Intraoperative Protective Mechanical Ventilation Fact or Fiction
Intraoperative Protective Mechanical Ventilation Fact or Fiction
Intraoperative Protective Mechanical Ventilation Fact or Fiction
complications after general anesthesia.7,8 These studies indi- they did not necessarily provide the best or single setting of
cated that “protective” ventilation (generally defined as the variable of interest to achieve that effect.
lower tidal volume plus PEEP and/or recruitment maneu- The hemodynamic impact of mechanical ventilation is fre-
vers) may reduce such complications4,8 that are associated quently a concern.A clinically meaningful finding by Turan and
with increased mortality, intensive care unit admission, and colleagues3 in this regard was the similar intraoperative use of
length of stay.7 The Intraoperative Protective Ventilation vasopressors and incidence of hypotension in all combinations
(IMPROVE) trial confirmed a marked beneficial effect of of PEEP and tidal volume. This finding reinforces the con-
protective ventilation on major abdominal surgery.6 cept that the mild-to-moderate range of ventilatory settings
Yet, as with Turan’s trial, several trials on protective venti- explored does not usually result in major hemodynamic effects.
the epidemic in Copenhagen, 1952. Proc R Soc Med Hemmes SN, Gama de Abreu M, Pelosi P, Schultz
1954; 47:72–4 MJ: High versus low positive end-expiratory pressure
2. Webb HH,Tierney DF: Experimental pulmonary edema during general anaesthesia for open abdominal surgery
due to intermittent positive pressure ventilation with (PROVHILO trial): a multicentre randomised con-
high inflation pressures. Protection by positive end-expi- trolled trial. Lancet 2014; 384:495–503
ratory pressure. Am Rev Respir Dis 1974; 110:556–65 10. Lagier D, Fischer F, Fornier W, Huynh TM, Cholley
3. Turan A, Esa WAS, Rivas E,Wang J, Bakal O, Stamper S, B, Guinard B, Heger B, Quintana G, Villacorta J,
Farag E, Maheswari K, Mao G, Ruetzler K, Sessler DI; Gaillat F, Gomert R, Degirmenci S, Colson P, Lalande
Ventilation-PEEP Trial Group: Tidal volume and posi- M, Benkouiten S, Minh TH, Pozzi M, Collart F,