Refugee Education Crossroad at Globalization
Refugee Education Crossroad at Globalization
Refugee Education Crossroad at Globalization
Dryden-Peterson, S. 2016. Refugee Education: The Crossroads of Globalization. Educational
Researcher 45, no. 9:473-482.
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Refugee Education: The Crossroads of Globalization
Sarah Dryden-Peterson
Contact Information
Sarah Dryden-Peterson (Corresponding Author)
Harvard Graduate School of Education
6 Appian Way
Cambridge, MA 02138
Tel: (617) 435-2344
The author wishes to thank the teachers, agency staff, and other community
members who have been involved in field-based research that informed this
article. Thank you also to those who contributed to data collection, including
Jacques Bwira, Kyohairwe Sylvia Bohibwa, Elizabeth Adelman, Michelle
Bellino, Vidur Chopra, Negin Dayha, and the students of the Education in Armed
Conflict class and Refugee Education Policy Lab at the Harvard Graduate School
of Education (2013, 2014, 2015); to those who provided guidance and critical
feedback, including James Banks, Michelle Bellino, Shirley Brice Heath, Ita
Sheehy, Jacqueline Strecker, and Barbara Zeus; and for the opportunities to
present and discuss the work at the University of Minnesota (November 2015),
the Comparative and International Education Society meetings (Vancouver,
Canada, 2016), and the World Education Research Association (Kassel, Germany,
Research for this article was funded by the Fulbright Commission, the Mellon
Foundation, the Harvard Graduate School of Education, the Weatherhead Center
for International Affairs at Harvard University, the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), and the National Academy of
Education/Spencer Foundation.
Refugee Education
realize the right to education for all and ensure opportunities to use that education
illuminate how refugee children are caught between the global promise of
in society.
Refugee Education
recently fled war in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). “Education will lead
me to my dreams for the future,” she said, and despite on-going fighting in the
camp and not enough to eat, she went to school every day. Like most refugees,
Annette hoped, and truly believed, that she would soon return to her home
country. That was until the day her father planted bananas, a long-to-mature crop.
Annette knew then that she would be in Uganda for a long time, so she set about
This education was within the national system, which meant she had access to the
English, and at the end of primary school she would sit for the national exam and
get her certification. Each day, she stood in front of the Ugandan flag in her
school’s compound singing the national anthem: “Oh, Uganda! . . .We lay our
future in thy hand.” Annette laid her future in the hands of the nation-state, and
yet – she came to realize – her future would not be of the nation-state. She could
continue to go to school every day, but she would not be able to vote, she would
not be able to own property, and, since she would not have the right to work, she
would not be able to practice as a nurse. Five years later, Annette still lived in the
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same refugee camp and was not in school; she was a subsistence farmer who
tended, among other crops, her family’s bananas (see Author, 2011, 2015).
practices. In this article, I demonstrate the ways in which refugee education sits at
the nexus of these tensions, illuminating the tug of war between globalization
how to realize the right to education for all and ensure opportunities to use that
purposes and provision of refugee education from World War II to the present and
Refugee Education
number of refugees globally is at its highest level since World War II. In 2015
alone, 1.8 million people were newly displaced to become refugees, fleeing
primarily from Syria, but also from Iraq, Mali, and South Sudan; they joined
almost 17 million others who have remained refugees for multiple decades, from
2016a, p. 2). Education is important to the life chances of individual refugees, like
Annette, to the present stability of the nation-states in which they find exile, to the
future reconstruction of the conflict-affected societies from which they fled, and
to the economic and political security of an interconnected world polity (see, for
Conceptual Framework
Refugees are defined as people who have crossed an international border due to
mandated with the physical, political, and social protection of refugees; with the
Refugee Education
delivery of humanitarian assistance such as food, shelter, and water; and also with
here “neighboring host countries.” For example, as of mid-2016, more than 1.5
million primarily Afghan refugees lived in Pakistan and almost one million in
Iran; 2.7 million primarily Syrian refugees lived in Turkey and one million in
Lebanon; and almost 0.4 million primarily Somali refugees lived in Kenya and
contrast, less than one percent of refugees globally settle in countries with high
Gross National Income (GNI) per capita, usually geographically distant from the
these nation-states “distant resettlement countries.” In 2014, the United States was
the top resettlement country, with a total of 267,000 refugees (UNHCR, 2015);
Canada hosted 149,000 refugees (UNHCR, 2015). In the same year, countries in
Europe were in this category as well. Germany, for example, hosted 217,000
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refugee education in neighboring host counties for two reasons: first, the numbers
refugees are resettled to or granted refugee status in the United States or Canada,
for example, they are given a pathway to citizenship unavailable to the vast
majority of refugees globally (see, for example, Nunn, McMichael, Gifford, &
the United States and Canada is a critical area of investigation, it is not the focus
of this article.
Sweden, and Greece do not fit neatly into a “neighboring host country” / “distant
alone, the German government reported 467,649 formal asylum applications, with
Interior, 2016); in the same year, almost one million asylum-seekers arrived in
Greece, by sea routes alone (UNHCR, 2016b). Importantly, few of these asylum-
seekers have been granted refugee status, placing them in similar limbo vis-à-vis
Refugee Education
This article focuses on the 86% of refugees who live and access education
in neighboring host countries, yet with implications for other nation-states hosting
most refugees flee their countries of origin with the intention of returning home
rapidly, the average duration of exile for refugees is 17 years (IDMC, 2014).
origin, refugees are almost always without any possible pathway to citizenship in
refugees in Tanzania in 2014 is the only recent example (Hovil, 2016, p. 51).
Further, refugees are unable to realize many of the individual legal rights
that characterize modern nation-states. The 1951 Convention relating to the Status
defining who is a refugee, refugee rights, and the legal obligations of the state vis-
specifies that signatory states “shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is
education” (UNHCR, 2010b). While 144 nation-states are party to the 1951
Refugee Education
Convention and 146 to the 1967 Protocol, there are notable exceptions, including
states where large numbers of people seek asylum: India, Lebanon, and Malaysia,
for example. In these states, the rights of refugees are not bound by international
international instruments. Egypt, for example, does not endorse Article 22 of the
1951 Convention, noting “reservations because these articles consider the refugee
and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, among other instruments. In
This article, however, explores the contemporary tension between the global
Refugee Education
refugees had access to primary school, compared with 93% of all children
globally; at the secondary level, 25% of refugees had access to education whereas
62% did globally. Within a given national context, refugees also usually access
variable between host countries, and the right to education for refugees is
dependent on the laws, policies, and practices in place in each national context.
This tension between global rights and local implementation is both the
As Somers and Roberts argue, rights are multifaceted and exist at “multiple
aspirations exist within the level of the individual, such as Annette, and within
institutions, such as within UNHCR, through its mandate to protect refugees. The
global Conventions and national laws and policies. I turn now to global
Refugee Education
and to this study of refugee education. First is the nature and degree of influence
dimensions engage with the broader question of the role of the nation-state in
including funding, provision, ownership, and regulation (Robertson & Dale, 2008,
Prior to World War II, nation-states were the primary sites of policy-
great deal of autonomy over policies and practices in their schools (Samoff, 2007;
Weber, 2007). Subsequent Cold War politics led to the rise of extra-territorial
interests of donor states (Mundy, 2006; 2007, p. 346). The rise of the Education
for All (EFA) movement, leading up to the first World Conference on EFA in
Refugee Education
coordination among actors to achieve these goals (Mundy, 2006, pp. 29, 35;
Mundy & Murphy, 2001). The implications for nation-states, especially those that
were aid recipients, were immense. Dale described the increasingly “globally
postcolonial, and culturalist (Spring, 2008), with considerable debate over both
the normative implications and empirical viability of each position (see, for
example, Carney, Rappleye, & Silova, 2012). Dale (1999) provides a productive
interdependence, and imposition (see also, Dale & Robertson, 2012). Important to
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that hold power, such as World Bank education loans tied to structural adjustment
(Summers & Pritchett, 1993) or education aid tied to security interests (Novelli,
2010). In the middle are a wide range of voluntary relationships for nation-states
Boli, Thomas, & Ramirez, 1997). On the other end of the spectrum are voluntary
practices across national borders (see, for example, Steiner-Khamsi & Waldow,
reference frames,” rather than bilateral ones, and that education policy more
both internal and external to the nation-state. It is also situated differently vis-à-
Refugee Education
education provides a case of how this authority is also deeply dependent on the
In order to understand the tension between the global right to education for
historical and policy analysis. My specific intent is to identify the purposes and
modes of provision of refugee education since World War II, across the multiple
interpretation of these conceptions and related actions and events (Amenta, 2009).
To do so, the analysis draws on two unique and original datasets: archival
documents and key informant interviews. First, I collected archival data at the
Library and Archives of the United Nations Office of Geneva, the Archives of
Refugee Education
UNHCR, and within the Education Unit at UNHCR. I gathered into one dataset
education reports, strategies, policies, and internal documents from 1951 to the
present (n=214). I included all documents related to education, with the intention
across nation-states.
interviews with key informants, including UNHCR staff and partners, such as
during field-based data collection between October 2002 and April 2015 at
virtually via phone and Skype between November 2010 and April 2015 with key
Pakistan, Rwanda, South Sudan, Sudan, Uganda, and Yemen. These countries
collection, which largely preceded the Syria conflict, and were identified by
broadly within registers external to the nation-state (e.g., UNHCR and UNICEF
Refugee Education
Headquarters, bilateral donors) and within registers broadly internal to the nation-
refugee education policy both past and present, including theories underlying
relevant actors in each context and the ways in which decisions were made at
relationship between UNHCR and Ministry of Education). I also used emic codes
provision that emerged from documents and research participants (e.g., return to
description are carefully chosen pieces of data that are representative of the
Refugee Education
A coherent field of refugee education has origins in World War II and its
aftermath. The needs of refugees were at the forefront of the work of the nascent
European refugee crisis and then in emerging Cold War conflicts and
changed at this time: not bounded by battlefields, conflicts were more dangerous
for civilians and led to burgeoning refugee populations, including large numbers
of children.
UNESCO was initially the global institution to hold the mandate for
was well-suited to the local provision of education for refugees, who remained
UNHCR took on the mandate for refugee education in an ad hoc manner and then
Through the 1960s and 1970s and until the mid-1980s, the role of these
Refugee Education
decision to focus financial resources and staff in this way was intentional, targeted
to what could not be provided locally within communities. For example, 1966 saw
number increased to 1,200 in 1982 and 3,950 in 1987 (UNHCR Inspection and
opportunities where none existed (Dodds & Inquai, 1983; Sinclair, 2001), much
(see, for example, Moswela, 2007; Mwiria, 1990). Education for all was not yet a
schools in the 1970s in Sudan (Dodds & Inquai, 1983, p. 11), Nicaraguans in
Honduras in the 1980s (Aguilar & Retamal, 2009), and South Africans in
Tanzania in the 1980s (Serote, 1992, p. 49). In the words of anti-apartheid leader
Oliver Tambo, these schools for refugees “consciously prepared our people to
play a meaningful role in a liberated South Africa” (Tambo, 1991), a clear vision
Refugee Education
countries of origin.
This next phase of refugee education pivots toward a far greater role for
education became distant from the present and future politics of the conflict-
affected nation-states from which refugees had fled. In particular, 1985 marked a
major shift toward a central role for UNHCR in articulating the purposes and
of staff time and project funds” (UNHCR, 1985). In response, UNHCR shifted
Refugee Education
of primary education and was driven by two main global developments within the
register of codification and doctrine. First was the wide consensus on the right to
education for all, institutionalization in the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the
Child (CRC) (United Nations, 1989, Article 28). Second was the related
occupation, [and] civil strife” as some of the “daunting problems” that “constrain
efforts to meet basic learning needs” (World Conference on Education for All,
accompanied the post-Cold War era marked the development of new forms of
Refugee Education
Unique to refugee education was its dual existence both dictated by the
political and economic interests of the nation-state while outside of the nation-
state structures of service provision. This was made possible through the advent
of the refugee camp. This era included large refugee camps such as those for
Vietnamese and Cambodians on the Thai border, Rwandans in eastern DRC, and
refugees to the global, not national, community (UNHCR, 2000; Verdirame &
Harrell-Bond, 2005). The provision of education for refugees on a large scale and
their location in isolated refugee camps led to the structural necessity of refugee
terms of curriculum and language, with the purpose of facilitating a swift return
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Geneva. Waters and LeBlanc go so far as to suggest that UN agencies at this time
acted as a “pseudo-state” for refugees (Waters & Leblanc, 2005). Between 1988
and 1995, there were four sets of global guidelines that provided detailed
contexts (UNHCR, 1988, 1992, 1994, 1995). This proliferation of global policy
policy and not people. This point is not meant to be a degeneration into what
as agentic and people seem to be missing from the analysis (2005, p. 56).
However, refugee education policies of this time did take on the face of the
organization, in large part because there were simply no people. Between 1998
and 2011, UNHCR did not have a single education officer working in a refugee-
education staff (Kelley, Sandison, & Lawry-White, 2004, p. 27). There was what
Refugee Education
codification and doctrine, but with clear focus on the issues that global policies
could proscribe. For example, UNHCR measured quality of education at this time
only by inputs: how many pupils per teacher and the percentage of trained
were drafted this way quite on purpose, with the goal of creating enough latitude
limited technical capacity. Yet policy could not fill the vacuum of limited
that in 2000, 25% of refugee children in Sudan had access to primary education
speedy return to a country of origin; but the reality of conflict was that
for future participation in the host society, were also limited. At this time,
UNHCR had not one formal relationship with a national Ministry of Education in
Refugee Education
a host country and, moreover, refugees’ freedom of movement and the right to
work were almost always limited. Educated through global authority of UNHCR,
UNHCR staff members and refugee community members alike, refugee education
enunciated a shift in the “locus of viability” (Dale, 1999) for refugee education
systems” (UNHCR, 2012, p. 8). Interviews with UNHCR staff and other key
informants revealed that the adoption of this approach stemmed from a number of
factors. First, the geographic position of refugees within nation-states meant the
refugees lived in urban areas and not in camps (UNHCR, 2009, p. 2; 2014c).
Second, integration reflected the protracted nature of conflict and the growing
realization that refugee children would likely spend their entire school-age years,
if not more, in host countries. Third was the need to fund refugee education over
extended and unknown time horizons, which was increasingly incompatible with
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such as for Annette as early as 2002 in Uganda, but was only formalized in
The 2012 policy precipitated rapid actual change. Interviews revealed that
while historically refugees have been absent from national development plans and
education sector plans, Cameroon, Niger, and Pakistan, for the first time included
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within UNHCR. Before the GES was launched in 2012, there were six UNHCR
field-based positions, which were created in 2011. Less than three years later,
emphasis on quality, the idea that the education accessed would be of value.
These dual priorities were articulated as global in nature. Yet interviews with
UNHCR staff clarified what the text of the document pointed out: “[t]he Strategy
education strategies and programmes” (UNHCR, 2012, p. 8). While the GES was
“integration to the national system” involved use of the curriculum and language
of the host country even though refugee and national children did not attend
Iran, “integration to the national system” involved use of the national curriculum
and language as well as being physically together in school with citizens of the
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host country; in some cases, such as in Lebanon, refugees and citizens used the
the education system of the nation-state. Yet interviews with field-based staff
revealed that school experiences were frequently in conflict with this policy-level
inclusion. The challenges were spatial, as in camps or separate shifts, but also
refugees and citizens, such as in Kenya where political discourse reflected the
idea that “refugees equal terrorists” or in Egypt where citizen children blamed
status that would enable the future economic, political, and social participation for
World War II to the present sheds light on a central and unresolved tension:
refugees are both within and outside of nation-states. Haddad described this
precarity as “the gaps between states” (2008, p. 7). On the one hand, refugee
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the other hand, the mechanisms and institutions of enforcement vis-à-vis refugee
and the doctrines of the global Education for All movement, refugees are
increasingly able to access their right to education, with the important caveat that
universal access has yet to be achieved. However, refugees are also non-citizens
to activate citizenship rights, including the right to work, that would enable them
creating spaces of legitimacy, access to resources, and belonging (see also Hovil,
2016, pp. 21-25). These rights include, but are not limited to, civil and political
rights, such as the right to work, to own property, to vote, and to justice, all rights
refugees to access what Marshall (2009 [1950]) called “social citizenship,” in the
the few cases of inclusion of refugees within national Education Sector Plans shift
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the locus of viability of this social citizenship to within the nation-state and to its
institutions of enforcement.
attention to cultural rights and group rights that address exclusion of ethnic and
(Appadurai, 1996, p. 157). There is often a gap, however, between this possibility
and lived reality in schools, where ethnic and linguistic minority students
experience discrimination and lack of belonging (see, for example, Abu El-Haj,
spaces of legitimacy, access to resources, and belonging. On the one hand, cross-
a global society. This view would follow a shift between schools as sites of the
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among many, Haste, 2004; Nussbaum, 1994; Parker, Ninomiya, & Cogan, 1999;
Ramirez & Meyer, 2012). In divided societies, where the concept of national
citizenship “must be regarded as problematic and contested from the outset” (A.
people in Northern Ireland and Israel, teachers find that global citizenship is not
viable given sociopolitical and geopolitical restrictions (Goren & Yemini, 2015;
Reilly & Niens, 2014). The restrictions on refugees – non-citizens without civil
and political rights – are further magnified, limiting the viability of global
socially. Thus the central question for the field of refugee education is how both
to enable the universal right to education and to facilitate refugees’ ability to use
that education within their host nation-states. This article demonstrates that
refugee education policy historically has focused on the first of these endeavors,
with both successes and on-going challenges. At present, refugee education policy
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Yet these policies exist within the registers of normative aspirations and
experiences in Uganda underscore, these policies also exist within the constraints
work and civil and political participation. The lack of alignment between
and institutions of enforcement within the nation-state presents a paradox for the
refugee children and young people who seek education within these precarious
Future research is needed on the ideal and actual roles and partnerships of
ways in which they negotiate the age-old tension between the sovereignty of the
other issues of global concern, such as the banning of chemical weapons, the
landmine treaty and, more recently, climate change. Mundy argues that non-state
actors played important roles in these earlier changes, generating normative shifts
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The enormity of the crisis in Syria, and the far-reaching impact of related
within nation-states.
Refugee Education
In this article, the term “refugee” describes any person with recognized refugee
refugee status may be granted prima facie, meaning that it is applied at the group
level to all people from a particular county who are fleeing with evident cause
(UNRWA) holds the mandate for the protection and provision of services for
more than five million Palestinian refugees. The education of Palestinian refugees
into other sites of refugee education. For example, rates of access to education by
Palestinian refugees are generally higher than for other refugee groups and
UNRWA has engaged in long-term planning for education, despite similar overall
funding constraints to UNHCR. Yet, the scope of this article cannot adequately
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for one year before receiving permanent residency and eligibility for
2006). In practice, this means that political, economic, and social realities are no
at the time of this writing include Malaysia, Bangladesh, Tanzania, Burundi, and
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