Cross-Linking Organic Coating With Blocked
Cross-Linking Organic Coating With Blocked
Cross-Linking Organic Coating With Blocked
R. Jones
To cite this article: R. Jones (2008) Cross-linking organic coatings with blocked isocyanates,
Transactions of the IMF, 86:2, 75-79, DOI: 10.1179/174591908X264464
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Cross-linking organic coatings with blocked
R. Jones*
Compounds used for cross-linking tri-functional, can be reacted with polyisocyanate component (often
organic coatings, and the mechanisms alcohols in the form of di and tri referred to as the ‘‘hardener’’). As such
by which this takes place are discussed. functional ‘polyols’ in the presence of a they have a limited open time, or pot
The choice of blocked isocyanates is suitable catalyst (often a tin complex) to life, as this reaction of isocyanate with
important in determining cure form the urethane polymer bond. hydroxyl functionality will proceed at
temperature and coating properties. (Fig. 1) room temperature.
Isocyanates used for cross-linking A further limitation is the reactivity of
are normally used in the form of the polyisocyanates with moisture
polyisocyanates or ‘trimers’ (Fig. 2). (either from the atmosphere or water –
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Introduction Due to the reactive nature of the in the case of water based coatings),
isocyanate they are applied as two- causing premature gellation and
Cross-linking is one of the fundamental
component coatings comprising a evolution of carbon dioxide gas (Fig. 3).
chemical processes which take place
hydroxyl functional component – This is a limiting factor for applications
when organic coatings are applied and
cured. Coatings are usually applied as generically referred to as a polyol (often such as electrodeposition. Most
low viscosity liquids comprising an acrylic polymer) and the commonly the isocyanates used for
polymeric materials, often in an inert
medium (solvent). During cross-linking,
molecular weight increases and a three
dimensional polymer matrix is formed.
The resulting coating comprises a
polymer with a vastly increased 1 Formation of urethane bond
molecular weight compared to the
polymers in the originally applied liquid.
There are a large number of cross
linking mechanisms and molecules
which can be used for cross linking, the
choice of which depends on many
criteria. Typically the choice of polymer
type and cross-linking chemistry will
depend on such things as performance
of the final coating (eg environmental
resistance, flexibility, hardness,
adhesion) ease of application (solvent
type and amount, viscosity of the
coating during application) and cost. In
many applications different cross-
linking chemistries are used together to
balance all these requirements. For
general information the reader is
referred to one of the many general
texts on organic coatings 1,2
7 DSC traces showing unblocking temperatures of DEM, DMP and MEKO blocked HDI biuret
isocyanates, only those most of techniques. In Table 1, the systems used in the coatings industry,
commonly used industrially are deblocking temperatures are obtained diethyl malonate (DEM), dimethyl
discussed here. The type and nature of using a differential scanning calorimetry pyrazole (DMP) and methyl ethyl
blocking agents varies greatly but they (DSC) technique. The blocked ketoxime (MEKO). Considering DMP
have one common characteristic in that isocyanates are mixed in a 1:1 molar and MEKO, the peak exotherms are
they contain an active hydrogen atom ratio ( based on functional groups) with separated by some 40uC (122uC for
within the molecule. Most blocking a trifunctional amine (Jeffamine T403 DMP and 163uC for MEKO),
agents contain a single active hydrogen from Huntsman Corporation). The demonstrating that DMP blocked
(an exception being diethyl malonate, temperature is increased at a rate of isocyanates will unblock at lower
which has a reactive methylene group 10uC min21 in a dry N2 atmosphere temperature than MEKO blocked
containing two active hydrogen groups, from 25uC to 250uC. While no isocyanates.
although only one normally reacts with exotherm occurs due to the unblocking The other blocked isocyanate shown
the NCO groups). The most common itself, the exotherm of the reaction of is diethyl malonate which reacts, as can
blocking agents used in coatings are the unblocked isocyanate with amine is be seen from the shape of this curve, in
shown in Fig. 6 and the features of observed. a somewhat different manner to DMP
each blocking agent are shown in The major effect that is illustrated is and MEKO. A small exothermic
Table 1. the difference between different reaction appears to start at about 40uC
The key feature of the different blocking agents on the same which then continues until it peaks at
blocking agents is the effect on isocyanate (Fig. 7). Here HDI biuret has 120uC. DEM blocked systems are
deblocking temperature. The effects been blocked with three commonly commercially available with a quoted
can be easily screened using a number used blocking agents for aliphatic ‘unblocking temperature’ of 90–100uC,
Approximate peak
Blocking agents unblocking temp- uC* Key Features
Caprolactam 180 Solid-melt point 70–72uC. Often used in powder coating blocked isocyanates
MEKO 150 Liquid-boiling point: 59–60uC at 15 mm Hg ( 152uC at 76 0mm Hg); toxicity
3,5-dimethyl pyrazole 120 Solid melt point 107–109uC boiling point 216uC
Diethyl malonate 120 Liquid – reacts via transesterification
Alcohols .180 Very stable blocked isocyanates, usually used in cationic electrodeposition
applications with epoxy/amine resins
Phenols .140 Often used for wire coating enamels; toxicity/environmental concerns
*Determined by differential scanning calorimetry using blocked aliphatic isocyanate
achieved using catalysis. It is possible It is also important to consider all enable the formulator to produce
to cure faster at temperatures above ingredients of the coating formulation storage stable isocyanate cross-
the unblocking temperature, (provided on the ultimate properties, linked one component products for
the cured coating does not thermally performance and cost. The polyol thermal curing. The choice of
degrade). In use, the balance of cure component (for instance whether it is a blocking agent influences the cure
speed, vs energy requirement vs high hydroxyl functionality acrylic polyol temperature. By suitable choice of
temperature sensitivity of the substrate or a low hydroxyl functionality polyester blocked isocyanate cross-linker and
needs to be considered. or polyether polyol) will influence the polyol component a wide range of
Low unblocking temperature properties of the coating in terms of properties can be achieved in the final
products, such as those blocked with flexibility and solvent resistance. The cured coating on a variety of
Dimethyl Pyrazole can be used to cure choice of isocyanate will also influence substrates.
at temperatures as low as 120uC using this with IPDI trimer based blocked
cure times around 30 minutes. isocyanates giving harder chemically
resistant coatings, which may suffer
However, the same product can also be
used at higher temperatures where from brittleness, or more flexible 1. A. Goldschmidt and H-J.
cure times can be much reduced, for coatings based on HDI trimer or biuret. Streitberger: ‘BASF Handbook
instance cure times of tens of seconds In practice the formulator will achieve on Basics of Coating Tech-
can be achieved in a coil coating line the desired coating properties by nology’, 2003, Hannover, Vincentz
with peak metal temperatures of 220– balancing all the requirements to Network.
240uC. Indeed, these products are achieve the desired properties. 2. Z. W. Wickes Jr, F. N. Jones, S. P.
often exploited, not for their lower Papas and D. A. Wickes: ‘Organic
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 06:59 19 April 2016
Book Review
Glow Discharge Optical Emission to form a crater which may have a of the GDOES and the quality of the
Spectroscopy : A practical guide by diameter of 2–4 mms and a depth of results in dedicated applications, there
Thomas Nelis and Richard Payling. 20–40 microns. The shape of the crater is an expectation of similar certainty in
Published by the Royal Society of may give an indication of the relative casual application to samples of poor
Chemistry, in RSC Analytical sputtering rates for different components provenance. This book would make
Spectroscopy Monographs (ed. N W of the sample material. All of this good cautionary reading.
Barnett), Cambridge UK, 2003. ISBN 0- becomes clear as the reader delves into The text is presented in 13 Chapters.
85404-521-X. Price £85 (Discount for RSC the book; it is a pity that a simple There is a rather precipitative start, on
Members, pp. xi plus 299. overview was not provided at the outset. the preparation and maintenance of
Having made the criticism, it must be instruments and on samples selection
GDOES is a technique for the said that this is an extremely useful and preparation followed by the
analysis of bulk solids, for the depth handbook for the working analytical optimisation of source and analytical
profiling of thin surface films and laboratory. GDOES is often acquired for parameters. Calibration is covered well,
coatings. The specimen forms the a specific analytical purpose, e.g. in four chapters including a treatment of
cathode of the glow discharge system monitoring the composition of a drift in the spectrometer itself. These
in which argon and electrons interact to particular alloy, material surface or chapters and that on bulk analysis
form a plasma. Argon ions and sample surface coating. Issues of precision in contain a good deal of practical statistics
ions are driven by an electrical bias to measurement calibration and accuracy and the book may well share a place on
collide with the sample surface with have to be tackled and are intimately the shelf with the RSC’s monograph on
enough kinetic energy to cause related to good laboratory procedures, ‘Statistics for the Quality Control
sputtering. Once excited in the plasma, instrument and sampling management. Chemistry Laboratory’ by E Mullins
sputtered atoms emit photons with However, once installed, the [reviewed in a later issue – Ed.]. Bulk
characteristic wavelengths that are usefulness of GDOES in ‘jobbing’ work, analysis leads to an account of depth
detected and quantified often in the provision of rapid semi- profiling and thence, belatedly, to the
spectrometrically. Specimens have to quantitative analysis of a wide range of theory of the G D Source and the
be large enough to be mounted as the materials, makes it a popular technique. selection of wavelengths for the optical
cathode although special holders are How often is the analytical chemist analysis. The final chapter is practical, on
available for mounting small samples faced with more-or-less urgent pleas to trouble shooting. There are two
and there are techniques for handling ‘analyse this’ from desperate appendices of optical lines used in
powders and the curved surfaces of colleagues across their companies? GDOES and a bibliography.
rods, wires and tubes. The actual Some response can usually be made.
analysis is made on material emanating The danger is that, given the sensitivity J P G Farr