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NTR University of Health Sciences::Vijayawada-520 008

M.D. DEGREE EXAMINATION – MAY, 2016=PAEDIATRICS-Paper-I: Basic Medical Sciences
Time : 3 Hours=Max. Marks:100-Answer all questions.-All questions carry equal marks.-Draw neat
diagrams wherever necessary
Write short essays on the following:
1..Enumerate stages of fetal lung development; write causes, clinical features and management of a baby
born with respiratory distress syndrome.
2..Describe sodium metabolism. How do you manage hypernatremic dehydration?
3..Causes of metabolic acidosis and management in children.
4..Classification of cytokines
5..Write a neat diagram of CSF circulation and discuss hydrocephalus
6..Describe the mechanism of closure of patent ductus arteriosus
7..Classify Vitamin A deficiency and management.
8..Discuss the pathogenesis and diagnosis of rheumatic fever in children.
9..Pathogenesis of cerebral oedema.
10.ARI (Acute Respiratory Infection) control programme.
Write short essays on the following:
1.Language development in first three years of life
2.Serological course of hepatitis B
3.Pulmonary function tests in children
4.Role of zinc in child health and disease
5.Probiotics in Pediatric practice
6.Fetal circulation and changes after birth.
7.Name various ‘study designs’ that are used in clinical research and describe their characteristics
8.Portal circulation and portosystemic anastomotic channels, using a diagram.
9.Pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis
10.Acute phase reactants and their interpretation.
108- IA-Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences::AP::Vijayawada – 520 008
Write short essays on the following:
1.Discuss the immunology of Tuberculosis
2.Discuss the Pathophysiology of Bronchial Asthma and Pharmacotherapy of Bronchial Asthma
3.Discuss the metabolism of Bilirubin. Discuss the evaluation of Jaundice in 3 weeks old new born.
4.Discuss the factors affecting cardiac output. Discuss the Pharmacotherapy of congestive heart failure.
5.Discuss the causes of Hypernatremia and discuss pathophysiology
6.Discuss factors affecting development. How do you assess growth by using growth charts.
7.Discuss the development of diaphragm and diaphragmatic hernia.
8.Discuss the Pathophysiology of Acute Renal Failure and complications associated with Acute Renal
9.Antenatal screening for various fetal disorders
10.Discuss Erythropoiesis and the importance of peripheral smear in various Hematological diseases in
1.Describe the pathophysiology of Perinatal asphyxia.
2.Describe the Physiology of sex development.
3.Define Obesity in children and describe the mechanism of regulation of Body weight.
4.Describe the use of drugs in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
5.Describe the causative factors and mechanisms of development of Resistance to Antibiotics in Bacteria.
6.Describe monitoring and management of Adverse drug reactions of Anti Tuberculosis drugs.
7.Discuss the factors of growth in children and enumerate causes of short stature in children.
8.Describe the diagnosis and management of hypernatremia in an infant.
9.Describe the Electro cardiographic changes associated with Disturbances of Potassium.
10.Describe the Haemodynamic classification of Congenital Cyanotic Heart diseases.
1..Enumerate factors that cause pulmonary vasoconstriction and pulmonary vasodilatation in neonates and
describe the pathophysiology of persistent pulmonary hypertension of new born.
2.Discuss the daily requirement, role and assessment of adequacy of vitamin D in children.
3.Discuss the use of Anticoagulants and Thrombolytics in children.
4.Discuss the pathophysiology and management of Supraventricular tachycardia.
5.Describe the statistical tests that are used to evaluate a new diagnostic test.
6.Describe the pathogenesis of Glomerular diseases in children.
7.Describe the mechanism of action and side effects of drugs used to treat steroid resistant Nephrotic
8.Enumerate the causes of Congestive heart failure in children and describe mechanism of action of drugs
used for its treatment.
9.Describe Molecular diagnostic techniques for detecting pathogens.
10.Describe the diagnosis and treatment of Hyperkalemia in children.
1.Describe the mechanism of closure of patent ductus arteriosus 2.T wave interpretation in Pediatric ECG
3. Classification of cytokines. 4. Pathogenesis of cerebral oedema.
5. Syndromes involving III, IV, VI cranial nerves.
6. Discuss the biochemical changes in protein energy malnutrition dehydration in an infant with severe
7. Discuss the bilirubin metabolism and enumerate causes of pathological jaundice in a newborn.
8. Discuss the pathophysiology and management of Nephrotic Syndrome.
9. Discuss the factors of growth in children and enumerate causes of short stature in children.
10.Discuss the mechanism of clotting and management of a child with haemarthrosis.
1..Describe the pathophysiology of cold stress in neonates.
2..Describe the physiology of lactation and management of not enough milk in breast feeding.
3..Describe the indicators of Iron deficiency anemia and their interpretation.
4..Classify the causes of hyponatremia in children and describe its management.
5..Describe the interpretation of acid base disturbances.
6. Describe the pathogenesis of necrotizing enterocolitis.
7. Describe the mechanism of action of drugs used to treat hypertension in children.
8. Describe the pathophysiology and prevention of intra ventricular haemorrhage in neonates.
9. Describe the aetiology and pathophysiology of apnoea in neonates.
10.Describe the pathophysiology of septic shock in infants.
1..Write the fetal circulation & physiological changes which occur at birth
2. Discuss pathogenesis of cerebral edema. Outline the management of cerebral edema.
3. Describe the development of diaphragm & its anomalies .
4. Describe the mechanism of temperature regulation, clinical features, complications & management of
hypothermia in children.
5. Discuss the drugs used in the treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis
6. List the lobes of lungs. Give their surface markings. Discuss its use in clinical medicine.
7. Classify anti epileptic drugs. Discuss the drugs useful in petitmal epilepsy.
8. Describe the bilirubin metabolism & its importance in new born.
9. Write life cycle of falciparum malarial parasite. Enumerate the drugs used in falciparum malaria infection
& write briefly their action.
10.Describe the cascade of coagulation. Outline the coagulation abnormalities in snake bite.
1..Laboratory diagnosis of paediatric HIV infection 2. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis
3..Vitamin D metabolism and its role in paediatric diseases
4..Discuss the mechanism of production of free radicals and discuss the disorders produced due to free
radicals in Neonates
5. Discuss about pancreatic function tests in pediatric practice.
6. Pathogenesis of cerebral edema. 7. Third generation cephalosporins
8. Biochemical changes in Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
9. Causes and Pathophysiology of acidosis 10. Third generation cephalosporins
1..Describe briefly blood brain barrier 2. Pathophysiology of acute renal failure.
3. Anti viral drugs 4. Liver function tests
5. Lab diagnosis of Hemolytic anemia. 6. Pathophysiology of cyanotic spell 7. Iron metabolism
8. A) Pathogenesis of portal hypertension. B) What are its complications?
9. Principles of immunodeficiency disorders 10. Primary complex.
1..Pathophysiology of body fluids and its clinical application. 2. Lung function tests
3. Anti malarial drugs and current therapy of malaria. 4. Patho physiology of Acute Glomerulo Nephritis
5. Bilirubin Metabolism.
6. Principles of Collagen Vascular Diseases. 7. A) Fetal Circulation B) Changes at Birth
8. Immunotherapy 9. Lab diagnosis of Leukemia 10. Diagnosis of Hypothyroidism.
1..Pathogenesis of cerebral edema. 2. Factors regulating sodium homeostasis.
3. Life cycle of falciparum malarial parasite. 4. Loop diuretics and their mode of action.
5. Composition of surfactant and importance of each component.
6. Mechanism of thermoregulation in newborn 7. Importance of peripheral blood smear study in a child.
8. Third generation cephalosporins. 9. Polysaccharide vaccines.
10. Causes and pathophysiology of acidosis.
1..Importance of urinary screening tests in mental retardation. 2. Lung function tests in children.
3. Fetal circulation and the physiological changes which occur at birth.
4. Iron metabolism in health and disease.
5. Write short notes : a) Adverse effects of Amino glycosides b) Polymerase chain reaction
6. Pathophysiology of acute renal failure 7. Antiviral drugs in paediatrics.
8. Pathogenesis of disseminated intravascular coagulation. 9. Pathophysiology of cyanotic spells.
10. Immunological factors in breast milk.
1..Biochemical changes in Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
2. Renal function tests and their interpretation 3. Neural tube closure defects and its management=6+4=10m
4. Fetal growth during 1 st trimester and effect of maternal medication and infection during this period=5+5
5. Lab tests for a child suspected to have chronic hemolytic anemia=10m
6. Normal body fluids in Newborn, infant and children=4+3+3=10m
7. Lab tests for the diagnosis of malabsorptio=10m 8. Development of arch of aorta and its tributaries=10m
9. Thyroid development and thyroid hormone synthesis=4+6=10m
10.Urea cycle and inborn errors of metabolism associated with urea cycle defect=4+6=10m
1. Pulmonary function tests and their interpretation in chronic Asthma.
2. Interpretation of Liver function test in a 2-month infant presenting with Jaundice.
3. Descent of tests and management of undescended testes.
4. Lab tests to differentiate pre renal from intrinsic renal failure.
5. Corticospinal tract and localization of site of lesion in a child with Hemiplegia. 6..Patho physiology of shock.
1. “Hematopoetic stem cells” . Indication for stem cell transplant in children.
2. Defense mechanism and metabolic functions of lung.
3. Synthesis of hormones of Adrenal cortex, management of congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
4. Haemostatic mechanism in children.
108-M.D. DEG. EXAMINATION – APRIL, 2010-PAEDIATRICS-Paper-I: Basic Medical Sciences
1. Clinical manifestations of cerebellar dysfunctions. 2. Patho physiology of diabetes keto acidosis.
3. Therapeutic pyramids of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis. 4. Physiological functions of esophagus.
5. a) Classify anticonvulsants. b) Mention three common drugs used in epilepsy, dose, side effects and uses.
6. Thyroid Function Test. 7. Vitamin D Metabolism. 8. Lab Diagnosis of parasitic infections.
9. Lab Diagnosis in Dengue Haemorrhagic fever. 10. Mechanism of Diarrhoea in children.
1. Biochemical changes occur in Protein Energy Malnutrition.
2. Action of Insulin: a) Carbohydrate metabolism b) Protein metabolism
3. Recent management of Acute Lympho blastic Leukemia.
4. Brief notes on normal digestive tract Phenomenon.
5. Pulmonary function Test. 6. Etiology of Fetal and Neonatal Infections.
7. Drug Dosage and uses for Antibiotics in New Born weighing 1200 – 2000 gm.
a) Amikacin b) Cefazolin c) Cy-Triaxone d) Chindamycin
8. a) Classify the benign Intracranial Tumors in children. b) Ataxia Telangectasia
9. Hepatic Imaging Procedures. 10. Circle of Willis.
1. Physiological basis for the management options in ascites.
2. Electro physiological studies in the diagnosis of neurological diseases in children.
3. Evaluation of microcytic hypochromic&normocyctic anemias. 4. Smart nutrients and brain development
5. Pharmacotherapy of drugs used in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux.
6. Hemodynamics and clinical manifestations in transposition of great vessels.
7. Pathogenesis of diabetic ketoacidosis. 8. Interpretation of results of coagulation work up.
9. Laboratory diagnosis of child hood leprosy. 10. Drug interaction in pediatric practice.
1. Pathophysiology of body fluids and its clinical application.
2. Evaluation of a child with prolonged bleeding tendency. 3. Serological markers of viral hepatitis.
4. Peak exploratory flow rate and its use in the management of bronchial asthma.
5. Laboratory evaluation for hypertension in a child. 6. Laboratory diagnosis of HIV infection.
7. Principles of genetic counseling. 8. Classification of antiretroviral drugs.
9. Vitamin D analogues. 10. Histological types of chronic glomeulonephritis in children.
1. Aetiopathogenesis of acute diarrhea in children. 2. Pathology in persistent hepatitis and chronic active hepatitis.
3. Pulmonary function in restrictive lung disease and obstructive lung disease.
4. Laboratory investigations for arthritis and interpretation of results.
5. Importance of urine examination in a children. 6. Recombinant DNA technology and its application in pediatrics.
7. Antimalarial drugs and current therapy of malaria. 8. Urea cycle, disorders of urea cycle and their diagnosis.
9. Development of retina and staging of ROP. 10.Prescribing in liver diseases.
108-NR-MAY/JUNE, 2007
1. Physiology of breathing in the new born and diagnostic evaluation of premature baby with apnea.
2. Pharmacotherapy of esophageal variceal bleeding. 3. Cerebral blood flow regulation in the new born.
4. Neuropathology of TBM and its clinical manifestations
5. Diagnostic evaluation of a 1 year old child with metabolic acidosis.
6. Investigations for malabsorption in a 2 year old child with failure to thrive.
7. Development of anorectal canal, classification of anorectal malformation in a male child.
8. Interpretation of laboratory investigations of a child who has intrauterine infection.
9. Laboratory evaluation of childhood hypertension.
10.Vitamin D analogues and their use in pediatric conditions.
NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)
1. Foetal circulation 2. Teratogenic Cyst 3. Development in second year of life
4. Language development in 4 years old child and write about Dyslexia
5. Munchansen syndrome by proxy (MSBP) 6. Liver function tests and importance of each one of them
7. Sexual Maturity Rate (SMR) in both sexes 8. Stages of coagulation and mention diseases related to each stage
9. Development of heart and haemodynamics of total anomalous pulmonary venous drainage
10.Role of probiotics and prebiotics in paediatric practice
MAY-JUNE-2006 - N.R.
1. List the Gram positive and negative organisms and mention technique of Ziehl-Neelsen stains =10m
2. Respiratory function test and their clinical implication =10m
3. Spinal Arch and describe the clinical manifestations of lesions at various sites of spinal arch.=10m
4. Mention upper GI Anomalies and write about various types of Tracheo-oesophageal Fistula (TEF)=10M
5. Diagnostic evaluation of haematuria=10m
6. Describe various metabolic changes in seen in Diabetes Mellitus =10m
7. Describe the circulation of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and mention the causes for hydro cephalus in children
8. Cytogenetic in Down’s syndrome=10 9. Vasodilators in the management of Congestive cardiac failure
10.Growth factors in haematology and their therapeutic implication=10m
APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.)
1. Malrotation of gut 2 Prebiotics and Probiotics 3.Laboratory tests to differentiate pre-renal & renal failure
4. Cephalosporins in Paediatric practice 5. ECG changes of chamber hypertrophy in children
6. Bone age estimation 7. Urine examination for suspected metabolic diseases in children
8. Role of imaging studies in the diagnosis of renal diseases
9. PEFR measurement in the diagnosis and management of childhood asthma 10.Intraosseous fluid therapy
SEPT./OCT., 2004. (N.R.)
1. Etiopathology of Neurocysticercosis (Each question Ten marks) 2. Nucleotides in pediatric nutrition
3. Interpretation of laboratory investigations in the diagnosis of TORCH infections
4. Clinical features of temporal and parietal lobe lesions of brain 5. Nutritional anthropometry
6. Haematological tests in evaluating anaemia in children 7. Liver function tests and their interpretation
8. Newer anticonvulsants 9. Pathophysiology of shock 10.Management of ATT induced hepatotoxicity
MARCH/APRIL, 2004 (N.R.)
1. Diagnostic evaluation of proteinuria 2. Development of the kidney and renal developmental anomalies
3. Quinolones in pediatrics practice 4. Laboratory diagnosis of DIC (Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation)
5. Clinical features associated with hemiplegia in relation to the level of lesion =10m
6. Transfusion reactions and their management =10m
7. Vasodilators in the management of CCF (Congestive Cardiac Failure) 8. Natural course of primary complex
9. Primary and secondary dentition =10m 10. Etiopathogenesis of acute dirrhoea. =10m
MARCH/APRIL,2004. (O.R.)
1. Enumerate the liver function tests. Describe the LFT abnormalities in acute and chronic liver disease.
Describe the clinical features, diagnosis, prevention and management of acute viral hepatitis.
2. Enumerate the causes of shock. Describe the pathogenesis of shock and discuss in detail the management
of cardiogenic shock.
3. Write short notes a) Quinolones b)Varicella Vaccine c)Laboratory diagnosis of HIV in children d) Hypernatremia
SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.)
1. Hyperkalemia =10m 2. Classification and pathophysiology of shock =10m 3. Neutropenia=10m
4. Antiviral drugs 5. Thermoregulation in a neonate and methods to prevent heat loss =10m
6. Immunization in a child with HIV infection =10m 7. Evaluation of Renal Function =10marks
8. Parenteral Nutrition in neonates. =10m 9. Monitoring a critically ill child.=10m
10. Physiologic basis of maintenance fluid requirements in children =10m
SEPT./OCT.2003. (O.R.)
1. Describe fetal circulation and discuss: a) Changes occurring at birth b) mechanism of closure of ductus
2. Discuss the physiological changes occurring in puberty and enumerate the causes of precocious puberty
3. Write short notes on: a) Erythropoietin b) Histopathological changes in the joints and heart in rheumatic fever
c) Physiological basis of therapy with WHO, ORS and improved ORS formulae.
d) Pharmacology of drugs used in neonatal resuscitation.
MARCH, 2003
1. What is Anion gap? Discuss the approach to the diagnosis of a child with high anion gap metabolic acidosis.
2. Describe the physiology of lactation and discuss the following: a) Lactation failure b) Relactation
3. Write short notes on: a) Pharmacological closure of PDA b) Inotropic support in Pediatric Critical Car
c) Management of Drug resistance tuberculosis d) Hemodynamics in transposition of great vessels
1. Clinical presentation of cerebello pontine angle space occupying lesion.
2. Serological markers of Hepatitis B Virus infection. 3. Pulmonary function tests for office practice.
4. Pharmacotherapy of Drug resistant tuberculosis in children
5. Importance of urine examination in Pediatric diagnosis. 6. Evaluation of a patient with metabolic acidosis.
7. Micronutrients in childhood nutrition 8. Immunological basis for Pediatric Immunization.
9. Importance of bone marrow examination in childhood diseases. 10.Adolescent growth spurt.
1. Describe fluid & electrolyte balance in the neonates. Discuss principles of fluid therapy in the newborn.
2. Describe portal circulation and discuss causes and clinical manifestations of portal hypertension in children.
3. Write short notes on: a) Antiarrhythmic drugs b) Histopathology of Nephrotic syndrome.
c) Pathophysiology of diarrhoeagenic E.Coli diarrhoea d) Levels of lesion in hemiplegia.
MAY, 2000.
1. Discuss Fetal circulation and enumerate causes, management and prevention of primary pulmonary
hypertension in the new born.
2. Discuss Renal Function Tests, Causes and Management of Acute Renal Failure.
3. Write short notes on: a) Critical analysis of composition of ORS
b) Diagnosis and prevention of Neural tube defects c) HIV Vaccine d) Cephalosporins

JUNE, 1999.
1. Discuss the role of raemerging and newer infections in Indian children. Highlight the measures to be
taken to prevent and tackle such a problem.
2. Draw a diagram of optic fundus and discuss the importance of optic fundus examination in the diagnosis
of various paediatric diseases.
3. Write short notes on: a) Newer antimalarial drugs b) Polymerase chain Reaction
c) Pulse Oximetry d) Arnold-Chiari Malformation.
AUGUST, 1998.
1. Draw a diagram depicting the portal circulation. Discuss the types, causes, haemodynamic changes,
evaluation, management and prevention of portal hypertension in children.
2. Describe the life cycle of malarial parasite in human beings. Discuss regarding the mode of action,
dosage, indications, contra-indications and problems of available anti-malarial drugs in treating childhood
malaria, including newer anti-malarials.
3. Write short notes on: a) Clinical indicators and evaluation of immunodeficiency disorders in children.
b) Mantoux-test – methodology, relevance and interpretation under various clinical states.
c) Manifestations and management of leptospirosis d) Sensitivity and specificity of a test.
1. Discuss Adrenal Cortical functions & give a brief account of Addison’s disease.
2. Give an account of Antiviral vaccines in Pediatric practice.
3. Write short notes on: a) Intracranial calcifications in children.
b) 2 Dechocardiogram studies in children c) Colored Urine syndromes in Pediatrics. D) PAIDS
1. Discuss Pancreatic function tests. How do you evaluate a newborn with ascites.
2. Give an account of newer vaccines in Paediatric practice.
3. Write short notes on: a) Galactogagues b) Essential fatty acids c) Ultrasound in neonates.
d) Recent antimalarial drugs.
1. Discuss bilirubin metabolism. Enumerate the causes of jaundice in paediatric age.
2. Evaluate the role of Vitamin inhalation to childhood morbidity and mortality.
3. Write short notes on: a) Predictors of outcome of nephrotic syndrone.
b) Importance of Casoni’s test c) Draw a man test d) Intra-cranial space-occupyiene lesions
Compiled by: V.Suryanarayana, Librarian, Dr.NTRUHS,VJA.
E-mail: vsuryanarayana45@rediffmail.com
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Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences::Vijayawada-520 008


Paper-II – Diseases of New born, Preventive and Social Paediatrics, Growth and Development and
Child Psychiatry
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100
Note : Answer all questions
All questions carry equal marks
Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary


1..Indications for fetal echocardiography.

2..Steps to reduce neonatal death in NICU.
3..Causes and management of apnea in neonatal period.
4..Infant of a diabetic mother.
5..Psychosomatic disorders in childhood and adolescence
7..Management of a 2-year old child with marasmus.
8..Causes and management of Nocturnal enuresis.
9..Etiopathogenesis and management of Necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC)
10.Write the etiology, classification and management of learning disabilities in children.
Paper-II – Diseases of New born, Preventive and Social Paediatrics, Growth and Development and Child
Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks : 100-Answer all questions=All questions carry equal marks-Draw neat
diagrams wherever necessary
Write short essays on the following:
1..Outline the fine motor milestones along with their normal age of achievement in sequence attained
between birth and 5 years of age.
2..What are autistic spectrum disorders? Discuss the differential diagnosis and management of a child
with autism.
3..Enumerate congenital anomalies presenting as severe respiratory distress in a newborn. Describe the
pre-operative and post-operative care of a neonate with Tracheo-Oesophageal fistula.
4..Define infant mortality rate, mention the causes of infant mortality rate, mention the measures to reduce
IMR in India.
5..Write introduction on extremely low birth weight infant and discuss its delivery room care and care in
the intensive care unit.
6..Discuss bacterial sepsis in the new born, mention risk factor for EOS, Clinical presentation, evaluation
of symptomatic infant for EOS and treatment of EOS (Early Onset Scoliosis)
7..Nosocomial infections in PICU strategies to prevent Nosocomial infections, specific measures to
prevent infections.
8..Write short notes on:
a)Growth curves b) Newer vaccines
9..Mention the pattern of sleep disorders in children
10.Discuss the recent changes in guidelines for resuscitation of new born (AAP-NRP 2015) and
management of Meconium Aspirations Syndrome


Diseases of New born, Preventive and Social Paediatrics, Growth and Development and Child Psychiatry
Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks : 100-Answer all questions-All questions carry equal marks-Draw neat diagrams
wherever necessary
Write short essays on the following:
1..Management of neonatal hypoglycaemia
2.Millennium development goals with respect to child health and strategies to achieve those.
3.Kangaroo care of new born
4.Biomedical waste disposal
5.Growth charts and growth monitoring
6.Incidence, cause and management of a baby with Downs syndrome
7.Management of a neonate born to HIV +ve mother
8.Approach to preschool child with short stature.
9.Pattern of sleep disorders in children
10.Newer vaccines in children
1..Describe the diagnostic criteria for Pervasive developmental disorders.
2.Aetiology and management of neonatal meningitis.
3.Classify severity of Hypothermia in Neonates and describe steps for its prevention.
4.Describe the diagnosis and management of Neonatal Necrotizing enterocolitis.
5.Describe the mechanism of action and use of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure in management of
Preterm neonates.
6.Describe the pathogenesis and management of Septic shock in neonates.
7.Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and management of Patent ductus arteriosus.
8.Describe the diagnosis and Neonatal complications of Intra uterine growth retardation.
9.Describe the strategies and service delivery implementation for prevention of Iron deficiency anemia.
10.Describe the aetiology, classification and management of learning disabilities in children.
1..A term baby weighing 2.6kg was brought with jaundice at 14 hours after birth. What are the likely
causes? How will you investigate and manage the baby?
2.Somatization disorders in children
3.Discuss the causes, differential diagnosis and management of respiratory distress in a new born.
4.Discuss about etiology, classification and management of learning disabilities in children
5.Discuss the nutritional requirements of a Preterm child 1000 gms. Discuss various complications in
6.Discuss the causes and evaluation of anaemia in a new born
7.Newer vaccines in Children
8.Describe briefly about biochemical monitoring lab investigations for brain oriented resuscitation and
newer modulates treatment of HIE.
9.Mention basic principles of sleep hygiene for children and adolescents
10.Write briefly objective of school health problems
1.Describe the prevention and management of Hyaline membrane disease
2.Draw an algorithm for Neonatal resuscitation
3.Describe the management of Shock in Neonates
4.Describe the diagnostic features of Autism spectrum disorder
5.Describe the assessment of Muscle tone during infancy
6.Describe the clinical features and management of Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy
7.Write the recommendations for prevention of mother to child transmission of Human immunodeficiency
virus infection
8.Describe the beneficiaries and provisions of Janani Shishu Suraksha Karyakram.
9.Enumerate the causes and describe management of Short stature
10.Describe the recommendations and strategy of treatment of Tuberculosis in children under revised
Tuberculosis control program.
1..Describe the diagnosis and management of new born baby with diaphragmatic hernia.
2. Enumerate the causes and describe the management of cholestasis in neonates.
3. Describe resuscitation of a preterm neonate.
4. Describe the normal language milestones upto 5 years of age.
5..Describe the clinical features of disruptive behavioral disorders in toddlers.
6..Describe the composition, storage, benefits and adverse effects of Pentavalent vaccine.
7..Describe the prevention of varicella zoster infection in children.
8..Describe the pathogenesis and management of apnoea of prematurity.
9. Enumerate the causes of seizures in neonates and describe the management of hypoglycemic seizures.
10.Describe the diagnosis and treatment of obesity in children.
1..What are the causes of intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR)? Mention the complications of IUGR and
their management.
2..Discuss about definition, epidemiology, clinical feature and treatment of autistic disorder.
3. Discuss about red flags in child development, developmental screening and management of the child early
sign of developmental delay.
4. Diagnosis and management of Meconium aspiration syndrome.
5. Etiology and management of congestive cardiac failure in newborn.
6. Common sleep disorders in children. 7. Infant of diabetic mother.
8. Describe the causes of infant mortality and discuss the preventive measures for reducing it.
9. Psychosomatic disorders in childhood and adolescence.
10.Write briefly about objectives of school health services and Health problems in school children.
1..You are asked to plan a neonatal unit for a hospital with an annual deliveries of 3500. Discuss in detail the
space, man power & equipment requirements.
2. A term baby weighing 2.9 kg was brought with convulsions 16 hours after birth. What are the likely
causes? How will you investigate & manage the baby.
3. Discuss approach to a child with delayed speech.
4. What is SMR? Discuss secular trend in children.
5. Write etiology, clinical manifestations & treatment of autistic disorder.
6. Write briefly on Preventable & treatable causes of mental retardation.
7. Approach to a child with failure to thrive 8.Retinopathy of prematurity 9.Describe ARI control programme
10. Define developmental delay & developmental dissociation. Outline the screening & definitive tests for
diagnosis of developmental delay.
1..Management of High Risk Infant. 2. Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy
3. A) Phototherapy B) What are its complications?
4. Investigation of Short Stature 5. Importance of Anthropometry in clinical examination
6. Vaccine preventable diseases 7. Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program
8. Habit disorders 9. Phobias in Childhood 10. Temper tantrum
1.Describe etiology patho physiology, diagnosis, prevention &management of Broncho Pulmonary Dysplasia
2. Mention strategies to reduce perinatal and neonatal mortality
3..Diagnosis and management of new born baby with diaphragmatic hernia.
4..What are the principles of growth and development how do you assess development of 2 yrs. Old child?
5..Mention various behavioral and habit disorders, pervasive developmental disorders and their management.
6..How will you approach a preschool child with short stature?
7..Name the causes of Anemia in newborn, write brief note on Anemia of infancy.
8..What is IMCI? Discuss the merits and demerits of IMCI.
9. Write short notes on a) Juvenile Delinquency b) Thumb sucking
10. Discuss the causes, laboratory findings and management of DKA.


1..Complications of Prematurity 2. Management of Rh Incompatibility
3..Aetiology, clinical features of Kernicterus and its prevention. 4. Pattern of sleep disorders in children.
5. Factors affecting Growth and Development.
6. A) What do you mean by Growth Curves? B) Describe briefly lymphoid growth curve
7..Autistic Child 8. Newer Vaccines 9. National Rural Health Mission
10.Aetiology and management of neonatal meningitis
1..Clinical features, diagnosis and management of neonatal necrotizing enterocolitis.
2. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Diaphragmatic hernia in a newborn.
3. Define neonatal mortality. Discuss causes of neonatal mortality in India.
4. Perinatal transmission of HIV infection and its prevention.
5. What is adoption? How do you evaluate a one month old baby for adoption?
6. Objectives and strategies of national ARI (Acute Respiratory Infections) control programme.
7. Assessment of physical growth and development in a 5 year old child.
8. Problems of adolescents and discuss in detail any one of them.
9. Management of severe Meconium aspiration syndrome.
10.Write short notes: a) Temper tantrums b) Play therapy.
1..Apnea in newborn: definition, causes and management. 2. Acute flaccid paralysis surveillance.
3. Discuss the steps to reduce perinatal mortality in your area.
4. Write short notes : a) Age independent anthropometry. b) Sexual maturity rating.
5. How do you approach a preschool child with short stature?
6. Discuss common behavioural problems in children.
7. Discuss the etiology and management of convulsions on the first day of life.
8. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder.
9. Short notes: a) National Immunization Day b) Vaccine vial monitor
10. Dyslexias: Diagnosis and management.
1..Approach to a new born with respiratory distress.
2. Differential diagnosis, management of a newborn with Icterus on day 1 of life.
3. Temperature regulation in Newborn and complication and management of hypothermia in newborn.
4. Clinical features of Meconium aspiration syndrome and recent guidelines in the management of 5.
Meconium stained amniotic fluid.
5. Complications and management of polycythemia in newborn. 6. Standard deviation and percentile.
7. Assessment of growth in pediatrics. 8. Causes and management of enuresis. 9. Impact of television in children.
10. Integrated management of neonatal and childhood illness (IMNCI) approach.
1..Approach to bleeding newborn. 2. Complications and management of Infant of diabetic mother.
3. Transport of sick newborn. 4. Etiology and evaluation of a newborn with seizure on day 1 of life.
5. Fetal procedures. 6. Diagnosis and management of Narcotizing entercolitis.
7. Approach to a child with Failure to thrive. 8. Assessment of growth from birth to 1 year of age.
9. Diagnosis and management of Autism. 10. Child labour.
1. Approach to the diagnosis of neonatal jaundice in preterm infants. 2. Infant of diabetic mothers.
3. Emerging pattern of behaviour in a 18 months of child. 4.Mention few central issues in early adolescences
5. Sleep requirement day time and night time sleep of a six month old infant.
6. Write short notes on: a) Thumb sucking b) Nocturnal seizures
7. Write in detail about Attention – Deficit – Hyper activity Disorder (ADHD)
8. Objects of beneficiaries of Integrated Child Development Science Programme(ICDS).
9. Immunization schedule in adolescence.
10.In a one year infant mention the Roentgenogram of centers of ossification.


1. a) Classify Hypoxic-Ischemic Encephalopathy in Term infants.
b) Mention the effects of Asphyxia on various systems.
2. Evaluation of New Born for sepsis. 3. Write short notes on: a) Growth Monitoring b) Percentile chart
4. What is Marshall WA, Tanner JM sequence of maturational events in female children?
5. Indication for Audiological evaluation. 6. Write short notes on: a) Enuresis b) Sexual abuse
7. Specific Reading Disability (Dyslexia) in children.
8. a) Enumerate National Nutritional Programmes in India.
b) Write in detail of paediatrics components of child survival safe mother hood programme (CSSM).
9. Surveilance of Acute Flaccid Paralysis. 10. New vaccines in children.
1. Current recommendations on the management of a baby born out of meconium stained liquor.
2. Diagnosis and management of newborn baby with diaphragmatic hernia.
3. Blood component therapy in neonates.
4. Diagnostic evaluation of a two-day old baby with hemoglobin of 8gm/dl.
5. Management of a child with attention deficit and hyperactive behaviour.
6. Phase II RCH programme. 7. Evaluation of a dysmorphic new born bay.
8. Diagnosis and management of congenital dysplastic hip.
9. Nutritional Anthropometry. 10. Diagnosis and management of herpes encephalitis.


1. Revised national Tuberculosis control programme.
2. Neonatal component of integrated management of childhood illnesses.
3. Aetiology investigations and management of acute renal failure in the newborn.
4. Clinical features of kernicterus and its prevention. 5. Academic underachievement in adolescents.
6. Principles of growth and factors affecting growth and development.
7. Pattern of sleep disorders in children.
8. Etiology of neonatal hypoglycemia and management of persistent hypoglycemia.
9. Management of severe Meconium aspiration syndrome.
10. Practical guidelines for achieving exclusive breastfeeding.


1. Prevention of blindness in children. 2. Measures to reduce Infant Mortality Rate (IMR).
3. Management of persistent pulmonary hypertension in the newborn.
4. Algorithm for the anticonvulsant therapy and follow-up therapy for neonatal seizures due to hypoxic
ischemic encephalopathy.
5. Diagnosis and management of depression in adolescence 6. Pattern of Growth in preterm and small for date babies
7. Pattern of pubertal development. 8. Recognition and control of nosocomial infections in NICU.
9. Diagnostic approach to anemia in the newborn. 10.Aims, objectives and services of ‘under five clinic’
109-NR-NOVEMBER, 2007
1. National Aids control programme 2. Impact of RCH programme in reduction of childhood morbidity & mortality
3. Algorithm for the management of neonatal seizures
4. Clinical manifestations of inborn errors of metabolism in the neonatal period.
5. Clinical manifestations and management of PDA in preterm implant
6. Situational disorders in children 7. Growth charts in the evaluation of short stature
8. Physical growth and sexual development in adolescene
9. Clinical manifestations and management of polycythemia in the newborn
10.Aetiology and management of neonatal meningitis.
MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.)
1. Etiology and diagnostic evaluation of seizures in a 3 day old infant.
2. Prevention and management of oxygen toxicity in the newborn.
3. Management of common situational disorders in children. 4. Types of growth charts and their use in children.
5. Consequences of Vitamin-A deficiency in children, management and prevention.
6. Indications and complications of parenteral hyperalimentation in the newborn.
7. Investigations and management of prolonged jaundice in a two month old infant.
8. Long term prognosis of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy.
9. Definition and management of polycythemia in newborn. 10.Care of neonate in the community.

NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)
1. Causes for Jaundice in first week of life and investigation, management of Rh-incompatability
2. Oxygen Toxicity in preterm with special mention of fundal changes and management of ROP
3. Screening Tests in Newborn 4. Sepsis Screening in Neonate 5. RCH programme in India
6. Tetany in Neonate and their management 7. Diagnosis and management of attention deficit disorder
8. Legal aspect of adoption 9. Developmental screening tests 10.Methods of eradication of malaria

1. Causes of Anaemia in newborn with a brief note on Physiological Anaemia in infancy=10m
2. Classification of IUGR and their long-term outcome=10m
3. Causes of Respiratory Distress syndrome in newborn and different types of ventilators used in neonatal practice
4. High Risk Pregnancy and foetal outcome =10m
5. Define growth and development. Write about the factors influencing them 6. Fluid management in preterm baby
7. Habit disorders in children with a special note on Gilles de la Tourette syndrome=10m
8. Psychosocial problems in adolescent 9. Steps of prevention of malaria 10.Prevention of lactation failure

APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.)

1. Causes and management of neonatal thrombocytopenia
2. An account of newborn reflexes and early detection of cerebral palsy
3. Classification, management and outcome of intraventricular haemorrhage
4. Diagnosis and management of anorectal malformation 5. Social issues in caring HIV infection children
6. Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder 7. School health programme
8. Juvenile delinquency 9. Kangaroo mother care 10. Principles and theories of growth

SEPT./OCT., 2004 (N.R.)

1. Causes of apnoea in newborn and management of apnoea of prematurity (Each carry Ten marks)
2. Etiology and management of late onset sepsis
3. Antenatal diagnosis and prenatal genetic counseling for Down’s syndrome
4. Prevention of further injury to the brain in babies with perinatal asphyxia
5. Erythropoietin in the treatment of anaemia of prematurity
6. Objectives and implementation of IMCI in India 7. Current status of national malaria control programme
8. Disruptive behavious in children 9. Measures to reduce neonatal mortality 10.Foetal onset of adult diseases
MARCH/APRIL, 2004 (N.R.)
1. Causes of respiratory distress in newborn and surfactant therapy of RDS =10m
2. Fluid management in neonates with RDS, PDA and NEC. 3. Long term prognosis of small for date babies
4. Effects of antenatal drug therapy on growing foetus =10m
5. Causes and management of late onset hypocalcemia =10m
6. Effects of environmental pollution on health of children =10m
7. National Nutrition Programmes.=10m 8. Diagnosis and management of childhood autism=10m
9. Psychosocial problems in adolescents=10m 10.Methods of eradication of polio =10m
MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (O.R.)
1. Enumerate the causes of neonatal jaundice. Describe the clinical approach, investigations and management
of neonatal jaundice with reference to phototherapy and exchange transfusion.
2. Define cerebral palsy. Discuss the etiology, pathogenesis and classification of cerebral palsy. Describe the
principles of its management.
3. Write short notes on: a) ADHD (Attention Defecit Hyperactive Disorder)
b) Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia c) National Nutritional programmes d) Child labour
SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.)
1. Adjuvant therapy in neonatal sepsis =10m 2. Environment and child health =10m
3. Congenital syphilis =10m 4. Management of respiratory distress syndrome in a neonate=10m
5. Discuss in detail about Polycythemia in the new born =10m 6. Child labour =10marks
7. Developmental evaluation in the first year of life 8.Attention Deficit Hyperactive disorder (ADHD)=10m
9. IUGR (Intrauterine growth restriction/retardation) classification, problems and problems and principles of
10.Apnoea of prematurity.=10marks
SEPT./OCT.2003 (O.R.)
1. Discuss Infant mortality levels and trends in our country. Describe the strategies to bring down IMR which
has been static for the last one decade.
2. Discuss etiology, clinical staging and management of ROP
3. Write short : a) Risk factors for IVH b) Brain oriented resuscitation c) Binet-Kamat test d) Nocturnal enuresis.
MARCH, 2003.
1. Discuss etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
2. A 5 days old, 32 weeks preterm baby develops mild abdominal distension and increased gastric residues
while on tube feeding. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Primary newborn care. b) Perinatal transmission of HIV
c) Pediatric component of RCH programme d) Growth velocity.
1. What is IMCI? Discuss merits and demerits of IMCI.
2. 30 weeks preterm baby who had hyaline membrane disease, requiring ventilatory support for one week
and oxygen support for another two weeks is being discharged from NICU after I month stay. Discuss,
how would you follow-up this baby in your high risk clinic.
3. Write short notes on: a) Anaemia in prematurity b) Autism c) Primary dentition. d) High frequency ventilation.
MAY, 2000.
1. Discuss in detail measures to prevent neonatal infection in the post natal wards. Neonatal Nursery and at home.
2. Discuss causes and management of a bleeding neonate.
3. Write short notes on: a) Polycythemia in the newborn b) Trauncy c) Hepatitis B Vaccine.
d) Language development, causes and management of Language delay.
JUNE, 1999.
1. Pallor, ecchymosis and presence of altered blood in the vomitus in a 72 hour old term neonate – Discuss
the clinical and investigate approach. Outline the treatment plan of any one of the conditions.
2. Discuss the causes of Intra Uterine-growth Retardation (IUGR). What are the types of IUGR? Discuss in
detail the complications of IUGR babies and their management.
3. Write short notes on: a) SHAKIR’S Tape b) Neonatal problems in Down’s syndrome
c) Prevention of neural tube defects d) Attention deficit disorder.
AUGUST, 1998.
1. Discuss the differential diagnosis, causes, investigative and management approach to a 2 week old neonate
presenting with history of vomiting, constipation, abdominal distension and mild jaundice of 2 days duration.
2. Discuss in detail the developmental and growth assessment of a three-year-old child.
3. Write short notes on: a) Etiology and prevention of Hemorrhagic disease of the newborn.
b)Essential newborn care c)Long term growth and development of preterm children. d)Childhood autism.
1. Discuss in detail common abdominal neoplasm’s in a neonate & describe their management.
2. Give an account of ‘Hermaphrodite’ and discuss the investigations and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Infantileutism b) Congenital malaria c) Anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia
d) Scorpion stings in children
1. Give an account of ‘Bleeding Diathesis’ in a neonate and discuss the strategy to investigate.
2. Discuss the proportionate dwarfs and describe recent trends in its management.
3. Write short: a) Precocious puberty b) Enuresis in school going children. c) Caffey’s disease d) Phakomatosis.

1. Discuss the clinical manifestations of various diseases during neonatal period.
2. Discuss the merits and demerits of various national health programmes.
3. Write short notes on: a) Erb-Duchenne Paralysis b) Dehydration fever c) Acyclovir d) Bulimia

Compiled by: V.Suryanarayana, Librarian, Dr.NTRUHS,VJA.

E-mail: vsuryanarayana45@rediffmail.com
It is a special service offered to the medical community since -1981
Paper-III – Nutrition, Infant feeding, Immunology and Communicable diseases.
Time : 3 Hours-Max. Marks : 100=Answer all questions-All questions carry equal marks-Draw neat
diagrams wherever necessary
1..Age independent Anthropometry and nutritional Anthropometry
2..Diagnostic approach to a child with Pyrexia of unknown origin
3..Discuss the benefits and risks of bone marrow transplantation in children
4..Composition of Complementary Feeding
5..Adverse Events Following Immunization (AEFI)
6..Importance of immunophenotyping in Acute Leukemias in children
7..Treatment of Falciparum Malaria in children
8..Describe the clinical features, differential diagnosis and management of TB meningitis
9..Feeding problems in a child with cerebral palsy
10.Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV
1.Physiological basis of human lactation
2.Magnesium in health and disease
3.Define fever without a focus; Narrate subcategories, causes and workup of a case of fever without
focus in one year old child
4.Immunologic basis of atopic diseases
5.Feeding issues in infants born to HIV positive mother
6.Pros and cons of oral Vs injectable polio vaccine in Indian context
7.Advances in diagnosis and treatment of drug resistant tuberculosis
8.Clinical features, diagnosis and category wise management of H1N1 infection
9.Modified WHO classification for dengue fever, unusual clinical features and management of Dengue
Shock Syndrome
10.Brief clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of leptospirosis
110- IA-Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences::AP::Vijayawada – 520 008
1.Discuss the approach to diagnosis of primary immunodeficiency disorders
2.What are the causes of Vitamin D deficiency? What are the effects of VitaminD deficiency in childhood illnesses?
3.Discuss childhood tuberculosis in different circumstances
4.Discuss clinical manifestation, prevention and chemoprophylaxis of influenza.
5.How do you screen children for severe acute malnutrition and discuss inpatient treatment plan for a case
of severe acute malnutrition.
6.Discuss the management of complicated Malaria and mention Chemoprophylaxis for travelers to endemic
areas of Malaria.
7.Discuss the clinical features, complications and prevention of chickenpox in children.
8.Discuss the role of micronutrients and mention their recommended intake in children.
9.Mention the various nematodes infestation and complications associated with their infestation.
10.Classify Rickettsial diseases and describe complications caused by scrub typhus and its management.
1.Describe the clinical features of Leishmaniasis in children.
2.Describe the clinical features, complications and prevention of Chicken pox.
3.Outline the management of Dengue hemorrhagic fever.
4.Describe the treatment of Resistant malaria.
5.Describe the management of diarrhea with severe malnutrition.
6.Enumerate maternal problems in Breastfeeding and describe management of Sore nipple.
7.Evaluation of a suspected primary immune deficiency disorder
8.How is dietary reference intake defined? Write the recommended dietary allowance of Macronutrients in
9.Describe the classification and clinical categories of HIV infection in children and treatment of strategies.
10.Describe treatment categories and regimens for childhood Tuberculosis.
1.Nutritional requirements of infants aged 1-12 months
2.Discuss the immunological basis for pediatric vaccination. Enumerate newer vaccines and their schedule
3.Describe indications and choice of drugs for prophylaxis to prevent first episode of opportunistic
infections among HIV infected children
4.Discuss the etiology, clinical features, complications and management of epidemic parotitis
5.Describe the clinical features, complications and management of Typhoid fever.
6.How would you treat and prevent Hypoglycemia in Severe acute malnutrition?
7.Describe the role of zinc in health and disease
8.Describe the pathogenesis and management of ‘Not enough milk’ in breast feeding.
9.Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Allergic rhinitis
10.Describe how you would evaluate severity of Asthma exacerbation.
1..Management of PPHN in newborn. 2..Describe the complications of Measles
3..Cow milk protein allergy. 4. Immunization in immune compromised children.
5..What is the WHO definition of complicated Malaria? Discuss the management of cerebral Malaria.
6..Discuss the problem associated with early weaning in an infant and discuss the management of 6 months
old infant with severe acute malnutrition.
7..Discuss symptoms and metabolism of Vitamin D and discuss diagnosis treatment of Vitamin D deficiency rickets.
8..Discuss the diagnosis and management of a 2 year old child with fever and jaundice.
9..Age independent Anthropometry and nutritional Anthropometry. 10.Smart nutrients.
1..Describe the pathogenesis and pathology of tuberculous meningitis in children.
2..Describe how you would assess asthma control and adjust therapy in children?
3..Describe grading of severity of Dengue infection.
4..Describe the clinical features and treatment of severe malaria.
5..Describe prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV infection.
6..Describe feeding in a case of severe acute malnutrition.
7..Describe principles for initiation of complementary foods.
8..Describe the diagnosis and management of resistant rickets.
9..Describe the clinical features and management of measles and outline the prevention strategies.
10.Draw a diagnostic algorithm for pediatric pulmonary tuberculosis.
1..Describe the role of vitamin-A in health & disease. Enumerate clinical manifestations of vitamin-A
deficiency & its treatment.
2. Enlist the clinical & anthropometric criteria for diagnosis of severe acute malnutrition (SAM).
3. Briefly discuss the pulmonary disorder seen in children with HIV/AIDS.
4. Tabulate the differentiating features of various types of JRA. Outline the diagnostic criteria of juvenile
rheumatoid arthritis. Outline a scheme of investigations for a child with suspected JRA.
5. Management of dengue shock syndrome.
6. Outline the goals of baby friendly hospital initiative (BFHI). Enumerate ten steps to successful breast
feeding. Mention contraindications to breast feeding.
7. Nosocomial infections 8. Various treatment modalities in acute ITP.
9. .Diagnosis & management of childhood obesity. 10. Importance of newer/ optional vaccines.
1..Complementary feeding 2. Microminerals in growth and nutrition
3. Classify dengue illness and outline management of severe dengue illness
4. Nutritional requirements of infants aged 1- 12 months
5. Discuss the immunological basis for Pediatric Vaccination; enumerate newer vaccines and their schedule.
6. Discuss the etiology clinical features complications and management of epidemic parotitis
7. Describe the life cycle of malaria parasite in human beings and management of complicated malaria.
8. Elaborate on bioactive factors in human milk. 9. Etiology pathogenesis, lab diagnosis of DIC.
10. Differential diagnosis of acute flaccid paralysis in infants (AFP).
1..A) Clinical features of Rickets B) Complications of Hypervitaminosis D
2. Nutritional problems of Adolescents 3. Parenteral Nutrition
4. Problems of infant feeding in early childhood. 5. HLA system.
6. Hypergammaglobulinemia 7. WHO classification of HIV aids in children.
8. Immunocompromised child 9. Management of Japanese B encephalitis.
10. Diagnosis Thrombocytopenia.
1..Calculate a diet for 3 year old child and briefly discuss. 2. Management of Nutritional Anemia.
3. Clinical manifestations of cow milk protein allergy.
4. A) Clinical features of Hypovitaminosis A B) Complications of Hypervitaminosis A
5. Diagnostic approach to fever of unknown origin 6. Management of Malaria.
7. Complement System. 8. Complications of Mumps Infection
9. Agranulocytosis 10. Management of Chronic Kidney diseases.
1..Kawasaki disease – Clinical presentation, diagnosis and treatment. 2..Advantages of breast milk.
3..Hemorrhagic fevers in children. 4..Discuss the role of zinc in health and disease in paediatric practice.
5..Discuss the management of a child with persistent diarrhea. 6. Clinical importance of interferon.
7. Short notes: a) Hypervitaminosis in children b) Intrinsic factor.
8. Management of a child born to HBs Ag positive mother. 9. Nutritional requirements of pre-term baby.
10. Role of intravenous immunoglobulins in pediatric practice.
1..Discuss differential diagnosis of clinical conditions associated with maculopapular rashes in children.
2. Short Notes : a) Methicillin resistant streptococcus aureus b) Congenital cataract
3. Short Notes : a) Vitamin E and its role in human nutrition b) Non nutritive sucking
4. Enumerate the functions of Vitamin D. Elaborate on the diagnosis and management of nutritional rickets.
5. Elaborate on bioactive factors in human milk.
6. Discuss the benefits and risks of bone marrow transplantation in children.
7. Management of child with Dengue Haemorrhagic Shock Syndrome.
8. Causes of failure to thrive in infancy. 9. Short Notes: a) Vernal kerato conjunctivitis. b) MMR Vaccine.
10. Discuss diagnosis and management of childhood asthma.
1..Amylase rich technology. 2. Nutritional management of critically ill child.
3. Mechanism of action of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) and indications for IVIG in Paediatric conditions.
4. Diagnostic approach to a child with Pyrexia of unknown origin.
5. Clinical features and management of Kawasaki disease.
6. Recommendations for immunization of an immuno compromised infant and child.
7. Causes, clinical features and management of Febrile Neutropenia.
8. Multidrug resistant typhoid fever and its management.
9. Clinical features and management of leptospirosis.
10. Epidemiology, clinical feature and treatment of chikungunya fever.
1..Omega 3 fatty acids and their role in infant nutrition.
2..Planning diet for a child with type I Diabetes Mellitus.
3..Current Recommendation in complementary feeding.
4..Recent drug formulations in the management of malaria.
5..Diagnostic evaluation of child suspected to have immune deficiency. 6..Grafts Vs Host disease.
7.Clinical features & management of congenital syphilis. 8.Management of Multidrug resistant tuberculosis
9..Management of the baby delivered to an HIV positive mother.
10.Management of an infant born to a mother who developed chickenpox 2 days after delivery.
1. Write Short Essays On The Following: a) Classify vitamins.
b) WHO classification of vitamin A deficiency and management of 2 year old child with corneal ulcer.
2. Write briefly about feeding problems during 1 st year of life.
3/ Clinical features, management of complication of nutritional rickets in children.
4. Etiology features, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, complications of management of Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever
5. a) Bornholm disease b) Acute hepatic gingivo stomatitis.
6. Etiology, clinical features, management and complications of enteric fever.
7. Write briefly about “T-Lymphocytes”. 8. Algorithm for evaluation of a patient with Leucopenia.
9. Differential Diagnosis of child hood asthma. 10.Oral Candidiasis.
1. a) How will you manage a Protein Energy Malnutrition Marasmic infant weighing 5 kg?
b) Complication of Malnutrition and prevention.
2. Clinical manifestations of vitamin K deficiency and prevention and treatment.
3. Write short notes on: a) Expressed Breast Milk (EBM) b) Phrynoderma.
4. Laboratory findings in fever of unknown origin in children.
5. a) Acute and chronic complications of measles. b) Preventing measles in children.
6. Differential Diagnosis of Acute flaccid paralysis in infants (AFP). 7. Aplastic Anaemia.
8. Complement system 9. Goals of child hood asthma management. 10. Prevention of Rabies in children.
1. Differential diagnosis and diagnostic evaluation of 3 year old with fever rashes and hepatosplenomegaly.
2. Nutritional problems during weaning. 3. Diagnosis and management of acute aseptic meningitis syndrome.
4. Laboratory evaluation of juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. 5. Immunocompromized states in children.
6. Nutritional management of diarrhea. 7. Planning immunization for a child born to HIV positive mother.
8. Complications Management and Prevention of Typhoid fever.
9. Perinatal varicella infection, its consequences in newborn and management.
10. Approach to management of acute nursery outbreak of infective diarrhea.
1. Clinical spectrum of dengue virus infections. 2. Management and prevention of meningococcal infection.
3. Cold chain for vaccines. 4. Differential diagnosis of acute flaccid paralysis.
5. Issues in adolescent nutrition and their management. 6. Perinatal varicella infection and management.
7. Clinical manifestations of cow’s milk protein allergy.
8. Muco cutaneous manifestations of viral infections in children.
9. Clinical features of hydatid disease in children and management.
10. Diagnosis and management of leptospirosis.
1. Smart nutrients. 2. Immunization in special circumstances
3. Diagnosis and management of Rickettsial disease in children.
4. Clinical manifestations and management of pertussis encephalopathy
5. Diagnosis and management of childhood obesity.
6. Clinical features in various types of neuro tuberculosis. 7. Guidelines for complementary feeding
8. Clinical features and management of mycoplasma pneumonia infection in children
9. Rabies vaccines and post exposure prophylaxis of rabies. 10.Management of Neonatal tetanus
110-NR– NOVEMBER, 2007
1. Diagnosis of staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome 2. Diagnostic approach to fever of unknown origin
3. Immunocompromised child 4. Intravenous Immunoglobulin therapy in pediatrics
5. Nutritional recovery syndrome
6. Clinical types of herpes simplex infection in children and management of herpes encephalitis
7. Current concepts in the management of acute diarrhea
8. Clinical features and management of non typhoidal salmonellosis.
9. Etiology and management of neonatal pneumonia
10.Clinical features of congenital rubella syndrome and its prevention.
MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.)
1. Approach to a child with delayed puberty. 2. Immunomodulators in childhood diseases.
3. Complementary feeding. 4. Nutritional problems in adolescents.
5. Diagnosis, prevention and management of Japanese encephalitis.
6. Diagnosis and management of dengue hemorrhagic fever with shock.
7. Investigations and management of a 2 year old child presenting with prolonged fever.
8. Prevention of mother to child transmission of HIV. 9. Opportunistic infections.
10.Micronutrient deficiency and immunity.
NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)
1. Describe clinical features, complications and management of measles
2. Write aetiology, clinical features and complications of kwashiorkor
3. Write mechanism of Breast milk secretion and advantages of breast milk
4. Write on Dengue haemorrhagic fever and management
5. Describe immune system and protein energy malnutrition
6. Discuss approach to P.U.O. (Pyrexia of Unknown Origin) 7. Mention diseases related to complement system.
8. Mention clinical characteristics of different types of Diarrhogenic Escherichia coli
9. Mention complications and management of Plasmodium falciparum malaria
10.What are the clinical features and management of Kawasaki disease
1. Dengue fever and management =10m 2. Biochemical changes in Protein energy Malnutrition=10m
3. Graft versus host disease=10m 4. Diet prescription in Protein Energy Malnutrition=10m
5. Active Phase Reactants=10m 6. Total Parenteral Nutrition=10m
7. Management of Acute GE in a 10 kg weighing child with severe dehydration=10m
8. Approach to Resistant Rickets and their management=10m 9. ARI Programme =10m
10.Newer Drugs in the management of Tuberculosis=10m
APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.)
1. Adolescent nutrition 2. Management of child with Dengue haemorrhage shock syndrome
3. Clinical presentations and diagnosis of Ricketsial fever 4. Nutritional management of chronic diarrhoea
5. Diagnosis and management of tuberculous in HIV infected child
6. Spectrum of H.influenza infection in children and management
7. Diagnosis and management of anaerobic infections in children
8. Clinical features and management of a child with H.Pylori infection
9. Etiology and management of non-resolving pneumonia 10.Management of Vitamin –D resistant rickets.
SEPT./OCT., 2004 (N.R.)
1. Nutritional requirements of preterm infants. 2. Management of Chloroquine resistant malaria
3. Management of an infant with perinatal HIV infection.
4. Etiology and diagnosis of management of obesity in children
5. Complications of Staphylococcal septicemia & management of methicillin resistant Staphylococcal sepsis.
6. Evaluation and management of recurrent urinary tract infection in children
7. Etiology of encephalitis in children, diagnosis and management of a child with Japanese Encephalitis.
8. Causes of lactation failure and management of retracted nipple.
9. Diagnosis and management of leprosy in children
10.Spectrum of Chlamydial infections in children and their management.
MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (N.R.)
1. Clinical features and management of cerebral malaria. 2. Immunological properties of breast milk =10m
3. Classification of primary immunodeficiency disorders. Write on Burton disease =10m
4. Management of Opportunistic infections in patients with pediatric AIDS.=10m
5. Feeding low birth weight infants=10m 6. Toxic shock syndrome =10m
7. Diagnosis and management of nosocomial infections in Pediatric Intensive care units.=10m
8. Enteral nutrition in critically ill children=10m 9. Diagnosis and management of febrile neutropenia=10
10.Dermatological manifestations of infectious diseases =10m
MARCH/APRIL,2004. (O.R.)
1. Classify Anaemias of infancy and early childhood. Describe the clinical features and management of
megaloblastic anemia.
2. Describe the etiopathogenesis, clinical features, diagnosis and management of cerebral malaria.
3. Write short notes on: a) Cytomegalovirus infection b) Feeding in LBW infant
c) Immunological status of a preterm child d) Multi drug resistant tuberculosis.
SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.).
1. Iron deficiency anemia – etiology, investigations and management =10m
2. Leptospira infection – etiology, clinical features and management.=10m
3. BFHI (Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative) 4. Classification and evaluation of child with primary immune deficiency
5. Pathogenesis and management of Cerebral Malaria=10m 6. Bacterial pneumonia – Etiology and management
7. Varicella – clinical features, prevention and management =10m 8. Newer vaccines =10marks
9. Obesity – Diagnosis, risk factors and management =10m 10. Shigella infection in children =10m

SEPT./OCT.2003 (O.R.)
1. Discuss control strategies for the prevention of nutritional anaemia in children
2. Discuss problems in the fetus and newborn of a mother who develops chicken pox during the antenatal
period. Briefly mention the management of affected new born.
3. Write short notes on: a) DTTU b) Dietary nucleotides in paediatric nutrition
c) Immunological properties of Breast milk d) Probiotics and Prebiotics in pediatrics
MARCH, 2003.
1. Discuss feeding in a critically ill child. 2. Discuss the role of immunomodulators in childhood illness.
3. Write short notes a) Parvovirus infection b) Non-nutritive sucking. c) Kawasaki disease d) AFP surveillance
1. Write an essay on Nutrition and Immunity in Pediatrics.
2. A 4 years old child presents with fever of 8 days duration and generalized erythematous rashes of 3 days
duration. Discuss the differential diagnosis and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Immunological markers of hepatitis b) Graft versus Host disease
c) Management of Dengue Hemorrhagic Shock syndrome d) Requirements in BFHI certification.
MAY, 2000.
1. Discuss Obstetric and Neonatal factors favourable successful Lactation. Explain the advantages of
exclusive breast feeding.
2. A 6 months old presents with fever cough and rapid breathing. Discuss differential diagnosis & management
3. Write short notes on: a) Diet in Chronic Liver disease b) Disacchindase Deficiency
c) An update on Pertussis Vaccine d) Lead Poisoning in Children
JUNE, 1999.
1. Discuss the nutritional requirements of a preterm child (1800 gms), from birth to infancy. How will you
advice the mother regarding child’s nutrition till I year of age.
2. Describe the investigative and management approach to a 3 year old child with ‘recurrent’ and ‘chronic’
respiratory infection.
3. Write short notes on: a) ‘Not enough milk’ management b) Impetigo c) Pin worm infestation
d) T.Cell deficiency in children.
AUGUST, 1998.
1. Discuss the antenatal and postnatal measures to be taken to prevent early failure of lactation. Discuss the
adverse factors prevalent in hospitals and maternity homes that are against the establishment of lactation.
2. 8 month old child on bottle feeding with commercial milk and weaning formula develops chronic
diarrhoea. Discuss the clinical investigation and management of this condition.
3. Write short notes on: a) Eating disorders of adolescents b) Hemolytic-Uraemic syndrome
c) Prevention of Haemophilus influenza type B infection in infants.
d) Manifestations and management of acute iron toxicity (poisoning).
1. Discuss mental functions in protein energy malnutrition and narrate regarding the investigations and
2. Describe in detail Extrathoracic tuberculosis in children and narrate investigations and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Abnormal Haemoglobins b) Sound diagnosis in clinical paediatrics
c) Meckel’s diverticulum d) Porphyrias in children.
1. Discuss in detail ‘Haredofamilial Obesity’ narrate how do you investigate and manage.
2. Discuss ‘Infantile Tremor Syndromes’ and give a note regarding the investigations and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Bone marrow transplants in children b) ECMO c) Fluorosis in children
d) Immunotherapy
1. What is the impact of national immunization on various vaccine preventable diseases in both urban and
rural area.
2. Discuss the role of immunoglobulins in various disorders.
3. Write short notes on: a) Complimentary feeding b) Problems and management of ‘Tiny neonate’
c) Fanconi’s anaemia d) Causes of deafness in children.

Compiled by: V.Suryanarayana, Librarian, Dr.NTRUHS,VJA.

E-mail: vsuryanarayana45@rediffmail.com
111-NR-Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences::Vijayawada-520 008
Paper-IV – Diseases of infancy and childhood-Time : 3 Hours=Max. Marks: 100-Answer all questions-All questions
carry equal marks-Draw neat diagrams wherever necessary
1..Diagnosis and management of Supraventricular Tachycardia
2..Iron Chelation therapy in thalassemia
3..Tracheo – esophageal fistula
4..Management of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP)
5..Approach to a child with upper GI bleeding
6..Treatment of Pyogenic Meningitis in a 2 year old child
7.Management of Diabetic keto-acidosis
8..Treatment of Steroid Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome
9..Etiology and management of chronic suppurative pulmonary disease
10.Treatment of Cyanotic spell in a child of Fallot’s Tetralogy
Write short essays on the following:
TIME: 3 HOURS-Max.Marks: 100-Answer All Questions -All Questions Carry Equal Marks-Draw a neat
and labeled diagrams wherever necessary
1..Causes of Haemolytic Anaemic in children and management of Thalassemia major.
2..Define pediatric obesity, discuss classification, etiopathogenesis and management
3..Discuss classification and clinical features pathophysiology and treatment of status epilepticus
4..Discuss the diagnosis and management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
5..An one year old child is brought with a history of sudden onset of respiratory distress and stridor of 2
days duration. What is differential diagnosis? Discuss the steps in management of viral croup.
6.Mention the causes of coma in children. How do you evaluate a case of coma?
7.Discuss the recent trends in the management of congestic heart failure in children.
8.Describe the patterns of Genetic inheritance
9.Mention diagnostic approach to a child with inborn errors of metabolism
10.Enumerate the methods of harvesting / storing stem cells, outline the indications of stem cell therapy.
Discuss in brief the patient preparation required for stem cell therapy. Enlist important potential
complications of stem cell therapy.
111-NR-Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences::Vijayawada-520 008
Write short essays on the following:
1..Clinical features and classification of JIA (juvenile idiopathic arthritis).
2.Management of a child with status epilepticus. 3.Management of Scorpion sting.
4.Approach to a child with recurrent pain abdomen. 5.Foreign bodies in the esophagus
6.Epistaxis. 7.Diagnostic and interventional cardiac catheterization.
8.Approach to a dysmorphic child.. 9.Approach to a 10 year old child with cyclic vomiting.
10.Discuss the causes of coma and approach to a child with coma.
1.Describe the diagnosis and treatment of Neurocysticercosis.
2.Describe the causative factors, clinical features and diagnosis of Lead poisoning in children.
3.Complications and management of acute bacterial meningitis.
4.Describe the clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of Ventricular septal defect.
5.Recent IAP guidelines for management of UTI in children.
6.Describe the management of Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura.
7.Approach to a 6 month old child with cyanosis.
8.Describe step wise diagnostic work up for children with Chronic diarrhea.
9.Describe the clinical features and management of simple Transposition of great arteries.
10.Describe the classification, staging and treatment of Hodgkin Lymphoma.
1..Discuss the etiology, clinical features investigations and treatment of pericardial diseases in children.
2.Discuss about the various interventional procedures and their indications in the cardiac problems of children.
3.Discuss the causes of coma and approach to a child with coma.
4.What is acute liver failure? Discuss epidemiology, clinical features and management of acute liver failure
in a child.
5.Approach to a dysmorphic child.
6.Recent IAP guidelines for management of UTI in children.
7.Describe briefly about mitochondrial Encephalomyopathies.
8.Approach to a 6 months old child with cyanosis.
9.Discuss the causes and management of haemolytic anemia in children including the recent advances in
10.Recent advances in the management of Bronchiolitis.
1.Describe the clinical features and complications of Tetralogy of Fallot
2.Describe the causes and management of Stroke in childhood
3.Describe the management approach to Stridor in children.
4.Describe the management of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
5.Describe the clinical features and management of Gastroesophageal reflux
6.Describe the treatment of Juvenile idiopathic arthritis
7.Write the complications of Hepatitis and Management of Fulminant Hepatic Failure
8.Describe the classification and treatment of Haemophilia
9.Describe the clinical features and management of sleep-disordered breathing
10.Describe the detection and assessment of physiological instability in Pediatric emergency
1..Describe the management of status epilepticus.
2..Write the international classification of headache disorders and indications for neuroimaging.
3..Describe the aetiology and management of portal hypertension.
4..Describe the diagnosis and treatment of Celiac disease.
5..Describe the management of thalassemia major in children.
6..Describe the diagnosis and management of urinary tract infection in children.
7..Describe the haemodynamics and management of coarctation of aorta.
8..Enumerate clinical features suggestive of rheumatic disease and describe the differential diagnosis.
9..Describe the aetiology and management of aplastic anemia in children.
10.Describe the differential diagnosis of arthritis in children.
1..Describe clinical features and types of mitochondrial hepatopathies add brief note on diseases ]
that resemble Reys syndrome.
2..Enumerate various types and clinical manifestations of mitochondrial encephalo myopathies.
3..Discuss about causes and management of acute flaccid paralysis in children.
4..Classify haemolytic anaemias. How do you evaluate a case of anaemia and mention recent ]
advances in the management of sickle cell disease?
5..Discuss etiology, classification and management of acute lymphatic leukemia.
6..Advances in management of congestive heart failure.
7..Describe the management of status epilepticus and discuss the role of newer antiepileptics in the
management of epilepsy.
8. Patterns of Genetic Inheritance.
9. Etiology, clinical features and management of congenital Hypothyroidism.
10.Discuss the recent guidelines of childhood tuberculosis treatment.
1..Describe briefly pathogenesis, clinical presentations, diagnosis & treatment of wilson’s disease.
2. Describe briefly the biochemical changes & management of DKA
3. Outline the Duke criteria for diagnosis of bacterial endocarditis. Discuss its application in clinical setting.
4. Discuss the pathophysiology of septic shock. Describe the international consensus definition for pediatric sepsis.
5. Define persistent & chronic diarrhea. Enumerate causes of chronic diarrhea in children. Discuss nutritional
management of persistent diarrhea.
6. Enumerate causes of thyromegaly in children & classify thyroid size into different stages clinically. How
would you approach to diagnose a case of goitre? Briefly write treatment of physiological goitre.
7. Discuss indications, rational & sources for stem cell transplantation in children.
8. Write a note on congenital hydrocephalous. 9. Prognostic factors in acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
10. Write a note on Clinical & laboratory features of Kawasaki disease.
1..Management of Community Acquired Pneumonia. 2. Management of Cyanotic Heart Disease
3. Treatment of Nephrotic Syndrome. 4. Evaluation of Hepatosplenomegaly.
5. Approach to child with bleeding diathesis 6. Investigations of child with Lymphadenopathy
7. Diagnosis of Inborn errors of Metabolism.
8. Short notes: a) Classify convulsions b) Management of Status Epilepticus
9. Approach to child with bleeding per rectum. 10.Congenital anomalies of genito urinary system
1..Discuss the approach to a child with Acute congestive Cardiac Failure.
2..Write the complications of Hepatitis & Management of Fulminant Hepatic failure.
3..Enumerate the causes of recurrent stridor in children.
4..Classify Epileptic seizure. Write the diagnosis and management of infantile spasms.
5..Causes and principles of management of END stage renal disease in children.
6..Write briefly about diagnosis and management of GERD.
7. Describe the hemostatic mechanism and discuss the management of hemophilia.
8. Differential diagnosis & risk factors of sudden infant death syndrome.
9. Complications and management of acute bacterial meningitis.
10.Discuss etiopathogenesis, clinical features & management of hemolytic uremia syndrome.
1..Discuss the causes, management and prevention of childhood hemiplegia.
2..DOTS chemotherapeutic management of tuberculosis in National Tuberculosis control program.
3..Different types of lymphomas in children and their histopathological classification.
4..Discuss approach to a child with acute congestive heart failure.
5. Short notes: a). High frequency ventilation b). Toxic shock syndrome
6. Management of steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome.
7. Management of acute osteomyelitis in an infant.
8. Short notes: a) HLA markers in rheumatoid arthritis b) Immunological deficiencies in PEM
9. Clinical features, diagnosis and management of cerebral malaria. 10. Ambiguous genitalia - management.
1..Discuss the diagnosis and management of complex partial seizures.
2. Discuss the clinical features, diagnosis and management of congenital aganglionic megacolon.
3. Discuss the etiology, clinical features, diagnosis and management of infective endocarditis.
4. Short notes: a) Wilm’s tumor b) Mitochondrial Inheritance
5. Short notes: a) Undescended testes b) Oral chelation therapy
6. Causes and principles of management of end stage renal disease in children.
7. Etiology, laboratory diagnosis and management of metabolic acidosis in a 7 year old boy.
8. Short notes: a) Gene therapy b) Antioxidants
9. Complications of viral Hepatitis and management of fulminant Hepatitis.
10. Diagnosis of Neuro cutaneous syndromes.
1..Management of associated conditions in cerebral palsy. 2. Chemotherapy of Acute Lymphoid Leukemia.
3. Clinical approach to the diagnosis of a child with chronic polyarthritis.
4. Diagnosis and management of Steven – Johnson syndrome.
5. Management of snakebite.
6. Clinical features, diagnosis and management of Total Anamolous Pulmonary Venous Drainage.
7. Acute inflammatory upper airway obstruction. 8. Complications of Sickle cell anemia.
9. Etiology, diagnosis and management of disseminated intravascular coagulation.
10. Types of Renal Tubular acidosis and their management.


1..Diagnosis and management of Hemolytic uremic syndrome.
2. Classification of Epileptic seizures. Diagnosis and management of Infantile spasms.
3. Management of early complications of acute pyogenic meningitis.
4. Treatment guidelines for neurocysticercosis.
5. Diagnosis and management of Organo Phosphorus Poisoning.
6. Pulmonary second sound in various cardiac conditions. 7. Staging and treatment of Hodgkin’s disease.
8. Evaluation and management of a child with refractory congestive cardiac failure.
9. GCSF and GMCSF in Paediatric diseases.
10.Clinical features and management of chronic renal failure in children.
1. Etiology, clinical features, management and complications of Tuberculous Meningitis in children.
2. Enumerate the causes of Recurrent stridor in children.
3. Environmental factors associated with Increased risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome.
4. Write short notes on: a) Epistaxis b) Malocclusion of teeth
5. Causes of Portal hypertension, clinical features, diagnosis, management & complications of portal hypertension.
6. Write briefly about Gastro-esophageal reflux diseases (GERD).
7. Cleft palate with Cleft Lip, Clinical Manifestations and Treatment and complications.
8. Presenting manifestations of systemic lupus Erythematosis, Diagnosis of treatment of the same.
9. Diagnosis, Lab findings and treatment of Reactive Arthritis.
10. Iron deficiency anaemia in children and preventing the Iron deficiency of anaemia.
1. Etiology, clinical manifestations, lab finding and treatment of Kawasaki disease in children.
2. Differential diagnosis of fever prone to Relapse in children.
3. Differential diagnosis of diarrhoea in infant. 4. Causes of Recurrent abdominal pain in children.
5. a) Eruption of Primary Dentition. b) Dental caries
6. Clinical manifestations, Diagnosis, treatment, complications and prevention of “Hepatitis A” infection.
7. Etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis and management of Myocarditis.
8. Approach to a child with pallor. 9. Characteristics of a chronic cough and their etiological significance.
10. Clinical manifestations, diagnosis, management and complications of Nephritic Syndrome.
1. Tuberculosis in HIV infected children. 2. Approach to a dysmorphic child.
3. Investigation of a child with failure to thrive. 4. Laboratory diagnosis of anaemia in children.
5. Diagnosis & management of infective endocarditis in children.
6. Approach to a child with infantile hemiplegia. 7. Causes and management of Juwenile hypothyroidism.
8. Advances in the management of sickle cell disease.
9. Complications & management of acute, bacterial meningitis. 10.Diagnosis & management of Kawasaki disease.
Write short essays on the following: 1. Etiology, clinical features and management of chronic renal failure.
2. Diagnostic approach to child with chronic cough.
3. Clinical features and management of salicylate poisoning.
4. Clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of helicobacter pylori infection in children.
5. Etiology, presentation and management of acute ataxia in children.
6. Clinical manifestations and management of neuroblastoma.
7. Diagnosis and management of upper airway obstruction.
8. Approach to a child with traces of blood in the stools for 6 months.
9. Management of thalassemia major. 10. Diagnosis and management of cardiogenic shock in children.
1. Etiology, Investigations, management of syncope in children.
2. Clinical staging and management of Non Hodgkin Lymphoma.
3. Clinical manifestations and management of hemolytic uremic syndrome
4. Clinical features and management of Systemic lupus erythematosus.
5. Clinical presentation and management of gastro esophageal reflex disease.
6. Clinical feature and management of snake bite. 7. Causes of congestive cardiac failure in 2-year old child
8. Management of acute fulminant hepatitis 9. Aetiology& management of constipation in infants& children
10.Diagnosis and management of renal tubular acidosis
1. Diagnostic approach to a child with myopathy
2. Etiology and emergency management of upper GIT bleed in children
3. Management of Iron poisoning 4. Timing of surgery in congenital heart disease
5. Diagnostic approach to a child with mental retardation 6. Diagnosis and management of wilm’s tumor
7. The current understanding of management of recurrent and chronic idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
8. Diagnosis and management of supraventricular tachycardia of an infant.
9. Differential diagnosis for acute pharyngitis 10.Management of refractory asthma
MAY/JUNE, 2007 (N.R.)
1. Current trends in the management of Thalassemia major. 2. Diagnosis and management of childhood Migraine.
3. Immuno modulators and their application in childhood disease states.
4. Advances in the management of multiple organ system failure.
5. Clinical features and management of supraventriculer tachycardia.
6. Clinical manifestations and management of chronic renal failure in children.
7. Etiology and approach to the diagnosis of floppy infant.
8. Clinical manifestations and management of cow’s milk allergy.
9. Causes of acute respiratory failure and management.
10.Management of Acute lymphoblastic Leukemia in children.
NOVEMBER-2006 (N.R.)
1. Diagnosis and management of congenital upper G.I.obstruction
2. Clinical feature and management of Diabetic Ketoacidosis
3. Causes and management of congestive cardiac failure in 8 years old child
4. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation (DIC) and its management
5. Chronic Renal Failure causes and its management 6. Approach to resistant generalized seizures in older children
7. Clinical features and investigations in cases of mucopolysaccharodoses (MPS)
8. Management of outcome in acute leukaemias in children
9. Syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic Hormone Secretion (SIADH) 10.Extra hepatic portal vein obstruction
1. Causes of cirrhosis of liver in 6 years old child and steps of management of hepatic encephalopathy=10m
2. Causes of haemolytic anaemias in children and management of thalassaemia major =10m
3. Clinical types of Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis and management of polyarticular type of JRA=10m
4. Pathogenesis of Bronchial asthma and treatment of Status Asthmaticus=10m
5. Congenital Dislocaztion of hip joint =10m
6. Importance of Ophthalmic fundocscopic examination in children =10m
7. Aetiology and management of Addison’s disease in children =10m
8. Causes of anterior horn cell disease in children and clinical features of spinal muscular atrophy=10m
9. Acute stroke in children =10m 10. Botulism in children =10m
APR/MAY, 2005. (N.R.)
1. Causes, clinical features and management of renal tubular acidosis
2. Causes of chronic diarrhoea and management of a one year child with chronic diarrhoea.
3. Risk factors, clinical features and management of fulminant hepatic failure
4. Classification of arrhythmias in children and management of Supraventricular tachycardia
5. Evaluation of a child with convulsions and treatment of a child with recurrent convulsion.
6. Management of Sickle cell crisis.
7. Clinical manifestations and differential diagnosis of chorea in children & management of a child with
rheumatic chorea.
8. Clinical features and management of a child with diabetic ketoacidosis.
9. Evaluation of a child with recurrent Epistaxis. 10.Classification and management of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma
SEPT./OCT., 2004.(N.R.)
1. Diagnostic evaluation of a three years old child with malabsorption syndrome.
2. Evaluation of a child with recurrent haematuria.
3. Diagnosis of a child with persistent cough and management of chronic persistent asthma.
4. Classification of congenital cyanotic heart diseases and management of transposition of great vessels.
5. Management of hypertension in children 6. Diagnostic evaluation of female child with precocious puberty
7. Management of a child with refractory nutritional anaemia
8. Diagnosis and management of a child with myasthenia gravis 9. Classification & prognosis of childhood leukaemia
10.Approach to a child with recurrent headache and management of migraine in children.

MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (N.R.)

1. Diagnosis and management of gastro esophageal reflux =10m
2. Clinical features and management of Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis =10m
3. Etiology and management of sub acute bacterial endocarditis=10m
4. Management of complicated Henoch-Schonlein purpura =10m
5. Differential diagnosis and management of a one year old child with fever, stridor and severe respiratory distress.
6. Management of chronic ITP =10m 7. EMG and NCV findings in a child with acute flaccid paralysis=10
8. Evaluation and management of a child with steroid resistant nephritic syndrome =10m
9. Movement disorders in children =10m 10. Diagnosis and management of Hodgkin’s disease =10m
MARCH/APRIL, 2004. (O.R.)
1. Define chronic diarrhea. Discuss the etiological factors and evaluation of a child with chronic diarrhea.
Outline the management.
2. Discuss etiopathogenesis of Bronchial asthama. Discuss clinical features, classification and management
of asthama in children.
3. Write short notes on: a) Management of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia b) Lead Poisoning
c) Evaluation of a child with acute arthritis d) Vesico ureteral reflux.
SEPT./OCT.2003 (N.R.)
1. Management of a child with extrahepatic portal hypertension =10m
2. Celiac disease =10m 3. Principles of treatment of Acute Lymphatic Leukemia =10m
4. Spastic diplegia – clinical features, etiopathogenesis and principles of therapy =10m
5. Management of a child with snake bite 6. Principles of management of a child with chronic renal failure
7. Drowning-pathophysiology and management=10m 8. Urea cycle disorder =10m
9. Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis – classification and clinical features 10.Supraventricular tachy cardia=10m
SEPT./OCT.2003. (O.R.)
1. Write on clinical features and management of cardiopulmonary failure in children.
2. Discuss Pathophysiology and management of Diabetic ketoacidosis in children.
3. Write short notes on: a) Differential diagnosis of stridor in infancy b) Play therapy
c) Sjogren-Larsson syndrome d) Cardiomyopathy
1. Discuss movement disorders in children.
2. Write on clinical manifestations, diagnosis & management of gastro esophageal reflux disease in children.
3. Write short notes on: a) Ebstein’s anomaly. b) Antenatal diagnosis of Down’s syndrome.
c) Management of Organophosphorous poisoning d) Helicobacter pylori infection in children.
1. Discuss diagnosis and management of a 2months old infant with history of jaundice from the age of 7days.
2. Discuss current concepts in the management of nephrotic syndrome
3. Write: a) Cardiogenic shock b) Management of snake bite c) Growth hormone d) Fragile X-syndrome
MAY, 2000.
1. A 6 years old female presents with Hematemesis and abdominal distension on examination there is Pallor,
jaundice, tense ascitis and hepatosplenomegaly. Discuss differential diagnosis and management.
2. An 8 years old presents with Quaduparesis of gradual onset over a period of 3 days. Discuss differential
diagnosis and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Cyanosis in the newborn b) Innocent Murmurs
c) Urine Examination in the side lab d) Inhalation Therapy in Bronchial Asthma.
JUNE, 1999.
1. Discuss the diagnosis and management of beta thalassemia in a 3 year old child.
2. A 6 years old girl brought with arthralgia palpitation and breathlessness. On Examination, a systolic
murmur is heard in the mitral area. How will you manage the child.
3. Write short notes on: a) Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia b) Neurocysticercosis
c) Management of Dengue Haemorrhagic fever with shock syndrome d) Ambiguous genitalia
AUGUST, 1998.
1. An eight year old boy presents with 6months history of jaundice and abdominal distension. On
examination, the boy has jaundice, mild pallor and hard palpable liver and spleen – Discuss the differential
diagnosis and management.
2. A 4 year old child presents with failure to thrive, fast breathing and general weakness. On examination,
child has no abdominal lung and heart findings. Mild ricketis changes are present. Discuss the differential
diagnosis and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Typhoid vaccines b) Status epilepticus
c) Congenital lobar emphysema d) Cyanotic spell in tetrology of fallot.

1. Discuss in detail intractable infections in newborn nurseries and describe the preventive strategies.
2. Give an account of preventable blindness in children in developing countries.
3. Write short notes on: a) Procedures of legal adoptions of children b) Antiviral drugs.
c) Ulcerative colitis in neonates and children d) Spectrum & rabies problem in children
1. Discuss in detail ‘Perinatal care’ and compare perinatal mortality in Southern Indian states and narrate
future strategy.
2. Give an account of ‘Coagulation’ factors and evaluation of liver function tests in children.
3. Write short notes on: a) Prostaglandins b) CHILD to child programme in India
c) Recent anticonvulsions used in pre-schoold & school children d) ANOXIC spells
1. What are the recent views about urinary tract infections. Mention the treatment briefly.
2. Discuss ‘Hepatic coma’ including its etio-pathogenesis, clinical features and management.
3. Write short notes on: a) Furazolidone b) Plan ‘C’ treatment of gastro-enteritis
c) Immuno-therapy of Asthma d) Chemo-porphylaxis of malaria.

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