Nps S1Form
Nps S1Form
Nps S1Form
KYC Number
Retirement Advisor Code
Name of Applicant in full Shri √ Smt Kumari
First Name * ANUJ
Middle Name KUMAR
Last Name GUPTA
Maiden Name (if any*)
Father's Name* PREMLAL GUPTA
Date of Birth * 1 4 / 0 4 / 1 9 9 5
City of Birth * SIDHI
Country of Birth INDIA
Marital Status* Married √ Unmarried Others Gender * √ Male Female Others
Nationality* IN-Indian √
Spouse Name*
Residential Status* Indian
Passport Passport expiry Date
Voter ID Card NVA1041326 PAN Card BLBPG3919H
Driving License Driving License expiry Date
UID (Aadhaar) High School Mark sheet
Proof of Address Passport Driving License Aadhaar card Voter ID card NREGA Job Card Ration Card Others
Registered Lease Sale agreement of residence Property Tax Receipt Bank passbook POP Certificate
Latest Gas Bill Electricity Bill Telephone[Landline] Bill CG/SG ID Card Signed letter from class 1 officer
Road/Street/Lane WARD NO 12
4.2 PERMANENT ADDRESS DETAILS: Tick ( ) in the box in case the address is same as above.
Address Type*
Address Type* Residential/Business √ Residential Business Registered Unspecified
Tel. (Off) Tel. (Res) : -
Mobile +917489399273
Occupation Details
Income Range (per annum) Upto 1 lac 1 lac to 5 lac 5 lac to 10 10 lac to 25 lac 25 lac and above
Educational Qualifications Below SSC SSC HSC Graduate Masters Professionals ( CA, CS, CMA, etc.)
Nominee’s Guardian
I would like to subscribe for Tier II Account also YES NO If yes, please submit details in Annexure I.
(i) PENSION FUND SELECTION (Tier I): Please read below conditions before opting for the choice of Pension Funds:
(a) All Citizen Model: Subscribers under All Citizen model has the option to choose one of the available PFs as per their choice in the table below.
(b) Corporate Model: Subscribers shall have the option to choose one of the available PFs as per the below table in consulation with their respective Employer.
(c) Government Sector:For Government Subscribers, the following PFs act as default PFs as per the guidelines issued by the Government
(a) LIC Pension Fund Limited (b) SBI Pension Funds Pvt. Limited (c) UTI Retirement Solutions Ltd.
Name of the Pension Fund PFM Selected
* Selection of Pension Fund is mandatory both in Active and Auto Choice. In case, you do not indicate a choice of PF, please note that it is deemed that you have
consented for the default PF specified by PFRDA. Currently, SBI Pension Funds Private Limited is the default PF.
(ii) INVESTMENT OPTION (Available for All Citizen Model and Corporate Model Subscribers)
Active Choice Auto Choice
For details on Auto Choice, please refer to the Offer Document. Please note:
1. In case you select Active Choice fill up section III below and if you select Auto Choice fill up section IV below.
2.In case you do not indicate any investment option, your funds will be invested in Auto Choice (LC 50).
3. In case you have opted for Auto Choice and fill up section III below relating to Asset Allocation,
the Asset Allocation instructions will be ignored and investment will be made as per Auto Choice.
(iii) Asset Allocation
ALLOCATION (to be filled up only in case you have selected the 'Active Choice' investment option)
% share 100%
Note:- 1. The total allocation across E, C , G and A asset classes must be equal to 100%. In case, the allocation is left blank and/or does not equal 100%, the
application shall be rejected.
2. Asset class E- Equity and related instruments; Asset class C- Corporate debt and related instruments; Asset class G- Goverment Bonds and related instruments;
Asset Class A- Alternative Investment Funds including instruments like CMBS,MBS,REITS,AIFs ,Invlts etc.
(iv) Auto Choice Option (to be filled up only in case you have selected the 'Auto Choice' investment option). In case, you do not indicate a choice of LC,
your funds will be invested as per LC 50.
LC 75 Note:-
1. LC 75- It is the Life cycle fund where the Cap to Equity investments is 75% of the total asset
2. LC 50- It is the Life cycle fund where the Cap to Equity investments is 50% of the total asset
LC 50 3. LC 25- It is the Life cycle fund where the Cap to Equity investments is 25% of the total asset
LC 25
√ I further agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of provision of services by CRA, from time to time and any amendment thereof as approved by
PFRDA, whether complete or partial without any new declaration being furnished by me. I shall be bound by the terms and conditions for the usage of I-PIN
(to access CRA website and view details) & T-PIN.
√ I agree to take a printout of the registration form from CRA portal, paste photograph, affix signature and send it to CRA. I understand that my PRAN will be
‘frozen’ temporarily if the form is not sent to CRA within 90 days from the date of allotment of PRAN. (Applicable only for Aadhaar based Subscriber
√ I understand that my initial contribution will be credited in my PRAN but I will not be able to make any further contribution till the KYC compliance is confirmed
by the Bank selected by me during registration. Once the KYC compliance is confirmed by Bank, I agree to take a printout of the registration form from CRA
portal, paste photograph, affix signature and send it to CRA. I understand that my PRAN will be ‘frozen’ temporarily if the form is not sent to CRA within 90
days from the date of allotment of PRAN. (Applicable to Subscribers registering with PAN and subsequent KYC verification by Bank).
√ I hereby declare that I am the bonafide subscriber of NPS and the contribution being paid for this transaction pertains to my PRAN. I further declare that
I will make payment from my bank account.
Date 1 3 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 9
Place :
Date 1 3 / 0 5 / 2 0 1 9
Place :
(Subscribers Employment Details to be filled and attested by the Deptt. (All Details are Mandatory)
Department UADD
Ministry UAD
DDO Registration Number SGV146910D
It is certified that the details provided in this subscriber registration form by ANUJ KUMAR GUPTA
employed with us, including the address and employment details provided above are as per the service record of the employee maintained by us. Also, it is further
certified that he/she has read entries/entries have been read over to him/her by us and got confirmed by him/her.
Signature of the Authorised person Rubber Stamp of the DDO Signature of the Authorised person Rubber Stamp of the
(In the box above) DTO/PAO/CDDO/
(In the box above) (In the box above)
Deptt/Ministry Date
Receipt No. (17 digits) 2000677501
To be filled by POP-SP
Received at Date:
Name of the Subscriber: ANUJ KUMAR GUPTA