Visual Pathways
Visual Pathways
Visual Pathways
f f
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Review ganglion cell axon paths to optic nerve
assessment of retinal
ganglion cells
• Neuroretinal rim
• Retinal nerve fiber layer
(RNFL) using OCT
• Ganglion Cell Analysis
UT (GCA) using OCT
Macular disease
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
Review ganglion cell axon paths to optic nerve Review ganglion cell axon paths to optic nerve
Close to chiasm
Vertical Raphe
Horizontal Raphe M M
Altitudinal loss
Arcuate loss Post-chiasmal loss
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales Do not expect ‘textbook’ symmetry inHerse,
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Exp Optom 2014
Herse, Clin Exp Optom 2014
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
Parietal lobe
Superior fibers involved first hence
– “Pie on the floor”
Usually vascular lesions
Associated neuro-ophthalmic changes
– Agnosias
– Apraxia
– Dominant hemisphere
• Gerstmann syndrome: acalculia, agraphia, finger agnosia, and left-right confusion
– OKN nystagmus inability to side of lesion (if damage near visual radiations)
– Conjugate movements of the eyes to the side opposite the lesion on forced
lid closure
– Inattention (nondominant parietal lobe lesions)
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Horton & Hoyt, Arch Ophthal. 109:861, 1991
Facial recognition
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Facial expresion
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
Clinical challenges
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Poll #1 - Patient #13: 77 yo male with a history of stroke (15 yrs Poll #1 - Patient #13: 77 yo male with a history of stroke (15 yrs
ago). Visual field stable over a ~13 yr period (left partial ago). Visual field stable over a ~13 yr period (left partial
quadratanopia) quadratanopia)
Poll #1: Which of the following is most correct relating Poll #1: Which of the following is most correct relating to the superior
to the superior quadratic visual field loss? quadratic visual field loss?
a. The visual field loss is largely congruous a. The visual field loss is largely congruous
b. The lesion is most likely on the left side of cerebral cortex (expect right sided lesion)
b. The lesion is most likely on the left side of cerebral cortex
c. The lesion is most likely at the chiasm (not bi temporal)
c. The lesion is most likely at the chiasm
d. A left RAPD will likely be present (not a complete cut and thus congruous nature of
d. A left RAPD will likely be present quadrantanopia suggests post LGN)
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Poll #1: A 77 yo male with a history of stroke (15 yrs ago). Visual Poll #2: 33 yo female; family history of glaucoma:
field stable over a ~13 yr period (left partial quadratanopia) IOPs 14mm Hg OU, AC quiet, normal CCT
Look carefully at the optic nerve heads
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
Poll #2: 33 yo female; family history of glaucoma: Poll #2: 33 yo female; family history of glaucoma:
IOPs 14mm Hg OU, AC quiet, normal CCT IOPs 14mm Hg OU, AC quiet, normal CCT
Look carefully at the optic nerve heads Look carefully at the optic nerve heads
Poll #2: Which of the following is incorrect? Poll #2: Which of the following is incorrect?
a. The right optic nerve heads appear slightly larger compared to the left a. The right optic nerve heads appear slightly larger compared to the left (true)
b. Artery:Vein ratio is within normal limits b. Artery:Vein ratio is within normal limits (true)
c. The notch is strongly suggestive of optic neuropathy c. The notch is strongly suggestive of optic neuropathy
d. The neuroretinal rim appears
An initiative of Guide healthy
Dogs NSW/ACT and Thein both ofoptic
University nerve
New South Walesheads d. The neuroretinal
An initiative rim appears
of Guide healthyandinThe
Dogs NSW/ACT both opticofnerve
University heads
New South Wales(true)
Poll #2: 33 yo female; family history of glaucoma: The challenge #2: 33 yo female; family history of glaucoma:
IOPs 14mm Hg OU, AC quiet, normal CCT IOPs 14mm Hg OU, AC quiet, normal CCT
Split bundle
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
From: Visual Field Profile of Optic Neuritis: A Final Follow-up Report From the Optic Neuritis
Treatment Trial From Baseline Through 15 Years
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
Advanced RP OU
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Possible ONH
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Be aware of retrograde RNFL degeneration/ONH changes ± patent ONH disease
Key points #2
May get optic atrophy without ONH swelling
– Compressive lesions, retrobulbar inflammation, retrograde degeneration,
trauma, toxicity, neutritional
Long-term ONH swelling leads to axonal loss (secondary OA)
Applying these principles in
Many retinal conditions lead to secondary neuronal loss and glial
remodelling (consecutive OA)
clinical practice
Hereditary optic atrophy Dx of exclusion
Optic neuritis is predominantly a binocular disease Post-chiasmal lesions
Be aware of key characteristics of VF loss
– Arcuate; observance of vertical of horizontal midline
(retrograde degeneration of ON/RNFL)
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
5. Post-chiasmal lesions Poll #4: 69 yo male; birth defect causing paralysis on right side;
had a TIA 8 yrs ago (? Stroke). IOPs 16mm Hg OU, AC quiet,
(may include retrograde degeneration ON/RNFL) normal CCT Describe the optic nerves?
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Poll #4: 69 yo male; birth defect causing paralysis on right side; Poll #4: 69 yo male; birth defect causing paralysis on right side;
had a TIA 8 yrs ago (? Stroke). IOPs 16mm Hg OU, AC quiet, had a TIA 8 yrs ago (? Stroke). IOPs 16mm Hg OU, AC quiet,
normal CCT Describe the optic nerves? normal CCT Describe the optic nerves?
Poll #4: Which of the following is incorrect? Poll #4: Which of the following is incorrect?
a. The optic nerve heads appear slightly asymmetric in overall appearance (Left ONH
a. The optic nerve heads appear slightly asymmetric in overall appearance shows superior and inferotemporal anomalies)
b. Moderate beta zone atrophy exists OU b. Moderate beta zone atrophy exists OU (true – has both alpha & beta OU)
c. The LE has an abnormal neuroretinal rim infero-temporal and superiorly c. The LE has an abnormal neuroretinal rim infero-temporal and superiorly (true)
d. The neuroretinal
An initiativerim appears
of Guide healthy
Dogs NSW/ACT in both
and The optic
University of Newnerve heads
South Wales d. The neuroretinal rim
An initiative of appears
Guide healthy
Dogs NSW/ACT and Thein both of
University optic nerve
New South Walesheads
Poll #4: 69 yo male; birth defect causing paralysis on right side; Poll #4: 69 yo male; birth defect causing paralysis on right side;
had a TIA 8 yrs ago (? Stroke). IOPs 16mm Hg OU, AC quiet, had a TIA 8 yrs ago (? Stroke). IOPs 16mm Hg OU, AC quiet,
normal CCT normal CCT
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
Poll #5: 57 yo male;. IOPs 25mm Hg OU, AC quiet, 470um CCT; Poll #5: 57 yo male;. IOPs 25mm Hg OU, AC quiet, 470um CCT;
gonio open angles no secondary glaucoma. Slightly smaller than average gonio open angles no secondary glaucoma. Slightly smaller than average
ONH size ONH size
Poll #5: 57 yo male;. IOPs 25mm Hg OU, AC quiet, 470um CCT; Poll #5: 57 yo male;. IOPs 25mm Hg OU, AC quiet, 470um CCT;
gonio open angles no secondary glaucoma. Slightly smaller than average gonio open angles no secondary glaucoma
ONH size
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales
Centre for Eye Health/UNSW
Right eye Left eye
or retina
An initiative of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT and The University of New South Wales