03 Project Proposal 2023
03 Project Proposal 2023
03 Project Proposal 2023
Project proposal?
A project proposal is the document that facilitates a professional relationship between an organization
and outside contributors (e.g. project owners, sponsors etc.). Typically, a project proposal is the initial
framework for establishing the concept of the project and includes what you want to accomplish, an
explanation of objectives, and plans for achieving them. It is common for a project proposal to include a list
of activities or tasks that will be associated with the project, illustrate the significance of this specific project
idea, and explain the origins of this project.
A project proposal is also the professional document that kicks off a relationship between an organization
and outside project stakeholders. Creating a proposal allows an organization to establish a formal, logical
presentation to an outside worker or project donor/sponsor. Proposals are generally drafted during one of
the early phases of any project (before detailed plans are made and resources are allocated). Therefore,
time and budget estimates are often rough, at best.
B. Informally Solicited: An informally solicited proposal does not require a Proposal request document.
That is, there is no specific document required to outline customer / audience/ sponsor demands. This
is the initial rough starting point when proposing a project’s viability. The major differentiator between a
formal and informal project proposal is the number of details involved in planning. Informal proposals
lack granular project details, such as goals, deliverables, and methods. An informally solicited project
proposal can be understood as a proposal request that is lacking specifics.
2. Unsolicited: Unsolicited project proposals can be compared to a cold call — no one asked for or
expected to receive one, but if the audience can relate to the proposal, it can prove extremely valuable.
An unsolicited proposal is typically formed from more ad-hoc activities, such as an “aha” moment or an
enlightening conversation with a stakeholder/customer. Unsolicited proposals can be the most difficult
types to write, as you will have to put extra work in to convince the audience of the project’s viability.
Many times, these proposals require the most research and the most finesse, as the audience is unaware
that the proposal is even coming their way.
3. Continuation: Continuation project proposals are essentially an update or reminder for ongoing and
already approved projects. This type of proposal is the simplest to construct, as it is a continuation of
already existing documentation. A continuation proposal can be thought of as a check-in with the
audience to ensure the correct funds are provided for the next phase, as well as discussing progress
and accounting for any changes before moving forward.
4. Renewal: A renewal project proposal is required when an ongoing project has been terminated or the
resources and support behind such project can no longer be used. This proposal is more about proving
that the return on investment is greater than the money being spent on resources so that the project can
begin again.
5. Supplemental: A supplemental project proposal is required when more resources are required to
complete a project than were originally proposed. The main goal of a supplemental proposal is to prove
the value of adding resources and update the audience with a timeline based on this new plan. Many
times, a supplemental proposal is required when the original project scope has grown beyond initial
expectations. It can be seen as a continuation of the original proposal document.
1. Project Background This section of the proposal requires a few succinct sentences that clarify the
problem your proposal is tackling. Here, it is critical to explain the current state of the problem and why
your audience should care about solving it. Make sure to include references and statistics in this section.
Best practice is to keep this no longer than 1 page.
2. Project Objectives Use this section of the proposal to explicitly list the goals that the project is trying to
1. The Project Approach Summary Use a few sentences to describe the overall approach to the project.
This includes how the team will be organized, what tools will be used, and how changes will be addressed
during execution.
2. Task Breakdown and Time Estimates This is the section of the proposal where a detailed project
schedule is presented. To start, make a list of tasks that are required for the project as well as an
estimation of the hours required to complete each one. From there, you can take a look at your resource
pool and allocate your team accordingly. The purpose of this section is to establish the time and steps it
will take to achieve the solution, as well as the resources involved in each section. Here is where you
start to see ideas turn into action. A project proposal will often include a Gantt chart outlining the
resources, tasks, and timeline.
3. Project Deliverables This is where you list out all the deliverables you expect to see after the project is
closed. For example, this could be products, information, or reports that you plan to deliver to a client.
Ensure that each deliverable has an associated estimated delivery date.
1. Risk Management Plan A detailed plan of action to minimize the chance of risk or change during the
project lifecycle.
2. Risk Register A line-item list of risks and potential counter efforts that will be used to counteract these
1. Project Budget This should be a detailed, line-item budget broken up by different project categories,
such as travel, salary, or supplies. Ensure all overhead or indirect costs are also included in the budget.
2. Budget Narrative This is a brief list of commentaries on the budget if any further clarification or
justification is needed.
3. Additional Financial Statements Some projects, depending on complexity, will require additional financial
statements like a profit and loss statement, a tax return, or funding sources.
Section 6: Conclusion
The conclusion section of a project proposal intends to be a brief review of all the points already discussed.
This is your last chance to win over your audience, so ensure that you incorporate the most important
evidence to receive approval. This is also the final moment to prove you have adequately researched all
solutions and your proposed method is the best for business.
Section 7: Appendix
This section is dedicated to any additional charts, graphs, images, or reports that were cited in the proposal.
Many times, referenced material will go into the appendix as it does not naturally fall into the main body copy
of the proposal.
Final Thoughts:
• Determine your project proposal type first for an effective presentation.
• Make sure your proposal targets your audience and clearly defines the problems it will solve.
• Follow the seven sections of a proposal to more effectively convince your audience.
Project Proposal Outline (sample-02)
The following is a sample outline for a project proposal. Note that all questions for a section may not apply
to your proposal, and should be used as a general guide only.
1. Introduction (1 or 2 paragraphs)
o Motivation Sentence
o Summarize the problem (1 or 2 sentences)
o Summarize the solution (1 or 2 sentences)
o Describe format of rest of proposal (sections, etc.)
2. Motivation (1 to 3 paragraphs)
o What is the history of the problem?
o Why is this problem interesting?
o When and why does the problem occur?
o Is the problem already solved? What is done now?
o Are there any similar systems or solutions to the one you propose? If so, reference and
very briefly explain them.
o Are there are possible improvements to current solutions?
3. Project Summary (1 paragraph)
o What in general will this project achieve? (Do not delve into details or timelines.)
4. Project Details
o Architecture and Environment (2-3 paragraphs + figures)
Describe the project environment (software, hardware, languages, organizations,
Diagrams and figures are useful here if appropriate.
What software, hardware, or tools will you use?
o Implementation Issues and Challenges (2-3 paragraphs)
What will be the most difficult issues and challenges in the implementation?
How are you using or extending current tools/systems for your problem?
What makes your project unique?
o Deliverables (3-5 paragraphs - point-form may be used for some of the description)
What will the project produce? (program, report, etc.)
Describe in relative detail the features of each of the project's products.
You may wish to separate deliverables into phases and indicate optional
components given time.
Emphasize what your project contributes or achieves!
o Timeline (1 paragraph - point-form is suitable)
Provide an estimated timeline of project deliverables and important dates.
5. Conclusion (1 paragraph)
o Summarize the project including the problem, motivation, and proposed solution, and re-
state important (planned) contributions.
6. References
o List references used to compile proposal and references that will be used for project (if
already known).