Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Lineament Features Using ASTER and Sentinel 1 SAR Data
Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Lineament Features Using ASTER and Sentinel 1 SAR Data
Automatic Extraction and Analysis of Lineament Features Using ASTER and Sentinel 1 SAR Data
In recent years, automatic lineament extraction has gained huge popularity as it circumvents the issues
such as errors and time constraints associated with manual extraction procedure. Another impediment in
the lineament extraction process is that linear features existing near sub-surface or occluded due to
vegetation cover cannot be identiBed solely by optical data. To mitigate these issues, a multi-sensor
fusion-based automatic extraction process using EO-based optical and SAR data is proposed. Use of
moderate resolution optical data such as ASTER minimizes erroneous identiBcation and misclassiBcation
of anthropogenic features as geological features. In addition to this, a component loading-based band
selection approach is proposed to select the most informative bands from the available optical bands for
improved extraction of lineament features. Finally, a new HSV-based mapping method for visualization
and directional analysis of the extracted linear features is discussed. The results are validated using the
published seismo-tectonic map of the region and Beld investigation studies which corroborates that the
proposed algorithm can successfully extract most of the geological lineaments in the study area with
minimum errors.
Keywords. Lineament; automatic extraction; optical SAR fusion; component loadings; rose plot; HSV.
Determination and analysis of lineaments is a et al. 2008). Fusion techniques can be grouped into
challenging task that requires careful inspection three categories, depending upon the stage at
and intervention from experienced analysts and which the assimilation of data from multiple sen-
geologists. The extracted lineaments should be sors takes place: (a) pixel level, (b) feature level,
carefully and contextually studied and should be and (c) decision level (Ehlers et al. 2010; Zhang
discriminable from other non-geological features. 2010).
The identiBcation of lineaments is generally per- In this paper, an automatic and robust approach
formed using manual delineation by domain to extract geological lineaments with the aid of
experts, analysts and photo-interpreters using feature-based fusion of SAR and optical data is
enhanced satellite imageries. Such procedures are proposed. For the present study, Sentinel 1 SAR
inefBcient and time-consuming and the resulting data in combination with ASTER optical imagery
maps can be subjective (Cross and Wadge 1988). A is used. While optical data like ASTER can skill-
more objective approach than manual delineation fully detect surface lineament features, sub-surface
is the automatic extraction of lineaments using lineaments occluded by vegetation, etc., can be
standard image processing algorithms. more accurately identiBed by means of SAR data.
Standard edge detection Blters like Canny A combination of the salient lineament maps
(Canny 1986), Sobel, Laplacian of Gaussian (LoG) extracted using both the images results in an
(Kong et al. 2013), image transformation methods accurate geological mapping of the study area.
like band ratioing, principal component analysis, To identify and select the bands of the multi-
hough transform, etc., and segmentation methods spectral dataset useful for identiBcation and
are some of the techniques employed for automatic delineation of lineament features, a novel PCA-
lineament extraction. For better results, these based band selection approach (Cadima and JolliAe
methods are often preceded by preprocessing 1995; Baisantry and Sao 2019) using component
techniques like contrast enhancement, noise loadings is proposed. Principal Component Anal-
removal and conversion into more suitable colour ysis (PCA), a computationally eDcient and popu-
spaces like IHS, Lab, etc. Most of the aforemen- larly known feature extraction and dimensionality
tioned methods use optical images as input, but are reduction method in the remote sensing commu-
incapacitated by many limitations and inconsis- nity (Abdi and Williams 2010), has also been
tencies. For instance, optical images demonstrate strategically used in many band selection methods.
poor performance in the detection of outcrop or Given that the top principal components capture
geological lineaments in areas of vegetation most of the information about the data (Jollife and
(Mwaniki et al. 2015) or even, sparse vegetation. Cadima 2016), a subset of bands can be selected
However, microwave sensors exhibit better detec- from the complete set of bands which are mainly
tion capabilities than optical sensors under these responsible for explaining the variance of the top
conditions. principal components. These information-rich
However, the potential of optical sensors cannot bands will be used for the extraction of lineament
be completely dissuaded since the changes in veg- features from the optical data. The resultant lin-
etation patterns may provide hints on the presence eament map will be fused with the lineament map
of lineaments (Abbate et al. 2006; Boyer and prepared using SAR data.
McQueen 1964). Several researchers (Kowalik and Additionally, directional analysis of the resul-
Glenn 1987; Mussakowski et al. 1991) have pursued tant set of lineament features extracted by the
this problem through coherent assimilation of data proposed technique is performed using Rose plot
from multiple sources such as microwave, optical utility developed on QGIS, a FOSS (Free and Open
sensors in addition to ancillary data such as geo- Source Softwares) based GIS application.
physical, geological, and geochemical information. The rest of this paper is organized as follows:
The present study focuses on multi-sensor data section 2 presents the automatic lineament
fusion as it oAers distinct yet complementary extraction framework using component loadings-
information to improve the performance of several based band suitability framework and feature-level
remote sensing applications. Formally, image fusion of lineament maps extracted from multiple
fusion can be deBned as the ‘combination of perti- sensors. The section also introduces a utility
nent (or salient) information in order to synthesize developed for azimuth analysis of the extracted
an image more informative and more suitable for lineaments. Comprehensive discussion on the vali-
visual perception or computer processing’ (Thomas dation and analysis of the extracted maps is given
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in section 3. Finally, conclusion of the paper is 2.2 Band suitability analysis using component
given in section 4. loadings
Figure 1. Automatic extraction and analysis of lineament features using multisensory images: workCow.
Figure 2. Study area comprising parts of Dun Valley through ASTER standard FCC.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:111 Page 5 of 15 111
Spectral Spatial
Band range resolution Quantization
Sensor Subsystem/mode no. (lm) (m) level
ASTER VNIR 1 0.52–0.60 15 8 bits
2 0.63–0.69
3N/3B 0.78–0.86
SWIR 4 1.60–1.70 30 8 bits
5 2.145–2.185
6 2.185–2.225
7 2.235–2.285
8 2.295–2.365
9 2.360–2.430
TIR 10 8.125–8.475 90 12 bits
11 8.745–8.825
12 8.925–9.275
13 10.25–10.95
14 10.95–11.65
2.3 Extraction and fusion of lineaments includes information about magnitude and direc-
from multi-sensor data tion of the lineament features. Rose plot diagram
(Reboussin 2005) is a graphic tool which gives a
The SAR intensity image as well as the multispectral succinct view of magnitude and direction of a set of
bands (principal bands) selected in section 2.2 are used features distributed over a given region. Using the
to extract lineament features using a well-known linear polar coordinate system of gridding, the frequency
feature extraction procedure called EDISON (Salui of features (in this case, lineaments) is plotted such
2018). It assimilates conBdence-based edge detection that the direction of the longest spoke shows the
(Meer and Georgescu 2001) and meanshift-based direction where most of the lineaments lie. The plot
image segmentation (Comaniciu and Meer 2002) to has been divided into 12 cardinal directions: 0
extract linear features. The edges are extracted using (North), 30, 60, …, 330, 360 degrees.
Canny edge detection algorithm and the line segments Slope method was used to calculate the direction
are adjusted to the candidate edge points based on of the lineament features. The direction / for each
thresholds for gradient, fragment length, and hys- lineament feature whose initial coordinates and
teresis criteria for type, rank, and conBdence levels. Bnal coordinates can be represented as (x1, y1) and
EDISON was implemented using the LINE module of (x2, y2) can be deBned as follows:
Geomatica 2017 software. Individual linear features
are extracted from both SAR and selected multispec- y2 y1
/ ¼ tan1 : ð3Þ
tral bands. These maps serve as candidates for possible x2 x1
lineaments in the study area and thus, would be sub- Similarly, the magnitude or strength of the
jected to further processing. lineament feature l is calculated as:
2.4 Post-processing of extracted line features l ¼ ðx 2 x 1 Þ2 þ ðy 2 y1 Þ2 : ð4Þ
Linear features extracted from the algorithm dis- Since inverse of tan lies in the range [p, p], / is
cussed in section 2.3 serve as preliminary candi- adjusted to the range of [0, p] with the y-axis
dates for prospective geological lineaments. In the (North) as the reference.
present study, post-processing addresses the Since rose plot is the polar representation of the
removal of inconsistency errors in these prelimi- histogram of the directional or azimuthal data, it is
nary linear features, as illustrated in Bgure 1. prepared by Brst dividing the range [0, 2p] into a
Errors dealt with in the present study can be
divided into three categories:
1. Nearby line features intersecting at an angle,
less than a given threshold H can be traced as a
single lineament. In the present study, H is
taken as 10 (Bgure 4i).
2. Line features within a distance d, where d is the
spatial resolution, occurring due to the radio-
metric irregularities in the radiance data, can be
treated as a single lineament (Bgure 4i).
3. Some of the watershed boundaries are also be
mistaken as lineaments and need to be removed
through watershed delineation using ASTER
Bxed number of bins. Here, each petal of rose plot Table 3. Principle components (PC) eigen vector matrix.
represents an azimuthal range and the length of the
PC components
petal is proportional to the number of lineaments
(scaled to [0, 1]) whose direction falls within the Bands 1 2 3
given range of the petal. 1 0.314 –0.274 –0.633
To assign colours to the rose plot, the histogram 2 0.334 –0.141 –0.530
values are mapped to the hue component of the 3 0.188 0.872 0.382
HSV colour map (Weeks 1996; Reinhard et al. 4 0.349 –0.003 0.337
2001). HSV-based colour mapping is considered to 5 0.367 0.153 0.129
6 0.357 0.149 0.137
be more visually appealing than the RGB-based
7 0.358 0.144 0.088
colour mapping. This is because changes in fre-
8 0.357 0.174 0.087
quency are directly mapped by the hue component 9 0.350 0.218 0.084
which represent the predominant wavelength of
the colour. It is known that a human eye can detect
changes in colour more intelligibly than the chan-
ges in brightness or intensity. Thus, small changes 3. Study area and experimental setup
in frequency can be mapped more noticeably by the
hue component. The colour mapping is deBned as 3.1 Study area
below: To validate the proposed algorithm, a suit-
hcolour ðiÞ ¼ H ðiÞ; ð5Þ able study area consisting parts of Dun valley
with an area of nearly 280 km2 in Uttrakhand,
scolour ðiÞ ¼ 1; ð6Þ India (Bgure 2) is selected. The region consists of
many neotectonic structural features with surB-
vcolour ðiÞ ¼ 1; ð7Þ cial geomorphic expressions. The area is covered
with moderate to dense vegetation and comprises
where of many perennial channels coming down from
N ðiÞ the Himalayas. Geologically, the lesser Hima-
H ðiÞ ¼ ; ð8Þ layas is tectonically parted from Sub-Himalayan
zone by the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT)
where H(i) is the histogram bin representing the (Kumar Singh et al. 2001; Singh et al. 2007). The
proportion of lineaments and N(i) is the number of Sub-Himalaya encompasses molassic sedimen-
lineaments whose direction falls within the range tary series (Siwaliks) deposited in a foreland
[hi, hi+1], Ntot is the total number of lineaments, basin obverse to the elevating Himalayas (Krol
hcolour(i), scolour(i) and vcolour(i) are the H, S, and Tal formation of lesser Himalayas) through
V values of the rose petal for the range [hi, hi+1]. the Tertiary era. Successive distortion in the Sub-
Due to the fact that human vision perceives vari- Himalayan zone is billeted by a southward pro-
ations in hues more eAectively than variations in mulgating fold-thrust scheme, which steered the
intensity or saturation, HSV colour space is used way to the growth of longitudinal, front-parallel
for better representation of the polar histogram. inter-montane valleys, called Duns (Thakur et al.
This simple ability makes the representation more 2007). Siwaliks are folded here into Mohand
meaningful. anticline which also comprises the Himalayan
111 Page 8 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:111
Figure 5. (a) Lineaments extracted from ASTER band 3 and 5; and (b) lineaments extracted from Sentinel 1 dataset.
frontal thrust, the dun syncline and Santaurgarh (MSS and SAR). Moreover, the study area used for
Anticline. In the north, post-MBT is the Mus- lineament extraction is kept restricted within the
sorie antiformal syncline (Karunakaran and Rao swath of ASTER. The component loadings-based
1979). The whole area lies between two major band selection algorithm is programmed and eval-
rivers, i.e., Ganges and Yamuna, and has a gen- uated using Matlab 2015a on Intel Xeon-based
eral trend of NW–SE. The structural regime of workstation 2.2 Ghz with 16 GB of RAM. To
the area is well established by GSI and many extract the lineament features, the LINE module
workers (Thakur and Pandey 2004a) which is of Geomatica software is used. The parameters
used for validation of the present work. used to extract the lineaments through LINE
module in this study are listed in table 2. These
values depend on the type of dataset and its spatial
3.2 Experimental setup
resolution. Further, the principal components
As a pre-processing step, the images are geomet- Eigen vector matrix is provided in table 3.
rically co-registered keeping ASTER images as In addition, the rose plot utility for analysis of
reference before their usage using ArcGIS. The lineament features has been developed on QGIS 3.4
spatial resolution of ASTER NIR bands is 15 m, using Python 3.7 Integrated Development and
SWIR is 30 m while the Bnal square pixel size Learning Environment (IDLE). Quantum GIS
during slant to ground range conversion of Sentinel (QGIS) is free, open-source and cross-platform
1 is taken as 15 m, also for the full range of its software which includes all of the common GIS
incidence angles, although it has the capability of functions and features and has a comprehensible
an output of 10 m. Since there is a difference in the user-friendly interface. It has a vast repository of
spatial resolutions of the images used, the spatial oDcial and third-party plugins which provide a large
resolution is resampled to 30 m for all the bands number of additional functionality. Developers can
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:111 Page 9 of 15 111
Figure 6. Lineament map after post-processing and correction of features from optical and SAR datasets.
also create their own plugins using Python or C++ i. Many of the ions necessary for mineral and rock
and compile them with the existing source code to identiBcation show distinct absorptive charac-
extend functionality (Mearns 2010; QGIS 2014). teristics in the SWIR region of the electromag-
netic spectrum. Thus, presence of large number
of SWIR bands in ASTER data leads to accurate
4. Results and discussion
identiBcation for these ions (Zhang and Zhou
In this work, lineaments, both surface and sub-
ii. Moderate spatial resolution minimizes the erro-
surface have been extracted using feature-based
neous identiBcation and classiBcation of anthro-
fusion of Optical-SAR images.
pogenic linear features such as roads, dams,
etc., as geological features. Such properties aid
4.1 Lineament extraction using feature-based in delineating high-frequency lines separating
optical-SAR fusion two land cover or land use classes (different
rock/soil types in the case of bare land).
Using the LINE module of Geomatica software, the
lineaments were extracted from both ASTER and SAR imagery allows identiBcation of lineament
Sentinel-1 dataset, as shown in Bgure 5(a and b). features that exist near sub-surface or are occluded
Although, there have been many studies (Mah by the vegetation cover and thus, are imperceptible
et al. 1995; Olgen 2004) which has used Landsat in the optical data.
data for extraction of lineament features, in the For the present study, the top two principal
present study, ASTER has been used due to two components were used for selecting the principal
reasons. bands using the method described in 2.2. After
111 Page 10 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:111
Figure 7. Major thrusts in Dun Valley region after Thakur and Pandey (2004a).
observing the component loadings of all the bands dataset were 620, 845 and 732, respectively. After
for the top two principal components, it was found post-processing the lineament maps using the
that band 3 and 5 are maximally correlated with process discussed in 2.4, total number of linea-
Brst and second principal band respectively, i.e., ments in the map shown in Bgure 5(a and b)
palpable from table 3. It is evident from reduced from 2197 total to 1833. Out of the omit-
Bgure 5(a) that these images are capable of delin- ted 364 lineaments, 156 were intersecting each
eating surface lineaments originating due to litho- other at a lesser angle than 10, while 120 of them
logical changes, LULC boundaries or other tectonic were within the range of 30 m of each other and
and geomorphic activities. rest of them were actually watershed boundaries
From the comparison of Bgure 5(a and b), it can (section 2.4). The lineament maps obtained from
be observed that while optical images can only optical as well as SAR images are combined toge-
detect surface lineaments, SAR images exhibit ther (feature-level fusion) for a better under-
greater capability in the extraction of sub-surface standing of the geological, especially tectonic
lineament features. It can be seen in regime of the study area. The fused product is
Bgure 5(b) that Sentinel 1, owing to its soil pene- further subjected to the same post-processing step
tration power and sensitivity to changes in mois- to remove duplication of the same lineament fea-
ture properties, has not only identiBed lineaments ture extracted in both the maps as well as to
which are geologically important on the surface but combine the broken lineament features (due to
also those which may be below the surface. The radiometric inconsistencies). The Bnal product is
lineament maps extracted from both optical and shown in Bgure 6. It is evident from the Bgure that
SAR images require further processing and cor- all major tectonic features of the study area shown
rections to remove generic line features (radio- in Bgure 7 have been identiBed by the optical
metric variations due to illumination, etc.) dataset as evident from the sudden changes in the
misclassiBed as lineaments. The lineaments vegetation patterns as well as lithology along the
extracted from band 3, 5 of ASTER and SAR thrust lines as illustrated in Bgures 8 and 9.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:111 Page 11 of 15 111
Figure 8. Thrust identiBed at (a) through extracted lineament features; sudden difference in vegetation pattern marked at (b) by
extracted lineaments.
All the extracted lineaments for major tectonic the SAR-based lineaments. Hence, fusing both opti-
features are validated using the seismo-tectonic cal and SAR imageries as illustrated in Bgure 9 could
map of the region published by GSI and the Beld display the continuity of the lineament features. The
investigation studies by Thakur et al. (2007) and fusion technique of the present endeavour (Bgures 6,
Thakur and Pandey (2004a, b). The proposed 8 and 9) has demonstrated the utility of the proposed
methodology has succeeded in mapping almost all methodology.
the major lineaments within the study area. The present study has also brought out that
Moreover, all the major tectonic features, which most of the major geologic discontinuities, e.g.,
are parallel to the look angle of the Sentinel sensor, MBT, Koti thrust in the region are not always
are easily identiBable in SAR lineament map. On straight but can be seen as curved lines (Bgure 9).
the other hand, the intensity variations due to Additionally, many sub-surface lineaments,
sudden variation in vegetation pattern (marked b specifically in barren regions and to some extent, in
in Bgure 8) or due to sudden variations in litho- the areas with sparse vegetation, have been accu-
logical pattern (lower to middle and middle to rately identiBed by the SAR dataset (Bgure 5b). It
upper Siwaliks, respectively) are also identiBed in is prominent from Bgure 10 that it is also able to
the lineament map of ASTER data in (Sinha and demarcate the unusual vegetation pattern in few
Sinha 2016; Srivastava et al. 2016). areas, which might depict sub-surface tectonic
Some of the major lineament features are obliter- features/cracks/joints controlling the vegetation
ated intermittently due to anthropogenic activities. pattern. This observation is further asserted in Dey
So, partly the surface expression of the lineament at and Sarkar (2012) according to which, the presence
places is well depicted in the optical image, which can of joints/cracks or any linear tectonic features in
be treated as break-lines of a single curvilinear fea- the sub-surface could result in sudden and unusu-
ture (Sidiropoulou Velidou et al. 2015). However, the ally linear vegetation patterns as roots grow as per
concealed portion is deciphered with the help of soil the direction of cracks and the moisture also Cows
moisture property or near sub-surface expressions in alongside.
111 Page 12 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:111
Figure 9. Comparison of the major thrusts (mapped) and as identiBed by the proposed methodology.
Figure 10. Unusual vegetation patterns depicted by SAR data predicting geological control of vegetation.
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2022)131:111 Page 13 of 15 111
Figure 11. Lineament analysis tool showing the rose plot diagram of the study area.
4.2 Rose plot analysis of the lineament features because of their inherent spectral properties display
the utility of the fusion methodology proposed. In
The direction of tectonic discontinuities occurring order to enhance the detection capabilities of the
within the test site has been asserted using the rose optical dataset, a component loadings-based band
plot of the extracted features. Figure 11 shows the selection technique has been introduced to identify and
rose plot diagram of the fused lineament map select the most informative bands within the optical
plotted using x-axis (horizontal) as the base. The dataset. Finally, a visual interpretation and analysis
rose plot diagram corroborates with the azimuth tool has been developed using open source tools for the
characteristics of the lineaments. The literature directional analysis of large volumes of lineament data
survey indicates that the major lineaments lie to analyze the predominant orientation. Future work
predominantly along the NW–SE and NE–SW in this study includes development of a knowledge-
direction which is eminent from Bgure 5. It can be based correction technique for more robust omission of
corroborated from the rose plot diagram that the lineaments other than that of geological importance.
dominant lineaments tend along NE–SW direction
and few major ones in NW–SE. The major thrusts
in this study area, predominantly MBT, HFT, Acknowledgement
Asan Fault, etc., lie within the direction predicted
by the algorithm. The authors wish to express their sincere gratitude
to Dr L K Sinha (Retd.), Director, DTRL (Now
5. Conclusion and future work DGRE) for providing the necessary support to
carry out the research work in the laboratory and
The proposed lineament extraction method using the to publish the work.
feature-based fusion of optical and SAR dataset is
capable of extracting most of the geological lineaments
with better accuracy. It is also validated with maps Author statement
generated through ground surveys by GSI. The tech-
nique could be used for inaccessible areas to map The Brst two authors of the manuscript have
weaker zones of large areas. Optical and SAR data almost equally contributed to the article in both
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