Unit 3 Test Standard A
Unit 3 Test Standard A
Unit 3 Test Standard A
1 Track 09 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie wypowiedź na temat zajęć pozalekcyjnych. Na podstawie informacji
z nagrania uzupełnij luki 1–5.
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2 Uzupełnij zdania czasownikami z ramki. Jeden czasownik został podany dodatkowo.
cut do feed lay load share throw
0 Why don’t you do the shopping today?
1 Could you __________ the goldfish for me? The food is on top of the fish tank.
2 I have so many things to do at home! Could we ____________ the housework, please?
3 Fred can’t __________ the grass, he’s allergic to it.
4 Could you _________ the table for dinner, please?
5 You have to __________ out the rubbish!
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3 Uzupełnij wyrazy w zdaniach. Pierwsza litera jest podana, a każda kreska odpowiada jednej literze.
0 If you love music, the school o r c h e s t r a is a great choice!
1 Are you t _ _ _ _ after your squash training? I am! I need a rest.
2 Do you want to t _ _ _ p _ _ _ in the race?
3 My teachers are really e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , so I always want to learn!
4 Why don’t we form a chess c _ _ _ in our school?
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4 Uzupełnij zdania, używając wyrazów podanych w nawiasie i struktury have to w odpowiedniej formie.
0 I don’t have to (I / have to) clean the bathroom. (–)
1 ______________________________ (you / take) your passport when you travel to the UK. (+)
2 ______________________________ (she / practise) the piano every day, she practises every two days. (–)
3 ______________________________ (your father / walk) the dog every day? (?)
4 ______________________________ (he / go) to bed early, he’s got a football match early tomorrow. (+)
5 ______________________________ (I / vacuum) the floor today because it’s not dirty. (–)
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6 Z opcji A–C wybierz poprawne tłumaczenie fragmentu podanego w nawiasie.
1 My father _____________ (musi zmywać) after dinner.
A have to wash up B has to wash up C has to wash
2 I want to make dinner. What __________ (powinnam) cook?
A must I B can I C should I
3 It’s so cold today. We ____________ (moglibyśmy rozpalić) a fire.
A could do B should make C could make
4 How often ____________ (ona musi) tidy her room?
A she has to B does she have to C does she have
5 You are so well-organised! You _________ (powinieneś być odpowiedzialny) of the research.
A should be in charge B should be responsible C must be responsible
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7 Przeczytaj tekst. W każdą lukę wpisz literę, którą oznaczono brakujące zdanie A–E. Jedno zdanie zostało
podane dodatkowo.
At what age should children do housework?
It should be perfectly normal for children, even the young ones, to do some jobs at home. What is the best age
for children to help with the housework?
It seems obvious that children should start helping from an early age. Remember that even very young children
can do some household chores, but you have to give them jobs which are suitable for their age. 1 ___
Four-year-olds can help clear the table or empty the dishwasher. What’s more, parents can teach kids to clear
away the toys and keep their room tidy.
As children get older, they should have more duties in the home. 2 ___ Most children are happy to do little bits
of housework and many feel satisfied that they are helping in the house.
Obviously, there are some jobs which kids can’t do until they are older, for instance cutting the grass, because
you need a heavy machine to do it and it’s quite tiring. 3 ___ It could be dangerous because the child could get
If you don’t know how to teach children to do some jobs at home, remember that children love imitating
people. 4 ___ It’s a good idea to buy them toys which are connected with household jobs, for instance a toy
brush, a small iron or some kitchen equipment. This way, children can do exactly the same things as
their parents.
5 ___ If children do housework, then they are more interested in helping at home generally and as a result they
become more responsible adults.
A We can use this to teach even really small children how to help in the house.
B For example, two-year-olds can help put the washing on, even if they can’t hang out the clothes yet.
C When parents are doing things in the house, kids want to do the same.
D In many homes, by the age of seven, children have to take out the rubbish or load the dishwasher.
E It’s a good idea that parents involve children in housework early on.
F Another problematic job is ironing.
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9 Przeczytałaś/przeczytałeś na forum internetowym wpis Bena, który prosi o radę związaną
z wolontariatem. Ben chce zacząć pomagać w schronisku dla psów, ale ma wątpliwości, czy to dobry
pomysł. Napisz wpis na forum, w którym:
– wyjaśnisz, dlaczego rozumiesz jego dylemat,
– przedstawisz korzyści związane z pracą w schronisku,
– opiszesz problemy związane z tym zajęciem,
– przedstawisz swoją opinię.