Outlines of OOP
Outlines of OOP
Outlines of OOP
SMBBU Liyari Karachi Sindh Pakistan Fri 19 Aug 2022 (1:0 PM)
Course Objectives
To describe programming, algorithm and its structure, sequences, loops and control flow structure.
To illustrate the structured and objective oriented programming, pointer declaration and initialization.
To demonstrate the applications of encapsulation and data hiding, specifies, constructors and inheritance.
To analyze various types of aggregation, composition, overriding, latch and C++.
Recomended Books
1. Java: How to Program, 9th Edition by Paul Deitel.
2. Object Oriented Programming and Java, 2nd Edition by Danny, Derek and Ashok.
3. An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming with Java, 5th Edition by C. Thomas Wu
Delivery Methods
Physical Lecture, Online Lecture, Seminars and Presentation
Lecture Breakdown
Week Topic
1 Introduction to Programming (Algorithm, Programming Basics and Environment)
Introduction to Programming (Basic Data Types)
Introduction to Programming (Logical Operators, Conditions and Functions)
2 Object Oriented Analysis and Design
Object Oriented Design
Object Oriented Analysis
3 History of OOP
Advantages of OOP
Object Oriented Approach
Assignment-1(5%), Quiz-1(5%) ,Seminar-1
4 Introduction to OOP Concepts
5 Methods
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SMBBU Liyari Karachi Sindh Pakistan Fri 19 Aug 2022 (1:0 PM)
Lecture Breakdown
Week Topic
Creating and Invoking methods
Passing values from methods
6 Encapsulation
Instance Variable Initializers
Access Modifiers
7 Constructor
Default Constructor
Parameterized Constructor With Code Example
Assignment-2(5%), Quiz-2(5%)
8 Inheritance
Working with Super Class and Sub Class
Accessing Super Class and Sub Class
Midterm Exam (20%)
9 Polymorphism
Method Overloading
Method Overriding
10 Association
Association (Aggregation)
Association (Composition)
11 Static Binding
Dynamic Binding
Static vs. Dynamic Binding, Summery
Assignment-3(5%), Quiz-3(5%) ,Seminar-2
12 Abstraction
Abstract Class
13 Generic Programming Concepts
Class Templates
14 Standard Template Libraries (STL)
STL Containers
STL Iterators
15 Object Stream
Methods of Object Stream
Object Serialization Deserialization
Assignment-4(5%), Quiz-4(5%)
16 Exception Handling Introduction
Exception vs. Error
Code examples of Exception handling
Final Exam (40%)