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4,957,165 A 9, 1990 Cantu et al. ................. 166/295 5,484.881 A 1/1996 Gruber et al. ................. 528,54
4.959,432 A 9, 1990 Fan et al. ....... ... 526,287 5.492, 177 A 2f1996 Yeh et al.
4,961,466 A 10, 1990 Himes et al. ................ 166/250 5.492, 178 A 2/1996 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,276
4.969,522 A 11, 1990 Whitehurst et al. ......... 166,278 5,494,103 A 2/1996 Surjaatmadja et al. ...... 166,222
4.969,523 A 11, 1990 Martin et al. ............... 166,278 5,497.830 A 3/1996 Boles et al. ........ 166,300
4,984,635 A 1/1991 Cullicket al. 5,498,280 A 3/1996 Fistner et al. ................. 106/19
4,986,353 A 1/1991 Clark et al. ................. 166,279 5.499,678 A 3/1996 Surjaatmadja et al. ...... 166,298
4,986,354 A 1/1991 Cantu et al. .... ... 166,279 5,501275 A 3, 1996 Card et al. 166,280
4,986,355 A 1/1991 Casad et al. ................ 166/295 5,505,787 A 4/1996 Yamaguchi .................... 134/4
5,030,603 A 7, 1991 Rumpfet al. ............... 5O1/127 5,512,071 A 4/1996 Yam et al. ..................... 5 1/307
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5,056,597 A 10/1991 Stowe, III et al. 5,522,460 A 6/1996 Shu ............................ 166/295
5,082,056 A 1/1992 Tackett, Jr. .................. 166/295 5,529,123 A 6/1996 Carpenter et al. ........... 166,293
5,095,987 A 3, 1992 Weaver et al. 5,531,274 A 7/1996 Bienvenu, Jr. ... 166,280
5,105,886 A 4, 1992 Strubhar et al. 5,536,807 A 7, 1996 Gruber et al. ............... 528,354
5,107,928 A 4, 1992 Hilterhaus .................. 166,293 5,545,824 A 8/1996 Stengel et al. .............. 524,590
5,128,390 A 7/1992 Murphey et al. ... 523,130 5,547,023 A 8, 1996 McDaniel et al. 166,280
5,135,051 A 8, 1992 Facteau et al. .... ... 166/104 5,551,513 A 9, 1996 Surles et al. .... 166,278
5,142,023 A 8, 1992 Gruber et al. ..... 528,354 5,551,514 A 9, 1996 Nelson et al. 166,280
5,165.438 A 11, 1992 Facteau et al. . ... 137/1 5,582.249 A 12/1996 Caveny et al. 166,276
5,173,527 A 12/1992 Calve ......... ... 524/74 5,582,250 A 12/1996 Constien .. 166,280
5,178,218 A 1/1993 Dees .......... 166,281 5,588.488 A 12/1996 Vijn et al. . 166,293
5, 182,051 A 1/1993 Bandy et al. ... 252/645 5,591,700 A 1/1997 Harris et al. . 507,204
5,199.491 A 4, 1993 Kutta et al. .... ... 166,276 5,594,095 A 1/1997 Gruber et al. 528,354
5,199.492 A 4, 1993 Surles et al. ... ... 166,295 5,595,245 A 1/1997 Scott, III ..... 166,250.1
5,211,234 A 5/1993 Floyd ......... 166,276 5,597,784. A 1/1997 Sinclair et al. 507,212.9
5,216,050 A 6, 1993 Sinclair ... 524/108 5,604,184 A 2f1997 Ellis et al. .... ... 507/117
5,218,038 A 6, 1993 Johnson et al. 524,541 5,604,186 A 2f1997 Hunt et al. ...... 507,204
5,232,955 A 8/1993 Caabai et al. ................. 521,63 5,609,207 A 3/1997 Dewprashadet al. . 166,276
5,232,961 A 8/1993 Murphey et al. .. ... 523,414 5,620,049 A 4/1997 Gipson et al. ..... 166,248
5,238,068 A 8, 1993 Fredrickson ................ 166/307 5,639,806 A 6/1997 Johnson et al. .... 523,208
5,244,362 A 9/1993 Conally et al. 5,663,123 A 9/1997 Goodhue, Jr. et al.
5,247,059 A 9, 1993 Gruber et al. ............... 528,354 5,670.473 A 9/1997 Scepanski ... ... 510,445
5,249,627 A 10, 1993 Harms et al. 5,692,566 A 12/1997 Surles ..... 166,295
5,249,628 A 10/1993 Surjaatmadja 166,305 5,697.440 A 12/1997 Weaver et al. ............... 166,281
5,256,729 A 10, 1993 Kutts et al. ................. 524,700 5,697,448 A 12/1997 Johnson
5,265,678 A 11, 1993 Grundmann 5,698.322 A 12/1997 Tsai et al. ................... 428,373
5,273,115 A 12/1993 Spafford ..................... 166,281 5,701,956 A 12/1997 Hardy et al.
5,278,203 A 1/1994 Harms 5,712,314 A 1/1998 Surles et al. . ... 521.41
5,285,849 A 2, 1994 Surles et al. ................ 166/295 5,732,364 A 3/1998 Kalb et al. ..................... 588.8
5,293.939 A 3, 1994 Surles et al. ... ... 166,295 5,738,136 A 4/1998 Rosenberg
5,295,542 A 3, 1994 Cole et al. .. ... 166,278 5,765,642 A 6/1998 Surjaatmadja . 166,297
5,320,171 A 6/1994 Laramay ........ ... 166,285 5,775.425 A 7/1998 Weaver et al. ... 166,276
5,321,062 A 6, 1994 Landrum et al. ..... ... 523,141 5,782,300 A 7, 1998 James et al. .... 166,278
5,325,923 A 7, 1994 Surjaatmadja et al. ...... 166,308 5,783,822 A 7/1998 Buchanan et al. 250/259
5.330,005 A 7/1994 Card et al. .................. 166,280 5,787,986 A 8, 1998 Weaver et al. ... 166,280
5,332,037 A 7, 1994 Schmidt et al. ... 166,276 5,791,415 A 8/1998 Nguyen et al. .. 166,280
5,335,726 A 8/1994 Rodrigues ...... 166,295 5,799,734. A 9, 1998 Norman et al. . 166,278
5,341,880 A 8, 1994 Thorstensen et al. ........ 166,278 5,806,593. A 9, 1998 Surles ..... 166,270
5,351,754 A 10, 1994 Hardin et al. ..... ... 166,249 5,830,987 A 11/1998 Smith ...... 528,332
5,358,051 A 10/1994 Rodrigues ... 166,295 5,833,000 A 11/1998 Weaver et al. 166,276
5,359,026 A 10, 1994 Gruber ....... 528,354 5,833,361 A 11/1998 Funk ............. ... 366,80
5,360,068 A 1 1/1994 Sprunt et al. ................ 166,259 5,836,391 A 1 1/1998 Jonasson et al. ............ 166/295
5,361,856 A 11/1994 Surjaatmadja et al. ........ 175.67 5,836,392 A 11/1998 Urlwin-Smith ............. 166/295
5,363,916 A 11, 1994 Himes et al. ................ 166,276 5,836,393 A 11/1998 Johnson
5,373,901 A 12, 1994 Norman et al. ............. 166,300 5,837,656 A 11/1998 Sinclair et al. .............. 507,220
5,377,756 A 1/1995 Northrop et al. 5,837,785 A 11/1998 Kinsho et al. ............... 52.5/527
5,377,759 A 1/1995 Surles ........................ 166/295 5,839,510 A 11/1998 Weaver et al. ............... 166,276
5,381,864 A 1/1995 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,280 5,840,784. A 11/1998 Funkhouser et al.
5,386,874 A 2/1995 Laramay et al. ............. 166,300 5,849,401 A 12/1998 El-Afandi et al. ........... 428,215
5,388,648 A 2/1995 Jordan, Jr. ................... 166,380 5,849,590 A 12/1998 Anderson, II et al. ... 436/27
5,390,741 A 2/1995 Payton et al. 5,853,048 A 12/1998 Weaver et al. ............... 166,279
5,393,810 A 2/1995 Harris et al. .................. 524/56 5,864,003 A 1/1999 Qureshi et al. .............. 528,141
5,396.957 A 3/1995 Surjaatmadja et al. ...... 166,308 5,865,936 A 2f1999 Edelman et al. . 156,310
5,402,846 A 4, 1995 Jennings, Jr. et al. ........ 166,259 5,871,049 A 2, 1999 Weaver et al. ............... 166,276
5,403,822 A 4/1995 Mueller et al. 5,873,413 A 2/1999 Chatterji et al. ............. 166,293
5,420,174 A 5/1995 Dewprashad 5,875,844 A 3/1999 Chatterji et al. . 166,293
5,422, 183 A 6, 1995 Sinclair et al. .............. 428,403 5,875,845 A 3/1999 Chatterji et al. ............. 166,293
5,423,381 A 6, 1995 Surles et al. ................ 166/295 5,875,846 A 3/1999 Chatterji et al. ............. 166,293
5.439,055 A 8, 1995 Card et al. ... 166,280 5,893,383 A 4/1999 Facteau ... ... 137/14
5,460,226 A 10, 1995 Lawton et al. .............. 166,300 5,893.416 A 4/1999 Read .......................... 166,304
5,464,060 A 11/1995 Hale et al. .................. 166,293 5,901,789 A 5/1999 Donnelly et al.
5,475,080 A 12, 1995 Gruber et al. ............... 528,354 5,908,073. A 6/1999 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,276
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5,911,282 A 6/1999 Onan et al. ................... 175/72 6,234,251 B1 5/2001 Chatterji et al. ............. 166/295
5,916,933 A 6, 1999 Johnson et al. ... 523,208 6,238,597 B1 5, 2001 Yim et al. ....... 252,512
5,921,317 A 7, 1999 Dewprashadet al. ....... 166,208 6,241,019 B1 6/2001 Davidson et al. ............ 166,249
5,924.488 A 7, 1999 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,280 6.242,390 B1 6/2001 Mitchell et al. ............. 507,211
5,929.437 A 7, 1999 Elliott et al. ... ... 250/259 6,244,344 B1 6/2001 Chatterji et al. . 166/295
5,944,105 A 8/1999 Nguyen ...................... 166,278 6,257,335 B1 7/2001 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,280
5,944,106 A 8/1999 Dalrymple et al. 6,260,622 B1 7/2001 Blok et al. ............... 166,305.1
5,945,387 A 8/1999 Chatterji et al. ............. 507,224 6,271,181 B1 8/2001 Chatterji etal ... 507,219
5.948,734 A 9, 1999 Sinclair et al. .............. 507,219 6,274,650 B1 8/2001 Cui ............................ 523,457
5,957,204 A 9/1999 Chatterji et al. ............. 166/295 6,279,652 B1 8/2001 Chatterji et al. ............. 166,194
5,960,784. A 10/1999 Ryan 6,279.656 B1 8/2001 Sinclair et al. .. 166/310
5,960,877 A 10, 1999 Funkhouser et al. 6,283,214 B1 9/2001 Guinot et al. ............... 166,297
5,960,878 A 10/1999 Nguyen et al. 6,302.207 B1 10/2001 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,276
5,960,880 A 10/1999 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,280 6,306,998 B1 10/2001 Kimura et al. ................ 528, 12
5,964,291 A 10, 1999 Bourne et al. ............... 166,279 6,310,008 B1 10/2001 Rietjens
5,969,006 A 10, 1999 Onan et al. ................. 523,166 6,311,773 B1 1 1/2001 Todd et al. .................. 166,280
5,977,283 A 11/1999 Rossitto ......... 528.44 6,315,040 B1 1 1/2001 Donnelly
5,994,785 A 1 1/1999 Higuchi et al. . 527,789 6,321,841 B1 1 1/2001 Eoffet al. ................... 166,291
RE36,466 E 12/1999 Nelson et al. ..... ... 166,280 6,323,307 B1 1 1/2001 Bigg et al. ... 528,354
6,003,600 A 12/1999 Nguyen et al. .... 166,281 6,326,458 B1 12/2001 Gruber et al. 528,354
6,004,400 A 12/1999 Bishop et al. ..... ... 1342 6,328,105 B1 12/2001 Betzold ... 166,280
6,006,835 A 12, 1999 Onan et al. ....... ... 166,295 6,328, 106 B1 12/2001 Griffith et al. ... 166/295
6,006,836 A 12/1999 Chatterji et al. ... ... 166,295 6,330,916 B1 12/2001 Rickards et al. . 166,280
6,012,524. A 1/2000 Chatterji et al. ... ... 166,295 6,330,917 B2 12/2001 Chatterji et al. . 166/295
6,016,870 A 1/2000 Dewprashadet al. ....... 166/295 6,342.467 B1 1/2002 Chang et al.
6,024,170 A 2/2000 McCabe et al. ... ... 166,300 6,350,309 B2 2/2002 Chatterji et al. ............. 106,677
6,028,113 A 2/2000 Scepanski ... 514,643 6,357,527 B1 3/2002 Norman et al. . 166,300
6,028,534 A 2/2000 Ciglenec et al. 340,856.2 6,364,018 B1 4/2002 Brannon et al. . 166,280.2
6,040,398 A 3/2000 Kinsho et al. ..... ... 525,527 6,364,945 B1 4/2002 Chatterji et al. . ... 106,677
6,047,772 A 4/2000 Weaver et al. ..... ... 166,276 6,367,165 B1 4/2002 Huttlin .... ... 34,582
6,059,034 A 5/2000 Rickards et al. ... ... 166,280 6,367,549 B1 4/2002 Chatterji et al. . 166,292
6,059,035 A 5/2000 Chatterji et al. ... ... 166,293 6,372,678 B1 4/2002 Youngman etal 504,128
6,059,036 A 5/2000 Chatterji et al. ............. 166,294 6,376,571 B1 4/2002 Chawla et al. .... 522,64
6,063,738 A 5/2000 Chatterji et al. 6,387.986 B1 5/2002 Moradi-Araghi etal 523,211
6,068,055 A 5/2000 Chatterji et al. ............. 166,293 6,390, 195 B1 5/2002 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,276
6,069,117 A 5/2000 Onan et al. ................. 507/2O2 6,394,181 B2 5/2002 SchnatZmeyer et al.
6,070,667 A 6, 2000 Gano 6,401,817 B1 6/2002 Griffith et al. ............... 166/295
6,074,739 A 6/2000 Katagiri...................... 428,323 6,405.796 B1 6/2002 Meyer et al.
6,079,492 A 6/2000 Hoogteiling et al. ....... 166,276 6.405,797 B2 6/2002 Davidson et al. ... 166,249
6,098,711 A 8/2000 Chatterji et al. ... ... 166,294 6,406,789 B1 6/2002 McDaniel et al. 428,403
6,114.410 A 9, 2000 Betzold ...... ... 523,130 6,408,943 B1 6/2002 Schultz et al. .............. 166,285
6,123,871 A 9, 2000 Carroll .... ... 252/301.36 6,415,509 B1 7/2002 Echols et al.
6,123,965 A 9, 2000 Jacob et al. .... ... 424/489 6.422, 183 B1 7, 2002 Kato
6,124,246 A 9, 2000 Heathman et al. . ... 507,219 6,422,314 B1 7/2002 Todd et al. .................. 166/312
6,130,286 A 10/2000 Thomas et al. .............. 524,507 6,439,309 B1 8/2002 Matherly et al. ... 166,276
6,131,661 A 10, 2000 Conner et al. 6,439,310 B1 8/2002 Scott, III et al. ... 166,308
6,135,987 A 10/2000 Tsai et al. ................... 604,365 6,440,255 B1 8/2002 Kohlhammer et al. . 156.283
6,140,446 A 10/2000 Fujiki et al. ................... 528/15 6,446,727 B1 9, 2002 Zemlak et al. .. 166,308
6,143,698 A 1 1/2000 Murphey et al. 6,448,206 B1 9, 2002 Griffith et al. ... 507,219
6,148,911 A 1 1/2000 Gipson et al. ............... 166,248 6,450.260 B1 9/2002 James et al. . 166/277
6,152.234 A 11/2000 Newhouse et al. .......... 166/403 6,454,003 B1 9/2002 Chang et al. ....... 166,270
6,162,766 A 12/2000 Muir et al. .................. 507,267 6,457.518 B1 10/2002 Castano-Mears et al.
6,165.947 A 12/2000 Chang et al. 6,458,885 B1 10/2002 Stengal et al. .............. 524,507
6,169,058 B1 1/2001 Le et al. ..................... 507,222 6,478,092 B2 11/2002 Vollet al.
6,172,011 B1 1/2001 Card et al. ... 507,204 6,485,947 B1 1 1/2002 Rajgarhia et al. ........... 435,139
6,172,077 B1 1/2001 Curtis et al. 514,278 6,488,091 B1 12/2002 Weaver et al. ............... 166,300
6,176,315 B1 1/2001 Reddy et al. ................ 166/295 6,488,763 B2 12/2002 Brothers et al. ............. 106,692
6,177,484 B1 1/2001 Surles ... 523,131 6,494.263 B2 12/2002 Todd .......... 166/312
6,184,311 B1 2, 2001 O'Keeffe et al. ............ 525,438 6,503,870 B2 1/2003 Griffith et al. ............... 507,219
6,186.228 B1 2/2001 Wegener et al. 6,508,305 B1 1/2003 Brannon et al. ............. 166,293
6,187,834 B1 2/2001 Thayer et al. ................. 522/15 6,510,896 B2 1/2003 Bode et al.
6,187,839 B1 2/2001 Eoffet al. 6,520,255 B2 2/2003 Tolman et al.
6,189.615 B1 2/2001 Sydansk ..................... 166,270 6,527,051 B1 3/2003 Reddy et al. ................ 166,300
6, 192,985 B1 2/2001 Hinkel et al. ... 166,280 6,528, 157 B1 3/2003 Hussain et al. ... 428,325
6, 192,986 B1 2/2001 Urlwin-Smith 166/295 6,531,427 B1 3/2003 Shuchart et al. ............. 507,267
6,196.317 B1 3/2001 Hardy ........................ 166/295 6,534,449 B1 3/2003 Gilmour et al.
6,202.751 B1 3/2001 Chatterji et al. ... 166,276 6,536,939 B1 3, 2003 Blue
6,209,643 B1 4/2001 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,276 6,538,576 B1 3/2003 Schultz et al. ........... 340,859.6
6,209,644 B1 4/2001 Brunet ....................... 166,297 6,543,545 B1 4/2003 Chatterji et al. ............. 166/381
6,209,646 B1 4/2001 Reddy et al. ... 166/300 6,550,959 B2 4/2003 Huber et al.
6,210,471 B1 4/2001 Craig ...................... 106.31.08 6,552,333 B1 4/2003 Storm et al. ............. 250/269.3
6,214,773 B1 4/2001 Harris et al. ................ 507/271 6,554,071 B1 4/2003 Reddy et al. ................ 166,293
6,231,664 B1 5/2001 Chatterji et al. ............. 106,724 6,555,507 B2 4/2003 Chatterji et al. ............. 507,219
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6,569,814 B1 5/2003 Brady et al. ................ 507/2O1 7,216,711 B2 5/2007 Nguyen et al.
6,582,819 B2 6/2003 McDaniel et al. ........... 428/402 7,252,146 B2 8/2007 Slabaugh et al.
6,588.926 B2 7/2003 Huber et al. 7,261,156 B2 8/2007 Nguyen et al.
6,588,928 B2 7/2003 Huber et al. 7,264,051 B2 9/2007 Nguyen et al.
6,593.402 B2 7/2003 Chatterji et al. ................ 524/7 7,264,052 B2 9/2007 Nguyen et al.
6,599,863 B1 7/2003 Palmer et al. ............... 507,219 7,267,717 B2 9, 2007 Watanabe et al.
6,608, 162 B1 8/2003 Chiu et al. .................. 528,129 7,273,099 B2 9/2007 East, Jr. et al.
6,609,578 B2 8, 2003 Patel et al. 7.281.581 B2 10/2007 Nguyen et al.
6,616,320 B2 9/2003 Huber et al. ............. 366,156.2 7.306,037 B2 12/2007 Nguyen et al.
6,620,857 B2 9/2003 Valet ........................... 522/42 7,343,973 B2 3/2008 Dusterhoft et al.
6,626,241 B2 9/2003 Nguyen ......... 166,278 2001 OO16562 A1 8/2001 Muir et al. .................. 507/2O1
6,632,527 B1 10/2003 McDaniel et al. ........... 428/402 2002fOO36088 A1 3, 2002 Todd
6,632,778 B1 10/2003 Ayoub et al. ................ 507/2O2 2002.0043370 A1 4/2002 Poe ....................... 166,250.07
6,632,892 B2 10/2003 Rubinsztajn et al. ........ 525/476 2002/0048676 A1 4/2002 McDaniel et al. ... 428/404
6,642,309 B2 11/2003 Komitsu et al. ............. 525,100 2002/0070020 A1 6/2002 Nguyen ...................... 166/295
6,648,501 B2 11/2003 Huber et al. ................ 366,301 2002/0104217 A1 8, 2002 Echols et al.
6,659,179 B2 12/2003 Nguyen ......... ... 166,227 2002fO160920 A1 10, 2002 Dawson et al.
6,664,343 B2 12/2003 Narisawa et al. .. ... 525/474 2002fO169085 A1 11, 2002 Miller et al.
6,667,279 B1 12/2003 Hessert et al. .... ... 507,225 2002/01898.08 Al 12/2002 Nguyen et al.
6,668,926 B2 12/2003 Nguyen et al. .... ... 166,280 2003, OOO6036 A1 1/2003 Malone et al. ......... 166,250.12
6,669,771 B2 12/2003 Tokiwa et al. ..... . . 106/162.7 2003, OO13871 A1 1/2003 Mallon et al.
6,677,426 B2 1/2004 Noro et al. 2003, OO60374, A1 3/2003 Cooke, Jr. ................... 507/2OO
6,681,856 B1 1/2004 Chatterji et al. ............. 166,294 2003/0106690 A1 6/2003 Boney et al.
6,686,328 B1 2, 2004 Binder .......... 510,446 2003.0114314 A1 6/2003 Ballard et al. ............... 507/100
6,705,400 B1 3/2004 Nguyen et al. . ... 166,281 2003.0114317 A1 6/2003 Benton et al.
6,710,019 B1 3/2004 Sawdon et al. .... ... 507 136 2003. O1301.33 A1 7/2003 Vollmer ...................... 507/100
6,713,170 B1 3/2004 Kaneko et al. .... ... 428/323 2003. O131999 A1 7/2003 Nguyen et al. 166,280
6,725,926 B2 4/2004 Nguyen et al. ........... 166,254.1 2003. O148893 A1 8/2003 Lunghofer et al. 507/2OO
6,725,930 B2 4/2004 Boney et al. 2003/0186820 A1 10/2003 Thesing ......... 507,200
6,725,931 B2 4/2004 Nguyen et al. ........... 166,280.2 2003/0188766 A1 10/2003 Banerjee et al. . ... 134/7
6,729.404 B2 5/2004 Nguyen et al. ........... 166,280.2 2003/0188872 A1 10/2003 Nguyen et al. .. 166,308
6,729.405 B2 5, 2004 DiLullo et al. 2003/01968.05 A1 10/2003 Boney et al. . ... 166,280
6,732,800 B2 5/2004 Acock et al. ................ 166,308 2003/0205376 A1 1 1/2003 Ayoub et al. . 166,254.2
6,745,159 B1 6/2004 Todd et al. .................... TO3/10 2003/0230408 Al 12/2003 Acock et al. ................ 166,297
6,749,025 B1 6/2004 Brannon et al. ... 166,305.1 2003/0230431 A1 12/2003 Reddy et al.
6,763,888 B1 7/2004 Harris et al. ... ... 166,305.1 2003/0234103 A1 12/2003 Lee et al. ..... 166,293
6,766,858 B2 7/2004 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,300 2004/00004O2 A1 1/2004 Nguyen et al. 166,280
6,776,235 B1 8/2004 England 2004/0014607 A1 1/2004 Sinclair et al. .. 507/2OO
6,776,236 B1 8/2004 Nguyen ...... 166,279 2004/0014608 A1 1/2004 Nguyen et al. .. 507/2OO
6,832,650 B2 12/2004 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,279 2004/0040706 A1 3/2004 Hossaini et al. .... ... 166,278
6,832,655 B2 12/2004 Ravensbergen et al. 2004/0040708 A1 3/2004 Stephenson et al. ...... 166,280.1
6,837.309 B2 1/2005 Boney et al. 2004/0040712 A1 3/2004 Ravi et al.
6,851,474 B2 2/2005 Nguyen ...................... 166,279 2004/0040713 A1 3/2004 Nguyen et al. .............. 166/295
6,866,099 B2 3/2005 Nguyen 2004.0043906 A1 3/2004 Heath et al.
6,881,709 B2 4/2005 Nelson et al. 2004/0045712 A1 3/2004 Eoffet al.
6,887,834 B2 5/2005 Nguyen et al. .............. 507,221 2004/0048752 A1 3/2004 Nguyen et al. .............. 507/269
6,962,200 B2 11/2005 Nguyen et al. 2004/0055747 A1 3/2004 Lee ............................ 166,278
6,978,836 B2 12/2005 Nguyen et al. 2004, OO60702 A1 4/2004 Kotlar et al.
6,997,259 B2 2/2006 Nguyen 2004/0106.525 A1 6/2004 Willberg et al. ............. 507/2OO
7,013,976 B2 3/2006 Nguyen et al. 2004/O138068 A1 7/2004 Rimmer et al. . ... 507/100
7,017,665 B2 3/2006 Nguyen 2004/O149441 A1 8/2004 Nguyen et al. 166,280.1
7,025,134 B2 4/2006 Byrd et al. 2004/O152601 A1 8/2004 Still et al. ................... 507/100
7,028,774 B2 4/2006 Nguyen et al. 2004/O152602 A1 8, 2004 Boles
7,032,667 B2 4/2006 Nguyen et al. 2004/0177961 A1 9/2004 Nguyen ................... 166,280.2
7,036,589 B2 5/2006 Nguyen 2004/0194961 A1 10/2004 Nguyen et al. ... 166,295
7,040,403 B2 5/2006 Nguyen et al. 2004/0206499 A1 10/2004 Nguyen et al. ........... 166,280.2
7,059,406 B2 6/2006 Nguyen 2004/0211559 A1 10/2004 Nguyen et al. .............. 166,276
7,063,150 B2 6/2006 Slabaugh et al. 2004/0211561 A1 10/2004 Nguyen et al. .. 166,280.2
7,066,258 B2 6/2006 Justus et al. 2004/0221992 Al 11/2004 Nguyen et al. .............. 166/295
7,073,581 B2 7/2006 Nguyen et al. 2004/0231845 Al 1 1/2004 Cooke, Jr. ................... 166,279
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U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 2010 Sheet 1 of 5 US 7,673,686 B2
aN all
Figure 1
U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 2010 Sheet 2 of 5 US 7.673,686 B2
Figure 2
U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 2010 Sheet 3 of 5 US 7.673,686 B2
50 Untreated
45 Treated
35 40 mL/min
Time (s)
Figure 3
U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 2010 Sheet 4 of 5 US 7.673,686 B2
Distilled Water G25 ml/min
- Untreated
Figure 4
U.S. Patent Mar. 9, 2010 Sheet 5 of 5 US 7.673,686 B2
85/10/5 10 ml/min
Figure 5
US 7,673,686 B2
1. 2
METHOD OF STABILIZING then plug channels in the formation. More often, formation
UNCONSOLIDATED FORMATION FOR SAND sand and fines often become unstable and migrate as a result
CONTROL of water movement through the formation. Fines are most
likely to move when the water phase is mobile because most
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 5 formation fines are water-wet. The presence of a mobile water
APPLICATIONS phase can cause fines migration and Subsequent formation
damage. It is desirable to minimize fines migration, since
This is a continuation-in-part of application entitled fines block flow paths, choking the potential production of the
METHODS FOR CONTROLLING MIGRATION OF well, as well as causing damage to downhole and Surface
PARTICULATES INASUBTERRANEAN FORMATION, 10 equipment, Such as screens, pumps, flow lines, storage facili
Ser. No. 1 1/092,210, filed Mar. 29, 2005 now U.S. Pat. No. ties, etc.
7,448,451. Hydrocarbon wells are often located in subterranean Zones
that contain unconsolidated particulates that may migrate
STATEMENT REGARDING FEDERALLY within the Subterranean formation with the oil, gas, water,
SPONSORED RESEARCH ORDEVELOPMENT 15 and/or other fluids produced by the wells. Unconsolidated
Subterranean Zones include those that contain loose particu
Not Applicable. lates and those wherein the bonded particulates have insuffi
cient bond strength to withstand the forces produced by the
REFERENCE TO AMICROFICHEAPPENDIX production of fluids through the Zones.
2O Support devices such as screens and slotted liners are often
Not applicable. used to provide Support for these unconsolidated formations
to inhibit formation collapse. In some instances, the annulus
TECHNICAL FIELD around the Support device is gravel packed to reduce presence
of voids between the device and the wellbore wall. Typically,
The invention generally relates to compositions and meth 25 Such so-called 'gravel packing operations' involve the pump
ods for treating a Subterranean formation. More specifically, ing and placement of a quantity of a desired particulate into
the invention relates to compositions and methods for use in the unconsolidated formation in an area adjacent to a well
treating a Subterranean formation for controlling the migra bore. Gravel packing forms a filtration bed near the well bore
tion of particulates, such as formation sand and fines. that acts as a physical barrier to the transport of unconsoli
30 dated formation fines with the production of hydrocarbons.
BACKGROUND These support devices provide support for the wellbore and
gravel packing and prevent some fines from entering the
Hydrocarbon is obtained from a subterranean formation by hydrocarbon flow into the well.
drilling a wellbore that penetrates the hydrocarbon-bearing Some types of Screens are adapted to be expanded to con
formation. It is desirable to maximize both the rate offlow and 35 tact the wellbore wall either with or without gravel packing. It
the overall amount of flow of hydrocarbon from the subter is however, impossible to eliminate all voids between the
ranean formation to the Surface. screen and the wellbore wall. Fines fill these voids blocking
The rate of hydrocarbon flow and the overall amount of flow and in Some instances fines flowing through these voids
hydrocarbon flow declines when the bottom hole flowing erode the screen destroying its effectiveness.
pressure falls below the dew point. When this occurs, a liquid 40 One common type of gravel packing operation involves
aqueous phase accumulates near the well. This condensate placing a gravel pack Screen in the well bore and packing the
accumulation, sometimes called condensate blocking, surrounding annulus between the screen and the well bore
reduces the hydrocarbon relative permeability and thus the with gravel of a specific mesh size designed to prevent the
well's hydrocarbon productivity. In addition, the presence of passage of formation sand. The gravel pack screen is gener
aqueous liquids such as this condensate will cause the water 45 ally a filter assembly used to retain the gravel placed during
swellable clays present in the formation to swell, which fur gravel pack operation. A wide range of sizes and Screen
ther reduces the formation’s permeability. The productivity configurations are available to Suit the characteristics of the
loss associated with condensate buildup can be substantial. In gravel pack sand. Similarly, a wide range of gravel sizes is
Some cases, well productivities can decline by a factor of 2 to available to suit the characteristics of the unconsolidated or
4 as a result of condensate accumulation. 50 poorly consolidated particulates in the Subterranean forma
The rate of hydrocarbon flow and the overall amount of tion. The resulting structure presents a barrier to migrating
hydrocarbon flow can be impacted when well treatment fluids sand from the formation while still permitting fluid flow.
Such as fracturing fluids, gravel pack fluids, and aqueous Gravel packs may be time consuming and expensive to
acidizing fluids are injected into the formation. Well treat install. Due to the time and expense needed it is sometimes
ment fluids sometimes decrease hydrocarbon’s relative per 55 desirable to place a screen without the graveland, particularly
meability through the formation compared to other fluids in in cases in which an expandable screen is being placed, it may
the reservoir because of the limited reservoir pressure and be unrealistic to placeabed of gravel between the expandable
capillary forces tightly holding the treatment fluids in the pore screen and the wellbore. Even in circumstances in which it is
spaces previously occupied by hydrocarbon. The pockets of practical to place a screen without a gravel pack, it is often
treatment fluid, which are interlocked with hydrocarbon, are 60 difficult to determine an appropriate screen size to use as
hard to remove from the formation without some kind of formation sands tend to have a wide distribution of sandgrain
stimulation treatment. sizes. When small quantities of sand are allowed to flow
Another way that the rate of hydrocarbon flow and the through a screen, Screen erosion becomes a significant con
overall amount of hydrocarbon flow can be reduced is by fines cern. As a result, the placement of gravel as well as the screen
production or sand migration in the formation or by precipi 65 is often necessary to control the formation sands.
tation. The high Velocity in the porous medium near the An expandable screen is often installed to maintain the
wellbore is sometimes sufficient to mobilize fines that can diameter of the wellbore for ease of access at a later time by
US 7,673,686 B2
3 4
eliminating installation of conventional screens, gravel place BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF DRAWINGS
ment, and other equipment. However, the ability to provide
universal Screen mesh that can handle wide particle size dis FIG. 1 is a schematic, cross-sectional view of an exemplary
tribution of formation sand is unrealistic, if not impossible. configuration operating environment in which the inventions
Another method used to control particulates in unconsoli of the present invention are used depicting a screened and
dated formations involves consolidating a subterranean pro gravel packed portion of the wellbore extending into an
ducing Zone into hard, permeable masses. Consolidation of a unconsolidated Subterranean hydrocarbon formation;
Subterranean formation Zone often involves applying a resin FIG. 2 is a is a schematic, cross-sectional view of a test
followed by a spacer fluid and then a catalyst. Such resin sleeve used to simulate a screen and gravel packed portion of
application may be problematic when, for example, an insuf 10 a wellbore extending into an unconsolidated Subterranean
ficient amount of spacer fluid is used between the application hydrocarbon formation; and
of the resin and the application of the external catalyst. The FIG. 3 is a graph of the pressure drops across the test
resin may come into contact with the external catalyst in the sleeves for flow tests on untreated and treated synthetic
wellbore itself rather than in the unconsolidated subterranean samples of formation sand packed spaced apart from a sand
producing Zone. When resin is contacted with an external 15 control screen.
catalyst, an exothermic reaction occurs that may result in FIG. 4 is a graph of the pressure drops across the test
rapid polymerization, potentially damaging the formation by sleeves for flow tests on untreated and treated samples of
plugging the pore channels, halting pumping when the well unconsolidated formation material packed against a sand
bore is plugged with Solid material, or resulting in a downhole control screen.
explosion as a result of the heat of polymerization. Also, these FIG. 5 is a graph of the pressure drops across the test
conventional processes are not practical to treat long intervals sleeves for flow tests on untreated and treated samples of
of unconsolidated regions due to the difficulty in determining unconsolidated formation material packed against a sand
whether the entire interval has been successfully treated with control screen.
both the resin and the external catalyst.
In addition to the unconsolidated formation sands often 25 DETAILED DESCRIPTION
found in Subterranean formations, particulate materials are
often introduced into Subterranean Zones in conjunction with The present invention provides improved methods for
conductivity enhancing operations and sand control opera completing an unconsolidated or poorly consolidated Subter
tions. Conductivity enhancing and sand control operations ranean formation penetrated by a wellbore.
may be performed as individual treatments, or may be com 30 The methods can be performed in vertical, inclined, or
bined where desired. horizontal wellbores, and in “open-hole' and/or under
While these unconsolidated formation treatment methods reamed completions as well as in cased wells. If the method is
provide improved fines control, multiple treatment steps that to be carried out in a cased wellbore, the casing is perforated
are time consuming and expensive are required. Therefore, it to provide for fluid communication with a Zone of interest in
is desirable to develop a relatively simple and relatively inex 35 the Subterranean formation.
pensive treatment method and composition to improve or The term “vertical wellbore' is used herein to mean a
maintain the rate of hydrocarbon flow by reducing fines portion of a wellbore in a subterranean formation that is
migration. substantially vertical or deviated from vertical in an amount
up to about 15°. The term “horizontal wellbore is used herein
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 40 to mean a portion of a wellbore in a Subterranean formation
that is Substantially horizontal, or at an angle from Vertical in
The invention provides a method for treating a subterra the range of from about 75° to about 105°. The term “inclined
nean formation penetrated by a wellbore. The method com wellbore' is used to mean a portion of a wellbore in a subter
prises the steps of: (a) introducing a composition through the ranean formation that is inclined at an angle between that of a
wellbore into the subterranean formation, wherein the com 45 vertical or horizontal wellbore. Since the present invention is
position comprises: (i) a solvent consisting essentially of an applicable in vertical, inclined, and horizontal wellbores, the
aqueous dissolvable solvent comprising any solvent that is at terms “upper and lower,” “top and bottom, as used herein are
least 25% by weight soluble in water, wherein the solvent is relative terms and are intended to apply to the respective
from about 90% to about 99.9% by weight of the composi positions within a particular wellbore, while the term “levels'
tion; and (ii) a curable resin, wherein the curable resin is from 50 is meant to refer to respective spaced positions along the
about 0.01% to about 10% by weight of the composition; wellbore.
wherein the curable resin and the solvent are mutually The method of the invention preferably further comprises
selected such that, for the ratio of the curable resin to the forming an ultra-thin curable resin composition, wherein the
solvent, the curable resin is soluble in the solvent; and (b) composition comprises: a solvent and a curable resin.
installing a mechanical sand control device into the wellbore 55 The solvent preferably consists essentially of an aqueous
either before or after introducing the composition into the dissolvable solvent comprising any solvent that is at least
wellbore. 25% by weight soluble in water. The solvent is from about
These and other aspects of the invention will be apparent to 90% to about 99.9% by weight of the composition.
one skilled in the art upon reading the following detailed The curable resin is from about 0.01% to about 10% by
description. While the invention is susceptible to various 60 weight of the composition. The curable resin and the solvent
modifications and alternative forms, specific embodiments are mutually selected such that, for the ratio of the curable
thereof will be described in detail and shown by way of resin to the solvent, the curable resin is soluble in the solvent.
example. It should be understood, however, that it is not The invention can be used with any mechanical sand con
intended to limit the invention to the particular forms dis trol device. Such as a perforated liner, a slotted pipe, a wire
closed, but, on the contrary, the invention is to cover all 65 wrapped screen, a non-expandable screen, and an expandable
modifications and alternatives falling within the spirit and screen. The invention can be used with or without gravel
Scope of the invention as expressed in the appended claims. packing. The step of contacting the formation with ultra-thin
US 7,673,686 B2
5 6
resin can be performed either before or after the sand screen then placing a low-viscosity Solution of a curable resin into
installation and/or gravel packing are completed. It is benefi the portion of a Subterranean formation.
cial to provide a method that transforms Small formation sand The methods of the present invention can employ but do
or fines into large aggregates without impeding their perme not require an after-flush fluid and yet do not suffer reduced
ability while enhancing their retention efficiency behind the permeability to the portion of the subterranean formation. It
screen without plugging or eroding it. has been discovered that by placing a relatively small amount
The invention also includes the step of introducing the of curable resin diluted in a carefully selected aqueous dis
composition through the wellbore into the subterranean for solvable solvent, a thin layer of the curable resin is formed on
mation. By introducing the ultra-thin curable resin compound the Surface of the formation sand and fines particulates, as the
into the Subterranean formation, migration of particulates 10 solvent is drawn into the formation water or pre-flush water.
from the formation are inhibited from moving through the The capillary pressure existing between formation particu
sand screen and into the wellbore. Preferably, the method lates pulls the curable resin Solution remaining in the pore
further includes the step of isolating a Zone of interest. More spaces so that the treatment of ultra-thin curable resin com
preferably, after isolating a Zone of interest, the method fur position does not result in permeability reduction of the
ther includes the step of introducing a fluid into the wellbore 15 treated formations.
at a pressure Sufficient to create at least one fracture in the Without being limited by any theoretical explanation, it is
subterranean formation. Still further, the method most pref believed that the composition of the invention advanta
erably includes producing hydrocarbon by flowing hydrocar geously increases hydrocarbon flow rate and overall amount
bon through the treated Subterranean formation, through the of hydrocarbon flow as a combined result of: (a) miscible
mechanical sand control device, and into the wellbore displacement of water by the solvent to reduce or prevent
Referring to the drawings, FIG. 1 illustrates a horizontal water buildup (water “block”) which chokes off the flow path
open-hole wellbore 10. The wellbore 10 extends into an of hydrocarbon; (b) stabilization of the formation fines by the
unconsolidated Subterranean formation or Zone 12 from a curable resin; (c) “wetting the surface of the formation with
cased wellbore extending to the surface. While wellbore 10 is the curable resin that serves to repel water with its hydropho
illustrated as a horizontal open-hole completion, it should be 25 bicity; and (d) prevention of formation fines from swelling. It
recognized that the present invention is also applicable to is believed that displacing water from the formation and intro
Vertical or inclined wellbores, and to cased wellbores; e.g., as ducing the curable resin provide synergistic benefits to
illustrated in U.S. Pat. No. 5,341,880, which is incorporated increase hydrocarbon production. It is believed that as a result
herein by reference in its entirety for all purposes. of these factors, the permeability of aqueous fluids is
A sandscreen 20 is located inside wellbore 10. Sandscreen 30 increased through the composition-treated formation, which
20 has a “cross-over sub connected to its upper end, which is allows the water to be expelled out of the formation matrix
suspended from the surface on a tubing or work string (not near the wellbore or fracture faces surrounding the proppant
shown). A packer 26 is attached to the crossover. The cross pack.
over and packer 26 are conventional gravel pack forming It has been found that the solvent for use in the invention
tools and are well known to those skilled in the art. The packer 35 increases the relative permeability of hydrocarbon compared
26 is used to permit crossover during packing and to isolate a to other aqueous fluids in the formation by reducing water
portion of the wellbore. The crossover provides channels for condensate and water blocking in the Subterranean formation.
the circulation of gravel slurry to form a grave pack 42 (shown The solvent is effective in removing both condensate and
partially formed) in the annulus on the outside of the screen water to restore gas productivity in both low and high perme
20 and returns circulation of fluid through the screen 20 and 40 ability formations. The solvent removes both water and con
up the washpipe 28. The washpipe 28 is attached to the gravel densate by a multi-contact miscible displacement. Further
pack service tool and is run inside the screen 20. The wash explanation of this theory is found in SPE 77546, entitled
pipe 28 is used to force fluid to flow around the bottom section “Laboratory Measurements of Condensate Blocking and
of the screen 20. Treatment for Both Low and High Permeability Rocks, and
Sand screen 20 may be of a single length or it may be 45 SPE 80901, entitled “A Successful Methanol Treatment in a
comprised of a plurality of screen units 35 which are con Gas-Condensate Reservoir: Field Application”.
nected together with threaded couplings or the like (not Also, the invention serves to stabilize the formation fines
shown). As shown, each of the screen units 35 is basically by consolidating the fines in the formation, thereby prevent
identical to each other and each is comprised of a perforated ing the fines from migrating, which consequently results in
base pipe having a continuous length of wrap wire wound 50 blocking hydrocarbon flow paths. In particular, the fines are
thereon, which forms a 'screen section' therein. The base stabilized by the curable resin, thereby preventing fines from
pipe can have a plurality of perforations therein, or other types plugging the pores of the formation, especially after acidizing
of permeable base pipes, e.g., slotted pipe, etc., can be used treatments. Further, the fines are prevented from being pro
without departing from the present invention. duced, disrupting the production schedule and damaging
The term “sand control device' is used generically herein 55 downhole and Surface equipment.
and is meant to include and cover all types of similar struc The ultra-thin curable resin advantageously forms a thin
tures which are commonly used in gravel pack well comple film coat on the clay particulates, thereby encapsulating the
tions which permit flow of fluids through the “screen” while clay particulates and preventing the clay particulates from
blocking the flow of particulates (e.g., commercially-avail Swelling and choking off the permeability.
able screens; slotted or perforated liners or pipes; sintered 60 Furthermore, the curable resin of the composition is
metal screens; sintered-sized, mesh screens; screened pipes; capable of coating the Surfaces of the formation sands or
pre-packed screens, radially-expandable screens and/or lin particulates, the Surface of propped fractures or natural frac
ers; or combinations thereof). tures, and/or the Surface of proppants, thus “wetting the
One embodiment of the present invention describes a surface with the curable resin. Wettability describes how a
method of controlling particulates flow through a well Screen 65 fluid adheres to a surface. Wettability plays a major role in
positioned in a Subterranean formation comprising placing a defining how hydrocarbon and water coexist in pores of a
pre-flush fluid into a portion of a Subterranean formation, and formation and, therefore, influence numerous properties Such
US 7,673,686 B2
7 8
as relative permeability of fluids. When more than one fluid is resin, interalia, creates a stable, permeable region around the
present in a permeable system, the flow of each is affected by well bore that resists particulate migration, while the screen/
the amount and distribution of the other(s). In uniformly liner may be used, interalia, to provide mechanical Support to
wetted formations, the relative permeability to one fluid prevent bore hole collapse. Such embodiments may make the
increases as the system becomes more wetted by the other use of screen-only or liner-only (no gravel pack) completions
fluid. functional over a much wider range of formation properties
More particularly, the curable resin forms an oil-wet sur than previously thought possible.
face on the formation. Oil wetting the surface of the rock will The methods of the present invention may be used in a wide
have a tendency to lower the irreducible water saturation and variety of particulate control operations. For example, they
have an impact on the relative permeability to both water and 10 can be used on a well bore having a screen or liner in place
hydrocarbon. Lowering the irreducible water saturation wherein the pre-flush fluid and the low-viscosity curable resin
should increase the effective permeability to water as well as are placed in the formation by injecting them directly through
the effective permeability to hydrocarbon. With an increase of the screen or liner. In addition, they can be used on a well bore
permeability of aqueous fluids through the formation, the having a gravel pack in place (with a screen or liner in place)
production of the aqueous fluids is facilitated. It is desired to 15 wherein the pre-flush fluid and the low-viscosity curable resin
increase the permeability of aqueous fluids through the for are placed in the formation by injecting them directly through
mation because the presence of aqueous fluid, whether from the gravel pack as a means to prevent damage due to forma
natural brines, a result of condensation, or injected as a treat tion fines migration or as a remedial treatment to cure a sand
ment, acts as a barrier to hydrocarbon migration from the production problem. In addition, they can be used to help
formation into the wellbore. The aqueous-based treatment reduce proppant flowback from a propped fracture by placing
fluids can Saturate the pore spaces of the treated region, pre the pre-flush fluid and the low-viscosity curable resin into the
venting the migration of hydrocarbon into and through the portion of the Subterranean formation so as to displace and
same pore spaces. In an analogous manner, if the well is to be push the unconsolidated particulates (whether proppant or
produced without first stimulating, naturally occurring aque formations fines) into the formation or deeper into the prop
ous fluids in the formation in the flow path or potential flow 25 pant pack and holding them in place with the curable resin
path may hinder hydrocarbon production. once the operation is complete.
It is believed that the curable resin binds to the surface of Suitable pre-flush fluids comprise either a hydrocarbon
the formation, particulates, or proppants, at least partially liquid or a mixture of an aqueous liquid and a surfactant. The
coating the Surface, thereby increasing its hydrophobicity. In pre-flush fluid acts to prepare the formation particulates to
this way, the coating of the curable resin formed on the Sur 30 accept the adhesive. Any pre-flush fluid compatible with the
face is able to remain on the surface over an extended period later-used curable resin and capable of facilitating the coating
of time, providing long-term benefits. Thus, minor, if any, of the curable resin on the subterranean particles and surfaces
amount of curable resin is produced from the formation. and aiding the curable resin in flowing to the contact points
The methods of the present invention are able to place a between adjacent particulates in the formation may be used in
curable resin without an after-flush and regain permeability of 35 the present invention. Formations suitable for treatment with
at least about 70%. The term “regain permeability” refers to the methods of the present invention are generally water wet,
the percentage of permeability of a portion of a Subterranean and by using either a hydrocarbon pre-flush fluid or an aque
formation following treatment; that is, it is a percentage of the ous pre-flush fluid with an appropriate surfactant, the forma
post-treatment permeability as compared to the pre-treatment tion may be made ready to accept the placement of the adhe
permeability. 40 sive.
In some embodiments of the present invention, the regain Where a hydrocarbon pre-flush fluid is used, suitable fluids
permeability is at least about 75%. In other embodiments of include liquid hydrocarbon fluids such as kerosene, diesel,
the present invention, the regain permeability is at least about crude oil, hydrocarbon-based solvents such as Xylene, hydro
80%. In still other embodiments of the present invention the carbon-based condensates, hydrocarbon-based distillates,
regain permeability is at least about 85%. In still other 45 and combinations thereof. Generally, a desirable pre-flush
embodiments of the present invention, the regain permeabil has a relatively low cost and low viscosity and minimizes
ity is at least about 90%. safety concerns, for these reasons kerosene and diesel may be
By eliminating the need for an after-flush step, the methods preferred hydrocarbon pre-flush fluids in the methods of the
of the present invention become more economical to perform, present invention.
less uncertainty of whether the after-flush fluid could enter the 50 Where an aqueous pre-flush fluid is used, the aqueous
same resin treated area, and less likely to damage the forma liquid component may be fresh water, salt water (e.g., water
tion being treated. containing one or more salts dissolved therein), brine, seawa
The methods of the present invention are capable of sub ter, or any other aqueous liquid that does not adversely react
stantially stabilizing the particulates such that loose or with the other components used in accordance with this
weakly consolidated particulates are prevented from shifting 55 invention or with the subterranean formation. Surfactants
or migrating once the treatment is complete. This is particu Suitable for inclusion in the aqueous pre-flush fluids include,
larly significant in the context of portions of formations where but are not limited to, ethoxylated nonyl phenol phosphate
it is desirable to control the particulates without having to use esters, mixtures of one or more cationic Surfactants, one or
a gravel pack. In Such situations, the methods of the present more non-ionic Surfactants, and an alkyl phosphonate Surfac
invention including the use of a screen or liner (which may be 60 tant. Suitable mixtures of one or more cationic and nonionic
an expandable or traditional Screen or a perforated or slotted surfactants are described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,311,773 issued to
liner, or any similar device known in the art) may act to Todd et al. on Nov. 6, 2001, the disclosure of which is incor
control particulates to a sufficiently high degree that a gravel porated herein by reference. A C-C alkyl phosphonate
pack becomes unnecessary. Surfactant is preferred. The Surfactant or Surfactants used are
Thus, according to the methods of the present invention, 65 included in the aqueous liquid in an amount Sufficient to
which include the use of both a low-viscosity curable resin prepare the Subterranean formation to receive a treatment of
composition and a screen/liner, the low-viscosity curable an curable resinby wetting the particulates in the formation So
US 7,673,686 B2
9 10
that the resin can attach to those particulates. In some embodi water than to the curable resin and, as a result, the curable
ments of the present invention, the aqueous pre-flush fluid resin will be deposited on formation surfaces as the water is
comprises surfactant in an amount ranging from about 0.1% drawn away. The solvents that can be used in the present
to about 15% by weight of the aqueous liquid. invention preferably include those having high flash points
Selection of an appropriate curable resin is related, at least (most preferably above about 125°F). Examples of solvents
in part, to the forces that the Zone will be subjected to during suitable for use in the present invention include, but are not
production. For example, in a Zone that is expected to be limited to, ethanol, butylglycidyl ether, dipropylene glycol
subjected to relatively low fluid flow rates, lower drag forces methyl ether, butyl bottom alcohol, dipropylene glycol dim
on the particulate materials may mean that use of a non ethyl ether, diethyleneglycol methyl ether, ethyleneglycol
aqueous tackifying agent may sufficiently control the particu 10 butyl ether, methanol, butyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, dieth
lates. However, at relatively high flow rates a curable resin yleneglycol butyl ether, propylene carbonate, d'limonene,
may be better suited to provide adequate cohesion between 2-butoxy ethanol, butyl acetate, furfuryl acetate, furfuryl
the formation particulates. aldehyde, butyl lactate, fatty acid methyl esters, and combi
Resins suitable for use as an curable resin in the methods of nations thereof.
the present invention include all resins known in the art that 15 Selection of the solvent is related to, among other things,
are capable of forming a hardened, consolidated mass. Many the chosen adhesive. For example, where an epoxy resin is
Suitable resins are commonly used in Subterranean consoli used an ethanol solvent may be preferred whereas when a
dation operations, and some Suitable resins include two com furan resin is used an isopropyl alcohol or furfuryl aldehyde
ponent epoxy based resins, novolak resins, polyepoxide res solvent may be preferred. Moreover, depending upon the
ins, phenol-aldehyde resins, urea-aldehyde resins, urethane desired curable resin Viscosity (and the required amount of
resins, phenolic resins, furan resins, furan/furfuryl alcohol dilution with solvent), the optimum solvent may differ. For
resins, phenolic/latex resins, phenol formaldehyde resins, example, when using an epoxy resin in combination with a
polyester resins and hybrids and copolymers thereof, poly solvent, methanol may be suitable for dilutions only up to
urethane resins and hybrids and copolymers thereof, acrylate about 50% epoxy resin and 50% methanol solvent, but when
resins, and mixtures thereof. 25 a greater percentage of solvent is needed methanol may be
Some Suitable resins, such as epoxy resins, may be cured unsuitable because at dilutions greater than about 50% the
with an internal catalyst or activator so that when pumped epoxy resin may not disperse properly in the methanol Sol
down hole, they may be cured using only time and tempera vent. In contrast, ethanol may be a suitable solvent for use
ture. Other Suitable resins, such as furan resins generally with an epoxy resinat dilutions as high at 90% ethanol solvent
require a time-delayed catalyst or an external catalyst to help 30 to 10% epoxy resin. It is within the ability of one skilled in the
activate the polymerization of the resins if the cure tempera art, with the benefit of this disclosure, to select an appropriate
ture is low (i.e., less than 250° F.), but will cure under the solvent to achieve a viscosity suitable to the subterranean
effect of time and temperature if the formation temperature is conditions.
aboveabout 250°F. preferably aboveabout 300°F. An epoxy The composition of the invention can be introduced ahead
resin may be preferred when using the methods of the present 35 of along with, or following any well treatment procedure,
invention in formations having temperatures ranging from including but not limited to hydraulic fracturing treatments,
about 65° F. to about 350° F. and a furan resin may be pre gravel packing treatments, and acidizing treatments. The
ferred when using the methods of the present invention in composition of the invention can also include other materials
formations having temperatures above about 300°F. that do not adversely affect the benefits of the composition.
It is within the ability of one skilled in the art, with the 40 The method of the invention can also be used in conjunc
benefit of this disclosure, to select a suitable resin for use in tion with a preflush treatment fluid. For example, a preflush
embodiments of the present invention and to determine treatment fluid comprising a mixture of mutual solvent and
whether a catalyst is required to trigger curing. brine or simply a brine solution can be introduced into the
In order for the curable resin used in the present invention formation to remove oil residue prior to introducing the com
to achieve a low enough viscosity to be suitable for use in the 45 position. Other preflush treatment fluids are also contem
present invention, a solvent is required. The methods of the plated, such as an acidizing treatment.
present invention call for the viscosity of the curable resin to Further, the composition can be used as a preflush treat
be less than about 100 cp. In some embodiments the viscosity ment for hydraulic fracturing or a prepack treatment fluid for
is less than about 50 cp. In other embodiments, the viscosity gravel packing operations. The composition can be used as a
is less than about 10 cp, in still other embodiments the vis 50 remedial treatment to be injected into the formation through
cosity is less than about 5 cB. Such low viscosity is achieved the proppant or gravel pack of a previously performed frac
by providing a ratio of the curable resin in the solvent to be turing treatment or gravel pack. The composition can also be
from about 0.01:99.99 to about 10:90 by weight relative to used to coat gravel or other particulates to alter the Surface
one another. The curable resin and the solvent are mutually wettability of the gravel, proppant, or other particulates in
selected such that, for the ratio of the resin to the solvent, the 55 order to easily remove any water or condensate that is formed
resin is soluble in the solvent. The ratio of the curable resin in in the porous matrix of the gravel, proppant, or other particu
the solvent can also be from about 0.5:99.5 to about 5:95 by lates, as well as in the formation matrix located near the gravel
weight relative to one another. The curable resin and the pack, proppant pack, or acidized fractures. The composition
solvent are mutually selected such that, for the ratio of the is especially advantageous as a remediation treatment after
curable resin to the solvent, the curable resin is soluble in the 60 the curable resin is used to at least partially coat proppants as
solvent. described in Halliburton's U.S. Pat. No. 5,775,425 issued Jul.
Solvents suitable for use with the adhesives used in the 7, 1998: U.S. Pat. No. 5,787,986 issued Aug. 4, 1998 by Jim
present invention comprise aqueous dissolvable solvents that D. Weaveret al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,833,000 issued Nov. 10, 1998
are compatible with the chosen curable resin and that are by Jim D. Weaver et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,839,510 issued Nov.
capable of achieving the desired viscosity effect. When 65 24, 1998, by Jim D. Weaver et al.; U.S. Pat. No. 5,871,049
exposed to water within a Subterranean formation, a Suitable issued Feb. 16, 1999 by Jim D. Weaver et al.; U.S. Pat. No.
aqueous dissolvable solvent will have a higher affinity to the 5,853,048 issued Dec. 29, 1988 by Jim D. Weaver; and U.S.
US 7,673,686 B2
11 12
Pat. No. 6,047,772 issued Apr. 11, 2000 by Jim D. Weaver et increased flow rates without production of formation particu
al., and U.S. Pat. No. 6,209,643 issued Apr. 3, 2001 by Philip late. See FIG. 3, “treated portion of graph showing pressure
D. Nguyen et al. When used as a remediation treatment in drop vs. time.
Such applications, an especially advantageous oil-wet surface In contrast, flowing through formation sand without treat
on the proppants as well as the formation's Surface is formed 5 ment of ultra-thin curable resin composition showed that
by the composition. The compositionallows aqueous fluids to unconsolidated sand can freely move as soon as the flow of
easily flow through the formation to be produced from the brine was started. Sand particulate was observed to produce
formation or to flow into the formation Such as in aqueous through the screen, coupled with a build up of pressure drop
well treatment fluids. across the screen regardless of whether the screen mesh size
The ultra-thin resin composition is preferably introduced
10 was correctly selected for the formation sand. See FIG. 3,
“untreated’ portion of graph showing pressure drop (in
to the subterranean formationata matrix flow rate. That is, the pounds per square inch) vs. time (in seconds).
composition is added at Such a rate that it is able to penetrate
the formation without substantially affecting the structure of Example 2
the formation sands or proppant matrixes it encounters. 15
To facilitate a better understanding of the present inven Testing was repeated for both treated and untreated forma
tion, the following examples of some of the preferred embodi tion sand, except the screen piece was placed tightly against
ments are given. In no way should such examples be read to the formation sand simulating complete compliance. Similar
limit the scope of the invention. results were obtained.
EXAMPLES Example 3
Example 1 In a separate tests using the same set up as described above,
fresh distilled water (“DI) water was injected through treated
Experiments were performed with simulated unconsoli 25 and untreated samples of formation sand spaced apart from
dated formation and a screen to determine if the methods of the screen to represent a lack of conformity of the screen to
the formation sand. FIG. 4 shows that at flow rate of 5
the present inventions will result in increased flow through a mL/minute, the pressure drop across the untreated formation
well screen filter. Sample test sleeves were used to test simu sand increased significantly higher than pressure drop across
lated well conditions. The sleeves were made of transparent 30 the treated formation sand, which remained low and flat. The
material. The sleeves were assembled with well screens
across one end to simulate well screens installed in uncon flow of DI water through the untreated sand pack was stopped
solidated sand formations. For the purposes of these after 15 minutes of flow time. See FIG. 4, “untreated” and
examples, the screen was formed from sections of material “treated’ graphed lines showing pressure drop (in pounds per
used in the Halliburton PoroFlex brand commercial screens. square inch) vs. time (in seconds). This indicated that without
An 85/10/5 synthetic sand (85% by weight of Oklahoma No. 35 the treatment of ultra-thin curable resin, the clay swelled and
1 sand, 10% by weight silica flour, and 5% by weight smec choked off the permeability. Coating of a thin film as a result
tite) was packed in the sleeves, followed by 20/40 mesh sand. of resin treatment helped encapsulate the clay particulates
The sands were packed into individual flow cells. In one test and prevented them from Swelling.
setup, a gap was provided behind the PoroFlex (Screen piece), 40 Example 4
for example with a plastic spacer, simulating incomplete
compliance of the screen with respect to the formation sand. Flow tests were also performed with samples of unconsoli
An example of Such a sand pack and filter combination is dated formation material packed against a sand control
shown schematically in FIG. 2. screen. The tests showed that the untreated formation mate
The synthetic sand and 20/40 sands in the sleeves were then 45 rial initially caused plugging and formation damage that
saturated with 3% KCl brine by flowing the solution through caused an increase in differential pressure, followed by mate
the screen towards the simulated formation. In the examples rial being produced through the screen that caused a decreas
treated with an ultra-thin curable resin, the ultra-thin curable ing trend in differential pressure. In real life with severe well
resin comprised a diluted 2-component epoxy resin system conditions of high flow rates, this could be enough to cause
made up with 0.5 parts of hardenable resin component, 0.5 50 catastrophic failure to the screen due to erosion. The treated
parts of hardening agent component, and 10 parts of methanol formation sample showed no signs of plugging, fines migra
solvent. The ultra-thin curable resin was injected in the same tion, or Solids production through the screen during the course
direction through the screen to treat the simulated formation of the test. The differential pressure for this test stayed nearly
sand. The viscosity of the diluted resin was less than about 1 constant for the duration of the test and was significantly less
CP 55 than that for the non-stabilized sample at any point in the test.
The entire system was then put in an oven for curing at 150° The results of the test showing pressure over time are shown
F. for 16 hours. After that time, 3% KCl was flowed through in FIG. 5, for “untreated and “treated’ graphed lines show
the formation material and screen at a constant rate of 6 ing pressure drop (in pounds per square inch) vs. time (in
mL/min (in reverse direction to simulate the well producing) seconds).
while the pressure necessary to maintain this flow rate was 60 The foregoing descriptions of specific embodiments of the
monitored. In testing of both treated and untreated formation present invention have been presented for purposes of illus
sand packs, the flow rates were cycled on and off every 60 tration and description. They are not intended to be exhaus
minutes, i.e. brine was injected through the pack for 60 min tive or to limit the invention to the precise forms disclosed,
utes and then stopped for 3 minutes to simulate cycling the and obviously many modifications and variations are possible
well. 65 in light of the above teaching. The embodiments were chosen
The results showed a low and steady pressure drop across and described in order to best explain the principles of the
the simulated formation sands throughout constant or invention and its practical application, to thereby enable oth
US 7,673,686 B2
13 14
ers skilled in the art to best utilize the invention and various 9. The method according to claim 7, wherein the preflush
embodiments with various modifications as are suited to the treatment fluid is selected from the group consisting of kero
particular use contemplated. It is intended that the scope of sene, diesel, crude oil, a hydrocarbon-based solvent, a hydro
the invention be defined by the claims appended hereto and carbon-based condensate, or a hydrocarbon-based distillate.
their equivalents. 5 10. The method according to claim 4, further comprising
What is claimed is: the step of prior to the step of introducing the composition:
1. A method for treating a Subterranean formation pen introducing an acidizing composition through the wellbore
etrated by a wellbore, the method comprising the steps of: into the Subterranean formation.
(a) introducing a composition through the wellbore into the 11. The method according to claim 4, wherein the aqueous
Subterranean formation, wherein the composition com 10 dissolvable solvent is selected from the group consisting of
prises: ethanol, butylglycidyl ether, dipropylene glycol methyl ether,
i.a solvent consisting essentially of an aqueous dissolv butyl bottom alcohol, dipropylene glycol dimethyl ether,
able solvent comprising any solvent that is at least diethyleneglycol methyl ether, ethyleneglycol butyl ether,
25% by weight soluble in water, wherein the solventis methanol, butyl alcohol, isopropyl alcohol, diethyleneglycol
from about 90% to about 99.9% by weight of the 15 butyl ether, propylene carbonate, d-limonene, 2-butoxyetha
composition; and nol, butyl acetate, furfuryl acetate, furfuryl aldehyde, butyl
ii. a curable resin, wherein the curable resin is from lactate, fatty acid methyl esters, and any mixture thereof in
about 0.01% to about 10% by weight of the compo any proportion.
sition; 12. The method according to claim 4, wherein the curable
wherein the curable resin and the solvent are mutually resin is selected from the group consisting of a two compo
selected such that, for the ratio of the curable resin to the nent epoxy based resin, a novolak resin, a polyepoxide resin,
solvent, the curable resin is soluble in the solvent; and a phenolaldehyde resin, a urea-aldehyde resin, a urethane
(b) installing a mechanical sand control device into the resin, a phenolic resin, a furan resin, a furan/furfuryl alcohol
wellbore either before or after introducing the composi resin, a phenolic/latex resin, a phenol formaldehyde resin, a
tion into the wellbore. 25 polyester resin, a hybrid polyester resin, a copolymer poly
2. The method according to claim 1, wherein the subterra ester resin, a polyurethane resin, a hybrid polyurethane resin,
nean formation is unconsolidated or weakly consolidated. a copolymer polyurethane resin, an acrylate resin, and any
3. The method according to claim 1, wherein the subterra mixture thereof in any proportion.
nean formation is clay laden. 13. The method according to claim 4, wherein the compo
4. The method according to claim 1, further comprising the 30 sition is not overdisplaced.
step of prior to introducing the composition: isolating a Zone 14. The method according to claim 4, wherein the step of
of interest in the subterranean. introducing the composition through the wellbore and into
5. The method according to claim 4, the method further the subterranean formation further comprises the step of
comprising the step of, after isolating a Zone of interest and introducing a particulate through the wellbore into the sub
after introducing the composition: introducing a fluid into the 35 terranean formation together with the composition.
wellbore at a pressure sufficient to create at least one fracture 15. The method according to claim 4, further comprising
in the Subterranean formation. the step of after installing the mechanical sand control
6. The method according to claim 5, the method further device: flowing back fluid through the subterranean forma
comprising the step of producing hydrocarbon by flowing tion into the wellbore.
hydrocarbon through the treated Subterranean formation, 40 16. The method according to claim 4, further comprising
through the mechanical sand control device, and into the the step of after installing the mechanical sand control
wellbore. device: producing hydrocarbon by flowing hydrocarbon
7. The method according to claim 4, the method further through the treated Subterranean formation, through the
comprising the step of prior to introducing the composition: mechanical sand control device, and into the wellbore.
injecting a preflush treatment fluid through the wellbore into 45 17. The method according to claim 1, wherein the mechani
the Subterranean formation. cal sand control device is selected from the group consisting
8. The method according to claim 7, wherein the preflush of a perforated liner, a slotted pipe, a wire-wrapped screen, a
treatment fluid is selected from the group consisting of brine non-expandable screen, and an expandable screen.
and a mutual solvent, brine, an acid, or any mixture thereof in
any proportion. k k k k k