Chap 2 Bafin
Chap 2 Bafin
Chap 2 Bafin
3. Bond Markets
Types of Financial Market
● A bond is a security in which an
1. Stock Market investor loans money for a defined
period at a preestablished interest rate
● Bonds are issued by corporations as
● The equities (stock) market is a well as by municipalities, states, and
financial market that enables investors sovereign governments to finance
to buy and sell shares of publicly projects and operations.
traded companies. ● The bond market sells securities such
● Some markets are small with little as notes, and bills issued by
activity, like the PSE, Macao Stock government.
Exchange, Taiwan Stock Exchange ● The bond market also is called the
● Other trade trillions of dollars of debt, credit, or fixed income market.
securities daily. Ex. New York Stock
Exchange, NASDAQ, Tokyo Stock
Chapter 2: Introduction and Overview of Financial Markets
BS in Accountancy 2-C ︳Prof. Jennivib D. Diamzon ︳Bafin 101B
8. Commodities Markets
6. Future Markets
Chapter 2: Introduction and Overview of Financial Markets
BS in Accountancy 2-C ︳Prof. Jennivib D. Diamzon ︳Bafin 101B
● Are venues where producers and need for an actual exchange authority
consumers meet to exchange physical to facilitate the transactions
commodities such as agricultural ● Futures and options trading are also
products (e.g., corn, livestock, available on major cryptocurrencies
soybeans), energy products (oil, gas,
carbon credits), precious metals (gold,
silver, platinum), or "soft" commodities
(such as cotton, coffee, and sugar).
● Known as spot commodity markets,
where physical goods are exchanged
for money. ➢ All financial markets work essentially
● The bulk of trading in these by bringing together buyers and
commodities, takes place on sellers in some asset or contract and
derivatives markets that utilize spot allowing them to trade with one
commodities as the underlying assets. another.
● Forwards, futures, and options on ➢ This is often done through an auction
commodities are exchanged both OTC or price discovery mechanism.
and on listed exchanges around the
world such as the Chicago Mercantile WHAT ARE THE MAIN FUNCTIONS
Exchange and the Intercontinental OF FINANCIAL MARKETS?
1. Firms - use stock and bond markets checking and savings accounts, home
to raise capital from investors. mortgages, and other types of loans
2. Speculators - look to various asset for retail and commercial customers
classes to make directional bets on ● Banks also act as payment agents via
future prices. credit cards, wire transfers, and
3. Hedgers - use derivatives markets to currency exchange
mitigate various risks, and
4. Arbitrageurs - seek to take 2. Investment Banks
advantage of mispricing or anomalies
observed across various markets.
● Specialize in providing services
5. Brokers - often act as mediators that
designed to facilitate business
bring buyers and sellers together,
earning a commission or fee for their
a. Capital expenditure
b. Financing and equity offerings,
WHAT IS A FINANCIAL c. Initial public offerings
INSTITUTION (FI) d. Offer brokerage services for
➢ Is a company engaged in the business e. Act as market makers for
of dealing with financial and monetary trading exchanges, and
transactions such as deposits, loans, f. Manage mergers, acquisitions,
investments, and currency exchange. and other corporate
➢ Encompass a broad range of business restructurings
operations within the financial services
sector including banks, trust 3. Insurance Companies
companies, insurance companies,
brokerage firms, and investment ● Providing insurance, whether for
dealers. individuals or corporations, is one of
the oldest financial services.
TYPES OF FINANCIAL ● Protection of assets and protection
INSTITUTIONS against financial risk, secured through
insurance products, is an essential
service that facilitates individual and
1. Commercial Banks corporate investments that fuel
economic growth.
● Accepts deposits, offers checking
account services, makes business, 4. Brokerage Firms
personal, and mortgage loans, and
offers basic financial products like ● Investment companies and
certificates of deposit and savings brokerages, such as mutual fund and
accounts to individuals and small exchange traded fund (ETF) provider
businesses Fidelity Investments, specialize in
● Offer the most recognized and providing investment services that
frequently used financial services
Chapter 2: Introduction and Overview of Financial Markets
BS in Accountancy 2-C ︳Prof. Jennivib D. Diamzon ︳Bafin 101B
5. Financial System