Juz 12 Bagian 1
Juz 12 Bagian 1
Juz 12 Bagian 1
6. And there is no
moving creature on
earth but upon Allah is (is) its provision. Allah on but the earth in moving creature any And not
its provision. And He
knows its dwelling
place and its place of
storage. All is in a clear a Record (is) in All and its place of storage. its dwelling place And He knows
20. They will not be in (able to) escape will be not Those 19 (are) disbelievers.
able to escape in the
earth nor do they have
besides Allah any
prot ectors. And the protectors. any Allah besides for them is and not the earth
punishment will be
doubled for them.
They were not able to (to) hear able they were Not the punishment. for them And will be doubled
hear, nor did they
21. Those are the (have) lost (are) the ones who Those 20 see. they used (to) and not
ones who have lost
their souls, and lost
from them is what
they used to invent. 21 (to) invent. they used (is) what from them and lost their souls,
28. He said, “O my
people! Do you see if I
while He has given me my Lord, from (the) clear proof on I was if Do you see was on the clear proof
from my Lord while He
has given me mercy
from Himself but it has
from you, but (it) has been obscured Himself from mercy
been obscured from
you, should we compel
you to accept it while
28 averse to it? while you (are) should We compel you (to accept) it you are averse to it?
34. And my advice my advice benefit you And (will) not 33 one who (can) escape (it). you (are)
will not benefit you,
although I wish to
advise you, if Allah
to will it was Allah’s if [to] you, [I] advise to I wish (even) if
wills to let you go
astray. He is your Lord
and to Him you will be
returned.” Or 34 you will be returned.” and to Him your Lord, He (is) let you go astray.
in it, “Embark And he said, 40 a few. except with him believed 41. And he (Nuh)
said, “Embark in it, in
the name of Allah is
its course and its
my Lord Indeed, and its anchorage. (is) its course of Allah in the name anchorage. Indeed, my
Surah 11: Hud (v. 36-41) Part - 12
is Oft-Forgiving, Most
on with them sailed And it 41 Most Merciful.” (is) certainly Oft-Forgiving,
42. And it sailed with
them on the waves like
mountains, and Nuh
called out to his son who apart, [in] and he was (to) his son, and Nuh called out like mountains, the waves
was apart (from them),
“O my son! Embark with
us and do not be with the
disbelievers.” 42 the disbelievers.” with be and (do) not with us Embark “ O my son!
45. And Nuh called to his (is) of my son Indeed, “O my Lord! and said, (to) his Lord And Nuh called 44
Lord and said, “O my
Lord! Indeed, my son is
of my family, and indeed,
(are) the Most Just and You (is) true, Your promise and indeed, my family,
Your promise is true,
and You are the Most
Just of the judges.”
your family; of (is) not Indeed, he “O Nuh! He said, 45 (of) the judges.”
46. He said, “O Nuh!
Indeed, he is not of your
family; indeed, his deed
is not righteous, so do (about) what ask Me so (do) not righteous, (is) other than (his) deed indeed, [he]
not ask Me about what
you have no knowledge.
Indeed, I admonish you
lest you be among the among you be lest admonish you Indeed, I any knowledge. of it you have not