arrival in Abu Dhabi, PM Shri Modi received a
France showcased a remarkable blend of trust, friendship ceremonial welcome and a guard of honour. The visit witnessed
and bilateral cooperation between the two nations. The the signing of several key agreements, demonstrating the
momentous visit which began on 13th July was marked by warm commitment of both nations towards fostering cooperation in
gestures, landmark agreements, and a renewed commitment diverse fields.
to nurturing a comprehensive strategic partnership. Since PM Modi’s visit to the UAE in 2015, which marked
As the Guest of Honour at the Bastille Day Parade the first visit by an Indian Prime Minister in 34 years, the India-
on 14th July, 2023, PM Modi's presence showcased the UAE relationship has traversed a significant journey. This was
depth and significance of the partnership. During the followed by the visit of Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan
Bastille Day Parade, the presence of a 241-member tri- to India in 2016, then in 2017, when he was the chief guest at
service Indian armed forces contingent, led by a military India’s Republic Day celebrations.
band, added a special flavour to the celebrations. In 2017, the two nations had enhanced their relationship
The joint statement released after the summit between PM to a comprehensive strategic partnership, reflecting their
Shri Narendra Modi and President Macron reverberated with shared desire to deepen cooperation across multiple sectors.n
Gita Press
Awakening India
Through 100 Years
Gita Press is not just a printing press
n 7th July, 2023, Gita Press marked its 100th
anniversary. Commemorating this milestone,
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi extolled the
but a living faith. The spiritual light
institution's profound spiritual impact, remarking on its role that lit up in the form of Gita Press in
as a guiding light for humanity ever since it was established 1923 has become the guiding light of
in 1923. Celebrating this milestone, the government has the entire humanity today.
awarded Gita Press the prestigious Gandhi Peace Prize.
The timing of Gita Press's centenary, coinciding -Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister
with India's 75th year of independence, holds a deeper
significance. Before 1947, India witnessed a renaissance, as
various institutions strove to awaken the nation's soul. Gita
Press emerged as a crucial pillar in preparing India to break and stalls at railway stations, it has spread its reach to every
free from the shackles of colonialism, restoring knowledge nook and corner, offering publications in 15 languages and
and heritage that had been threatened by centuries of disseminating the essence of India's rich cultural heritage.
foreign invasions and colonial rule. The pressing need for Gita Press embodies the spirit of Ek Bharat Shrestha
accessible literature led Gita Press to publish numerous Bharat, connecting people from diverse backgrounds
texts, including revered scriptures like the Bhagavad Gita through its vast array of literature. Mahatma Gandhi
and the Ramayana. himself shared an emotional connection with Gita Press,
Throughout India's eternal journey, it faced contributing to their magazine, ‘Kalyan Patrika’, and even
numerous challenges, yet the teachings of the Bhagavad advising against publishing advertisements in it, a tradition
Gita inspired confidence, with its timeless message, still upheld with utmost reverence.
Karmanyewadhikaraste ma faleshu kadachana. Over the As Gita Press completes a century of service to the
last century, Gita Press has published countless books, nation and humanity, it continues to illuminate hearts and
serving as a unifying force for India and strengthening the minds, fostering a stronger and united India for generations
nation's solidarity. With 20 branches across the country to come.n
Government Steps up
Disaster Preparedness
he Central government’s disaster preparedness
efforts are a reflection of its commitment
to the safety and security of its citizens. The
government is taking all necessary steps to mitigate the
impact of natural disasters and to ensure that affected
people receive necessary assistance.
It became more evident in the wake of the recent
floods, cloudbursts, and landslides in Himachal Pradesh.
The government deployed 11 teams of the National
Disaster Response Force (NDRF) along with rescue boats
and other necessary equipments. The Central Armed
Police Forces were also pressed into service, and two Mi-
17V5 helicopters were deployed for evacuation missions.
Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation,
Shri Amit Shah, approved the release of ₹180.40 crore in
advance for the year 2023-24 as interim relief to Himachal
Pradesh towards the second instalment of the Central
share of the State Disaster Response Fund (SDRF). The first
instalment of central share of ₹180.40 crore was released
to Himachal Pradesh on 10th July, 2023, for relief measures
of immediate nature to affected people.
Apart from the assistance provided to Himachal
Pradesh, the Central government has also released
₹6,194.40 crore to 19 state governments under the SDRF.
This amount includes ₹1,209.60 crore as central share of
SDRF to four states (Chhattisgarh, Meghalaya, Telangana
and Uttar Pradesh) for the year 2022-23 and ₹4,984.80
crores to 15 states (Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, The Union government has taken
Assam, Bihar, Goa, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Kerala,
several measures to step up disaster
Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Odisha, Punjab, Tamil
Nadu, Tripura) for the year 2023-24. preparedness efforts in the country.
The Central government has also constituted Inter Union Home Minister and Minister
Ministerial Central Teams (IMCTs) to monitor the relief of Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah has
operations being carried out by the state government of
Himachal Pradesh. The IMCTs started their field tour on approved the release of ₹6,194.40 crore
17th July, 2023. to 19 state governments under the State
The Union government’s efforts to step up disaster Disaster Response Fund. As part of these
preparedness are commendable. The release of funds and
the deployment of resources will help states to deal with efforts, he also approved the release of
natural disasters. The IMCTs will also help to ensure that all ₹180.40 crore to the state government of
relief operations are being carried out efficiently. Himachal Pradesh under the SDRF.
The Union government under the leadership of
Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi has already released
₹10,031.20 crore as central share of SDRF to 27 states
during the year 2023-24. Based on the recommendations has allocated ₹1,28,122.40 crore for SDRF for the years
of the 15th Finance Commission, the Central government 2021-22 to 2025-26.n
nder the able guidance of Prime Minister, Shri 10% from their budgetary resources. The scheme emphasizes
Narendra Modi, several major initiatives are prioritizing the expansion and modernization of fire services
being taken by the Ministry of Home Affairs to enhance their capabilities and responsiveness. It aims to
to make India disaster resilient. The Central government is create a disaster-resilient fire fighting force that can efficiently
strengthening the Disaster Risk Reduction System in India and handle emergencies and protect lives and property. However,
aims to ensure “zero deaths” and minimum loss of property the Home Ministry has made it clear that there will be no
during catastrophes and disasters. carry-forward of liabilities beyond the award period for
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs has introduced a new projects sanctioned against the earmarked allocation. This
“Scheme for Expansion and Modernization of Fire Services measure ensures timely implementation and completion of
in the States” with a budget of ₹5,000 crore. Out of this the projects under the scheme.
total allocation, ₹500 crore has been specifically set aside Overall, the scheme for the modernization of fire
to incentivize states based on their efforts in implementing
legal and infrastructure-based reforms in their fire services
departments. This scheme was officially launched by the Aiming to strengthen the fire services
Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) and was inaugurated by at the state level, and thereby
Union Home Minister and Minister of Cooperation,
Amit Shah during a meeting with state ministers ensuring better response to
of disaster management in New Delhi on 13th disaster situations and saving
June, 2023. The focus is on expanding and precious lives, the Union
modernizing fire services at the state level by
Ministry of Home Affairs has
utilizing the preparedness and capacity-building
funding window under the National Disaster launched a comprehensive
Response Fund (NDRF). Central Government scheme worth ₹5,000 crore
had circulated a “Model Bill to Provide for to modernize and expand fire
the Maintenance of Fire and Emergency
Service for the State” to all the States services in states across the
/ Union Territories on 16th country. The initiative aims to
September 2019 for bolster the preparedness and
suitable revision in their
respective Fire Service capacity-building component
Rules / Regulations. of the National Disaster
To encourage active Response Force (NDRF).
participation and
commitment from services demonstrates the
the states, the government's commitment to
concerned state strengthen disaster response
governments and preparedness capabilities
will need to at the state level, making India
contribute 25% more resilient in the face of
of the total disasters and emergencies.n
n a bid to enhance the aviation security
infrastructure in India, the Union Minister
for Union Home Minister and Minister of
Cooperation, Shri Amit Shah, inaugurated the state-of-the-art
Aviation Security Control Center (ASCC) of Central Industrial
Security Force (CISF) at the Mahipalpur campus in New Delhi
on 22nd July, 2023. This cutting-edge facility is designed to
provide a centralized platform for effective management
and monitoring of aviation security across various airports
in the country. The event witnessed the presence of Director
General, CISF, Shri Sheel Vardhan Singh, and several other
senior officers of the force.
The aviation sector stands as one of the most dynamic
domains and with the growing importance of the sector in
India's economy, it becomes significant to ensure the safety
and security of passengers, aircraft, and critical infrastructure.
The CISF has also excelled in fortifying security
arrangements in the aviation sector, in addition to establishing
itself as a key player in internal security. In response to the
ever-evolving challenges in aviation security, the CISF has
taken a proactive approach by establishing the Aviation
Security Control Center and the Aviation Security Technology
Lab at the Mahipalpur Campus in New Delhi. The Center
has four major components including Communication and airports. The establishment of the Aviation Security Control
Control Centre, Incident Management Centre, Aviation Center marks a significant step towards bolstering India's
Research Centre and Data Centre. aviation security apparatus. With the continued proactive
These endeavours align with the vision of transforming the measures and dynamic adaptation, the CISF is poised to
Airport Sector Headquarters from a traditional event-based uphold its reputation as a force to be reckoned with in
information collection center to a real-time data analytics hub safeguarding the aviation sector and ensuring safety and well-
for prompt and efficient response to security operations at being of all travellers.n
he Union Home Secretary, Mr. Ajay Kumar Bhalla
reviewed the progress of major hydro-power
projects in Jammu and Kashmir executed by the
National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) and another
through a joint venture between NHPC and the Government
of J&K. The meeting was attended by the CMD, NHPC and
senior officials of the J&K government. During recent months,
projects like Ratle, Kiru and Kwar have seen good progress. In
the next three years, around 3,500 MW hydropower capacity
will be added in Jammu and Kashmir.
l The Union Home Secretary, Mr. Bhalla on 30th June, 2023
reviewed the LWE scenario with the Chief Secretaries and
DGsP of the affected States. The DGs of CAPFs along with
senior officers from line ministries were also present. The
Home Secretary was apprised about the improvement
in the LWE situation and the status of developmental
projects in LWE affected districts. He complimented the
security forces, state authorities and other line ministries
for the steps taken to combat LWE and urged them to
further expedite the progress of developmental projects The outgoing Australian High Commissioner to India,
and ensure focused deployment of resources. Mr. Barry O'Farrell called on Union Home Secretary
l The Union Home Secretary, Mr. Bhalla also held a meeting Mr. Ajay Kumar Bhalla. The Union Home Secretary
with the Secretary of Ayush, the DGs of the CAPFs, presented him with a memento as a farewell gift.
The Union Home Secretary psychologists, and physiologists will also be sensitized
Mr. Ajay Kumar Bhalla held a series and trained on the yoga modules.
of meetings to review the progress of l On 6th July, 2023 the Union Home Secretary held a meeting
major hydropower projects in Jammu with the National Disaster Management Authority
(NDMA) and other stakeholders to consider a proposal
and Kashmir, took an update on the for financial assistance from the earmarked allocation
Left Wing Extremism (LWE) scenario, under the National Disaster Mitigation Fund (NDMF)
and deliberated on the benefits of of the 15th Finance Commission for catalytic assistance
to 12 of the most drought-prone states in formulating
yoga for CAPFs, Assam Rifles, and
drought mitigation plans. The meeting agreed in-
NSG personnel. principle to circulate the template prepared by NDMA to
facilitate state governments in submitting their respective
Assam Rifles, and the NSG on 3rd July to discuss the proposals. The template will provide a framework for
benefits of yoga for the forces. The meeting deliberated state governments to submit their proposals and will help
upon specific yoga protocols for troops deployed in to ensure that the assistance is used effectively.
different climatic conditions and topographic locations, l Mr. Barry O’Farrel, AO, High Commissioner of Australia
including high altitudes, deserts, tropics, and the to India, called on the Union Home Secretary, Mr.
plains. A core team of master trainers will be trained Bhalla to bid farewell as the former's tenure in India
by the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga (MDNIY) ended. He expressed his gratitude for the MHA’s active
to impart training in yoga to these personnel. The engagement and cooperation and acknowledged its key
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology will develop role in the finalization of the Migration and Mobility
research protocols to evaluate the efficacy of these Partnership Arrangement (MMPA). The Home Secretary
yoga protocols. Medical officers, psychiatrists, clinical presented him with a memento on this occasion. n
Democratize Technology,
Secure Cyberspace:
Ashwini Vaishnaw*
Digital Vision of India
hope during a global crisis. The entire scheduling for 1.4 billion
n 2015, our esteemed Prime Minister, Shri Narendra people was done so successfully that within short period of 18
Published for Bureau of Police Research & Development (BPR&D) by Fortuna Public Relations Pvt. Ltd New Delhi and printed by VIBA Press PVT.LTD. New Delhi.
Digital technology works as an element of establishing equality and promoting
inclusivity. G20 countries can play a crucial role in advancing research and
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their individual capabilities.
-Shri Narendra Modi, Prime Minister
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