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6. And there is no
moving creature on
earth but upon Allah is (is) its provision. Allah on but the earth in moving creature any And not
its provision. And He
knows its dwelling
place and its place of
storage. All is in a clear a Record (is) in All and its place of storage. its dwelling place And He knows

7. And He is the One

Who created the and the earth the heavens created (is) the One Who And He 6 clear.
heavens and the earth
in six epochs, and His
throne was on the water the water on and His throne was epochs, six in
that He might test
which of you is best in
deed. But if you say,
“Indeed, you will be you say, But if (in) deed. (is) best which of you that He might test [you]
resurrected after death,”
those who disbelieve
will surely say, “This is
nothing but a clear those who surely would say [the] death,” after (will be) resurrected “Indeed, you

8. And if We delay And if clear.” a magic but “This is not disbelieved,

We delay 7
from them the
punishment for a
determined time, they
will surely say, “What “What they will surely say, determined, a time for the punishment from them
detains it?” No doubt!
On the Day it comes to
them, it will not be
averted from them, and (will be) averted not it comes to them (On) the Day No doubt! detains it?”
they will be surrounded
by what they used to
mock at.
mock at [it]. they used (to) what them and will surround from them

9. And if We give man a

taste of Mercy from Us
and then withdraw it We withdraw it then (of) Mercy from Us, We give man a taste And if 8
from him, indeed,
he is despairing and
But if 9 (and) ungrateful. (is) despairing indeed, he from him,
10. But if We give
him a taste of favor
after hardship has
surely, he will say, (has) touched him, hardship after (of) favor We give him a taste
touched him, he will
surely say, “The evils
have departed from
me.” Indeed, he is 10 (and) boastful. (is) exultant Indeed, he from me.” the evils “Have gone
exultant and boastful.

11. Except those who

are patient and do good for them those the good deeds, and do (are) patient those who Except
deeds, those will have
Surah 11: Hud (v. 6-11) Part - 12
forgiveness and a great
Then possibly you 11 great. and a reward (will be) forgiveness 12. Then would you
possibly give up a part
of what is revealed to
your breast by it and straitened to you is revealed (of) what a part (may) give up
you, and your breast is
straitened by it because
they say, “Why a
treasure is not sent
has come or a treasure for him is sent down “Why not they say, because down for him or an
Angel come with him?”
But you are only a
warner. And Allah
every (is) on And Allah (are) a warner. you Only an Angel?” with him is a Guardian over
13. Or they say, “He has
Say, “He has fabricated it.” they say, Or 12 a Guardian. thing fabricated it.” Say,
“Then bring ten Surahs
like it that have been
whoever and call fabricated, like it Surahs ten “Then bring fabricated and call
whoever you can (for
assistance) besides
Allah if you are
Then if not 13 truthful.” you are if besides Allah you can truthful.”
14. And if they do not
respond to you, then
with the knowledge of Allah, it was sent down that then know to you they respond know that it was
revealed with the
knowledge of Allah,
and that there is no god
(be) Muslims? you Then, would Him. except god (there is) no and that except Him. Then,
would you be
and its adornments, (of) the world the life desires Whoever [is] 14 15. Whoever desires
the life of this world
and its adornments, We
in it and they therein, (for) their deeds to them We will repay in full will fully repay them
for their deeds therein,
and they in that will not
be lessened.
in for them (is) not (are) the ones who - Those 15 will not be lessened.
16. They are those for
whom there is nothing
in the Hereafter except
therein, they did what And (has) gone in vain the Fire. except the Hereafter the Fire. And has gone
in vain what they did
therein, and worthless
is what they used to do.
is Then is he who 16 do. they used (to) what and (is) worthless
17. Is he who is on a
clear proof from his
Lord, and a witness
and before it from Him, a witness and recites it, his Lord, from a clear proof on from Him recites it,
Surah 11: Hud (v. 12-17) Part - 12 and before it
was the Book of Musa
as a guide and (a
source of ) mercy? in it. believe Those and (as) mercy? (as) a guide (of) Musa (was) a Book
They believe in it. But
whoever disbelieves
in it from the sects,
then the Fire will be then the Fire the sects, among in it disbelieves But whoever
his promised meeting-
place. So do not be in
doubt about it.
Indeed, it is a truth Indeed, it about it. doubt in be So (do) not (will be) his promised (meeting) place.
from you r Lord, but
most of the people do
not believe. (do) not (of) the people most but your Lord, from (is) the truth
18. And who is more
unjust than the one
who invents a lie against invents than (he) who (is) more unjust And who 17 believe.
against Allah? Those
will be presented
befo re their Lord, and
the witnesses will say, and will say their Lord, before will be presented Those a lie? Allah
“These are the ones
who lied against their
Lord. ” No doubt! The
No doubt! their Lord.” against lied those who “These (are) the witnesses,
curs e of Allah is on
the wrongdoers.

19. Those who hinder

from hinder Those who 18 the wrongdoers. (is) on (The) curse of Allah
(men) from the way of
Allah and seek
crookedness in it,
while they are [they] in the Hereafter while they crookedness, and seek (in) it (of) Allah (the) way
disbelievers in the

20. They will not be in (able to) escape will be not Those 19 (are) disbelievers.
able to escape in the
earth nor do they have
besides Allah any
prot ectors. And the protectors. any Allah besides for them is and not the earth
punishment will be
doubled for them.
They were not able to (to) hear able they were Not the punishment. for them And will be doubled
hear, nor did they

21. Those are the (have) lost (are) the ones who Those 20 see. they used (to) and not
ones who have lost
their souls, and lost
from them is what
they used to invent. 21 (to) invent. they used (is) what from them and lost their souls,

22. Without a doubt,

in the Hereafter, they
will be the greatest 22 (will be) the greatest losers. [they] the Hereafter in that they doubt No
Surah 11: Hud (v. 18-22) Part - 12
23. Indeed, those who
believe and do good
before and humble themselves good deeds and do believe those who Indeed, deeds and humble
themselves before their
Lord, those are the
companions of
in it they (of) Paradise, (are the) companions those their Lord, Paradise, they will
abide in it forever.

24. The example of the

(is) like the blind (of) the two parties (The) example 23 (will) abide forever. two parties is like the
blind and the deaf and
the seer and the hearer.
Are they equal in
(in) comparison? they equal Are and the hearer. and the seer and the deaf,
comparison? Then, will
you not take heed?

25. And verily, We sent

his people, to Nuh We sent And verily 24 you take heed? Then, will not
Nuh to his people
(saying), “Indeed, I am
a clear warner to you.
except worship (do) not That 25 clear. a warner to you “Indeed, I am
26. That do not
worship except Allah.
Indeed, I fear for you
26 painful.” (of) a Day (the) punishment for you [I] fear Indeed, I Allah. the punishment of a
painful Day.”

27. So the chiefs of

we see you “Not his people, from disbelieved (of) those who the chiefs So said those who disbelieved
from his people said,
“We do not see you but
as a man like us, and
those who except followed [you] we see you and not like us, a man but we do not see you
followed except by
those who are the
over us in you we see And not immature in opinion. (are) the lowest of us [they] lowest of us, immature
in opinion. And we do
not see any merit in
you over us; nay, we
“ O my people! He said, 27 (are) liars.” we think you nay, merit; any think you are liars.”

28. He said, “O my
people! Do you see if I
while He has given me my Lord, from (the) clear proof on I was if Do you see was on the clear proof
from my Lord while He
has given me mercy
from Himself but it has
from you, but (it) has been obscured Himself from mercy
been obscured from
you, should we compel
you to accept it while
28 averse to it? while you (are) should We compel you (to accept) it you are averse to it?

29. And O my people! I

do not ask of you for it
(is) my reward Not any wealth. for it I ask (of) you not And O my people! any wealth. My reward
is from none
Surah 11: Hud (v. 23-29) Part - 12
but Allah. And I am not
going to drive away
those who have believed. those who going to drive away I am And not Allah. from except
believed. Indeed, they
will meet their Lord,
but I see you are an
ignorant people. (are) a people see you but I their Lord, (will) be meeting Indeed, they

30. And O my people!

Who would help me
Allah against would help me Who And O my people! 29 ignorant.
against Allah if I drove
them away? Then, will
you not take heed?
I say And not 30 you take heed? Then, will not I drove them away? if
31. And I do not say to
you that with me are
the treasures of Allah
or that I know the the unseen, I know and not (of) Allah, (are the) treasures (that) with me to you
unseen, nor I say that I
am an Angel, nor do I
say of those upon look down upon for those whom I say and not an Angel, that I am I say and not
whom your eyes look
down that Allah will
never give them any
good. Allah knows best (is) in what knows best Allah any good. will Allah give them never your eyes,
what is in their souls.
Indeed, I would then
be of the wrongdoers.”
They said, 31 the wrongdoers.” (will be) surely of then Indeed, I their souls.
32. They said, “O Nuh!
Indeed, you disputed
with us and have been (in) dispute with us. and you (have been) frequent you disputed with us Indeed, “O Nuh!
frequent in dispute with
us. So bring us what
you threaten us with, if
you are truthful.” the truthful.” of you are if you threaten us (with), what So bring us

33. He said, “Only Allah

will bring it on you if
and not He wills, if Allah, will bring it (on) you “Only He said, 32
He wills, and you
cannot escape it.

34. And my advice my advice benefit you And (will) not 33 one who (can) escape (it). you (are)
will not benefit you,
although I wish to
advise you, if Allah
to will it was Allah’s if [to] you, [I] advise to I wish (even) if
wills to let you go
astray. He is your Lord
and to Him you will be
returned.” Or 34 you will be returned.” and to Him your Lord, He (is) let you go astray.

35. Or do they say,

“ He has invented it?”
Say, “If I have invented then on me I have invented it, “ If Say, “He has invented it?” (do) they say,
it, then on me Surah 11: Hud (v. 30-35) Part - 12
is (the consequence of)
my crime, but I am
innocent of what crimes
35 crimes you commit.” of what innocent but I am (is) my crime, you commit.”

36. And it was revealed

to Nuh that, “None of
your people from believe will never “That Nuh, to And it was revealed your people will believe
except those who have
already believed. So do
by what (be) distressed So (do) not believed. have already (those) who except
not be distressed by what
they have been doing.

37. And construct the ship

under Our Eyes, the ship And construct 36 doing. they have been under Our observation
and Our inspiration and
do not address Me
concerning those who
wronged; those who concerning address Me and (do) not and Our inspiration have wronged; indeed,
they are to be drowned.”

38. And he was

And he was constructing 37 the ones (to be) drowned.” indeed, they (are) constructing the ship,
and every time the chiefs
of his people passed by
him, they ridiculed him.
his people, of (the) chiefs by him passed and every time the ship, He said, “If you ridicule
us, then we will ridicule
you (just) as you
you ridicule [of] him.
can ridicule then we us, “ If He said, they ridiculed
39. And soon you
will know on whom a
(on) whom you will know And soon 38 you ridicule. as you punishment will come
that will disgrace him
and on whom will
descend a lasting
a punishment on him and will descend (that) will disgrace him, a punishment will come punishment.”

40. Till when Our

command came and the
the oven, and overflowed Our command, came when Till 39 lasting.” oven (earth’s lowlands)
overflowed, We said,
“Load on it (ship) of
every kind, a pair, and
except and your family two, a pair every kind of in it “Load We said, your family, except
those against whom the
word has preceded, and
(include) whoever has
And not believed.” and whoever the word, against him has preceded who
believed.” But only a
few believed with him.

in it, “Embark And he said, 40 a few. except with him believed 41. And he (Nuh)
said, “Embark in it, in
the name of Allah is
its course and its
my Lord Indeed, and its anchorage. (is) its course of Allah in the name anchorage. Indeed, my
Surah 11: Hud (v. 36-41) Part - 12
is Oft-Forgiving, Most
on with them sailed And it 41 Most Merciful.” (is) certainly Oft-Forgiving,
42. And it sailed with
them on the waves like
mountains, and Nuh
called out to his son who apart, [in] and he was (to) his son, and Nuh called out like mountains, the waves
was apart (from them),
“O my son! Embark with
us and do not be with the
disbelievers.” 42 the disbelievers.” with be and (do) not with us Embark “ O my son!

43. He (the son) said, “I

will betake myself to
some mountain that will the water.” from (that) will save me a mountain, to “I will betake myself He said,
save me from the water.”
He (Nuh) said, “There is
no protector today from except, the Command of Allah from today protector “(There is) no He said,
Allah’s command, except
on whom He has mercy.”
And the waves came
between them, so he was so he was the waves, (in) between them And came He has mercy.” (on) whom
among the drowned.

44. And it was said, “O

earth! Swallow your your water, Swallow “O earth! And it was said, 43 the drowned. among
water, and O sky!
Withhold.” And the water
subsided, and the
the Command. and was fulfilled the water, And subsided Withhold.” and O sky!
Command was fulfilled.
And it (the ship) rested
on (Mount) Judi.
And it was said, “Away the wrongdoers.” with the people “Away And it was said, the Judi. on And it rested
with the wrongdoing

45. And Nuh called to his (is) of my son Indeed, “O my Lord! and said, (to) his Lord And Nuh called 44
Lord and said, “O my
Lord! Indeed, my son is
of my family, and indeed,
(are) the Most Just and You (is) true, Your promise and indeed, my family,
Your promise is true,
and You are the Most
Just of the judges.”
your family; of (is) not Indeed, he “O Nuh! He said, 45 (of) the judges.”
46. He said, “O Nuh!
Indeed, he is not of your
family; indeed, his deed
is not righteous, so do (about) what ask Me so (do) not righteous, (is) other than (his) deed indeed, [he]
not ask Me about what
you have no knowledge.
Indeed, I admonish you
lest you be among the among you be lest admonish you Indeed, I any knowledge. of it you have not

47. He (Nuh) said, “O

in You, seek refuge Indeed, I “O my Lord! He said, 46 the ignorant.”
my Lord! Indeed, I seek
refuge in You Surah 11: Hud (v. 42-47) Part - 12

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