Bosch Weld Timers
Bosch Weld Timers
Bosch Weld Timers
This article is intended as an introduction to the Bosch Weld Controller. The integrator should be able to
get online with the timer using the virtual machine and Bosch software to create and edit weld
programs, steppers, and perform current calibration on the relevant electrodes. A Fanuc robot with
Bosch controlled tip dresser example is also provided.
Table of Contents
1 Getting Started ...........................................................................................................................3
1.1 Login to Bosch Software ............................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Timer Reference ............................................................................................................................ 3
1.2.1 Timer Reference – Add/Change Timer.................................................................................. 4
1.3 Establishing Communication with Online Timers ......................................................................... 4
1.4 Power Cycling the Control............................................................................................................. 5
2 Software Navigation Buttons ......................................................................................................5
2.1 Navigation Buttons Descriptions .................................................................................................. 5
3 Schedule ....................................................................................................................................6
3.1 Schedule Tab ................................................................................................................................. 6
3.1.1 Required Setup...................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.2 Optional for Setup ................................................................................................................. 7
4 Seq. Pg.2 Tab ..............................................................................................................................7
4.1 Required for Setup ........................................................................................................................ 7
4.1.1 Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 7
4.2 Optional for Setup......................................................................................................................... 7
5 Stepper Tab ................................................................................................................................8
5.1 Required for Setup ........................................................................................................................ 8
5.2 Optional for Setup......................................................................................................................... 9
6 General Tab ................................................................................................................................9
6.1 Required for Setup ........................................................................................................................ 9
6.1.1 Global Stepper Setup ............................................................................................................ 9
6.1.2 Global Schedule Setup .......................................................................................................... 9
6.1.3 I/O Parameters .................................................................................................................... 10
6.1.4 Current Measure ................................................................................................................. 10
6.2 Optional for Setup....................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.1 I/O Parameters .................................................................................................................... 10
6.2.2 Current Measure ................................................................................................................. 10
7 Electrode Tab ........................................................................................................................... 11
7.1 Required for Setup ...................................................................................................................... 11
7.1.1 Transformer ........................................................................................................................ 11
7.1.2 Diodes ................................................................................................................................. 11
7.1.3 Limit .................................................................................................................................... 12
7.2 Optional for Setup....................................................................................................................... 13
8 Current Calibration ................................................................................................................... 13
8.1 Required for Setup ...................................................................................................................... 13
8.1.1 Current Calibration Procedure ............................................................................................ 13
8.1.2 Verification of Current Calibration ...................................................................................... 14
9 Bosch Controlled Tip Dress with Fanuc Robot ............................................................................ 15
9.1 Required for Setup ...................................................................................................................... 15
9.1.1 Communication between Fanuc Robot and Bosch Weld Controller .................................. 15
9.1.2 Fanuc Program to Turn Tip Dress Motor ON ...................................................................... 16
9.1.3 Fanuc Program to Turn Tip Dress Motor OFF ..................................................................... 16
10 Restoring Default Settings/Restoring from a Backup .............................................................. 17
10.1 WARNING .................................................................................................................................... 17
10.2 Getting Started............................................................................................................................ 17
10.2.1 Software .............................................................................................................................. 17
10.2.2 Replacing the Timer ............................................................................................................ 17
10.3 Loading Default Settings ............................................................................................................. 18
10.3.1 Connecting & Loading ......................................................................................................... 18
10.3.2 Copying Schedules .............................................................................................................. 19
10.3.3 Configuration and Electrodes ............................................................................................. 19
10.4 Post Configuration ...................................................................................................................... 19
11 Contact Info .......................................................................................................................... 20
12 Revision History .................................................................................................................... 20
1 Getting Started
1.1 Login to Bosch Software
• This is just a scan list for all the “Added” timers. If connected to the timer the Online button
should be checked and shown with a green background.
1.2.1 Timer Reference – Add/Change Timer
• Clicking on the “Add” button will prompt the user to enter a timer name and Ethernet I/P for the
new timers. After all timers are added/changed, press “Continue”.
• If Online was checked for all of the weld timers, they should all be unique IP addresses.
• The software will PING the timers and compare the timer data to your computer data
• If PING is green but there is a data mismatch between the computer and the timer, the software
gives a prompt to Upload Data from Timer or Download data to Timer. Unless you are the last
person to get online with the timer, the preferred method should be Upload data from Timer.
• If the PING is red, communication could not be established. Check the IP address inside the VM
of your computer workstation for compatibility.
1.4 Power Cycling the Control
• ANY and EVERY time you physically power down the controller you should wait for the control
to be completely off before powering back on. (Wait for the capacitors to discharge)
• Check inside the controller on the inverter to see that the LEDS are all off.
• Once off, only then should the control be powered back on.
• Compare – Detection of differences in program data, electrode data, and timer specific data
between 2 timers or a timer and its backup file or 2 backup files
• Parameter Overview – Display of corrections and invalid parameters in the selected timer
• Rights Administration
• Overview – From the right-side menus you can look at relevant programs for your selection
• Correction- Program based and electrode-based correction for current and pressure
• Set-up – Stepper curves, tip dress curves, fault setup, communication
• Diagnosis (I/O interface) – IO assignment and tracking, timer information, last weld data
• Program Page – Parameters for welding, steppers, electrode information, global setup
3 Schedule
• MainWLD – Reg. Mode = PHA
• No dresser is used when the Bosch is not the primary control of the dresser motor
• Elec. dresser is used if the Bosch is controlling and electric dresser motor
• Pneu. Dresser is used when the Bosch is controlling a pneumatic dresser motor
5 Stepper Tab
When setting up the stepper it is important to note that some parameters are applied to the weld
programs and some are applied to the electrodes. For this reason, it is important to change the
parameters separately to make sure your changes are applied properly.
• Changes to the stepper % boost values are applied to the Programs. Click “Data → WT” once the
values are correct for your application and select the programs you want to have these changes
• The top parameter box in all 3 sections shows the programmed % boost. The bottom parameter
box shows the reference % boost. These 2 values should be the same.
• Counting parameters for welds and tip dresses are applied to the Electrodes. Click “Data → WT”
once the values are correct for your application and select the electrodes you want to have
these changes
• Max. count is the upper limit of the number of welds before dressing is required
• Warning-counts is the number of welds before that upper limit is reached that a message is
output that tip dress is required
• Dressings is the upper limit of the number of dresses on a set of caps before they should be
• Tip dress request is the number of dresses before a warning message is output that tip change is
Dressing curve
6 General Tab
• Weld/ No weld (T) “On” will allow all welding programs to pass current
• Max. weld time sets the upper limit of the weld program time to prevent abnormally long weld
schedules which could cause damage to parts or equipment.
7 Electrode Tab
𝐼𝑁𝑜𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑙 = × 𝑇𝑢𝑟𝑛𝑠 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜
7.1.2 Diodes
• Monitoring is set to “On”
• Type is “D4457N” for most commonly used Roman transformers. Roman has suggested that the
D4457N is the closest representation of the Diodes they use in the construction of their
• No. parallel can be obtained from the transformer manufacturer and refers to the number of
diodes per leg, usually 2, 3, or 4 depending on the size and rated output of the transformer
• Refer to the Table below for some of the commonly used Roman Transformer models.
Comparable per Turns Sec
Transformer Diode Leg Ratio kVA Voltage
A1 TDC-6441 2 72:1 100 9.0
V D4457N
A2 TDC-7890 D4457N 2 61:1 100 10.6
B TDC-6442 D4457N 3 72:1 135 9.0
C TDC-6443 D4457N 3 50:1 185 13.0
D1 TDC-5998 D4457N 3 72:1 160 9.0
D2 TDC-5998 D4457N 3 50:1 160 13.0
E1 TDC-1078 D4457N 4 68:1 170 9.0
E2 TDC-1078 D4457N 4 50:1 170 13.0
TDC-5610 D4457N 3 650 72 135
TDC-1064 D4457N 2 650 72 100
TDC-5583 D4457N 2 650 72 100
A TDC-6459 D4457N 2 88:1 100 9.0
B TDC-6460 D4457N 3 88:1 135 9.0
C TDC-6461 D4457N 3 61:1 185 13.0
D1 TDC-5999 D4457N 3 88:1 160 9.0
D2 TDC-5999 D4457N 3 61:1 160 13.0
E1 TDC-5620 D4457N 4 84:1 170 9.0
E2 TDC-5620 D4457N 4 61:1 170 13.0
7.1.3 Limit
• For most of our welding applications the “Current measurement range” = 14, giving us a current
window from 4.0 kA to 40.0 kA
8 Current Calibration
1. Connect the current meter, close the secondary circuit with weld force, or weld with the selected
2. Make sure the timer is set to "Weld mode" and pull in the isolation contactor.
3. Selected weld program should be set to PHA for the relevant electrode to pass current during
calibration procedure.
4. Click on the "Store values" box to record the weld current data from the weld checker, then press
5. Acknowledge the Calibration safety message "Possibility of uncontrolled gun movement! Are you
sure?" Click "Yes" to continue "Current calibration".
6. Click on "Start Wld" button with the initial current request set to 50% PHA angle.
• Record the 1st value from weld checker in the top "Measured Current (kA)" space provided. Click
"Enter" to send it to the timer. The number 1 should appear next to this space.
• Click on "Start weld" button with the initial current request set to 50% PHA angle again to get a
second reading.
• Record the 2nd value from weld checker in the top "Measured Current (kA)" space provided. Click
"Enter" to send it to the timer. The number 2 should appear next to this space.
• After 2 values are recorded, press the "Continue" button to switch to the lower current test.
• Click on "Start weld" button with the second current request set to 30% PHA angle.
• Record the 1st value from weld checker in the bottom "Measured Current (kA)" space provided.
Click "Enter" to send it to the timer. The number 1 should appear next to this space.
• Click on "Start weld" button with the second current request set to 30% PHA angle again to get a
second reading.
• Record the 2nd value from weld checker in the bottom "Measured Current (kA)" space
provided. Click "Enter" to send it to the timer. The number 2 should appear next to this
• After 2 values are recorded in both "Measured Current (kA)" spaces, press the "Continue"
button to calculate the "Toroid sensitivity" value for this electrode.
• For multiple electrode applications, select the next electrode number and perform the
"Current calibration" again.
9 Bosch Controlled Tip Dress with Fanuc Robot
9.1.2 Fanuc Program to Turn Tip Dress Motor ON
10 Restoring Default Settings/Restoring from a Backup
This section will assist in guiding you through restoring the factory default settings into your Bosch
weld controller.
You should not have to restore backup when commissioning or at the OEM. Backups should only be
used by the end user in case of a failure and/or replacement of a controller. Utilizing DB→Timer when
connecting can cause parameters that will not work with the specific timer you are using to be sent to
the unit. This can cause undesired effects, such as, contactor not pulling in or timing out inconsistently.
17 Creating a New Timer
After modifying the selected offline version of the timer (now labelled
with “_OLD”) you will add a new timer by clicking the ADD button in
the bottom right-hand corner of the Timer Reference window.
10.3.2 Copying Schedules
Once the software has configured the default settings it will boot up the way it normally does.
11 Contact Info
Gerry Wrobel can be reached at or at 519-965-0818
12 Revision History
2019-12-03 Jeffrey Mickle Added revision history
2022-05-19 Pranav Chandras Modified and added Diodes Selection based on Transformer