Revised CDM
Revised CDM
Revised CDM
PEO- 1
Integrate tools and concepts from multiple functional areas such as Finance, Marketing, Operations,
HRM, and Systems etc. to solve business problems.
Students should be able to evaluate and integrate ethical considerations when making business
PEO- 3
To develop competent Business Professionals.
PO-2 Foster Analytical and Critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making
PO-3 Ability to develop value based Leadership Ability
PO-4 Ability to Understand, Analyze and communicate global, economic, legal and ethical aspects of
PO-5 Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing
effectively to team environment.
1. Course Objective
Busineseconomic course is to provide the students an understanding of the growing relevance of economics
in business and corporates and help them to make right decissions.Pre-Requisites: Nil
2. Course Outcome
After the completion of this course, students shall be able to
CO 1 Evaluate the importance of Economics in Business Decisions.
CO 2 Analyse the Demand and Demand Elasticity in varying market conditions.
CO 3 Appraise the Production and Cost Curve in the Short Run and Long Run.
CO 4 Explain Price and Output determination in different Market Structures
CO 5 Evaluate the impact of Monetary Policy Measures and Fiscal Policy Measures and Pricing Strategies of
Small and Large Business Firms.
CO No. Course Outcome Knowledge Level
3. CO-PO mapping :
Co’s Po1 Po2 Po3 Po4 Po5
Co1 1 2 1 3 2
Co2 2 2 1 2 3
Co3 3 2 2 2 2
Co4 2 3 2 1 2
Co5 3 2 2 2 2
5. Gap in the Syllabus (Consolidated list of the gaps mentioned in the Syllabus):
CO 2
thinkingEthical Thinking
The course will have lectures, case study, assignments, presentations, exercise and secondary
data project to attain the CO’s.
Module 1 - INTRODUCTION TO ECONOMICS– Concept of Economics and
Business Economics, Micro Economics and Macro Economics, Fundamental concepts
in economics that aid decision making: Incremental Principle, Concept of Cost,
Discounting Principle, Time Concept, Concept of Inflation –Types and impact of
inflation. Equi-Marginal Principle
CONSUMER - Demand Analysis – Types of Demand – Law of Demand & its
Exceptions - Elasticity of Demand – Price Elasticity, Income Elasticity, Cross Elasticity,
Advertisement Elasticity - Applications of the concept of Elasticity –- Demand
Forecasting – An overview of Forecasting Techniques – Statistical & Non-Statistical
Methods- Analysis of Consumer Equllibrium under Cardinal Utility Analysis –Law of
equi-marginal utility – Consumer behaviour under Ordinal Utility analysis -Indifference
Curve Analysis(12 Hours)
First Internal Examination
Module 3 - SUPPLY & PRODUCTION- Law of Supply and Factors Influencing
Supply - Theory of Production – Production function, Production function with one
variable input – Law of Variable Proportions – Returns to Scale, Production function
with two variable inputs – Isoquants – Isoclines, Collusive oligopoly (Cartels, Price
leadership)-Producers’ Equilibrium, Economies of Scale – Types – Economies of Scope
,-Theory of Costs – Classification of Costs – Determinants of Cost - Short Run & Long
Run Cost Curves – Graphical Presentation - Revenue Curves (12 Hours)
Module 4
MARKET STRUCTURE - Classification of Markets – Markets based on Competition -
Theory of Firm – Profit Maximization Rules - Price & Output Determination under
Perfect Competition -Price & Output Determination under Monopoly - Price & Output
Determination under Monopolistic Competition - Price & Output Determination under
Oligopoly – Kinked Demand curve model only
15. Evaluation
2nd Internal 8
Assignment- 1 5
Assignment- 2 5
Project/Presentation 10