K-Wave Content As A Source of Comfort During Coronavirus Widespread in Indonesia
K-Wave Content As A Source of Comfort During Coronavirus Widespread in Indonesia
K-Wave Content As A Source of Comfort During Coronavirus Widespread in Indonesia
Proceedings of the International Conference on Economics, Business, Social, and Humanities (ICEBSH 2021)
Depressive symptoms in people during the outbreak of Covid-19 have been reported across the globe. In the
period where people are forced to withdraw from the crowd and isolate themselves, coping with mental health
is indeed very challenging. Previous studies showed how fandom or the state of being a fan of someone or
something could create healthy support systems and a feeling of belonging. Focusing on Indonesia's case, this
paper aims to understand better why people consume K-wave content during the pandemic and whether
consuming it could bring comfort in coronavirus's widespread. The first survey was carried out online in August
2020 and collected 254 responses through random sampling. Meanwhile, the second survey was conducted in
early January 2021 and retrieved 100 answers. This study's findings provide pieces of evidence on the rise in
consumption of K-wave content in Indonesia during the pandemic. K-wave content can be considered as a form
of entertainment that saves people in the face of a pandemic. From the questionnaire results, respondents
verified that K-wave content consumption is an option to fill their free time, keep a social and emotional
connection, and overcome several mental health syndromes they experience during the COVID-19 crisis.
2. LITERATURE REVIEW the source of comfort for the fans. Albesta [18] highlighted
how the powerful message behind "life goes on", the BTS’s
latest song, have helped many fans to go through the
2.1. Mental Health and COVID-19 coronavirus crisis.
The relationship between fandom and its power to reduce
Stavridou et al. [5] identified mental health deterioration loneliness has been examined by Reysen [19]. Fandom
among children, adolescents, and young adults during the encourages members to share their thoughts and feelings
COVID-19 pandemic. Women and participants with low [4]. In the context of Korean pop culture fans, this
sleep quality showed more tendency to have post-traumatic connectedness fostered a supportive culture of
stress symptoms after the mass outbreak of COVID-19 in understanding and helping fans who experience hard times
Wuhan, China [6]. For the coronavirus crisis duration, [17]. While the connectedness helps Korean pop culture
people in the quarantine may have emotional distress and fans support each other, evidence has shown how these
feelings of fear of contracting COVID-19 [7]. Korean fandom community has also demonstrated their care
The vulnerable population may go through the worst to the general people fighting with the coronavirus
collective traumatic COVID-19, such as domestic violence, widespread. Septarini [20] reported that many Indonesian-
financial burden, loneliness, emotional and behavioral based K-Pop fandoms such as SONE, UNIVERSE,
problems, fear of losing family, and even mental health MELODY, and NCTZen had distributed donations to the
issues [8]. A study by Ueda et al. [9] further indicated how healthcare staff, children, and people who are suffering
the stress during COVID-19 could lead young women to from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
commit suicide. They were more likely to experience
mental breakdown due to a job or income loss due to an
outbreak of coronavirus in Japan [9]. 3. THE CURRENT STUDY AND
The COVID-19 pandemic is also driving a spike in suicides METHODOLOGY
in Indonesia. The reasons were varied from the despair from
contracting coronavirus to income loss [10,11]. According The study was conducted in two phases between May 2020
to a survey by the Indonesian Psychiatric Association, and January 2021. The first phase focused on identifying
approximately 63 % of the surveyed respondents reported Korean Pop Culture (hereafter, K-wave content)
anxiety and depression throughout the pandemic [12]. More consumption, including drama and music, during the first
anxiety cases were discovered in healthcare staff as they had wave of COVID-19 in Indonesia. To obtain information, the
to deal with the people who have COVID-19 on regular survey comprised of four topics as follows, (i) The profile
basis [13]. of the respondent; (ii) Their interest in K-wave content; (iii)
As the coronavirus continues to spread, WHO has stressed The platform used to consume K-wave content; and (iv) The
out that it is normal for people to feel sad, confused, and reasons behind the consumption of the K-wave content. The
scared. Henceforth, WHO suggested that everyone maintain first survey was carried out online in August 2020 and
a healthy lifestyle and manage their emotions during the collected 254 responses through random sampling. The
challenging time of the COVID-19 outbreak [14]. collected data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 2.0 to
Correspondingly, Hwang et al. [15] also emphasized the determine the frequency and proportion of each variable of
importance of keeping social connections with technology. the questions studied and examine the relationships between
Enabling people to stay connected in various ways is very the variables questioned in the survey.
important to prevent the detrimental effect of loneliness and Reflecting on the findings from the first survey, we became
social isolation [15]. interested in verifying whether K-wave content consumption
manages their mental health all through the difficult time.
Henceforth, we carried out the second phase survey in
2.2. The Restoration of Human Connection January 2021. The survey aimed to measure respondents’
Through Korean Pop Culture mental health in general, such as experiencing the changing
of emotion, fatigue, and inability to concentrate during the
One way to stay connected through the pandemic is to first three months of the outbreak and the second three
embrace cultural content and enjoy it together with other months (September to November 2020). Further, the survey
people who like the same artist. Many fans noted how being aimed to investigate whether consuming K-wave content
a fan of Korean pop culture whether as a casual and original during the pandemic period could reduce stress and enable
fan could restore human connection during the pandemic social connection with other fans. The data were collected
[16]. When comfort is difficult to find everywhere, Korean through the same methodology as the first phase. The online-
pop culture or also known as Korean Wave, Hallyu, or K- based survey retrieved 100 responses. The collected data
Wave, has been offering some reassurance to many fans were analyzed by bivariate analysis to examine whether K-
worldwide. Yeo [17] highlighted how a fan coined the term wave content consumption brings comfort during the
the “emotional support K-pop boys” to identify the artists pandemic.
who inspire and reassure people through their music,
livestreams, and even their general personalities. BTS is
one of “the emotional support of K-pop boys” who provided
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS Our study further identified the age group that experienced
the most significant shift in the K-wave content
consumption. The majority of the respondents from the age
4.1. The Consumption of Korean Pop Culture group, 18-24 years old, claimed to spend six to eight hours
after the pandemic. Following this, respondents from the
Throughout the Pandemic age group of 35 years old and above also reported a shift in
the K-wave consumption, which is about three to five hours
The first survey respondents were dominated by unmarried
per day. This increase verified Bhatt’s [21], who identified
young people age between 18-24 years old (See Table 1).
the increase of K-wave consumption in India due to the
Most respondents have the status as students who live in the
upsurge demand for home-entertainment that can offer a
Greater Jakarta Area. The findings of the first survey
perfect mental escape from the COVID-19 crisis. The
revealed that the consumption of K-wave content increased
Philippines have also seen a rise in the popularity of K-wave
after the outbreak of COVID-19 in Indonesia. The number
content during the pandemic [22].
of respondents who consume K-dramas and K-pop during
Fresh is the word often described to explain the reasons
the pandemic escalated significantly.
behind the skyrocketing popularity of Korean drama in the
global world [23, 24]. The plots and types of characters feel
Table 1 Profile of the first-phase respondents
Variable Percentage (%)
new and different for the western audiences, and many
dramas are clean from excessive love scenes and foul
Under 18 5.1
language, thus interesting [23].
18 - 24 yo 41.7 The finding of this study confirmed the strength of the K-
25 - 34 yo 29.1 drama plot and how it attracted Indonesian audiences (See
35 and above 24 Figure 1). Approximately 92% of the respondents chose the
Origin of the city story plot as the reason why they enjoy watching K-dramas.
Another finding echoed General [23], who argued about the
Jakarta 26
K-drama stars' attractiveness for global audiences. About 72
Bodetabek 32.7 % of this study's respondents also chose the cast as the
Java Island 26 reason they watch K-dramas. Other than the two above
Outside Java Island 15.4
reasons, less than 40% of respondents identified the
Student 42.9 shooting location and language behind their reasons to
Civil Servant 7.9 watch K-dramas. The above results are in line with
Employee 24.8 Rahmiati [25] who mentioned about the quality of K-
Professional 5.9
Entrepreneur 5.5
dramas story plot and attractiveness of the actors and their
Others 12.2 excellent performance.
Marriage Status
Married 36
Not married 64
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570
identified that most respondents appeared to be less The upsurge demand for home-entertainment during the
interested in the meaning behind the song's lyrics (71,7%). LSSR appeared to contribute to the rise in consumption of
In India, a female fan became interested in K-pop songs K-wave content in Indonesia. About fifty three percent of
after looking up the lyrics of a particular Korean song and respondents consumed both K-dramas and K-pop music
found depth in the meaning [21]. Unlike western pop songs, (See Table 4). On top of this, they also seek Korean related
many K-pop songs have indirectly addressed issues in entertainment from social media such as Instagram (81%),
society. For example, Miss A's song, "I don't need a man," Twitter (50%), and YouTube (50%). Further, some
which was released in 2012, encouraged young women to respondents reported that they joined K-wave fandoms to
be more independent in South Korea's patriarchal society. seek more information about their biases. While others
Likewise, BTS songs are often labelled as socially reported different activity such as creating a new fan
conscious songs as they approached many sensitive issues account for their biases.
such as depression, loneliness, and even the economic gap
[28]. Table 4 K-Wave and social media
Variable %
Content Consumption
4.2. Korean Pop Culture as The Source of Korean Drama 35
Comfort Korean Pop (Kpop) 12
Both 53
As for the second-survey, the respondents were dominated Following K-Wave Content Social Media
by those younger than 35 years old (See Table 3). Alike the Yes 85
respondents from the first survey, the respondents in the No 15
second-survey are mostly resided in Greater Jakarta Area. Social Media Type which followed
Twitter 50
Table 3 Profile of the second-phase respondents Facebook 12
Instagram 81
YouTube 50
Other Media 12
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570
atmosphere, and inability to cope with stress or other issues. home (80%). Adapting to the new working style under the
But after a while, the findings identified an increase in COVID-19 crisis is deciphering many women [29]. The
mental health among the surveyed respondents. They recurring finding is that women are more likely to carry out
seemed to be able to overcome some problems except for more domestic responsibilities while working flexibly,
the loss of concentration. This problem may still occur whereas men are more likely to prioritize and expand their
because most respondents are women (95%) and work from work spheres [30].
Table 5 The state of mental health in early 3 months and last 3 months during pandemic Covid-19
Feeling sad,
Significant fatigue, Losing the ability The fear, worry, or Inability to cope insignificant,
decreased energy, to focus or guilt that always with stress or powerless,
Indicator or sleeping trouble concentrate haunts you everyday problems discouraged, or
early last early last early last early last early last
3mos 3mos 3mos 3mos 3mos 3mos 3mos 3mos 3mos 3mos
Never 8 12 8 16 15 22 19 29 27 32
Rarely 20 15 32 27 27 33 29 31 31 28
Sometimes 28 39 38 37 21 21 30 19 15 18
Often 31 20 15 14 31 13 16 10 16 11
Very Often 13 14 7 6 6 11 6 11 11 11
Table 6 reported how most respondents feel the impact of This result is in line with an article from Alodokter.com, an
consuming K-wave content to improve their mental health, online healthcare consultation platform for Indonesian. The
especially during the first three months after the outbreak. platform mentioned that watching K-dramas has good
Although respondents felt better on several mental health mental health benefits such as reducing anxiety, relieving
issues during the last three months, some were unsure stress, easing psychological problems, and building self-
whether K-wave content consumption caused the confidence [31]. However, warning about K-dramas'
improvement. But most of the respondents agree that K- adverse impacts on health, such as experiencing insomnia
wave content has a good impact on their mental health. or excessive obsession, is also given [31].
Table 6 The relationship between mental health and the effect of consuming K-wave content
Early 3 Months - Kwave Contents Effect Last 3 Months - Kwave Contents Effect
Indicator yes No Maybe Indicator yes No Maybe
Significant fatigue,
decreased energy, or Often 16 3 12 Sometimes 21 7 11
sleeping trouble
Losing the ability to
Sometimes 25 4 9 Sometimes 19 6 12
The fear, worry, or guilt
Often 17 6 8 Rarely 25 5 3
that always haunts you
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 570
Early 3 Months - Kwave Contents Effect Last 3 Months - Kwave Contents Effect
Indicator yes No Maybe Indicator yes No Maybe
Inability to cope with stress
Sometimes 20 3 7 Rarely 18 4 9
or everyday problems
Feeling sad, insignificant,
powerless, discouraged, or Sometimes 20 3 7 Never 14 3 15
Experiencing drastic mood
swings that cause problems
Often 17 3 7 Rarely 10 7 11
in relationships with other
Feeling confused, forgetful,
angry, offended, anxious,
Rarely 16 3 11 Never 9 8 10
upset, worried, and
unusually afraid
Unable to perform daily
activities such as caring for
Never 20 6 17 Never 22 6 19
children or going to school
or work
Feeling Loneliness Never 14 4 12 Rarely 20 0 10
The study contributes to how Korean pop culture or K-wave This work was supported by Special Research
content is helping people get through the pandemic. This
study's findings provide pieces of evidence on the rise in
Project for Research Base Creation, Tokutei
consumption of K-wave content in Indonesia during the Kadai Fund FY2020, Waseda University Japan.
widespread coronavirus. Further, the study verified the
reasons behind K-wave content's popularity amid
pandemics, which is related to its high-quality content and
ability to differentiate from other entertainment types, thus REFERENCES
creating a uniqueness that attracts people.
Through this study, we also verified that K-wave content [1] C. Adristy, ‘6 meme lucu netizen tanggapi virus
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