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Tamd31 Tamd31

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4-cylinder, 4-stroke, direct-injected turbocharged marine diesel engine

with aftercooler and reverse gear. Up to 110 kW (150 hp)*

* Crankshaft power according to ISO 8665

Reliable marine engine TAMD31 with

TAMD31 is a reliable and economic reverse gear HS45A
marine engine with considerable power
resources, developed for planing craft.
With its compact dimensions, it is ex-
cellent for twin installation.
Direct injection
Direct injection (DI) results in a low
thermal load and low fuel consumption
compared with swirl chamber engines
(IDI) with the same cylinder capacity.

The engine is turbocharged with an ex-
haust-driven turbocompressor. More air
can be forced into the cylinder in this
way with the result that more fuel can
be injected and the engine runs more
efficiently. Since combustion takes
place in a turbo engine with excess air,
the exhaust gases are cleaner than in a
naturally-aspirated engine.
The turbo also acts as an additional
silencer both on the induction side and
on the exhaust side.

The air heats up and expands when it is gear technology that uses bevel gears Technical description:
compressed. In other words, it takes up throughout the gear train. Engine and block
more space. The aftercooler cools the The combination of 8° down angle, — Cylinder block and cylinder head made of
compressed and heated air and raises large drop center and small dimensions cast iron for good corrosion resistance and
its oxygen content so that the engine long service life
provides for optimized installatons.
— Oil-cooled pistons with two compression
can use the fuel more efficiently. A trolling valve kit is available to meet rings and one oil scraper ring
special demands, e.g. for sportfishing. — Replaceable wet cylinder liners
Low exhaust emission At Volvo Penta, focus is on devel- — Replaceable valve seats
levels oping the complete drive line ensuring — Five-bearing crankshaft
The direct injection, turbocharging and perfectly matched engine/transmission Engine mounting
aftercooler contribute to minimizing nox- packages for high torque, operational — Elastic suspension consisting of 4 rubber
pads with adjustable anchorage plates for
ious exhaust emissions and enhancing reliability, reduction of engine noise and dampening of sound and vibration
overall enjoyment of boating. vibrations.
Lubrication system
— Pressure lubrication system with easily
Reverse gear Comprehensive service replaced full-flow oil filter on the side of the
Volvo Penta’s hydraulically shifted network engine
reverse gear has been specially de- Volvo Penta has a well-established — Tubular oil cooler that can be cleaned
veloped with a view to increasing the network of authorized service dealers in Fuel system
standard of comfort on board in terms more than 100 countries throughout the — Rotor-type injection pump with a mechanical
of quiet running, greater reliability and world. These service centers offer Gen- governor for accurate speed control
— Smoke limiter
enhanced efficiency. uine Volvo Penta Parts as well as skilled — Fine filter with water separator
These benefits originate from a personnel to ensure that you enjoy the — Feed pump with hand primer
hydraulic shifting mechanism and a best possible service. — Electrically-operated stopping device
Air inlet and exhaust system matically distributes the charge current to two Accessories
— Inlet system designed to produce optimal separate battery circuits An extensive range of accessories for:
air rotation which provides perfect com- — Automatic fuse with reset button — Fuel system
bustion. This results in high power and — Starter motor power 3.0 kW — Cooling system
low fuel consumption. — Extension cable harness with plug-in con-
— Control system
— Air inlet silencer with replaceable filter nection available in various lengths
— Instruments
— Closed crankcase vent system Instrument panel: — Electric system
— Seawater-cooled exhaust elbow of cast Separate instruments and harness or complete — Comfort & Safety
iron with a stainless steel insert panel fitted with: — Propellers
— Exhaust-driven freshwater-cooled turbo-
— Key switch — Voltmeter — Maintenance
— Temperature gauge — Rev counter – MED (SOLAS) kit available
Cooling system — Instrument lighting — Hour meter For detailed information, please see Ac-
— Thermostatically regulated freshwater cooling — Alarm for temperatu- — Oil pressure gauge cessory catalogues.
— Tubular heat exchanger with separate re, oil pressure and — Alarm test
transparent expansion tank charging
— Gear-driven seawater pump with rubber
Reverse gear
— Bevel gears which results in smooth running
— Coolant system prepared for hot water
at all speeds
— Hydraulically operated clutch for smooth shift-
Electrical system ing
— 12V corrosion-protected electrical sys- — Matched drop center and 8° down angle for
tem, complete with instrumentation compact installation and minimum propeller Contact your local Volvo Penta dealer for further information.
— 14V/60A marine alternator shaft angle Not all models, standard equipment and accessories are
— Charging regulator with battery sensor — When under sail propeller shaft can rotate 24 available in all countries. All specifications are subject to
for voltage drop compensation hours without engine start change without notice.
— The alternator is prepared for a bulkhead- — Seawater-cooled oilcooler The engine illustrated may not be entirely identical to pro-
mounted double-diode set which auto- — Trolling valve kit available duction standard engines.

Technical Data
Engine designation ............................................. TAMD31P* TAMD31L* TAMD31M
Crankshaft power, kW (hp) .............................. 110 (150) 96 (130) 81 (110)
Propeller shaft power, kW (hp)........................ 106 (144) 92 (124) 78 (106)
Engine speed, rpm.............................................. 3900 3800 3250
Displacement, l (in3) ........................................... 2.4 (146) 2.4 (146) 2.4 (146)
Number of cylinders ........................................... 4 4 4
Bore/stroke, mm (in.).......................................... 92/90 (3.62/3.54) 92/90 (3.62/3.54) 92/90 (3.62/3.54)
Compression ratio .............................................. 17.5:1 17.5:1 17.5:1
Dry weight with HS45A, kg (lb)....................... 400 (882) 400 (882) 400 (882)
Duty rating/Reverse gear:
HS45A, RH (standard) or LH .......................... R5–R4 R5–R3 R5–R2
Ratio: 2.43:1, 2.03:1, 1.51:1
Technical data according to ISO 8665. Fuel with a lower calorific
value of 42,700 kJ/kg and density of 840 g/liter at 15°C (60°F).
Merchant fuel may differ from this specification which will in-
fluence engine power output and fuel consumption.
N.B. The product can also be used in an application with a higher
rating than stated, e.g. R2 can be used for R3, R4 or R5. Dimensions TAMD31/HS45A
* Certified according to SAV. Not for installation

09-2002 © 2002 AB Volvo Penta.

AB Volvo Penta
SE-405 08 Göteborg, Sweden

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