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ShopeePay Payment API V1.54

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Payment API Document 

Version 1.54 - 12 Oct 2020  


Table of Contents 
1. Introduction 3 
1.1 About this Document 3 
1.2 Intended Audience 3 
1.3 Version Control 3 

2. Definitions 4 
2.1 Payment Methods 4 
2.2 Term Definitions 5 

3. System Requirements 6 
3.1 Prerequisite 6 
3.2 API Rules 7 
3.2.1 Protocol Rules 7 
3.2.2 Parameter Specifications 8 Request Header 8 Payment Amount 8 
3.2.3 Security Specification 9 Signature 9 
3.2.4 Access Nodes 11 

4. Payment Method API 12 

4.1 Merchant Presented Mode (MPM) 12 
4.1.1 User Payment Flow 12 
4.1.2 Merchant Process 14 
4.1.3 APIs 16 Create Dynamic QR API 16 Notify Transaction Status 19 QR Invalidate API 20 Check Payment Status API 21 Create Refund API 21 
4.2 Customer Presented Mode (CPM) 22 
4.2.1 User Payment Flow 22 
4.2.2 Merchant Process 24 
4.2.3 APIs 27 Create CPM Payment 27 Check Payment Status API 29 Create Void API 29 

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​ 1 Create Refund API 29 

4.3 App-to-app Redirection (Jump App) 30 
4.3.1 User Payment Flow 30 
4.3.2 Merchant Process 32 
4.3.3 APIs 34 Create Order 34 Notify Transaction Status 35 Check Payment Status API 36 Create Void API 36 Create Refund API 36 

5. Common APIs 37 

5.1 Notify Transaction Status 37 
5.2 Check Payment Status API 39 
5.3 Create Refund API 42 
5.4 Create Void API 44 
5.5 Set Merchant API 46 
5.6 Set store API 50 
5.7 Get Transactions API 54 

Appendix 56 
Appendix 1A - Transaction Types 56 
Appendix 1B - Payment Status 56 
Appendix 1C - Transaction Status 56 
Appendix 2 - Point of Initiation 57 
Appendix 3 - Merchant Category Codes (MCC) 58 
Appendix 4 - National Identity Types 59 
Appendix 5 - Error Codes 60 
Version control 61 


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1. Introduction 
1.1 About this Document 
This document is the official manual for integration with ShopeePay Payment Application 
Programming Interfaces (APIs).  

It describes the APIs between ShopeePay and any client system which intends to offer 
ShopeePay as a payment option in their system, such as merchant aggregator systems, 
point-of-sale (POS) systems, Independent Software Vendor (ISV) system and online commerce 

This document is designed to be read in order. 

1.2 Intended Audience 

The intended audience for this document are technical personnels and programmers with 
experience in payment integrations. 

1.3 Version Control 

Please refer to the end of this document for detailed changes between versions. 

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2. Definitions 

2.1 Payment Methods 

1) Merchant Presented Mode (MPM) 
The  client  generates  transaction  QR  according  to  ShopeePay  payment  protocol,  containing 
transaction  amount.  User  will  scan  the  QR  code  to  make  payment.  Clients  will  be  notified  via 
callback about the payment status of the transaction. 
2) Customer Presented Mode (CPM) 
The  user  will  show  his  user  QR  code  to  the  cashier  at the merchant store. Cashier will enter the 
payment amount and scan the user’s QR code in order to make payment directly. 

3) App-to-app Redirect (Jump App) 

The user will select ShopeePay as a payment method from an external app. External app will 
redirect the user to the ShopeePay/Shopee app to complete payment. Upon payment success, 
user can jump back to the external app to view their order status. 


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2.2 Term Definitions 

Term  Definition 

Client  Refers to the party making API calls  

Merchant  A business entity that can have one or more stores operating under it 

Store  A shop at a physical location offering ShopeePay as a payment method 

Terminal ID  If  terminal  ID  information  is  contained  in  QR  code  scanned  by  the  user,  the 
payment  transaction  will  contain  this  identifier  of  the  merchant’s  terminal  that 
the payment was made at. 

User ID  For  on-us  payments,  the  user_id_hash  is  an  alphanumeric  string  of  the  hashed 
Hash  ShopeePay userid making payment. 
For  off-us  payments  (ID  only),  the  user_id_hash  is  a  numeric  string  of  the 
primary account number of the user making payment. 

Signature  Signature  is  created  based  on  shared  secret  key  and  algorithm,  used  by 
ShopeePay  and  client  to  verify  each  other’s  identity  in  every  API  request.  The 
signature  algorithm  is  created  and  provided  by  ShopeePay.  The  common 
signature modes used are HMAC, SHA-256, Base64 

Secret Key  A  secret  key  that  is  shared  between  ShopeePay  Server  and  the  Client. This key 
is used to generate the Signature to authenticate the client.  
[  Note  ]  Never  hard  code  the  secret  key  in  a  frontend  application.  All  API  calls 
should only be made from the Client’s servers. 

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3. System Requirements 

3.1 Prerequisite 
Once  commercial  agreement  between  ShopeePay  and  client  is  finalised,  each  merchant will be 
assigned the following for integration testing purposes 

Name  Description 

Client ID  Unique  identifier  to  identify  the  caller  of  each  request,  to  be  added  to 
the request header of each API call. 

Secret Key  Only  ShopeePay  and  the  Client  should  know  the  shared  secret.  Secret 
Key will be shared offline. 


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3.2 API Rules 

3.2.1 Protocol Rules 

This specifies the rules for calling APIs in this document. 

Table 1: API formats and protocol rules 

Component  Format/Method 

Transfer Mode  HTTPS 

Submit Mode  POST Method 

Date Format  UNIX 

Char Encoding  UTF-8 

Signature  HMAC, SHA-256, Base64 


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3.2.2 Parameter Specifications Request Header 

All requests will require this 2 parameters in the header 

Name  Description 

Client ID  Unique identifier for caller, issued by ShopeePay 

Signature  Generated using the shared secret that is given by Shopee to 
authenticate the API caller. Payment Amount 

Payment amount will be: 

● Integer format 

● Inflated by a factor of 100 


● Smallest amount will be 001, which represents 0.01 

● For  currencies  like  IDR,  that  do not have denomination in cents, the smallest amount will 

be 100, which represents 1.00 IDR (1 Rupiah) 

There will not be a default currency. The current supported currency will be:  

● IDR: Indonesia Rupiah 

● MYR: Malaysia Ringgit 

● PHP: Philippines Peso 

● SGD: Singapore Dollar 


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3.2.3 Security Specification Signature 

A signature should be generated from the request body to authenticate the request. A secret key 
is  needed  to  sign  the  request  body.  Please  request  from  our  technical  team  if  you  do  not  have 

The  signature  is  a  hash-based  message  authentication  code  (HMAC)  using  the  SHA256 
cryptographic function and the aforementioned secret key, operated on the request JSON. 

Python  import hmac 

import hashlib 
def generate_signature(request_json): 
return hmac.new(<secret_key>, request_json, hashlib.sha256) 

Golang  import ( 

// Sign - sign the `payload` with `key` 
func Sign(payload, key []byte) string { 
mac := hmac.New(sha256.New, key) 
// Cannot return error 
if _, err := mac.Write(payload); err != nil { 
return "" 

return base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(mac.Sum(nil)) 

Javascript  let hash = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(body, secret) 

let sig = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(hash).replace(/\n+$/, '') 

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Include the signature in the request 

The signature should be added in the HTTP header in the following format: 

X-Airpay-ClientId: <clientid> 

X-Airpay-Req-H: <request_signature> 

Signature Example 

Perform the following steps to sign the message.  

Secret: p
​ z148x0gXyPCLHxnlhEydNLg55jni91i 

1. Extract the request body to be signed. For example: 

{"request_id": "","store_ext_id": "externalstore","merchant_ext_id":

"externalmerchant","amount": 1000,"terminal_id":
"terminal","convenience_fee_percentage": 0,"convenience_fee_fixed":
0,"convenience_fee_indicator": "","additional_info": "","currency":
"IDR","qr_validity_period": 1000,"payment_reference_id": "testreference"} 

2. Hash the JSON content by using the SHA256 algorithm.  


3. Encode to Base64 

X1UyvyMBhnR4h3D0N0NSLf8a9XgiQ/qwax6Gd6c5HUw= Signature Verification 

Upon receiving the API response, the Client should verify the signature of the response in the 
following way: 

1. Use the shared secret to sign the response body to obtain the response signature. 
2. Compare the generated signature to the signature in the header of the API response. 
3. Signatures from steps #1 and #2 must be identical. If they are different, the response 
should not be trusted. 

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3.2.4 Access Nodes 

ShopeePay  access  nodes  are  country  specific,  each  country  will have their own API domains to 
be called. 

Region Domain Suffix 

Region  Abbreviation  Code 

Indonesia  ID  co.id 

Malaysia  MY  com.my 

Philippines  PH  com.ph 

Singapore  SG  sg 

Append the region code to the end of the domain. 

Environment  Domain 

sandbox  api.uat.wallet.airpay.<region> 

live  api.wallet.airpay.<region> 


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4. Payment Method API 

Payment  Method  APIs  refers  to  APIs  that  are  used  specifically  for  certain  payment  methods. 
Currently  there  are  two  payment  methods:  Merchant  Presented  Mode  (MPM)  and  Customer 
Presented Mode (CPM). 

4.1 Merchant Presented Mode (MPM) 

4.1.1 User Payment Flow 

1) The cashier generates dynamic QR code containing payment amount correspondingly, 
as shown in figure 4.1.1 

2) User clicks on “Scan” icon on ShopeePay homepage and scan the QR code, as shown in 
figure 4.1.2 

3) User confirms the payment amounts and apply any merchant voucher if applicable, as 
shown in figure 4.1.3 

4) The user enter PIN to proceed with the payment, as shown in figure 4.1.4 

5) User is prompted of successful payment after completing the payment, as shown in 
figure 4.1.5. Merchant delivers the products to user after receiving notification of 
successful payment from ShopeePay system. 

See screenshots on the following page for the front-end user flow on ShopeePay. 

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Figure 4.1.1​ Dynamic QR  Figure 4.1.2 U

​ ser scan QR  Figure 4.1.3 C
​ heck payment 
generated by cashier  code on ShopeePay  amount 


Figure 4.1.4​ Enter PIN  Figure 4.1.5​ User redirected   

to payment success page 


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4.1.2 Merchant Process 

1) The client backend generates a QR code by calling ShopeePay system (​Create 

merchant-presented dynamic QR API​) and displays it to the user to be scanned 

2) The user scan the QR code, checks payment amount and input PIN to proceed with the 

3) ShopeePay system returns the transaction result to user and the user is redirected to 
payment successful page.  

4) ShopeePay also sends asynchronous message via​ c ​ allback URL (​Notify transaction 
status​) to inform client backend regarding payment result 

5) If no response from ShopeePay Server, Client can check transaction status by calling 
ShopeePay ​Check Payment Status API 

6) If Check Payment API returns: 

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a) Success - Payment process stops and user walks out of the store with purchase 

b) Not found - Retry the payment process from the start 

c) No response - continue retrying  

i) Retry should be done at an incremental time range, at our recommended 

retry timing at the following time marks: 

(1) 5 seconds 

(2) 10 seconds 

(3) 15 seconds 

(4) 20 seconds 

(5) 25 seconds 

(6) 100 seconds 

7) After 100 seconds of retry with no response from ShopeePay, client can consider 
payment transaction to have timed out.  

8) If buyer can show evidence of payment success on their payment app, merchant can 
choose to consider payment as successful and wait for reconciliation process on T+1 to 
settle discrepancies if any. 


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4.1.3 API body Create Dynamic QR API 

Use this API to generate a dynamic QR code containing the payment amount and unique 
payment reference ID. 
● URL: "/v3/merchant-host/qr/create" 

Request Parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request _id  string  Y  Unique identifier for request 

amount  int64  Y  Amount used for the payment, refer to 

Parameters Specifications​ for specifics 

currency  string  Y  Refers  to  the  currency  abbreviation for the 

● MYR 
● IDR 
● PHP 
● SGD 

merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


store_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of store in client system 

payment_reference_i string  Y  Unique identifier of transaction generated 

d  by client 

qr_validity_period  uint32  N  If this field is filled, the QR code containing 

the payment_reference_id in this request 
will expire after the specified time period 
(in seconds) and payment to this QR code 
will fail. 
If this field is not filled, default shopeepay 
expiry time of 1200 seconds (20min) will 
apply, from the time the request was 

terminal_id  string  N  Unique identifier of store terminal 

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convenience_fee_ind string  N  Convenience fee can be fixed, or 

icator  percentage of the payment amount 
● 01 - User inputs free amount 
● 02 - Convenience fee is a fixed 
value, to be indicated in 
● 03 - Convenience fee is based on 
percentage of payment, to be 
indicated in 

convenience_fee_fix int64  N  Required if convenience fee is a fixed fee 

ed  as indicated by convenience fee indicator 

convenience_fee_per uint32  N  Required if convenience fee is percentage 

centage  as indicated by convenience fee indicator 

additional_info  string  N  Additional information will be in json 


Response Parameters 
Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

store_name  string  Name of the store onboarded to shopeepay 

qr_content  string  QR string in plaintext 

qr_url  string  URL to download QR image, URL is valid for 5 minutes 

Sample Request

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Sample Response


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​ 18 Notify Transaction Status  

Please refer to N
​ otify Transaction Status​.   

ShopeePay Payment APIs V1.54 ​ ​

​ 19 QR Invalidate API 

Use this API to invalidate the payment reference in a QR code if the order in Client system is 
closed/cancelled. Once QR is invalidated successfully, the QR code containing the payment 
reference ID can no longer be used to make payment. 
● URL: "/v3/merchant-host/qr/invalidate" 

Request Parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request _id  string  Y  Unique identifier for request 

merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


store_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of store in client system 

payment_reference_id  string  Y  Payment reference ID that corresponds 

to the QR being invalidated 
Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

Response Request 

Response Response 

ShopeePay Payment APIs V1.54 ​ ​

​ 20 Check Payment Status API 

Please refer to C
​ heck Payment Status API Create Refund API 

Please refer to C
​ reate Refund API   

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4.2 Customer Presented Mode (CPM) 

4.2.1 User Payment Flow 

1) User have to click on “Pay” button as the entry point for CPM option in QR Offline 
Payments, as shown in figure 4.2.1. 

2) User is prompted to enter ShopeePay pin before showing the QR/barcode, as shown in 
figure 4.2.2. 

3) User QR is shown on ShopeePay, as shown in figure 4.2.3. Merchant scans user QR and 
submits payment requests to ShopeePay system. User can choose to pay using 
barcode, as shown in figure 4.2.4. 

4) If payment is successful, User is shown the successful payment screen, as shown in 
figure 4.2.5. 

5) Payment Code expires when client does not scan User’s QR/barcode within the 1 minute 
expiry time. User will have to click renew code and generate another Payment Code for 
payment, as shown in figure 4.2.6. 

See screenshots on the following page for the front-end user flow on ShopeePay. 

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Figure 4.2.1 ​User click on  Figure 4.2.2 U

​ ser is  Figure 4.2.3 U
​ ser CPM 
“Pay” from Home Page  prompted to enter ShopeePay  QR/barcode is ready to be 
pin  scanned by merchant (1 min) 


Figure 4.2.4 ​Switch to  Figure 4.2.5 U

​ ser redirected  Figure 4.2.6 P
​ ayment Code 
barcode payment method   to payment success page  expired 


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4.2.2 Merchant Process 

1) User clicks on the “Pay” button on ShopeePay homepage to generate QR/barcode valid 
for 1 minute 

2) Cashier scans the user’s QR/barcode  

3) Client calls ​Create CPM Payment​ API on ShopeePay Server with the transaction value 

4) ShopeePay system returns the transaction result to client, and informs user of the 
successful payment on ShopeePay App 

5) If there’s no response from ShopeePay Server before request timeout (time out duration 
is determined by Client), Client can check payment status by calling ShopeePay C
​ heck 
Payment Status API 

6) If C
​ heck Payment Status API​ returns: 

a) Success - Payment process stops and user walks out of the store with purchase 

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b) Not found - Retry the payment process from the start 

c) No response - continue retrying 

i) Retry should be done at an incremental time range, at our recommended 

retry timing at the following time mark: 

● 5 seconds 

● 10 seconds 

● 15 seconds 

● 20 seconds 

● 100 seconds 

7) After 100 seconds, payment transaction will timeout (ShopeePay will issue timeout on 
that request) and the merchant should void the original payment transaction before 
attempting payment creation again.   

8) Calling ​Create Void API​ will return 2 status types: 

a) Success - transaction successfully voided, user can try paying again. 

b) Fail - transaction can be found but it does not meet the requirements for void 
(same day 23:59 hours), merchant can try refund instead. 

c) If the payment transaction is not found, or payment is still processing, calling 

Calling ​Create Void API​ will return an error code (see​ ​Appendix 3 - Error Codes​) to 
indicate failure. 

9) If the user making the payment can show evidence of payment success on their 
payment app, merchant can choose to consider payment as successful and wait for 
reconciliation process on T+1 to settle discrepancies if any. 

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4.2.3 APIs Create CPM Payment 

Use this API to initiate a payment request after scanning a user’s CPM QR. 

● URL: "/v3/merchant-host/transaction/payment/create" 

Request Parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request _id  string  Y  Unique identifier for request 

amount  uint64  Y  Amount used for the payment, refer 

to ​Parameters Specifications​ for 

merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


store_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of store in client 


payment_code  string  Y  Payment code is the QR/barcode 

content from the user’s CPM QR code 

payment_reference_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of payment 

transaction generated by client 

mcc  string  Y  Refers to Merchant Category Code, 

refer to​ A
​ ppendix3 - Merchant 
Category Code​ for suggestions 

terminal_id  string  N  Terminal ID refers to the Point of Sale 

terminal in a store 

terminal_ip  string  Y  Terminal IP address refers to the IP 

address of the merchant store 

currency  string  Y  Refers to the currency abbreviation 

for the transaction 
● MYR 
● IDR 
● PHP 

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● SGD 

additional_info  string  N  Additional information will be in json 


Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

transaction_list  object  Will return Nil if transaction fails 

● reference_id  string  Unique identifier of payment transaction 

generated by client 

● amount  int64  Payment amount - inflated by a factor of 100 

● create_time  uint32  Create time of the individual transaction 

● update_time  uint32  Update time of the individual transaction 

● transaction_sn  string  Wallet Transaction SN is the reference number 

that is shown to the user.  

● status  uint32  Refer to ​Appendix 1C - Transaction Status​ for 

specific transaction statuses 

● transaction_type  uint32  13 (Refer to ​Appendix 1A - Transaction Types​ ​for 

specific transaction types) 

● merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of merchant in client system 

● terminal_id  string  Terminal ID refers to the Point of Sale terminal in a 


● user_id_hash  string  Used to identify the unique user 

● store_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of store in client system 


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Sample Request 

Sample Response Check Payment Status API 

Please refer to C
​ heck Payment Status API Create Void API 

Please refer to C
​ reate Void API Create Refund API 

Please refer to C
​ reate Refund API   

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4.3 App-to-app Redirection (Jump App) 

4.3.1 User Payment Flow 

1) User selects ShopeePay as the payment method during checkout/purchase on the 
Client’s application, as shown in Figure 4.3.1. 

2) User clicks on the payment confirmation button in the Client’s application to confirm 
they are paying with ShopeePay, as shown in Figure 4.3.2. 

3) External application checks whether Shopee App is installed on user’s device.  

a) If not, notify or redirect the user to install Shopee App first before completing 

b) If yes, redirect the user to the ShopeePay payment amount page on Shopee app, 
as shown in Figure 4.3.3. 

4) Upon selecting payment options/vouchers in ShopeePay (if any), User enters their 
ShopeePay PIN to proceed with the payment, as shown in figure 4.3.4. 

5) If the payment is successful, User is shown the successful payment screen, as shown in 
figure 4.3.5.  

6) User can jump back to the original Client’s application and view their order status, as 
shown in Figure 4.3.6. External application can then release the order to the user after 
receiving notification of a successful payment from ShopeePay system. 

See screenshots on the following page for the front-end user flow on ShopeePay. 

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Figure 4.3.1 ​User selects  Figure 4.3.2 U

​ ser confirms  Figure 4.3.3​ Payment 
ShopeePay as payment  they are paying with  Amount page 
method   ShopeePay 


Figure 4.3.4 ​User is  Figure 4.3.5 U

​ ser redirected  Figure 4.3.6 C
​ lient’s app 
prompted to enter pin   to payment success page  success page 


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4.3.2 Merchant Process 

1) After User creates an order on the Client’s app and confirms to pay by ShopeePay, 
Client’s app calls O
​ rder Create API​ to get the redirect URLs to ShopeePay. 

2) User clicks on the redirect URL to jump to ShopeePay payment screen. ​Before the user 
is redirected to ShopeePay, the Client’s app should check if the user’s device has 
Shopee App installed.  

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a) If the Shopee App is not installed, it is recommended that the Client app redirects 
the user to install the shopee app using the r​ edirect_url_http​ link returned in O
​ rder 
Create API​, for an optimal user experience.  

b) If Shopee App is installed, the Client’s app can direct the user to the ShopeePay 
payment page. 

3) ShopeePay app displays order details using payment identifier in redirect URL. 

4) User checks the payment amount and inputs Shopeepay PIN to complete the payment.  

5) ShopeePay system returns the transaction result and the user is redirected to payment 
successful page. From the payment success page in ShopeePay, user can jump back to 
the Client’s app using the ​return_url​ to view their order status. 
​[ Note ]​ Never use the redirect to return_url as an indication of payment success. Client 
should only rely on server request/response to check the final status of payment. 

6) ShopeePay sends the transaction status update via​ c​ allback URL (​Notify transaction 
status​) to inform client backend regarding payment result. Client can also check 
transaction status by calling the ShopeePay ​Check Payment Status API​. 

7) If Check Payment API returns: 

a) Success - Payment process stops and user walks out of the store with purchase 

b) Not found - Retry the payment process from the start 

c) No response - continue retrying  

i) Retry should be done at an incremental time range, at our recommended 

retry timing at the following time marks: 

(1) 5 seconds 

(2) 10 seconds 

(3) 30 seconds 

8) After 30 seconds of retry with no response from ShopeePay, client can consider 
payment transaction to have timed out. Differences can be settled during the T+1 
reconciliation process with ShopeePay. 

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4.3.3 APIs Create Order 

Use this API to create a pending order to be paid by ShopeePay. 

● URL: "/v3/merchant-host/order/create" 

Request Parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of payment transaction 

generated by client 

payment_reference_id  string  Y  Reference ID is the Store’s transaction 


merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


store_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of store in client 


amount  int64  Y  Amount used for the payment, refer to 

Parameters Specifications​ for specifics 

currency  string  Y  Refers  to  the  currency  abbreviation  for 

the transaction 
● MYR 
● IDR 
● PHP 
● SGD 

return_url  string  Y  Indicates the URL of the Client’s app to 

redirect back to once payment has been 
completed in ShopeePay. 
Shopeepay accepts HTTP links and URL 
scheme formats. 

point_of_initiation  string  Y  Value = “app” for App-to-app redirection  

validity_period  uint32  N  If this field is filled, the order with the 

corresponding payment_reference_id in 
this request will expire after the 
specified time period (in seconds) and 

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payment attempts to this 

payment_reference_id will fail. 
If this field is not filled, default 
shopeepay expiry time of 1200 seconds 
(20min) will apply, from the time the 
request was received. 

additional_info  string  N  Additional information will be in json 


Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

redirect_url_app  string  Returns an URL scheme to ShopeePay payment page. 

Sample link: 

redirect_url_http  string  Returns a universal link to ShopeePay payment page. 

This link is recommended when the Client is unable to 
implement a check for whether Shopee app is 
installed on the user’s device before redirect. 
Sample link: 
ep_and_deferred=1&token=${paymentToken} Notify Transaction Status  

Please refer to N
​ otify Transaction Status 

ShopeePay Payment APIs V1.54 ​ ​

​ 35 Check Payment Status API 

Please refer to C
​ heck Payment Status API Create Void API 

Please refer to C
​ reate Void API Create Refund API 

Please refer to C
​ reate Refund API   

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​ 36 

5. Common APIs 
The Common API serves as the trivial API interface to be called for additional functions. Clients 
can choose to integrate these functions based on their needs. The Common API includes Query 
status, request void, create refund, set merchant, set store, get transactions 

5.1 Notify Transaction Status 

This request will send details of a successful payment to the Client server’s callback URL. This 
URL is configured in ShopeePay system at time of onboarding, or sent in API requests. 
Each callback request will contain a signature in the request header. This signature is generated 
using the ShopeePay-issued secret key, assigned to the Client receiving the callback request. 
The Client should use this signature to verify the authenticity of the callback content. 
[ Note ]​ It is essential for the Client to validate that payment ​amount​ and ​payment_reference_id 
matches the original /qr/create request before considering the payment as successful. 
Callback Content 

Field  Type  Description 

payment_reference_id  string  Unique identifier of payment transaction generated 

by client 

amount  int64  Amount used for the payment, refer to P

​ arameters 
Specifications​ for specifics 

transaction_sn  string  Transaction identifier in ShopeePay system 

payment_status  uint32  Successful payment: payment_status = 1 

Refer to ​Appendix 1B - Payment Status​ f​ or the 
respective payment status 

payment_method  uint32  Indicates the payment method used. Refer to 

Appendix 2 - Point of Initiation​ for the respective 
payment methods 

user_id_hash  string  Unique identifier of the user making the payment 

merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of the merchant in client’s system 

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store_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of the store in client’s system 

terminal_id  string  Terminal id from the MPM QR code. This field will 
be empty if the payment method is not MPM. 

Sample Callback  


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5.2 Check Payment Status API 

Use this API to query the status of a payment, and other information related to the payment. 

● URL: "/v3/merchant-host/transaction/payment/check" 

[ Note ]​ It is essential for the Client to validate that payment ​amount​ and ​payment_reference_id 
matches the original /qr/create request before considering the payment as successful. 

Request Parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of payment transaction 

generated by client 

payment_reference_id  string  Y  Reference ID is the Store’s transaction 


merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


store_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of store in client 


amount  int64  N  This amount must match the original 

payment amount 

Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

payment_status  uint32  Refer to ​Appendix 1B - Payment Status​ f​ or specific 

statuses of payments 

payment_method  uint32  Indicates the payment method used. Refer to 

Appendix 2 - Point of Initiation​ for the respective 
payment methods 

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transaction_list  object  Will return empty list if no such transaction 

● reference_id  string  Unique identifier of transaction generated by client. 

This value should match the payment_reference_id 
sent in the check status request. 

● amount  int64  Amount used for the payment, refer to P

​ arameters 
Specifications​ for specifics 

● transaction_sn  string  Transaction serial number of the payment transaction 

in ShopeePay 

● status  uint32  Refer to ​Appendix 1C - Transaction Status​ for specific 

transaction statuses 

● transaction_type  uint32  Refer to ​Appendix 1A - Transaction Types​ f​ or specific 

transaction types 

● create_time  uint32  Create time of the transaction 

● update_time  uint32  Update time of the transaction 

● user_id_hash  string  Identifier for user that made the payment 

● merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of merchant in client system 

● store_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of store in client system 

● terminal_id  string  If terminal ID info exists in transaction 


General Purpose of Check Payment Status 

Merchants can only use the payment reference ID of ​payment transactions​ to check status.  

Note:  Any  payment  transaction  check  that  returns  status  as  refunded  or  void  will  have  2 
transactions in transaction_list object, which will include: 

❏ Transaction 1 - Payment transaction  

❏ Transaction 2 - Refund or Void transaction 

Refer to ​Appendix 1A - Transaction Types​ f​ or specific transaction types 


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Sample Request 

Sample Response (Successfully paid transaction)

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Sample Response (Refunded transaction)

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5.3 Create Refund API 

Use this API to request a refund of a successful payment, subject to refund conditions. 

● URL: "/v3/merchant-host/transaction/refund/create" 

● Valid Refund Period: 24 hours from time of payment 

● Refund Type: Full Refund 

Request Parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request_id  string  Y  Unique identifier for request 

payment_reference_i string  Y  Unique identifier of payment transaction 

d  generated by client 

refund_reference_id  string  Y  Unique  identifier  of  refund  transaction 

generated by client 

merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


store_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of store in client system 

Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

transaction_list  object   Will return empty list if no such transaction 

● reference_id  string  Unique identifier of refund transaction 

generated by client 

● amount  int64  Amount used for the payment, refer to 

Parameters Specifications​ for specifics 

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● transaction_sn  string  Transaction serial number of the refund 

transaction in ShopeePay system 

● transaction_type  uint32  15 (Refer to ​Appendix 1A - Transaction Types 

for specific transaction types) 

● create_time  uint32  Create time of the individual transaction 

● update_time  uint32  Update time of the individual transaction 

● user_id_hash  string  Identifier for user that made the payment 

● merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of merchant in client system 

● store_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of store in client system 

● terminal_id  string  If terminal ID info exists in transaction 

Sample Request 

Sample Response 

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5.4 Create Void API 

Use this API to void a transaction if the Create Payment API does not return a conclusive result 
on the status of the payment. Upon the success of the create void API call, the payment would 
be void and the Client can choose to initiate another Create Payment request. 

● URL: "/v3/merchant-host/transaction/void/create" 

● Valid Void Period: Current day 23:59 

Request parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

payment_reference_id  string  This is the merchant’s payment reference ID 

void_reference_id  string  This is the merchant’s void reference ID 

merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of merchant in client system 

store_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of store in client system 


Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

transaction_list  object   Will return empty list if no such transaction 

● reference_id  string  Unique identifier of refund transaction generated by 


● amount  int64  Amount used for the payment, refer to P

​ arameters 
Specifications​ for specifics 

● transaction_sn  string  Transaction serial number of the void transaction in 

ShopeePay system 

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● transaction_type  uint32  15 (Refer to ​Appendix 1A - Transaction Types​ ​for 

specific transaction types) 

● create_time  uint32  Create time of the individual transaction 

● update_time  uint32  Update time of the individual transaction 

● user_id_hash  string  Identifier for user that made the payment 

● merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of merchant in client system 

● store_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of store in client system 

● terminal_id  string  If terminal ID info exists in transaction 


Sample Request 

Sample Response 


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5.5 Set Merchant API 

Use this API to create a Merchant in the ShopeePay system. 

● URL: “/v3/merchant-host/merchant/set” 

Structure​: 1 Merchant - has many Stores (minimum 1 store)  

Periodic Update​: It is highly recommended for Clients to sync the latest Store information in 
their system to ShopeePay, to ensure all users can enjoy a smooth payment experience at newly 
added/updated Stores. 

The following diagram represents the structure of Merchants and Stores in ShopeePay that ISVs 
should adhere to during onboarding and sending payment requests. Payments are only 
accepted on the Store level. 

Request parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request_id  string  Y  Unique identifier for request 

merchant_name  string  Y  Name of the Merchant e.g. Starbucks 

merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


phone  string  N  Merchant’s main phone number 

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email  string  N  Merchant’s main email 

logo  string  N  Merchant’s logo, encoded in base64 

postal_code  string  Y  Merchant’s main postal code 

city  string  Y  Main city that Merchant operates in 

state  string  N  Main state that Merchant operates in 

district  string  N  Main district that Merchant operates in 

ward  string  N  Main ward that Merchant operates in 

address  string  N  Merchant’s main address 

business_tax_id  string  N  Business Tax ID used in that country 

national_id_type  uint32  N  Type of identification. Refer to ​Appendix 4 

- National Identity Type​ f​ or values to use 

national_id  string  N  National identity number 

additional_info  string  N  Additional information stored in JSON 


mcc  string  Y  Refers to Merchant Category Code, refer to 

Appendix 3 - Merchant Category Code​ for 

point_of_initiation  uint32  Y  Method of QR Payment,  

Refer to appendix A ​ ppendix 2 - Point of 
initiation​ for complete list of values to use 

settlement_emails  string  N  Emails to receive daily settlement report of 

all Stores under the Merchant. For multiple 
emails, separate by commas 

withdrawal_option  uint32  Y  Withdraw to individual merchant’s bank 

account = 1 
Withdraw to Integration Parnter’s bank 
account = 3 

status  uint32  N  Status of Merchant 

OK = 0 
Banned = 4 

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Client can only move status from 0 to 4 

and vice versa 
Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

merchant  object  Merchant Entity 

● merchant_name  string  Name of the Merchant e.g. Starbucks 

● merchant_host_id  uint32  Aggregator ID given by ShopeePay Server 

● merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of merchant in client system 

● status  uint32  Status of Merchant 

Merchant OK = 0 
Banned by ShopeePay = 1 
Frozen by ShopeePay = 2 
Deleted on ShopeePay = 3   
Banned by Client via API = 4 

● mcc  string  Merchant category code 

● point_of_initiation  uint32  Binary value of available POI values 

● phone  string  Merchant’s main phone number 

● email  string  Merchant’s main email 

● postal_code  string  Merchant’s main postal code 

● city  string  Merchant’s main city 

● state  string  Merchant’s main state 

● district  string  Merchant’s main district 

● ward  string  Merchant’s main ward 

● business_tax_id  string  Business Tax ID used in that country 

● national_id_type  uint32  National identity type 

● national_id  string  National identity number 

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● additional_info  string  Additional information stored in JSON string 

● withdrawal_option  uint32  Merchant withdrawal option 

extinfo  object   

● address  string  Merchant’s main address 

● settlement_emails  string  Emails to receive daily settlement report 

● withdrawal_option  uint32  Withdrawal option of Merchant 

● national_id_type  uint32  National identity type 

● national_id  string  National identity number 

● business_tax_id  string   

● additional_info  string  Additional information relating to Store 


Update Merchants’ Information 

Clients can update information of previously added merchants via the ​Set Merchant API​, using 
“merchant_ext_id” as the identifier for each merchant. 

Mandatory Field​: merchant_ext_id 

The only mandatory field is “merchant_ext_id”.  

Fields that are not filled in in the ​Set Merchant API​ during updating will not be updated. 

Fields that are mandatory during merchant onboarding cannot be updated to empty values. 

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5.6 Set store API 

Use this API to create Stores for a Merchant in the ShopeePay system. A store has to be created 
under a merchant before payment APIs​ c ​ an be successfully called by that store. 

● URL: “/v3/merchant-host/store/set” 

Request parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request_id  string  Y  Unique identifier for request 

store_name  string  Y  Name of this store 

merchant_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of merchant in client 


store_ext_id  string  Y  Unique identifier of store in client system 

status  uint32  N  Status of Store 

OK = 0 
Banned = 4 
Client can only move status from 0 to 4 
and vice versa 

point_of_initiation  uint32  Y  Method of QR Payment, Refer to 

appendix ​Appendix 2 - Point of initiation  
for complete list of values to use 

phone  string  N  Phone number for this store 

email  string  N  Store’s email 

logo  string  N  Store’s logo, encoded in base64 

address  string  N  Address of the store 

postal_code  string  Y  The postal code that this store is 

operating in 

city  string  Y  The city that this store operates in 

state  string  N  The state that this store operates in 

district  string  N  The district that this store operates in 

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ward  string  N  The district that this store operates in, if 

gps_longitude  uint32  N  Longitude coordinates of the store - 

inflated by 100000 

gps_latitude  uint32  N  Latitude coordinates of the store - 

inflated by 100000 

terminal_ids  [ ] string  N  Point-of-Sale ID to identify every terminal 

that a store has, comma separated 

mcc  string  Y  Refers to Merchant Category Code, refer 

to​ ​Appendix3 - Merchant Category Code 
for suggestions 

nmid  string  N  National merchant ID, applicable to 

countries with QR interoperability (e.g. ID) 

merchant_criteria  string  N  Merchant Criteria 

“UMI”: Micro merchant 
“UKE”: Small merchant 
“UME”: Medium merchant 
“UBE”: Big merchant 
Compulsory for ID 

settlement_emails  string  N  Emails to receive daily settlement report. 

For multiple emails, separate by commas 

additional_info  string  N  Additional information stored in JSON 


Response parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

request_id  string  Unique identifier for request 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more 


store  object  Store Entity 

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● store_name  string  Store Name 

● merchant_host_id  uint32  Aggregator ID given by ShopeePay Server 

● merchant_ext_id  string  Merchant External Identifier 

Merchant ID given by aggregator 

● store_ext_id  string  Store External Identifier 

Aggregator issued store ID 

● status  uint32  Status of Store 

Merchant OK = 0 
Banned by ShopeePay = 1 
Frozen by ShopeePay = 2 
Deleted on ShopeePay = 3   
Banned by Client via API = 4 

● point_of_initiation  uint32  Method of QR Payment,  

Refer to appendix P
​ oint of initiation (POI) 
values​ for complete list of values to use 

● phone  string  Store’s phone number 

● email  string  Store’s email 

● postal_code  string  Store’s postal code 

● city  string  Store’s city 

● state  string  Store’s state 

● district  string  Store’s district 

● ward  string  Store’s ward, if applicable 

● mcc  string  Refers to Merchant Category Code, refer 

to​ ​Appendix3 - Merchant Category Code 
for suggestions 

● nmid  string  National merchant ID, applicable to 

countries with QR interoperability (e.g. ID) 

● merchant_criteria  string  Merchant criteria 

● create_time  uint32  Timestamp that the store was created 

● update_time  uint32  Timestamp that the store was updated 

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● gps_longitude  uint32  Longitude coordinates of the store - 

inflated by 100000 

● gps_longitude  uint32  Latitude coordinates of the store - inflated 

by 100000 

● store_id  string  Unique identifier of store by ShopeePay 


extinfo  object   

● address  string  Address of the store 

● settlement_emails  string  Emails to receive daily settlement report 

● withdrawal_option  uint32  Set to option 3 (withdraw to ISV bank 

account) by default. Will follow Merchant 
withdrawal option if different. 

● merchant_criteria  string  Compulsory for QRIS in ID 

● additional_info  string  Additional information relating to Store 

● terminal_ids  [ ] string  List of terminal IDs under Store 


Update Stores' Information 

Clients can update information of previously added merchants via the ​Set Store API​, using 
“merchant_ext_id” and “store_ext_id as the identifier for each merchant. 

Mandatory Field​: merchant_ext_id, store_ext_id 

The only mandatory fields are “merchant_ext_id” and “store_ext_id”. No other mandatory fields 
are required for ​Update Stores’ Information​. Fields that are not filled in in the ​Set Store API 
during updating will not be updated. 

Fields that are mandatory during store creation cannot be updated to empty values. 

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5.7 Get Transactions API 

Use this API to retrieve the list of transactions for a certain time range, for purposes such as 

The maximum number of transactions returned for each API request is 5000. API requests 
should be made multiple times in succession until the response body is empty, indicating that 
all transactions within the time range have been returned.  

For every new API request made within the specified time range, the request should indicate a 
last_reference_id​ value, which is the reference_id of the last transaction returned in the response 
of a previous API request.  

The  transactions  will  be  returned  in  Descending  order  by  update time (i.e. the latest transaction 
will be returned first). 

● URL: “/v3/merchant-host/transaction/list” 

Request parameters 

Field  Type  Mandatory  Description 

request_id  string  Y  Unique identifier for request 

begin_time  uint32  Y  Filter transactions from the start of this time 

end_time  uint32  Y  Filter transactions to the end of this time 

last_reference_id  string  N  The last transaction that was returned in the 

previous API response 

last_transaction_typ uint32  N  The last transaction type (​Appendix 1A - 

e  Transaction Types​) that was returned in the 
previous API response 

transaction_type_list   [ ]  N  Refer to ​Appendix 1A - Transaction Types 

uint32  for specific transaction types 

limit  uint32  N  The maximum number of transactions that 

will be returned in each request. This value 
should be within [1, 5000]. 
If this value is not filled, the latest 100 
records will be returned by default. 

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Response Parameters 

Field  Type  Description 

errcode  int32  Error code to specify the error returned 

debug_msg  string  Debug message to provide more information 

transaction_list  object  List of transactions 

● reference_id  string  Reference ID is the merchant’s transaction ID 


● amount  int64  Amount used for the payment, inflated by a factor of 100 

● create_time  uint32  Create time of the individual transaction 

● update_time  uint32  Update time of the individual transaction 

● transaction_sn  string  Wallet Transaction SN is the reference number that is 

shown to the user 

● status  uint32  Refer to ​Appendix 1C - Transaction Status​ for specific 

transaction statuses 

● transaction_type  uint32  Refer to ​Appendix 1A - Transaction Types​ f​ or specific 

transaction types 

● merchant_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of merchant in client system 

● terminal_id  string  Terminal ID refers to the Point of Sale terminal in a store 

● user_id_hash  string  Used to identify the unique user 

● store_ext_id  string  Unique identifier of store in client system 

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Appendix 1A - Transaction Types 

Transaction type  Value 

Payment received  13 

Refund sent  15 

Void  26 

Appendix 1B - Payment Status 

Transaction status  Value 

Payment successful  1 

Payment not found  2 

Payment refunded  3 

Payment void  4 

Payment processing  5 

Payment failed  6 

Appendix 1C - Transaction Status 

Transaction status  Value 

Transaction processing  2 

Transaction successful  3 

Transaction failed  4 

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Appendix 2 - Point of Initiation 

POI methods offered  Binary value  Decimal value to indicate 

during onboarding 

MPM Static only  00001  1 

MPM Dynamic only  00010  2 

CPM only  00100  4 

Deals only  01000  8 

Jump App only  10000  16 

MPM Static, MPM Dynamic  0011  3 

MPM Static, CPM   0101  5 

MPM Dynamic, CPM  0110  6 

MPM Static, MPM Dynamic, CPM  0111  7 

MPM Static, Deals  1001  9 

MPM Dynamic, Deals  1010  10 

MPM Static, MPM Dynamic, Deals  1011  11 

CPM, Deals  1100  12 

MPM Static, CPM, Deals  1101  13 

MPM Dynamic, CPM, Deals  1110  14 

MPM Static, MPM Dynamic, CPM, Deals  1111  15 



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Appendix 3 - Merchant Category Codes (MCC) 

The  following  table  contains  some  suggested  MCC  codes  that  can  be  assigned  to  Merchants 
and Stores depending on the type of business. 

Type of merchant  MCC 

Miscellaneous general merchandise stores  5399 

Department stores  5411 

Grocery stores, supermarkets  5411 

Bakeries  5462 

Miscellaneous food stores, convenience  5499 

stores, markets, specialty stores, and 
vending machines 

Automotive parts, accessories stores  5533 

Men’s and Boy’s clothing and accessories  5611 


Men’s and women’s clothing stores  5691 

Miscellaneous accessory and apparel stores  5699 

Equipment, furniture and home furnishing  5712 

stores (excluding appliances) 

Eating places, restaurants  5812 

Fast food chains  5814 

Drug stores and pharmacies  5912 

Health and beauty shops  7298 

Education services  8299 

Charities, social services and government  8398 

For other merchant category codes, clients may choose to take reference from the m
​ erchant 
standards manual by Visa   

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Appendix 4 - National Identity Types 

Country  Value  National identity type 

ID  1  KTP 


MY  1  IC 

MY  2  Passport 

SG  1  NRIC 

SG  2  FIN 


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Appendix 5 - Error Codes 

Value  Description 

-2  A server dropped the connection 

-1  A server error occurred 

0  Success 

1  Request parameters error 

2  Permission denied 

4  Merchant/store not found 

6  The user making the payment has not activated their wallet 

7  Expired 

9  User’s account is banned 

11  Duplicate request/transaction 

15  Payment amount exceeded limit 

24  User's account is frozen 

42  Insufficient balance 

101  User wallet limit exceeded 

102  User wallet limit exceeded 

103  User exceeded daily payment limit 

Limit will reset the next day 

104  User wallet limit exceeded 

105  Authorisation code is invalid 

121  Client attempts to update completed transaction 

126  User transaction limit reached 

140  User wallet limit exceeded 

301  Invalid payment code or QR content 

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303  Merchant is trying to make payment to their own user account 

304  Refund/void cannot be processed due to payment exceeding validity period. 

Valid refund period is set at 24 hours by default. 

305  Merchant invalid 

601  Request to refund/void a payment transaction does not meet rules. This error 
is also returned during refund block periods, set at midnight to 6am by default. 

602  Request to refund/void a payment transaction is unsuccessful 

Version control 

Version  Date  Editor  Remarks 

V1.0  11.12.2019  G.Z. & J.L.  Initial draft 

V1.1  17.12.2019  G.Z.  1 - Add user_id_hash as unique identifier for user 

paying to merchant 
2 - Add currency indicator for amount 
3 - Add amount inflation of 100 

v1.2  3.1.2020  H.Y., Y.S.  1 - Remove “QRIS” 

2 - Update set merchant/store API 

V1.3  6.1.2020  G.Z.  1 - Update definition of user_id_hash 

2 - Update definition and usage of terminal ID 
3 - Add “district” and “ward” for onboarding 
merchant and stores 

V1.4  13.1.2020  Y.S., G.Z.,  1 - Combine MPM and CPM integration 

H.Y., J.L.  documents 
2 - Upgrade and rename all CPM and MPM 
endpoints to v3 
3 - Add refund transaction details in refund 
4 - Add parameters in set merchant & set store 
5 - Add qr_validity_period to /QR/create API 
6 - Add support for QR Invalidate API 

V1.45  10.2.2020  G.Z.  1 - Add new fields in /merchant/set and 

/store/set/ APIs 

ShopeePay Payment APIs V1.54 ​ ​

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2 - Add sample request and responses 

V1.46  11.2.2020  H.Y.  1 - Update definition of withdrawal_option values 

V1.47  28.2.2020  G.Z.  1- Specify values of transaction status in 

appendix 1C 
2- Specify link to appendix 1C for “status” 
response parameter 

V1.48  16.3.2020  G.Z.  1 - Add signature generation sample 

2 - Add App-to-app redirection flow and API specs 
3 - Add logo parameter to both merchant and 

V1.49  26.5.2020  G.Z.  1 - Add details for essential fields to validate in 
Check Status API request and Notify Transaction 
Status callback 
2 - Add time ranges where refund/void requests 
are blocked for settlement processing 

V1.50  27.5.2020  J.L.  1 - Added Signature Verification instructions 

V1.51  22.6.2020  G.Z.  1 - Add “amount” parameter in check status API 

V1.52  14.7.2020  G.Z.  1 - Update guidelines for the usage of Get 

Transactions API 

V1.53  05.8.2020  S.F., G.Z.  1 - Update error code mappings 

2 - Add payment_method value in Notify 
Transaction Status API 

V1.54  12.10.2020  G.Z.  1 - Add payment_method value in Check Payment 

Status API response 

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