Plastic Material Testing Lab
Plastic Material Testing Lab
Plastic Material Testing Lab
Subject Code: KPE 551 Plastic Material Testing Lab LTP: 002 Credits: 1
CO-1 Apply contour cutting technique to prepare a specimen as per given standard K3
Syllabus: Study of the following techniques with analysis and interpretation of results
:(Minimum 08)
1. Specimen preparation using contour cutter.
2. Determination of Ash Content of a plastic sample.
3. Determination of Moisture Content of a plastic sample.
4. Determination of Filler content of a plastic sample.
5. Determination of Melt flow index of a plastic sample.
6. Determination of Opacity of a plastic sample.
7. Determination of HDT/VST & melting temperature of a plastic sample.
8. Determination of Dielectric strength/Tracking Index of a plastic sample.
9. Study of Weathering properties of plastic materials.
10. Determination of Density of a few plastics’ material samples and film samples.
11. Determination of Bulk density for powder materials.
12. Determination of Mechanical properties (Tensile strength/Modulus, Flexural Strength
/Modulus, Elongation at break, Young’ Modulus, creep resistance, compression
strength of Plastic Material.
13. Determination of abrasion resistance of a plastic sample.
14. Determination of Impact strength of a plastic sample.
15. Determination of Hardness of a plastic sample (Rockwell, Durometer)
3. Hardness Test 9 – 11
8. Ash Content 22 – 24
Before starting laboratory work follow all written and verbal instructions carefully.
Observe good housekeeping practices. Work areas should be kept clean and tidy all
Thoroughly clean your laboratory work space at the end of the laboratory session.
Determination of filler content of a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 2584)
Crucible of silica or platinum of suitable accommodate test of 2-5gm.
It is defined as a % by mass of the residue left after ignition of specified quantity of material in
furnace under the specified conditions and time.
Test Specimen: Cut pipe in small pieces with help of knife/saw in sufficient amount (approx.
10-15 gm).
Switch "ON" the muffle furnace and set the test temperature as 550 0C±500C.
Take the crucible clean it properly.
Now weigh the empty crucible and record as W1.
Take 2-3 gm material in crucible and weigh it again and record as W2.
After reaching set temp of 550°C, keep the material inside muffle furnace and allow it
to heat for one hour.
After one hour of heat treatment, remove the crucible from furnace using steel tong
and keep inside desecrator.
Allow to cool to the room temp.
After cooling take the weight of the crucible containing residue and record as W3.
Test temperature and duration of heating material and furnace affect the ignition of the
polymeric material and hence the result affected.
Moisture content in the material may affect the test result and incorrect result may
Material ________________ gm
Test Temperature ____________0C
Mass of empty crucible = W 1
Mass of crucible + Material = W 2
Mass of crucible + Residue = W 3
Test duration __________ hrs.
Date _________
Determination of Moisture Content of a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 789)
Moisture content in the Polymeric material may be defined as the quantitative amount
of moisture absorbed by material.
The moisture content is expressed in %.
Test Specimen: Raw-material in the form of granule or powder about 50gms.
Conditioning: No conditioning is required.
Test Procedure:
Take clean the empty Petri dish and dry in the air oven at 100° C for sufficient time for
it's completely dryness.
Takeout from the oven and cool in the desiccator to room temp.
Take the mass of empty Petri dish and record as W1.
Take 2-5 gm. Sample in Petri dish and record the mass as W2.
Set temperature 100°C In the vacuum/ air oven and allow to reach the said
Place the Petri dish with sample in the vacuum/air oven.
After one hour take out the sample along with Petri dish from the oven and
cool in the desiccator.
Take weight of the sample and record mass as W3.
Factors affecting:
Percentage absorption by the material depends upon the many some of them are listed
as below.
factors Chemical nature of material. Hygroscopic material absorbs high moisture
absorbed Halogen group of polymers absorbed loss moisture.
amount and types of additive present in the material: Moisture content is
increased by presence of additives.
Percentage of moisture present in air and temp.
Duration of exposure of polymer to the atmosphere.
Hygroscopic materials absorb high percentage of moisture.
Determination of Hardness of a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 785)
Rockwell Hardness tester with accessories.
Indenters of various sizes (1/2n,1/4n,1/8n,1/16n, diamonds indenter) bn.
Standard Hardness block of known hardness value.
Micrometer capable of measuring thickness to the accuracy of 0.01mm.
Hardness is defined as the resistance to indentation, penetration, scratching and deformation
particularly permanent deformation. For the plastic materials it is measured in the scales such
as R, L, M, E & K. Rockwell hardness is expressed in numbers.
Test Specimen: Test specimen should be minimum 6mm thick and 25mm 2. The
minimum width should be 3mm.
Conditioning: The test specimen shall be precondition (if specified) according to the
specified condition.
Calibrate the equipment by using the standard “Test Block” supplied with
machine and note down the difference (if any) in reading.
Choose the test scale for measuring Rockwell hardness from the table given
below for the material.
Rockwell Hardness Minor Load Major Load Indenter or
Scale Kg. Kg. Diameter
R 10 60 12.700±0.0025
L 10 60 6.350±0.0025
M 10 100 6.350±0.0025
E 10 100 3.175±0.0025
K 10 100 3.175±0.0025
Select the anvil according to shape of test specimen and place it in its position.
Fit the test Indenter assembly into the housing chuck of the hardness tester. Tighten
the indenter with the help of Allen screw.
Set the major load by turning the load adjusting wheel provided in the side of
Place the test specimen on the anvil.
Apply, the minor load of 10Kg. by turning hand wheel in the clock wise direction so that
the specimen is pushes the indenter and shows the reading of the dial gauge at “3” on
the small pointer. A red spot is marked against the figure “3” to avoid any confusion.
The long pointer automatically stops at "0" on Back scale, i.e., “B” on red scale. This
adjustment applies a minor load of 1Kg. which is in built in machine.
After 10 second apply major load by releasing the trip lever.
After 1 sec ±1 remove the major load and read the Rockwell hard on the scale to the
nearest full-scale division 15 sec after removing the major load.
Use outer scale of dial in case of tests on "A" and "C" scale and inner scale for tests
on "B" scale only.
Temperature and humidity: Material tested with increased temperature and humidity.
Surface condition of specimen: Surface finish have significant effects on hardness
test result. A smooth moulded surface specimen yields higher hardness.
Filler content: Hardness value very depends upon the type and amount of filler added
in the resin.
Count the number of times the needle passes through zero on the red scale on the
application at the major load and calculate the Rockwell hardness is as below.
Subtract from this the number of time the needle passes through zero upon the
removal of this load.
If this difference is zero, record the value as the reading plus 100.
If the difference is 1, record the reading without change, if the difference is 2, record
the reading as the sale reading minus 100.
Safety precautions:
Apply the minor load slowly by turning the wheel without any shock.
Release the shift lever slowly to apply the measure load without any shock.
Read the hardness value on the dial within the prescribed the time limit.
Determination of Impact strength of a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 256)
Impacto meter with accessories for determination of the Izod impact resistance.
Notch cutter for notching of test specimens.
Test jigs for Izod and Charpy test.
Micrometer for measuring thickness and width of the specimen.
It is defined as the ability of material to withstand sudden shock load at the time of
It may also be defined as the ability to resist the fracture under the applied stress. Most
commonly the impact strengths is measured by two method Izod and Charpy.
When a material is subjected to a sudden load it undergoes to the deformation under
the influence of impact force. Depending upon the intermolecular flexibility and
intermolecular force of the polymer molecules, material ma absorb energy. In this
process of deformation material absorb the energy at the time failure and fracture
Impact strength of the material is related to the toughness of the material. Therefore,
the impact strengths gives the toughness of the material.
Toughness is the ability of material to absorb the energy at the time of failure It
indicates the relative toughness and brittleness characteristics of the material.
The impact strength of the material is used for inspection, quality control and grading
the materials.
The area under stress is-strain curve of tensile test is directly proportional to the
toughness of a material.
Impact test shows the notch sensitivity of the material.
Test Specimen :
adhesive to prevent buckling or twisting during impact.
At least five no.s, of good test specimen shall be tested.
Test specimen shall be notched with the help of notch cutter in the centre of the test
specimens Izod and Charpy.
The angle of notch shall be 45 0 ± 10 with a radius of 0.25mm. The depth of notch shall
be 2.54mm.
The linear speed of notching cutting tool shall be between 90 to 165 mtr./min
Conditioning: Pre-condition the test specimen in the environmental chamber at
standard atmospheric condition as specified by standard. In a number of cases, it is
taken as 27±2 0C and 65±5% RH.
Calibrate the equipment as per the operating instructions of equipment. Take the
pendulum to its release position and release. The energy loss friction (if any) is
Measure the width and thickness of the specimens with the micrometer to the accuracy
of 0.05mm.
Clamp the test specimen in position of rigidly in the vice in such a way that half of
notched portion is above vice.
The specimen should be positioned in such a way that notched end of the specimen
facing the striking edge of pendulum.
Set the reading of the equipment in zero position and take the pendulum to release
Release the pendulum by depressing release lever and allow to strike the specimen
and cause breaking
Arrest the pendulum and return to its release position.
Record the energy absorbed in breaking the specimen in joule.
Repeat this test on all five test samples and record the observations.
Charpy impact test is carried out using same equipment in similar manner using
Charpy test specimen and fixtures.
Fix the charpy impact fixture, specimen support and striking hammer.
Measure width and thickness of specimen with micrometer to the accuracy of 0.01mm.
Mount the specimen horizontally on the specimen supported at both end Notched side
of specimen should be faces opposite side of specimen the sticking hammer.
Take the pendulum to its release position.
Release the pendulum by depressing release lever and allow to strike the specimen in
midway between support and break in single blow. Arrest the pendulum and return to
its release position.
Arrest the pendulum and return to its release position.
Record the energy absorbed in breaking the specimen in joule.
Repeat the test on remaining sample and record the energy reading.
Following factors affect the impact strength of material.
Rate of loading: At low rate of impact strength is higher than high rate of impact
Notch Dimensions: Notch radius and its depth have an effect on impact strength. Large
radius will yield high impact & vice versa. Lower notch depth will procedure high
Test Temperature: At lower temperature impact strength is reduced where as at
higher temp. it is significantly improved.
Orientation: Higher the orientation of polymer molecules during moulding will have
higher impact strength in direction flow of material.
Processing condition: Inadequate processing conditions such as voids preset
component. High processing temp. may degrade material, weak weld line procedure
during moulding will reduce impact strength. Compression moulded specimen
generally show lower impact strength compared to injection moulded specimens.
Degree of crystallinity & molecular: Higher percentage of crystallinity decrease the
impact strength.
Specimen preparation………….
Izod impact/ Charpy impact…………
Distance between support………...
Specimen NO.
Width in (mm)_____
Impact meter reading Izod/Charpy (Joule)______
Impact strength Izod/Charpy (J/mm2) _______
Calculate the compressive properties using the following formula,
Impact strength = (impact energy) / (cross section area of the specimen)
Determination of VSTof a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 1525)
Vicat softening temperature is the temperature at which a flat-ended needle of 1 mm² circular
section will penetrate a thermoplastic specimen to a depth of 2 mm under a specified load
using a selected uniform rate of temperature rise. The two standard permissible rate of rise of
temperature are 50 ± 50°C/hr and 120±12°C/hrs.
Test Specimen: Specimen of minimum 12 mm wide and 3.0 to 6 mm thick shall be used. It is
surfaces shall be flat parallel and free form flash.
Observation & calculation:
Record the following information-
Rate of heating……... deg/hrs
Vicat softening temp......... deg Celsius.
Safety precautions:
Safety gloves should be used.
Check the oil level in oil bath.
Place the test assembly in oil bath carefully.
Cool the oil to room temperature before starting the next test.
Use correct grade of heating oil to achieve derived test range."
Check the calibration of the equipment is data of Vicat softening temperature of
Determination of HDT of a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 648)
HDT-VSP tester fitted with deflection measuring device (Dial gauge range 0 to 25mm,
accuracy 0.01mm)
Immersion bath
Heat transfer liquid (silicon oil)
Micrometre (0 to 25mm)
Thermometer (up to 350 0C)
Test fixtures
It is defined as the temperature at which a standard test bar of 127 x 12.7 x. 6.4 mm deflects
0.01 in (25 mm) under stated fibre stress of either 66 PSI (4.6 kg. /Cm²) or 264 PSI (18.5 kg.
Test specimen: Take two Test specimens of 127 mm long 13 mm wide and 3 to 13
mm thick.
Measure width and thickness: Of specimen with suitable micrometre.
Calculate testing load to be applied by using following formula.
F = 2sbd2 / 3L
Place the test specimen in fixture of apparatus with its depth (in vertical position 13
mm dimension).
Ensure that testing force applied on compression moulded and sample Cut from sheet
is in perpendicular to direction of moulding pressure.
Place thermometer or temperature measuring device close to test specimen (within
3.2 mm) but does not touch the specimen.
Prepare the calculated test load and apply if on the test rod. The total test load shall
include the weight of rod.
Allow the load to act for 5 minutes. Then make the zero reading of dial gauge i.e.,
deflection-measuring device.
Raise the temperature of both at an average rate of 2º C/ min with heat control device
and observe the deflection of the dial gauge.
Not down the temperature of heating medium by thermometer when sample has
deflected 0.25mm.
When using method B, the applied fibre stress on the test sample is 4.6 kg/cm²
Repeat the same procedure on another test sample.
Date of test Heat deflection Length, Width Immersion Remarks
temperature & Thickness of Medium
Place the test assembly in the oil bath carefully.
Cool the oil to room temperature before starting the next test.
Use correct grade of heating oil to achieve desired test range.
Determination of Melt flow index of a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 1238)
MFI tester capable of maintaining temperature from ambient to 350°C.
Die: Internal die 2.096 mm, cutting tool, changing tool, loading piston, Die existing tool
etc. standard without as given in table.
Stop Watch.
Weighing Balance.
Melt flow index is defined as the rate of extrusion of molten resin under specified temperature
and pressure through a specified size of die in 10 minutes. It is expressed in g/10 min.
Clean the barrel and die using cleaning tool.
Select the test condition such as temperature and load to use for test.
Place the die into the barrel.
Set the specified temperature and allow to reach.
Change the required amount of material (about 8-10g) into barrel and compress the
material by hand pressure through changing tool so that there is no air bubble In this
process place vit for few minutes (3 - 4 min.) temperature has returned to set temp.
Place the piston in barrel.
Apply selected test load over the piston so that it defends up to lower materials under
Discard the extrudate of this position.
Select cut-off time in second (=)
Collect about 06 extrudate each cut-off time interval.
Discord the extrudates if anyone is containing air bubbles.
Take weight of each extrudate on weighing balance to the accuracy of 0.000 g.
Record the following observation-
Date of Test______
Test Method______
Test Temp._________0C
Weight of extrudate sample_______
Avg. wt. of extrudate_______ in gm.
Melt flow index
Calculate the result using following formula
Melt flow index: (600 X M)/t g/min.
t: cut-off time in second
M: Average mass (gm.)
Safety precautions:
A significantly different MFI value may indicate different grade, of material.
Hygroscopic material should be pre-dried before test.
Data of melt flow and index of various materials.
Use Asbestos gloves.
See the equipment is in proper level with the help of split level and alignment of piston
in barrel is correct.
Determination of Ash Content of a plastic sample.
(ASTM D 2584)
It is defined as the % by mass of the residue left after ignition of specified quantity of the
material in furnace under the specified conditions and time.
Sample Preparation: Cut pipe in small pieces with help of knife/ saw in sufficient amount (10-
15 gm).
Samples: No. of samples to be tested:02
Test procedure:
Wash and clean the crucible so that there is no contamination and foreign material in
Place the crucible in muffle furnace maintained at 850+10°c until constant mass of
crucible is reached.
Take out crucible from muffle furnace & place in a desiccator. Allow to cool to room
temp. for 1 hr.
Take the weight of crucible nearest 0.1 mg & record it as M₁.
Cut in small pieces from the pipe sample.
Take 2 to 5 gm of cut sample in crucible and weight nearest to 0.1 mg & record it as
Continue heating until evolving of smoke from sample is stopped.
Remove crucible with sample content from Bunsen burner & allow it to cool.
Add Sulphuric acid in residue drop wise by means of pipette until residue is soaked.
Place the crucible with residue completely soaked in Sulphuric acid on Bunsen burner
& heat again until evolution of smoke ceases.
Remove crucible from Bunsen burner and allow it to cool.
Add 1 to 5 drops of Sulphuric acid if carbon is evident in crucible & reheat in Bunsen
Continue heating till evolution of white smoke is stopped.
Remove crucible with content from Bunsen burner with the help of tongue.
Place crucible at mouth of muffle furnace maintained at 850 ± 10°C and advance
crucible into furnace slowly.
Heat for 30 mins at 850 ± 10°C.
Remove the crucible from the furnance with the help of tongue and place it in the
Allow to cool room temp. for about 1 hr.
Calcin again & again at 850°c ± 10°c until the constant mass is reached i.e., until the
weight of two consecutive weighing doesn’t differ by more than 0.5 mg.
In case constant mass is not reached as above but totally heating time in furnace
exceeded 3 hrs. then stop further heating.
Allow to cool the desiccators to room temp. & take the weight the crucible with residue
& record it as M3.
Take the weight of crucible with content nearest to 0.1 mg and record it as M3.
Factors affecting:
Result & conclusion:
The Sulphated ash content is _____ %
The average Sulphated Ash content of two measurements shouldn't exceed 11% to
treat the sample for passing the test.