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MMRW01 11 2021

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44 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Minerals & Metals

Review W E E K L Y

I N D I A ’ S F I R S T N E W S P A P E R O N M E T A L S

Alternative fuel is the easiest Const, auto recovery to ITA Annual Survey: "The biggest transformation

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way to meet the growing drive steel demand growth Soldering metal braved the since industrialization"
demand of energy to 4.5% this year Covid-19 pandemic wave

MMR Wishes its Readers

A Very Happy Diwali And
India may retaliate as
Prosperous New Year!! EU extends steel tariff
The row between India and the EU
UBS raises forecast for int'l copper prices over the EU's decision to extend
safeguard duties on steel imports
The investment bank UBS said that copper's physical from the country for another three
premiums in various places have risen, and copper stocks years has heated up, with New
on global exchanges have fallen, especially in China. Delhi confirming its intention to

In October, copper prices rose by 18%, and the risk of power impose retaliatory duties on
rationing put pressure on the supply of copper cathodes. imports from EU countries after
UBS raised the price forecast for copper to $12,000/mt in the Brussels justified its action at a
next few quarters, which would then stabilised. recent WTO meeting.
In October alone, copper stocks on the exchange fell by 70,000 At a recent WTO Safeguards
mt to only 279,000 mt. This compares with an average of Committee meeting, India stated
502,000 mt of stocks on exchanges in the past five years. that it will send the specifics of
Moreover, UBS estimates that the total ground inventory is the suspended concession,
about 4.3 million mt, which is equivalent to 64-65 days of valued at euro 292 million, to the
consumption, while the 5-year average is 70 days. WTO's Goods Council before the
Meanwhile, in India the government is examining the issue tariff rise is implemented, administration and then opted to rescind the sanctions, but the
of increasing copper imports and inverted duty structure which according to a Geneva-based extend the measures for another latter has yet to agree. India,
it feels is hurting the domestic industry. NITI Aayog member trade official. three years. Russia, and Turkey are planning
VK Saraswat recently chaired a meeting to identify the Russia and Turkey have also "One of the reasons behind the retaliatory measures in
bottlenecks and ensure building of a competitive ecosystem informed the WTO of their EU's decision to impose TRQs on accordance with Article 8.2 of the
for the domestic copper industry. "The surge in import of intention to suspend steel was to avoid diversion of Safeguards Agreement, which
copper in recent times is a great concern to the government," concessions against the EU as a exports from the US to the EU empowers a member to stop
said a government official, who did not wish to be identified. result of its decision to extend the market. But this has caused losses concessions if an agreement on
Copper is a vital commodity and it is imperative that a better safeguard measure. for Indian exporters due to no fault compensation with the member
ecosystem is established in India for making the copper Following the US decision to of theirs. That is why India wants implementing the safeguard
industry competitive, said the official. impose higher import levies on to impose retaliatory duties in cannot be achieved.
Niti Aayog had earlier recommended reduction in customs steel from a number of countries, case the EU does not roll back its The ability to suspend
duty on copper concentrates to nil from 2.5% which was including Russia, India, and decision," another official said. concessions may be utilised only
reiterated at the meeting. Turkey, the EU enacted tariff rate India is among the main steel three years after the safeguard is
caps on steel imports as a exporters to the EU, which also in place.
safeguard mechanism in 2018 for includes China, Russia, South The EU, standing hard on its
Note: Data / information found in our publications is three years. It established precise Korea, Turkey and Ukraine. decision to extend the safeguard
solely for informative & instructional purposes only, and limitations for steel imports for India estimated that the beyond the original three years,
cannot be used to establish a physical contract with exporting nations, over which safeguard measures led in a euro stated that it had conducted an
another party. the commodities incurred extra 1.168 billion decrease in exports, inquiry and discovered that all
We accept no liability for any financial gains or losses import tariffs of 25%. The with a duty collection of euro of the necessary requirements
that could result from the information reported in MMR. position for Indian exporters 292.01 million. New Delhi under the WTO's Safeguard
worsened after the EU made undertook talks with Brussels in Agreement for an extension
All the published prices are indicative in nature. adjustments to the TRQ were satisfied.
an attempt to persuade it to

Steel scrap market to reach 748.2 mn metric tonne by 2026


Steel is highly recyclable, and is the world`s most making industry from rapidly expanding emerging CAGR of 4.5% over the analysis period.
recycled material. Recycled steel is among the key markets such as China, India and Brazil is expected Obsolete, one of the segments analyzed in the report,
materials use for the production of steel. The high to fuel demand for steel scrap. The development of is projected to grow at a 5.3% CAGR to reach 438.5
magnetic properties of the metal make it easy for new lightweight products, bake hardenable grades, Million Metric Tonne by the end of the analysis period.
steel to be segregated from waste stream and and high strength steels has allowed steel to After a thorough analysis of the business implications
recycled. The recycling of steel leads to significant withstand the challenge posed by a wide range of of the pandemic and its induced economic crisis,
reductions of CO2 emissions, reduced usage of competitive materials. growth in the Prompt segment is readjusted to a
precious iron ore, and substantial energy savings. According to report titled "Global Steel Scrap Industry", revised 3.4% CAGR for the next 7-year period.
Moreover, as the global reserves shrivel and the cost amid the COVID-19 crisis, the global market for Steel This segment currently accounts for a 26.3%
of extracting ore rises, scrap is expected to account Scrap estimated at 574.5 million metric tonne in the share of the global Steel Scrap market. Obsolete
for major portion of metal production in future. In the year 2020, is projected to reach a revised size of scrap, or old scrap, represents the largest segment.
future, rising demand for raw materials used in steel 748.2 million metric tonne by 2026, growing at a Contd. on page 02
Minerals & Metals Review
2 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Alternative fuel is the easiest way to POLICY UPDATE

meet the growing demand of energy Regulation to align

Energy is the foundation
behind any country's growth
oil imports, loss of foreign
exchange, global warming that is
Energy sector.
Clean Fuel Companies like framework between large
and development to give its
inhabitants a quality life and
resources. Today use of fossil
unfavorably touching everyone.
The Government is therefore
committed to increase the use of
NexGen Energia Ltd. are
stepping forward to boost
Local for Vocal & Make in
non-banks & banks
fuel is ringing the alarm button In the backdrop of few large The current strong capital
clean energy sources and is India initiatives based on
non-banks (non-bank finance markets have resulted in IPO
as it has far reached effects already undertaking various Swacchh Bharat mission
companies (NBFCs) and housing financing gaining a lot of
owing to rising greenhouse large-scale sustainable power through the production of
finance companies (HFCs)) facing prominence with high borrowers
gas, higher temperature & projects and promoting PM energy from the waste and
heightened challenges, the carrying highly levered bets.
change in weather, crop vision of Energy Independent provide an innovative Reserve Bank of India's (RBI) Factoring in the size of IPO
failure, economic disruption, India by 2047 and green energy entrepreneurship opportunity through scale-based regulation market, which can vary based on
pollution and diseases and heavily. The Government of India for the business aspirant. (SBR) intends to better align the oversubscription and size of
ocean acidification. wants to develop a 'green city' in NexGen Energia is establishing regulatory framework between issuance, which could run up to
Moreover, oil and gas are every state of the country, a CNG (CBG) production plant large non-banks and banks. The INR1 trillion, the regulator has
expected to get exhausted in powered by renewable energy. through franchisee route with revised regulation of having capped the lender exposure to
the next 50 years and coal will Initiatives such as Swach Bharat, production buyback common equity tier I of 9%, borrower at INR10 million. This
be finished in about next 100 Paris Climate Agreement and guarantee. This is presenting leverage framework, differential could diminish the IPO financing
years. Also, carbon emission Sustainable Alternative towards a unique and an ideal standard asset provisioning and appetite of large high net worth
is a major concern for both Affordable Transportation profitable business capital estimation in line with individuals and institutions
developing and developed (SATAT) are aimed towards a opportunity on very low risk. ICAAP (internal capital along with lowering
countries. Going by the clean, healthy empowered Also the government is giving adequacy assessment process), subscriptions and investor
numbers the global per capita environment and society. subsidy Tax benefits etc. and credit concentration norms participation. Ind-Ra however
carbon emission is at 4.17t per As the processing for in line with that of banks will opines IPO funding was limited
year which has serious CBG and green diesel from narrow the arbitrage between the to only select few large NBFCs
repercussions on health
and environment.
PERSPECTIVE garbage is being popularized
clean fuel companies like
separate regulatory frameworks
for non-banks and banks. While
and this regulation may end up
distributing the business among
In a scenario where the world is NexGen Energia are leveraging the current guidelines do not several players. The agency also
struggling with many challenges The government has ambitious on this opportunity and elucidate the industry demand believes some companies would
plans as there is a push towards for differential risk weightings on consider on bringing forward
to lead a better life, energy plays opening CNG (CBG) production
a gas-based economy and is loan assets similar to that of their IPO plans, leading to
a significant role as it cuts across plant/Retail outlets along with
banks, it could be considered as increased IPO pipeline, before
household, industrial and targeting generation of 175 GW its storage marketing and
and when the RBI comes up with the regulation come into effect in
automobile sectors. of electricity from renewable distribution networks. the guidelines on leverage for 1 April 2022.
Currently the world is using sources by 2022. This will also With the ultramodern NBFCs under Upper Layer NBFCs in the upper layer will be
10% of traditional biomass, present a huge job opportunity technologies of global subject to further stringent
(NBFC-UL). On the business
8% of modern renewable & which is the need of the hour. standard and vast experience front, the immediate impact could regulations in terms of
2%nuclear sources to As per Biofuels policy, 2018 in waste to the energy sector, be felt on asset classes such as maintaining common equity Tier
generate energy. Govt of India has to promote NexGen Energia Ltd. wants to real estate lending, corporate I of 9% and a leverage ratio
Transportation sector uses production, storage and give a notable input in the lending and initial public offer prescribed by the regulator.
96% of fuel which is non- distribution of Bio-fuel and growing demand for fuel and (IPO) financing. However, many large NBFCs
renewable. It is expected to encourage participation of alternative energy resources Additionally, governance and would comply with this regulation
shift to 58% renewable energy private entrepreneurs in the of India. Apart from CNG disclosure norms are sought to as capital buffers across large
by 2050 which will include green energy sector. The (CBG) production NexGen be strengthened, keeping in view NBFCs have been improved due
22% of biofuels. Government is also giving Energia Ltd. is also running the large size that many non- to lack of growth and capital raise
Therefore, there is growing investment subsidies and many CBG Retail Outlets, Green banks have acquired and their taken to mitigate the pandemic
interest in clean energy in policy incentives to increase Diesel Production unit, deep interconnectedness with impact. The regulator stipulates
developing countries like the participation of young Green Diesel Retail Outlets, the wider financial system. The a leverage cap for upper layer
India, ways of providing entrepreneurs. Additionally Bio Coal, EV Charging proposed regulation intends to NBFCs; however, investors and
greater access to such energy focusing to create an investor- stations in India. bring in proportionality in the lending community would have
like bio fuel and CBG to friendly ecosystem to promote So, a bright and sustainable regulation in line with the a view on leverage based on the
address energy costs, energy domestic manufacturing and future signals both for clean systemic risk which could riskiness and chunkiness of
also giving importance to emanate on account of scale of NBFCs' asset class. With a
security and global warming energy (bio fuel and CBG)
infrastructure development. non-banks. leverage cap, capital commitment
concerns associated with growth and employability. The
The RBI defines those NBFCs as would go up for NBFCs. Tighter
fossil fuels. For the proper utilization of clean energy sector creates a
systematically important NBFCs provisioning norms for standard
India alone will need 9% world garbage and to give a relief from lot of jobs at all levels, which have AUM of INR5 billion, assets for the upper layer NBFCs
energy to feed its growth by garbage mountains and pollution especially in rural India. although NBFC base level has could result in shoring up of the
2035. This growth is coupled spread all over the country, the buffers to absorb the asset-side
been kept at AUM of INR10
by multi-faceted challenges Government of India has given - Dr. Piyush Dwivedi billion with moderate changes stress. The Ind-As regime
such as the waste generation, many policies supporting Founder and Chairman, with the implementation spread necessitated NBFCs to take a
pollution, growing vehicles, and promoting waste to the NexGen Energia Ltd over some period. prudent coverage on standard
Restrictions on Land Funding in assets and the sector increased
Steel scrap market to reach 748.2 mn... Real Estate Likely to Impact
Margins: Restrictions on real
the provision coverage during
COVID-19 times. However, if the
Contd. from page 01 second largest economy, is analysis period. China estate lending would require provision norms are further
Obsolete scrap consists of any forecast to reach an estimated represents a key producer of NBFCs to move towards the mid- strengthened, it would compress
redundant steel product with market size of 301.7 Million steel, driven by the Chinese stage of project financing with profitability. Mandatory listing
no usage life and is generally Metric Tonne in the year 2026 government`s measures to approvals in place, impacting within three years would bring
collected when the products trailing a CAGR of 5.7% through improve the residential their margins and subjecting them additional disclosure norms and
made from steel reach their end the analysis period. Among the construction market by lowering to higher competition from banks improve governance framework
of life. Prompt scrap is obtained other noteworthy geographic share of down payments for home and housing finance companies. for NBFCs. The guideline also
when steel products are being markets are Japan and Canada, buyers. Crude steel production in Also, capping the proportion of drives the adoption of core
manufactured. This type of each forecast to grow at 2.7% the US is expected to improve in land acquisition funding under banking solutions for middle and
scrap consists of punchings, and 3.2% respectively over the the near term owing to the the commercial real estate upper layers of NBFCs for
turnings, borings and cuttings. analysis period. Within Europe, implementation of tariffs on steel exposure could increase the need strengthening the systems
The Steel Scrap market in the Germany is forecast to grow at imports and anti-dumping and of developer's equity in and processes.
U.S. is estimated at 52.3 Million approximately 2.6% CAGR countervailing duties, leading to incremental project funding. The The internal capital adequacy
Metric Tonne in the year 2021. while Rest of European market increased production and better regulation has diminished the assessment framework requires
The country currently accounts (as defined in the study) will capacity utilization. arbitrage enjoyed by NBFCs and NBFCs to assess risks in a more
for a 8.78% share in the global reach 319.3 Million Metric Almost 75% of all the household can have implication on margins transparent and structured manner
market. China, the world`s Tonne by the end of the appliances consist of steel. in the segment. and monitor it on a regular basis.
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021
FERROUS BITS Const, auto recovery to drive steel
JSHL 2nd qtr net grows to Rs 498.58 cr
Jindal Stainless (Hisar) Ltd (JSHL) posted a nearly three-fold jump in
its consolidated net profit at Rs 498.58 crore during the quarter ended
demand growth to 4.5% this year
September 30, mainly on account of higher income. In a regulatory Global steel demand is projected especially in Asia, the recovery not picked up in 2021 (in China) due
filing, the company said it had clocked Rs 168.64 crore net profit in to increase by 4.5 per cent this momentum was interrupted by the to a depletion of investment
year compared with 2020, even as resurgence of infections," he said. opportunities and limited local
the year-ago quarter. The company's total income in the
the Chinese offtake is expected Supply-side constraints have led government financing ability.
July-September quarter of the ongoing fiscal also rose to
to drop one per cent with to a levelling off of the recovery in Furthermore, the strong
Rs 3,771.90 crore from Rs 2,328.92 crore a year ago. Its expenses were
economic recovery in the nation the second half of the year, manufacturing recovery across the
at Rs 3,262.26 crore as against Rs 2,149.79 crore in July-September slowing down. preventing a stronger recovery in world has reduced the export
period of the preceding 2020-21 financial year. In a statement, JSHL India's steel demand, which 2021, Remeithi said, adding that market," WSA said.
Managing Director Abhyuday Jindal, said, Strong macro-economic suffered a minor downward recovery in steel demand will With a continued negative trend
fundamentals of the economy led to a quick recovery during the revision due to the second wave continue next year. in the real estate sector, Chinese
second quarter and strengthened market demand." He said that an of Covid pandemic, will show a The association said the Indian steel demand will have negative
overall increase in government spending along with further strong recovery in 2021 and reclaim economy got another shock from growth for the rest of 2021, it said,
improvement in economic activity will support demand recovery. the 100 million tonne mark this year, the second wave of Covid-19 adding that no growth in steel
Modernizing identification of alloys in SS according to the World Steel during April-June this year, causing demand is expected in
Association or worldsteel (WSA). production in all sectors to decline. 2022 as the real estate sector
ASTM International's committee on steel, stainless steel and
Demand for steel is projected at "However, the economic impact of remained depressed in line
related alloys (A01) is developing a proposed standard that will
1,855 million tonne (mt) after a the second wave was much less with the government policy
present a fast-screening framework for verifying the alloys in
meagre 0.1 per cent growth last severe compared with the first stance on rebalancing and
stainless-steel products. According to ASTM International wave, due to more localised environmental protection.
year. Next year the demand will
member David O'Donnell, portable positive material identification likely increase by 2.2 per cent to lockdowns. Since July, a healthy In developed countries, more
(PMI) devices have become a reliable alternative to more costly 1,896.4 mt, according to WSA's recovery has resumed for all targeted and localised
methods of determining metal or alloy mixes. Testing per the "Short Range Outlook" for this sectors," it said. lockdowns helped to minimise
proposed standard (WK69255) can happen after a piece has been year. Next year's demand growth There was a strong uptake in the impact of the pandemic on
fabricated or at other points in the manufacturing process. is projected lower than this year vaccinations in India, where a economic activities this year.
"A common framework for execution will be very helpful," since no growth is seen in offtake positive rebound in "However, supply chain
says O'Donnell. "Once this is in place, dated and misunderstood from China. construction activity is taking bottlenecks and the services
practices can be removed or optioned out of common use." WSA said the projections have place, the WSA said. sector still lagging behind are
This effort directly relates to the United Nations Sustainable been made assuming that with the According to WSA, the Chinese preventing a more robust
Development Goal #12 on responsible consumption and progress of vaccinations across economy has slowed since June recovery," the association said.
production. "Stainless and nickel alloys are all highly recycled the world, spread of the Covid and there are marked signs of In the US, the economy continues
materials," says O'Donnell. "The proposed practice will help pandemic will be less damaging deceleration in the steel using its robust recovery, driven by pent-
standardize product alloy checking efforts." and disrupting than during the first sector's activity since July. This up demand and a vigorous policy
and second waves. led to a steel demand contracting response. The level of real GDP
PCB nod for Kadapa steel plant Al Remeithi, Chairman of the by 13.3 per cent in July, 18.3 per exceeded its previous high in the
The Andhra Pradesh Pollution Control Board (APPCB) has issued WSA Economics Committee, cent in August and 21.2 per cent second quarter of this year, it said.
Consent for Establishment (CoE) to the Kadapa steel plant at said global steel demand outside in September. In the EU, the recovery in steel
Sunnapurallapalli and Peddadandluru villages of Jammalamadugu China is expected to return earlier The sharp demand deceleration is demand that started in the second
mandal in Kadapa district. APPCB Chairman A.K. Parida said in a than expected to its pre- attributable to factors such as half of 2020 is gathering pace, with
release that the environmental clearance had been received on pandemic level this year. "Strong adverse weather and small waves all steel-using sectors exhibiting a
March 9, 2021, and the total project cost was Rs 16,986 crore. manufacturing activity bolstered of infections through this summer. positive recovery despite
The land area is 3,591 acres and the project will have 84.7 MW by pent-up demand is the main But major reasons include a continuing waves of infection.
captive power generation. The steel plant, A.P. High Grade Steels contributor for demand. slowing of the growth momentum In Asia, the Covid situation
Limited, will make blast furnace coke, coke breeze, iron shots, Developed economies have in the real estate sector and the worsened in 2021, exacerbated
wire rods, merchant products, plates and granulated slag. The outperformed our earlier Chinese government cap on by slower vaccination progress,
production capacity is 3 MTA and the plant's water requirement expectations by a larger margin steel production. but steel demand recovery was
will be met from the Gandikota reservoir. than the developing economies, "Real estate activity has weakened not interrupted and the forecast
reflecting the positive benefit of due to tough government has been revised up, helped by
Chinese coal & iron ore imports down higher vaccination rates and measures on developers' financing the strong rebound in global
Despite the very strong freight rates and the apparently tight market, government support measures. In introduced in 2020. At the same trade and government
the all-important driver for dry bulk shipping, China, has in fact seen the emerging economies, time, infrastructure investment has infrastructure programmes.
imports of its two largest dry bulk commodities shrink year-on-year
so far this year. The two largest imported commodities for China, iron
ore and coal are however, interestingly on two different trajectories,
as the latter could be ending the year with higher total volumes than
China's steel industry may already
in 2020. "The high freight rates that the dry bulk market is currently
enjoying cannot directly be linked to higher volumes from the world's
largest dry bulk importer. Although though Chinese imports have
have seen the peak carbon emissions
The targets under China's new started working toward keeping output within 2021 levels, some
been solid this year, they have in no way provided the rate of growth action plan that aims at peaking its 2021 crude steel output mill sources said.
needed to justify the current freight rates," says Peter Sand, BIMCO's carbon emissions are expected within 2020 levels, after The policy of capping annual
Chief Shipping Analyst. "Instead, the key must be found in the to be easily met by the domestic authorities from July started steel production within previous
inefficient supply of shipping capacity to costumers, with ships being steel industry, as production sending signals to the industry year levels is likely to continue
tied up at ports for longer due to COVID-19 restrictions and and related emissions may for implementing output cuts, a for the foreseeable future, which
disruptions. This increases the time it takes for a ship to complete a already have peaked in 2020, as move that was also seen as part indicates crude steel production
voyage, delays the ship in starting a new one and thereby "artificially" per S&P Global Platts report. of the country's broader goal of of 1.065 billion mt in 2020 was the
drives up the freight rates," says Sand. In the first nine months of China's State Council released reducing carbon emissions. peak for China's steel industry,
this year total Chinese iron ore imports have fallen by 2.9%, according the national carbon peaking Over January-September, industry sources added.
to official Chinese customs data, totalling 843.0m tonne. September's action plan late Oct. 26 that called China's crude steel output Meanwhile, the action plan
imports of 95.6m tonne were the lowest recorded for that month for steel industry to continue reached 805.89 million mt, up 2%, reiterated to promote utilization
since September 2018. Average imports of 98.2m tonne in the three capping its iron and steel making or 15.8 million mt, on the year, of scrap in steelmaking and
months between May and July this year mean that iron ore imports capacity, especially around according to China's National installation of electric arc
went from being in plus, compared to last year, to recording a volume Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Bureau of Statistics. furnaces. It also encouraged
decline. In the first four months of the year Chinese iron ore imports regions. Such move, the council If China's daily crude steel the development of hydrogen
were up by 6.7%. Unlike iron ore imports, which had a strong start to said, would help in reaching peak output over October-December metallurgy and the
the year and have since fallen below last year's levels, Chinese coal carbon emissions by 2030. is maintained at the September technologies of carbon dioxide
imports have in recent months been posting positive year-on-year However, China's steel industry level of 2.458 million mt/day, the capture and utilization.
has been in action since very country's crude steel output in While it may seem China's steel
growth rates. Additionally, while accumulated volumes after nine
early this year, bracing for 2021 is set to fall 3% from 1.065 industry may already have hit
months remain lower than in the same period in 2020, total imports by
production controls in regions billion mt in 2020 to 1.032 billion peak carbon emissions,
the end of the year could well end above the 304.0 million tonne
like Tangshan, which is China's mt, Platts calculations showed. achieving carbon neutrality will
imported in 2020, as power shortages have caused the government largest steelmaking city. Moreover, the industry has be a challenging and costlier
to reconsider policies aimed at lowering emissions. Later, China's steel industry planned to keep 2022 steel affair, sources said.
Minerals & Metals Review
4 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021


ABB India unveils new AI-enabled corporate and business office

ABB India announced that it has reduced the environmental impact These nearly 500 connected Nashik, Baroda, Faridabad, and expansion of IT infrastructure
moved its corporate and business which a greenfield project of this products with embedded Bangalore & multiple office of the companies co-located in
office to an integrated, scale would have generated. intelligence are designed to campuses to common ESG this area. As part of the
sustainable, and digitalized facility Showcasing ABB's expertise in significantly reduce overall standards in India. The vision was sustainable infrastructure
within its own Peenya campus in digital energy management energy consumption and carbon to create a model, flexible industrial development theme, a special
Bangalore. The facility, named solutions, more than 5000 ABB footprint while saving energy infrastructure project with an recycled plastic mix of 6,000
Disha, will house the corporate products are being used in Disha. costs by up to 30 percent. enabling eco-system by working kgs, equivalent to 1,50,000 (1.5
office, along with the offices of It is the first ABB facility to deploy "At ABB, we have always taken with all our partners and lac) one-liter bottles is used for
Electrification and Motion ABB's Aspect IBMS (Integrated a sustainable and future-ready stakeholders," said Sanjeev the footpath construction.
businesses alongside Process Building Management Solutions) approach to business. Sharma, Country Head and ABB India's Peenya campus has
Automation business in the same technology. This is a unified Sustainability is a key part of our Managing Director, ABB India. been in operation for more than 30
campus. Located in one of the platform to monitor and control company's purpose and of the "In India, almost 30 percent of the years and has been the bedrock
prime industrial areas of from any location or city, the value that we create for our energy is consumed by buildings of multiple milestones for the
Bengaluru, the campus minimizes multiple points enabled with customers, employees, and all our and we believe Disha will create a company. The campus hosts
carbon footprint by sourcing 90 hundred sensors from lighting to stakeholders. The move to the legacy, a demonstration of what innovation centers of multiple
percent electricity from renewable HVAC solutions, room controls, existing Peenya campus brings can be done to make buildings products, global factories,
sources; it reduces 55 percent load safety, and security systems with our people together under the more efficient through the precision product manufacturing
on potable water with intelligent special CO2 monitors for ambient same roof enhancing deployment of integrated digital with smart shopfloors, and remote
fixtures and with 98 percent of its air quality monitoring in the collaboration and agility. It is also building automation & electrical monitoring centers for connected
waste recycled, almost reaches its rooms. This is combined with a a step towards minimizing our technology," he added. devices across Indian industries.
target of zero waste to landfill. The cloud-based SaaS solution - ABB carbon footprint, repurposing This project also included the The new building, Disha was built
15 acres campus has a green cover Ability™ Building Ecosystem with existing resources while offering enhancement of local continuing the heritage of the
of about 30 percent. Active Energy and Asset a smarter workplace focused on infrastructure through a 360- location as well as retaining the
By upcycling and repurposing an Manager. It is complemented by employee wellbeing and degree development of the existing green cover. Nearly 120
existing building to convert it to electricals from the ABB portfolio improving productivity. ABB is associated road related trees, some more than 60 years old,
Disha, the project has optimized and an AI-enabled vehicle developing all the companies' infrastructure and laying of were preserved during the
resources and significantly management and parking system. manufacturing campuses at cable trenches for future construction process.


Effitrac a SaaS platform to bridge skill gap in SMEs

Effitrac, an end-to-end business SMEs. success," said Logesh people looking to restart their will also train potential
process technology SaaS "Currently, many SMB owners Velusamy, Founder & CEO of careers, expert consultants, and candidates across verticals-non-
platform that helps small and are struggling to re-engineer Effitrac Solutions. freshers looking for IT and IT-and make them ready
medium businesses to optimize their business processes, esp. "Effitrac Partner Connect is opportunities. Effitrac is solving to be outsourced as on-demand
their time, money, and resources, when they are running it old- ideated to onboard a pool of this critical issue of finding the resources. It will help SMBs hire
has recently launched a style; for a successful resources across various right talent when a business trained resources as consultants
knowledge marketplace - transformation, a review of the specializations from human owner needs it," he added. who can work either remotely or
"Effitrac Partner Connect." With existing framework and resource, accounts, and The pilot program of Effitrac locally, thereby leading to a
this initiative, the company aims additional human capital is logistics to inventory Partner Connect saw over 20 considerable decrease in the cost
to help business owners gain needed. Quick framework update management, merchandising knowledge partners receiving of talent and training. Effitrac is
access to technical and soft is possible with investments in and finance to support business technical training and upskilling, looking to widen this initiative
talent through its platform, tools and technologies; owners address the skill gap. We being onboarded on the Partner across India from October and
create job opportunities, and however, the challenge is to find aim to add 1,000 partners within Connect platform and getting show possibilities beyond direct
address the skill shortage the right set of people who will the next year to our platform - connected successfully with a hiring for businesses and
challenges faced by Indian yield growth, prosperity, and our knowledge partners will be select group of SMBs. Effitrac build partnerships.


China issues action plan to peak carbon emissions by 2030

China launched its action plan to Five-Year Plan periods and will After this, the 15th Five-Year Plan down in the 15th Five-Year Plan peaking industrial emissions.
peak carbon emissions before 2030 form the basis for more detailed from 2026 to 2030 will see period," along with severe This includes hard-to-abate sectors
on Oct. 26, just a few days ahead steps to be taken on a sector-level acceleration in the buildout of the restrictions on new coal-fired like steelmaking, where supply-side
of the COP 26 global climate change and further planning by provincial low-carbon energy system as new generation projects, orderly phase- structural reforms will be pushed
summit in Glasgow, outlining government authorities. technologies take root and out of outdated coal-fired and additional production capacity
several measures that will be Over the 14th Five-Year Plan period industries reach international capacity, and limiting coal's strictly prohibited, and non-ferrous
implemented across major sectors from 2021 to 2025, the focus will be standards of energy efficiency. transition into a power source for industries like aluminum and
with the objective of chalking a path on adjusting the industrial "By 2030, the share of non-fossil basic needs and system building materials.
towards carbon neutrality. structure and the energy mix, energy consumption will reach regulation. "By 2025, domestic capacity for
The action plan by the State wherein energy efficiency will be around 25%, and carbon dioxide The plan reiterated an existing primary refining of crude oil will
Council, the country's top improved, strict controls will be emissions per unit of GDP will have target of 1,200 GW of wind and be kept below 1 billion metric tons
executive body, comprises placed on coal consumption dropped by more than 65% solar power by 2030, but also said (20 million b/d), and the utilization
several new initiatives, growth, and construction of "new compared with the 2005 level, 40 GW of hydro power will be rate of production capacity for
including formalization of curbs energy" power generation will successfully achieving carbon installed in the same period. It said main products will rise to 80% or
on coal consumption growth by speed up. dioxide peaking before 2030," the structural reforms in the power more," the plan outlined for the
2030, capping oil refining "By 2025, the share of non-fossil plan stated. sector and development of a unified petrochemical industry.
capacity at around 20 million b/ fuels in total energy consumption The action plan contains several national electricity market will be Another key focus area will be
d by 2025, achieving peak oil will reach around 20%, while new initiatives that will force a sped up. promoting green and low-carbon
consumption for land energy consumption and carbon reassessment of carbon-intensive Under energy savings, the plan transportation, under which oil-
transportation by 2030 and dioxide emissions per unit of GDP energy use in major sectors from proposes to put all data centers with fueled new car sales will be
including hard-to-abate will drop by 13.5% and 18%, refining to steelmaking. annual energy consumption in reduced, public transport will be
industries like steel and metals respectively, compared with 2020 China will "strictly and rationally excess of 10,000 tons of standard replaced with electric vehicles
for the first time. levels, laying a solid foundation limit the increase in coal coal-equivalent under online and heavy trucks will shift
The plan primarily covers actions for carbon dioxide peaking," the consumption over the 14th Five- monitoring and energy audits. towards electricity, hydrogen,
to be taken over the 14th and 15th plan stated. Year Plan period and phase it One of the biggest steps taken is and LNG..
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021 5
London Metal Exchange Prices Non-ferrous Metals: MMR Landed Prices
Oct. Aluminium HG Copper (A) Zinc SHG Lead Tin HG Nickel Al. Alloy MMR Landed Prices is a neutral pricing mechanism for the domestic market. Currently, this has been
2021 Sett 3m Sett 3m Sett 3m Sett 3m Sett 3m Sett 3m Sett 3m developed for copper products, aluminium, lead and zinc. These prices are derived from LME Rates and
Daily LME Rates ($/tonne) take into account premia on CIF, all forms of levies (duties, taxes, cess) and other costs.

18 3180.00 3200.00 10500.00 10275.00 3815.00 3753.00 2426.50 2373.00 39600.00 38250.00 20215.00 20175.00 2772.00 2750.00
MMR Landed Prices = CIF Value + Levies + Other Costs
19 3176.00 3195.00 10652.00 10270.00 3707.00 3685.50 2420.00 2388.00 39650.00 38350.00 20455.00 20450.00 2772.00 2750.00
20 3065.00 3076.00 10161.00 9996.00 3584.00 3565.50 2385.00 2358.00 38900.00 37750.00 20035.00 19960.00 2771.00 2750.00
21 3014.00 3023.50 10051.00 9935.00 3585.00 3544.00 2415.00 2380.00 38950.00 37400.00 20530.00 20475.00 2771.00 2750.00 MMR Landed Prices provide a realistic estimate of landed costs of imports and as such, are comparable
22 2946.00 2957.00 9992.00 9870.00 3495.00 3444.00 2439.00 2396.00 38850.00 37100.00 20355.00 20220.00 2770.00 2750.00 with domestic producer prices. Details on the calculation of MMR Landed Prices can be found in the
explanatory notes alongside. For the convenience of users, two sets of prices, including and exclud-
25 2917.00 2925.00 10050.00 9805.50 3510.50 3443.00 2485.00 2436.00 39300.00 37550.00 20135.00 20030.00 2770.00 2750.00 ing GST, have been provided.
26 2831.00 2844.50 9988.00 9805.00 3456.00 3413.00 2445.50 2423.00 39050.00 37400.00 20495.00 20375.00 2769.00 2750.00
We urge readers to use MMR Landed Prices as a barometer of domestic prices, just as LME
27 2704.00 2725.00 9849.50 9605.00 3385.50 3327.00 2430.00 2381.00 38750.00 37150.00 19850.00 19660.00 2769.00 2750.00
28 2721.00 2733.00 9860.00 9661.00 3415.00 3360.00 2438.00 2404.00 37650.00 36150.00 19825.00 19690.00 2518.00 2500.00
rates are synonymous with international prices.
29 2695.00 2695.00 9955.00 9620.00 3455.50 3340.00 2449.00 2402.00 38750.00 37000.00 19480.00 19310.00 - - Explanatory Notes
LME Averages ($/tonne) * MMR Landed Prices are expressed per tonne and are rounded off to the nearest Rupee.*The duty
structure and the premia used is shown in the table below. * Notional landing charges (1% of CIF) have
Oct. 2021 2955.17 2970.00 9778.50 9635.64 3370.14 3341.57 2339.45 2297.33 37962.38 36566.67 19420.24 19363.10 2695.71 2673.81 been taken into account .*Other costs like wharfage, terminal handling charges and bank charges have
Oct.2020 1802.82 1819.84 6702.77 6716.30 2441.55 2458.41 1777.07 1793.52 18154.09 18152.23 15219.36 15258.77 1519.89 1555.14
been taken as Rs.2,850 per tonne.
*Premium on Levies (%)
LME Month-end Stocks (tonnes) CIF ($/tonne) BCD Cess GST Total
Aluminium HG Copper Grade A Zinc SHG Lead Tin HG Nickel Al Alloy
Copper Cathode 60 5 3 18 24.08
Copper CC Rods 180 5 3 18 24.08
Oct 2021 10,42,800 1,40,175 1,97,400 55,100 6,80 1,43,022 1,820 Zinc 160 5 3 18 24.08
Lead 90 5 3 18 24.08
Oct 2020 14,62,925 1,71,300 2,19,925 1,25,800 4,555 2,19,925 5,560 *Aluminium 115 7.5 3 18 27.12
Oct 2019 9,68,505 2,72,061 61,341 69,259 6,642 9,877 6,054 *Aluminium: IAP as specific by Vendata Ltd on there website w.e.f 21/04/2017
BCD=Basic Customs Duty, GST=Goods & Service Tax, Cess = Education Cess
October 2021 Average
NYMEX, COMEX Stocks Week Oct.
(troy ounces) 25 26 27 28 29 ended 2021
As on As on
11 Feb 2019 14 Feb 2019 LME Prices ($/tonne)
Copper * ............................................. 165,448 .......................................... 162,190 Copper Grade A 10050.00 9988.00 9849.50 9860.00 9955.00 9940.50 9778.50
Aluminium* ............................................. 7,715 .............................................. 7,489 Zinc SHG 3510.50 3456.00 3385.50 3415.00 3455.50 3444.50 3370.14
Zinc* ........................................................ 3,053 .............................................. 3,028 Lead 2485.00 2445.50 2430.00 2438.00 2449.00 2449.50 2339.45
Gold .................................................. 8,101,421 ...................................... 8,101,521 Aluminium HG 2917.00 2831.00 2704.00 2721.00 2695.00 2773.60 2955.17
Silver ............................................ 289,313,984 .................................. 289,267,270
Palladium ............................................. 18,165 ............................................ 18,165
MMR Landed Prices (Incl. GST in Rs./tonne)
Platinum ............................................... 63,136 ............................................ 63,335 Copper Cathodes 938,153 930,947 918,918 918,542 927,289 926,770 905,543
* In tonnes (1 Troy Oz = 31.104 gms) Copper CC Rods 947,382 940,161 928,139 927,750 936,497 935,986 914,695
Zinc SHG 342,034 336,471 330,237 332,474 336,203 335,484 326,389
LME Settlement Rates ($/tonne) Lead 240,935 236,916 235,674 236,070 237,083 237,336 225,592
Aluminium Ingots 292,718 284,059 272,171 273,396 270,920 278,653 294,135
Copper Grade A Aluminium HG MMR Landed Prices (Excl. GST in Rs./tonne)
Copper Cathodes 794,388 788,290 778,111 777,793 785,195 784,755 772,167
Copper CC Rods 802,198 796,087 785,914 785,585 792,987 792,554 779,965
Zinc SHG 289,943 285,235 279,960 281,853 285,008 284,400 278,639
Lead 204,391 200,990 199,939 200,274 201,131 201,345 192,767
Aluminium Ingots 240,080 232,996 223,270 224,272 222,246 228,573 242,741

Exchange Rates (Rs./$)

Bank Rate (Selling) 75.09 74.97 75.03 74.92 74.92 74.99 74.98

Minor & Precious Metal Prices MMR Landed Prices v/s Producer Prices
Unit 29-Oct-2021 $/tonne
Copper Cathodes
Antimony (min. 99.65%) .................................. $/tonne ............................................. 13,500.00 (per tonne in excl. GST)
Bismuth ............................................................ $/lb ............................................................. 4.10
Cadmium (min. 99.95%) .................................. cent/lb .................................................... 122.00
Cadmium (min. 99.99%) .................................. cent/lb .................................................... 122.00
Cobalt (min. 99.8%) ......................................... $/lb ........................................................... 26.95
Chromium (min. 99%) ...................................... $/tonne .................................................. 10,550
Gold (London) .................................................. $/tr oz ................................................. 1,785.70
Germanium Dioxide ........................................... $/kg ........................................................ 890.00
Indium .............................................................. $/kg ........................................................ 285.00
Iridium (min. 99.9%) ......................................... $/tr oz .................................................... 242.00
Magnesium (min. 99.9%) ................................. $/tonne ............................................... 8,000.00
Manganese flake (min. 99.7%) .......................... $/tonne ............................................... 7,300.00
Mercury ............................................................ $/flask ................................................. 2,400.00
Molybdenum Molybdic Oxide ............................ $/lb ........................................................... 19.70
Palladium (min. 99.9%) ..................................... $/tr oz ................................................. 1,965.00 Averages for week ended 29th October’ 2021
Platinum (min. 99.9%) ...................................... $/tr oz .................................................... 995.00 (excl. GST in Rs./tonne)
Rhodium (min. 99.9%) ..................................... $/tr oz ............................................... 14,300.00 Product Producer MMR Landed
Ruthenium (min. 99.9%) .................................. $/tr oz .................................................... 675.00 Price Price
Selenium ........................................................... $/lb ........................................................... 11.00
Silver (London) ................................................. $/tr oz ...................................................... 22.88 Copper Cathodes ................................................................................. - ....................... 784,755
Silicon .............................................................. $/tonne ............................................... 8,650.00 Copper CC Rods .................................................................................. - ....................... 792,554
Tungsten .......................................................... $/mtu ..................................................... 320.00 Zinc SHG .............................................................................................. - ....................... 284,400
Vanadium Pentoxide,min 98%V,($/Ib V205) ...... $/mtu ........................................................... 8.5 Lead .................................................................................................... - ....................... 201,345
Ferro Chrome (HC 6-8.5% C basis 60-70% Cr ... $/lb (European) .......................................... 1.80 Aluminium ........................................................................................... - ....................... 228,573

Note: lb: pound; tr.oz: troy ounce *Copper Products:HCL, Zinc SHG & Lead (ExSmelter):HZL,Aluminium: NALCO
Minerals & Metals Review
6 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Non-ferrous Metals : Producer’s Prices Mandi Gobindgarh Domestic Prices :

Open Market Rates of Finished products Ex. Kalamboli
(Rs./tonne Inclusive of GST) : (Rs./tonne Inclusive of GST)
Rates of MG,there is a 1% disc. on cash purchases. 22-10-21 15-10-21
Producer Effective Date CG Ingot EC Ingot CG Wire Rod EC Wire Rod Alloy Wire Rod MUMBAI
22-10-21 15-10-21
National Aluminium Co. Ltd 28-10-2021 234,250  234,500 236,750  238,050 239,850 TMT Bars (Local) (mm)
23-10-2021 253,350  253,600 255,850  257,150 258,950
Mild MS Rounds (mm) 8 51,020 50,720
4 58,800 58,500 10 51,120 50,820
Hindalco Industries Ltd 23-10-2021 256,000  256,500  262,600  264,350 267,100 10 58,200 58,900
12 55,020 54,720
26-10-2021 254,250  254,750  260,850  262,600 265,350 16/20mm 51,520 51,220
27-10-2021 247,750  248,250 
254,350  256,100 258,850 22/25 59,300 59,000 MS Angles (mmxmmxmm)
28-10-2021 236,750  237,250 
243,350  245,100 247,850 Heavy Rounds (mm) 25 x 32 x 40 x 3 51,080 50,780
45 x 5,50 x 5 51,380 51,080
COPPER, ZINC & LEAD Effective Dates 28 - 53 60,900 60,600 65 x 6, 65 x 6 50,180 49,880
Prices in Rs./tonne % chg 63 - 100 60,900 60,600 M.S. Channels (mmxmm)
COPPER (excl. GST) 200 60,300 60,000
75 x 40
100 x 50
MMR Landed prices (excl. GST) Sept’2021 Aug’2021 July’2021 June’2021 TMT Bars(Local-mm) 125 x 65 53,520 53,220
Copper Cathodes (Full) 722,667 730,959 740,733 744,106 -1.1 8 61,500 61,200 160 x 75 - -
**Continuous Cast Copper Rods 730,317 738,670 748,485 751,751 -1.1 M.S.Joists (mmxmm)
Note : Hindustan Copper has stopped providing copper rates since Dec. 2020. Hence in place of it MMR
10 62,500 62,200 150 x 75 47,450 47,150
Landed rates for Copper are updated based on Monthly Average rates of LME. The formula is kept same as 16 / 18 62,600 63,300 160 x 80 47,500 47,200
Hindustan Copper. 28 / 32 63,700 64,400 175 x 85 48,300 48,000
ZINC 200 x 100 48,800 48,500
MS Squares (mm)
Hindustan Zinc Ltd 28-10-2021 25-10-2021 18-10-2021 14-10-2021
TMT Bars (ISI-mm)
(Ex-Smelter:Debari/Chanderiya) 4 63,200 62,900
8 52,160 51,860
Prime Western 291,000 297,600 309,900 279,200 -2.2 8 60,400 60,100 10 52,160 51,860
High Grade 292,500 299,100 311,400 280,700 -2.2 10 60,400 60,100 12 52,160 51,860
Special High Grade 293,000 299,600 311,900 281,200 -2.2 16 / 20 52,260 51,960
12 60,400 60,100
Bangalore:(Stock Points) 25mm 52,660 52,360
Prime Western 291,500 298,100 310,400 279,700 -2.2
MS Angles (mm x mm) TMT Bars (Local)
High Grade 293,000 299,600 311,900 281,200 -2.2 3 x 20 57,200 56,900 8 55,960 55,660
Special High Grade 293,500 300,100 312,400 281,700 -2.2 5 x 25 62,200 61,900
10 51,860 51,560
12 51,460 51,160
Kolkata:(Stock Points) 6 x 32 62,100 61,800 16 / 20 51,360 52,060
Prime Western 291,000 297,600 309,900 279,200 -2.2 MS Flats (mm x mm) 25mm 52,860 52,560
High Grade 292,500 299,100 311,400 280,700 -2.2 MS Squares (mm)
Special High Grade 293,000 299,600 311,900 281,200 -2.2 3 x 20 60,900 60,600 8 51,260 50,960
5 x 25 60,600 60,300 10 49,960 49,660
Chennai:(Stock Points) 12 52,160 51,860
Prime Western 291,000 297,600 309,900 279,200 -2.2 6 x 32 60,900 60,600 16 / 20 52,260 51,960
High Grade 292,500 299,100 311,400 280,700 -2.2 MS Patra (Gauge, mm) M S Angles (mm x mm)
Special High Grade 283,000 299,600 311,900 281,200 -2.2 10,80 65,000 64,700 25x 32x40x3 51,920 51,620
45x5, 50x5 51,160 51,860
Panvel:(Stock Points) 12,102 65,150 64,850 60x6, 65x6 50,960 50,660
Prime Western 291,000 297,600 309,900 279,200 -2.2 14,127 65,350 65,050 M.S. Channels (mm x mm)
High Grade 292,500 299,100 311,400 280,700 -2.2 75 x 40 51,250 50,950
Special High Grade 293,000 299,600 311,900 281,200 -2.2
16,47 63,100 62,800 100 x 50 50,850 50,550
18,57 63,400 63,100 125 x 65 50,750 50,450
Baroda:(Stock Points) 160x75 53,060 52,760
Prime Western 291,500 298,100 310,400 279,700 -2.2
20,76 61,450 60,150
M.S. Joists (mm x mm)
High Grade 293,000 299,600 311,900 281,200 -2.2 21,95 63,600 63,300 150 x 75 49,600 49,300
Special High Grade 293,500 300,100 312,400 281,700 -2.2 24,125 63,400 63,100 160 x 80 48,500 48,200
LEAD Girders (mm x mm) TMT Bars (ISI-mm)
Hindustan Zinc Ltd (min 99.99%) 28-10-2021 25-10-2021 18-10-2021 14-10-2021 150 x 75 59,000 58,700 8 51,700 51,400
Ex-Smelter:Chanderiya 214,600 212,200 208,400 203,300 1.1 175 x 90 59,000 58,700 10 51,820 51,520
Bangalore (Stock Points) 217,100 214,700 210,900 205,800 1.1 12 51,220 50,920
Kolkata (Stock Points) 217,600 215,200 211,400 206,300 1.1 175 x 85 59,000 58,700 16/20 51,320 51,020
Chennai (Stock Points) 219,100 216,700 212,900 207,800 1.1 100 x 116 59,000 58,700 25 51,220 50,920
Panvel (Stock Points) 218,200 215,800 212,000 206,900 1.1 Shutter Patti (125mm) TMT Bars (Local-mm)
Baroda (Stock Points) 218,600 216,200 212,400 207,300 1.1 8 50,190 49,890
12 Gauge 64,800 64,500 10 50,220 49,920
Domestic Prices: Aluminium Alloys 14 Gauge 64,100 63,800 12 50,220 49,920
Average Rates (Rs./kg)
16/20 52,320 52,020
25 50,520 50,220
Basic prices : Advance payment excl. other duties. FLAT PRODUCTS-Mandi Gobindgarh-Punjab MS Squares (mm)
Monthly Average Prices (Rs. PMT - Exclusive of GST) 8 49,820 49,520
10 49,820 49,520
Products Oct’2021 Sept’2021 Aug’2021 July’2021 22-10-21 15-10-21 12 48,720 49,420
ADC 12 Plate 5-10 mm 63,000 63,000 16/20 50,320 50,020
Ex-Delhi ......................................................................................... 223.00 ....................... 226.00 ................... 188.00 ..................... 176.00 25 50,320 50,020
Mumbai ........................................................................................... 224.00 ....................... 227.00 ................... 188.00 ..................... 176.00 H.R. Coil 70,000 70,000 MS Angles (mm x mmxmm)
Ahmedabad .................................................................................... 225.00 ....................... 228.00 ................... 186.00 ..................... 180.00 H.R. Sheets (8x12 g) 71,000 71,000 25 x 32 x 40 x 3 51,440 51,140
AlSi 9 Cu3-(Mumbai) ...................................................................... 227.00 ....................... 230.00 ................... 192.50 ..................... 180.00 45x5, 50x5 49,320 49,020
LM6-(Mumbai) ................................................................................. 290.00 ....................... 305.00 ................... 220.00 ..................... 195.50 C.R. Coils (16 to 20 g) 80,000 80,000
M.S. Channels (mm x mm)
C.R. Sheets (Black) 76,000 76,000 75 x 40 52,150 51,850
MMR Reference : Domestic Prices G.P. Coil 68,000 68,000 100 x 50
125 X 65
Daily Rates (Rs./kg : October 2021) Average Rates (Rs./kg) G.P. Sheets 71,000 71,000 Joists (m mx mm)
Variety Market 25 26 27 28 29 Week ended Oct. Oct. G.C. Sheets 72,000 72,000 150 x 75 51,550 51,250
29-10-2021 2021 2020
Ingot Mumbai 243.00 243.00 243.00 243.00 243.00 243.00 246.40 153.22
Sheet Scrap Delhi 245.00 248.00 249.00 250.00 251.00 248.60 242.60 148.70 (Open market rates of rerollables)
Utensil Scrap Mumbai 205.00 205.00 205.00 205.00 205.00 205.00 203.85 117.73
Utensil Scrap Delhi 205.00 207.00 209.00 211.00 215.00 209.40 202.20 122.43 Rs./tonne Exclusive (GST)
Wire Scrap Mumbai 239.00 241.00 243.00 245.00 247.00 243.00 238.80 149.43
Wire Scrap Delhi 239.00 240.00 243.00 243.00 245.00 242.00 238.25 149.67 Commodity Market Commodity Market
Copper 22-10-21 15-10-21 22-10-21 15-10-21
Cathode Mumbai 754.00 753.00 745.00 747.00 476.00 695.00 735.15 461.79 Old & Re-rollable Material Billets & Squares
Pat Delhi 760.00 763.00 765.00 768.00 770.00 765.20 761.05 518.16 100 x 100 MS MG 46,200 45,900
Armecher Mumbai 705.00 705.00 695.00 691.00 691.00 697.40 691.25 469.12 Old Ship Breaking (H) MG 40,100 39,800 100x100 ConcastBillets MG 47,300 47,000
Wire Bar Mumbai 732.00 733.00 735.00 737.00 739.00 735.20 734.45 529.91 Induction Mumbai 46,300 46,000
Super D.Rod Delhi 782.00 783.00 777.00 775.00 775.00 778.40 768.20 523.17 Ship Breaking (L) MG 40,200 39,900 Concast Billets Mumbai 45,300 45,000
Wire Rod Mumbai 705.00 708.00 710.00 714.00 716.00 710.60 689.00 471.12 Old Ship Breaking(Tukri)MG 38,200 37,900 Induction Kolkata 46,300 46,000
Wire Delhi 770.00 772.00 775.00 778.00 780.00 775.00 771.45 526.89
Utensil Scrap Mumbai 665.00 664.00 656.00 656.00 655.00 659.20 648.35 439.13 Old Angle/Channels (H) MG 39,000 38,700 Concast Billets Kolkata 46,600 46,300
Cable Scrap Mumbai 725.00 725.00 720.00 718.00 719.00 721.40 721.70 485.14 ROLLS SCRAP 251mm (HC) MG 43,000 42,700
Wire Scrap Mumbai 760.00 758.00 751.00 753.00 750.00 754.40 735.60 470.36
Wire Scrap Delhi 708.00 709.00 708.00 710.00 711.00 709.20 708.10 480.45 Chill Shaft Scrap MG 32,100 31,800 251mm (MS) MG 43,000 42,700
150 x 150mm (DSP) MG 46,200 45,900
Turning Scrap Mumbai 715.00 716.00 715.00 716.00 714.00 715.20 713.30 441.04 Chill Solid Scrap MG 32,100 31,800 Ingots
Mix. Scrap Delhi 718.00 719.00 716.00 718.00 720.00 718.20 716.50 519.41
Brass S.G. Scrap MG 44,000 45,000 Round quality (21x25) MG
Structural (28x30) MG
Sh. Cutting Mumbai 521.00 521.00 516.00 516.00 517.00 518.20 516.05 340.61 Adamile Scrap MG 34,300 34,000 Low Carbon (12x16) MG 45,950 45,650
Utensil Scrap Mumbai 470.00 473.00 465.00 465.00 465.00 467.60 466.55 326.79
Honey Mumbai 481.00 480.00 475.00 478.00 478.00 478.40 469.45 312.25 Solid Steel Scrap MG 31,100 30,800 Semi low carbon (18x21)
5x6 girder quality (25x30)
GunMetalScrap Delhi 520.00 520.00 520.00 520.00 520.00 520.00 508.15 370.09 Ingots Arc Mumbai 46,300 46,000
Ingots Arc Kolkata 46,500 46,200
Ingot Mumbai 190.00 188.00 189.00 191.00 191.00 189.80 187.70 153.27 Naga MG 16,000 15,700 M.S.Ingots - Excl. GST
Soft Delhi 179.00 180.00 182.00 182.00 185.00 181.60 179.60 157.42
Hard (4%) Delhi 170.00 172.00 174.00 176.00 175.00 173.40 173.25 168.90 Assam MG 16,300 16,000 Bhiwadi 46,000 45,700
Kanpur 46,000 45,700
Ledo (Steel Grade) MG 14,600 14,300 Ghaziabad
Ingot Mumbai 293.00 286.00 283.00 288.00 288.00 287.60 282.05 203.11
46,000 45,700
Ingot Delhi 278.00 280.00 282.00 284.00 286.00 282.00 271.50 257.23 Nangal MG 14,800 14,500 Durgapur 46,100 45,800
Dross Delhi 259.00 260.00 261.00 260.00 262.00 260.40 257.35 184.20 Indonesia MG 10,600 10,300
Mumbai (Ingots Ladle Quality) 46,000 45,700
Ingot Mumbai 3148.00 3149.00 3120.00 2965.00 2966.00 3069.60 3121.80 1571.21 Billets & Squares FORGING RATES 29-10-21 22-10-21
Ingot Delhi 3211.00 3215.00 3218.00 3220.00 3225.00 3217.80 3138.95 1495.75 Mild Steel (mm)
MS/EN-8 MG 80,000 80,000
Nickel EN-19 MG 85,000 85,000
Ingot Mumbai 1598.00 1628.00 1570.00 1565.00 1558.00 1583.80 1532.75 1144.66 75x75x80x80x90x 90 MG 46,000 45,700 EN-24 MG 96,000 96,000
Ingot (4x4) Delhi 1568.00 1570.00 1572.00 1576.00 1580.00 1573.20 1526.30 1135.48 EN-31 MG 84,000 84,000
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021 7
PRIMARY MATERIAL & SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS Mumbai Market : Steel Flat Products: Basic Prices (Rs./Kg) : 29-10-2021
(Open market rates of rerollables)-Mandi Gobindgarh-Punjab Stainless Steel Sheets/Coils
Carbon Steel
SA 240 Type 316 : 14, 32mm 281
Indicative Basic Rate Rs. Per Tonne (F.O.R.) (Additional 18 % GST as appli.) : Immediate Payment. (Oct. 2021) A 516 Gr 70 8 to 40mm 84
Weekly Average SA 240 Type 321 : 6 to 12mm 222
SA 516 Gr 45 to 63 mm 85
29-10-2021 22-10-2021
SA 240 Type 321 : 14 to 20mm 223
Melting Scrap SA 516 Gr 65 to 90 mm 90
Rolling Mill end (angle/fish cut) Scrap (MG-Punjab) ---------- 44,000 ------ 43,000 SA SA 240 - 304 H 193
S355j2G3 8 to 40 mm 82
Rolling Mill end (angle/fish cut) Scrap (Pune) ------------------ 45,500 ------ 44,500
SA 240 - 347 H 247
Old Scrap Godown (MG-Punjab) --------------------------------- 38,800 ------ 38,800 S355j2G3 45 to 63 mm 84
Degi Scrap (MG-Punjab) -------------------------------------------- 40,400 ------ 40,400 SA 240 - 317 L 326
S355j2G3 65 to 90 mm 85
Turning (MG-Punjab) ------------------------------------------------ 41,000 ------ 41,000
SA 240 Type 321 : above 20mm 208
Tin Tapper (MG-Punjab) -------------------------------------------- 41,200 ------ 41,100 IS 2062 E20BR 8 to 400 mm 78
Sponge Iron (MG-Punjab) ------------------------------------------ 41,400 ------ 41,000 Titanium : Grade 2 1,830
Stainless Steel Sheets/Coils
Melting Scrap (Regular) (Mumbai/Pune) ------------------------ 43,600 ------ 42,500
Titanium : Grade 5 2,035
Melting Scrap (Mumbai/Pune) (Foundry) ----------------------- 48,400 ------ 48,000 SA 240 Type 304 : 1mm to 3mm (CR) 262
Heavy Melting Scrap (Mumbai/Pune) (old) (Ingot) ----------- 48,200 ------ 48,500 Duplex : 2205 180
SA 240 Type 304 : 4mm to 12mm (HR) 267
MS Turning Scrap (Pune) ------------------------------------------ 35,400 ------ 35,000
Inconel 600 : 2018
Heavy Melting Scrap (Bhavnagar) (old) ------------------------- 45,000 ------ 45,000 SA 240 Type 304 : 13mm to 100mm (HR) 272
Cast Iron Scrap (Bhavnagar) --------------------------------------- 45,000 ------ 45,200 Incoloy 904 : 1520
SA 240 Type 316L : 3mm to 12mm (CR) 332
Heavy Melting Scrap (Kolkata) (old) ----------------------------- 41,000 ------ 41,000
Monel 400 : 2,025
Heavy Melting Scrap (Delhi) (old) -------------------------------- 41,200 ------ 41,200 SA 240 Type 316L:12mm to 100mm (HR) 350
Melting Scrap (CRCA - Bundle) LSLP (Mumbai/Pune) -------- 48,000 ------ 47,500 Haste Alloy : B 2,029
SA 240 Type 316L 1mm to 3mm (CR) 360
Melting Scrap (CRCA - Zn,Al. Coated) Loose - (Pune) ------ 31,500 ------ 31,000
Haste Alloy G : 2,028
Melting Scrap (CRCA) - (Loose) Ahmedabad ------------------ 40,000 ------ 39,100 SA 240 Type 316 : 4mm to 12mm 362
Melting Scrap (CRCA - Zn,Al. Coated) Loose - (Ahbad) ---- 32,000 ------ 31,100 Haste Alloy C 2,031
Heavy Melting Scrap (Chennai) ----------------------------------- 46,000 ------ 45,000
Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited : 19th October 2021
MS Plate Cutting - Foundry Grade (Chennai) ------------------ 42,500 ------ 42,500
Melting Scrap (CRCA - Zn,Al. Coated) Loose - (Chennai) -- 31,000 ------ 31,000 Products Description Grade Rs. Per Tonne
Melting Scrap (CRCA - Bundle) LSLP (Chennai) --------------- 50,000 ------ 50,000 Products Vizag ....... Ludhiana ....... Chennai ....... Mumbai .... Kolkata
Heavy Melting Scrap (80:20) (Chennai) (Ex-Works) --------- 37,000 ------ 37,000 Billet 125x125 mm IS 2830 51,100 ........... 54,800 ......... 54,000 ......... 53,800 ...... 52,800
Boring Scrap (Chennai) --------------------------------------------- 34,000 ------ 34,000
Raw Material Channel 200x75 IS2062 Gr.A 55,400 ........... 58,400 ......... 56,200 ......... 57,500 ...... 56,500
C.I Turning (MG-Punjab) ------------------------------------------- 41,500 ------ 41,400 Rebar 8mm Is 1786 Fe 500 D 59,700 ........... 62,500 ......... 60,700 ......... 61,300 ...... 61,000
Deg Casting (MG-Punjab) ------------------------------------------ 54,900 ------ 54,900
Round 20.64 mm 55Si7 66,500 ........... 66,500 ......... 66,500 ......... 66,500 ...... 66,500
Pig Iron SG Grade - A (Pune) ------------------------------------- 51,500 ------ 51,500
Pig Iron Foundry Grade - A (Mumbai/Pune) ------------------- 50,000 ------ 50,500 Round 40 MM SAE 1018 57,100 ........... 59,400 ......... 57,900 ......... 59,200 ...... 58,200
Pig Iron Foundry Grade - B (Punjab) ---------------------------- 47,500 ------ 48,000
Wire rod 5.5 MM HC 50 - HC 85 59,300 ........... 61,800 ......... 60,500 ......... 61,700 ...... 60,000
Steel Grade (Punjab) ----------------------------------------------- 45,500 ------ 46,000
Wire Rod 7 mm PC115 58,900 ........... 61,400 ......... 60,100 ......... 61,300 ...... 59,600
 MMR's quoted Pig Iron prices are exclusive of GST. Wire Rod 7 mm PC115 58,800 ........... 61,300 ......... 60,000 ......... 61,200 ...... 59,500
A = Low Sulphur/Phosphorus i.e. 0.09% Max / B = High Sulphur/Phosphorus i.e. above 0.09%
* Loading & unloading Mathadi charges excluded.
The above prices are Branch Level Prices excl of GST
LME prices in $/metric ton
FOR SEPTEMBER 2021 Buy Sell Stock
Branch/Location "TMT“6MM" TMT 8MM "TMT“10MM" "TMT“12MM" "TMT“16MM" "TMT“20MM" Aluminium ................................... 2948.00 ................. 2964.00 .............. 10,86,625
KOLKATA 191 340 517 739 1311 2050 Copper ..................................... 10000.00 ................. 9848.00 ................ 1,16,550
HOWRAH 191 340 517 739 1311 2050 Lead ........................................... 2433.00 ................. 2406.00 ................... 56,775
DURGAPUR 191 340 517 739 1311 2050 Nickel ....................................... 20286.00 ............... 20165.00 ................ 1,42,446
CUTTACK 195 346 527 753 1336 2088
Tin ............................................ 38755.00 ............... 37375.00 ........................ 975
BERHAMPORE 195 346 527 753 1336 2088
Zinc ............................................ 3501.00 ................. 3456.00 ................ 1,98,275
PATNA 190 338 513 733 1302 2035
BOKARO 176 312 474 676 1201 1877
BULLION PRICES (Friday close)
GUWAHATI 204 362 550 788 1398 2185
DELHI - 323 493 701 1243 1943 Gold (Standard) ................................ Mumbai ...................... Rs./10g .................. 49,002
FARIDABAD - 321 490 697 1237 1941 Silver (.999) ..................................... Mumbai ........................ Rs./Kg .................. 71,240
GHAZIABAD - 322 491 698 1238 1935 Gold .................................................. London ....................... $/tr.oz. ............... 1,866.50
KANPUR - 325 495 704 1249 1952
Silver ................................................ London ....................... $/tr.oz. ..................... 27.75
ALLAHABAD - 325 495 704 1250 1953
LUDHIANA - 332 506 720 1278 1997
PANCHKULA - 324 494 703 1247 1949 Gold demand bounces back to pre-Covid levels
BAREILLY - 335 511 726 1288 2014
SRINAGAR - 342 523 745 1322 2067 India's gold demand has seen a 47% year-on-year jump in the
JAMMU - 319 487 692 1229 1921 July-Sept quarter to 139.1 tonne, following strong rebound in economic
LEH - 358 548 781 1386 2166 activity and recovering consumer demand, the World Gold Council said
in a report.
JAIPUR - 325 489 698 1240 1937

KOTA - 328 493 705 1251 1964

RAIGAD - 329 494 706 1252 1957 According to the World Gold Council , gold demand in India is bouncing
KOLHAPUR - 337 506 723 1284 2006 back to pre-Covid levels and going forward the outlook looks bullish.
NAGPUR - 311 466 666 1182 1848
The country's overall demand stood at 94.6 tonne during the Sept quarter
of 2020, the WGC's Q3 Gold Demand Trends 2021 report said, adding
AHMEDABAD - 321 482 688 1222 1909
DHULE - 320 480 686 1217 1903
BHILAI - 301 452 646 1146 1791 that in terms of value, India's third quarter gold demand went up by
AHMEDNAGAR - 331 496 709 1258 1966 37% to Rs 59,330 cr, compared to Rs 43,160 cr a year ago.
"This reflects a combination of low base effect and return of positive
JABALPUR - 319 479 685 1215 1899
INDORE - 321 482 689 1223 1912
THIRUVALLUR - 332 504 720 1277 1996 trade and consumer sentiments.
THANJAVUR - 345 524 748 1328 2075 This is primarily driven by what appears to be a firm grip on the pandemic
Madurai - 341 517 739 1312 2050
with higher vaccination rates and falling infection rates, leading to a
strong rebound in economic activity," WGC Regional CEO, India,
COIMBATORE - 342 520 742 1317 2059
COCHIN - 347 527 753 1336 2089
HYDERABAD - 331 502 718 1273 1990 Somasundaram PR said.
KURNOOL - 347 527 752 1335 2086 Going forward, imports might not be very significant in the fourth quarter
GUNTUR - 331 503 718 1275 1992
as little bit of stocking up for the festive season has already taken
VIZAG - 319 484 691 1226 1916
BANGALORE - 329 499 713 1265 1977 place during the third quarter of 2021, he stated.
Minerals & Metals Review
8 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Domestic Steel Prices

Ferro Alloys & Minor Metals-Mumbai (Basic Price) Week ended averages 29-10-2021
Ferro Molybdenum (60%) ......................... 2125 Ferro Chromium(Cr.60%)Low Carbon ......... 350 PRIMARY MATERIAL & SEMI-FINISHED PRODUCTS
Pure Molybdenum ..................................... 4200 Ferro Chromium (Cr.75%)Low Carbon ........ 375
Nitrated FeCr. ............................................... 530 Ferro Chromium High Carbon 60 to 65 % .... 164
Ferro Silicon (70-75%) ................................ 305 Ferro Tungsten 70% .................................. 2800 Indicative Basic Rate Rs. Per Tonne (Oct‘2021)
Molybdenum Oxide 62 to 63 % ................. 2025 Pure Tungsten 99% ................................... 3500
Ferro Vanadium (50%) .............................. 1600 Weekly Average
Ferro Boron ................................................. 350 Chromium 99.9 % ....................................... 850
Ferro Manganese HC ................................... 140 29-10-2021 22-10-2021
Ferro Manganese MC .................................. 195 Pure Silicon 99.9 % ..................................... 550
Cobalt Chip 99.9 % ................................... 4500 Finish Flat
Pure Manganese ELC 99.9 % ...................... 550 Magnesium 99.9 % ..................................... 850
Ferro Phosphorous ....................................... 66 ERW Pipes (HR Coil based) (Punjab) ---------------------------- 75,500 ------ 75,000
Ferro Silicon Zirconium ................................ 500 Manganese 99.8 % ..................................... 575 ERW Pipes (Patra based) (Punjab) ------------------------------ 52,500 ------ 52,000
Ferro Titanium 30/35 % ............................... 225 Bismuth 99 % ............................................. 880
Silico Manganese ........................................ 300 Finish long
Ferro Titanium 70/75 % ............................... 400 Ferro Silicon Magnesium ............................. 330 Rebar 12-25mm Induction IS 1786-500 Fe (Pune) ---------- 51,500 ------ 51,000
Wire Rod : 5.5-6mm SAE 1008 (Coimbatore) ----------------- 55,500 ------ 55,000
Raipur Local Market Prices : Basic Rates (Rs./kgs) 29-10-2021 Wire Rod :5.5mm (Raipur) ----------------------------------------- 50,400 ------ 50,000
Variety Rate Binding Wire 20 Gauge (Raipur) ---------------------------------- 56,400 ------ 56,000
Ferro Silicon 70/75 .............................................................................................................. 310.00 HB Wire- 12 Gauge (Raipur) --------------------------------------- 52,300 ------ 52,000
Ferro Manganese 70/75 ...................................................................................................... 166.00 Billets (Raipur) -------------------------------------------------------- 45,500 ------ 45,000
High Ferro Manganese (78% Mn) ........................................................................................ 105.00 Rebar 12-32mm IS 1786 Fe 500D (Mumbai) ------------------ 52,400 ------ 52,000
Electrolytic Manganese Dioxide (MnO2 : 90% min) : ............................................................... N.A. Structural - Channel (75*40 Channel) (Pune) ----------------- 50,400 ------ 50,000
Import Low Sulp. : (max 1.5%) cal Petro. Coke 98% ............................................................ 64.00
Import Low Sulp. : (max. 0.25%) cal Petro coke 93/80% ...................................................... 70.00 Structural - Beam 125*70 I-Bean (Durgapur) ----------------- 47,600 ------ 47,000
High Carbon Ferrochome .................................................................................................... 145.00
Ferro Titanium 30/35 % ....................................................................................................... 211.00 Met Coke (25-90 mm) - (Cuttack) ------------------------------- 52,000 ------ 51,000
Coke - Ex-Plant Basic Prices - (Rs. PMT)-Dated : 29-10-2021 Iron Ore Lumps - 10-40 mm Fe 67% DR (Chattisgarh) ------- 8,000 -------- 7,800
LAM Coke .......................................................................................................................... 51,500
Note : Delivery order upon receipt of 100% payment. Stainless steel Scrap : Mumbai Market (29-10-2021)
SS Flat Products- Mumbai Market : Excl of GST - (Rs./Kgs) 29-10-2021 (Basic Prices: Rs. Per Kgs)
SSLNM/Q , CR , Thickness - 1.2 MM ..................................................................................... 156
SSLNM/Q , CR , Thickness - 3 MM ........................................................................... 162 Items Industrial Scrap Foundry Scrap
SSLNB , CR , Thickness - 1.2 MM ............................................................................. 161 (Unprocessed)
SSLNB , CR , Thickness - 3 MM ................................................................................ 153 Stainlesss Steel - 304 .............................................................................. 185 ...................... 190
SSLNB , HR .............................................................................................................. 154 Stainlesss Steel - 304 L ................................................................................ - ...................... 205
SSLN1 , CR , Thickness - 1.2 MM .............................................................................. 168 Stainlesss Steel - 316 .............................................................................. 263 ...................... 270
Stainlesss Steel - 316 L ................................................................................ - ...................... 285
SSLN1 , CR , Thickness - 3 MM ................................................................................ 167 Stainlesss Steel - 410 (11.5% chromium) ................................................... 56 ........................ 86
SSLN1 , HR , Thickness - 3 MM ................................................................................ 164 Stainlesss Steel - 430 (16% chromium) ...................................................... 60 ........................ 80
SSLNA , CR , Thickness - 1.2-3 MM .......................................................................... 153 Stainlesss Steel - 2205 ........................................................................... N.A. ...................... 200
SSLNA , HR , Thickness - 3 MM ................................................................................ 162 Stainlesss Steel - 2507 ........................................................................... N.A. ...................... 250
204CU , CR , Thickness - 1.2-3 MM ........................................................................... 163
204CU , HR , Thickness - 3 MM ................................................................................. 163 Indicative Prices of Flat Products (MS-Commercial Grade-250) : Exclusive of GST
Mumbai / Ex-Kalamboli (Rs./ton; as on 29-10-2021)
304 , CR , Thickness - 1.2-3 MM ............................................................................... 225
304 , HR , Thickness - 3-8 MM .................................................................................. 225 GP Sheets
Plates CR Sheets 18G ........................... 87,000
430 , CR , Thickness - 1.2 MM .................................................................................. 148 5mm ............................ 71,500 14/16G ........................ 82,000 20G ............................. 87,000
430 , HR , Thickness - 3-8 MM .................................................................................. 159 6mm ............................ 71,500 18G ............................. 82,000 22G ............................. 87,000
409M , CR , Thickness - 1.2 MM ............................................................................... 149 8mm ............................ 71,500 20G ............................. 82,000 24G ............................. 87,000
409M , CR , Thickness - 3 MM .................................................................................. 156 10mm .......................... 71,500
409M , HR , Thickness - 3-8 MM ............................................................................... 154 12mm .......................... 71,500 HR Sheets
409L , CR , Thickness - 1.2 MM ................................................................................. 154 16mm .......................... 71,500 10G ............................. 73,000
409L , CR , Thickness - 3 MM ................................................................................... 145 20mm .......................... 71,500 12G ............................. 73,000
409L , HR , Thickness - 3-8 MM ................................................................................ 146 25mm to 32mm ........... 71,500 14G ............................. 73,000
304 Sq Bar ............................................................................................................... 280 40mm to 50mm ........... 71,500 16G ............................. 73,000
304 Round Bar .......................................................................................................... 302
316L Round Bar ........................................................................................................ 340 ST-52 10mm to 14mm 73,000

International Prices
International Scrap Metals FOB Price : $ / Tonne (Oct 2021) LME Minor Metal Prices ($/tonne)
Product Name ................................ 15 ................ 18 ................. 19 ............... 20 ................ 21 Cobalt Molybdneum

U.S. clean 6063 .......................... 2720 ............ 2750 ............. 2750 ........... 2690 ............ 2685 Date Sett. 3m Sett. 3m
Acsr/Ins(68%) ............................ 1905 ............ 1925 ............. 1925 ........... 1880 ............ 1880
Shredded Aluminum ................... 2405 ............ 2435 ............. 2430 ........... 2380 ............ 2375 22-Oct-21 56220.00 58585.00 26000.00 26000.00
356 Auto Wheels ........................ 2805 ............ 2835 ............. 2835 ........... 2775 ............ 2770 25-Oct-21 56200.00 56545.00 26000.00 26000.00
Aluminum Radiator ..................... 2220 ............ 2245 ............. 2240 ........... 2190 ............ 2190 26-Oct-21 56200.00 56545.00 26000.00 26000.00
#1 Bare Bright ............................ 9894 .......... 10194 ........... 10144 ........... 9844 .......... 10084 27-Oct-21 56245.00 56545.00 26000.00 26000.00
#2 Birch/Cliff .............................. 9605 ............ 9905 ............. 9875 ........... 9605 ............ 9845 28-Oct-21 56255.00 56545.00 26000.00 26000.00
Yellow Brass Honey ..................... 6095 ............ 6275 ............. 6255 ........... 6100 ............ 6240 Average (Sept’21) 51712.27 52089.09 26000.00 26000.00
Ocean Auto Radiator ................... 5538 ............ 5698 ............. 5683 ........... 5533 ............ 5663
304 Sabot ................................... 1840 ............ 1870 ............. 1870 ........... 1850 ............ 1930
Stocks (Month-end in tonnes) 280.00 0

Chalco’key products Daily Sales Price CNY / Ton (Oct 2021)

Product Name ................................ 15 ................ 18 ................. 19 ............... 20 ................ 21 Import Steel Prices of Middle East (UAE) ($/tonne)

Aluminium Ingot (99.70) .......... 23650 .......... 24100 ........... 24240 ......... 23120 .......... 23340
Billets - Blooms 625-635
Alumina ............................................ - ................... - .................... - .................. - ................... - Reinforcing Bars 640-650
Aluminium Hydroxide ........................ - ................... - .................... - .................. - ................... - Angles 960-970
Beams (JIS sizes) 1000-1010
Wire Rods 900-910
Shanghai Changjiang Market Spot Price CNY / Ton (Oct 2021) HR Plates 970-980
HR Coils >=3.mm 910-980
Product Name 14 15 18 19 20
CR Coil, 1mm 1160-1220
Copper 71790 74160 76370 75860 73720 HD Galvd. Coils, HR Base, 2mm 1280-1300
Aluminum 23220 23640 24090 24240 23100 HD Galvd. Coils, CR Base, 1mm 1330-1350
Lead 15150 15350 15550 15850 15700 Prepainted Galvd. Coils 0.35mm 1530-1550
Tinplate 0.32mm -
0 # Zinc 25500 26150 28250 27700 25950 SS HR Coils 304 base 3140-3160
1 # Zinc 24975 25625 27725 27175 25425 SS HR Coils 316L base 3090-4010
Tin 282250 286000 290500 295500 287000
Source: MEsteel.com
Nickel 144250 146750 151900 151450 149300
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021
International Prices
Export Prices: China Ferro Alloys dated: 29th October 2021
Unit Chinese European Japanese American
Main China Port European Main Port Japan Main Port
Ferrochrome -H/C Cr >60% C<6-8% Si <3.5% P<0.05% ...... lb ........................................................... 128 .................................... 130 .................................... 131 ............................................... --
Ferrochrome -L/C Cr> 60% C< 0.25% Si <1.5% P<0.03% .... lb ........................................................... 190 .................................... 192 .................................... 191 ............................................ 192
Ferrochrome - M /C Cr>60% C< 0. 1% Si < 1.5% P<0.03% .. lb ........................................................... 191 .................................... 193 .................................... 192 ............................................ 216
Ferrochrome - M /C Cr>60% C<0.05% P<0.03% ................... lb ........................................................... 196 .................................... 198 .................................... 197 ............................................ 221
Ferrochrome - M /C Cr>65% C<0.10% P<0.03% ................... lb ........................................................... 221 .................................... 223 .................................... 224 ............................................ 223
Ferromanganese - H/C Mn>75% C<8%P<0.3%S<0.04% ...... $/mt .................................................... 2440 .................................. 2840 .................................. 2530 .......................................... 3040
Ferromanganese - H/C Mn>65% C<8%P<0.3%S<0.04% ...... $/mt .................................................... 2165 .................................. 2565 .................................. 2255 .......................................... 2765
Ferromanganese - M/C Mn>78%C<1.5% Si<1.5% ................. $/mt .................................................... 3455 .................................. 3855 .................................. 3545 .......................................... 4055
Fromanganese - M/C Mn>78%C<2.0% ................................... $/mt .................................................... 3435 .................................. 3835 .................................. 3525 .......................................... 4035
Ferromanganese -L/C Mn>80%C<0.5% Si<1.0%P<0.2% ...... $/mt .................................................... 4375 .................................. 4775 .................................. 4465 .......................................... 4975
Silicon manganese ¨CMn>65%,Si>17% ,P<0.3% .................. $/mt ................................................... 2330 .................................. 2730 .................................. 2430 ................................................. -
Silicon manganese¨CMn£½60-70% Si£½14-17%,P<0.3% ..... $/mt .................................................... 1730 .................................. 2130 .................................. 1830 ................................................. -
Manganese Electrolytic flakes -Mn> 99.7% .............................. $/mt .................................................... 6950 .................................. 7350 .................................. 7040 .......................................... 7550
Manganese Metal lumpy 95%min .............................................. $/mt .................................................... 7150 .................................. 7550 .................................. 7240 .......................................... 7750
Manganese Briquettes 97%min .................................................. $/mt .................................................... 7050 .................................. 7650 .................................. 7140 .......................................... 7650
Ferrosilicon- Si>75% AL<1.5% C <0.2% ¹è Ìú 75% ................ $/mt .................................................... 3900 .................................. 4500 .................................. 4080 ................................................. -
Ferrosilicon-Si>72% Al<2.5% ¹è Ìú 72% .................................. $/mt .................................................... 3800 .................................. 4000 .................................. 3980 ................................................. -
Silicon Metal> 98.5% - 5-5-3 Grade 10-100mm ...................... $/mt .................................................... 6850 .................................. 7100 .................................. 7930 .......................................... 7050
Silicon Metal ¨C 4-4-1 Grade SIZE 10-100mm .......................... $/mt .................................................... 9050 .................................. 9200 .................................. 9130 .......................................... 9250
Ferromolybdenum Mo>60% ..................................................... $/kg. ................................................... 41.55 ......................................... - ......................................... - ................................................. -
Molybdenum Oxide-Mo51%min ................................................ $/lb ....................................................... 9.49 ................................... 9.51 ................................... 9.50 ........................................... 9.56
Molybdenum Concentrates 40% ............................................... $/lb ....................................................... 9.27 ................................... 9.29 ................................... 9.28 ................................................. -
Ferrotungsten ¨C W=70-80% ................................................... $/kg .................................................... 37.50 ................................. 37.54 ................................. 37.53 ........................................... 38.0
Ferrovanadium - V =78%-80% .................................................. $/kg .................................................... 39.50 ..................................................................................... - ................................................. -
Vanadium Pentoxide V2O5(FLAKES) ......................................... $/lb ....................................................... 9.00 ................................... 9.50 ......................................... - ................................................. -
Ferrotitanium 68-72% AL3.5%max ............................................ $/kg ...................................................... 8.30 ......................................... - ......................................... - ................................................. -
Titanium Concentrate 46% ........................................................ $/kg ...................................................... 0.73 ......................................... - ......................................... - ................................................. -
Sponge Titanium ....................................................................... $/kg ...................................................... 9.49 ................................... 9.54 ................................... 9.49 ........................................... 9.55
Ferro Boron B 19%min :10-50mm/ 0-2mm ............................... $/mt .................................................... 2850 ......................................... - ......................................... - ................................................. -
Ferro Phosphorous: P 20-23%Max, Mn:5%max, C:1%max ........ $/MT ..................................................... 365 ......................................... - ......................................... - ................................................. -

Exchange Rates
Average Bank Rates (Rs/$) USD/INR Customs Notified Exchange Rates (w.e.f. 17-09-2021)
Month Buying Selling Currency Import Export Currency Import Export
Australian Dollar 55.10 52.75 EURO 88.45 85.30
Dec 2019 71.24 71.33 Norwegian Kroner 8.75 8.40
Baharani Dinar 201.40 189.00
Canadian Dollar 59.25 57.15 Pound Sterling 103.50 100.00
Nov 2019 71.52 71.57
Danish Kroner 11.90 11.45 Singapore Dollar 55.75 53.90
Oct 2019 70.97 71.10 S. African Rand 5.25 4.95
Hongkong Dollar 9.60 9.30 S. Arabian Riyal 20.25 19.00
Kuwaiti Dinar 252.70 236.90 Swedish Kroner 8.70 8.40
Sept 2019 71.35 71.26
New Zealand Dollar 53.70 51.30 Swiss Franc 81.55 78.35
Aug 2019 71.21 71.12 Japanese Yen (100) 68.55 66.05 UAE Dirham 20.65 19.40
US Dollar 74.40 72.70
Indicative Bank Exchange Rates (Rs./unit currency) : October 2021
IMPORTS - Buying Rates EXPORTS - Selling Rates
Currency 25 26 27 28 29 25 26 27 28 29
Australian Dollar - - - - - - - - - -
Canadian Dollar - - - - - - - - - -
Hongkong Dollar - - - - - - - - - -
New Zealand Dollar - - - - - - - - - -
Danish Kroner - - - - - - - - - -
Pound Sterling - - - - - - - - - -
Swiss Franc - - - - - - - - - -
U S Dollar - - - - - - - - - -
Singapore Dollar - - - - - - - - - -
Euro - - - - - - - - - -
Trends in Customs Notified Exchange Rates (Rs./unit currency)
Currency Sept 2021 Aug 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021 Sept 2021 Aug 2021 July 2021 June 2021 May 2021

Australian Dollar 55.05 56.15 57.00 57.90 58.35 52.75 53.75 54.65 55.50 55.95
Canadian Dollar 58.95 60.35 61.20 61.85 61.30 56.85 58.20 59.00 59.65 59.10
Hongkong Dollar 9.55 9.70 9.75 9.60 9.70 9.20 9.35 9.40 9.25 9.35
Japanese Yen (100) 67.70 68.95 68.25 67.90 68.85 65.20 66.45 65.80 65.40 66.30
Danish Kroner 11.85 12.05 12.10 12.25 12.15 11.40 11.60 11.65 11.75 11.70
Pound Sterling 102.40 104.90 104.65 105.35 104.45 98.95 101.40 101.15 101.85 100.95
Swiss Franc 81.45 83.45 82.05 83.00 82.45 78.25 80.20 78.85 79.75 79.20
U S Dollar 73.95 75.10 75.30 73.95 74.75 72.25 73.40 73.60 72.25 73.05
Singapore Dollar 55.30 55.90 56.30 56.25 56.20 53.40 54.00 54.35 54.35 54.35
Euro 88.10 89.45 89.80 90.85 90.25 84.95 86.30 86.65 87.65 87.10

Note: This table only gives exchange rates as announced on the first of every month. Interim revisions, if any, are not reflected in this table.
Minerals & Metals Review
10 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Ports Covered in this issue : HYD/IND/JAG/JAI/JNP (01st to 8th) : JULY 2021.

Ports Covered in recent past issues : COI/CON/DAD/DAR/DEL/DHA/DIG/ENN/GAN/GAR/GRF/HAZ : JULY 2021.
EXPORTS : Non-Ferrous Products
Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
ORES,CONCENTRATES,ASH & RESIDUES Copper Alloys Tubes,Pipes & Fittings,etc.
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 107 184,807 1,720.4
Copper Refined 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 402 348,932 868.9
01/07/2021 BRASS SCRAP SOLID JNP UK 831 422,023 508.0 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 1,203 1,044,884 868.9
02/07/2021 BRASS INGOTS JNP CHINA 25,030 10,371,801 414.4 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 1,514 1,315,186 868.9
03/07/2021 COPPER BILLETS HYD CHINA 52,147 34,574,682 663.0 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 1,582 1,374,267 868.9
04/07/2021 BRASS BILLET JNP CHINA 24,320 11,027,694 453.4 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 1,742 1,526,832 876.7
08/07/2021 COPPER INGOTS JNP CHINA 25,080 16,786,447 669.3 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 2,023 1,757,780 868.9
08/07/2021 BRASS INGOTS JNP CHINA 25,654 11,188,094 436.1 06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 3,536 61,494 17.4
12/07/2021 COPPER BILLETS HYD CHINA 52,100 34,547,058 663.1 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 3,549 3,083,564 868.9
12/07/2021 COPPER BILLETS HYD CHINA 52,138 34,055,670 653.2 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 4,421 3,841,379 868.9
15/07/2021 COPPER BILLETS HYD CHINA 52,124 34,040,612 653.1 06/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP OMAN 18,166 19,917,688 1,096.4
17/07/2021 COPPER BILLETS HYD CHINA 52,146 34,734,711 666.1
23/07/2021 COPPER BILLETS HYD CHINA 52,116 34,620,000 664.3 NICKEL & NICKEL ALLOYS
31/07/2021 COPPER BILLETS HYD CHINA 52,094 34,349,000 659.4
Nickel Tubes,Pipes,Fittings
Copper & Copper Alloys Wires,Rods 01/07/2021 NICKEL TUBES JNP UAE 8 25,789 3,164.3
02/07/2021 COPPER ROD JNP EGYPT 261 188,254 721.3 02/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP UK 5,000 1,472,000 294.4
02/07/2021 COPPER ROD JNP EGYPT 620 447,194 721.3 02/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP UK 5,000 1,472,000 294.4
02/07/2021 COPPER ROD JNP EGYPT 992 715,582 721.3 02/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP UK 10,000 2,944,000 294.4
06/07/2021 BRASS ROD JNP USA 213 188,262 885.1 02/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP THAILAND 20,000 13,248,000 662.4
06/07/2021 BRASS ROD JNP USA 218 193,130 885.1 08/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP TAIWAN 5,484 4,208,056 767.3
06/07/2021 BRASS ROD JNP USA 441 390,598 885.1 08/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY SCRAP JNP UK 5,704 2,033,956 356.6
07/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP OMAN 57 38,244 671.0 08/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY SCRAP JNP UK 7,047 2,323,281 329.7
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JAI BHUTAN 24 20,400 850.0 08/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP THAILAND 20,000 13,248,000 662.4
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JAI BHUTAN 75 63,750 850.0 08/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP TAIWAN 3,456 3,737,744 1,081.5
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 286 241,581 843.7 08/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY PIPES JNP TAIWAN 8,739 9,451,429 1,081.5
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 308 259,474 843.4
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 308 259,752 843.4 Nickel Powders,Flakes
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 309 260,952 843.7 08/07/2021 NICKEL POWDER JNP JAPAN 825 2,277,000 2,760.0
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 310 261,751 843.4
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 311 261,981 843.7 Nickel Bars,Rods,Profiles,Wires
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 311 262,353 843.7 01/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UK 241 295,710 1,227.5
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 312 263,192 843.3 01/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP COLOMBIA 293 561,177 1,912.3
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 326 274,809 842.8 01/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP COLOMBIA 375 800,064 2,130.9
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 340 286,689 843.4 01/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UK 1,031 1,757,126 1,704.7
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 343 289,371 843.4 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 600 912,873 1,521.5
08/07/2021 COPPER BARS JNP UAE 391 329,373 842.8 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 619 1,090,923 1,761.8
02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 926 1,630,571 1,761.8
Copper Wires 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 1,131 1,282,020 1,133.5
01/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JAI BHUTAN 11 9,101 861.0 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 2,201 2,494,897 1,133.5
01/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP THAILAND 156 182,924 1,172.0 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 3,000 4,163,467 1,387.8
01/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP THAILAND 220 251,568 1,145.8 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP MEXICO 3,053 5,324,424 1,743.9
01/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP THAILAND 293 329,507 1,125.4 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP MEXICO 3,100 3,709,195 1,196.6
01/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP THAILAND 332 379,873 1,145.8 02/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP MEXICO 11,857 2,070,164 174.6
03/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 46 110,959 2,419.0 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 9 23,641 2,624.2
03/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 143 267,493 1,868.0 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 9 20,722 2,212.2
03/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP KOREA 1,427 1,831,190 1,282.9 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 26 49,394 1,898.7
03/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP TURKEY 2,040 1,782,607 873.8 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP THAILAND 50 109,759 2,195.2
04/07/2021 BRASS WIRE JAI BHUTAN 10 7,000 700.0 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 89 159,213 1,792.0
04/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 2,267 1,927,131 850.1 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP CANADA 98 246,831 2,509.5
04/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 4,507 3,495,848 775.6 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 136 180,874 1,330.0
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 30 39,111 1,303.7 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 136 180,874 1,330.0
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 75 68,006 906.7 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 136 180,874 1,330.0
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 100 74,094 740.9 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 150 193,690 1,291.3
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 113 107,680 957.2 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 150 257,285 1,715.2
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 160 152,933 955.8 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 211 682,731 3,239.9
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 200 208,622 1,043.1 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 338 605,312 1,792.0
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 270 352,001 1,303.7 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP CANADA 348 817,204 2,348.1
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 498 373,052 749.4 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 458 829,289 1,811.4
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 540 491,390 910.0 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UK 460 1,125,584 2,446.9
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 540 744,178 1,378.1 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 576 1,151,352 1,998.9
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 1,080 982,780 910.0 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 674 1,186,582 1,759.6
05/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NETHERLANDS 1,080 1,023,077 947.3 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UK 892 2,181,774 2,446.9
06/07/2021 BRASS WIRE JAI BHUTAN 100 76,188 761.9 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 1,117 1,911,251 1,711.4
06/07/2021 COPPER WIRE ROD JNP UAE 4,150 3,179,521 766.1 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UK 1,261 2,210,460 1,752.9
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 45 44,061 971.4 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP USA 1,348 2,400,017 1,780.6
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 91 88,121 971.4 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP KOREA 1,651 3,070,356 1,860.1
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 227 220,303 971.4 03/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP THAILAND 5,536 9,701,109 1,752.5
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 227 167,710 739.5 05/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP BRAZIL 195 235,735 1,207.0
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 272 258,626 950.3 05/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP BRAZIL 204 246,116 1,207.0
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP USA 272 264,363 971.4 05/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP BRAZIL 1,000 1,207,040 1,207.0
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP SINGAPORE 2,008 1,547,861 770.9 05/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP SAUDI ARABIA 1,018 2,285,206 2,244.8
08/07/2021 COPPER WIRE JNP NEW ZEALAND 229 189,745 828.6 05/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP BRAZIL 1,200 2,097,600 1,748.0
05/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP BRAZIL 2,942 5,142,616 1,748.0
Copper Alloys Strips,Foils 08/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 500 528,565 1,057.1
01/07/2021 COPPER PLATE JAI BHUTAN 109 88,128 810.0 08/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 500 772,918 1,545.8
03/07/2021 COPPER STRIPS JNP SAUDI ARABIA 8,053 6,559,609 814.6 08/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 500 773,000 1,546.0
03/07/2021 COPPER STRIPS JNP SAUDI ARABIA 12,008 9,781,619 814.6 08/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 500 529,000 1,058.0
06/07/2021 COPPER SHEET JAI BHUTAN 1,109 967,955 872.5 08/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 1,000 1,545,836 1,545.8
07/07/2021 COPPER STRIPS JNP CANADA 250 161,918 647.7 08/07/2021 NICKEL WIRE JNP UAE 1,000 1,546,000 1,546.0
07/07/2021 COPPER STRIPS JNP CANADA 45 106,912 2,386.4
07/07/2021 COPPER STRIPS JNP CANADA 62 163,057 2,648.7 Nickel Plates,Strips,Foils
07/07/2021 COPPER STRIPS JNP CANADA 78 172,075 2,214.6 01/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY SHEETS JNP UAE 108 189,725 1,749.3
08/07/2021 BRASS STRIPS JNP AUSTRALIA 233 165,956 711.0 06/07/2021 NICKEL ALLOY SHEETS JNP KUWAIT 818 2,830,000 3,458.5
08/07/2021 BRASS STRIPS JNP AUSTRALIA 796 532,889 669.1
08/07/2021 BRASS STRIPS JNP AUSTRALIA 1,023 694,359 678.7
08/07/2021 BRASS STRIPS JNP AUSTRALIA 1,048 729,544 696.3 Aluminium Metals (Unwrought)
08/07/2021 COPPER FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 1,209 978,930 809.8 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP JAPAN 23,827 4,046,340 169.8
08/07/2021 COPPER FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 2,846 2,304,873 809.8 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP JAPAN 24,026 4,080,409 169.8
08/07/2021 COPPER FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 3,733 3,302,175 884.5 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP POLAND 96,763 20,442,635 211.3
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP VIETNAM 203,531 37,903,677 186.2
Copper Alloys Tubes,Pipes & Fittings,etc. 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP VIETNAM 203,531 37,904,000 186.2
01/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP COLOMBIA 50 42,588 860.4 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 381,363 71,444,241 187.3
01/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP COLOMBIA 50 42,932 860.4 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 483,939 90,593,967 187.2
01/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP COLOMBIA 112 96,446 860.4 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 483,939 90,594,000 187.2
01/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP COLOMBIA 161 138,432 860.4 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 540,541 101,317,200 187.4
01/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP COLOMBIA 199 171,512 860.4 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 580,491 108,156,785 186.3
01/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP UK 288 300,854 1,043.2 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP TAIWAN 175,225 32,600,006 186.0
01/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP COLOMBIA 666 597,168 896.8 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP TAIWAN 325,392 60,538,052 186.0
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP EGYPT 169 129,178 766.2 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 498,611 94,098,960 188.7
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP MALAYSIA 295 220,865 748.9 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 574,589 108,076,772 188.1
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP EGYPT 445 340,565 766.2 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 574,589 108,077,000 188.1
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP MALAYSIA 445 332,984 749.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 674,736 127,695,647 189.3
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP MALAYSIA 541 405,333 749.0 04/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 47,920 8,175,076 170.6
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 669 736,109 1,100.3 05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 23,996 3,942,016 164.3
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP USA 679 746,563 1,100.3 05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 24,856 4,084,506 164.3
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP MALAYSIA 1,085 812,387 749.0 05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 25,322 4,161,675 164.4
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP MALAYSIA 1,087 813,735 749.0 05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 26,215 4,309,556 164.4
02/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP MALAYSIA 3,136 2,348,710 749.0 05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 74,970 12,106,000 161.5
03/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP GERMANY 343 218,668 637.5 05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 100,188 16,178,419 161.5
03/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP GERMANY 647 412,665 637.5 06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 74,929 12,099,331 161.5
03/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP GERMANY 867 552,473 637.5 06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP BULGARIA 99,898 21,322,229 213.4
03/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP GERMANY 947 603,665 637.5 06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP BULGARIA 99,898 21,322,000 213.4
03/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP CANADA 9,880 2,643,123 267.5 07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 47,676 7,164,000 150.3
03/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP GERMANY 1,751 1,116,165 637.5 07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP CHINA 47,971 7,208,000 150.3
03/07/2021 COPPER TUBES JNP SPAIN 6,063 6,313,317 1,041.3 07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 50,099 8,090,023 161.5
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 9 19,396 2,091.9 07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 75,055 12,119,826 161.5
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 11 25,548 2,328.3 07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 75,300 12,159,677 161.5
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 12 21,545 1,728.5 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP JAPAN 24,337 4,015,000 165.0
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 15 24,848 1,646.9 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP JAPAN 24,553 4,051,000 165.0
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 18 31,322 1,712.7 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP JAPAN 24,940 4,115,000 165.0
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 18 33,651 1,825.0 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP JAPAN 25,022 4,129,000 165.0
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 42 75,163 1,802.7 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 49,816 8,043,991 161.5
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 50 88,689 1,783.2 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP BULGARIA 98,442 21,011,460 213.4
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 68 117,601 1,728.5 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 122,682 23,007,688 187.5
06/07/2021 COPPER PIPE JNP COTE D IVOIRE 94 164,195 1,747.2 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 270,312 50,953,153 188.5
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021 11
Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
Aluminium Metals (Unwrought) Aluminium & Alloys Bars,Rods,Profiles
08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 422,763 80,331,949 190.0 12/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 148 77,354 522.7
08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 507,675 97,039,685 191.1 12/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 331 220,553 666.3
08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY INGOT JNP KOREA 779,535 146,069,619 187.4 12/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 395 145,472 368.3
12/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 648 271,107 418.4
Aluminium Powders & Flakes 12/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 2,965 1,045,635 352.7
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM POWDER JNP UAE 25 11,588 463.5 12/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 2,982 946,526 317.4
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM POWDER JNP SPAIN 360 54,590 151.6 15/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,794 1,594,994 234.8
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM POWDER JNP SPAIN 360 55,000 152.8 15/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,472 1,993,742 235.3
19/07/2021 ALLUMINIU TUBES JAG SINGAPORE 115 3,000 26.1
Aluminium & Alloys Bars,Rods,Profiles 21/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD SPAIN 6,699 1,907,326 284.7
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 7,085 3,145,644 444.0 22/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 17,550 7,944,639 452.7
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 10,382 4,451,168 428.7 23/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 16,902 8,634,382 510.8
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 15,900 3,961,657 249.2 23/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 17,276 5,624,784 325.6
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 15,906 3,959,801 249.0 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,638 1,597,000 240.6
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 127 63,380 499.1 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,776 1,597,000 235.7
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE JNP USA 133 68,619 517.1 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,786 1,597,000 235.3
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 162 91,937 567.5 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,794 1,597,000 235.1
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 310 145,408 469.1 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,808 1,597,000 234.6
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 360 163,913 455.3 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,448 1,996,000 236.3
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 368 244,543 664.5 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,454 1,996,000 236.1
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE JNP USA 466 253,498 543.9 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,462 1,996,000 235.9
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 509 246,174 483.6 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,510 1,996,000 234.5
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 594 239,758 403.6 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,532 1,996,000 233.9
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 694 268,991 387.6 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 13,588 3,207,000 236.0
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 804 437,100 543.7 24/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 14,886 3,598,000 241.7
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 994 565,223 568.6 26/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND CANADA 332 291,115 876.9
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,122 366,334 326.5 26/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 5,602 2,565,777 458.0
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 1,288 835,910 649.0 26/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 11,758 5,290,772 450.0
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 1,350 506,963 375.5 26/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND CANADA 14,676 3,665,634 249.8
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,360 527,434 387.8 26/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 490 358,712 732.1
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,387 725,647 523.2 26/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,675 1,755,092 656.1
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,862 1,020,113 547.9 26/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 5,572 7,354,670 1,319.9
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,145 700,343 326.5 27/07/2021 ALUMINUIM PROFILE SECTION JAI BHUTAN 765 225,623 295.0
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,246 1,278,518 569.2 27/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 4,472 2,606,032 582.7
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 3,808 2,301,139 604.3 27/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE SECTION JAI BHUTAN 8,657 2,380,565 275.0
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 5,952 1,701,048 285.8 30/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,706 1,597,000 238.1
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD UK 8,896 3,229,391 363.0 30/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,538 1,996,000 233.8
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 16,944 5,354,300 316.0 30/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 13,348 3,207,000 240.3
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM BAR JNP USA 7,746 1,782,753 230.2 30/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 13,432 3,207,000 238.8
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD JNP USA 14,610 4,678,234 320.2 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 62 31,000 500.0
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD JNP USA 17,921 6,282,779 350.6 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 95 45,000 473.7
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM BAR JNP USA 20,838 5,006,412 240.3 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 100 49,000 490.0
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM BAR JNP USA 628 150,378 239.5 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 126 52,000 412.7
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM BAR JNP USA 12,640 3,009,476 238.1 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 162 70,000 432.1
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM EXTRUDED PROFILE JAI BHUTAN 66 21,000 316.6 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 189 100,000 529.1
04/07/2021 ALUMINIUM CHANNEL JAI BHUTAN 1,497 426,502 285.0 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 210 99,000 471.4
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 1,112 488,195 439.0 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 235 116,000 493.6
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 1,768 776,194 439.0 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 269 138,000 513.0
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 7,011 1,760,182 251.1 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 270 137,000 507.4
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 7,046 1,760,182 249.8 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 287 122,000 425.1
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 15,093 4,142,702 274.5 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 289 104,000 359.9
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 15,392 4,142,702 269.1 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 341 138,000 404.7
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 18,352 4,908,225 267.4 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 414 131,000 316.4
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 331 100,892 304.8 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 490 158,000 322.4
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 3,600 1,329,330 369.3 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 583 278,000 476.8
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 432 131,678 304.8 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 945 373,000 394.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 450 138,917 308.7 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,094 706,000 645.3
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 452 139,534 308.7 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,262 423,000 335.2
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 453 139,719 308.4 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,324 791,000 597.4
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 456 140,644 308.4 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,705 714,000 418.8
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 460 136,005 295.7 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,715 524,000 305.5
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 463 141,226 305.0 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,779 628,000 353.0
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 478 145,706 304.8 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 2,104 335,000 159.2
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 480 146,193 304.6 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 2,160 690,000 319.4
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 591 297,703 503.7 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 2,485 790,000 317.9
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 645 728,785 1,129.9 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 2,625 892,000 339.8
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 846 257,748 304.7 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 3,077 1,156,000 375.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 890 271,129 304.6 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 7,658 2,154,000 281.3
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 891 271,647 304.9 31/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 10,331 2,943,000 284.9
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 894 272,409 304.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 910 277,530 305.0 Aluminium & Alloys Bars,Rods,Profiles
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,181 593,027 502.1 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 15,948 2,962,016 185.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 1,359 419,279 308.5 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 21,226 3,962,148 186.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 1,627 495,987 304.8 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 21,317 3,979,392 186.7
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,708 888,846 520.4 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 21,364 3,988,298 186.7
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,747 659,352 377.4 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 21,545 4,022,596 186.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 1,797 547,653 304.8 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 21,594 4,031,881 186.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 1,838 563,608 306.6 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 21,818 4,074,000 186.7
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,122 1,116,919 526.4 03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP SRI LANKA 21,818 4,074,327 186.7
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,122 1,112,456 524.2 07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE JNP INDONESIA 19,649 4,756,512 242.1
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,562 1,327,942 518.3 08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM WIRE ROD JNP ISRAEL 21,113 4,109,011 194.6
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,683 1,790,758 667.4
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HOLLOW PROFILE HYD USA 2,747 840,873 306.1 Aluminium & Alloys Plates,Strips,Foils
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 3,058 1,149,256 375.8 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JAI BHUTAN 42 13,138 312.0
06/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 6,012 4,019,344 668.6 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JAI BHUTAN 123 32,308 262.5
07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM PROFILES JAI BHUTAN 32 14,983 463.0 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 1,218 1,125,000 923.6
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 66 25,862 391.9 01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP USA 14,977 5,038,887 336.4
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 76 35,664 469.3 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 27 19,499 733.9
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 126 51,962 412.4 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP EGYPT 50 27,183 543.7
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 150 64,989 433.3 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP EGYPT 50 27,183 543.7
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 296 154,707 522.7 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 54 25,512 469.8
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 365 175,315 480.3 02/07/2021 ALUMINUM COIL JNP EGYPT 61 30,026 493.1
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,003 348,546 347.5 02/07/2021 ALUMINUM COIL JNP EGYPT 69 33,897 493.1
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,164 377,126 324.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP JORDAN 103 51,308 497.1
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,198 537,786 448.9 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP JORDAN 106 52,446 496.9
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,216 395,250 325.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 126 51,228 408.0
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,258 422,806 336.1 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 131 53,334 408.0
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,034 492,442 242.1 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP JORDAN 147 74,540 507.8
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,041 493,991 242.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 199 92,226 463.7
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 2,305 558,019 242.1 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP JORDAN 204 101,315 496.9
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 6,798 1,594,994 234.6 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP JORDAN 204 101,518 496.9
07/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 8,670 1,993,742 230.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 206 96,780 469.8
08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM EXTRUDED PROFILE JAI BHUTAN 112 24,640 220.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINUM COIL JNP EGYPT 229 112,930 493.1
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 165 329,707 1,998.2 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP JORDAN 258 130,795 507.8
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 195 95,792 491.2 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP JORDAN 262 133,070 507.8
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 300 281,870 939.6 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 273 128,061 469.8
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 307 134,393 437.8 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP EGYPT 295 154,876 525.5
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 480 255,068 531.4 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP SAUDI ARABIA 350 219,000 625.7
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 567 299,829 528.8 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 428 201,151 469.8
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 569 544,381 956.7 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP EGYPT 495 260,324 525.5
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 582 134,447 231.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINUM COIL JNP JORDAN 496 207,369 418.4
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 640 187,606 293.1 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 496 229,985 463.7
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 675 276,000 408.9 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 503 233,185 463.7
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 842 281,870 334.8 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 530 248,442 468.6
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 848 188,563 222.4 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 602 210,762 350.3
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 879 187,427 213.2 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 602 228,030 379.0
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 879 329,707 375.1 02/07/2021 ALUMINUM COIL JNP JORDAN 808 338,041 418.4
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 942 400,007 424.6 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 857 402,542 469.8
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,003 348,546 347.5 02/07/2021 ALUMINUM COIL JNP EGYPT 873 430,267 493.1
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,056 335,004 317.2 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP SRI LANKA 1,306 224,995 172.3
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,072 80,848 75.4 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 2,059 967,433 469.8
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,112 488,195 439.0 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD UAE 3,120 553,238 177.3
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,325 882,211 665.8 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MALAYSIA 4,100 1,921,052 468.6
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,562 534,685 342.3 02/07/2021 ALUMINUM COIL JNP MALAYSIA 4,261 1,927,507 452.4
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,608 502,505 312.5 02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP NETHERLANDS 7,400 2,055,206 277.7
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 1,742 335,004 192.3 03/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP KENYA 8 7,187 898.3
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD USA 1,768 776,194 439.0 03/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP KENYA 12 10,780 898.3
09/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 2,965 824,983 278.2 03/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP KENYA 20 17,967 898.3
10/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 346 101,110 292.2 03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP SAUDI ARABIA 350 218,702 624.9
10/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 15,564 3,955,980 254.2 03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP UK 545 157,000 288.0
10/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ROD IND USA 16,081 4,048,035 251.7 03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP UK 3,150 950,000 301.6
12/07/2021 ALUMIINIUM PROFILE HYD GERMANY 85 43,829 515.6 03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP GERMANY 5,086 1,360,516 267.5
Minerals & Metals Review
12 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
Aluminium & Alloys Plates,Strips,Foils Aluminium & Alloys Plates,Strips,Foils
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP GERMANY 5,917 1,582,730 267.5 08/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP MEXICO 12,695 4,914,000 387.1
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP GERMANY 5,958 1,593,697 267.5 27/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JAI BHUTAN 676 172,278 255.0
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP GERMANY 6,527 1,745,898 267.5 29/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JAI BHUTAN 62 18,693 300.0
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP USA 14,995 5,090,768 339.5 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 30 13,000 433.9
04/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP GHANA 1,987 980,052 493.1 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 30 13,000 428.2
04/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP GHANA 2,645 712,567 269.4 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 30 13,000 427.9
04/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP GHANA 3,030 1,594,507 526.2 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 31 13,000 423.7
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JAI BHUTAN 47 12,641 270.0 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 31 13,000 421.0
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP GHANA 1,268 653,444 515.2 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 40 17,000 421.4
05/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP TURKEY 11,232 4,282,130 381.3 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 41 18,000 434.8
05/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP TURKEY 13,530 5,158,475 381.3 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 46 20,000 438.0
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP CANADA 18,444 4,548,058 246.6 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 50 22,000 436.9
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP CANADA 55,439 14,121,781 254.7 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 51 22,000 434.4
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP COTE D IVOIRE 15 1,627 110.6 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 51 22,000 429.5
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP YEMEN 48 21,482 449.4 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 52 22,000 424.5
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP YEMEN 51 23,010 449.4 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL HYD CHINA 53 23,000 437.3
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP YEMEN 53 23,877 453.1 30/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JAI BHUTAN 56 16,095 290.0
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP YEMEN 105 47,347 453.1
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP YEMEN 201 91,159 453.1 Aluminium & Alloys Tubes,Pipes,Fittings
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 204 98,000 480.7 05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM ALLOY EXTRUDED TUBES JNP NETHERLANDS 297 103,060 346.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 206 101,000 490.9
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 254 125,000 492.6 LEAD & LEAD ALLOYS
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 276 136,000 492.0
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 300 152,000 506.8 Lead (Unwrought)
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 375 185,000 493.7 02/07/2021 LEAD INGOT JNP KENYA 506 213,928 423.2
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 383 191,000 499.3 06/07/2021 LEAD INGOT JNP GHANA 50 10,181 202.4
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 408 201,000 493.1
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP ALGERIA 415 244,352 588.8 Lead Plates,Sheets,Foils
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 465 229,000 492.2 05/07/2021 LEAD SHEET JNP SRI LANKA 2,028 408,975 201.7
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 465 229,000 492.1 07/07/2021 LEAD SHEET JNP SOUTH AFRICA 50 46,000 920.0
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 486 146,133 300.6
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 532 262,000 492.2 ZINC & ZINC ALLOYS
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM SHEET JNP ALGERIA 700 412,160 588.8
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 727 348,000 478.9 Zinc Unwrought
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 791 237,688 300.6 01/07/2021 ZINC ALLOY INGOTS JNP SRI LANKA 5,000 1,274,875 255.0
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 794 391,000 492.7 01/07/2021 ZINC ALLOY INGOTS JNP UAE 50,000 11,462,948 229.3
06/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP KENYA 1,000 177,000 177.0 06/07/2021 ZINC INGOT JNP GHANA 151 43,659 289.2
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 1,036 526,000 507.9 08/07/2021 ZINC ALLOY INGOTS JNP SAUDI ARABIA 2,998 966,881 322.5
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 1,049 502,000 478.6 08/07/2021 ZINC INGOT JNP QATAR 74,759 17,525,091 234.4
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 1,368 411,086 300.6 08/07/2021 ZINC INGOT JNP TAIWAN 299,046 70,278,787 235.0
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP OMAN 1,482 627,381 423.2
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 1,871 562,361 300.6 Zinc Dust,Powders,Flakes
06/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP UAE 2,000 953,150 476.6 07/07/2021 ZINC DUST CONTAINING MIN.99.5% JNP FRANCE 900 223,571 248.4
06/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP SAUDI ARABIA 2,081 625,540 300.6 07/07/2021 ZINC DUST CONTAINING MIN.99.5% JNP FRANCE 3,600 896,934 249.1
07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 102 42,250 415.8
07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 199 82,711 415.8 TIN & TIN ALLOYS.
07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 199 82,711 415.8
07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP KENYA 300 124,836 415.8 Tin Unwrought
07/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP COTE D IVOIRE 443 201,498 454.8 01/07/2021 TIN ALLOY INGOT JNP UK 550 1,526,524 2,775.5
07/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP KENYA 1,000 176,535 176.5 01/07/2021 TIN ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 1,587 3,231,608 2,036.6
07/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP MYANMAR 3,704 2,298,109 620.4 01/07/2021 TIN ALLOY INGOT JNP UAE 2,092 7,150,657 3,418.5
08/07/2021 ALUMINIUM FOIL JNP MOZAMBIQUE 23 10,000 441.5 06/07/2021 TIN ALLOY INGOT JNP GHANA 198 586,714 2,958.7
08/07/2021 ALUMINUM FOIL JNP MEXICO 12,051 4,665,000 387.1 06/07/2021 TIN HOLDER JNP GERMANY 294 381,542 1,298.8

Ports Covered in this issue : GOA/GRF/HAZ/HIL/HYD/JAI/JAY/JNP (01st to 8th) : JULY 2021.

Ports Covered in recent past issues : CHN/COC/CON/DAD/DAR/DEL/DHM/ENN/FUL/GAR/GHO : JULY 2021.
EXPORTS : Minerals
Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
MINERALS Quartz,Quartzite
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,530 126,035 3.7
Sulphur 08/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 110,000 379,500 3.5
01/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ TURKEY 9,000 542,660 60.3 08/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,280 112,980 3.5
03/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ TURKEY 19,800 1,358,067 68.6 08/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,200 119,520 3.6
05/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ SRI LANKA 22,000 404,800 18.4 08/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,400 120,240 3.6
05/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ DJIBOUTI 115,000 2,564,592 22.3 08/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,500 124,200 3.6
05/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ SRI LANKA 20,000 490,323 24.5 08/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,940 125,784 3.6
05/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ TURKEY 20,160 1,430,195 70.9 08/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 68,400 246,240 3.6
21/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ DJIBOUTI 115,000 2,678,258 23.3 08/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ B GRADE (04-16 MESH) JAI BHUTAN 31,000 128,650 4.2
27/07/2021 SULPHUR POWDER HAZ ARGENTINA 18,000 1,521,242 84.5 09/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 156,200 538,890 3.5
09/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 40,400 145,440 3.6
Quartz,Quartzite 09/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 41,600 149,760 3.6
01/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,070 110,642 3.5 09/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 77,000 277,200 3.6
01/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 65,200 224,940 3.5 09/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 33,440 120,384 3.6
01/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,500 117,000 3.6 10/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS LOOSE JAI BHUTAN 33,250 119,700 3.6
01/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,400 120,240 3.6 10/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS LOOSE JAI BHUTAN 33,250 120,000 3.6
01/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 40,200 146,730 3.7 11/07/2021 QUARTZ POWDER QUARTZ POWDER GOA KENYA 27,000 203,504 7.5
01/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ B GRADE (04-16 MESH) JAI BHUTAN 43,000 178,450 4.2 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,400 115,230 3.5
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,320 111,504 3.5 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,800 147,660 3.5
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 100,000 345,000 3.5 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 43,000 148,350 3.5
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 102,800 354,660 3.5 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 68,120 235,014 3.5
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 37,770 132,195 3.5 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,700 117,720 3.6
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 40,370 141,295 3.5 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,240 119,664 3.6
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,060 119,016 3.6 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,200 151,920 3.6
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS LOOSE JAI BHUTAN 33,550 120,780 3.6 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 68,100 245,160 3.6
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,700 121,320 3.6 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 75,000 270,000 3.6
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS LOOSE JAI BHUTAN 40,890 147,204 3.6 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 84,000 302,400 3.6
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 41,700 150,120 3.6 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 101,900 366,840 3.6
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 115,400 415,440 3.6 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 43,180 157,607 3.7
02/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 144,200 519,120 3.6 12/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 24,050 88,985 3.7
03/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,100 145,245 3.5 12/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ B GRADE (04-16 MESH) JAI BHUTAN 32,000 132,800 4.2
03/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 64,480 232,128 3.6 13/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,430 123,948 3.6
03/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 40,100 144,360 3.6 13/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ B GRADE (04-16 MESH) JAI BHUTAN 45,000 186,750 4.2
03/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,800 116,610 3.5 14/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 68,060 238,210 3.5
03/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 72,000 261,504 3.6 14/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,400 120,240 3.6
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,200 114,540 3.5 14/07/2021 QUARTZITE GRAINS & POWDER JAI BHUTAN 56,720 215,536 3.8
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,730 147,419 3.5 15/07/2021 QUARTZ POWDER JAI BHUTAN 24,190 74,989 3.1
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 98,800 340,860 3.5 15/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ B GRADE (04-16 MESH) JAI BHUTAN 50,000 207,500 4.2
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,060 115,710 3.5 16/07/2021 QUARTZITE GRAINS AND POWDER JAI BHUTAN 55,150 212,328 3.9
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,210 119,735 3.5 16/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ B GRADE (04-16 MESH) JAI BHUTAN 31,000 128,650 4.2
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,700 117,720 3.6 17/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ GRADE B JAI BHUTAN 35,300 148,260 4.2
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,300 119,880 3.6 17/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ GRADE B JAI BHUTAN 37,290 156,618 4.2
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,200 123,120 3.6 19/07/2021 QUARTZ SIZE-40-80MM JAI BHUTAN 35,730 125,055 3.5
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 75,180 270,648 3.6 23/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 35,210 123,235 3.5
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 100,700 362,520 3.6 23/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 68,220 238,770 3.5
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 116,000 417,600 3.6 23/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,400 123,840 3.6
05/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 129,000 464,400 3.6 23/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 75,300 271,080 3.6
06/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,000 117,300 3.5 23/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 35,000 127,750 3.7
06/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 77,110 277,596 3.6 23/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,600 155,490 3.7
06/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 25,000 92,500 3.7 23/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ GRADE B JAI BHUTAN 35,000 147,000 4.2
06/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 25,000 93,000 3.7 23/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 33,470 120,492 3.6
06/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 34,410 123,876 3.6 24/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,400 124,000 3.6
06/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 34,980 125,928 3.6 24/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,180 153,957 3.7
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 67,500 232,875 3.5 24/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 32,120 115,632 3.6
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 74,400 256,680 3.5 26/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,280 119,980 3.5
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 40,360 141,260 3.5 26/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 80,840 282,940 3.5
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 74,480 260,680 3.5 26/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,500 120,600 3.6
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,360 120,096 3.6 26/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 35,700 128,520 3.6
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,390 120,204 3.6 26/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 67,200 241,920 3.6
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,800 125,280 3.6 26/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 41,000 149,650 3.7
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 40,800 146,880 3.6 26/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 68,800 251,120 3.7
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 75,500 271,800 3.6 26/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ GRADE B JAI BHUTAN 87,000 365,400 4.2
07/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 81,000 291,600 3.6 27/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,500 117,250 3.5
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021 13
Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
Quartz,Quartzite Coke & Semi Coke of Coal,Lignite
27/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 67,100 241,560 3.6 03/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 30,560 757,888 24.8
27/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,510 125,962 3.7 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,260 561,729 24.2
27/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 87,350 314,460 3.6 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 43,700 1,058,410 24.2
28/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,710 112,850 3.5 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 50,010 1,240,248 24.8
28/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 77,400 267,030 3.5 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,050 501,250 25.0
28/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,900 122,040 3.6 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,970 623,220 26.0
28/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 34,000 122,400 3.6 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,310 658,060 26.0
28/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 65,300 235,080 3.6 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 27,950 726,700 26.0
28/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 99,200 357,120 3.6 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 30,110 782,860 26.0
28/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ GRADE B JAI BHUTAN 74,000 310,800 4.2 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,440 581,312 24.8
28/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 96,930 348,948 3.6 05/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 47,690 1,182,712 24.8
28/07/2021 QUARTZ POWDER QUARTZ POWDER GOA KENYA 54,000 407,561 7.5 06/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,720 618,000 25.0
29/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 41,800 144,210 3.5 06/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 98,830 2,569,580 26.0
29/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,050 115,675 3.5 07/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,550 633,640 24.8
29/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 110,800 398,880 3.6 07/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,810 640,088 24.8
29/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 31,800 114,480 3.6 07/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 42,750 1,068,750 25.0
30/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,500 153,000 3.6 07/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 91,520 2,288,000 25.0
30/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 69,600 250,560 3.6 07/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,560 560,560 26.0
30/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ GRADE B JAI BHUTAN 36,400 152,880 4.2 07/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 26,140 679,640 26.0
30/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 32,330 116,388 3.6 07/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,950 752,700 26.0
31/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,400 115,230 3.5 08/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,780 614,544 24.8
31/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,020 115,272 3.6 08/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,800 566,800 26.0
31/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,580 117,288 3.6 08/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 49,880 1,296,880 26.0
31/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 32,900 118,440 3.6 09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 31,710 745,185 23.5
31/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 33,800 121,680 3.6 09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,290 527,992 24.8
31/07/2021 QUARTZ LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 82,100 295,560 3.6 09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,570 539,250 25.0
31/07/2021 QUARZT LUMPS JAI BHUTAN 42,750 156,038 3.7 09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 49,440 1,236,000 25.0
31/07/2021 CRUSHED QUARTZ GRADE B JAI BHUTAN 35,800 150,360 4.2 09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,860 542,360 26.0
31/07/2021 QUARTZ JAI BHUTAN 33,670 121,212 3.6 09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,490 610,740 26.0
09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,300 657,800 26.0
Clays like Kaolin,Bentonite,Kyanite,etc. 09/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 94,600 2,459,600 26.0
01/07/2021 NATURAL FULLERS EARTH JNP GHANA 247,500 1,745,122 7.1 12/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,500 533,200 24.8
01/07/2021 KAOLIN CLAY JNP KENYA 6,000 269,699 44.9 12/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,120 598,176 24.8
01/07/2021 KAOLIN CLAY JNP USA 900 171,893 191.0 12/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,470 511,750 25.0
02/07/2021 CLAY JNP EGYPT 243,000 1,520,208 6.3 12/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,250 578,500 26.0
02/07/2021 CLAY POWDER JNP KUWAIT 1,530 32,437 21.2 12/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,640 614,640 26.0
02/07/2021 CLAY HYD SAUDI ARABIA 99,000 670,496 6.8 13/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,810 570,250 25.0
02/07/2021 BENTONITE CLAY JNP UAE 2,000 110,000 55.0 14/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,090 547,832 24.8
03/07/2021 CLAY POWDER HIL BANGLADESH 110,880 408,038 3.7 14/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,550 584,040 24.8
03/07/2021 CLAY POWDER JNP NIGERIA 78,750 533,232 6.8 14/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 18,140 471,640 26.0
05/07/2021 CLAY POWDER HIL BANGLADESH 123,430 454,222 3.7 14/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,500 559,000 26.0
05/07/2021 CLAY POWDER HIL BANGLADESH 125,250 460,920 3.7 14/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,700 711,000 30.0
05/07/2021 CLAY POWDER HIL BANGLADESH 127,610 469,605 3.7 14/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,610 738,300 30.0
10/07/2021 CLAY POWDER HIL BANGLADESH 83,800 308,384 3.7 14/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 89,680 2,331,680 26.0
10/07/2021 CLAY POWDER HIL BANGLADESH 132,230 486,606 3.7 15/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 19,190 498,940 26.0
14/07/2021 CLAY HYD SAUDI ARABIA 99,000 670,496 6.8 15/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,130 601,380 26.0
19/07/2021 CLAY JAI BHUTAN 14,000 39,900 2.9 15/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 17,950 538,500 30.0
20/07/2021 CLAY JAI BHUTAN 14,000 40,000 2.9 15/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,700 538,200 26.0
23/07/2021 BLACK CLAY JAI BHUTAN 22,600 59,890 2.7 15/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,960 544,960 26.0
15/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,540 664,040 26.0
Marble 15/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 46,980 1,221,480 26.0
20/07/2021 IRR MARBLE SLAB JAY NEPAL 28,000 336,000 12.0 16/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 18,730 486,980 26.0
26/07/2021 KADAPPA CALCARICS STONE JAI BHUTAN 4,144 227,920 55.0 16/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,410 660,660 26.0
17/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 40,140 995,472 24.8
Granite,Basalt,Sandstone,etc. 17/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,730 518,250 25.0
01/07/2021 STONE (BOULDER) PAKUR HIL BANGLADESH 64,700 56,561 0.9 17/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,870 542,620 26.0
01/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 229,000 200,192 0.9 17/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 27,260 708,760 26.0
01/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 416,800 364,367 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,700 562,960 24.8
02/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 474,900 419,432 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,120 603,000 25.0
03/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 133,600 117,996 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,350 708,750 25.0
05/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 107,000 94,502 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,870 620,620 26.0
06/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 284,000 250,829 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,150 627,900 26.0
06/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 289,500 255,686 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,500 637,000 26.0
07/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 373,000 329,434 0.9 19/07/2021 LOWASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 26,820 697,320 26.0
07/07/2021 STONE (BOULDER) PAKUR HIL BANGLADESH 116,600 102,981 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,500 741,000 26.0
07/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 233,700 206,404 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 57,300 1,621,590 28.3
09/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 59,800 52,815 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 77,640 2,197,212 28.3
09/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 224,900 198,632 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 46,510 1,395,300 30.0
09/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 270,200 238,641 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLUERGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 72,470 2,174,100 30.0
10/07/2021 ROUGH GRANITE BLOCK GOA CHINA 628,400 3,900,191 6.2 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,840 593,840 26.0
10/07/2021 ROUGH GRANITE BLOCK GOA CHINA 465,400 4,912,629 10.6 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,310 658,060 26.0
11/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 275,100 242,968 0.9 19/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,630 666,380 26.0
11/07/2021 SAND STONE HIL BANGLADESH 63,800 154,957 2.4 20/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 16,750 415,400 24.8
12/07/2021 SAND STONE HIL BANGLADESH 78,000 189,446 2.4 20/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,970 623,000 26.0
12/07/2021 SAND STONE HIL BANGLADESH 227,700 553,038 2.4 20/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 19,070 495,820 26.0
13/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 115,100 101,656 0.9 20/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,320 716,556 28.3
13/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 175,300 155,000 0.9 20/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,410 634,660 26.0
14/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 175,300 154,825 0.9 20/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 26,710 694,460 26.0
15/07/2021 SAND STONE HIL BANGLADESH 186,100 452,000 2.4 22/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,680 745,680 26.0
17/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 109,300 96,665 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,330 603,384 24.8
25/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 83,500 73,847 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,000 520,000 26.0
27/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 161,000 142,388 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,770 618,020 26.0
27/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 109,400 96,753 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,080 626,080 26.0
28/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 63,200 55,894 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,500 580,500 27.0
29/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 121,800 107,720 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,780 701,274 28.3
29/07/2021 STONE BOULDER HIL BANGLADESH 199,000 175,996 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,810 702,123 28.3
30/07/2021 PAKUR BOULDER STONE HIL BANGLADESH 69,400 61,377 0.9 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 107,430 3,040,269 28.3
23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,440 613,200 30.0
Steatite,Cryolite,Borates,etc. 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,560 616,800 30.0
02/07/2021 TALC POWDER JNP PAKISTAN 1,500 90,160 60.1 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,100 693,000 30.0
06/07/2021 TALC POWDER GRF OMAN 1,000 7,360 7.4 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,330 746,560 32.0
12/07/2021 TALC POWDER HAZ TANZANIA 5,950 49,000 8.2 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 57,930 1,853,760 32.0
16/07/2021 TALC POWDER HAZ TANZANIA 5,950 48,715 8.2 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 16,050 550,515 34.3
22/07/2021 TALC POWDER HAZ UKRAINE 24,000 342,779 14.3 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,740 617,240 26.0
23/07/2021 TALC POWDER GRF LIBERIA 4,000 19,999 5.0 23/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,590 769,340 26.0
24/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,330 580,580 26.0
Feldspar,Fluorspar,etc. 24/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,000 598,000 26.0
01/07/2021 FLUORSPAR POWDER JNP INDONESIA 27,000 1,511,296 56.0 24/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,950 648,700 26.0
24/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,720 681,600 30.0
24/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,610 613,860 26.0
Coal & Lignite 24/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,240 630,240 26.0
14/07/2021 ANTHRACITE COAL HAZ QATAR 11,200 345,107 30.8 25/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,200 621,600 28.0
14/07/2021 COAL HAZ QATAR 1,000 43,501 43.5 25/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,070 692,100 30.0
26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,850 566,680 24.8
Coke & Semi Coke of Coal,Lignite 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,580 609,584 24.8
01/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,740 500,871 24.2 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 26,680 693,680 26.0
01/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,860 701,298 24.3 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,180 571,860 27.0
01/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 49,170 1,219,416 24.8 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,140 651,780 27.0
01/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 19,950 494,760 24.8 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,400 599,200 28.0
01/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,090 572,632 24.8 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 26,000 728,000 28.0
01/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,140 697,872 24.8 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 97,940 2,771,702 28.3
01/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,790 713,992 24.8 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 26,160 745,560 28.5
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 18,900 459,270 24.3 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,460 613,800 30.0
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,460 618,678 24.3 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,820 624,600 30.0
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 58,100 1,411,830 24.3 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 47,030 1,504,960 32.0
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 19,560 485,088 24.8 26/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 62,140 1,615,640 26.0
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 67,590 1,689,750 25.0 27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 18,390 478,140 26.0
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 19,060 472,688 24.8 27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,810 714,000 30.0
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,820 565,936 24.8 27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,340 640,000 30.0
02/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,170 599,416 24.8 27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 45,150 1,354,500 30.0
03/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 45,230 1,062,905 23.5 27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 19,220 499,720 26.0
03/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,100 572,880 24.8 27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,140 757,640 26.0
03/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 27,090 671,832 24.8 27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 56,870 1,563,925 27.5
Minerals & Metals Review
14 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
Coke & Semi Coke of Coal,Lignite Iron Oxides,Hydroxides,Earth Colours
27/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,440 681,876 27.9 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CONGO 700 64,000 91.4
28/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,130 524,024 24.8 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CONGO 900 83,000 92.2
28/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 12,600 327,600 26.0 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CONGO 1,000 103,000 103.0
28/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,000 783,000 27.0 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CONGO 2,000 213,000 106.5
28/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,220 622,160 28.0 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CONGO 700 75,000 107.1
28/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 91,580 3,141,194 34.3 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CONGO 400 44,000 110.0
28/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 51,890 1,426,975 27.5 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP BANGLADESH 5,000 571,000 114.2
28/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 18,110 505,269 27.9 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CONGO 200 37,000 185.0
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,270 744,640 32.0 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP BANGLADESH 1,500 878,784 585.9
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 80,920 2,589,440 32.0 02/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP EGYPT 3,000 2,272,400 757.5
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,200 727,160 34.3 03/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP SAUDI ARABIA 112,000 2,684,045 24.0
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,610 676,775 27.5 03/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP CHINA 119,765 529,184 4.4
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,140 691,350 27.5 07/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JAI BHUTAN 250 23,750 95.0
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,510 784,025 27.5 22/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER HAZ GUINEA 25,000 457,000 18.3
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,350 807,125 27.5
29/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 18,380 512,802 27.9 Titanium Oxides
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,750 564,200 24.8 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP ZAMBIA 4,800 1,021,066 212.7
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 19,340 502,840 26.0 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP KENYA 5,000 795,886 159.2
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,780 637,840 28.0 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP QATAR 5,000 975,746 195.1
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,170 725,100 30.0 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP ZAMBIA 6,400 1,361,421 212.7
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,680 661,760 32.0 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ ECUADOR 12,050 2,015,381 167.3
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,960 798,720 32.0 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP KENYA 13,500 2,080,050 154.1
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 26,730 855,360 32.0 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP QATAR 15,000 1,739,764 116.0
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 17,570 483,175 27.5 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP USA 19,965 719,953 36.1
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,120 690,800 27.5 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP SUDAN 51,200 909,052 17.8
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 31,000 852,500 27.5 01/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ ALGERIA 80,000 12,221,317 152.8
30/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,370 819,423 27.9 02/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP CHINA 4,800 1,236,480 257.6
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 48,550 1,140,925 23.5 02/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP DJIBOUTI 7,000 1,184,960 169.3
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,270 556,750 25.0 02/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP SRI LANKA 7,400 978,173 132.2
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 22,680 589,680 26.0 02/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP COLOMBIA 17,400 1,787,645 102.7
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 21,890 656,700 30.0 02/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ GAUTEMALA 19,900 7,166,674 360.1
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,120 693,600 30.0 02/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP CONGO 21,000 3,264,153 155.4
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 20,500 563,750 27.5 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP COLOMBIA 4,000 852,582 213.1
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 49,430 1,359,325 27.5 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP COLOMBIA 4,000 853,000 213.3
31/07/2021 LOW ASH METALLURGICAL COKE JAI BHUTAN 23,540 656,766 27.9 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP OMAN 5,000 965,057 193.0
03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP VIETNAM 7,000 1,432,256 204.6
Petroleum Coke,Bitumen,Other Residues 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 7,500 634,800 84.6
01/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,970 824,010 33.0 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 7,500 938,400 125.1
02/07/2021 Wire Rope Compound JNP ETHIOPIA 108 21,462 198.7 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 10,000 971,520 97.2
07/07/2021 BITUMIN JAI BHUTAN 22,380 1,015,300 45.4 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 10,000 1,442,560 144.3
08/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 24,680 814,440 33.0 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 10,000 1,449,919 145.0
08/07/2021 CALCINED PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,000 1,137,500 45.5 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 10,000 2,081,408 208.1
12/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 30,650 942,794 30.8 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP KENYA 10,000 2,527,000 252.7
14/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 54,040 1,662,270 30.8 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP KENYA 10,000 2,527,056 252.7
14/07/2021 CALCINED PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,000 1,392,000 48.0 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP ECUADOR 14,000 1,612,576 115.2
15/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,640 880,966 30.8 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP INDONESIA 15,200 3,255,158 214.2
16/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,180 830,940 33.0 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 16,000 2,093,772 130.9
19/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 63,230 1,944,955 30.8 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 20,000 2,944,001 147.2
20/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,160 896,962 30.8 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP IRAN 20,000 5,500,000 275.0
23/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 52,350 1,610,286 30.8 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD POLAND 50,000 42,320 0.8
27/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 69,740 2,145,202 30.8 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP COLOMBIA 200,000 180,997 0.9
27/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,250 833,250 33.0 03/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JNP COLOMBIA 200,000 181,000 0.9
28/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 28,340 871,738 30.8 04/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JAI BHUTAN 21,000 2,572,500 122.5
28/07/2021 CALCINED PETROLEUM COKE HAZ CAMEROON 6,000 375,870 62.6 05/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ GAMBIA 28,000 628,008 22.4
30/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 31,750 976,630 30.8 05/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD ALGERIA 48,000 5,935,104 123.6
30/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 31,750 977,000 30.8 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ POLAND 4,500 834,000 185.3
31/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 82,050 2,523,858 30.8 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 5,000 959,744 191.9
31/07/2021 RAW PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 25,170 882,460 35.1 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 5,000 959,744 191.9
31/07/2021 CALCINED PETROLEUM COKE JAI BHUTAN 29,000 1,392,000 48.0 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 5,000 977,776 195.6
08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 5,000 977,776 195.6
08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 7,500 1,518,552 202.5
Non Metals Like (Silicon,Phosphorus) 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ POLAND 8,500 2,161,854 254.3
03/07/2021 RED PHOSPHORUS JNP USA 10,869 4,400,244 404.9 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 10,000 1,669,248 166.9
08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ POLAND 13,200 752,575 57.0
Oxides,Hydroxides of Zn,Cr,Al,Mn 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ POLAND 17,250 2,720,280 157.7
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP CANADA 20,000 616,967 30.8 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ POLAND 19,500 3,037,975 155.8
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP JAPAN 20,000 720,778 36.0 08/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ POLAND 20,000 3,180,727 159.0
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP CHINA 60,000 2,261,555 37.7 10/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD EGYPT 18,000 3,974,400 220.8
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP CHINA 40,000 1,507,704 37.7 10/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD EGYPT 26,000 4,477,824 172.2
01/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP THAILAND 44,800 2,135,088 47.7 11/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD HONDURAS 7,000 989,184 141.3
01/07/2021 CHROMIUM FORMATE JNP THAILAND 4,000 1,388,157 347.0 11/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD GAUTEMALA 8,000 2,306,918 288.4
01/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE JNP ITALY 50 25,498 510.0 11/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD GAUTEMALA 8,000 3,661,158 457.6
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP CANADA 20,000 623,318 31.2 15/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 5,350 850,659 159.0
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP USA 15,420 650,043 42.2 15/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 13,650 2,608,497 191.1
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP USA 2,720 125,650 46.2 15/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 17,500 3,495,710 199.8
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP UAE 16,800 834,624 49.7 16/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 6,000 1,163,871 194.0
02/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP UAE 7,000 553,766 79.1 16/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 6,000 1,186,423 197.7
02/07/2021 DRIED ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE JNP GHANA 21,000 2,550,240 121.4 16/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 10,000 1,481,370 148.1
02/07/2021 DRIED ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE JNP GHANA 1,000 121,440 121.4 19/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ LIBERIA 15,600 1,111,000 71.2
02/07/2021 DRIED ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE JNP PAKISTAN 5,125 822,000 160.4 20/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD COSTA RICA 22,000 1,790,026 81.4
02/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE JNP UAE 100 29,000 290.0 21/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD COSTA RICA 4,000 795,960 199.0
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP TAIWAN 20,900 790,000 37.8 21/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD COSTA RICA 9,625 1,092,418 113.5
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP UAE 10,000 504,160 50.4 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ SOUTH AFRICA 4,500 608,000 135.1
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP UAE 3,360 169,398 50.4 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ SOUTH AFRICA 5,000 601,000 120.2
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP UAE 4,020 204,152 50.8 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 5,000 697,984 139.6
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP UAE 2,000 103,040 51.5 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ SOUTH AFRICA 10,500 1,382,000 131.6
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP SRI LANKA 16,000 860,237 53.8 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ SOUTH AFRICA 10,500 1,609,361 153.3
03/07/2021 ALUMINIUM OXIDE JNP SRI LANKA 5,000 325,459 65.1 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 11,250 2,070,904 184.1
03/07/2021 DRIED ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE JNP GHANA 2,500 231,840 92.7 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ SOUTH AFRICA 21,525 3,584,483 166.5
05/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE AMORPHOUS HYD PAKISTAN 2,000 375,360 187.7 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 25,000 3,846,659 153.9
08/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SRI LANKA 22,000 4,419,833 200.9 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 25,000 4,500,137 180.0
10/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SPAIN 50,000 8,232,965 164.7 22/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ SOUTH AFRICA 25,500 3,169,065 124.3
10/07/2021 NATURAL MANGANESE ORE POWDER GOA KENYA 27,000 507,546 18.8 23/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD MOROCCO 6,000 1,682,278 280.4
10/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE AMORPHOUS HYD TAIWAN 24,000 2,465,594 102.7 23/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD MOROCCO 10,000 1,319,434 131.9
12/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SPAIN 25,000 4,116,000 164.6 23/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 10,500 1,857,963 176.9
12/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SPAIN 25,000 4,116,483 164.7 23/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 10,650 2,179,240 204.6
13/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SPAIN 25,000 4,116,483 164.7 23/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 25,000 3,361,730 134.5
14/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ ITALY 18,000 4,110,996 228.4 23/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 25,000 3,504,492 140.2
15/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SPAIN 25,000 4,116,000 164.6 24/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 25,000 3,474,098 139.0
15/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SPAIN 25,000 4,116,483 164.7 26/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ KENYA 5,000 823,301 164.7
16/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SPAIN 25,000 4,122,076 164.9 26/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ ALGERIA 24,000 2,586,870 107.8
16/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ TAIWAN 23,000 4,380,971 190.5 27/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ GAUTEMALA 4,000 860,641 215.2
16/07/2021 NATURAL MANGANESE ORE POWDER GOA KENYA 27,000 508,235 18.8 27/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES JAI BHUTAN 5,100 679,900 133.3
16/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ ETHIOPIA 3,000 862,290 287.4 27/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD GAUTEMALA 16,000 7,846,397 490.4
17/07/2021 ALUMINIUM HYDROXIDE AMORPHOUS HYD AUSTRALIA 20,440 1,932,747 94.6 28/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 6,000 1,163,871 194.0
19/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SRI LANKA 12,000 2,468,118 205.7 28/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD SAUDI ARABIA 6,000 1,186,423 197.7
26/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SRI LANKA 20,000 4,265,814 213.3 28/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD INDONESIA 10,000 2,928,101 292.8
27/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SRI LANKA 22,000 4,426,428 201.2 28/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 25,000 4,457,769 178.3
31/07/2021 ZINC OXIDE HAZ SRI LANKA 20,000 4,266,000 213.3 28/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ RUSSIA 25,000 5,231,443 209.3
29/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD KENYA 20,000 2,381,984 119.1
Iron Oxides,Hydroxides,Earth Colours 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD CHILE 5,000 864,870 173.0
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP BANGLADESH 8,000 662,000 82.8 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD GHANA 5,000 1,131,295 226.3
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP KENYA 5,250 442,591 84.3 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ BANGLADESH 10,100 1,085,978 107.5
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP ZAMBIA 2,000 185,039 92.5 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD CHILE 15,000 1,185,096 79.0
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP KENYA 13,000 1,213,362 93.3 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD GHANA 15,000 1,249,215 83.3
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP ZAMBIA 4,750 595,184 125.3 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ GAUTEMALA 22,000 6,619,660 300.9
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP ZAMBIA 2,000 323,454 161.7 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HYD COSTA RICA 22,000 1,431,696 65.1
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP UK 150 58,103 387.4 30/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ ECUADOR 40,000 6,376,966 159.4
01/07/2021 IRON OXIDE POWDER JNP PAKISTAN 100 254,247 2,542.5 31/07/2021 TITANIUM OXIDES HAZ THAILAND 24,000 3,184,000 132.7
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021 15
Ports Covered in this issue : DHA/DUR/ENN/FAR/GAN/GAR : JULY 2021.
Ports Covered in recent past issues : CHN/COC/CON/DAD/DAR/DEL/DHM : JULY 2021.
Exports : Iron & Steel Products
Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value FOB Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
31/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ARGENTINA 56,000 6,215,000 111.0
Pig Iron 31/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ARGENTINA 112,000 12,430,832 111.0
07/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,430 1,025,553 42.0 31/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR KOREA 171,000 19,686,989 115.1
07/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,500 1,028,492 42.0 31/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR KOREA 171,000 19,687,000 115.1
13/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,140 1,013,379 42.0
13/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,140 1,013,000 42.0 IRON & NON-ALLOY STEEL
13/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,410 1,024,714 42.0
13/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,410 1,025,000 42.0 Semi-Finished Products
13/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,670 1,036,000 42.0 03/07/2021 STEEL BILLETS GAN HONG KONG 90,838 4,093,293 45.1
14/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,660 1,035,449 42.0 03/07/2021 STEEL BILLETS GAN HONG KONG 10,387,013 468,055,437 45.1
14/07/2021 LOW SILICON PIG IRON ENN OMAN 24,670 1,035,628 42.0 05/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN INDONESIA 13,700,232 595,927,000 43.5
22/07/2021 BASIC PIG IRON GAN CHINA 22,000,000 864,206,200 39.3 05/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN TAIWAN 14,750,000 641,590,000 43.5
26/07/2021 BASIC PIG IRON GAN CHINA 1,000,000 41,345,700 41.3 12/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN CHINA 19,780 783,953 39.6
12/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN SRI LANKA 10,092,820 471,698,000 46.7
Ferro Alloys 12/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN SRI LANKA 10,500,000 490,728,000 46.7
01/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR ITALY 15,000 1,425,000 95.0 12/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN SRI LANKA 29,966,420 1,320,009,000 44.0
01/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 60,000 6,406,793 106.8 17/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN TAIWAN 13,423,450 592,101,000 44.1
01/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR ITALY 66,000 6,271,000 95.0 17/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN CHINA 16,541,280 729,627,000 44.1
01/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR ITALY 135,000 12,828,000 95.0 19/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN TAIWAN 496,238 21,614,490 43.6
01/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 168,000 11,125,943 66.2 22/07/2021 SS BARS GAN CHINA 1,600,250 69,583,671 43.5
02/07/2021 FERRO ALLOYS FERRO CHROMIUM CARBON DUR KOREA 50,000 4,406,510 88.1 30/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN INDONESIA 4,980,180 223,343,000 44.8
02/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR THAILAND 50,000 4,610,000 92.2 30/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN INDONESIA 5,100,000 227,589,000 44.6
02/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NETHERLANDS 56,000 5,428,712 96.9 30/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN INDONESIA 9,873,660 442,799,000 44.8
02/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NETHERLANDS 84,000 8,143,069 96.9 30/07/2021 PRIME STEEL ROLLED BILLET GAN INDONESIA 10,100,000 450,716,000 44.6
02/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 140,000 9,367,072 66.9 31/07/2021 MS BILLET ENN DJIBOUTI 302,220 13,364,000 44.2
03/07/2021 FERRO ALLOYS FERRO CHROMIUM CARBON DUR KOREA 50,000 4,406,510 88.1
03/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 105,000 9,899,882 94.3 Flat Rolled Products-Clad,Plated,Coated
03/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 112,000 10,560,128 94.3 01/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 561,508 52,772,074 94.0
03/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 200,000 20,554,430 102.8 01/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 937,926 86,508,033 92.2
03/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 224,000 21,111,784 94.2 01/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 3,901,392 382,225,844 98.0
05/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 60,000 6,447,360 107.5 02/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 263,226 24,627,230 93.6
05/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 100,000 9,691,164 96.9 02/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 309,962 29,371,620 94.8
05/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO CHROME DUR JAPAN 105,000 10,326,595 98.3 02/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 373,400 34,250,051 91.7
05/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR EGYPT 216,000 18,851,772 87.3 02/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 390,664 36,743,202 94.1
05/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR CHINA 243,000 25,600,036 105.3 02/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 649,010 59,759,279 92.1
05/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR CHINA 270,000 28,444,485 105.3 02/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 1,029,970 95,781,910 93.0
05/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR SAUDI ARABIA 324,000 31,239,000 96.4 02/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN ITALY 1,075,904 99,294,404 92.3
06/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR KOREA 171,000 19,743,000 115.5 03/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN ITALY 81,684 8,882,164 108.7
07/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 84,000 7,861,719 93.6 03/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN ITALY 108,046 11,921,137 110.3
07/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 112,000 11,408,000 101.9 03/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN ITALY 192,286 21,215,665 110.3
07/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR CANADA 162,000 14,964,499 92.4 03/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN ITALY 196,900 21,739,938 110.4
08/07/2021 FERRO ALLOYS FERRO CHROMIUM CARBON DUR KOREA 50,000 4,406,510 88.1 03/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN ITALY 1,546,694 174,653,305 112.9
08/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR CANADA 135,000 12,470,416 92.4 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 53,020 3,577,749 67.5
08/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR KOREA 171,000 19,743,077 115.5 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 53,020 3,578,000 67.5
08/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR EGYPT 196,000 16,009,108 81.7 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 57,034 4,042,980 70.9
09/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 21,000 2,318,694 110.4 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 57,034 4,043,000 70.9
09/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR EGYPT 168,000 13,722,091 81.7 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 88,294 5,958,009 67.5
09/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR EGYPT 392,000 44,754,149 114.2 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 88,294 5,958,000 67.5
10/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR BANGLADESH 84,000 7,439,856 88.6 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 97,616 6,587,062 67.5
10/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 112,000 10,536,756 94.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 97,616 6,587,000 67.5
10/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR VIETNAM 125,000 11,762,784 94.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 103,724 7,069,917 68.2
12/07/2021 75 INOCULANT ENN COLOMBIA 25,000 3,652,400 146.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 103,724 7,070,000 68.2
12/07/2021 75 INOCULANT ENN TURKEY 25,000 3,624,800 145.0 28/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 152,660 14,215,248 93.1
12/07/2021 75 INOCULANT ENN SLOVENIA 50,000 6,415,197 128.3 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 169,394 11,892,424 70.2
12/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR KOREA 76,000 7,226,495 95.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 169,394 11,892,000 70.2
12/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NIGERIA 135,000 12,618,720 93.5 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 203,502 14,703,129 72.3
12/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR KOREA 190,000 18,066,237 95.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 203,502 14,703,000 72.2
12/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR KOREA 247,000 23,486,107 95.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 247,766 16,719,064 67.5
12/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 308,000 25,727,425 83.5 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 247,766 16,719,000 67.5
13/07/2021 75 INOCULANT ENN CZECH 24,000 3,058,080 127.4 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 249,736 17,703,126 70.9
13/07/2021 FERRO ALLOYS FERRO CHROMIUM CARBON DUR KOREA 50,000 4,403,566 88.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 249,736 17,703,000 70.9
13/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR THAILAND 75,000 7,373,742 98.3 28/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 299,014 27,614,919 92.4
13/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 84,000 7,861,719 93.6 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 330,868 22,777,778 68.8
13/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 140,000 13,102,865 93.6 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 330,868 22,778,000 68.8
13/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR LIBYAN ARAB 297,000 17,345,680 58.4 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 367,286 26,035,929 70.9
13/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 476,000 44,318,000 93.1 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 367,286 26,036,000 70.9
14/07/2021 75 INOCULANT ENN SLOVENIA 24,000 3,739,381 155.8 28/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 496,910 45,718,729 92.0
14/07/2021 75 INOCULANT ENN ITALY 26,000 4,915,655 189.1 28/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 512,818 57,132,482 111.4
14/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NETHERLANDS 84,000 11,829,947 140.8 28/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 567,510 52,135,548 91.9
14/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NETHERLANDS 112,000 15,773,262 140.8 28/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 618,840 57,065,950 92.2
14/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR VIETNAM 125,000 11,762,784 94.1 28/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 674,704 75,118,250 111.3
14/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NETHERLANDS 196,000 27,603,000 140.8 28/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 678,660 63,053,468 92.9
15/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NETHERLANDS 28,000 2,706,996 96.7 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 919,936 64,584,765 70.2
15/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR NETHERLANDS 112,000 17,998,638 160.7 28/07/2021 PRIME HOT DIPPED GALAVANIZED STEEL SHEET ENN SPAIN 919,936 64,585,000 70.2
15/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR KOREA 247,000 23,256,475 94.2 28/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 1,023,962 114,315,407 111.6
15/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ITALY 280,000 18,738,063 66.9 29/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 16,876 1,835,770 108.8
16/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR BANGLADESH 28,000 2,483,322 88.7 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 18,010 1,241,056 68.9
16/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR BANGLADESH 56,000 4,966,643 88.7 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 19,222 1,289,161 67.1
17/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR TAIWAN 105,000 12,344,678 117.6 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 19,312 1,295,203 67.1
17/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 112,000 11,587,114 103.5 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 20,644 1,384,534 67.1
17/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 196,000 18,409,664 93.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 23,816 1,597,268 67.1
17/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR LIBYAN ARAB 378,000 22,106,000 58.5 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 24,232 1,625,167 67.1
17/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR TURKEY 476,000 70,702,842 148.5 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 24,912 1,670,769 67.1
17/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR TURKEY 476,000 70,703,000 148.5 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 24,996 1,676,401 67.1
19/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR KOREA 76,000 7,236,000 95.2 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 25,690 1,770,289 68.9
19/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR IRAQ 135,000 12,122,913 89.8 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 27,246 1,827,309 67.1
19/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 150,000 17,146,305 114.3 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 27,748 1,860,972 67.1
19/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR KOREA 190,000 18,090,783 95.2 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 28,196 1,891,022 67.1
19/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR TAIWAN 198,000 25,206,234 127.3 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 31,170 2,090,472 67.1
19/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR KOREA 228,000 21,709,000 95.2 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 33,262 2,230,788 67.1
19/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ARGENTINA 280,000 31,077,079 111.0 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 34,022 2,281,759 67.1
20/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 105,000 9,625,000 91.7 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 38,398 2,575,235 67.1
20/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ARGENTINA 135,000 14,967,000 110.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 41,196 2,762,894 67.1
20/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 476,000 40,809,000 85.7 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 42,916 2,957,321 68.9
21/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 63,000 6,268,185 99.5 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 43,458 2,994,665 68.9
21/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 84,000 7,889,856 93.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 44,074 3,037,121 68.9
21/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 252,000 25,752,060 102.2 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 44,964 3,015,597 67.1
22/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 21,000 2,089,395 99.5 29/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 46,390 4,981,411 107.4
22/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR JAPAN 63,000 6,268,185 99.5 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 46,436 3,199,878 68.9
22/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO CHROME DUR KOREA 100,000 10,291,247 102.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 46,602 3,211,323 68.9
22/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR EGYPT 270,000 22,650,104 83.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 47,226 3,167,309 67.1
22/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR ITALY 280,000 47,001,385 167.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 47,736 3,289,461 68.9
24/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 112,000 11,869,827 106.0 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 48,144 3,317,573 68.9
24/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ITALY 280,000 18,727,250 66.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 53,320 3,674,255 68.9
26/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 56,000 5,795,768 103.5 29/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 54,288 5,829,497 107.4
26/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 56,000 5,259,904 93.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 55,266 3,706,525 67.1
26/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR UAE 112,000 11,869,827 106.0 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 55,468 3,822,276 68.9
26/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR VIETNAM 125,000 11,778,766 94.2 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 57,930 4,047,429 69.9
26/07/2021 SILICON MANGANES DUR VIETNAM 125,000 11,779,000 94.2 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 58,728 4,046,919 68.9
26/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR CHINA 189,000 19,894,341 105.3 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 60,636 4,066,670 67.1
26/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 196,000 18,409,664 93.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 61,994 4,157,756 67.1
26/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ARGENTINA 270,000 29,934,729 110.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 63,492 4,375,207 68.9
27/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR VIETNAM 27,000 2,883,431 106.8 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 63,980 4,290,947 67.1
27/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR UAE 84,000 7,889,856 93.9 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 66,840 4,605,915 68.9
28/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR INDONESIA 54,000 6,025,712 111.6 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 69,172 4,639,155 67.1
28/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR EGYPT 112,000 9,713,428 86.7 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 70,584 4,733,854 67.1
29/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR EGYPT 112,000 9,713,428 86.7 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 70,908 5,058,690 71.3
29/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR KOREA 300,000 30,253,066 100.8 29/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 76,438 8,207,989 107.4
29/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR BRAZIL 378,000 38,938,894 103.0 29/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 76,444 8,208,635 107.4
30/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR CHINA 54,000 5,684,000 105.3 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 80,996 5,432,156 67.1
30/07/2021 FERRO SILICON MANGANESE DUR VENEZUELA 56,000 5,571,720 99.5 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 85,296 5,720,541 67.1
30/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR ARGENTINA 168,000 18,646,000 111.0 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 89,026 5,970,713 67.1
30/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR KOREA 171,000 19,687,000 115.1 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 91,042 6,105,909 67.1
30/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR OMAN 196,000 14,951,000 76.3 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 96,890 6,698,064 69.1
30/07/2021 LOW CARBON SILICON MANGANESE DUR CHINA 270,000 28,420,000 105.3 29/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 101,176 10,864,388 107.4
30/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR TURKEY 270,000 24,137,000 89.4 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 102,740 6,890,468 67.1
30/07/2021 HIGH CARBON FERRO MANGANESE DUR OMAN 364,000 27,765,738 76.3 29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 110,592 7,417,073 67.1
Minerals & Metals Review
16 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value CIF Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value CIF Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
Flat Rolled Products-Clad,Plated,Coated Flat Rolled Products-Others
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 110,658 7,625,391 68.9 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 29,065 2,291,431 78.8
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 112,460 7,749,568 68.9 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 32,790 2,657,494 81.0
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 116,348 7,803,114 67.1 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 35,335 2,904,693 82.2
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 117,366 7,871,391 67.1 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 37,105 2,693,808 72.6
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 118,224 8,146,761 68.9 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 42,550 3,448,500 81.0
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 130,530 8,994,757 68.9 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 43,780 3,178,410 72.6
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 137,930 9,504,681 68.9 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 43,780 3,178,000 72.6
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 142,376 9,811,057 68.9 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 44,155 3,629,748 82.2
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 148,572 9,964,278 67.1 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 44,210 3,583,038 81.0
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 157,672 10,574,595 67.1 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 44,295 3,641,253 82.2
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 160,048 11,028,830 68.9 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 50,360 4,099,979 81.4
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 177,700 11,917,799 67.1 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 52,800 4,469,123 84.6
29/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 201,378 13,876,856 68.9 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 53,210 4,374,105 82.2
29/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 964,826 103,604,009 107.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 54,050 4,380,527 81.0
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 16,872 1,185,024 70.2 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 54,840 4,444,554 81.0
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 18,096 1,237,649 68.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 56,185 4,429,521 78.8
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 22,352 1,528,732 68.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 56,255 4,559,235 81.0
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 22,876 1,564,574 68.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 56,330 4,440,953 78.8
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 27,334 2,064,879 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 56,480 4,598,230 81.4
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 29,440 2,224,000 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 56,780 4,601,781 81.0
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 30,504 2,304,000 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 57,200 4,635,819 81.0
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 31,134 2,129,367 68.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 57,300 4,643,926 81.0
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 31,226 2,358,890 75.5 23/07/2021 CR SHEETS ENN TURKEY 63,665 5,477,473 86.0
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 31,788 2,401,000 75.5 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 65,450 4,751,663 72.6
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 32,206 2,250,159 69.9 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 65,450 4,752,000 72.6
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 32,848 2,372,479 72.2 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 65,720 4,771,245 72.6
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 33,254 2,401,803 72.2 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 71,050 5,758,305 81.0
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 36,866 2,662,684 72.2 23/07/2021 CR SHEETS ENN TURKEY 83,320 7,197,540 86.4
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 37,678 2,846,000 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 89,045 7,319,886 82.2
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 44,382 3,084,512 69.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 92,555 7,608,417 82.2
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 44,598 3,369,000 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 101,325 8,329,344 82.2
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 49,276 3,370,161 68.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 102,385 8,487,809 82.9
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 51,416 3,620,233 70.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 103,330 8,602,167 83.2
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 51,940 3,667,200 70.6 23/07/2021 CR SHEETS ENN TURKEY 104,710 8,899,413 85.0
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 52,990 3,760,865 71.0 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 106,590 8,910,688 83.6
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 53,002 3,605,467 68.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 108,470 7,874,908 72.6
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 53,340 3,852,534 72.2 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 108,470 7,875,000 72.6
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 54,408 3,929,673 72.2 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 108,975 7,911,540 72.6
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 55,202 3,958,544 71.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 109,056 7,917,457 72.6
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 108,276 7,724,581 71.3 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 109,178 7,926,289 72.6
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 139,080 9,819,688 70.6 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 109,178 7,926,000 72.6
30/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 143,892 10,870,000 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 109,985 9,041,252 82.2
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 165,684 11,665,917 70.4 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 118,055 8,570,765 72.6
30/07/2021 PRIME CR GALVANISED COILS ENN GREECE 245,132 16,494,466 67.3 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 118,925 8,633,926 72.6
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 292,264 20,319,527 69.5 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 118,925 8,634,000 72.6
30/07/2021 GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN SPAIN 499,872 35,196,314 70.4 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 148,125 12,176,533 82.2
31/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 29,440 2,223,970 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 151,260 12,434,220 82.2
31/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 30,504 2,304,348 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 176,210 14,485,243 82.2
31/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 31,788 2,401,345 75.5 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 194,360 16,112,623 82.9
31/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 37,678 2,846,291 75.5 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 206,615 15,000,182 72.6
31/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 44,598 3,369,043 75.5 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 219,258 15,918,071 72.6
31/07/2021 PRIME PREPAINTED GALVALUME STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 143,892 10,869,962 75.5 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 219,258 15,918,000 72.6
23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 236,935 17,201,440 72.6
Flat Rolled Products-Others 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 236,935 17,201,000 72.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 241,380 16,582,228 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 237,625 17,251,543 72.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 278,350 19,121,896 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 237,625 17,252,000 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 284,720 19,559,554 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 240,380 17,451,515 72.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 480,255 32,992,330 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 258,600 18,774,305 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 503,520 34,590,527 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 266,905 19,377,266 72.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 524,780 36,051,048 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 266,905 19,377,000 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 525,160 36,077,190 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 267,700 19,434,961 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 546,000 37,508,865 68.7 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 278,820 22,920,192 82.2
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 635,120 43,631,181 68.7 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 286,230 23,529,361 82.2
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 678,000 46,576,923 68.7 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 308,420 25,353,465 82.2
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 818,280 56,213,842 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 309,933 22,501,038 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 988,120 67,881,441 68.7 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 314,580 26,298,139 83.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 1,032,060 70,900,039 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 326,284 23,688,170 72.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 1,054,980 72,474,515 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 326,284 23,688,000 72.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 1,070,700 73,554,487 68.7 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 329,995 27,127,003 82.2
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 1,445,770 99,320,914 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 348,833 25,325,178 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 1,550,060 106,485,318 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 348,833 25,325,000 72.6
01/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 3,605,730 247,704,832 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 358,560 26,031,354 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 3,628,780 249,288,278 68.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 371,569 26,975,809 72.6
01/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN ITALY 5,635,320 387,132,614 68.7 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 403,355 33,719,502 83.6
14/07/2021 CR NON ALLOY STEEL STRIPS ENN ISRAEL 17,303 1,833,841 106.0 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 410,215 34,293,010 83.6
14/07/2021 CR NON ALLOY STEEL STRIPS ENN ISRAEL 17,303 1,834,000 106.0 23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 417,110 34,869,385 83.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 279,841 19,598,634 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 433,041 31,438,647 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 279,841 19,599,000 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 472,900 34,332,427 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 294,257 20,608,270 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 472,900 34,332,000 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 294,257 20,608,000 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 487,154 35,367,271 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 360,848 25,271,946 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 487,154 35,367,000 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 360,848 25,272,000 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 492,790 35,776,425 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 393,188 27,531,167 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 495,721 35,989,214 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 411,884 30,206,248 73.3 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 496,629 36,055,174 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 480,683 33,657,488 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 496,629 36,055,000 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 501,212 35,102,343 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 497,030 36,084,264 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 501,212 35,102,000 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 497,030 36,084,000 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 504,256 35,308,074 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 502,710 36,496,648 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 507,235 37,198,988 73.3 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 502,710 36,497,000 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 519,660 36,394,341 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 503,009 36,518,350 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 519,660 36,394,000 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 581,770 42,236,368 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 583,495 40,856,531 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 621,083 45,090,491 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 682,130 47,762,830 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 621,083 45,090,000 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 911,308 64,452,173 70.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 721,713 52,396,167 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 911,308 64,452,000 70.7 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 732,879 53,206,867 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 1,429,955 100,125,921 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 732,879 53,207,000 72.6
22/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 1,463,366 102,465,364 70.0 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 1,112,227 80,747,434 72.6
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 18,665 1,471,514 78.8 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 1,122,296 81,478,444 72.6
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 20,925 1,649,688 78.8 23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 1,122,296 81,478,000 72.6
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,510 1,725,691 80.2 27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 18,110 1,314,782 72.6
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,760 1,715,519 78.8 27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 18,620 1,351,806 72.6
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,815 1,719,855 78.8 27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 19,935 1,573,427 78.9
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,820 1,720,248 78.8 27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 20,600 1,495,559 72.6
23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 27,865 2,023,010 72.6 27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 21,000 1,470,422 70.0
23/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 27,865 2,023,000 72.6 27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,620 1,569,608 72.6
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 28,015 2,208,650 78.8 27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,740 1,578,322 72.6
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 28,075 2,213,383 78.8 27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,840 1,810,229 82.9
23/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 28,945 2,281,970 78.8 27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,840 1,810,000 82.9

Zenith Metals an ISO: 9001:2008 Certified company is a ANTIMONY METAL | ANTIMONY TRIOXIDE | ARSENIC METAL | CADMIUM METAL
complete metals & Ferro-alloy solution's business.
As Import agents and distributors of metals and Ferro- alloys, | TIN METAL l LEAD METAL | MAGNESIUM | MANGANESE | PURE CALCIUM | GRANULES
our core competence is to facitate supply of best quality raw AND LUMPS | CALCIUM ALUMINIUM ALLOYS - 70-30, 75-25, 80-20, 90-10%
material against specification at the most competitive pricing.


Zenith Metalik Alloys - Regd. Office: 133 B.R.B.B. Road, Kolkata - 700 001 (WB), India. Tel: +91 33 22628295, 22622033 Email: mail@zenithmetals.com | www.zenithmetals.com
Mr. Gaurav Kr Chopra, Managing Director - Mobile : +91 9831197793 / INDIA MART Mr. Biswarajan Dash - Mobile : +91 9330832538
Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021 17
Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value CIF Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value CIF Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)
Flat Rolled Products-Others Bars & Rods
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 21,920 1,591,386 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,299 769,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 23,090 1,929,919 83.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,301 769,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 23,090 1,930,000 83.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,302 769,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 24,135 2,017,264 83.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,305 770,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 24,135 2,017,000 83.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,310 770,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 27,975 2,030,977 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,313 770,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 28,945 2,284,570 78.9 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,318 770,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 39,880 2,793,980 70.1 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,320 770,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 41,580 3,018,697 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,322 771,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 42,375 3,374,039 79.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,326 771,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 43,245 3,139,580 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,332 771,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 43,755 3,596,199 82.2 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,334 771,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 43,755 3,596,000 82.2 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,339 771,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 49,650 3,476,515 70.0 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,345 772,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 51,995 4,103,856 78.9 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,352 772,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 59,300 4,305,165 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,356 772,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 65,680 4,768,358 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,358 772,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 74,485 6,225,642 83.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,359 773,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 74,485 6,226,000 83.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,367 773,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 75,972 5,571,509 73.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,378 774,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 108,975 7,911,567 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,382 774,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 116,005 8,421,947 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,383 774,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 162,040 13,317,976 82.2 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,386 774,000 53.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 162,040 13,318,000 82.2 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,398 775,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 173,010 12,560,482 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,545 783,000 53.8
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN TURKEY 192,255 13,957,684 72.6 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 16,770 1,087,000 64.8
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 198,790 16,104,793 81.0 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 16,962 1,096,000 64.6
27/07/2021 CR COILS ENN TURKEY 225,145 18,239,920 81.0 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,028 1,099,000 64.5
27/07/2021 HR COILS ENN BULGARIA 233,563 16,524,567 70.7 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,034 1,099,000 64.5
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 32,976 2,620,334 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,047 1,100,000 64.5
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 34,400 2,733,481 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,061 1,103,000 64.7
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 35,034 2,783,859 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,062 1,099,000 64.4
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 43,096 3,424,486 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,105 1,104,000 64.5
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 43,644 3,468,028 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,112 1,102,000 64.4
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COIL ENN GREECE 43,760 2,289,830 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 17,123 1,107,000 64.6
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 44,422 3,529,849 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 19,454 1,262,000 64.9
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 45,030 3,578,162 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,619 1,404,000 64.9
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COIL ENN GREECE 51,720 2,706,355 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,660 1,404,000 64.8
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 54,080 4,297,288 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,672 1,405,000 64.8
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 71,038 5,644,806 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,789 1,412,000 64.8
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COIL ENN GREECE 88,040 4,606,872 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,815 1,416,000 64.9
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 88,650 4,638,790 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,834 1,411,000 64.6
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 89,124 7,081,948 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,876 1,418,000 64.8
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COIL ENN GREECE 95,030 4,972,638 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,932 1,424,000 64.9
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 122,514 9,735,181 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,934 1,415,000 64.5
28/07/2021 HR COILS ENN GREECE 131,500 6,880,998 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,954 1,425,000 64.9
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 175,154 13,918,047 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,962 1,419,000 64.6
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 176,170 9,218,449 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,973 1,425,000 64.9
28/07/2021 CR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 237,368 18,861,679 79.5 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,985 1,427,000 64.9
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 241,670 12,645,864 52.3 29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 21,998 1,427,000 64.9
28/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 242,990 12,714,939 52.3
28/07/2021 HR COILS ENN GREECE 440,160 23,032,251 52.3 Wires,Angles,Shapes & Sections
28/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 1,572,990 103,351,027 65.7 01/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR SPAIN 11,250 887,042 78.8
28/07/2021 HR STEEL SHEETS ENN JORDAN 6,379,990 419,187,992 65.7 03/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR USA 5,987 554,824 92.7
29/07/2021 CR COILS ENN GREECE 22,034 2,192,275 99.5 03/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR USA 8,382 752,096 89.7
29/07/2021 CR COILS ENN GREECE 42,856 4,263,960 99.5 03/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR BRAZIL 9,990 700,423 70.1
29/07/2021 PRIME CR STEEL SHEET ENN GREECE 60,822 6,051,482 99.5 03/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR USA 11,975 1,070,005 89.4
29/07/2021 PRIME CR STEEL SHEET ENN GREECE 63,748 6,342,606 99.5 06/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL PROFILE ENN UK 20,290 1,773,952 87.4
29/07/2021 PRIME CR STEEL SHEET ENN GREECE 81,920 8,150,633 99.5 06/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL PROFILE ENN UK 24,500 2,142,031 87.4
29/07/2021 PRIME CR STEEL SHEET ENN GREECE 100,710 10,020,138 99.5 07/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR USA 8,981 622,331 69.3
29/07/2021 PRIME CR STEEL SHEET ENN GREECE 136,192 13,550,421 99.5 07/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR USA 8,981 598,397 66.6
29/07/2021 CR COILS ENN GREECE 210,040 20,897,931 99.5 07/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR USA 17,962 1,249,872 69.6
30/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 94,240 5,139,661 54.5 07/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL PROFILE ENN SRI LANKA 26,100 2,284,448 87.5
30/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 112,340 6,126,799 54.5 08/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR BRAZIL 5,400 468,979 86.8
31/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 44,014 2,384,217 54.2 09/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR BRAZIL 9,990 750,000 75.1
31/07/2021 HR STEEL COILS ENN GREECE 44,026 2,384,866 54.2 09/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR BRAZIL 9,990 714,000 71.5
31/07/2021 HR COILS ENN GREECE 44,060 2,386,708 54.2 09/07/2021 MILD STEEL MIG WIRE GAR BRAZIL 19,980 1,415,000 70.8
15/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL PROFILE ENN SRI LANKA 114,150 6,494,243 56.9
Bars & Rods 16/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL PROFILE ENN UK 25,050 2,188,854 87.4
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 555,413 25,845,373 46.5 26/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL ENN UK 24,510 2,142,000 87.4
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 955,154 44,446,726 46.5 26/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL ENN UK 25,120 2,195,000 87.4
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 1,033,199 48,078,462 46.5 26/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL PROFILE ENN UK 25,200 2,202,000 87.4
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 1,263,314 58,786,558 46.5 30/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL ENN UK 24,760 2,164,000 87.4
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 1,396,387 64,978,914 46.5 30/07/2021 NON ALLOY STEEL ENN UK 24,800 2,167,000 87.4
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 1,594,318 74,189,367 46.5 31/07/2021 STEEL WIRE DHA BANGLADESH 16,450 1,018,000 61.9
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 1,846,135 85,907,331 46.5
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 1,915,273 89,124,542 46.5 STAINLESS STEEL
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 1,918,567 89,277,823 46.5
03/07/2021 SS BARS GAN HONG KONG 3,356,161 156,174,250 46.5 SS Flat Products
28/07/2021 PRIME HR STEEL WIRE ROD COILS ENN SPAIN 2,106,720 110,005,440 52.2 01/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR RUSSIA 2,532 496,939 196.3
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,176 762,000 53.8 01/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR RUSSIA 2,536 497,724 196.3
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN TAIWAN 14,179 780,000 55.0 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 2,538 704,852 277.7
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,193 763,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR CANADA 2,941 950,996 323.4
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN TAIWAN 14,194 781,000 55.0 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 3,016 901,115 298.8
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,196 764,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 3,068 957,000 311.9
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN TAIWAN 14,208 781,000 55.0 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 3,565 1,062,000 297.9
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,209 764,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 3,566 1,007,717 282.6
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,217 765,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 3,726 747,139 200.5
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,218 765,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR DENMARK 3,756 1,231,476 327.9
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,226 765,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 3,924 1,182,675 301.4
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN TAIWAN 14,231 783,000 55.0 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 4,013 1,195,972 298.0
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,235 766,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 4,013 1,196,000 298.0
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,243 766,000 53.8 01/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR RUSSIA 4,386 847,862 193.3
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,245 766,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR KOREA 4,635 2,398,661 517.5
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,248 766,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR KOREA 4,880 2,525,451 517.5
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,249 767,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 5,004 1,371,801 274.1
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,249 766,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR DENMARK 5,118 1,699,940 332.1
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,254 767,000 53.8 01/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR RUSSIA 5,182 1,001,737 193.3
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,259 767,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 5,820 1,815,000 311.9
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,266 768,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR DENMARK 5,918 1,940,328 327.9
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,266 767,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR DENMARK 5,925 1,967,984 332.1
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN TAIWAN 14,269 785,000 55.0 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR CANADA 6,523 1,884,163 288.8
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,270 768,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 6,591 1,886,358 286.2
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,276 768,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 7,134 2,186,564 306.5
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,283 768,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 7,717 2,292,182 297.0
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,290 769,000 53.8 01/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR RUSSIA 7,839 1,538,509 196.3
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,296 769,000 53.8 01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR CANADA 8,564 2,769,238 323.4
29/07/2021 HR NON ALLOY STEEL WIRE RODS ENN THAILAND 14,297 769,000 53.8 01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 8,992 1,142,991 127.1


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Minerals & Metals Review
18 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value CIF Rate Date Product Description Port Country Quantity Value CIF Rate
(kgs.) (Rs.) (kgs.) (Rs.)

SS Flat Products SS Flat Products

01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 9,795 2,767,970 282.6 09/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 9,712 1,800,511 185.4
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 9,800 1,819,662 185.7 09/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR UAE 9,906 2,715,365 274.1
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 10,316 2,783,416 269.8 09/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR UAE 10,228 2,803,629 274.1
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 11,752 3,490,698 297.0 09/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 10,281 2,992,327 291.1
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 12,150 3,353,370 276.0 09/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR CHINA 12,304 4,388,569 356.7
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 14,808 3,812,342 257.5 09/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 17,088 3,336,159 195.2
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 15,415 1,277,000 82.8 09/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR ITALY 21,684 5,801,587 267.6
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 15,480 1,287,000 83.1 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BRAZIL 2,547 756,379 297.0
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR EGYPT 17,164 7,332,957 427.2 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 2,680 857,431 319.9
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 17,277 4,360,544 252.4 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 2,680 857,000 319.8
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 17,694 4,465,790 252.4 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 2,790 808,570 289.8
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 17,991 3,174,845 176.5 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 2,790 809,000 290.0
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 18,234 4,925,093 270.1 10/07/2021 CR SS SHEETS GAR RUSSIA 3,060 718,430 234.8
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 18,247 4,928,605 270.1 10/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR RUSSIA 4,022 685,348 170.4
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 18,278 3,225,492 176.5 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 4,114 1,192,278 289.8
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR ITALY 19,041 3,383,744 177.7 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 4,114 1,192,000 289.7
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,390 1,612,000 83.1 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 4,800 1,475,158 307.3
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,455 1,617,000 83.1 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 4,962 1,467,797 295.8
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,540 1,624,000 83.1 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 4,962 1,468,000 295.8
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 19,548 3,627,146 185.6 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BRAZIL 5,381 1,597,988 297.0
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 19,694 3,752,238 190.5 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 6,496 2,020,282 311.0
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,790 1,640,000 82.9 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 6,496 2,020,000 311.0
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,860 1,645,000 82.8 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 8,269 2,504,551 302.9
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 19,864 3,702,086 186.4 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BRAZIL 10,288 3,017,633 293.3
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 20,155 3,377,000 167.6 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 10,397 3,179,692 305.8
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 21,565 3,659,000 169.7 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 14,593 4,335,207 297.1
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR VIETNAM 22,183 8,199,959 369.7 10/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 14,593 4,335,000 297.1
01/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 23,386 8,912,861 381.1 10/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 16,716 3,179,613 190.2
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 27,202 3,683,054 135.4 30/07/2021 CR SS WIDE COILS ENN RUSSIA 33,263 4,651,172 139.8
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 32,255 4,086,974 126.7
01/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR UK 39,718 8,332,119 209.8 Bars,Rods,Wires,Angles,Shapes,etc.
01/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 40,860 6,869,000 168.1 01/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR GERMANY 7,190 3,357,086 466.9
01/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR UK 41,732 8,754,619 209.8 01/07/2021 SS MIG WIRE GAR TURKEY 10,845 2,850,076 262.8
01/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR ITALY 75,568 13,566,863 179.5 01/07/2021 SS MIG WIRE GAR UKRAINE 12,000 3,278,849 273.2
02/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 3,565 1,073,395 301.1 08/07/2021 SS WIRE ROD GAR GERMANY 5,279 1,650,095 312.6
02/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 5,090 587,838 115.5 08/07/2021 MILD STEEL ROUND BRIGHT BAR DHA GERMANY 10,029 2,253,403 224.7
02/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 6,682 726,410 108.7 08/07/2021 SS WIRE ROD GAR GERMANY 10,123 2,946,985 291.1
02/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 7,980 1,487,448 186.4 08/07/2021 SS MIG WIRE GAR USA 10,954 2,369,062 216.3
02/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 8,962 1,670,489 186.4 08/07/2021 SS MIG WIRE GAR USA 16,442 3,364,525 204.6
02/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR RUSSIA 14,472 1,598,434 110.5 15/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR ARGENTINA 5,734 2,499,052 435.8
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 15,415 1,318,485 85.5 19/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR ARGENTINA 5,851 2,573,033 439.8
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 15,630 1,337,820 85.6 22/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR THAILAND 6,990 3,232,953 462.5
02/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR USA 19,338 4,032,084 208.5 23/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR BELGIUM 5,900 2,770,468 469.6
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,625 1,673,555 85.3 23/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR BELGIUM 12,000 5,644,970 470.4
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,790 1,692,689 85.5 28/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR ARGENTINA 5,122 2,260,459 441.3
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,815 1,696,027 85.6 29/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR GERMANY 7,000 2,336,843 333.8
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,860 1,698,677 85.5 29/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR GERMANY 15,757 6,998,573 444.2
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,950 1,707,582 85.6 29/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR GERMANY 17,634 8,322,804 472.0
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 20,000 3,464,517 173.2 29/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR GERMANY 19,950 8,839,776 443.1
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 20,155 3,488,898 173.1 30/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR ARGENTINA 7,689 3,450,462 448.8
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 21,150 3,697,623 174.8 31/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR GERMANY 6,000 2,816,000 469.3
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 21,575 3,737,348 173.2 31/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS CHROMIUM TYPE FAR GERMANY 7,700 3,607,000 468.4
02/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BRAZIL 22,997 5,566,893 242.1
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 59,980 5,133,876 85.6
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 78,560 6,699,337 85.3 Other Alloy Steels-Primary,Semi-Finished
02/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 98,185 8,372,891 85.3 12/07/2021 HIGH SPEED STEEL INGOT GRADE M-2 DHA TAIWAN 42,025 10,578,399 251.7
03/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 3,607 1,048,679 290.7
03/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 3,655 1,062,635 290.7 Bars,Rods,Wires,Angles,Shapes,etc.
03/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 5,711 1,702,004 298.0 01/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR ARGENTINA 8,181 1,514,579 185.1
03/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 8,860 2,528,050 285.3 01/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR ARGENTINA 8,181 1,515,000 185.2
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 15,480 1,325,983 85.7 01/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR MEXICO 9,500 1,718,132 180.9
03/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 17,373 5,036,136 289.9 01/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR MEXICO 14,000 2,397,543 171.3
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,275 1,649,228 85.6 09/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN CANADA 17,444 1,005,126 57.6
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,390 1,660,905 85.7 12/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN CANADA 10,285 592,833 57.6
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,455 1,666,472 85.7 12/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN CANADA 14,976 863,224 57.6
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,540 1,673,753 85.7 13/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR THAILAND 8,740 1,885,558 215.7
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 19,765 1,710,855 86.6 14/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR MEXICO 19,481 3,614,176 185.5
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 20,555 3,559,410 173.2 20/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN CANADA 8,515 493,000 57.9
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 20,725 3,588,849 173.2 20/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN CANADA 16,958 981,000 57.8
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 21,330 3,677,320 172.4 21/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN BRAZIL 9,821 550,351 56.0
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 21,370 3,734,773 174.8 21/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN BRAZIL 10,099 695,153 68.8
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 21,565 3,773,024 175.0 23/07/2021 STEEL WIRE ENN BRAZIL 10,203 704,198 69.0
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 39,105 3,345,945 85.6 23/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR GERMANY 14,271 2,431,293 170.4
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 39,775 3,391,880 85.3 23/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR GERMANY 14,271 2,608,000 182.7
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 39,840 3,408,834 85.6 24/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR THAILAND 8,506 1,476,538 173.6
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 39,995 3,410,641 85.3 28/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR POLAND 9,784 2,080,348 212.6
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 40,110 3,385,477 84.4 28/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR POLAND 9,793 1,645,146 168.0
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 40,860 7,083,356 173.4 28/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR ARGENTINA 11,000 2,074,013 188.5
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 42,800 7,411,467 173.2 28/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR POLAND 16,278 3,534,750 217.1
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 59,015 5,049,508 85.6 29/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR POLAND 22,425 3,857,997 172.0
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 62,895 5,308,641 84.4 29/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR POLAND 22,425 4,533,000 202.1
03/07/2021 HR SS COILS GAR INDONESIA 78,655 6,729,965 85.6 31/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR POLAND 9,800 1,659,000 169.3
04/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR USA 9,860 1,849,654 187.6 31/07/2021 BRIGHT BARS OF OTHER ALLOY STEEL FAR POLAND 11,000 1,856,000 168.7
04/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR USA 27,762 5,251,022 189.1
06/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 3,664 1,121,415 306.1 Iron Ore
06/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 12,408 3,912,550 315.3 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 2,148,110 14,821,959 6.9
07/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 2,576 780,436 303.0 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 2,148,110 14,821,959 6.9
07/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 2,828 864,882 305.8 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 11,960,000 83,184,192 7.0
07/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR SPAIN 6,254 1,326,643 212.1 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 11,960,000 83,184,192 7.0
07/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR MEXICO 12,834 3,924,789 305.8 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 18,400,000 127,975,680 7.0
07/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR SPAIN 18,004 3,742,780 207.9 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 18,400,000 127,975,680 7.0
07/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR MEXICO 20,350 7,727,452 379.7 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 98,651,889 680,698,034 6.9
07/07/2021 HR SS PLATES GAR MEXICO 20,404 7,921,572 388.2 15/07/2021 IRON ORE FINES GAN CHINA 98,651,889 680,698,034 6.9
07/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR TURKEY 25,358 2,903,521 114.5 17/07/2021 IRON ORE PELLETS GAN CHINA 54,164,000 921,008,123 17.0
08/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 3,728 1,061,432 284.7 17/07/2021 IRON ORE PELLETS GAN CHINA 54,164,000 921,008,123 17.0
08/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 11,597 3,407,426 293.8 26/07/2021 IRON ORE PELLETS GAN CHINA 50,727,500 858,857,624 16.9
08/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR USA 16,344 1,845,986 112.9 26/07/2021 IRON ORE PELLETS GAN CHINA 50,727,500 858,857,624 16.9
08/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR USA 17,858 3,556,839 199.2
08/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR USA 18,938 3,553,715 187.6 Electrodes Graphite
08/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR USA 37,552 7,158,806 190.6 26/07/2021 GRAPHITE ELECTRODE UHP DUR SAUDI ARABIA 117,878 36,756,062 311.8
09/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 4,532 1,331,115 293.7 27/07/2021 GRAPHITE ELECTRODE UHP DUR UAE 92,954 23,435,052 252.1
09/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 8,078 822,221 101.8 28/07/2021 GRAPHITE ELECTRODE UHP DUR TURKEY 99,856 27,299,000 273.4
09/07/2021 SS CR STRIPS GAR BELGIUM 8,080 2,308,025 285.6 29/07/2021 GRAPHITE ELECTRODE UHP DUR TAIWAN 90,611 25,315,000 279.4
09/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 8,306 1,642,190 197.7 30/07/2021 GRAPHITE ELECTRODE UHP DUR UAE 94,066 23,722,000 252.2
09/07/2021 CR SS COILS GAR POLAND 8,964 2,475,882 276.2

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Minerals & Metals Review
NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021 19
NON FERROUS BITS ITA Annual Survey: Soldering metal
Vedanta to divest Cu mine in Australia
Vedanta said its arm Monte Cello BV (MCBV) has entered into a
term-sheet agreement to divest Mt Lyell Copper Mine in Australia.
braved the Covid-19 pandemic wave
The seventeenth annual survey of (RIR) was calculated to be 33.1% an exodus away from cities.
MCBV is the 100 per cent owner of the Mt Lyell Copper Mine, a tin users carried out by the in 2020 and is forecast to fall Tinplate use reversed a long-term
small copper asset which has been on care and maintenance for the International Tin Association slightly to 32.8% in 2021. trend of being static or in decline,
last five years and not strategic for Vedanta with its size and country (ITA) estimated that refined tin use Solder still accounts for the largest growing in the survey sample by
presence. "MCBV, a 100 per cent subsidiary of Vedanta Limited, in 2020 decreased -1.6% to 361,900 global share of tin use, decreasing 2.6% in 2020 and forecast by
has entered into a term sheet agreement to divest Copper Mines of tonne, with a preliminary estimate slightly to 48% in 2020. Forecasts participants to continue increasing
Tasmania (CMT) by way of an option agreement with New Century of 7.2% expansion during 2021, for 2021 indicate global average by 8.1% in 2021 due to increased
Resources," the company said in a filing to BSE. Following an attributed to recovery from the increase of 8.8% related to rapid canned food and beverage
internal strategic review, decision was made last year to divest COVID-19 pandemic. These data recovery from the COVID-19 purchasing boosted by the COVID-
CMT, running a global sale process to bring in a capable operator are much more positive than last pandemic, with RoW being much 19 pandemic.
and potential owner to evaluate and eventually restart operations year's study, reflecting unexpected more positive at 15.9% YoY growth Lead-acid battery tin use markets
at Mt Lyell, creating value for the community, Tasmanian economy, boosts to tin use such as working from -9.2% base in 2020. Electronics were relatively unaffected by the
shareholders and Vedanta, it added. Mt Lyell has been operational from home. use sectors were boosted by pandemic, growing by 2.3% in 2020
since the 1890s and was acquired by MCBV in 1999. Under Vedanta More recent data indicates that this increased working, education, and and forecast at 3.9% growth in
ownership, Mt Lyell was successfully operated for over 15 years. could be overly optimistic based leisure from home. Respondents 2021. Battery use was boosted for
The mine was placed into care and maintenance in 2015 following on use sectors being constrained commented on future potential in several reasons including
two safety incidents and a depression in the copper market. "The by supply chain issues in H2. 5G and related technologies. increased replacement for idled car
terms of the Option Agreement include a minimum expenditure 101 companies took part in this The average proportion of breakdowns. The major tin use
commitment of US$1 million over the two-year option period by year's study, accounting for some lead-free solders in electronics effect in China was e-bikes which
New Century towards development and exploration, plus 47% of estimated global refined tin grew to 80% globally in 2020, up benefitted from those choosing not
reimbursement of ongoing care and maintenance activities, with an use in 2020. from 77% in 2019. An increased to use public transport.
option of right to terminate after 12 months," it said. The transaction Refined tin stocks held by 82% of specified tin use globally Tin use in tin-copper markets
is subject to full-form documentation, which are expected to be surveyed companies at the end of in lead-free solders was <100ppm largely maintained overall markets
signed by the end of October 2021. 2020 amounted to the equivalent Pb. The trend toward higher- at -2.5%. Participants reported
Copper prices to extend slump in 2022 of 2.6 weeks' supply. If this ratio is purity, lower-lead specifications very optimistic forecasts of 20%
Copper prices are due to extend their decline next year from record extrapolated based on global in tinplate also continued in 2020, growth in 2021 driven by new
levels touched in 2021 as mine supply ramps up and economic growth consumption, it would imply that as 79% of refined tin specified by technology markets including
tapers in top market China, a Reuters poll found. Benchmark copper world consumer stock holdings reporting participants was electric vehicles and new electrical
soared to a record peak of $10,747.50 a tonne in May, but has retreated were around 18,200 tonnes. <50ppm Pb, a marked shift from infrastructures. Other more
about 10% since then, weighed down by weak Chinese factory output, Compared to data from 2019 and 45% in 2019. traditional metal product markets
debt problems in the property market and an energy crunch. "Bearish forecasts for 2021, consumer In chemicals, tin use by survey were negatively impacted by
macro drivers will dominate the copper market next year - a slowdown stocks grew in 2020. Forecasts for participants was stable, reducing around -15% in 2020, especially
in Chinese growth and rising mine supply," UK independent analyst 2021 suggest that consumers are slightly by -0.6% in 2020 and outside China, although forecast
Robin Bhar said. Analysts have revised their consensus forecast for using up stocks they were able to forecast to grow by 1.6% in 2021. to rebalance to 1% growth in 2021.
the copper market balance next year to a surplus of 82,000 tonnes rebuild last year. China markets were particularly These sectors were hit hard by
from a deficit of 100,000 tonnes in the July poll. The cash copper Provisional estimates of total global impacted by the pandemic, COVID-19 especially affected by
contract on the London Metal Exchange (LME) is expected to average tin use, including refined and balanced by much more positive automotive, engineering and
$9,000 a tonne in 2022, a median forecast of 29 analysts showed, unrefined forms, totalled 432,700 feedback from the US where giftware sectors. Increased float
down 10% from Tuesday's official price. That forecast is still up 5% tonne in 2020, down -1.7% from markets were boosted by glass installations in China
from the previous poll. Aluminium is the second best performing 2019. The Recycling Input Rate residential construction related to boosted 2020 tin use.
base metal on the LME, climbing nearly 50% so far this year and

IAI models 1.5-degree decarbonization

touching 13-year highs, fuelled by strong demand and production
cutbacks in China due to power issues. But tightness is due to ease
next year, with the market deficit expected to more than halve next
year to 396,000 tonnes from 893,000 tonnes in 2021, consensus
forecasts show. "We still see aluminium prices running ahead of scenario to reduce industry emissions
fundamentals. While the market has tightened, not least because of
The International Aluminium primary production needed to pathways to decarbonization
power cuts, we believe their impact is overstated," said Carsten Menke
Institute has modelled a 1.5-degree decrease to 2.5 mt CO2e/mt and for earlier in 2021, which IAI deputy
at Julius Baer in Zurich. Analysts expect LME cash aluminium to
decarbonization scenario in its the 1.5 degree scenario it should secretary general and director of
average $2,695 a tonne next year, down 5% from the current price.
efforts to drive the industry to fall to 0.5 mt CO2e/mt. sustainability Pernelle Nunez
Al cos send SOS to PMO over coal stock reduce emissions and meet global "0.5 mt per 1 mt is currently lower said remained the same under the
Aluminium producers sent an SOS to the PMO (Prime Minister's climate goals, it said Oct. 26. than the intensity of recycled 1.5 degree scenario, although
Office) for resumption of coal supply, saying shortage has pushed The modelling was based on the aluminium, which is a very heavy the rate of change and pace had
the industry to the brink which could adversely impact some International Energy Agency's change that would happen to the been sped up.
5,000 MSMEs (medium and small scale enterprises) in the Net-Zero by 2050 scenario and industry. That would mean a The three pathways were
downstream sector at a timet hey are coming out of the pandemic complements existing IAI work, reduction of thermal and direct electricity decarbonization;
pangs and hit over 10 lakh jobs. Coal stocks at aluminium plants such as detailed historical emissions of more than 90% for reducing direct and thermal
turned critical after the government in August halved the supply emissions, the 'business as usual' 1.5 degrees, 60% for the beyond emissions; and optimizing
from Coal India and further pared it to just 10% as rakes were scenario to 2050 and the previously 2 degrees [scenario] and basically recycling and resource efficiency.
diverted to shore up inventories at power plants. Coal supply released 'beyond 2 degrees' zero emissions for electricity for Under electricity decarbonization,
was curtailed in spite of aluminium production being declared as scenario, IAI director, scenarios & both scenarios," Bertram said. Nunez said that over 60% of the
a public utility service as it is of strategic importance and an forecasts Marlen Bertram told a IAI secretary general Miles industry's 1.1 billion mt in emissions
essential commodity for diversified sectors that are crucial for the pre-COP26 virtual media briefing. Prosser said that addressing came from producing electricity
economy. The shortage is now putting at risk investments of Rs According to the data, a 1.5-degree climate required action and consumed within the smelting
1.4 lakh crore, or $20 billion, the industry made to double the scenario approach could reduce the emissions reduction across the process. Nunez added that ways
domestic capacity to over 4 million tonne per annum - or second sector's total greenhouse gas aluminium industry and supply to reduce emissions included
largest capacity in the world. Given the dire situation, the emissions by 95% between 2018 chain, although one of the first introducing more decarbonized
Aluminium Association of India, representing the entire gamut of and 2050. conclusions of the work had power generation into the system
producers, in its submission to the PMO explained that coal was However, it will require a significant been that there was no single and potentially deploying new
crucial since there was no alternative to captive power as reduction in carbon intensity of the solution for the industry to technology such as carbon
aluminium production is a continuous process requiring 15 times primary metal from 16.1 mt of CO2 reduce emissions. capture, utilization and storage.
more energy than steel and 145 times more than cement. "Any equivalent per 1 mt of aluminium in "There is not one obvious To reduce direct and thermal
power failure of more than two hours would result in the shutdown 2021 to below 1 mt in 2050. alternative production method, no emissions, which come from
of plants for at least six months and render heavy losses, restart Bertram said that under the BAU single behavioral change that is chemical reactions or fossil fuel
scenario, the carbon intensity going to provide the solution. It usage within processes, there were
expenses and prolonged metal impurity. The industry invested
of aluminium was forecast to be requires looking at a whole range a whole host of different
Rs 50,000 crore for setting up 9.4 GW CPPs which is 6% of the
15.8 mt of CO2e/mt, down from 16.1 of emission sources along the technological solutions being
country's total demand and 123% of the total energy traded on
mt in 2021 due to newer plants and supply chain and in some cases explored, Nunez said, pointing
the Indian Energy Exchange (7.6 GW in 2021). Therefore, technically
energy reduction. exploring multiple possible towards electrification, fuel
it is not feasible to get this massive power from the national grid
However, to align with the beyond solutions to that," Posser said. switching from fossil fuel to green
or any other alternate source," the association said.
2 degrees scenario, emissions for The IAI identified three hydrogen and CCUS, among others.
Posted at Mumbai Patrika Channel Sorting Office, Mumbai - 400 001, every Monday. Regd. No. MCS/110/2021-23
Published every Monday, November 01, 2021 Total Pages 20 Registered With the Registrar of Newspaper for India under No. MAHENG/2003/09966

Minerals & Metals Review

20 NOVEMBER 01 - 07, 2021

"The biggest transformation MACRO TIT BITS

since industrialization" Two crucial financial bills on agenda

The government will likely introduce two crucial financial sector Bills,
Digitalization and sustainability to digitalized, resource-efficient displace combustion engines. including the one to privatise state-run banks, in the winter session
- these are the key topics at and climate-neutral production. By Digitalization includes topics of Parliament, which is expected to be held between November 29
Hannover Messe 2022. The demonstrating concrete solutions, such as networking, data and December 23. Another Bill to amend the Pension Fund Regulatory
world's leading trade show for leading figures from science and analytics, Internet of Things, and Development Authority (PFRDA) Act, 2013, could also be
industrial technology thus business show how to master such platforms, artificial intelligence, introduced. This will enable the separation of the National Pension
promotes more climate a historic feat of strength. and cyber security. To survive System Trust (NPS) from the PFRDA and hike the foreign direct
protection in business and For example, companies from the against global competition, investment limit in the pension sector from 49% to 74%.
industry and clearly illustrates energy industry show how to companies have to use
how digitalization, automation produce green hydrogen digitalization to develop,
Eco likely to post 9.5% growth: Report
and regenerative energies can efficiently as well as its potential manufacture and sell products The economy is likely to register a 9.5 per cent growth this fiscal
collectively contribute. After the for energy-intensive industrial faster and more efficiently. In over 7.3 per cent contraction last year, as the ongoing recovery is
long pandemic-induced break, companies. Climate-neutral Hannover, companies from faster and more credible than earlier foreseen, according to a foreign
Hannover Messe runs in April mobility is another focal point. electrical engineering, brokerage report. It will gather more momentum in the second half
2022 as a face-to-face event. mechanical and plant of the current fiscal, but will slow down to 7.7 per cent next financial
"We are facing the greatest engineering as well as IT and year, it added.The government has budgeted for a 10.5 per cent
transformation since
industrialization -into resource-
EVENTS software show how to
automate and digitalize entire
growth this fiscal, but the Reserve Bank has scaled it down to
9.5 per cent.
saving, climate-neutral and process chains for climate-
sustainable production," said neutral production.
Biz sentiment hit two-year high in Q2
Industrial companies provide
Dr. Jochen Köckler, CEO of Hannover Messe 2022 As the second wave of Covid-19 eased off, business sentiment in
technologies that reduce CO2
Deutsche Messe AG. and show how energy efficiency emphasizes on-site participation. the country hit an over two-year high in the September quarter
"Digitalization, automation, can contribute to climate On the heels of the pandemic, (Q2) of the current financial year (FY22), according to a survey by
innovative technologies, and neutrality. Digitalization and exhibitors and visitors want to the National Council of Applied Economic Research (NCAER).
regenerative energy: These automation enable networked meet face-to-face, experience The NCAER Business Confidence Index (BCI) increased by about
existing trends are the dynamic manufacturing systems that products and solutions in 80 per cent to 117.4 in Q2FY22 from 65 in the year-ago quarter,
drivers for achieving climate operate more efficiently and person, and network with the while it jumped about 90 per cent on a quarter-on-quarter basis.
goals. All fields of technology conserve resources. Innovative industrial community. The index was also up 13.8 per cent over the pre-pandemic period
must work together and initiate technologies such as 3D printing Comprehensive digital of the second quarter of 2019-20, when it stood at 103.1.
constructive communication create tailor-made components, presentation options extend the
between business, politics, which in return reduces offer. "Hannover Messe brings
Engg goods exports post positive growth
science, and society. With its inventories and resource usage. together the best of both worlds, Exports of engineering goods have crossed USD nine billion in
global and thematic focus, Global supply chains were very enhancing the unique physical September, 2021, while 22 out of 25 top export destinations such
Hannover Messe 2022 vulnerable during the Covid offering with innovative digital as China, UK and UAE have recorded positive growth, EEPC
provides the ideal platform for pandemic, so relocalizing parts participation options. This said. Share of engineering goods in overall merchandise exports
this and once again enables of the value chain would help makes Hannover Messe even stood at 26.65 per cent in September, it said. Engineering Export
face-to-face contact." reduce such vulnerability while more valuable for participating Promotion Council (EEPC) chairman Mahesh Desai said that
Under the lead theme "Industrial also cutting back on CO2 exhibitors from all over the world, India's engineering cumulative engineering exports increased from
Transformation", leading global emissions. Energy is also a because they generate additional USD 32.4 billion in April to September in 2020 to USD 52.3 billion
companies from the electrical crucial issue for logistics leads in the digital space," during the same period this year.
engineering, mechanical companies, especially since explained Köckler.
engineering, logistics, energy, electrified products make up an Portugal is Partner Country at
Strong GDP growth expected: PHDCCI
and IT and software sectors ever-larger share in the forklift Hannover Messe 2022. Industry chamber PHDCCI said it expects strong GDP growth in
show how to shift successfully segment and increasingly the coming quarters with the economic recovery gaining
momentum. Out of the 12 lead economic and business indicators
of QET (Quick Economic Trends), tracked by the industry body,
nine have shown an uptick in the sequential growth for the month
TECH CORNER of September 2021 as compared to six showing the uptrend in

SECO/WARWICK has a way

August 2021. The uptrend in the lead economic and business
indicators in the recent months shows that the economic recovery
is catching pace and strong economic growth is expected in the
of hardening aviation steel coming quarters," said Pradeep Multani, President, PHD Chamber
of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI).
SECO/WARWICK will deliver a equipment can always be adapted heating chamber capacity to UK eco to return to pre-COVID level
Vector vacuum furnace to one of to the specific requirements of the the customer's components,"
Britain's economy is forecast to grow 6.5% in 2021, finance minister
the largest European machinery customer and thus to the particular said Maciej Korecki, VP,
Rishi Sunak said on Wednesday last, citing the latest projections
groups. The device will be used industry. This furnace had to be Business Segment Vacuum
from the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR). He said the
for hardening and tempering adapted as far as possible to a Heat Treatment Furnaces at
forecasts showed the economy would return to its pre-COVID level
processes, and its design has dedicated thermal process used in SECO/WARWICK.
at the turn of the year - earlier than had been forecast in March.
been customized in order to meet the production of aircraft landing The vacuum furnace will
Wednesday's 2021 forecast was also stronger than those produced
the needs of a special and gear. Thus, SECO/WARWICK improve and increase the
in March, when the OBR had forecast 4.0% growth for 2021.
demanding process which is the engineers fitted the device with a capacity of hardening and
hardening of aviation steel. non-standard system for tempering processes and will Icra sees Q2 GDP at 7.7 pc
This is the fourth SECO/ subquenching with liquid nitrogen improve the process economy With half of the 15 high-frequency indicators recovering to the
WARWICK vacuum device for which enables the required quick in European plants. pre-pandemic levels in the second quarter, the economy finally
this manufacturer of heavy cooling down of landing gear The device is characterized by looks nearly out of the pandemic woods, helping the Q2 GDP
equipment. The Vector vacuum components. The solution on order low consumption of energy, print at 7.7 per cent, according to a report. However, the September
furnace on order is a proven has also been expanded with a performance of the chamber as print was not as good as the quarter, indicating that the recovery
design with the most popular vacuum system designed with a well as clean and quick remains uneven, it added. While continued base normalisation,
dimensions for a working space, diffusion pump. processing. It has been emerging supply-side constraints and excess rainfall have
that is 600x600x900 mm. Vector "In addition, our device was achieved thanks to a powerful dampened the year-on performance of most of the 15 high-
vacuum furnaces can be used for fitted with non-standard heating pumping system. frequency indicators in September, the economic recovery has
majority of standard hardening, elements at the front and back The product is currently being widened in Q2 as the crisis wrought by the second wave has
tempering, annealing, solution of the hot zone and hardening produced and will soon be abated, with a larger number of sectors bettering their pre-
heat treating and brazing nozzles in the top of the furnace delivered to Europe. pandemic performance, relative to Q1, Icra Rating chief economist
processes. However, this to ensure the optimum fit of the Aditi Nayar said in a note.

Printed & Published by Paresh H. Parmar on behalf of Binani Industries Ltd., printed at Dhote Offset Technokrafts Pvt. Ltd., 2nd Floor, Paramount Estate, Plot No. 5-A, Off Aarey Road, Near Kotkar Estate, Dindoshi Village, Goregaon (East), Mumbai 400 063 and published
from Binani Industries Ltd., Mercantile Chambers, 12, J. N. Heredia Marg, Ballard Estate, Mumbai 400 001. Tel: 022-2266 0623 / 22664710 Editor: Paresh H. Parmar
www.mmronline.com Annual Subscription : Rs. 13,000/- US$750

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