Kazi Masjid Trust
Kazi Masjid Trust
Kazi Masjid Trust
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{1) ASGAR SARDAR(pAN# ALQnS7767K, AADHAAR# 7141 1417 7A44, MOBTLE#
76 dssgiclts ) , son of Late Murad Ali Sardar, by faith lslam, by Natronality lndian, by
occtl pation Business, residing al 12/2, l\azilsat'a Lane. Post Office Shibpur, police Station
ShrB pur, Districl Howrair i'il lO2. West Bengeil, hlreinafter referred to as
the "SET'ILOR"
( w!ich exptessiott slrall unless exclucied by or repugnant
tr the subject or corrtext be
dec{ned to include his heirs, executors, adminisirators, assigns and representatives
) of the
oNf PARr;
{ 2
AADHAAR# 2141 1417 7o44, rvoBrLE#
260589i0.]5 ) son of Late [tz]urad Ali
' sardar, by faith lslam, by Nationality lndian,
occupation Business' residing al 1?/2, Kazipara
Lane, post office shibpur, police Station
Shibpur, District Howrah Z 1 1O2, West
(9) SK. FEROZ (pAN# AAypFO860F, AADHAAR# 9213 ?946 4921, MOBILE#
9143144140 ) , son of Late Abdul lVlabud, by faith lslam, by Nationality lndian, by
occupation Business, residing at 41 , Kazipara Lane. Post Office Shibpur, Police Station
Shibpur, District Howrah 711 10?, West Bengal,, hereinafter collectively referred to as the
"TRUSTEES" ( which expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context
sublect and meaning thereof be deemed to include the Trustees, and each one of them
for the time being and from time to time appointed and or holding office under these
presents and/or survivor or survivors of any of them and their successor or successors-
in-office) of the oTHER PART;
WHEREAS all the Settlor and Trustees are the descendants and heirs of the Kazi Families
of Kazipara Lane, Shibpur, Howrah i.e. ( 1) Kazi Shamsuzzoha, son of Kazi Enayetullah.
(?) Kazi Ahamad Rahaman, son of Kazi Golam Rahaman, ( 3 ) Kazi Majid Ahamad, son
of Kazi Abdul Khalil, ( 4 ) Kazi Ajijul Alam, son of Kazi Mobiul Alam and ( 5 ) Kazi
Golam Mohiuddin. son of Kazi Golam Mehendi.
AND WHEREAS the said Kazi Families were looking after the management of the Kazi
IVasjid andthe Kazi Burial Ground and after demise of the said Kazi Families, the
Management is vested with the descendants ard heirs of the said Kazi Families out of
their respective funds.
AND WHEREAS now the Settlor is desirous of creating a Public Religious and Charitable
Trust permanently and rrrevocably with a view tt: carry out the objectives of the Trust for
the public religious charitable objects and purposes in lndia including running and
maintaining the said Kazi IVasjid and the Kazi Burial Ground, hereinafter expressed"
AND WHEREAS the Trustees have at the request of the Settlor agreed to act as
TRUSTEES of these presents upon the terms and provisions hereinafter contained.
AND WHEREAS the Settlor is desirous of settling the sum of Rs.10,000/-(Rupees Ten
Thousand) Only upon Trust wholly for the purpose cf forming a charitable foundation for
the oblects set out herein below:
NI T IJ ED EEA D E -r la ntrtrn artr Tol tQT nE^t AE Ee Al\tn trqqtrTH AQ IINNtrEt
The Settlor for the purpose of effectuatinE desire to establish a charitable trust, has
dedicated and endowed upon the trust a sum of Rs.10,000/- (Rupees Ten Thousand)
only in cash towards the corpus fund to the Trustees (the transfer whereof the Trustees
do and each of them doeth hereby admit and acknowledge ) being subject to the uses of
the Trust hereinafter mentioned:
TRUST" ( A non-profitable, non-commercial public and non-political, a Public
Religious Charitable Trust ) .
b) The Trust will commence its operation on and from the date of these presents.
c) The Registered Office of the Trust will be at 61, Kazipara Lane, Post Office and
'q1r,uereq1 palcauuoO
luaLuUedeC pue suotlnltlsul pue ]sn.r1 oql ]o ]sarolur aLlt ur enrletadulr sl ( t
uodn seeisnll aq] {q peldacce aq llells put)i lo t.lsec ut ,siuet6
to sarce6a; ,siJl6
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pue sarUedord 1sn;1 aq] ot suotlalooe pue suorltppe llV'utatoL.l soelsnll oql uoJ]
)o /pue abrel le crlqnd aq1 uoll pentocel suotleuop q6norql to eseqctnd ,(q patrnbce
oq {eur }eqt elqe^ouuJt pue alqenoul 'saryadord 'puU 'qsec {ue '1snt1 aql }o
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:lo tstsN03 tlvHs sStlu3doHd lsnul 3HJ' .Z
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llrM pue aallrr.utuoC Dur1.ro14 aql ]o fuelalcag lelauaD se uorlounJ lltM oL.l^ Jouo^uo3
se sa^lasLUeql lsOuoLue uosrad e ]calas lllM 6urprs lslll sll ut pleog aLll lo
sraqual4 aq1 'ftrnladrad ut {poq e aq lllM }l 'saalsnil }o pleog oqt uortdo-oc
,{q pallU oq rieuu eues aq1 'poa6 srql }o uolinJaxo Jo alrt] aLl] ]e sotouecen ore
aroql ]r pue'(uaalua^as) zl peecxa iou lleLls saalsnlf lo pleog aql ]o slaquleLu
lo Jaqunu oql ']snil oql Jo ]3odsar ur lsnl I +o pooc aql Ourlncoxe suosted
Iq pelnl]suoc saalsnrl lo preo€ alli ur lSoi\ llpqs spunl pue serpadotd aql llV
:s33ISnUt ? ..l.N3y'{39VNVy\ '9
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:( asnoH lercueurl )
leeu-lnl-reg e 6urpunol Aq sdrqspreq euocre^o oi Uoddns leroupuU pue leroLu
'lercos onlossp oqnn Ilrunuuoc alll lo uorlcas raleom eLll ol ocuelsrsse repual 01 'iln
!uorlecnpa snorOr;a-t pue
lenlrrds 1o lueudolenep leuorle3npa aloLuo;d ,rl pue lllIS leuorleco^ pue uorleonpa
Jo uorlor-uord ro1 slrrO pue si{oq rol o}n}r}sur leuorlecnpo ure}ureu pue Llsrlqe}se 01 'tn
!Lue1s1 1o a0pelanoul ]o uorsnl1rproj s-reloqcs
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!( llluoll 6urlsel ) uezlueU eq1 6uunp
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s)uup pue spoo] r.llrM ( ]sel jo 0urlearq ) reyt aprnord pue sluaua6uere e)eu oI
Trustees will be held within one month from the date of registration of this Deed
of Trust.
Fifty per cent of the Board of Trustees at a meeting shall forrn a quorum for any
meering of the TRUSTEES.
a ) if he dies; or
b if he becomes bankrupt; or
c) if he becomes insane or otherwise become incapabre to acu or
d) if he resigns his office.
e ) if he absents from three consecutive meetings of the Board, unless the
Board records condoning such absence in the Minutes of the Meeting
the Board of Trustees for substantlal cause.
a' 7
The Board of Trustees shall elect the offict; bearers from amongst themselves within
a month of the formation of the Trust and they shall remain in office for 5 ( Five )
years. The Board will elect the office bea.ers for the next term within a month of
the expiry of the term.
The Board of Trustees will function as a guardian and apex body of the Trust.
The Board shall manage. administer and control properties and all assets of the
Trust directiy or indirectly and all institutior under or connected with the Trust. The
Executive Power of the Trust shall be vested upon the Working Committee to be
formed for the purpose subject to recommendation of the Board of Trustees. The
Board of Trustees shall have full powers to dissolve the Working Committee. The
Working Committee will be known as "KAzl MASJID COMMITTEE".
B) The members of the working committee shall elect from amongst themselves the
following office bearers, President. General Secretary and Treasurer will be from
the category of members as stated under sub-clause ( a ) of this clause. And
the 2 Vtce-Presidents,2 Assistant General Secretaries and 3 Secretaries shall
be elected from any category menrioned above.
C) Casual vacancy in the working committee shall be filled up through Co-option
from the category in which the vacancy occurs.
a ) The term of the Office Bearers of the Working Committee shall be 3 ( Three )
years from the date of taking over charge;
b ) Officer Bearers of the Trust will be the Office Bearers of the Working
Committee in addition to 14 (Fourteen l members of the Working Committee,
A list of members containing name and address and other description shall be
prepared annually and shall be published before the Annual General Meeting. lt will
be opened for inspection to any member.
i ) The Working Committee will be the competent body to take any decision
and undertake to do all kinds of acts on behalf of the Trust and for the
best interest of the Trust;
ii ) The Working Committee will be in-charge of all documents, records, assets
of the Trust;
iii ) There shall be one or more sub-cornmittees to aid and advice and to
execute any act entrusted by the Working Committee;
iv ) The Working Committee will sit as and when necessarv, but there shall be
one meeting at least once in every three months to review the work
undertaken, to resolve any proposal or take any decision on behalf of the
correspondence and accounts of the Trust. The General Secretary shall carry
out all theresolutions approved by the Trust and for that purpose shall
have the power to incur necessary expenditure from and out of the funds of
the Trust subject to a maximum of Rs. 1o,ooo,z - ( Rupees Ten Thousand )
Only and anything in excess is to be incurred with the sanction of the
Board of Trustees.
viii ) Assistant General Secretaries elected by the Working Committee will assist
the General Secretary in all affairs of the Working Committee. ln absence of
the General Secretary and on request they shafl have the powers and to
perform duties of the General Secretary;
ix ) The Treasurer elected by the Board of Trustees shall collect and receive all
sorts of subscription, donations and deposit of money and grant receipt of
money thereof . He will maintain and keep cash book and such other
accounts as necessary.
i) The Board of rrustee shail have ail power to emproy necessary staff for
management. administration and running of the Trust in general
and of the
lnstitutions viz. Kazi Masjid, Kazi Burial Ground and such others
in particular
and to fix reasonable salaries and rs;y1s11gration and or such terms as
appear proper for the purpose of achieving of the objects of the
Trust. They
* 10
All the funds should be received only on account of or in the name of the Trust
and receipts should be issued under seal of the Trust and must be signed by the
Chairman ( Motuwalli ) of the Board r.rf Trust or the persons authorized by the
Board by a resolution recorclecl in the minutes book. No money or propeny shall
be received or used except for the purpose and objects of the Trust.
The Bank Account shall be opened and operated jointly by the chairman
( Motwalli ) and either General Secretary or the Treasurer of the Working
The Board has right to change signatories for this purpose in a Board lVeeting
convened for this purpose and with two-third majority.
i) Bait-ul-maal will be operated strictiy under the provision of lslamic Law and
will be for the maintenance of the orphans. old age and render financial
assistance to the people in distress, and to render financial assistance.
award of scholarship to the deserring meritorious students of the Institutjon
under the l\/anagement of the Board;
ii ) The Bait-ul-maal Sub Committee of the Working Committee will be in
charge of this Fund. The General Secretary of the Working Committee will
be Convenor of the Fund of this Sub Committee;
iii ) The Bait-ul-maal Sub Committee specially will consist of member not more
than nine and preferably, they will be conversant with lslam laws, principles
and ideals;
iv) The Bait-ul-maal Sub Committee will be formed by the Working Committee;
v ) There will be a separate Bank Account of the Bait-ul-maal opened and
operated by the Chairman ( Motuwalli ) of the Board jointly with General
Secretary of the Working Committee who is Convenor of Bait-ul-maal Sub
The financial year of the Trust shall be 1'r April to 3l'i ttlarch of each year or it
can be changed by the advice of the Chartered Accountant,/Auditor appointed for.
the Trust.
23. AUDIT:
The Board or anyone or more of the Trustees may apply for advice or the
direction to the court as occasion may arise. The Board may by a Resolution
passed specially or generally in case the Board of rrustees may sue or to
sued in the name of the General Secretary of the Working Committee, at any time
and from time to time, authorize any of the Trustees by power of attorney or
otherwise the General Secretary of the Working Committee to represent the Board
of Trustees i.e. all Trustees.
i ) To institute, conduct, defend, compound, withdraw or compromise. adjust,
refer to arbitration or abandon any legal or other proceedings, claims or
dispute against the Trust or Trustees or against its officers or employees
concerning the affairs of the Trusu
iv ) The Board may take any otlrer step as it may deem fit to meet any
contingency affecting the Trust in any legal proceedings or any other matter.
i ) A meeting of the Board shall be held ordinarily at least once in six months
or earlier on the requisition of at least one-third of the Trustees to consider
the affairs of the Trust and all proceedings of the meeting shall be recorded
in the minutes book to be preserved by the Generar Secretary of the
Working Committee on behalf of the Trust;
ii ) Notice of every meeting of the Board together with the Agenda shall
ordinarily be given by the General Secretary of the Working Committee at
least seven clear days before the proposed date provided that in case of
emergency there wiil be no time Iimit for serving the notice;
iii ) The Chairman ( Motuwalli ) of the Board of Trustees shall preside over all
meetings of the Board of Trustees. ln the absence of the Chairman
in the
meeting, the Vice-Chairman ( Naib Motuwalli ) shall preside" ln the absence
of both, the Trustees present therein may elect a member to preside over
the meeting.
iv ) Every question which shall arise at any meeting of the Board shall be
decided by a majority of votes of the Trustees present and in case of
equality of votes, the chairman of the meeting shall have a second or
casting vote, but in no other event, shall any Trustee have more than one
vote and there shall be no vote by proxy;
v ) The proceedings of every meeting shall be entered in the minutes book
maintained for the purpose and signed by the Trustees present at the
meeting. Chairman of the Board of Trustees and General Secretary of the
working committee should sign at the end of the proceedings of each
lf any time it is found that alterations in any of the provisions of the Trust or
Scheme for the purpose of effective achievement of the objects of the Trust are
imperative and very essential. then the Board shall approve such alteration by a
resolution passed with the majority of three-fourth of its members present in its
meeting and thereafter, the modification shall become part and parcel of the terms,
conditions and provisions of this Trust and of this Scheme.
The Board may at any time and from time to time make, amend, delete and
rescind rules and bylaws for the conduct of this business, for the control,
management and administration of the Trust made under this Trust Deed and for
carrying out the objects of the Trust relating to any matter under this Scheme,
provided that such rules and bylaws shall not be inconsistent with or repugnant to
any orovisions of the Scheme of the Trusi,
27 a ) The Trust will never act which is illegal and unlawful in nature and
also oppose to the public policy and contrary to the law of the country for
which the Trust and the Trustees are responsible for that and the whole
Trust is void and shall come under all punishable laws.
b ) The Trust will never act like micro financing, micro credito franchise
and money laundering (Act of 2012), economic offence,/crime and in nature
and shall not obtain any donation or like that from abroad without getting
the permission of FCRA Act from the Central Government,/the competent
Government authority which the Trust and the Trustees are responsible for
that and the whole Trust is void and shall come under all punishable laws.
c) The Trust shall never borrow and/or augment money from the public
or open nrarket by announcing attractive financial investment scheme.
d ) The Trust shall collect any donation from any corner by maintaining all legal
rules,/norms with valid documents,/receipts.
13 ,
28 All aims,/objects,/purposes of the Trust herein stated above shall come into
effect,/force after necessary approval of the competent Government Authority in the
cases whether affiliation,/permission,/license,/sanction is required. The Trust may
assist,/donate the other Trust to carry out the various objects mentioned in the
objects clause in such manner and to the extent the Trustees may decide upon
from time to time.
29. The TRUSTEES may invest the Trust Funds or any other moneys subject to the
Trust of these presents in any securities or investments authorized by law such as
the lncome Tax Act, 1961 and lndian Trusts Act, 1882 for the investment of Trust
Funds and in particular, though however, no such investments shall be made,
which may otherwise affect, hamper the activities of the Trust or in carrying out the
objects of the Trust as per Section 2l of the said Act.
30. The TRUSTEES shall be at liberty to sell and realize any part of the Trust Funds
not consisting of moneys and invest the sale proceeds thereof and or any other
moneys forming part of the Trust Funds in any of the investments herein before
mentioned and to vary or transpose any such investments for or into others herein
before intentioned as they may from time to time think fit.
31 No portion of the income and property of the 'lrust shall be paid or transferred,
directly or indirectly, by way of dividends, bonus, profits, or otherwise, to any
persons who at any time are or have been members of the Trust or to any one
claiming through them as per SEBI rules.
32. lf the income from the trust property in a parlicular year is not fully utilized. the
unexpended income subject to the applicable provisions of the lncome-tax Act,
1961, shall be carried over to the next year or years and spent in such
subsequent leor 9p years for the advancement of any of the objects of the Trust"
33" The Trust shall be at liberty at its rjiscretion to accept any contributions or
donations to the Trust Funds from any persons or agenctes to be held for the
purposes of this Trust in any form ( such 'L - cash. shares, stocks, land and
buildings, technical know-how, rights. patents, animals, equipment, etc. ) but subject
to the condition that the contributors or subscribers other than Trustees shall not be
entitled toparticipate in or have any voice or control in the management or
administrationof the trust of these presents or the application of such contributions
or donations and the Trustees shall hold the same upon the same Trust and
sublect to the same powers, provisions and stipulations as are herein contained.
34 Similar-ly, the Trust shall also be at liberty to accept or obtain loans from any
source including from financial institutions in lndia and abroad, international
developmentai organizations etc. in performance of its objects at such terms as they
may deem fit.
35. The TRUSTEES may pay all charges and outgoings payable in respect of any
immovable property for the time being forming part of the TRUST FUND and may
catry out repairs required to be done to the same and keep the same insured
against loss or damage by fire and may incur all other costs, charges, and
expenses incidental to the administration and management of the Trust Estate and
the properties for the time being belonging to the Trust as they may in their
absolute discretion think fit.
36 The TRUSTEES may join, co-operate and amalgamate the trust created by these
presents or any portion thereof with any trust or institution paying allied and or
similar objects upon such terms as they may in their absolute discretion think fit.
37 The TRUSTEES may from time to time frame schemes and rules and regulations to
carry out the objects of the Trust and for managing the affairs of the Trust and
otherwise for giving effect to the objects and purposes of the Trust and to vary the
same from time to time as the Trustees may in their discretion deem fit and
38. With a resolution of only two-third majority of the Board of Trustees the following
nratters shall be effective and the Trustees shall have the powers to do the
following acts-
i ) Any clause of this Trust Deed can be amended ( including the narne of the
Trust ) in so far as it does not affect the main objects as well as the spirit
behind for conduct and management of the Trust.
ii ) Any other Trust with similar object can be merged with this Trust provided
the merger does no affect the activities of this Trust financially or otherwise.
The provisions of the Indian Trust Act., 1882 shall apply to all matters not
specifically mentioned in these presents violating the sanre in any part, the whole
trust is void.
The Trust is created for lawful purpose only and the purpose of the Trust is
lawful unless it is -
c ) is fraudulent, or
Therefore, the Trust of which the puroose is unlawful is void, and where a Trust
is created for two purposesr of which one is lawful and the other unlawful and
the two purposes cannot be separated, the whole Trust is void.
42 To act in such a way that the Trust hereby established shall always retain the
status of one such Trust to which provisions of Section
80G/l2AlFCRA/35ACl1O( 23C)\V/V/VlA of the lncome Tax Act, 1961 or any
modification repiacement thereof for- the time being in force shall apply so that any
donation or contribution thereto is recognized as eligible for exemption or relief from
tax in the) hands of the Donor.
lN WITNESS WHEREOF the Settlor and the said Trustees have herewith set and
subscribed their respective hands and seals the day and year first hereinabove written.
. r
KA,- 1"l,at+/c';V$"
Trustee No.4
Trustee No.5
Wi tla!,t /rrrf,l^-^U
Trustee No.6
Trustee No.7
Trustee No.8
(2J %{=,4g1 3t
Trustee No.9
D rv+60 oy,
)r"l L--a-*/
Sukumar Das
High Court, Calcutta
Enrol. No. F191612008