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Linking Fish and Crustacean Taxonomic Composition With Seasonal Contrasts in The Soft-Bottom Intertidal Zone

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Brazilian Journal of Biology https://doi.org/10.1590/1519-6984.

ISSN 1519-6984 (Print)
Original Article
ISSN 1678-4375 (Online)

Linking fish and crustacean taxonomic composition with seasonal

contrasts in the soft-bottom intertidal zone
M. A. Gondala , S. Iqbalb , U. Atiqueb,c* , N. U. Saherd , N. A. Qureshie ,
S. Mahboobf* , K. A. Al-Ghanimf  and F. Al-Misnedf 
Department of Biosciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Islamabad, Pakistan

Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture, University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan
Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Chungnam National University, South Korea
Centre of Excellence in Marine Biology, University of Karachi, Pakistan

Government College Women University, Faisalabad, Pakistan
Department of Zoology, College of Science, King Saud University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
*e-mail: physioatique@gmail.com, shahidmahboob60@hotmail.com

Received: February 17, 2020 – Accepted: April 24, 2020

(With 3 figures)

The primary objective of this study was to investigate the seasonal fish and crustacean variations concerning taxonomic
composition, species richness, and diversity in sandy beach habitat. For this purpose, we investigated the Sonmiani
Hor lagoon area during four distinct seasons, i.e., northeast (NE) monsoon, pre-monsoon, south-west (SW) monsoon,
and post-monsoon for one year. During each haul, the net was pulled about 100m along the beach in 0.5m depth. The
results showed a strong linear correlation between the diversity index and equitability in fishes (r = 0.978). The diversity
index was strong negatively correlated with the abundance and biomass (r = -0.978, -0.972, respectively). The physical
attributes like sea surface water temperature and salinity showed a strong negative effect on species assemblages
(r = -0.981 and -0.943, respectively). The mean air and water temperature illustrated approximately 3°C difference
during NE and pre-monsoon seasons. However, salinity, pH, and electrical conductivity did not show any significant
seasonal variabilities. Under the ecological indices, the fish species displayed higher diversity (H’ = 3.19) during SW
monsoon, whereas the lowest diversity was observed during pre-monsoon (H’ = 1.58). The equitability and species
richness, however, remained more noticeable during SW monsoon (J’ = 0.81). The total number of individuals of fish
and crustaceans reached 4799 with 3813 fish individuals and 986 individuals of crustaceans. A total of 27 families
of fish while five crustacean families comprising of 30 genera and 38 fish species while ten genera and 17 species
of crustaceans were recorded. Liza subviridis displayed the highest abundance among the sampled fish species. In
conclusion, fish species constituted a significant part of the coastal fauna in the study area. The seasonal variations
displayed distinct variations in fish species composition and diversity.
Keywords: seasonal variations, soft bottom, intertidal zone, Sonmiani Bay, species diversity, Mangroves.

Ligação da composição taxonômica de peixes e crustáceos com contrastes

sazonais na zona intertidal de fundo macio

O objetivo principal deste estudo foi investigar as variações sazonais de peixes e crustáceos em relação à composição
taxonômica, riqueza de espécies e diversidade no habitat de praias arenosas. Para esse fim, investigamos a área da
lagoa Sonmiani Hor durante quatro estações distintas, ou seja, monção nordeste (NE), pré-monção, monção sudoeste
(SW) e pós-monção, por um ano. Durante cada transporte, a rede foi puxada cerca de 100 m ao longo da praia, a 0,5 m
de profundidade. Os resultados mostraram uma forte correlação linear entre o índice de diversidade e a equitabilidade
de peixes (r = 0,978). O índice de diversidade apresentou forte correlação negativa com a abundância e a biomassa
(r = -0,978 e -0,972, respectivamente). Os atributos físicos, como temperatura da água da superfície do mar e salinidade,
apresentaram forte efeito negativo sobre o conjunto de espécies (r = -0,981 e -0,943, respectivamente). A temperatura
média do ar e da água teve uma diferença de aproximadamente 3 °C durante a monção NE e a pré-monção. No
entanto, salinidade, pH e condutividade elétrica não apresentaram variabilidade sazonal significativa. A respeito dos
índices ecológicos, as espécies de peixes apresentaram maior diversidade (H’ = 3,19) durante a monção SW, enquanto
a menor diversidade observada foi na pré-monção (H’ = 1,58). A equitabilidade e a riqueza de espécies, no entanto,
1036 1036/1049 Braz. J. Biol., 2021 , vol. 81, no. 4 pp.1036-1049
Links between fish and crustacean composition with seasonal contrasts

permaneceram mais perceptíveis durante a monção SW (J’ = 0,81). O número total de peixes e crustáceos foi de 4.799,
com 3.813 peixes e 986 crustáceos. Foram registradas 27 famílias de peixes e 5 famílias de crustáceos, com 30 gêneros
e 38 espécies de peixes, além de 10 gêneros e 17 espécies de crustáceos. Liza subviridis apresentou a maior abundância
entre as espécies de peixes amostradas. Em conclusão, as espécies de peixes constituíram uma parte significativa da
fauna costeira na área de estudo. As variações sazonais apresentaram variações distintas na composição e diversidade
das espécies de peixes.
Palavras-chave: variações sazonais, fundo macio, zona entremarés, Baía de Sonmiani, diversidade de espécies,

1. Introduction compositions (Hernández-Guevara et al., 2008). Several

studies have shown that the temporal community structure
The patterns of the spatial distribution of fish and
in shallow marine zones resulted in seasonal settling or
crustaceans along the sandy beaches often allude to the
progressive migration tendencies at the early life stages
degree of disturbance as shallow bays and beaches are the
(Beukema, 1992; Bazaïri et al., 2003; Nicolaidou et al.,
coastal ecosystems most threatened by the anthropogenic 2006a; Chaouti and Bayed, 2008).
activities and habitat changes (Omena et al., 2012; The species spawn in deeper salty waters and relocate
Equbal et al., 2018). The fish and crustacean ecology as post-larvae or sub-adults in the depthless marginal zones
have been studied in the backdrop of sandy beaches on a throughout spring and summer seasons for warm temperatures
global scale. The two main groups of coastal populations and food availability (Edwards and Steele, 1968; Marchand,
constitute a vital component of the sandy intertidal zones 1991). Amara and Paul (2003) published that some species
in tropical and temperate regions (Brown and McLachlan, evolve the ability to thrive in the intertidal zone during
1991; Nicolaidou et al., 2006a; Hernández-Guevara et al., high tides. Hence, the intertidal species, as opposed to
2008). However, the fish species display relatively subtidal or shore (line) species, could be distinguished as
fewer variations with seasonal and temporal fluctuations the species effectively utilizing the intertidal territory for
(Kim et al., 2019; Saeed et al., 2020; Atique et al., 2020a; the fulfillment of all or a part of their life stages (Gibson,
Khanom et al., 2020), particularly shallow intertidal 1982). Equivalent reasons for prolonged exposure of these
zone fish communities. The crustaceans, such as crabs, organisms to environmental stress (fluctuating salinity,
are considered for research to reflect upon seasonal and extreme temperature events, and solar radiations) are the
temporal changes (Post et al., 2006; El Asri et al., 2018; characteristics of temporal displacements (Berghahn, 2000).
Rahman et al., 2020). Most of the studies report benthic Though generally recognized, the movement of juveniles
invertebrates, whereas sampled fish species are mostly and other mobile organisms across the intertidal zone is
those of commercial importance (Kouadio et al., 2008; meant for feeding and exploiting resources that could only
Cuéllar-Mercado et al., 2019). Gibson et al. (1993) alluded be accessed when immersed. Blaber and Blaber (1980)
to the community variations in the sandy beaches in proposed that irregular exploitation of the intertidal zone
Scotland linked with environmental changes that unfold by fish and epibenthic organisms with occasional usage of
the annual and seasonal distribution patterns in fish and the nearshore environment as an evasion from predation
macro crustacean populations. and extended food availability. Therefore, the intertidal
The biodiversity and its distribution patterns are zone, specifically the sandy habitats, are more preferred
conspicuous in the tropical regions and manifested in by juveniles for feeding and shelter. Selleslagh and Amara
the seasonal variations of the population and community (2007) stated the seasonality in density, and composition
structures of the intertidal organisms (Nicolaidou et al., of fish and epibenthic community in the intertidal zone
2006b; Equbal et al., 2018). Monsoon patterns equally primarily reflects diverse recruitment of distinctive species,
influence the freshwater and marine biodiversity (Atique further influenced by temperature, turbidity, and dissolved
and An, 2018; Atique et al., 2019; Hara et al., 2020; oxygen. A study was conducted to investigate the seasonal
Atique et al., 2020b; Haque et al., 2020). Tropical estuarine changes in the taxonomic composition of mobile fauna,
ecosystems are dependable indicators of environmental either visiting or permanently inhabiting the shallow
change (Dauvin, 2007); therefore, species composition and intertidal zone. Several studies have been conducted in the
structure are the sensitive community features that modify Sonmiani Hor (our study area) to investigate the abundance
in reaction to habitat level changes (Post et al., 2006; and biodiversity of the intertidal zone (Ahmed et al.,
Lefrere et al., 2015; Atique and An, 2020). The higher the 1982; Hassan, 1989; Ahmed and Abbas, 1999; Ayub and
species diversity and abundance, the higher productivity Miuzamimiil, 2001). However, these investigations lacked
and available feeding resources ensured (Day et al. 1989; comprehensive research and showed random patterns
Atique and An, 2019; Iqbal et al., 2017; Iqbal et al., 2020; while dealing only with commercially valuable shell
Moon et al., 2020; Bae et al., 2020). For instance, the and finfish species. Therefore, a comprehensive study
temporal variations in benthic macrofauna composition in of species diversity (fish and crustaceans) in the sandy
response to seasonal variation in a tropical coastal lagoon habitats of Miani Hor was inevitable while recognizing
of the Gulf of Mexico are reflected in the community its grander importance as a hub of commercial fishing

Braz. J. Biol., 2021 , vol. 81, no. 4 pp.1036-1049 1037/1049 1037

Gondal, M.A. et al.

nested in a large mangrove area. The leading aims of this seasonal rivers enter the bay; the Porali River that drains
investigation included the study of fish and crustacean through the Bela region and empties into the central part of
species diversity, linking the species abundance with the the bay, and the Windor River that enters near the mouth.
hydrographic factors, taxonomic identification of fish and The total area of the bay is 125.5 km2 and is characterized
crustacean species, seasonal variations of hydrographic by the sandy beach, intertidal mudflats, and the muddy
observations, application of species diversity indices, fish beach adjacent to mangrove forests (Figure 1). Based on
and crustaceans assemblage structure and estimation of the seasonal precipitation intensity and related factors, we
biomass in Sonmiani Bay, Baluchistan, Pakistan. divided the study area climate into four distinct seasons:
northeastern (NE) monsoon, pre-monsoon, southwest
2. Material and Methods (SW) monsoon, post-monsoon.
Damb is a small coastal town with an estimated
2.1. Study area
population of 15,000 inhabitants, located along Miani Hor.
Pakistan falls in the subtropical zone, and its coastal Most of the inhabitants depend on the capture fisheries,
regions undergo mixed semidiurnal tides. Therefore, a either directly or indirectly. However, Damb is more
clear difference in tidal heights alternatively inundates the famous for its trash fish and shrimp production. There
intertidal zone twice a day. Consequently, the intertidal is an informal fishing jetty that entertains all sorts of
zone receives abundant and nutrient-laden waters with outboard fishing engines used in fishing boats. This part of
equal chances of squandering the salubrious nutrients the coastline is predominantly sandy with few patches of
to the open waters. On the other hand, fine sediments sandy cum muddy and sparse patches of black mangrove
get ensnared by mangrove trees that further stabilize the (Avicennia marina). The coastline area covered by Damb
coastline, along with nutrients that support the endemic is approximately five km long.
and visiting organisms in the intertidal zone.
The Miani Hor is a lagoon in Sonmiani Bay, situated 2.2. Field sampling
approximately 90 km from Karachi Metropolitan on the We identified two sampling stations on the sandy beach
easternmost coast of Baluchistan. The bay spreads on 60 km along the coast of Miani Hor. All the sampling events were
length and 7 km width with a tortuous and contorted body conducted by employing the seine net (10 m x 2.5 m and
of water and is connected to the sea on the southeastern 0.5 cm mesh size) operated by two persons in the shallow
end by a 4 km wide mouth. It takes a western turn by a surfing zone and covering 100 m of the beach in each haul.
short distance from its mouth. It then runs parallel to the The sampling events were conducted on a seasonal basis
shoreline in the shape of an arc, with an endpoint in the (northeast monsoon, pre-monsoon, south-west monsoon,
same line as its mouth (Rasool et al., 2002). The Hor is and post-monsoon) at each study station from January to
fed by Sonmiani bay lying outside in the Arabian Sea. Two December 2003.

Figure 1. Coastline map showing Sonmiani bay (Miani Hor/lagoon).

1038 1038/1049 Braz. J. Biol., 2021 , vol. 81, no. 4 pp.1036-1049

Links between fish and crustacean composition with seasonal contrasts

2.3. Hydrographic observations 3. Results

The hydrographic observations include water salinity, air 3.1. Seasonal variations of hydrographic parameters
temperature, water temperature, pH, and electrical conductivity
(EC). We used a handheld refractometer (ATAGO-S-Mill, 3.1.1. Air and water temperature
0o/oo- 100o/oo; USA) for salinity measurement while air The mean air temperature (AT) and water temperature
and water temperatures, pH, and EC were estimated by a (WT) displayed roughly 3°C difference during NE and
handheld thermometer (HANNA instruments HI-8314) pre-monsoon seasons while no distinct differentiations
before each sampling event. between AT and WT during SW and post-monsoon months
2.4. Taxonomic identification, diversity indices (Table 1). The lowest mean AT (18.18°C) was observed
For ex-situ taxonomic identification and classification, during NE monsoon, while the highest mean WT was
all sampled organisms were sorted into each faunal group, (30.37±0.74) during the NW monsoon. The Sonmiani
separately preserved in 5-10% formalin, and identified up to area endures an arid atmosphere that sustains less than
the species level. We sued the field guide by Bianchi (1985) 200 mm of annual precipitation. During summers, the
to identify and classify the fish, shrimps, and crab species. mainland areas experience more than 35°C from May to
The estimates for percent occurrence and relative August. However, the SW winds blowing from the northern
numerical abundance of each species were carried out Arabian Sea towards the Sonmiani decrease the impact of
before applying the Shannon-Weaver index (Shannon and a raised temperature. The WT has a strong association with
Weaver, 1963) and the Margalef index (Margalef,, 1958) AT; therefore, the mean lowest temperature was recorded
to calculate the diversity, similarity, and species richness. during NE monsoon (15.68°C). The post-monsoon and
The Shannon-Weaver index is expressed as Equation 1: pre-monsoon registered the temperature range between
Hs = ∑ Ni / N Log 2 Ni / N (1) 26°C - 28°C through this study duration.

Where: 3.1.2. Salinity

Hs = Shannon-Weaver index SW and post-monsoon seasonal salinity levels remained
N = total number of individuals in the sample almost similar, while the highest mean salinity level was
Ni = the number of individuals of species in the sample recorded during NE monsoon (39.53±1.43 ppt) followed
The Margalef index value is calculated for species by pre-monsoon (37.67±2.54 ppt) seasons (Table 1). The
richness by the following Equation 2: single highest salinity level was recorded as 42.5 ppt,
D= S − 1 / Log iN (2) and the lowest values remained as 33.5 ppt during pre-
monsoon season. Salinity has a noticeable impact on the
distribution of fish and crustacean assemblages in specific
D = Margalef Value
habitats. Therefore, the impact of salinity level and its
S = Number of species collected
fluctuations could help to determine the niche and habitats
N = total number of individuals in the sample
of aquatic organisms.
2.5. Statistical analyses
3.1.3. pH and Electrical Conductivity (EC)
For statistical analyses, we used the Pearson correlation
to find out the links between the abiotic variables and biotic The highest mean pH level was taped during pre-
factors. Two-way ANOVA was used to analyze the effect monsoon (7.5±0.41) and post-monsoon (7.5±0.18), while
of seasonal and faunal assemblage on various ecological the overall highest value remained equal to 8.2 during
attributes like diversity, equitability, species richness, pre-monsoon. However, in the case of EC, the highest
abundance, and biomass of the population in specific time mean value reached 74.55±3.39 mS/cm in pre-monsoon,
durations (season). We used the MS Minitab (ver.13.0) while the lowest mean recorded as equal to 60.76±4.57
software and MS Excel to perform the statistical analyses during the NE monsoon (Table 1). The mean pH level
and preparation of illustrations. fluctuated between 7.4 to 7.5 during this study. However,

Table 1. Descriptive statistics of hydrographical observations of Sonmiani Bay (Miani Hor).

Season N Salinity (ppt) AT (oC) WT (oC) pH EC (mS/cm)
NE Monsoon 16 39.53±1.43 18.18±1.09 15.68±3.17 7.4±0.18 60.76±4.57
Range (Min-Max) (36.5-42.5) (17.0-20.5) (13.0-22.0) (7.2-7.8) (55.40-75.1)
Pre Monsoon 12 37.67±2.54 31.79±2.02 28.37±0.98 7.5±0.41 74.55±3.39
Range (Min-Max) (33.5-42.0) (28.0-35.0) (26.5-30.0) (7.1-8.2) (68.50-79.7)
SW Monsoon 8 36.87±0.58 30.50±1.43 30.37±0.74 7.4±0.08 68.37±2.99
Range (Min-Max) (36.0-37.5) (29.0-32.5) (29.0-31.0) (7.3-7.6) (62.40-71.6)
Post Monsoon 16 36.34±1.22 26.93±3.73 26.59±2.75 7.5±0.18 72.86±6.84
Range (Min-Max) (36.5-42.5) (17.0-20.5) (13.0-22.0) (7.2-7.8) (55.40-75.1)
NE = North-east, SW = South-west, Min = Minimum, Max = Maximum, AT = Air Temperature, WT = Water Temperature,
EC = Electrical conductivity.

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Gondal, M.A. et al.

the degree of displacement of EC in the SW monsoon and during pre-monsoon (H’ = 1.58). The other ecological
post-monsoon manifested higher variations as 68.37 and indices, e.g., equitability and species richness, remained
72.86 mS/cm, respectively. more noticeable during SW monsoon (J’ = 0.81) except for
a little increase in species richness of fish during the NW
3.2. Ecological indices
monsoon (S = 0.26). In the case of crustaceans, however,
There is a comparison of the percent abundance of the diversity was the highest in NE monsoon (H’ = 2.23),
fish and crustacean species in the study area in Figure 2, where equitability and species richness were more elevated
showing the diversity among the two animal groups in NW monsoon and post-monsoon (J’ = 0.70; S = 0.40,
varied throughout different seasons in the study period. respectively).
Fish species displayed higher diversity (H’ = 3.19) during The diversity and equitability indices displayed a
SW monsoon, whereas the lowest diversity was observed robust linear correlation displayed (r = 0.978) in the fish
species. The diversity index significantly correlated with the
abundance and biomass (r = -0.978, -0.972, respectively),
whereas the number of species exhibited significantly
higher species richness and biomass (r = -0.996, 0.954,
respectively). On the other hand, the physical attributes
such as sea surface WT and salinity displayed a strong
relationship with the fish assemblage (r = -0.981 and -0.943,
respectively; Table 2). However, most of the physical and
biological characteristics of crustacean assemblages did
not explain any significant correlation except for species
richness was found to be correlated with the number of
individuals of various species that occurred at the same
time (Table 2). Two-way ANOVA did not show any
significant differences in diversity index, equitability
between seasons, and groups except for species richness
within groups (p = 0.018) when α = 0.05.
3.3. Assemblage structure, number of species and
Figure 2. Seasonal comparison between percentage
abundance and biomass of fishes and crustaceans along the Over twelve months, the total number of individuals
coast of Miani Hor, (ABD = Abundance, BM = Biomass, (TNI) of collected amounted to 4,799 with fish TNI 3,813,
Crust = Crustacean, NEM = North-east monsoon, and crustaceans TNI 986 from Miani Hor intertidal sandy
PREM = Pre-monsoon, SWM = South-west monsoon, substratum. When we further breakdown the catch statistics
POSM = Post-monsoon). of our study, a total of 27 fish families and five crustacean

Table 2. Pearson correlation matrix showing the relationships between biotic and abiotic parameters of the Fish (A) and
Crustaceans (B) community structure.
Parameters D E SR % ABD % BM Species Ind TW
E 0.95* (A)
SR 0.61 0.53
% ABD -0.97* -0.88 -0.72
% BM -0.53 -0.51 -0.97* 0.61
Species -0.58 -0.48 0.99* 0.70 0.95*
Ind 0.02 0.18 0.58 -0.04 -0.75 -0.54
TW -0.006 -0.21 -0.45 -0.01 0.65 0.40 -0.98*
Salinity -0.001 0.06 0.71 -0.08 -0.83 -0.70 -.94* -0.86*
E 0.05 (B)
SR -0.79 -0.008
% ABD -0.46 0.33 -0.10
% BM 0.41 0.42 -0.80 0.61
Speceis 0.75 -0.25 -0.96* 0.01 0.66
Ind -0.26 0.44 -0.28 0.97* 0.76 0.15
TW -0.73 -0.71 0.61 0.01 -0.65 -0.41 -0.19
Sal 0.84 0.34 -0.93* 0.08 0.83 0.81 0.29 -0.86*
D = Diversity; E = Equability; SR = Species Richness; ABD = Abundance; BM = Biomass; Ind = Individuals; TW = Total Weight.
Asterix sign indicates very strong correlation.

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Links between fish and crustacean composition with seasonal contrasts

families were sampled that further comprised of 30 genera There was a close link between the assemblage of various
and 38 fish species, and ten genera with 17 species of families representing the marine groups along the soft
crustaceans. Most of the samples were collected during bottom sandy coast in Miani Hor, and the fish species
the post-monsoon (27) and pre-monsoon (26), whereas constituted the significant number pelagic organisms shaping
SW monsoon and NE monsoon showed a lower number the underwater community of the shallow intertidal zone.
of individuals. We noticed an evident variation in fishes
3.4. Taxonomic abundance and biomass
over the study period. For instance, in NE monsoon and
pre-monsoon, 14 fish species were caught in each season, Here we give a detailed account of the taxonomic
while for SW monsoon and post-monsoon, 15 and 21 fish abundance and percent biomass of the crustaceans and
species were caught, respectively. However, we noticed a fish species in the study area in four distinct seasons,
different situation in the crustacean assemblage, where NE i.e., NE monsoon, premonsoon, SW monsoon and post-
monsoon and pre-monsoon revealed a higher number of monsoon. The total abundance of fish and crustaceans
species; nine and eight, respectively. The other two seasons, species recorded during NE monsoon was equal to 77.48%,
i.e., SW monsoon and post-monsoon, exhibited a lower out of which, the family Sillaginidae, represented by
number of species, seven and six, respectively (Table 3). Sillago sihama scored the highest abundance (23.64%)
A significant difference in the number of species and and constituted the most significant share (39.33%) of
specimens revealed among animal groups (p = 0.019 and the total biomass (2389.01 g), followed by Liza subviridis
p = 0.016), but no variation was detected between seasons. (21.15%) from family Mugilidae (Table 4). However,

Table 3. Presence dynamics of fish and crustacean species and families based on seasonal changes at Miani Hor (Sonmiani
Fish Crustacea
Family Species Family Species
NE monsoon 11 14 5 9
Pre-monsoon 18 14 4 8
SW monsoon 11 15 2 7
Post-monsoon 14 21 3 6
NE = Northeast, SW: Southwest.
Table 4. Abundance and biomass estimation of various intertidal soft-bottom taxonomic groups collected from Miani Hor
(Sonmiani Bay) during northeast monsoon season.
Family Species N Abundance (%) Biomass(g) Biomass (%)
Mugillidae L. subviridis 358 21.15 80.07 3.35
L. carinata 176 10.4 267.61 11.2
Sillaginidae S. sihama 400 23.64 939.81 39.33
Soleidae S. elongate 7 0.41 10.31 0.43
E. orientalis 1 0.05 3.32 0.13
Gobiidae B. dussumeiri 198 11.7 105.36 4.41
Scienidae Scienidae juveniles 55 3.25 25.47 1.06
O. cuverii 74 4.37 67.61 2.83
Platycephalidae P. indicus 1 0.05 0.31 0.01
Bothidae P. elevates 3 0.17 2.04 0.08
Scorpaenidae S. maculata 3 0.17 59.24 2.47
Teraponidae Terapon jarbua 7 0.41 2.08 0.087
Stegostomatidae S. commersonii 25 1.47 20.82 0.87
Leignathidae L. daura 3 0.17 9.1 0.38
Portunidae P. pelagicus 89 5.26 480.56 20.11
P. sanguinolentus 2 0.11 7.31 0.3
C. cruciata 1 0.05 3.26 0.13
Leucosiidae P. globosa 1 0.05 0.78 0.03
Calappidae A. lunaris 67 3.95 71.44 2.99
Penaeidae M. stebbingi 141 8.33 127.96 5.35
M. brevicornis 52 3.07 33.57 1.4
M. affinis 27 1.59 51.83 2.16
Diogenidae C. padavensis 1 0.05 19.15 0.8
Total 1692 2389.01

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Gondal, M.A. et al.

L. carinata contributed 11.20% of the total biomass as P. pelagicus contributed 4.66% in the overall biomass of
well. The mudskippers (Family: Gobiidae) were also the season as well (Table 5).
found in the same season with abundance and biomass of Linked with increasing sea surface WT and salinity, a
11.70% and 4.41%, respectively. The overall biomass of comparatively lowered abundance of fish species (61.21%)
fish species was more than double (66.68%) of the same and higher seasonal abundance of crustaceans (38.78%)
for crustaceans (33.27%). The crustacean species persisted indicated a paradigm shift in the species composition
lower in abundance (22.51%). However, crustaceans were during the SW monsoon season (Table 6), as compared to
represented by five families with Metapenaeus stebbingi the NE monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons. Further, the
abundance as 8.33% and Portunus pelagicus as 5.26%. species displayed even distribution with an overall smaller
However, concerning biomass, the Portunus pelagicus number of species sampled during this season (≤ 10% in
alone accounted for higher biomass (20.11%) in the abundance). For sample, only Secutor insidiator (10.31%)
shellfish group. was the most abundant as well as higher in sharing the
The ensuing season (pre-monsoon) revealed the highest 10.86% of the total seasonal biomass sampled, followed
abundance (96.05%) of fish species and the lowest for by Escualosa thoracata (8.61%) and juveniles of carangids
crustaceans (3.94%) during this investigation. Liza subviridis and Thryssa spp.(7.75% each), which constituted the central
(Family: Mugilidae), was the species showing the highest part of overall biomass of fish species (79.05%). However,
abundance (71.19%) with convincing share in biomass L. subviridis turned to be one of the dominant species
(40.98%) as well when compared with all other finfish in biomass contribution (13.05%) besides E.  thoracata
catch (Table 5). However, Leiognathus berbis (5.80%) and (16.17%). An essential assemblage in the SW monsoon
Secutor insidiator (5.14%) were detected in relatively less existed in the abundance of post-larvae (PLs) of penaeid
abundance while other fish species even <1%. Although shrimps (31.10%). M. stebbingyi secured a higher place
crustaceans were much lower in abundance, Penaeus in biomass (11.32%) of the crustacean species on the
indicus (family: Penaeidae) abundance (2.19%) remained overall biomass distribution during the SW monsoon
the highest of all the crustaceans during pre-monsoon. The season (Table 6).

Table 5. Abundance and biomass estimation of various intertidal soft-bottom taxonomic groups collected from Miani Hor
(Sonmiani Bay) during premonsoon season.
Family Species N Abundance (%) Biomass Biomass (%)
Mugillidae L. subviridis 650 71.19 1177.37 40.98
Sillaginidae S. sihama 10 1.09 188.5 6.56
Soleidae S. elongata 3 0.32 25.26 0.87
Gobiidae B. dussueiri 2 0.21 1.63 0.56
Lactariidae L. lactarius 8 0.87 27.96 0.97
Leignathidae L. blochi 8 0.87 15.01 0.52
L. berbis 53 5.8 333.04 11.59
S. insidiator 47 5.14 60.36 2.1
Tetradontidae L. lagocephalus 1 0.1 7.87 0.27
Scatophagidae S. argus 2 0.21 627.25 21.83
Clupeidae E. thoracata 39 4.27 26.67 0.92
N. nasus 3 0.32 13.79 0.47
Carangidae A. melanoptera 2 0.21 15.55 0.54
C. talamproides 1 0.1 9.19 0.31
Belonidae S. strongylura 1 0.1 0.13 0.004
Engrualidae T. mystax 2 0.21 2.93 0.1
Serranidae E. fasciatus 44 4.81 24.49 0.85
Fistularidae F. commersonii 1 0.1 0.61 0.02
Portunidae P. pelagicus 1 0.1 134.04 4.66
C. cruciata 1 0.1 3.34 0.11
Calappidae A. lunaris 7 0.76 29.2 1.01
Penaeidae P. indicus 20 2.19 36.26 1.26
P. merguiensis 1 0.1 0.97 0.033
M. stebbingi 1 0.1 1.45 0.05
Diogenidae C. padavensis 4 0.43 88.43 3.07
C. avarus 1 0.1 21.67 0.75
Total 913 2872.97

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Links between fish and crustacean composition with seasonal contrasts

Table 6. Abundance and biomass estimation of various intertidal soft-bottom taxonomic groups collected from Miani Hor
(Sonmiani Bay) during the southwest monsoon season.
Family Species N Abundance (%) Biomass Biomass (%)
Mugillidae L. subviridis 38 2.94 124.06 13.05
L. carinata 37 2.87 51.62 5.43
Sillaginidae S. sihama 5 0.38 14.91 1.56
Teraponidae T. jarboa 2 0.15 10.17 1.07
Leiognathidae S. insidiator 133 10.31 103.22 10.86
Hemiramphidae H. dussumerii 66 5.12 30.52 3.21
Carangidae Carangidae Juveniles 100 7.75 12.6 1.32
S. leptolepis 2 0.15 25.19 2.65
Engraulidae Thryssa Juveniles 100 7.75 34.69 3.65
S. gibbosa 4 0.31 9.89 2.65
Gerridae G. filamentosus 2 0.15 4.99 0.52
Lactaridae L. lactarius 88 6.82 83.58 8.79
Clupeidae Clupeide Juveniles 100 7.75 90.52 9.52
E. thoracata 111 8.61 153.7 16.17
Tetradontidae L. lagocephalus 1 0.07 1.42 0.14
Calappidae A. lunaris 2 0.15 20.54 2.16
M. planipes 23 1.78 12.52 1.31
Penaeidae M. stebbingi 58 4.49 107.57 11.32
M. brevicornis 13 1 8.16 0.85
P. penicillatus 2 0.15 7.86 0.82
P. merguiensis 1 0.07 2.94 0.3
PLs of Penaeidae 401 31.1 39.44 4.15
Total 1289 950.13
PLs = Post larvae.

The post-monsoon season displayed the highest species

variation, with a total species count to 27 species in fish
and crustaceans that belonged to 17 families. However,
the occurrence of fish species was higher (92.37%) than
crustaceans (7.62%) during the pre-monsoon season
(Table 7). Liza subviridis (51.49%) was found as the most
abundant among the species caught during this season.
The continuously resident L. subviridis contributed 35.0%
in overall biomass of the sample that could be compared
with other benthopelagic Platycephalus indicus (27.76%).
Other highly abundant fish species included Sillago sihama
(19.11%), juveniles of Thryssa spp. (7.29%) Furthermore,
Liza carinata (4.75%) appeared to have been there following
the suitable environmental conditions for growth and survival
in the intertidal zone. Although very few (6) crustacean
species were recorded in the post-monsoon, simply PLs Figure 3. Seasonal comparison between fish and
crustaceans based on three ecological variables at Miani
of the penaeid shrimp were found in abundance (5.41%).
Hor (NE = North-east, SW = South-west).
However, the hermit crab (Clibanarius spp) biomass was
estimated as the highest (0.66%) in the sample within
during the SW monsoon, while the same for crustacean
the crustaceans group (Table 7). The abundance and
species calculated during the NE monsoon. Similar was
biomass significantly varied within groups (p = 0.028 and
the case with the species equitability. Nonetheless, the
p = 0.017, respectively) but did not display a significant
species richness did not illustrate any significant pattern
seasonal difference. during the study duration.
The seasonal contrasts in the three ecological variables
(diversity, equitability, and species richness) connecting NE
4. Discussion
monsoon, pre-monsoon, SW monsoon, and post-monsoon
were found during the study as shown in Figure 3. The most There was a discrete variance in the species diversity,
observed variation in fish species diversity was recognized abundance, and richness in Miani Hor sandy beach zone

Braz. J. Biol., 2021 , vol. 81, no. 4 pp.1036-1049 1043/1049 1043

Gondal, M.A. et al.

Table 7. Abundance and biomass estimation of various intertidal soft-bottom taxonomic groups collected from Miani Hor
(Sonmiani Bay) during post monsoon season.
Serial No. Taxonomic Group N Abundance (%) Biomass Biomass (%)
Mugillidae L. subviridis 466 51.49 1167.89 35
L. carinata 43 4.75 38.42 1.15
L. vaigiensis 1 0.11 17.55 0.52
Sillaginidae S. sihama 176 19.44 447.58 13.41
Leiognathidae L. splendens 1 0.11 34.39 1.03
Teraponidae T. jarboa 10 1.1 81.03 2.42
Carangidae A. melanoptera 1 0.11 36.27 1.08
Engrualidae S. sindensis 1 0.11 1.74 0.05
Thryssa Juveniles 66 7.29 16.35 0.49
Engraulidae Juveniles 19 2.09 2.28 0.06
Mullidae U. vittatus 8 0.88 126.22 3.78
Hemiramphidae H. limbatus 30 3.31 66.55 1.99
H. dussumerii 1 0.11 25.14 0.75
Bothidae P. arsius 2 0.22 91.68 2.74
P. elevates 1 0.11 102 3.05
Stegostomidae S. commersonii 2 0.22 5.11 0.15
Lutjanidae L. fulviflammus 1 0.11 16.1 0..48
Pomadasydidae P. olivaceaum 1 0.11 8.14 0.24
Clupeidae I. melastoma 2 0.22 6.84 0.2
Platycephalidae C. crocodilla 1 0.11 64.63 1.93
P. indicus 2 0.22 926.41 27.76
Calappidae A. lunaris 2 0.22 8.72 0.26
Penaeidae P. sculptilis 3 0.33 0.28 0.008
PLs of shrimps 49 5.41 5.64 0.16
M.. monoceros 12 1.32 5.62 0.16
Diogenidae C. padavensis 2 0.22 22.15 0.66
D. diogenes 1 0.11 0.89 0.02
Total 905 3336.67

between the two locomotory animal groups (fish and frequent visitors and utilize the inshore areas as feeding
crustaceans (), by utilizing the beach seine net and beam and refuge grounds, as the low mid-tide circumstances
trawls. This research sampling resulted in the overall favor these opportunities. Moreover, the sea surface WT
presence of 27 families of fish comprising of 38 species. could be changing while the ebb tides generate turbulence
The seasonal variation in fish was not very characteristic as in the semi-enclosed lagoon stretch. Therefore, the species
a lower number of fish species were found in NE monsoon richness was higher as compared to the pre-monsoon
and pre-monsoon (14) in comparison with the highest and post-monsoon, corresponding to the diversity index.
fish variation during the post-monsoon (21) season. Few Silva  et  al. (2011), correlated the low species richness
ichthyofaunal families could be characterized as native of some benthic groups with specific environmental
and permanent residents, though one or more fish species parameters and physiological stress. According to Kinne
continued benefiting from the shallow coast of the Miani (1971), increased salinity worked as a favorable factor to
Hor. The salient examples incorporate family Mugilidae most macrofaunal taxa resulting in boosting their density
(Liza subviridis, L. carinata, and L. vaigiensis); family and diversity. Although the species abundance varied
Sillaginidae (Sillago sihama), family Leiognathidae (Secutor throughout this investigation, however, inter-seasonal
insidiator, Leiognathus daura, L.blochi, L.berbis), family species distribution prevailed for higher reflection.
Teraponidae (Terapon jarbua), Engraulidae (Thryssa mystax, The species abundance and variation could be a
Sardinella gibbosa, S. sindensis); Family Clupeidae (Ilisha function of sea WT. Generally, the estuarine benthic fauna
melastoma, Escualosa thoracata, Nematolosa nasus); belongs to Polychaeta, Crustacea, and Mollusca, which
family Bothidae (Pseudorhombus arsius, P. elevatus) and shows a higher tolerance to the environmental stress and
family Platycephalidae (Platycephalus indicus). substantial changes in the spatial and temporal structure of
The expanding diversity during NE monsoon and the community. Several studies hinted at the temperature as
SW monsoon implied that several fish species are the one of the most critical environmental variables that control

1044 1044/1049 Braz. J. Biol., 2021 , vol. 81, no. 4 pp.1036-1049

Links between fish and crustacean composition with seasonal contrasts

the marine life (Bhaud et al., 1995), especially during the determining that macrotidal dissipative beaches supported
reproduction and larval stages, recruitment patterns, and communities having higher richness, abundance, and biomass
metabolism are the essential elements that are directly than microtidal reflective beaches (McLachlan, 1990;
influenced by the WT (Sinclair, 1988; Bhaud and Cha, McLachlan et al., 1993). The distribution and abundance
1992). According to another research, predicting long term also vary in the intertidal zone affected by tidal phases and
changes in benthic communities is an elusive goal owing tidal states during distinct seasons. The physical structure
to the exceptionally long duration required to monitor such of the ecosystem belongs to the ocean and sandy beaches
confounding alterations that could have appeared because and is characterized by three variables: the sand grain size,
of temperature changes (Gray and Christie, 1983). The wave climate, and tidal regime. The resulting interactions
fish species were small-size and mostly at the juvenile among three factors feature an array of beach morpho-
and sub-adult life stages. As the surfing zone is a complex dynamics, that broadly range from microtidal reflective
habitat that equally serves as the shelter and feeding zone beaches (narrow and steep) to macrotidal dissipative
for several organisms. The higher density of juvenile and systems (broad and flat, with tidal flats) (Short, 1996).
small-sized fish species symbolizes that sandy beaches are Because beach ecosystems lack biological structures, the
rendering an alternative nursery habitat to estuaries for many intertidal macrofaunal communities have been physically
species. Lasiak (1984) proposed that the utilization of the controlled by the Autecological Hypothesis. The infaunal
surfing zone by large numbers of juveniles favor the use communities respond differently in the presence of
of shallow sandy beaches as a nursery ground due to the monsoon that occurs frequently, and its magnitude varies
abundant supply of food in the form of zooplankton and (Alongi, 1989). George et al. (2009) studied the benthic
avoidance from predation further encourages by shallow macroinvertebrate fauna and tried to develop its link with
waters coupled with higher turbidity and turbulence in the physicochemical parameters in the Niger Delta and
the zone. It is also imperative that habitats do not remain stated that many invertebrates play an essential role in
constant but vary regularly on a daily and seasonal basis. the circulation and recirculation of nutrients in aquatic
Therefore, we noticed a characteristic variation in the ecosystems. Besides, there are important links between
species distribution, abundance, and diversity in Miani Hor. unavailable nutrients held in detritus and useful protein
Species richness, abundance, and biomass are three materials in fish and shellfishes. Most benthic organisms
of the most frequently investigated ecological attributes feed on debris that settles on the bottom of the water and
of the sandy beach macrobenthic communities at the in turn, serves as a food source for the full range of fish
large-scale comparative studies. Fish species equally share species (Ajao and Fagade, 1990; Oke, 1990; Idowu and
this shallow intertidal zone, therefore, abundant diversity Ugwumba, 2005; Uwadiae, 2009).
and distribution lessen the equal chances of exploitation The literature survey could not provide any convincing
of resources available to benthic fauna. Consequently, arguments on the presence of various Molluscs, hermit
P. pelagicus, M. stebbingi, P. indicus, and A. lunaris were crabs, and other crab species along the coast of Miani Hor
detected to display a striking abundance and biomass in except fewer studies that investigated some commercial
crustacean species. Therefore, the species abundance shrimp and finfish species. Gondal et al. (2012) proclaimed
and biomass remain tightly linked with the density of a that 22 fish species belonged to 14 families, while eight
population. During the NE monsoon and pre-monsoon crustacean species represented one family (Penaeidae) in
seasons, relatively more families of crustaceans were Miani Hor. Similarly, Ahmed and Abbas, (1999) studied
recorded (5 and 4, respectively), which is higher than the the abundance of some finfish and shellfish juveniles in the
other two seasons (SE monsoon: 2, and post-monsoon: intertidal zone of Miani Hor and ranked some fish species
3). Accordingly, the increased values of diversity index like L. subviridis, Sillago sihama, Coilia dussumieria for
(H’) were found in NE monsoon and pre-monsoon (2.23 important commercial values. Moreover, the shellfish,
and 2.00, respectively). Though species richness did species, e.g. Penaeus merguiensis and Metapenaeus
not corroborate with the corresponding season, the SW stebbingyi were ranked as two important shrimp species
monsoon and post-monsoon showed an increased species in the coastal Miani Hor. Likewise, Hassan, (1989)
richness (S=0.37 and S=0.40, respectively). worked on the distribution and abundance of juveniles of
Among Crustacea, shrimps (Family: Penaeidae, e.g. Penaeid shrimp along the coast of Makran and observed
Metapenaeus stebbingi, Penaeus merguiensis), crabs M. stebbingi, P. semisulcatus, and P. stylifera as the most
(Family: Portunidae and Family: Calappidae e.g., Portunus abundant in the coastal waters. However, Ahmed et al.
pelagicus and Ashtoret lunaris) and hermit crabs (Family: (1982) surveyed the entire Makran coast for distribution
Diogenidae e.g., Clibanarius padavensis) were the essential and abundance of intertidal organisms on some beaches,
populations of intertidal animals discovered in the benthic but the macrofauna reported were more relevant to rocky
habitat. McLachlan  et  al. (1981) demonstrated that the intertidal zones.
species community features such as richness, density, The distribution of the lower number of intertidal benthic
and total abundance expanded from the steeper beaches fauna along the coast could be due to the narrow intertidal
with coarse sand to the flatter beaches with fine sands. zones, which also confirmed by the studies carried out by
Subsequent investigation covering a broad range of beaches Ahmed et al. (1982). Furthermore, demersal populations
and geographical areas validated these conclusions by tend to be higher because of the shallow sandy bottoms and

Braz. J. Biol., 2021 , vol. 81, no. 4 pp.1036-1049 1045/1049 1045

Gondal, M.A. et al.

abundant epibenthic and infaunal surface prey. Although 5. Conclusions

seasonal variations occur in intertidal zones, there are
In conclusion, this investigation targeted the seasonal
other factors also presented by Aller and Aller (1986) and
species abundance, diversity, and richness in the coastal
Seshappa (1953). These factors include the shallow inshore
Miani Hor. We studied the fish and crustacean populations
communities in regions of intense wet season activity,
during the NE monsoon, pre-monsoon, SW monsoon and
and upwelling is frequently smothered by massive ravine
post-monsoon. Mild to lower disparities in the air and
sedimentation or by the erosion of estuarine mud banks.
water temperature were observed, while salinity and pH
We determine the distribution and abundance of organisms
did not show any significant seasonal changes. Fish species
by their intricate responses to environmental and biotic
abundance and diversity displayed higher heterogeneity
factors. It is argued that the state of tide determines the
during SW monsoon, whereas the lowest diversity was
abundance of species in a marine ecosystem, e.g., low tides
observed during pre-monsoon. The fish species diversity
favor more species as compared to high tides that would
and equitability manifested a robust linear correlation. We
influence the dominant species to remain in the ecosystem
sampled a total of 4,799 species individuals fish equal to
(Gibson et al., 1993, 1996; Lasiak, 1984). In Miani Hor,
3813, and crustaceans as 986. We recorded differences
fish species always dominated positions throughout this
of species-based biomass percentage dominated during
study in abundance, diversity, and biomass as compared to various seasons, implying thereby seasonal abundance
crustaceans in the benthopelagic zone. The resident species, of fish and crustacean species. In conclusion, seasonal
for instance, L. subviridis, S. sihama and S. insidiator abundance and richness of fish and crustacean species
established the dominant status of the fish community. are linked with a plethora of environmental factors, tidal
The other species were found as visitors, and their status regime, type of the habitat, availability of food and shelter,
remained changing during this investigation. Blaber and and migration patterns of species.
Whitfield (1977) conceded that the calm waters, turbidity,
substratum type, and depth determine the distribution of
juvenile fish species in the nearshore areas.
Miani Hor serves as a feeding and shelter ground habitat
The authors are profoundly grateful for partial financial
to a diverse range of sea life. The adjoining mangrove forests
support from the Higher Education Commission and
further enhance the importance of sandy and mudflats of
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