Mayank Gupta-5.8-Exp - 1693374116304 - Mayank Gupta
Mayank Gupta-5.8-Exp - 1693374116304 - Mayank Gupta
Mayank Gupta-5.8-Exp - 1693374116304 - Mayank Gupta
Lead Engineer
Technology used: Java, AWS lambda, S3 bucket, Kinesis, Cloud
HCL Technologies (05/2021-Present) formation, Pinpoint, SNS, Cloudwatch Metrics and Alarm.
Sr. Developer
Autosense India (04/2019-12/2020) Sigura Water Commercial Dashboard
Sigura water commercial dashboard application is an IoT
Software Engineer
based application which is design to provide complete
Nous Infosystems(01/2021-04/2021)
insight of a swimming pool to there site owner like when the
last assessment happened what is the ratio of the chlorine,
Software Engineer bureaucratic acid and other chemicals in different-different
GRC Stack (11/2017-04/2019) time window. The major functionalities of this application is
to onboard the user and device, establish mapping between
device with user, user with site and site with pool, which
helps to serve user specific details from overall to each and
every pool level.
Spot Award
Received Spot Award for successfully
Technology used: Java, Spring boot, JPA, REST webservice, GCP
completing project.
Cloud function, GCS, API Gateway, Bigquery, Spanner, firebase,
Rising Star Award
Received Rising Star Award for my
dedication and an exceptional
UMF Adapter
performance. UMF Adapter application subscribe Kafka topic to read the
message which emitted by hospital devices is message
conversion project which is use to convert health care
CERTIFICATE device FHIR data into HL7 type of message and then
produce the converted message into Kafka topic.
GCP Associate Cloud Engineer(12/2022)
Issued by Google Cloud Platform
Governance Risk and Compliance the main intention of this
Spot Award
project is to make some internal and external rules and
Received Spot Award for successfully
regulation based on that identified what are Risk are there
completing project.
for our Organisation and before get into any problems or
troubles to find out what are solutions are there to avoid
Rising Star Award
such kinds of risk and make the Organisation get into profit.
Received Rising Star Award for my
dedication and an exceptional