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Leader Coach Guide

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Classification: General Business Use

Introduction 1
Coaching Model for Leaders 2
Feedback Assessment Worksheet 3
The S-A-B-I-C- Coaching Model 4
Manager Coaching Session Agenda 5
Individual Development Planning 6
Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide


This Leader’s Coaching Guide is designed to give you a consistent structure and a set of guidelines to
conduct effective coaching sessions with your team members. The Guide is not a substitute for formal
coaching skills training (available from Learning) or for your own experience conducting coaching
sessions with your team members. Rather, the Guide is a framework that can be helpful in keeping you
on track as you gain more confidence and skill in the art of performance coaching.

Your direct report will have most likely attended a leadership workshop, completed a e360 or attended an
assessment center where he or she received the Development Guide to help them analyze and build their
IDP. Your can obtain a copy of the Development Guide from Executive Leadership Development –
Assessment Portal Page – Development Workbooks folder.

The Leader Coaching Guide is to help you understand your role as a leader coach, as well as
understanding what information was provided to your direct report

Benefits of Leader Coaching

The purpose and benefits of leader coach for your team members include the following:

 Provide feedback on their current performance

 Reinforce demonstrated strengths and skills
 Clarify and confirm career aspirations
 Identify areas for team member development
 Prepare for future assignments
 Agree and implement Individual Development Plans

Benefits for you as leader include the following:

 Help ensure that your team performs well and achieves your organizational goals
 Opportunity for you to communicate and relate with your team members in new ways
 Increase your confidence and competence to address team performance issues
 Further your overall capabilities as a manager and leader

How You Will be Supported as a Coach

Just as a triangle is a strong physical structure, you will be supported by a Triad Coaching concept. This

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

Triad Coaching will involve you as a leader coach (boss) to your team members to achieve their
development goals. Similarly, you will be able to arrange access to a professional coach or your HRBP in
your efforts to strengthen the current performance and future capabilities of your team members

In the Triad Coaching concept you will be supported by your HRPB or professional coach to ensure that
you have the attitude and skill to get the most value from your on-going coaching sessions with team
members. Your HRBP or coach, for example, can help prepare you for your first
coaching session. You and your HRBP or coach can then review your on-going Participant
coaching approach, results, and opportunities for improvement. As you develop
your coaching skills your team members will benefit from the developmental
support you are providing as they gain more success and confidence in their work
Coach Boss
performance and role on your team.

Coaching Model for Managers

Developmental Conversation

• Assessment Center Feedback
• Other Leadership Feedback
• Developmental Ideas
• Attitude

• Set Climate
• Ask Questions
• Build & Reinforce
• Introduce New Ideas
• Confirm & Summarize
• Periodic Check-
• Progress Checks
• Completion

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

Your direct report using the Development Guide will be taking stock of their areas of strengths and
improvements. It is a good time as the leader coach to reflect on what you think is your direct reports
areas of strengths and improvements. Use the worksheet below to identify your perception about their

Feedback Assessment Worksheet

Team Member You Will Coach ____________________________________Session Date__________

Planning the Coaching Session - Sample

Feedback on Results Areas of Strength Areas For Improvement

-Meeting performance goals -Engagement

Performance Review -Listening/communicating -Motivating Others

-Use of values -Coaching/Mentoring

Feedback on Competencies
-Eger to learn -Limits team involvement in
decision making
360 Survey -Strategic focuses on the big
picture -task orientation

-Drive for Results -Develop& Empower People

Assessment Center
-Planning & Organizing -Inclusiveness

-Listening -Too directive at times

Colleagues, Peers, Direct -
Reports -Setting clear goals
-Consistent goal achiever -Need to develop others
Manager Discussions -Acts on values -Less micro-managing

Personal Observations -Seek challenges/ high goal -Need more “ask vs. tell”

Feedback Themes from All Sources Responses

-Setting clear goals and getting results
My Successes/Strengths To Continue
-Good listener/communicator
-Empowering & developing people
Areas I Need to Develop
-More inclusive management style
Ability to motivate one of my team members to
higher performance level.
Two Areas of Focus for Next 12 Months?
-Increase inclusiveness/engagement activities

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

Feedback Assessment Worksheet

Team Member You Will Coach ____________________________________Session Date__________

Part 1: Feedback Provided to Team Member (Summarize all available feedback sources)

Areas of Strength Areas For Improvement

Feedback on Results
- -
Performance Review - -
- -
Feedback on Competencies
- -
360 Survey - -
- -
- -
Assessment Center - -
- -
- -
Colleagues, Peers, Direct Reports - -
- -
- -
Manager Issues/ Discussions - -
- -
- -
Team member Issues/Discussions - -
- -

Part 2: Areas of Focus for Development

Questions Responses

What Are Themes of Success/Strengths To


What Are Themes for Development?

What Two Areas of Focus for Next 12


What other issues do you want to include in

your coaching session agenda?

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

The S-A-B-I-C Coaching Model

Coaching Steps Key Coaching Actions

Set Climate Setting the Tone

 State purpose & benefit of session
 Focused on development
 Present clear agenda
 Two-way interaction
 Invite agenda adds and changes
 Communicate that it is the direct
 Build trust
report’s meeting
 Model openness
 Relaxed & informal setting/tone

Ask Questions & Actively Listen Open questions (what?, how?, why?)
 Creates “ask” vs. “tell” climate
 Open questions
 Opens the conversation
 Closed questions Closed questions (facts?, numbers?)
 Active Listening  Directs the conversation
 Two way interaction  Gathers information & details
Actively Listen
 Use “I’m listening” body language
 Encourage interaction
 Paraphrase to confirm

Build & Reinforce Two-Way Interaction
 Encourage active participation
 Acknowledge
 Seek his/her ideas for change first
 Support
 Offer enhancements to ideas
 Suggest Improvements
 Ask for change & offer support

Introduce New Ideas “Out of the Box” Thinking

 Encourage new ideas, new ways
 Recommend – situation & recommendation
 “Stretch” him/her with added
 Provide Benefit(s) support from you and others
 Gain Agreement  Promote innovation in action
 Model your own creative ideas
 Anticipate Resistance Handle Resistance to Change
 Acknowledge when resistance
 Listen and problem solve
 Promote the benefits of change

Confirm & Specify Encourage Plan “Ownership

 Clarify personal accountability
 Summarize Agreements
 Build visibility in planned actions
 Determine Responsibility
 Establish Time Frame Track Results & Remove Barriers
 Check in frequently on progress
 Offer supportive coaching
 Reinforce & motivate success

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

Leader Coaching Session Agenda (generic)

Meeting Preparation

Manager reviews relevant feedback reports with the focus on:

 What message do you want to deliver about the team member’s performance? Does the
feedback support this? If so, how? And if not, why not?
 Develops critical questions for team member:
o What do you think about the feedback you’ve received?
o What elements of the feedback confirmed your own perceptions?; What elements
differed from your own perceptions?; What did you learn from the feedback?; What do
you want to do about it?; How can I help you?

Team member reviews feedback report(s) with the focus on:

o What are strengthens as seen by others giving feedback? What surprised me?
o What is important to me? / What do I want to change?
 Identifies 3-5 strengths & 3-5 desired development needs he/she wants to work with
 Collects ideas and resources that can guide development actions (e.g. Resource Guide)

Meeting Agenda

Setting the Tone

 Clarify the session’s purpose – area of focus, importance, stakeholder benefits
 General comments about the feedback received and its perceived developmental value
 Invite team member to add to agenda and encourage active engagement

Ask Questions & Actively Listen

 Relevance and validity of feedback received
 Areas of agreement and disagreement with the feedback
 Agreeing on priorities in addressing feedback and planning for change

Build & Reinforce

 Set expectations about the behavioral changes that are desired/required
 Create a formal or informal development plan
 Identify the support and resources needed to facilitate change
 Define and committing to deliverables and timelines for change
 Follow-up to review progress and problem solve obstacles

Introduce New Ideas

 Encourage team member to think “outside the box”; try new behaviors
 Offer your own innovations and ideas to address the areas of focus
 Review the action plan with team member to refine and improve chances of success

Confirm & Specify

 What are the conclusions from the meeting?
 What will the team member do next?
 What summary comments can you offer to support the team member?
 (Optionally) Agree on when a Time2Change (360) survey will be conducted?

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

Individual Development Planning – What your Direct Report

is working on…

The worksheet sample A and B and the blank form on the following pages are provided to your team
member in the Development Guide to help them develop their preliminary IDP. They are provided here to
help you understand what to expect when you sit down with your direct report to discuss their preliminary

Individual Development Plan for (Sample - A)

A. Area of Focus

Write down one of your areas of focus from the completed Feedback Worksheet

B. Behaviors to Change or C. Use in Current Position D. Potential Obstacles

Increase Use Of
Outline how you will apply the Do you see challenges or issues that
Outline the objective you plan improved knowledge or skills might cause you to miss your
to achieve. State this in terms to your job? objective? It is good to understand
of behavior. What observable and anticipate any difficulties you
knowledge or skill will you have concerns about. What will it take
learn? Use the competency to avoid them?
model for suggestions. Make
sure your goals are SMART


E. Planned Activities F. Time Frames G. Coaching/Support for My Plan

When do you plan to Are there others in the organization
What developmental activities complete each activity? Like that can help you? aspires to be a
do you feel would be any good plan, outcomes and Learning Organization where people
beneficial? Use the time frames are keys to learn from each other.
Development Guide section commitment and success.
(page 15) for ideas and
suggestions; look at your
notes from coaching
sessions. Also, contact
Learning for input.

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

Individual Development Plan – SAMPLE B

Individual Development Plan for________________________

A. Area of Focus

Ability to motivate one of my team members to higher performance level.

B. Behaviors to Change or C. Use in Current Position D. Potential Obstacles

Increase Use Of 1. Need to get more 1. I don’t have time to attend a
1. Observe my team at work productivity out of a workshop in the next 6 months
and learning what motivates worker who feels he
them to excel. should be promoted and is 2. Increasing my observation time with
not giving a full effort staff may be difficult
2.Foster a sense of energy,
ownership, and personal
commitment to the work.

3. Inspire action without

relying solely on authority.
Identifies the concerns and
motivation of others.

E. Planned Activities F. Time Frames G. Coaching/Support for My Plan

1. Review “Encouraging the 2 weeks 1. Set and start meetings with my
Heart” by Kouzes and manager to discuss my thoughts
Posner. regarding motivating targeted worker

2. Complete eLearning 4 weeks 2. Arrange to have my manager

module “Leading & observe for improvements in the
Motivating” motivational levels of my team
3. Provide worker with a 6 weeks
special project using his
skills; observe his
behavior; debrief with him

4. Use a Time2Change Survey In 9 months plus

Classification: General Business Use

Leader Coach Guide

Individual Development Plan for________________________

A. Area of Focus

B. Behaviors to Change C. Use in Current Position D. Potential Obstacles

E. Planned Activities F. Time Frames G. Coaching/Support for Plan

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