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Test Planner - Arjuna NEET 2024

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Test No. DATE Pattern Physics Chemistry Botany Zoology

Some Basic Concept of Chemistry
(Mole Concept)
"Introduction & Importance of Chemistry
Basic Maths & Calculus: Trigonometry Properties of Matter and their Measurement, The (Cell: The Unit of Life)
Trigonometry (Structural organization in animals)
International System of Units (S.I.)"
Quadratic equation,Bionomial Theorem,G.P, Atoms and Molecules CELL
Practice Test-1 Sunday, 7 May 2023 Short Test Epithelial Tissue & Its Types
Graphs Dalton's Atomic Theory and Atomic mass CELL THEORY Cell Junction
Graphs Mole Concepts - I PROKARYOTIC VS EUKARYOTIC CELL Connective Tissue - Loose Ct"
Differenciation Mole Concepts - II PROKARYOTIC Cell
Laws of Chemical Combinations
Concentration terms - I
Concentration terms - II

Some Basic Concept of Chemistry (Structural organization in animals)

(Mole Concept)
(complete chapter) Epithelial Tissue & Its Types
"Cell Junction
Cell: The Unit of Life
Practice Test-2 Sunday, 14 May 2023 NEET Basic Maths & Calculus: (Full Syllabus) Atomic Structure Connective Tissue - Loose Ct"
(Full syllabus)
Discovery of Fundamental Particles "Dense
Radioactivity and Atomic Number & Mass number Connective Tissue - Specialised Connective Tissue"
Planck’s Quantum Theory & Electromagnetic Muscular Tissue
Radiation Nervous (Neural) Tissue
Specialised Connective Tissue

Atomic Structure
Photoelectric Effect (Cell Cycle and Cell Division)
Bohr's Atomic Model (Structural organization in animals)
Vector: Introduction Bohr's Model for Hydrogen Spectrum
Introduction Of Cell cycle
Practice Test-3 Sunday, 28 May 2023 Short Test Vector addition Towards Quantum Mechanical Model
Quantum Mechanical Model-1 Mitosis Cockroach - Part -1
Vector multiplication
Quantum Mechanical Model-2 Interphase Cockroach - Part -2
Electronic Configuration M phase Of Mitosis Cockroach - Part -3

Atomic Structure
(complete chapter)
Vector: (Full Syllabus) Cell Cycle and Cell Division Structural organization in animals
Practice Test-4 Sunday, 4 June 2023 NEET
Units and Dimension: (Full Syllabus) Periodic Classification (Full syllabus) (Full syllabus)
,Modern Periodic Table
electronic configurations
Atomic size
Periodic Classification (Biological Classifications)
Motion in a Straight line: Distance and displacement
Ionisation potential (Digestion and absorption)
Velocity and acceleration
Applications of ionisation potential Classification Systems
Practice Test-5 Sunday, 18 June 2023 Short Test Equation of motion Electron Affinity- Kingdom Monera Intro, Histology Of Alimentary Canal
Equation of motion Electronegativity "Eubacteria Parts Of Alimentary Canal
Motion under gravity Applications of EN Archaebacteria
Periodic Classification The Living World
(complete chapter)
(Full syllabus) Digestion and absorption
Practice Test-6 Sunday, 25 June 2023 NEET Motion in a Straight line: (Full Syllabus) Chemical Bonding
Kössel - Lewis Approach to Chemical Bonding and
Biological Classifications (Full syllabus)
Formal charge (Full syllabus)

Chemical Bonding (Plant Kingdom)

Motion in Plane: Equation of motion Kössel - Lewis Approach to Chemical Bonding and (Breathing and exchange of gases)
Projectile motion Formal charge
Practice Test-7 Sunday, 9 July 2023 Short Test Introduction to Plants
Projectile motion Covalent bond-covalency and coordinate bond
VSPER Theory Algae Human Respiratory System, Respiratory Organs
Relative motion
VBT - Hybridisation Bryophytes Mechanism Of Breathing, Exchange Of Gases (O2 And Co2)

Chemical Bonding (Breathing and exchange of gases)

Kössel - Lewis Approach to Chemical Bonding and
Formal charge
Motion in Plane: (Full Syllabs) Covalent bond-covalency and coordinate bond
Plant Kingdom Human Respiratory System, Respiratory Organs
Practice Test-8 Sunday, 16 July 2023 NEET Newton law of Motion: Introduction VSPER Theory
VBT - Hybridisation (Full syllabus) Mechanism Of Breathing, Exchange Of Gases (O2 And Co2)
overlapping Respiratory Volume, Respiratory Capacities
Bond identity and bond strength Respiratory Volume, Respiratory Capacities
Dipole moment Transport Of Gases (O2 And Co2)
Ionic Bond

Chemical Bonding
Fajans rule and its applications (Anatomy of Flowering Plants)
H bonding (Breathing and exchange of gases)
Newton law of Motion: (Full Syllabs)
Practice Test-9 Sunday, 30 July 2023 Short Test Dipole based forces and question practice Types Of Meristems
Friction: Static friction State of Matter Gases and Liquids Types Of Permanent Tissue Transport Of Gases (O2 And Co2)
Gaseous State and Intermolecular Forces Tissue System Regulation Of Respiration, Disorders Of Respiratory System,
The Gaseous Laws - I
The Gaseous Laws - II

Chemical Bonding
Newton law of Motion: (Full Syllabs) Morphology of Flowering Plants Breathing and exchange of gases
Practice Test-10 Sunday, 6 August 2023 NEET (complete chapter)
Friction: (Full Syllabs) State of Matter Gases and Liquids (Full syllabus) (Full Syllabus)
(complete chapter)
Practice Test-11 Sunday, 13 August 2023 Board Pattern Test-1 Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date)
Work, Power & Energy: Work done by constant force Thermodynamics
Work done by variable force Thermodynamics introduction (Anatomy of Flowering Plants) (Body fluids and circulation)
Pressure-Volume Work
Graph and energy "Ground Tissue System
Practice Test-12 Sunday, 20 August 2023 Short Test "
Potential energy Heat Capacity"
Anatomy Of Dicot Root and Dicot Stem and Root" Blood, Blood - Formed Element
Work energy theorem First Law of Thermodynamics "Monocot Root Blood Groups, Lymph
Thermodynamic Process Circulatory Pathways, Double Circulation
(Anatomy of Flowering Plants)
Thermodynamics introduction
Pressure-Volume Work Types Of Meristems
" Types Of Permanent Tissue
Heat Capacity" Tissue System Body fluids and circulation
Practice Test-13 Sunday, 27 August 2023 NEET Work, Power & Energy: (Full Syllabs) First Law of Thermodynamics "Ground Tissue System (Full syllabus)
Thermodynamic Process Anatomy Of Dicot Root and Dicot Stem and Root"
Second Law of Thermodynamics & Third Law of "Monocot Root
Thermodynamics Dicot Stem
Gibb's Free Energy & Spontaneity
Monocot Stem"
Hess's law of Constant Heat Summation
Circular motion: Angular velocity, angular acceleration Thermochemistry-1 (Anatomy of Flowering Plants)
Equation of motion Thermochemistry-2 (locomotion and movement)
Dynamics of circular motion Equillibrium-Chemical Anatomy Of Leaf
Practice Test-14 Sunday, 10 September 2023 Short Test
Banking of road Physical & Chemical Equilibrium Dicot Introduction, Locomotory Organ, Types Of Movement, Muscle, Types Of Muscle
Vertical circular motion Effect on Equilibrium Constatant Monocot Leaf "Structure Of Contractile Proteins, Mechanism Of Muscle Contraction, Sacromere
" Secondary Growth Mechanism Of Muscle Relaxation "
Equilibrium mixture calculations"
Circular motion: (Full Syllabs) Thermodynamics
Motion of System of Particle and COM: Introduction (complete chapter) Anatomy of Flowering Plants Excretory product and their elimination
Practice Test-15 Sunday, 17 September 2023 NEET
Com of different particle Equillibrium-Chemical (Full syllabus) (Full syllabus)
Momentum conservation (complete chapter)
Acids, Bases and Salts (Photosynthesis in Higher Plants)
Motion of System of Particle and COM: Explosion of bomb The pH Scale-1 (Biomolecules)
The pH Scale-2
Practice Test-16 Sunday, 1 October 2023 Short Test Rotational Motion: Moment of inertia Photosynthesis
Ph of weak acids and bases
Moment of inertia acid base titration Early Experiments Analysis Of Chemical Composition, Primary And Secondary Metabolites,Biomacromolecules
Buffer Solution Chloroplast and Photosynthetic Pigment Carbohydrate—1,2

(Photosynthesis in Higher Plants)

Motion of System of Particle and COM:(Full Syllabs) Equillibrium-Ionic Photosynthesis

Rotational Motion: Moment of inertia (complete chapter) Early Experiments
Redox Reactions
Moment of inertia Chloroplast and Photosynthetic Pigment locomotion and movement
Practice Test-17 Sunday, 8 October 2023 NEET Classical Idea of Redox reactions - Oxidation and
Perpendicular axis theorem Reduction Reactions, Light (Full syllabus)
Parallel axis theorem Types of Redox Reactions Cyclic and Noncyclic ETS
Radius of gyration "Chemiosmosis
Calvin Cycle
Calvin Cycle and C4 Plants
Practice Test-18 Sunday, 15 October 2023 Board Pattern Test-2 Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date)
Rotational Motion: Torque
Angular momentum Nomenclature (Respiration in Plants)
CTAR basics terms, degree of carbon, amines and alcohols,
degree of unsaturation
Practice Test-19 Sunday, 22 October 2023 Short Test Gravitation: Force Respiration in Plants
Homologues and FG,classification of oc,iupac naming
Electric field rules and naming of hydrocarbon Glycolysis Amino Acids-1, Amino Acids-2, Amino Acids-3, Proteins-1, Proteins-4
Intensity naming of functional groups Glycolysis and Anaerobic Respiration Lipids And Nucleic Acid
Variation in acceleration
(complete chapter)
Rotational Motion: (Full Syllabs) Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Biomolecules
Practice Test-20 Sunday, 29 October 2023 NEET Isomerism
Gravitation: (Full Syllabs) Structural isomerism upto Functional isomerism (Full syllabus) (Full syllabus)
Tautomerism and practice
(Neural Control and Coordination)
(complete chapter)
Mechanical Properties of Solids: (Full Syllabs) Respiration in Plants "Generation Of Nerve Impulse,
Practice Test-21 Sunday, 19 November 2023 NEET Inductive effects and its applications
Mechanical Properties of Fluids: (Full Syllabs) Hyperconjugation and its applications (Full syllabus) "Neurotransmitter
resonance and stability of resonating structure Transmission Of Impulse
Mesomeric effect Human Neural System, Parts Of Brain, Meninges
Parts Of Brain, Reflex Action And Reflex Arc
Respiration in Plants
GOC (Full syllabus)
Thermal Properties of Matter : Temperature scale (complete chapter)
Calorimetry Hydrocarbons(Alkanes + Alkenes + Alkynes + (Plant Growth and Development) Neural Control and Coordination
Practice Test-22 Sunday, 3 December 2023 NEET
Practice question Benzene) Growth and Growth curves (Full syllabus)
Conversion of heat MOP of alkanes "Phases of Growth
Properties of Alkanes Growth curv
Development and plant Hormones
Practice Test-23 Sunday, 10 December 2023 Board Pattern Test-3 Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date) Full Syllabus (Complated Till Date)

"Neural Control and Coordination

(Full syllabus)"
Thermal Properties of Matter: (Full Syllabs) Hydrocarbons(Alkanes + Alkenes + Alkynes +
Kinetic Theory of Gases and Thermodynamics: Veclocity of gas Benzene) Plant Growth and Development
Practice Test-24 Sunday, 17 December 2023 NEET
Ideal gas equation (complete chapter) (Full syllabus) (Chemical coordination and integration)
Gas law
Introduction, Hypothalamus,
Thymus Thyroid
Parathyroid Pineal Pancreas
(Transport in Plants)

"Types of Transport
Environmental Chemistry Diffusion,facilitated diffusion
(complete chapter) Osmosis"
Kinetic Theory of Gases and Thermodynamics: (Full Syllabs)
Long Distance Transport Chemical coordination and integration
Practice Test-25 Sunday, 31 December 2023 NEET Simple Harmonic Motion: Introduction Hydrogen
(complete chapter) "Symplost and apoplast (Full sylabus)
S-Block Pathway
(complete chapter) Mass flow
Ascent Of Sap"
"Transpirational pull
Absorption Of Mineral Ions"
Simple Harmonic Motion: (Full Syllabs) P-Block
Practice Test-26 Sunday, 21 January 2024 NEET
(complete chapter)
Full Syllabs Full Syllabs
Waves:(Full Syllabs)
Practice Test-27 Sunday, 28 January 2024 NEET Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs
Practice Test-28 Sunday, 4 February 2024 NEET Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs
Practice Test-29 Sunday, 11 February 2024 NEET Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs
Practice Test-30 Sunday, 18 February 2024 NEET Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs
Practice Test-31 Sunday, 25 February 2024 AITS-5 Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs
Practice Test-32 Sunday, 3 March 2024 AITS-6 Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs Full Syllabs
In short Test we will covering Last chapter and Current Going on lecture.
In NEET Full Syllabus test, weightage should be 70% current portion and 30% previous chapter.

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