3-XD20 1273 Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto Indonesia
3-XD20 1273 Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto Indonesia
3-XD20 1273 Yosaphat Bayu Rosanto Indonesia
Tooth extraction is procedure of removing a tooth from the socket. Kirinyuh leaves
(Chromolaena odorata) contain flavonoids, saponins, and tannins that can help in the wound-
healing process after tooth extraction. This study aimed to determine the effect of applying kirinyuh
leaf ethanol extract on the density of collagen fibers in the wound after tooth extraction in guinea
Sixty male guinea pigs (Cavia cobaya) were divided into five groups: negative control, positive
control, and treatment groups with kirinyuh leaf ethanol extract concentrations of 2.5%, 5%, and
10%. Extracts of kirinyuh leaf were made as topical products. Subjects’ teeth were extracted on the
same day, and extract of kirinyuh leaves was applied topically on the wound. Subjects were
euthanized, and histopathological specimens were obtained on days 3, 7, 10, and 14 after tooth
extraction, subjected to Mallory trichrome staining, and then observed under a microscope. The
treatment groups had higher density of collagen fibers than the controls. Statistical analysis showed
significant differences in all groups and days.
In conclusion, the ethanol extract of kirinyuh leaves can increase the density of collagen fibers
in post-tooth extraction wounds, and 10% kirinyuh leaf extract has the highest rate of increasing
collagen fiber density.
Experimental article (J Int Dent Med Res 2020; 13(4): 1258-1263)
Keywords: Tooth extraction, Kirinyuh extract, density of collagen fiber, wound healing, Cavia
cobaya, Mallory.
Received date: 03 September 2020 Accept date: 18 October 2020
and Gram negative bacteria including spores and function as a protein precipitator and chelating
fungi. Two mechanisms can explain the metal. Tannin is predicted to act as a biological
antimicrobial effect of 10% povidone-iodine: antioxidant24. Saponin may increase the
povidone-iodine can oxidize enzymes for fibroblast’s receptor ability to TGF-β, given the
respiration, and it has antimicrobial effect through ability of fibroblasts to bind with TGF-β.
iodination of amino acids. The iodine content Fibroblasts need TGF-β to synthesize collagen to
prevents bacteria from forming proteins and heal the tooth socket wound10. Saponin has anti-
destroys microorganisms18. Kirinyuh leaf ethanol inflammatory activity by blocking the
extract also contain an antibacterial component, prostaglandin production pathway, resulting in a
that is, saponins. Saponins can increase the decrease in prostaglandin production 25.
permeability of bacterial cell membranes. Decreased production of prostaglandins, an
Permeability is the ability of a substance to allow inflammatory mediator, can ease the vasodilation
passage of particles through it19. When saponins in blood vessels in the local bloodstream so that
and bacteria interact, saponins increase the the migration of inflammatory cells will decrease.
permeability of bacterial cell membranes to allow Decreased number of inflammatory cells and
passage of porous forms in bacterial cells. bacteria causes brief inflammatory phase and
Eventually, the cell will undergo lysis and die immediately initiates the proliferation phase26,27.
following loss of all cell contents that diffuse out This may cause the matrix classification to occur
of the cell20. earlier.
Microscopic observations on day 10 showed Observation on day 14 shows that the
the presence of increasingly dense collagen in all density of collagen fibers treated with 10%
groups. The density of collagen fibers is kirinyuh leaf ethanol extract has the highest
increasing and reaches its peak on day 10 after mean among the groups. Figure 6 shows that
application of kirinyuh leaf ethanol extract. bone mineralization occurred mostly in the tooth
Changes in the density of collagen fibers in the socket wound in the 10% treatment group. On
treatment group show an earlier bone matrix day 14 after tooth extraction, collagen fibers have
formation process marked by the formation of undergone mineralization and reinforcement has
collagen bundles. The maturation of collagen started. On day 14, collagen fibers are ready to
fibers causes an increase in the density of enter the maturation phase. The maturation
collagen fibers in tissues13, 21. The increase in the phase starts 2–3 weeks after wounding. In this
thickness of collagen was attributed to the gel phase, the collagen level is stable between
content of kirinyuh leaf ethanol extract which can deposition and degradation 14,28. Enzymes such
stimulate the formation of collagen, affecting the as matrix metalloproteinase, cysteine proteinase,
proliferation phase after tooth extraction. The and serine proteinase can degrade collagen
content of kirinyuh leaf ethanol extract that can fibers in the alveolar bone. This indicates that the
induce cells that play a role in the healing bone-modeling process is ongoing, which marks
process of wound healing include flavonoids, that first stage of bone regeneration.
saponins, and tannins.
The increase in collagen thickness is
allegedly caused by the contents of kirinyuh leaf Conclusions
ethanol extract that boost collagen production
and affect the proliferation phase in the wound- Topical application of kirinyuh leaf ethanol
healing process after tooth extraction 22. extract can accelerate wound healing, as shown
According to Youngyo et al. (2017), flavonoids by the increase in collagen fibers on the wound
have antioxidant properties, so they can reduce after tooth extraction. The highest increase in
low-density lipoproteins23. Flavonoids also collagen density was observed after the
improve the number of blood vessel endothelial application of 10% kirinyuh leaf ethanol extract.
cells by reducing the risk of blood clots because Thus, 10% concentration of ethanol extract from
of their anti-aggregation properties. Tannin can kirinyuh leaf helps accelerate the wound-healing
be defined as a polyphenol compound with a process since days 3–4 of tooth extraction.
very large molecular weight (>1000 g/mol) and
can form complex compounds with protein.
Tannin has a great biological role because of its