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Power Quality Improvement Using Dynamic Voltage Restorer in Electrical Distribution System: An Overview

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Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Vol. 17, No. 1, January 2020, pp. 86~93

ISSN: 2502-4752, DOI: 10.11591/ijeecs.v17.i1.pp86-93  86

Power quality improvement using dynamic voltage restorer

in electrical distribution system: an overview

Ali Basim Mohammed1, Mohd Aifaa Mohd Ariff2, Sofia Najwa Ramli3
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: This paper represents a review of the dynamic voltage restorer for power
quality improvement in the electrical distribution system. Over the past 50
Received Feb 20, 2019 years, issues concerning power quality have steadily increased, to prevent the
Revised May 17, 2019 effect of the voltage disturbances, some of the devices are put as a solution to
Accepted Jul 30, 2019 these problems such as distribution static compensator (D-STATCOM),
solid-state transformer (SST), and uninterruptible power supply (UPS),
dynamic voltage restorer (DVR). The DVR is one of the economic solutions
Keywords: to overcome the voltage disturbances like voltage sag/swell and harmonics. It
is widely used to mitigate the voltage disturbances in the power distribution
Cyber-physical system system, especially in the medium and low distribution networks. This paper
Dynamic voltage restorer aims to review the implementation of the DVR in the system integrated with
Power quality renewable energy resources. This is important because the future of
Technological review electricity business is moving towards renewable energy and also provides a
Voltage compensation thorough discussion of the typical components, controllers, compensation
Voltage sag/swell methods, and the application of DVR. The extensive review of the
technology aims to ease and speed up the development and the advancement
of the DVR in the near future.
Copyright © 2020 Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science. All rights

Corresponding Author:
Mohd Aifaa bin Mohd Ariff,
Faculty of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
University Tun Hussein Onn, Batu Pahat, Johor, Malaysia.
Email: aifaa@uthm.edu.my

The significance of power quality is something that cannot be compromised between customers and
power utility companies because it dictates the benefits in the ever-competitive trade arena. The quality of
power delivered to the customer is an asset for the utility company. Voltage disturbance and various power
quality issues may cause damage to electrical and electronic appliances. Thus, many efforts have been
considered to ensure that the quality of the voltage magnitude and frequency are within the allowable
tolerance to deliver a viable quality of power to the user [1]. There are various power quality issues that exist
in the system, like voltage swelling, sagging, harmonic, and service interruption. Of all the voltage issues,
voltage sag and swell are the critical kinds of disturbance because it affects the performance of the load in the
system, especially the sensitive loads.
In order to mitigate the impact of the voltage and power quality disturbance to the system, several
methods have been proposed and utilized in practice. The method such as D-STATCOM, SST, UPS, and
DVR are used to compensate for the voltage difference between normal and disturbed operating conditions.
The DVR is considered as the better solution among all devices in mitigating the voltage sag and swell due to
its high-performance as compared to others [2]. Moreover, DVR provides a cost-effective solution compared
to other devices [3]. DVR is commonly installed between a network and a sensitive load through a
transformer that provides the supplementary voltage supply to compensate voltage instabilities that may
cause damages to appliances [4].

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Indonesian J Elec Eng & Comp Sci ISSN: 2502-4752  87

There are many review papers on the power quality improvement technique in the literature. The
authors in ]5[ focus on the discussion of the UPS circuit, topologies, configuration, and corresponding control
algorithm to provide electricity during power shortage. On the other hand, the study reported in [6] provides
a review of the application of D-STATCOM during power system operation. It discusses a wide spectrum of
circuit topologies and architecture, and the control techniques available in the literature. Moreover, this paper
compares the various implementation of D-STATCOM in practice focusing on the utilization for power
quality improvement, especially on harmonic filtering and power factor correction. Next, the author in [7]
provides a systematical review on the technological development of SST for electrical distribution system
application. This review focuses on four critical areas of SST application, including high power and high-
frequency transformer, ac to ac converter topologies, and high-voltage power devices. Consequently, the
implementation of the DVR for power quality improvement is discussed in [8]. This paper provides an
extensive literature survey on the performance, the available control techniques, and the compensation
strategies of DVR to improve the quality of power delivered to the user. Then, the studies reported in [9] also
provides a review on the DVR implementation in practice. However, this paper focuses on compensation
methods and provide a detailed comparison between these techniques. Similarly, the author in [10] provides a
comprehensive study on DVR as well. Nevertheless, the focal point of the discussion revolves around the
power circuit topologies and control strategies. A review of different types of AC-AC converter based DVR
is provided in [11], by utilizing this converter can eliminate the dc storage, leads to reducing in size, weight
and cost of the DVR. However, all these review papers do not focus on the implementation of DVR in the
system with large renewable energy integration.
This paper represents a review of the dynamic voltage restorer for power quality improvement in the
electrical distribution system and the DVR implementation in the system with renewable energy resources.
This is important because the future of the electricity business is moving towards renewable energy [12].
Since the role of DVR is crucial to mitigate the voltage stability related disturbance in the system, it is critical
to study the implementation of DVR on such system. Despite covering the latest technology update on the
DVR development, this paper also discusses the typical components, controllers, compensation methods and
the applications of the DVR


This section discusses the typical construction of the DVR used in practice. The DVR is a custom
power device used in practice to compensate for the voltage sagging, swelling, and harmonic in the
distribution network [13]. It is very critical to the operation of the sensitive load [14]. The primary function
of a DVR is to detect the voltage disturbance in the system and inject necessary voltage to recover the system
voltage back to its normal operating level. injecting voltage to inconstant input to ensure voltage quality for
appliances [15].


A DVR power circuit comprises four essential aspects, namely, a voltage injection transformer, VSI,
low-pass filters, and a device to store DC energy [16], as shown in Figure 1. The descriptions of each DVR
components are tabulated in Table 1.

Distribution Transformer
Load 1
Load 2
Load 3a
Line 66 Kv 11Kv
impedance Load 3b
Passive Load 3c
Storage filter

Voltage Source Inverter


Figure 1. The typical power circuit of a DVR

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Table 1. The descriptions of DVR’s components

Component Discussion
Energy storage  To supply the required energy to compensate the voltage in the system (e.g., supercapacitors, batteries with
superconducting magnetic energy storage, lead-acid, and flywheel.
 Lead-acid batteries are the most popular types of energy storage considered for DVR due to it is highly
responsive during the charging and discharging process [17].
VSI  To convert the DC supply from the energy storage to the AC supply of the distribution network.
 The inverted voltage needs to be balanced, pure sinusoidal; synchronized with the system voltage.
Filter circuit  To filter out any harmonics generated by the VSI in order to maintain the quality of the compensated voltage
 The VSI filter may be located either on the grid [18] or the converter side [19].
Bypass switch  To prevent high current from passing through the DVR circuit in the event of a fault in the system.
 Upon detecting an excessive current flow, the switch bypasses the current from the DVR circuit to protect it
from the overcurrent.
Voltage injection  To increase the compensation voltage derived from the output of the VSI to meet the voltage level in the
transformer distribution network.
 It also functions as isolation between the DVR and the distribution network.


For voltage injection, phase angle and magnitude are crucial aspects in controlling a DVR. The
required voltage supply could be met by employing three methods of compensation. The basic approaches for
control include in-phase, pre-sag, and minimal energy compensation techniques [20].

4.1. Compensation via Pre-Sag

Figure 2 illustrates the pre-sag compensation technique utilized for the DVR application. This
method compensates the variance of sagging voltage with pre-sag voltage by restoring the magnitude and the
phase of the voltage prior to the occurrence of the voltage sag [21]. In the figure, the voltage of the system
prior to the disturbance are represented by 𝑉𝑝𝑟𝑒−𝑠𝑎𝑔 . Following the voltage disturbance, the voltage and the
phase angle decreased to 𝑉𝑠𝑎𝑔 and 𝜃𝑠𝑎𝑔 , respectively. In order to compensate this sag, this method injects the
voltage magnitude 𝑉𝐷𝑉𝑅 and the phase angle 𝜃𝐷𝑉𝑅 to the system to compensate for the decrement of the 𝑉𝑠𝑎𝑔
and 𝜃𝑠𝑎𝑔 during the disturbance, respectively. This pre-sag compensation method requires a relatively higher
magnitude of voltage injection as compared to other approaches. Hence, the active power requirement is
relatively high at the occurrence of voltage sagging. Typically, this approach is applied to the appliances that
are sensitive to the phase angle shift, e.g., thyristor-type converter.

1.0 pu

θsag θDVR

Figure 2. The pre-sag compensation technique

4.2. Compensation via In-phase

Figure 3 shows the in-phase voltage compensation method of a DVR. In this method, the DVR
injects the voltage magnitude 𝑉𝐷𝑉𝑅 without the phase angle compensation θ𝐷𝑉𝑅 as in the previous approach.
This approach compensates for the reduction of the voltage magnitude only. Therefore, it is suitable for the
linear load that does not require any phase angle compensation [19]. When the magnitude of the voltage
supply decreases due to the voltage disturbance, the approach provides the missing voltage magnitude 𝑉𝐷𝑉𝑅
to the load.

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1.0 pu



Figure 3. Compensation technique via in-phase

4.3. Minimum Energy Compensation

Figure 4 depicts the magnitude and angle representation of the minimal energy compensation method of
a DVR. From the figure, the method injects the required voltage magnitude 𝑉𝐷𝑉𝑅 with the phase angle of 90∘
to the load [16]. The system voltage 𝑉pre−sag ∠𝜃𝑝𝑟𝑒−𝑠𝑎𝑔 drops to the 𝑉𝑠𝑎𝑔 ∠0° following a voltage disturbance
in the system. Consequently, the DVR injects the necessary 𝑉𝐷𝑉𝑅 ∠90° to the system upon detection of the
voltage disturbance and raises the voltage to 𝑉𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑝 . Although the method does not require active power
injection to the system, the injected voltage may require a higher rating transformer and inverter to
compensate for the voltage disturbance in the system. As illustrated in the figure, 𝑉𝐷𝑉𝑅 shown in Figure 4 is
relatively higher as compared to the VDVR required for the pre-sag and in-phase compensation method
shown in Figure 2 and 3, respectively.

1.0 pu


Figure 4. Minimum energy compensation


The operation of a DVR is highly depended on its strategies to control the active power and the
reactive power in mitigating any power quality issues in the system [22]. As discussed in Section 2, the
control strategies of the DVR are focused on the controlling of the VSI [23, 24]. Thus, the discussion in this
section is focused on the control strategies of the VSI. There are over a myriad of the VSI control strategies
reported in the literature. In this paper, the control strategies of the DVR are segregated into two main
categories: linear and non-linear control. The consideration of the DVR control strategies depends on the
nature and the sensitivity of the load in the system.

5.1. Conventional Control

The conventional control method can be divided into three different categories: feedforward,
feedback, and hybrid. The feedforward control is the most common method used in DVR. The method
mitigates the power quality issue by determining the difference between the pre-sage and the real-time
voltage in the system through an open-loop system [25]. Although it is not as accurate as other control
methods, the method is popular due to its simplicity, price, and fast. Thus, it is preferred to mitigate less
sensitive and less critical load as compared to other more advanced methods. The feedback method adopts a
closed-loop control strategy by comparing the load voltage with the reference voltage [26]. The method
outperforms the feedforward method in terms of accuracy in power quality mitigation. However, the method
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is more complicated and has a time delay in providing the required control response. On the other hand, the
hybrid control method combines both feedforward and feedback control strategies to utilize the advantages of
both methods [27]. The composite control method provides better accuracy of power quality compensation at
the expense of the simplicity and the cost of the controller.

5.2. Artificial Intelligence-based Control

In practice, it is known that the power system behavior is non-linear in practice. Therefore, the
effectiveness of linear control is limited to only a certain operating range. Usually, a conventional controller
has covered the application of DVR over a limited operating range. The performance of the linear control of
DVR is not enough for the varying operating condition in a higher level of the distribution network.
Therefore, the nonlinear control is considered to address this issue. Consequently, there are various non-
linear control methodologies for the DVR that utilized artificial neural network (ANN), fuzzy logic, and
space vector pulse width modulation (SVPWM) are reported in the literature. Currently, ANN is being
considered in any engineering topic to solve a complex engineering problem in practice. Its ability to
replicate the decision-making capability of a human or a complex system is the main highlight of this
method. There are several studies reported utilize ANN to provide the nonlinear control for the DVR
application [21]. In the report, ANN is able to represent the non-linear correlation between the input and the
output without knowing the complex mathematical functions representing the system. The performance of
ANN varies with the number of training data and the structure of the neural network considered. Unlike the
ANN, the fuzzy logic controller has proved itself in replacing the conventional controller in practice. The
fuzzy logic controller allows definite decision-making process based on imprecise or ambiguous data.
Researchers in [28] demonstrate the effectiveness of the fuzzy logic controller in the DVR application. In the
paper, the fuzzy logic controller is able to decrease the transient overshoot of the VSI. In [29], SVPWM is
utilized to eliminate the impact of the negative sequence component of the load voltage on the performance
of the DVR. The report shows that the technique successfully mitigates the power quality issue, even the
system is unbalanced.

6.1. Conventional Sources
6.1.1. Using interline dynamic voltage restorer
Although the DVR is proven to mitigate the voltage disturbance in the system, the cost of replacing
the energy storage system is undesirable in a certain situation. The interline DVR is reported in [30-32] to
address this issue. Figure 5 shows the typical configuration of the interline DVR. From the figure, it shows
that the two closely located DVR shares the same energy storage system to provide the voltage compensation
to two different distribution lines. Due to its effectiveness, interline DVR has attracted power system
researchers and engineers to conduct further investigation on its application. The study to come out with the
optimized design is reported in [33], and the fast control scheme development is reported in [34].

Feeder 1 Zsensitive1



Common Energy
Storage System



Feeder 2 Zsensitive2

Figure 5. The typical configuration of an interline DVR

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6.1.2. Development based on SOGI-PLL

In [35], a control algorithm to generate the reference voltage and current for the DVR application is
reported. The method is based on the second-order generalized integrator (SOGI) applied on each phase in
the distribution line. The DVR is combined with the D-STATCOM approach as the shunt and series active
compensator to compensate the harmonics, sag, and swell in the system voltage and current, respectively.
From the report, the SOGI-based algorithm is able to generate the required reference voltage and current
from the distorted signals. Researchers in [36] focus on addressing the undesirable performance of the
conventional DVR under unbalanced voltage sag condition. The method utilizes a dual SOGI (DSOGI)
algorithm to extract the symmetrical components and eliminate the double frequency interference from the
measured signal. The approach demonstrates promising performance in mitigating various power quality
issues under various types of disturbance such as asymmetric, and symmetric voltage sag and harmonic. On
the other hand, second-order - SOGI (SO-SOGI) is reported in [37]. The method aims to achieve fast power
quality compensation with and without phase jump at harmonic conditions.

6.1.3. Other controllers

Currently, the development of the DVR is active in the literature. There are many advanced
controllers have been proposed to address various power quality issues. In [38], a positive and negative
sequence extractor (PNSE) is proposed to address the predicament of the conventional SRF-PLL in filtering
our negative sequence voltage and harmonics in the power system. The method simplifies the process of the
reference generation algorithm in order to restore the voltage following a disturbance in the system. On the
contrary, the researchers in [39] report a soft-switching single-phase three-arm DVR to reduce the number of
switching during voltage compensation process to improve the reliability of the DVR power circuit. Moving
average filter (MAF) based DVR is reported in [33] to extract the positive sequence fundamental component
from the distorted supply voltage. The method is proposed to address the performance issue of the
conventional DVR in generating an accurate reference instantaneous injected voltage. In [40], a self-tuning
filter (STF) is reported with the combination of the PQ control method to improve the performance of the
DVR. The method significantly reduces the number of filters required in the DVR design.

6.2. Renewable Energy Integration

It is an inevitable trend for the researchers and engineers to consider renewable energy source in the
development of technologies in power system studies. The consideration of the renewable energy source to
the system possesses huge integration challenges to the power system community. The development of DVR
is not excluded from this trend. The researchers in [41] utilize the feedforward vector control algorithm to
generate the firing angle for the VSI for the voltage disturbance mitigation. The effectiveness of the proposed
method is demonstrated on the actual wind farm measured data at Chinnaputhur substation, India, during the
voltage sag and swell event. In [42], a PV-based DVR is reported to improve the power quality following a
disturbance in the system. Here, PV plays a bifold role: supplying power to the load and supplying power to
the DC-link of the DVR. A switching controller based on wavelet transform is proposed to detect any power
quality event and transform the PV system’s role into a DVR. A combination of feedforward and feedback
control of the DVR is utilized to mitigate the voltage sag during unbalanced fault conditions is reported in
[43]. The control of the DVR is vital for the fault ride-through (FRT) capability improvement in the doubly-
fed induction generator (DFIG) based wind turbine. The report shows that the proposed method is able to
compensate for the variance in voltage under both balanced and unbalanced conditions.

As a conclusion, the review of the DVR implementation in the power system is discussed. The
typical structure of the power circuit is presented. Each component of the DVR is reviewed in detail.
Consequently, the DVR compensation methods utilized in practice are listed and deliberated. This includes
the detail explanation of the pre-sag, in-phase, and the minimum energy compensation method. Next, the
variance of the control strategies is also discussed in this paper. The discussion includes the operation and
critical review of the conventional controller and the artificial intelligence-based controller. Following the
discussion on the DVR control strategies, the current advancement of the DVR with the conventional energy
sources is discussed as well. The current advancement with renewable energy sources is also reviewed in this
From the discussion, it is recommended to pursue the development of the DVR control circuit,
especially for its operation under unbalance voltage disturbance. Although many research have been
conducted so far to address this predicament, there is still huge room for improvement in terms of
performance and the response time of the controller. In addition, one could also pursue the development of

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the DVR with the integration of the renewable energy source. There are many issues in this topic that require
urgent attention from researchers especially for the development of the bifold function of the renewable
energy system, and the power quality issues raised following the integration of the renewable energy
resources in the conventional power network.

The authors would like to thank Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM) and Ministry of
Education Malaysia for the award that enabled this research under the grant U672 and H208. The author
would also like to thank the Ministry of Finance (Iraq) for technical support.

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Power quality improvement using dynamic voltage restorer in electrical … (Ali Basim Mohammed)

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