Reading, Writing, and Communicating P-2 - 2020 Colorado Academic Standards
Reading, Writing, and Communicating P-2 - 2020 Colorado Academic Standards
Reading, Writing, and Communicating P-2 - 2020 Colorado Academic Standards
Zachary Chase Secondary Team Lead/Co-Chair
English Language Arts District Curriculum Crystal Sabatke-Smith
Coordinator Teacher/Instructional Coach
St. Vrain Valley School District Montrose County School District RE-1J
Dee Bench Michael Hoffman
Instructional Coach Teacher
Adams 14/Commerce City District 49
This document was updated in December 2019 to reflect typographic and other corrections made to Standards Online.
State Board of Education and Colorado Department of Education
Colorado State Board of Education CDE Standards and Instructional
Support Office
Angelika Schroeder (D, Chair)
2nd Congressional District Karol Gates
Boulder Director
--Francis Bacon
"If you cannot write well, you cannot think well, and if you cannot think well, others will do your thinking
for you."
--George Orwell
A strong command of the language arts (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) is vital for being a
successful student and ultimately a productive member of the 21st century workforce. Language skills
have always been fundamental for academic and professional success. However, students in the 21st
century are now facing more complex challenges in an ever-changing global society. These challenges
have created the need for rigorous state standards in reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Literacy – meaning the ability to construe a written, linguistic, alphabetic symbol system – is arguably
the most important skill students acquire in preschool through twelfth-grade education because it
makes all other forms of higher-order learning, critical thinking, and communication possible.
The study of reading, writing, and communicating is therefore essential to all other study in early
childhood education, primary school, and secondary school. Such study comprises not only the
fundamental knowledge and skills of language arts (reading, writing, speaking, and listening), but also
the knowledge and skills of discourse (dialogue and discussion) and rhetoric (the ability to make
arguments and to think critically about arguments made by others) and the knowledge and skills
involved in responding to imaginative literature.
Language skills are necessary for academic success in all disciplines. The ability to integrate reading,
writing, speaking, and listening effectively builds understanding across all academic subjects as well as
allowing for the development of 21st century skills within the context of these subjects. Critical thinking
and reasoning, information literacy, collaboration, self-direction, and innovation are vital 21st century
Standards for reading, writing, and communicating in all grades must be clear and rigorous so that our
public educational system gives students the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to succeed in
postsecondary education and the workforce, to be well-informed and responsible citizens, and to lead
more fulfilling personal lives.
The Colorado Academic Standards in reading, writing, and communicating were written for all students
using the content, concepts, skills and language conventions and structures found within the English
language. This does not mean students must be native English speakers, nor fluent English proficient,
but by utilizing the Colorado English Language Proficiency standards (Office of Culturally and
2. Deliver effective oral presentations for varied audiences and varied purposes.
3. Read a wide range of literary texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human
4. Read a wide range of informational texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human
9. Demonstrate mastery of their own writing process with clear, coherent, and error-free polished
10. Gather information from a variety of sources; analyze and evaluate its quality and relevance; and
use it ethically to answer complex questions.
Oral language foundation and written symbol systems concretize the way a student communicates.
Thus, students in Colorado develop oral language skills in listening and speaking, and master the written
language skills of reading and writing. Specifically, holding Colorado students accountable for language
mastery from the perspectives of scientific research in linguistics, cognitive psychology, human
information processing, brain-behavior relationships, and socio-cultural perspectives on language
development will allow students to master 21st century skills and serve the state, region, and nation
Individually and in collaboration with others, students will learn the skills necessary to consider biases,
evaluate sources, synthesize information, and defend their positions. In addition, as students’ progress,
they will consider opposing perspectives and address counterarguments to their claims and the
evidence they provide in support of their argument.
The proportion of informational text to literary text in 8th grade is approximately 55% informational and
45% literary. By 12th grade, students should be reading and studying approximately 70% of informational
texts and 30% literary texts.
This progression, particularly in grades 6-12, is seen across the curriculum throughout the students’
school day and academic life. That is, English language arts teachers should maintain a robust reading
list of literary works. In addition, teachers in other academic disciplines – social studies, science, the arts,
computer science, health, and technical areas – should bolster their instruction with engaging and
complex informational texts. The commitment to disciplinary literacy reinforces the importance to
provide deliberate and intentional instruction that honors the language and types of texts found in all
content areas. At year’s end, a student will have received multiple and ongoing opportunities to engage
in complex texts in all academic disciplines.
Evidence Outcomes in Standard 1: Oral Expression and Listening and in Standard 2: Reading for all
Purposes marked with an asterisk (*) are the minimum competencies identified in the READ Act. The
Standards, as represented by the minimum skills competencies, move students through the
foundational skills to establish the strong foundation for proficient readers in phonemic awareness,
phonics, fluency, and vocabulary. Ultimately, the end goal is for readers to be able to comprehend texts
of varying levels of complexity, and in later grades, in all content areas.
Teachers of reading in elementary schools throughout Colorado should teach students academic
language skills, develop awareness of the segments of sounds, teach students to decode words and
analyze word parts, and ensure that each student reads connected text every day to support reading
accuracy, fluency, and comprehension. While there is an abundance of instructional resources available
to teachers, beginning with their own basal readers in their schools and districts, the What Works
Clearinghouse has two very rich practice guides: Improving Reading Comprehension in Kindergarten
Through 3rd Grade and Foundational Skills to Support Reading for Understanding in Kindergarten
Through 3rd Grade.
Grade Level, Standard Category
Prepared Graduates:
The PG Statements represent concepts and skills that all students who complete the Colorado education
system must master to ensure their success in postsecondary and workforce settings.
The EOs describe the evidence that demonstrates The ACCs provide context for interpreting, connecting,
that a student is meeting the GLE at a mastery and applying the content and skills of the GLE. This
level. includes the Colorado Essential Skills, which are the
critical skills needed to prepare students to
successfully enter the workforce or educational
opportunities beyond high school embedded within
statute (C.R.S. 22-7-1005) and identified by the
Colorado Workforce Development Committee.
The ACCs contain information unique to each
content area. Content-specific elements of the
ACCs are described below.
Grade Level, Standard Category 2020 Colorado Academic Standards GLE Code
Prepared Graduates:
1. Collaborate effectively as group members or leaders who listen actively and respectfully; pose thoughtful questions, acknowledge the
ideas of others; and contribute ideas to further the group’s attainment of an objective.
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
1. Children comprehend and understand the English language (Receptive Language).
Preschool, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.1.1
Preschool, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Prepared Graduates:
1. Collaborate effectively as group members or leaders who listen actively and respectfully; pose thoughtful questions, acknowledge the
ideas of others; and contribute ideas to further the group’s attainment of an objective.
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
2. Children use language to convey thoughts and feelings (Expressive Language).
Indicators of Progress 4. For children with limited expressive capabilities, use the language
stimulation technique of expansion (e.g., Child: “That a dog,” Teacher:
By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 “That’s a brown dog with a long tail.”)
years old), students may:
5. Facilitate the use of words between children to express ideas, desires,
a. Participate in conversations of more than three exchanges with peers and
feelings, and to resolve conflicts.
6. Ask children questions, explaining how questions are different from
b. Use language to express ideas and needs.
statements, and allow children to practice asking questions to classroom
c. Use increasingly complex and varied vocabulary.
visitors, on field trips, during read alouds, etc.
d. Understand the difference between a question and a statement.
e. Practice asking questions and making statements. Examples of Learning/Children May:
f. Speak in sentences of five or six words. 1. To create a graph, children are asked “What kind of pet do you have?” and
they place a sticky note with their name beside the animal(s).
Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning 2. Aaliyah approaches a group of children in the dramatic play center and
Experiences asks, “What’re you playing?” When they answer “Spaceship,” she asks, “Can
Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: I play too?” She then offers her ideas, “I’m the princess.” The play continues
1. The classroom environment provides a variety of play centers that for over 10 minutes.
encourage children to interact and communicate with one another. 3. When Max’s dad visits the class to show how to make pots on a pottery
2. Child-initiated play time occurs at least 1/3 of the day to provide ample wheel, the children have an opportunity to ask questions. The teaching staff
opportunity to practice using vocabulary and conversational skills. reminds what a question is to help children along (“a question helps you
3. Talk with children frequently, encouraging them to share their experiences find out things”).
and ideas and listening attentively to their contributions.
Preschool, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.1.2
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
3. Read a wide range of literary texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
4. Read a wide range of informational texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
1. Children understand and obtain meaning from stories and information from books and other texts.
Indicators of Progress 2. Model how to use books while frequently reading with children individually
and in small groups.
By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 3. Engage the children in conversations and ask questions about what they
years old), students may:
have read.
a. Show interest in shared reading experiences and looking at books
4. Provide dramatic play props that link to the stories that are read and are
rotated on an ongoing basis such as furniture (for example: table, chair,
b. Recognize how books are read, such as front-to-back and one page at a
crib, store dividers), clothes (for example: hats, shoes, material, costumes)
time, and recognize basic characteristics, such as title, author, and
and props (for example: dolls, dishes, cash register).
c. Ask and answer questions and make comments about print materials. Examples of Learning/Children May:
d. Demonstrate interest in different kinds of literature, such as fiction and 1. While reading a book, Ms. Danae points to the cover of the book and names
nonfiction books and poetry, on a range of topics. it, describes how she opens the book to read, and points out the title,
e. Begin to identify key features of reality versus fantasy in stories, pictures, author, and illustrator, explaining what the latter two do.
and events. 2. In writing centers, children create products in which they are named
f. Retell stories or information from books through conversation, artistic “author and illustrator.”
works, creative movement, or drama. 3. Mrs. Nguyen reads the book, Tough Boris, to a child who sits in her lap,
g. Make predictions based on illustrations. observing how she handles the book. She then asks, “Why do you think
h. Begin to identify key features of reality versus fantasy in stories, pictures, Tough Boris cried when his parrot died?” Then the child draws a picture of
and events. Tough Boris and his parrot to describe who the main characters were.
4. The children love a book called “The Grocery Store.” Mr. Jay sets up a
Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning “grocery store center” that includes empty food boxes and cans, receipt
Experiences pads, price tags, newspaper food ads, a cash register, and shopping lists.
Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: 5. Mrs. Ramos, the librarian, reads some poems from Robert Lewis
1. The environment contains an ample number of quality, age-appropriate Stevenson’s “Poems for the Very Young.” The children especially like “I
children’s books. Have a Little Shadow.” They talk about the shadows they have seen. Later,
their teacher provides them a chance to experiment with shadow puppets
in the classroom, discovering how shadows are made.
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.2.1
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
5. Understand how language functions in different contexts, command a variety of word-learning strategies to assist comprehension, and
make effective choices for meaning or style when writing and speaking.
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
2. Phonological awareness is the building block for understanding language.
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.2.2
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
5. Understand how language functions in different contexts, command a variety of word-learning strategies to assist comprehension, and
make effective choices for meaning or style when writing and speaking.
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
3. Print concepts and conventions anchor concepts of early decoding.
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.2.3
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
5. Understand how language functions in different contexts, command a variety of word-learning strategies to assist comprehension, and
make effective choices for meaning or style when writing and speaking.
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
4. The names and sounds associated with letters makes up alphabetic knowledge.
Preschool, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.2.4
Preschool, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
6. Craft arguments using techniques specific to the genre.
7. Craft informational/explanatory texts using techniques specific to the genre.
8. Craft narratives using techniques specific to the genre.
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
1. Familiarity with writing implements, conventions, and emerging skills to communicate through written representations, symbols, and
Indicators of Progress 3. Similar materials are available in each center throughout the room.
4. Expect the following progression in children’s writing Pre-alphabetic (ages
By the end of the preschool experience (approximately 60 months/5 2-5) [Pictures and scribbles, Letter-like forms, Letters from names and the
years old), students may:
environment, Strings of letters, One letter (first sound) to represent a
a. Experiment with writing tools and materials.
word.] Semiphonetic/Early Alphabetic [(4-6) Letter sound connection begins
b. Recognize that writing is a way of communicating for a variety of purposes,
(One letter (first sound) to represent a word.]
such as giving information, sharing stories, or giving an opinion.
c. Use scribbles, shapes, pictures, and letters to represent objects, stories, Examples of Learning/Children May:
experiences, or ideas. 1. Jesse uses tweezers to pick up cotton balls and drop them in cups. This
d. Copy, trace, or independently write letters or words. builds the strength in his hands for fine motor skill tasks like writing.
2. Children sign in their names everyday on a white board as their family
Examples of High-Quality Teaching and Learning members sign them in.
Experiences 3. Alejandro and Holly are in a dramatic play area which is set up like a grocery
Supportive Teaching Practices/Adults May: store. Holly discovers the pad of paper and markers Mrs. Martinez has
1. Provide opportunities for children to develop fine motor skills, which provided. “Look! We can use these to make a grocery list.” Next, she draws
support grasps using tongs, Play-Doh, spray bottles, tweezers, etc. squiggles down the paper as she names milk, cookies, and grapes.
2. The classroom environment provides an easily accessible writing center, 4. Miss Mary sits with Sofia to assist her in holding the pencil grip correctly as
filled with a wide variety of materials: markers, pens, pencils, crayons; the occupational therapist showed them.
paper of different shapes, sizes, textures, as well as envelopes, cards, sticky
notes, and postcards, etc.
Preschool, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.3.1
Preschool, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design
Prepared Graduates:
10. Gather information from a variety of sources; analyze and evaluate its quality and relevance; and use it ethically to answer complex
Preschool Learning and Development Expectation:
1. Begin research by asking a question to identify and define a problem and its possible solutions.
Preschool, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.P.4.1
Kindergarten, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Prepared Graduates:
1. Collaborate effectively as group members or leaders who listen actively and respectfully; pose thoughtful questions, acknowledge the
ideas of others; and contribute ideas to further the group’s attainment of an objective.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Communicate using verbal and nonverbal language.
Kindergarten, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.1.1
Kindergarten, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Prepared Graduates:
2. Deliver effective oral presentations for varied audiences and varied purposes.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Develop oral communication skills through a language-rich environment.
Kindergarten, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.1.2
Kindergarten, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
3. Read a wide range of literary texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Develop and apply the concepts of print and comprehension of literary texts.
Kindergarten, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.2.1
Kindergarten, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
4. Read a wide range of informational texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Develop and apply the concepts of print and comprehension of informational texts.
Evidence Outcomes d. Use Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity to:
i. Actively engage in group reading activities with purpose and
Students Can: understanding. (CCSS: RI.K.10)
a. Use Key Ideas and Details to:
i. With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key Academic Context and Connections
details in a text. (CCSS: RI.K.1) *
Colorado Essential Skills:
ii. With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key
1. Demonstrate curiosity, imagination, and eagerness to learn more.
details of a text. (CCSS: RI.K.2)
(Entrepreneurial Skills, Creativity/Innovation)
iii. With prompting and support, describe the connection between two
2. Demonstrate a willingness to try new things. (Entrepreneurial Skills,
individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. (CCSS:
Informed Risk Taking)
3. Identify key attributes of a variety of information products. (e.g., books,
b. Use Craft and Structure to:
newspapers, online or print articles, social media) (Professional Skills,
i. With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about unknown
Information Literacy)
words in a text. (CCSS: RI.K.4)
ii. Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. (CCSS: Essential Questions:
RI.K.5) * 1. How do the illustrations help us figure out the meaning of the text?
iii. Name the author and illustrator of a text and define the role of each in 2. How are informational texts read differently than literary texts?
presenting the ideas or information in a text. (CCSS: RI.K.6) Essential Reasoning Skills:
c. Use Integration of Knowledge and Ideas to: 1. Critical readers understand that print informs and explains.
i. With prompting and support, describe the relationship between
illustrations and the text in which they appear (for example: what Minimum Skills Competencies:
person, place, thing, or idea in the text an illustration depicts). (CCSS: 1. Evidence Outcomes marked with an asterisk (*) are the minimum
RI.K.7) competencies identified in the READ Act.
ii. With prompting and support, identify the reasons an author gives to
support points in a text. (CCSS: RI.K.8)
iii. With prompting and support, identify basic similarities in and
differences between two texts on the same topic (for example: in
illustrations, descriptions, or procedures). (CCSS: RI.K.9)
Kindergarten, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.2.2
Kindergarten, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
5. Understand how language functions in different contexts, command a variety of word-learning strategies to assist comprehension, and
make effective choices for meaning or style when writing and speaking.
Grade Level Expectation:
3. Develop basic reading skills through the use of foundational skills.
Evidence Outcomes c. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding
words. (CCSS: RF.K3)
Students Can: i. Demonstrate basic knowledge of letter-sound correspondences by
a. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
producing the primary or most frequent sound for each consonant.
(CCSS: RF.K.1) *
(adapted from CCSS: RF.K.3a) *
i. Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page. (CCSS:
ii. Associate the long and short sounds with the common spellings
(graphemes) for the five major vowels. (CCSS: RF.K.3b) *
ii. Recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by
iii. Read common high-frequency words by sight (for example: the, of, to,
specific sequences of letters. (CCSS: RF.K.1b) *
you, she, my, is, are, do, does). *(CCSS: RF.K.3c)
iii. Understand that words are separated by spaces in print (concept of
iv. Distinguish between similarly spelled words by identifying the sounds of
word). (CCSS: RF.K.1c) *
the letters that differ. (CCSS: RF.K.3d) *
iv. Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.
d. Read emergent-reader texts with purpose and understanding. (CCSS:
(CCSS: RF.K.1d)*
b. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
e. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words
(phonemes). (CCSS: RF.K.2)
and phrases based on kindergarten reading and content. (CCSS: L.K.4)
i. Recognize and produce rhyming words. (CCSS: RF.K.2a) *
i. Identify new meanings for familiar words and apply them accurately (for
ii. Count, pronounce, blend, and segment syllables in spoken words. (CCSS:
example: knowing duck is a bird and learning the verb to duck). (CCSS:
RF.K.2b) *
L.K.4a) *
iii. Blend and segment the onset and rime of single-syllable spoken words.
ii. Use the most frequently occurring inflections and affixes (for example: -
(adapted from CCSS: RF.K.2c) *
ed,-s, re-, un-, pre-, -ful, -less) as a clue to the meaning of an unknown
iv. Isolate and pronounce the initial, medial vowel, and final sounds
word. (CCSS: L.K.4b) *
(phonemes) in three-phoneme (consonant-vowel-consonant, or CVC)
f. Identify and manipulate sounds.
words. (adapted from CCSS: RF.K.2d) *
i. Identify and produce groups of words that begin with the same sound
v. Add or substitute individual sounds (phonemes) in simple, one-syllable
(alliteration). *
words to make new words. (CCSS: RF.K.2e) *
ii. Identify the initial, medial, and final phoneme (speech sound) of spoken
vi. Read text consisting of short sentences comprised of learned sight
words. *
words and consonant-vowel-consonant (CVC) words. *
vii. Identify phonemes for letters. *
Kindergarten, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.2.3
Academic Context and Connections Essential Questions:
Colorado Essential Skills: 1. How do letters connect to sounds?
1. Recognize and describe cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in 2. What are the parts of words?
everyday experiences. (Entrepreneurial Skills, Inquiry/Analysis) 3. How do parts of words help us understand their meaning and how they
2. Demonstrate a willingness to try new things. (Entrepreneurial Skills, sound?
Informed Risk Taking) Essential Reasoning Skills:
3. Resist distractions, maintain attention, and continue the task at hand 1. Critical readers understand the connection between letters and sounds.
through frustration or challenges. (Personal Skills, Perseverance/Resilience) 2. Critical readers understand that groups of letters are words.
Minimum Skills Competencies:
1. Evidence Outcomes marked with an asterisk (*) are the minimum
competencies identified in the READ Act.
Kindergarten, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.2.3
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
6. Craft arguments using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Write opinions using labels, dictation, and drawing.
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.3.1
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
7. Craft informational/explanatory texts using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Write informative/explanatory texts on a topic using labels, dictation, and drawing.
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.3.2
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
8. Craft narratives using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
3. Write real or imagined narratives using labels, dictation, and drawing.
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.3.3
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
9. Demonstrate mastery of their own writing process with clear, coherent, and error-free polished products.
Grade Level Expectation:
4. Use appropriate mechanics and conventions when creating simple texts.
Kindergarten, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.3.4
Kindergarten, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design
Prepared Graduates:
10. Gather information from a variety of sources; analyze and evaluate its quality and relevance; and use it ethically to answer complex
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Explore the purposes for research and inquiry by accessing resources in collaborative settings.
Kindergarten, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.K.4.1
First Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Prepared Graduates:
1. Collaborate effectively as group members or leaders who listen actively and respectfully; pose thoughtful questions, acknowledge the
ideas of others; and contribute ideas to further the group’s attainment of an objective.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Communicate using verbal and nonverbal language to express and receive information.
First Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.1.1
First Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Prepared Graduates:
2. Deliver effective oral presentations for varied audiences and varied purposes.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Use multiple strategies to develop and expand oral communication.
First Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.1.2
First Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
3. Read a wide range of literary texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Apply foundational reading strategies to fluently read and comprehend literary texts.
First Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.2.1
First Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
4. Read a wide range of informational texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Apply foundational reading strategies to fluently read and comprehend informational texts.
First Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.2.2
First Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
5. Understand how language functions in different contexts, command a variety of word-learning strategies to assist comprehension, and
make effective choices for meaning or style when writing and speaking.
Grade Level Expectation:
3. Refine foundational reading skills through understanding word structure, word relationships, and word families.
Evidence Outcomes vi. Read words with inflectional endings. (CCSS: RF.1.3f) *
vii. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. (adapted from CCSS:
Students Can: RF.1.3g) *
a. Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
viii. Use onsets and rimes to create new words (for example: ip to make dip,
(CCSS: RF.1.1)
lip, slip, ship) *
i. Recognize the distinguishing features of a sentence (for example: first
ix. Accurately decode unknown words that follow a predictable
word, capitalization, ending punctuation). (CCSS: RF.1.1a) *
letter/sound relationship *
b. Demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
d. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: (CCSS:
(phonemes). (CCSS: RF.1.2)
i. Distinguish long from short vowel sounds in spoken single-syllable
i. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. (CCSS: RF.1.4a)
words. (CCSS: RF.1.2a) *
ii. Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and
ii. Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds (phonemes),
expression. (CCSS: RF.1.4b)
including consonant blends. (adapted from CCSS: RF.1.2b) *
iii. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and
iii. Isolate and pronounce initial, medial vowel, and final sounds
understanding, rereading as necessary. (CCSS: RF.1.4c)
(phonemes) in spoken single-syllable words. (CCSS: RF.1.2c)
e. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words
iv. Segment spoken single-syllable words into their complete sequence of
and phrases based on grade 1 reading and content, choosing flexibly from
individual sounds (phonemes). (CCSS: RF.1.2d) *
an array of strategies. (CCSS: L.1.4)
c. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding
i. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or
words. (CCSS: RF.1.3)
phrase. (CCSS: L.1.4a) *
i. Know the spelling-sound correspondences for common consonant
ii. Use frequently occurring affixes as a clue to the meaning of a word.
digraphs (two letters that represent one sound). (CCSS: RF.1.3a) *
(CCSS: L.1.4b)
ii. Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words. (CCSS: RF.1.3b)
iii. Identify frequently occurring root words (for example: look) and their
iii. Know final -e and common vowel team conventions for representing
inflectional forms (for example: looks, looked, looking).* (CCSS: L.1.4c)
long vowel sounds. (CCSS: RF.1.3c) *
iv. Identify and understand compound words. *
iv. Use knowledge that every syllable must have a vowel sound to
determine the number of syllables in a printed word. (CCSS: RF.1.3d) *
v. Decode two-syllable words following basic patterns by breaking the
words into syllables. (CCSS: RF.1.3e) *
First Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.2.3
f. With guidance and support from adults, demonstrate understanding of Academic Context and Connections
figurative language, word relationships and nuances in word meanings.
(CCSS: L.1.5) Colorado Essential Skills:
1. Read a minimum of 53 words per minute in the spring with fluency. *
i. Sort words into categories (for example: colors, clothing) to gain a sense
2. Recognize and describe cause-and-effect relationships and patterns in
of the concepts the categories represent. (CCSS: L.1.5a)
everyday experiences. (Entrepreneurial Skills, Inquiry/Analysis)
ii. Define words by category and by one or more key attributes (for
3. Demonstrate a willingness to try new things. (Entrepreneurial Skills,
example: a duck is a bird that swims; a tiger is a large cat with stripes).
Informed Risk Taking)
(CCSS: L.1.5b)
4. Resist distractions, maintain attention, and continue the task at hand
iii. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (for example:
through frustration or challenges. (Personal Skills, Perseverance/Resilience)
note places at home that are cozy). (CCSS: L.1.5c)
iv. Distinguish shades of meaning among verbs differing in manner (for Essential Questions:
example: look, peek, glance, stare, glare, scowl) and adjectives differing 1. How does understanding the parts of words help us decide what they
in intensity (for example: large, gigantic) by defining or choosing them mean?
or by acting out the meanings. (CCSS: L.1.5d) 2. How do we understand what words mean?
g. Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being
Essential Reasoning Skills:
read to, and responding to texts, including using frequently occurring
1. Critical readers use appropriate strategies to decode and understand the
conjunctions to signal simple relationships (for example: because). (CCSS:
meaning of words.
Minimum Skills Competencies:
1. Evidence Outcomes marked with an asterisk (*) are the minimum
competencies identified in the READ Act.
First Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.2.3
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
6. Craft arguments using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Write an opinion supported by reasons.
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.3.1
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
7. Craft informational/explanatory texts using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Write informative/explanatory texts by naming a topic, providing related details, and giving the audience a sense of closure.
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.3.2
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
8. Craft narratives using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
3. Recount real or imagined, sequenced events that include details and a sense of closure.
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.3.3
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
9. Demonstrate mastery of their own writing process with clear, coherent, and error-free polished products.
Grade Level Expectation:
4. Use appropriate grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.3.4
Essential Questions: Essential Reasoning Skills:
1. How does clear communication impact our readers? 1. Critical writers utilize the conventions of Standard English to convey their
2. How do we help others improve their writing? message.
3. How do we improve our writing?
First Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.3.4
First Grade, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design
Prepared Graduates:
10. Gather information from a variety of sources; analyze and evaluate its quality and relevance; and use it ethically to answer complex
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Participate in shared research and inquiry projects, writing, recalling, or gathering information to answer questions.
First Grade, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.1.4.1
Second Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Prepared Graduates:
1. Collaborate effectively as group members or leaders who listen actively and respectfully; pose thoughtful questions, acknowledge the
ideas of others; and contribute ideas to further the group’s attainment of an objective.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Engage in dialogue and learn new information through active listening.
Second Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.1.1
Second Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening
Prepared Graduates:
2. Deliver effective oral presentations for varied audiences and varied purposes.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Deliver presentations while maintaining focus on topic and be prepared to discuss.
Second Grade, Standard 1. Oral Expression and Listening 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.1.2
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
3. Read a wide range of literary texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Apply specific skills to comprehend and fluently read literary texts.
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.2.1
Essential Reasoning Skills: Minimum Skills Competencies:
1. Critical readers ask questions and draw conclusions from pictures and texts. 1. Evidence Outcomes marked with an asterisk (*) are the minimum
competencies identified in the READ Act.
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.2.1
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
4. Read a wide range of informational texts to build knowledge and to better understand the human experience.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Apply specific skills to comprehend and fluently read informational texts.
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.2.2
Essential Reasoning Skills: Minimum Skills Competencies:
1. Critical readers use text features to interpret informational texts. 1. Evidence Outcomes marked with an asterisk (*) are the minimum
competencies identified in the READ Act.
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.2.2
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes
Prepared Graduates:
5. Understand how language functions in different contexts, command a variety of word-learning strategies to assist comprehension, and
make effective choices for meaning or style when writing and speaking.
Grade Level Expectation:
3. Apply knowledge of complex spelling patterns (orthography) and word meanings (morphology) to decode words with accuracy.
Evidence Outcomes c. Compare formal and informal uses of English. (CCSS: L.2.3a)
d. Determine or clarify the meaning of unknown and multiple-meaning words
Students Can: and phrases based on grade 2 reading and content, choosing flexibly from
a. Know and apply grade-level phonics and word analysis skills in decoding
an array of strategies. (CCSS: L.2.4)
words. (CCSS: RF.2.3)
i. Use sentence-level context as a clue to the meaning of a word or
i. Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-
phrase. (CCSS: L.2.4a)
syllable words. (CCSS: RF.2.3a) *
ii. Determine the meaning of the new word formed when a known prefix is
ii. Know spelling-sound correspondences for additional common vowel
added to a known word (for example: happy/unhappy, tell/retell).
teams. (CCSS: RF.2.3b) *
(CCSS: L.2.4b) *
iii. Read multisyllabic words accurately and fluently. *
iii. Use a known root word as a clue to the meaning of an unknown word
iv. Decode regularly spelled two-syllable words with long vowels. (CCSS:
with the same root (for example: addition, additional). (CCSS: L.2.4c) *
RF.2.3c) *
iv. Use knowledge of the meaning of individual words to predict the
v. Decode words with common prefixes and suffixes. (CCSS: RF.2.3d) *
meaning of compound words (for example: birdhouse, lighthouse,
vi. Identify words with inconsistent but common spelling-sound
housefly; bookshelf, notebook, bookmark). (CCSS: L.2.4d) *
correspondences. (CCSS: RF.2.3e) *
v. Create new words by combining base words with affixes to connect
vii. Read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words. (adapted from CCSS:
known words to new words. *
RF.2.3f) *
vi. Use glossaries and beginning dictionaries, both print and digital, to
b. Read with sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension. (CCSS:
determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases. (CCSS: L.2.4e)
e. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships and
i. Read grade-level text with purpose and understanding. (CCSS: RF.2.4a)
nuances in word meanings. (CCSS: L.2.5)
ii. Read grade-level text orally with accuracy, appropriate rate, and
i. Identify real-life connections between words and their use (for example:
expression. (CCSS: RF.2.4b)
describe foods that are spicy or juicy). (CCSS: L.2.5a)
iii. Use context to confirm or self-correct word recognition and
ii. Distinguish shades of meaning among closely related verbs (for
understanding, rereading as necessary. (CCSS: RF.2.4c) *
example: toss, throw, hurl) and closely related adjectives (for example:
iv. Read grade-level text accurately and fluently, attending to phrasing,
thin, slender, skinny, scrawny). (CCSS: L.2.5b)
intonation, and punctuation. *
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.2.3
f. Use words and phrases acquired through conversations, reading and being Essential Questions:
read to, and responding to texts, including using adjectives and adverbs to 1. How do prefixes and suffixes change the meaning of a word?
describe (for example: When other kids are happy that makes me happy). 2. How does understanding the parts of words help us decide what they
(CCSS: L.2.6) mean?
g. Determine which strategies should be used to decode multisyllabic words. 3. How do we understand what words mean?
Second Grade, Standard 2. Reading for All Purposes 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.2.3
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
6. Craft arguments using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Write pieces on a topic or book that state opinions and give supporting reasons.
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.3.1
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
7. Craft informational/explanatory texts using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
2. Write informative/explanatory texts organized around main ideas which are supported by relevant details, facts, and definitions.
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.3.2
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
8. Craft narratives using techniques specific to the genre.
Grade Level Expectation:
3. Write real or imagined narratives that describe events in sequence and provide a sense of closure.
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.3.3
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition
Prepared Graduates:
9. Demonstrate mastery of their own writing process with clear, coherent, and error-free polished products.
Grade Level Expectation:
4. Use a process to revise and edit so that thoughts and ideas are communicated clearly with appropriate spelling, capitalization, grammar,
and punctuation.
Second Grade, Standard 3. Writing and Composition 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.3.4
Second Grade, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design
Prepared Graduates:
10. Gather information from a variety of sources; analyze and evaluate its quality and relevance; and use it ethically to answer complex
Grade Level Expectation:
1. Participate in shared research and inquiry, gathering information from a variety of resources to answer questions.
Second Grade, Standard 4. Research Inquiry and Design 2020 Colorado Academic Standards RW.2.4.1