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Assess 2

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Assessment 2 Written Assessment (30%)

Due Date: Week 9

Word Count: 1200-1400 words

The goal of this assessment is to assess students’ knowledge and

application of communication and conflict resolution skills in community services.

1. Watch video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4eObpGH3l0

2. Complete copy of Thomas-Kilmann Mode Instrument.
3. Look at results provided – student identifies 2 conflict resolution modes on which they
score highest.
4. Discuss results with other class members.
5. Provide written reflection to following questions.

Students will reflect on their activities from class regarding communication skills and write a reflection
on the skills they have developed over the trimester (e.g. use of micro-skills, including active listening
skills, open and closed questions, reflection of content, reflection of feeling, nonverbal communication
and conflict resolution).

• Have the course materials and role play activities led to personal development and an
increase in your communication skills?
• Reflect on the feedback you received over the Trimester – is there evidence of growth and
• If you felt nervous and uncomfortable during the role plays, what was your reaction to this
and what did you do to help yourself overcome these feelings?
• What did you learn about observing non-verbal cues?
• Why are active listening and attending skills so important? What has been your experience
with the development of these skills?
• What did you learn about managing communications in settings such as the workplace
between colleagues or between client/community service worker?
• What are the two Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode results identified from the TKMI that
you scored highest? Explain these in your own words. (Use the text-book pp. 266 - 269 and
resources on the unit site to assist.)
• Provide two examples of when you have demonstrated these conflict modes in action
either at work or in personal relationships.
• If you disagree with the results, provide two examples of the conflict mode(s) you believe
you actually use in conflict situations.

Connections must be made between the literature and the course learning material in order to
support ideas and demonstrate knowledge of subject matter.

Integration of material from the text-book is essential, as well as 5 scholarly articles.

All resources must be cited correctly using APA 7 referencing.
Do NOT utilise sources such as chatGPT or www.tutor2u.com and other such web tools as these in no
way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources
for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
INT102 Assessment 2 - Written Assessment Marking Criteria (30%)

CRITERIA 0 – 49% 50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 >
No coversheet. Coversheet present with Completed coversheet. Correctly completed coversheet Correctly completed coversheet
Presentation 10
Formatting guidelines not missing details. Formatting Most formatting guidelines including word count. with all required information
followed. guidelines observed but not in observed. Formatting guidelines observed provided. Fully observes
full. with minor inconsistencies. formatting guidelines.
Poor word choice; Poor syntax; Satisfactory attempt in Correct written expression; Clear, concise and correct Sophisticated clarity, conciseness,
Academic 20
Incorrect/poor use of language. academic writing; Syntax and Good syntax and structure of writing; Very good syntax and and correctness of writing;
Writing structure with multiple errors. assessment with some errors. structure of assessment with Excellent written expression.
few errors.
Introduction absent, poorly Mentions topic. Covers topic. Covers topic; Provides direction Covers topic clearly; Provides
Introduction 10
written or not related to the for assessment. context & direction of
topic. assessment.
Little to no stated description of Very little stated description of Good and clearly stated Very good and clearly stated Excellent and clearly stated
Discussion 30 description of conflict modes;
conflict modes; Poor conflict modes; Some description of conflict modes; description of conflict modes.
understanding of requirements understanding of requirements Good example of resources that Very good identification of Excellent identification of
for resolving conflict. No for resolving conflict. Poor assist with developing conflict resources that assist with resources that assist with
examples of conflict mode uses. example of use of conflict resolution skills. Good analysis developing conflict resolution communication developing
Little to no evidence of self mode. Very little analysis and and self-reflection. Good skills. Very good analysis and conflict resolution skills. Excellent
reflection. Little to no self-reflection. Poor application application of academic self-reflection. Very good analysis and self-reflection.
application of academic of academic resources to ideas resources to ideas that application of academic Excellent application of academic
resources to ideas that that demonstrate Impact on demonstrate Impact on self- resources to ideas that resources to ideas that
demonstrate impact on self- self-development development demonstrate Impact on self- demonstrate Impact on self-
development development development

No summary or conclusion. Poor summary and conclusion Good summary and conclusion. Very good summary and Excellent summary and
Conclusion 10 conclusion; integration of
conclusion; attempt at
integration of personal learning. personal learning.

No evidence of research. References scarcely used; References cited; References used well; References used effectively;
Research 10
Weak, outdated or Attempt at using credible Current, peer reviewed Credible, peer reviewed & current
inappropriate external sources academic sources. academic sources used academic sources used effectively
used. effectively. and extensively to support
discussion; use of text-book.
No in-text referencing; Attempt made at in-text In-text references cited; In-text references cited with In-text references correctly cited;
Referencing 10
Reference List absent or poorly referencing; Reference List has Reference List has some errors; few errors; Reference list Reference list presented with no
presented; APA 7 not used or errors; APA 7 guidelines APA 7 guidelines observed to presented with few errors; APA errors; APA 7 guidelines observed
poorly observed. observed but not in full. some extent. 7 observed well. fully.

TOTAL /30%

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