Cobb 1999
Cobb 1999
Cobb 1999
Individual and
Collective Mathematical
Development: The Case of
Statistical Data Analysis
Paul Cobb
Published online: 18 Nov 2009.
To cite this article: Paul Cobb (1999) Individual and Collective Mathematical
Development: The Case of Statistical Data Analysis, Mathematical Thinking
and Learning, 1:1, 5-43, DOI: 10.1207/s15327833mtl0101_1
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study
purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution,
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Copyright O 1999, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.
Paul Cobb
Department of Teaching and Learning
Vanderbilt University
In the first part of this article,I clarify how we analyze students' mathematical reason-
ing as acts of participation in the mathematical practices established by the classroom
community. In doing so, I present episodes from a recently completed classroom
teaching experiment that focused on statistics. Against the background of this analy-
sis, I then broaden my focus in the final part of the article by developing the themes of
change, diversity, and equity.
In recent years, we have seen an increasing emphasis on the socially and culturally
situated nature of mathematical activity. l k s trend encompasses a range of theoret-
ical positions that include sociocultural theory, discourse theory, and symbolic
interactionism. There are, of course, significant differences among these various
perspectives that have, at times, been the subject of intense debate. However, rather
than highlight differences, I focus on a central notion that I believe cuts across these
positions and serves to differentiate them from purely psychological perspec-
tives-that of participation in communal practices. In developing this notion, I
ground the discussion in my own and my colleagues' work in classrooms. My im-
mediate goal is to clarify how we analyze students' mathematical reasoning as acts
of participation in the mathematical practices established by the classroom commu-
nity. In doing so, I present episodes from a recently completed classroom teaching
experiment that focused on statistics. Against the background of this analysis, I
then broaden my focus in the final part of the article by developing the themes of
change, diversity, and equity.
Requests for reprints should be sent to Paul Cobb, Vanderbilt University, Peabody College, Box 330,
Nashville, TN 37203. E-mail:
The type of research that my colleagues and I conduct involves classroom teaching
experiments of up to 1 year in duration (cf. P. Cobb, in press; Confrey & Lachance,
in press; Simon, in press; Yackel, 1995). In the course of these experiments, we
both develop sequences of instructional activities and analyze students' mathemat-
ical learning as it occurs in the social situation of the classroom. Research of this
type falls under the general heading of developmental research (Gravemeijer,
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I~aUebnal CMs~oom-based
Development Analyses
(Lampert, 1990; Voigt, 1995; Yackel & Cobb, 1996). Examples of these
so-called sociomathematical norms include what counts as a different mathemat-
ical solution, a sophisticated mathematical solution, an efficient mathematical
solution, and an acceptable mathematical explanation.
As we have noted elsewhere (Yackel & Cobb, 1996), the analysis of
sociomathematical norms has proven useful in helping us understand the process
by which teachers can foster the development of intellectual autonomy in their
classrooms. This issue is particularly significant to us, given that the development
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of student autonomy was an explicitly stated goal of our work in classrooms from
the outset. However, we originally characterized intellectual autonomy in individ-
ualistic terms and spoke of students' awareness of and willingness to draw on their
own intellectual capabilities when making mathematical decisions and judgments
(Kamii, 1985; Piaget, 1973). As part of the process of supporting the growth of au-
tonomy, the teachers with whom we have worked initiated and guided the devel-
opment of a community of validators in their classrooms, such that claims were
established by means of mathematical argumentation rather than by appealing to
the authority of the teacher or textbook. However, for this to occur, it was not suffi-
cient for the students merely to learn that they should make a wide range of mathe-
matical contributions. It was also essential that they become able to judge both
when it was appropriate to make a mathematical contribution and what constituted
an acceptable contribution. This required, among other things, that the students
could judge what counted as a different mathematical solution, an insightful math-
ematical solution, an efficient mathematical solution, and an acceptable mathe-
matical explanation. However, these are precisely the types of judgments that are
negotiated when establishing sociomathematical norms. We therefore conjectured
that students develop specifically mathematical beliefs and values that enable
them to act as increasingly autonomous members of classroom mathematical com-
munities as they participate in the negotiation of sociomathematical norms
(Yackel & Cobb, 1996).
It is apparent from this account that we revised our conception of the most indi-
vidualistic of notions-intellectual autonomy-as we worked in classrooms. At
the outset, we defined autonomy in purely psychological terms as a characteristic
of individual students' activity. However, as we developed the idea of
sociomathematical norms, we came to view autonomy as a characteristic of an in-
dividual's way of participating in a community. In particular, the development of
autonomy can be viewed as synonymous with the gradual movement from rela-
tively peripheral participation in classroom activities to more substantial participa-
tion, in which students increasingly rely on their own judgments rather than on
those of the teacher (cf. Forman, 1996; Lave & Wenger, 1991). The example of au-
tonomy is paradigmatic in this regard in that it illustrates the general shift we have
made in our theoretical orientation away from an initial psychological perspective
toward what we call an emergentperspective (P. Cobb & Yackel, 1996).
Thus far, I have described two aspects of the classroom microculture that we
have found useful to differentiate when conducting analyses that feed back to in-
form the ongoing instructional development effort. Our motivation for teasing out
a third aspect of the classroom microculture, classroom mathematical practices,
stems directly from our concerns as instructional designers. Recall that the ap-
proach we take to instructional design involves conducting an anticipatory thought
experiment in the course of which the designer develops conjectures about the pos-
sible course of students' mathematical learning. However, these conjectures can-
not encompass the anticipated mathematical learning of each and every student in
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a class, given that there are significant qualitative differences in their mathematical
reasoning at any point in time. Descriptions of planned instructional approaches
written so as to imply that all students will reorganize their mathematical activity
in particular ways at particular points in an instructional sequence are, at best,
highly idealized. It is, however, feasible to view a hypothetical learning trajectory
as consisting of conjectures about the collective mathematical development of the
classroom community. This proposal, in turn, indicates the need for a theoretical
construct that allows us to talk explicitly about collective mathematical develop-
ment. The construct that my colleagues and I have found useful is that of class-
room mathematical practices that are established by the classroom community.
Described in these terms, a learning trajectory then consists of an envisioned se-
quence of classroom mathematical practices together with conjectures about the
means of supporting their evolution from prior practices.
As an initial illustration to clarify the notion of a classroom mathematical prac-
tice, consider the social norm of explaining and justifying interpretations. As I
have noted, this and other social norms deal with facets of the classroom participa-
tion structure that are not specific to mathematical activity. In contrast, the related
sociomathematical norms for argumentation deal with criteria that the teacher and
students establish in interaction for what counts as an acceptable mathematical ex-
planation and justification. For example, a criterion that became established dur-
ing a teaching experiment that focused on place-value numeration was that
explanations had to be clear, in the sense that the teacher and other students could
interpret them in terms of actions on numerical quantities rather than, for instance,
in terms of the mere manipulation of digits (Bowers, Cobb, & McClain, in press).
Because sociomathematical norms are concerned with the evolving criteria for
mathematical activity and discourse, they are not specific to any particular mathe-
matical idea. Thus, the criterion that mathematical explanations should be clear
could apply to elementary arithmetical word problems or to discussions about rela-
tively sophisticated mathematical ideas that involve proportional reasoning.
Classroom mathematical practices, in contrast, focus on the taken-as-shared ways
of reasoning, arguing, and symbolizing established while discussing particular
mathematical ideas. Consequently, if sociomathematical norms are specific to
mathematical activity, then mathematical practices are specific to particular math-
ematical ideas. In the case of the teaching experiment that focused on place-value
numeration, the analysis of mathematical practices focused on the specific argu-
ments and ways of reasoning about quantities that the teacher and students treated
as being clear and beyond further justification. In addition, the analysis described
how each mathematical practice identified in this way emerged as a reorganization
of prior practices, thereby providing an account of both the taken-as-shared under-
standing of place-value numeration that eventually was established in this particu-
lar classroom and the process by which it emerged.
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'Kay McClain, Koeno Graverneijer, Jose Cortina, Lynn Hodge, Maggie McGatha, Beth Petty, Carla
Richards, Michelle Stephan, and I conducted the teaching experiment.
of key statistical ideas while ensuring that the successive classroom mathematical
practices that emerged in the course of the teaching experiment were commensura-
ble with the activities of proficient data analysts. As Biehler and Steinbring (1991)
noted, an exploratory or investigative orientation is not merely a means of support-
ing learning but is instead central to data analysis and constitutes an instructional
goal in its own right.
The summary I have given of our instructional intent clarifies the potential end
points of the learning trajectory that we envisioned for the classroom community.
With regard to the starting points, the performance assessments that we conducted
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with seventh-grade students prior to the teaching experiment indicated that data
analysis for them involved "doing something with the numbers," frequently by us-
ing methods derived from their prior instructional experiences with statistics in
school (McGatha, Cobb, & McClain, 1998). In other words, these students did not
view data as measures of particular aspects or features of situations that were
judged to be relevant when addressing a particular question or issue. An immedi-
ate goal at the beginning of the teaching experiment, therefore, was to ensure that
the first mathematical practices established in the classroom actually involved the
analysis of data. In the approach that we took, the teacher talked through the data
creation process with the students. This involved discussing the particular problem
or question under investigation, clarifying its significance, delineating relevant as-
pects of the situation that might be measured, and considering various ways of
measuring them. The data the students were to analyze were then introduced as re-
sulting from this process. We conjectured that, as a consequence of participating in
such discussions, the data would have a history for the students such that it was
grounded in the situation and reflected particular purposes and interests (cf.
Latour, 1987; Lehrer & Romberg, 1996; Roth & McGinn, 1998).
Beyond this general instructional strategy, we developed two computer-based
minitools for the students to use as integral aspects of the instructional sequence.*
Each minitool offered students several ways of structuring data. More important,
these options do not correspond to a variety of conventional inscriptions as is typi-
cally the case with commercially available data analysis tools. Instead, we drew on
the research literature to identify the various ways in which students structure data
when given the opportunity to conduct genuine analyses. Therefore, the tools were
designed to fit with taken-as-shared ways of reasoning at particular points in the
envisioned learning trajectory while serving as a means of supporting the reorgani-
zation of that reasoning, The students used these minitools in 27 of the 34 class-
room sessions. Typically, they worked at computers in pairs to conduct their
analyses, and then the teacher organized a whole-class discussion using a com-
puter projection system. I subsequently describe these two minitools when I pres-
2Koeno Gravemeijer, Michiel Doorman, Janet Bowers, and I developed the two minitools.
The first computer minitool was not introduced until the fifth classroom session.
The whole-class discussions in the preceding four sessions typically involved a se-
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quence of separate reports in which different students described how they had com-
pleted the instructional activities. Furthermore, students did not appear to adjust
their explanations by taking into account the interpretations of the listening stu-
dents, and the listening students rarely asked clarifying questions on their own ini-
tiative. The classroom participation structure established at the beginning of the
teaching experiment, therefore, delimited the possibility of developing a
taken-as-shared basis for mathematical communication.It is also doubtful whether
most of the students were actually analyzing data, in that the numbers they manipu-
lated did not appear to signify measures of attributes of a situation about which a de-
cision was to be made. The analyses that many students reported involved methods
derived from their prior instructional experiences of doing statistics in sixth grade.
For example, an appreciable number of the students initially calculated the mean of
every data set irrespective of the question at hand. In general, the students' contri-
butions to these initial whole-class discussions appeared to reflect their prior partic-
ipation in the practices of traditional U.S. mathematics instruction.
A shift in the quality of classroom discourse occurred in subsequent discussions
when the students explained how they had used the first minitool to conduct their
analyses. This minitool was designed to provide students with a means of ordering,
partitioning, and otherwise organizing sets of up to 40 data points in a relatively
immediate way. When data are entered into the minitool, each individual data
point is inscribed as a horizontal bar, the length of which signifies the numeral
value of the data point. The students could select the color of each bar to be either
pink or green, enabling them to enter and compare two data sets. For example, Fig-
ure 2 shows data generated to compare how long two different brands of batteries
last. Each bar shows a single case, the life span of the tested batteries. The students
could sort the data by size and by color. In addition, they could hide either data set
and could also use what they called the value tool to find the value of any data point
by dragging a vertical red bar along the horizontal axis. Furthermore, they could
find the number of data points in any horizontal interval by using what they called
the range tool.
The initial data sets the students analyzed were chosen so that the measure-
ments had a sense of linearity and, thus, lent themselves to inscription as horizontal
bars (e.g., the bralung distance of cars, the length of time that batteries lasted, etc.).
Nonetheless, the students spoke almost exclusively of "pinks" and "greens" during
R a g e Tool
the first whole-class discussion in which the minitool was used and did not offer
conclusions with respect to the question at hand. It therefore seemed that they were
describing differences in two sets of numbers inscribed as colored bars rather than
analyzing data. However, the teacher was able to initiate a shift in the discourse
during this session such that the students began to speak about the bars as attributes
of individual cases that had been measured. This shift continued during the second
discussion conducted with the minitool, when the students explained how they had
analyzed the data shown in Figure 2. The green bars showed the data for a brand of
battery called "Always Ready," and the pink bars showed the data for a brand
called "Tough Cell." The first student who gave an explanation directed the
teacher to use the range tool to bound the 10 highest values (see Figure 2).
Casey: And I was saying, see like there's 7 green that last longer.
Teacher: OK, the greens are the Always Ready, so let's make sure we keep
up with which set is which. OK?
Casey: OK, the Always Ready are more consistent with the 7 right there,
and then 7 of the Tough ones are like further back, I was just saying
'cause like 7 out of ten of the greens were the longest, and like.. .
Ken: Good point.
Janice: I understand.
Teacher: You understand? OK, Janice, I'm not sure I do, so could you say it
for me?
Janice: She's saying that out of 10 of the batteries that lasted the longest, 7
of them are green, and that's the most number, so the Always
Ready batteries are better because more of those batteries lasted
Although Casey spoke of "the greens," her comment that they lasted longer sug-
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gests that each bar signified how long one of the batteries lasted. Janice certainly
understood Casey's explanation in these terms, and in revoicing it, both stated an
explicit conclusion ("the Always Ready batteries are better") and justified it by
summarizing the results of Casey's analysis ("because more of those batteries
lasted longer"). In doing so, she contributed to the gradual emergence of an initial
practice of data analysis.
As the episode continued, another student, James, challenged Casey's analy-
sis by arguing that four of the pink bars (Tough Cell) were "almost in that area,
and then if you put all those in you would have seven [rather than three pinks]."
As James described features of the inscription, it is impossible to know whether
the bars carried the significance of data for him. However, the teacher inter-
preted his challenge as calling into question the way in which Casey had orga-
nized the data.
Teacher: So maybe, Casey, you can explain to us why you chose 10, that
would be really helpful.
Casey: All right, because there's 10 of the Always Ready and there's 10 of
the Tough Cell, there's 20, and half of 20 is 10.
Teacher: And why would it be helpful for us to know about the top 10, why
did you choose that, why did you choose 10 instead of 12?
Casey: Because I was trying to go with the half.
Significantly, Casey's justification for the way she organized the data, and thus her
method for comparing the two types of batteries, did not make reference to the
question at hand, that of comparing the two brands. It is also noteworthy that, with
the possible exception of James, none of the students asked her for such a justifica-
tion. This issue of justifying analyses became increasingly explicit as the discus-
sion continued.
The next student to explain his reasoning, Brad, directed the teacher to place the
value tool at 80 hr (see Figure 2).
Brad: See, there's still green ones [Always Ready] behind 80, but all of
the Tough Cell is above 80. I would rather have a consistent battery
that I know will get me over 80 hours than one that you just try to
Teacher: Why were you picking 80?
Brad: Because most of the Tough Cell batteries are all over 80.
Possibly as a consequence of the questions that the teacher had asked Casey, Brad
justified the method he had used without prompting. Furthermore, in doing so, he
interpreted a feature of the inscription ("There's still green ones behind 8 0 ) as in-
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Significantly, Jennifer justified her preference for the statistic that Brad used by fo-
cusing on the pragmatic consequencesof the two analyses. The obligation ofjustify-
ing particular ways of organizing the data with respect to the practical issue at hand
gradually became taken-as-sharedduring theremainder of the session. For example,
toward the end of the discussion, one of the students observed the following:
Barry: The other thing is that I think you also need to know something
about that or whatever you're using them [the batteries] for.
Teacher: You bet.
Barry: Like, if you're using them for something real important and you're
only going to have like one or two batteries, then I think you need to
go with the most constant thing. But if you're going like, "Oh well,
I just have a lot of batteries here to use," then you need to have most
of the highest.
In making this comment, Barry explicitly clarified the situations in which the quali-
ties of the two brands assessed by the two criteria (consistency vs. most of the high-
est) would be relevant.
It is important to note that, in the latter part of the discussion, 4 students volun-
teered that they had changed their judgments as a consequence of others' argu-
ments. For example, Sally explained:
Sally: When you first look at the chart that you gave us like, oh, Tough
Cell has more, 'cause look at all the high ones and it didn't hardly
have any low ones. But when you compare them, they're a whole
lot closer than what you think.
The chart that Sally referred to was a numerical table from which the students had
entered the data into the minitool. Both Sally's comments and those of the other 3
students indicate that they experienced the discussion as an investigation in the
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course of which they had developed insights into the issue at hand, that of the rela-
tive merits of the two brands of batteries. In this respect, the discussion had the spirit
of a genuine data analysis, even though the data sets were small and the methods the
students proposed were relatively elementary.
The characteristics of data sets that emerged as significant in this discussion
and in the subsequent classroom sessions in which the first minitool was used in-
cluded the range and maximum and minimum values, the number of data points
above or below acertain value or within a specified interval, and the median and its
relation to the mean. The arguments that the teacher and students developed as
they reasoned with the minitool, however, were generally additive rather than
multiplicative in nature. In the first sample episode, for example, Casey, Janice,
and the teacher jointly developed an argument that focused on how many of the 10
batteries that lasted the longest were of each brand. In doing so, they compared two
data sets that they had structured in part-whole terms. This argument can be con-
trasted with one that focuses on the proportion of each data set that is among the 10
highest values. An argument of this type would involve comparing two data sets
that have been structured multiplicatively. Crucially, such an argument is con-
cerned with the relative amount of the data in each set that is above a certain value
and, thus, with how each data set is distributed. Although additive reasoning is suf-
ficient when comparing data sets with equal numbers of data points, the students
failed to make arguments that involved reasoning about data proportionally when
they experienced difficulties while comparing unequal data sets. This indicates
that data sets were constituted in public classroom discourse as collections of data
points rather than as distributions. The mathematical practice that emerged as the
students used the first minitool might therefore be described as that of exploring
qualitative characteristics of collections of data points. It is important to stress that
these characteristics were treated as features of the situation from which the data
were generated. For example, it was taken-as-shared in the sample episodes that
the qualitative characteristic that the Tough Cell data were more "bunched up" in-
dicated greater consistency. Participation in this first practice of data analysis
therefore involved the fusion of inscriptions and the situations inscribed such that
to use the minitool to structure data was to organize the inscribed situation (cf.
Nemirovsky & Monk, in press).
The students first used the second of the two computer minitools during the 22nd
session of the teaching experiment. This tool was designed to allow students to ana-
lyze one or two data sets of up to 400 data points. Individual data points were in-
scribed as dots located on a horizontal axis of values (see Figure 3). The tool pro-
vides students with a variety of options for structuring data sets. The first, called
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"Create Your Own Groups," involved dragging vertical bars along the axis to parti-
tion the data set into groups of points. The number of points in each group was
shown on the screen and adjusted automatically as a bar was dragged along the axis.
The remaining four options were:
Partitioning the data into groups of a specified size (e.g., 10 data points in
each group).
Partitioning the data into groups with a specified interval width.
Partitioning the data into two equal groups.
Partitioning the data into four equal groups.
The students also could hide the data, leaving only the axes and the vertical par-
tition bars visible.
45 48 50 53 55 58 60 63 65 68 70
- 0
* o n 0.0.
0.. ..
0 .
45 48 50 53 55 58 60 63 65 68 70
From the point of view of instructional design, the students' reasoning with this
tool can be viewed as a progression from their activity with the first tool. For exam-
ple, thedots at theend of the bars in the first tool, in effect, have been collapsed down
onto the axis. The teacher, in fact, introduced the new line plot inscription by first
showing a data set inscribed as horizontal bars, then removed the bars to leave only
the dots, and finally transposed the dots onto the axis. In addition, theact ofpartition-
ing a set of data points into groups also had a history in students' prior use of the first
minitool. Our general instructional intent when designing the second minitool was
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Janice: If you look at the graphs and look at them like hills, then for the be-
fore group, the speeds are spread out and more than 55, and if you
look at the after graph, then more people are bunched up close to
the speed limit, which means that the majority of the people slowed
down close to the speed limit.
This was the first occasion in public classroom discourse in which a student de-
scribed a data set in global, qualitative terms by referring to its shape. One of the
Karen: Like, on the first one [before the speed trap was introduced], most
people are from 50 to 60, that's where most people were on the
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One of the teachers checked whether other students agreed with her interpretation.
Karen then continued:
Karen: And then on the top one [after the speed trap was introduced], most
people were between 50 and 55, because, um, lots of people slowed
down .. . so like more people were between 50 and 55.
The same teacher then recast Karen's analysis as a way of characterizing the global
shift of which Janice had spoken. As a consequence of this revoicing, it gradually
became taken-as-shared that the intent of an analysis was to identify global trends
or patterns in data that were significant with respect to the issue under investigation.
The history of this development can be traced to the first mathematical practice, in
which, it will be recalled, the ways that collections of data points were organized
had to be justified with respect to the question at hand.
A second illustrative episode that serves to clarify the nature of the emerging
mathematical practice occurred in the next classroom session. The students'
charge was to evaluate a special diet program that was designed to reduce the cho-
lesterol levels of people who are susceptible to heart problems. In developing the
situation, one of the teachers and the students talked through the data creation pro-
cess that involved measuring the cholesterol levels of 60 people before and after
they had followed the dizt for 1 month. The data the students analyzed is shown in
Figure 4. The bottom graph shows the cholesterol levels before the treatment, and
the top graph shows the cholesterol levels after the treatment.
The first pair of students to describe their analysis, Sally and Madeline, ex-
plained that they had partitioned each data set into four groups of equal size.
Throughout the discussion, the data were hidden so that only the axes and the parti-
tion lines were visible (see Figure 5). Their argument was that, even though the
ranges of the two data sets were the same, the range of the middle two groups (or
quartiles) was lower after the treatment, indicating that the diet was successful in
lowering cholesterol. This argument indicates that, for Sally and Madeline, the two
graphs revealed a global difference in the way that the two sets of data were distrib-
After Program
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0 . e.
l 0 .
W.. - 0 .
0 . . .OW...-.*.
l..I.- .........).W..*
100 130 160 190 220 250 280 310 340 370 400
Before Program
Against this background, Valarie asked Sally and Madeline for clarification.
Valarie: What exactly were you talking about, the middle thing I didn't un-
derstand, I got everything else.
Sally: The middle half.
Madeline: There's four sections and we're talking about the two middle sec-
Sally: The middle half . .. the second and third fourths.
Teacher 1 : Valarie, do you understand?
Valarie: No, now I understand the middle thing, but I don't understand how
they used it in the problem.
In asking for further elaboration, Valarie indicated that, although she understood
how Sally and Madeline had structured the data, she did not understand why they
had done so. She therefore requested that they explain why the way that they had or-
ganized the data was relevant to the question at hand-that of assessing the effec-
tiveness of the diet program. Significantly, although Sally and Madeline previously
had explained that the middle section was lower on the after-treatment graph, they
had not spoken explicitly about global differences in the way that the two sets of
data were distributed when they described the results of their analysis.
As the discussion continued, James attempted to explain Sally and
Madeline's reasoning, but he too spoke about groups or sections without inter-
preting them in terms of global, qualitative differences in the data sets. Later,
Casey echoed Valarie in asking Sally and Melissa why they had focused on the
middle parts of the graphs. The questions that both girls asked appeared to re-
flect the assumption that explanations should be interpretable in global, qualita-
tive terms. In requesting clarification, they therefore contributed to the continual
regeneration of data analysis as a practice that involved investigating trends or
patterns in data that were considered relevant with regard to the issue at hand. In
response to these questions, Sally and one of the teachers finally developed an
explanation that made explicit reference to broad patterns in the way the data
were distributed. They first established that the ranges of the two data sets were
the same, and then Sally continued:
Sally: The range is the same, but like the median is what is different, like
the median right here [points to the after-treatment graph], it means
these [data points] move lower in the bottom half closer to the bot-
tom than in here [points to the before-treatment graph].
In this explanation, Sally attempted to clarify what the difference in the medians
meant in terms of how the data were distributed. The teacher then capitalized on her
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Teacher 2: This is another way to think about it ... so we agree that before and
after they are in about the same place [places his hands on the high-
est and lowest values of each distribution], they're in there some-
where, the range is the same. So what you're trying to focus on is
where between the lowest and the highest they are before and after.
Are they all up at one end, or have they all moved down to the other
200 270 340 410 480 550 620 690 760 830 900
I 1
200 72 1 850
lowest highest
(highest) I
I 1
230 257 552 792
lowest highest
It is evident from this exchange that, when the students spoke about "the major-
ity" or "most of the people," they were talking about data organized
multiplicatively as qualitative proportions (P. Thompson, personal communica-
tion, September 1997). Janice first had introduced the term "the majority" during
the discussion of the speed trap data when she had described hills in the data. A
concern with global patterns in the way that data are distributed, in fact, assumes
that the data are structured multiplicatively. In describing hills, Janice was reason-
ing about qualitative relative frequencies. However, this notion of the majority of
the data did not become an explicit topic of conversation until the students ana-
lyzed data sets with unequal numbers of data points.
During the remainder of the discussion, the teachers attempted to guide the
gradual refinement of the taken-as-shared notion of qualitative proportionality.
For example, the third report discussed read as shown in Figure 8. One of the
teachers clarified with the students during the subsequent exchange that the writ-
ers of the report had chosen the statistic of the number of patients with T-cell
counts above 525 because the majority of the data points in the old treatment
were below this value, and the majority in the new treatment were above it.
Thus, they had developed a method for describing a global difference in two dis-
tributions. One of the students then suggested drawing graphs to show the re-
sults of the analysis (see Figure 9).
One of the teachers then made the following argument that reflected an additive
interpretation of the graphs.
FIGURE 9 Graphs developed from the third analysis of the AIDS protocol data
Teacher 2: Could you just argue that this shows really convincingly that the
old treatment was better, right, because there were 56 scores above
525,56 people with T cell counts above 525, and here [points to the
graph on the right] there's only 37 above, so the old one just had to
be better, there's more people, I mean there's 19 more people in
there, so that's the better one, surely.
The initial arguments the students made when rejecting this claim involved reason-
ing in terms of qualitative proportions. However, Ken made the following pro-
In both the remainder of this session and in the final three sessions of the teach-
ing experiment, discussions continued to focus on reasoning about data
multiplicatively. Interviews conducted with the students shortly after the teaching
experiment was completed indicate that most could readily interpret graphs of un-
equal data sets organized into equal interval widths, an analogue of histograms,
and into four equal groups, an analogue of box plots, in terms of global characteris-
tics of distributions. The classroom mathematical practice that had emerged as
they developed these competencies can be described as that of exploring qualita-
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My overall purpose in presenting the sample episodes has been to illustrate a theo-
retical approach that involves analyzing the mathematical learning of the class-
room community. The discussion of the two classroom mathematical practices
documents how the taken-as-shared ways of reasoning and arguing about data
changed in the course of the teaching experiments. It is important to stress that the
account I have given does not focus on the mathematical development of any par-
ticular student. Instead, I have been concerned with changes in public mathematical
activity and discourse. As Voigt (1995) observed, the taken-as-shared meanings
and understandings inherent in classroom mathematical practices constitute a se-
mantic domain in their own right and should not be equated with an overlap in indi-
vidual meanings. The latter focus is essentially individualistic in that it is concerned
with a relation between the mathematical interpretations of individual members of
the classroom community. In contrast, the approach I have illustrated takes the
cIassroom community itself rather than the individuals that compose it as the unit of
analysis and delineates changes in collective meanings and practices.
Turning now to clarify the general notion of a classroom mathematical practice,
it should be apparent from the analysis of the sample episodes that the use of tools
and symbols is integral to both the mathematical practices and the reasoning of the
students who participate in them (cf. Dorfler, 1993; Kaput, 1991; Pea, 1993). For
example, when the students explained their analyses of the battery data near the
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beginning of the teaching experiment, an act of moving the value tool or the range
tool to a particular location was an act of structuring collections of data points.
Similar comments can be made about the students' use of the second minitool. For
example, when Janice spoke of hills in the speed trap data, she was describing the
shape of data that had been inscribed as a line plot. The notion of data sets as distri-
butions, rather than collections of data points, emerged and became
taken-as-shared as she and the other students reasoned with line plots. In all likeli-
hood, this central mathematical idea would not have arisen had data been inscribed
differently. The analysis of the sample episodes is therefore consistent with the ba-
sic Vygotskian insight that the tools students use profoundly influence both the
process of mathematical development and its products, increasingly sophisticated
mathematical ways of reasoning (Meira, 1995; Saxe, 1991; van Oers, 1996;
Wertsch, 1994).
A second aspect of classroom mathematical practices that complements the em-
phasis on tool use is that of argumentation. Norms or standards of mathematical ar-
gumentation were established relatively early in the teaching experiment. I can
best substantiate this claim by following Krummheuer (1995) and Yackel (1997)
in using Toulmin's (1969) scheme of conclusion, data, warrant, and backing. In
this scheme, Toulmin referred to the support one might give for a conclusion as
data. In the case of the analysis of the battery data, for example, a student might
merely point to the two data sets and state the conclusion that one of the brands of
batteries is superior. In doing so, the student treats the conclusion as a self-evident
consequence of the data. If questioned, the student would be obliged to give a war-
rant that explains why the data support the conclusion. For example, Casey justi-
fied her conclusion that the Always Ready batteries were more consistent by
explaining that she had focused on the 10 batteries that lasted the longest and noted
that 7 of them were Always Ready batteries. In giving this warrant, Casey ex-
plained how she had structured and interpreted the data sets. In Toulmin's scheme,
the warrant can be questioned, and it is then necessary to give a backing that indi-
cates why the warrant should be accepted as having authority. Casey was, in fact,
challenged by the teacher, who asked her why she had chosen to focus on the 10
batteries that lasted the longest. The backing that Casey gave, namely that 10 was
half of the data set of 20 points, was delegitimized as the episode progressed. In-
stead, it gradually became taken-as-shared in the remainder of this episode and in
cause this scheme also captures the structure of argumentation established when
the students used the second minitool and participated in the second mathematical
practice, it constitutes a sociomathematical norm that cuts across specific prac-
tices. The distinction between argumentation as an aspect of the two practices con-
cerns the nature of the data about which arguments were developed. Participation
in the first mathematical practice involved developing arguments about collec-
tions of data points, whereas, in the second practice, the arguments were about dis-
tributions. The scheme of argumentation shown in Figure 10 is, in fact, quite
general and applies to data analysis more broadly. This becomes apparent when we
note that, in structuring and interpreting data, the students created methods that
17-n Conclusion
FIGURE 10 Scheme for argumentation that emerged during the teaching experiment.
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Explain why the statistics
are appropriate with
respect to the question at
served the function of statistics. The compatibility between the general scheme of
argumentation shown in Figure 1 1 and the norms for argumentation established
during the teaching experiment indicates that the students were being inducted into
what might be termed an authentic data analysis point of view.
As Yackel (1997) demonstrated, Toulmin's (1969) scheme has important
methodological implications for the analysis of classroom mathematical practices.
To illustrate this point, recall that, when Janice first introduced the notion of hills
in the data, she had to explain her interpretation. In doing so, she gave a warrant for
her interpretation of the data sets as distributions rather than collections of data
points. In contrast, the legitimacy of a hills interpretation was not questioned when
the students discussed analyses of the AIDS protocol data. It is precisely this lack
of a need for a warrant that serves to indicate that the interpretation of data sets as
distributions was taken-as-shared (Yackel, 1997). In general, an analysis of the
evolution of mathematical practices focuses as much on what no longer needs to be
said and done as it does on what the teacher and students actually say and do.
At the beginning of this article, I justified my focus on the learning of the class-
room community by referring to the concerns and interests of developmental re-
search. In doing so, I argued that the conjectures that instructional designers
develop when formulating hypothetical learning trajectories are about the learning
of the group rather than of any particular student. Viewed in these terms, an analy-
sis of the evolution of classroom mathematical practices documents the actual
learning trajectory of a classroom community. This, in turn, implies that the theo-
retical notion of a classroom mathematical practice encompasses the two major as-
pects of developmental research-instructional design and classroom-based
analyses. Analyses of the type I have illustrated are therefore cast in such a way
that they can readily feed back to inform the ongoing instructional design effort. In
the case of the statistics teaching experiment, for example, we are currently collab-
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tivity and the communal practices in which the individual participates. This
conceptualization is nondeterministic in that it does not in any way trivialize or
denigrate students' creativity. It does, however, challenge romantic views of cre-
ativity by locating it in a social context, one that teachers and students jointly con-
stitute as they establish the practices in which they participate.
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To continue the thought experiment, imagine now that we focus only on the stu-
dents in the teaching experiment classroom. The contrast is then not between one
group of students as compared to another; instead, what is being contrasted is the
reasoning among students who have participated in the same classroom mathemat-
ical practices. In focusing on differences in individual students' reasoning in this
manner, we have adopted a psychological orientation of the type that is so promi-
nent in mathematics education. This perspective is of value and complements a so-
cial perspective by bringing the diversity of students' reasoning to the fore.
However, it is, by itself, inadequate for the purposes of developmental research in
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While the students were working at the computers, the teacher and a second mem-
ber of the project staff circulated around the classroom to gain a sense of the di-
verse ways in which the students were organizing the data. Toward the end of the
small-group work, the teacher and project staff member then conferred briefly to
plan the whole-class discussion. In doing so, they routinely focused on the qualita-
tive differences in students' analyses in order to develop conjectures about mathe-
matically significant issues that might emerge as topics of conversation. The intent
was to capitalize on the students' reasoning by identifying data analyses that, when
compared and contrasted, might give rise to substantive mathematical discussions.
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The episodes I have presented from the seventh-grade teaching experiment exem-
plify such discussions. In the first episode, for example, the issue of justifying the
statistic used with respect to the question at hand emerged from the contrast be-
tween Casey's and Brad's analyses. In the next episode that I presented, the two
teachers decided to ask Janice to explain her hills metaphor at the beginning of a
discussion because they conjectured that it might bring to the fore the issue of in-
terpreting data in terms of qualitative proportions. In the final episode, the analyses
of the AIDS protocol data that were discussed were sequenced so that an initial
analysis that focused on hills in the data might provide the students with a point of
reference when interpreting a subsequent analysis in which the two data sets were
partitioned at a particular value.
In this opportunistic approach to instructional planning, students' diverse ways
of participating in communal practices are a key resource upon which the teacher
attempts to capitalize. The mathematically significant issues that become topics of
conversation emerge from this diversity with the teacher's guidance. In reorganiz-
ing their thinking while participating in these discussions, students contribute to
the evolution of the classroom mathematical practices. In the hands of a skillful
teacher, the diversity in students' reasoning is, in many respects, the primary mo-
tor of the collective mathematical learning of the classroom community. In the last
analysis, it is this realization that convinces my colleagues and me of the need to
coordinate a social perspective on communal practices with a psychological per-
spective that takes into account the students' diverse ways of participating in them.
As a final point, it is important to note that the viewpoint I have outlined has two
major ethical implications. The first is that all students must have a way to partici-
pate in the mathematical practices of the classroom community. In a very real
sense, students who cannot participate in these practices are no longer members of
the classroom community from a mathematical point of view. This situation is
highly detrimental given that to learn is to participate in and contribute to the evo-
lution of communal practices. Students who are excluded are deprived not merely
of learning opportunities but of the very possibility of growing mathematically.
One of our primary concerns when conducting a teaching experiment is therefore
to ensure that all students are "in the game." To this end, we adjust the classroom
participation structure, classroom discourse, and instructional activities on the ba-
of data they had not themselves analyzed. However, a number of students devel-
oped arguments that indicated that they had interpreted the graphs in
less-sophisticated ways. In the theoretical orientation I have presented, these dif-
fering interpretations are not viewed as cognitive characteristics of the individ-
ual students but as characteristics of their ways of participating in communal
mathematical practices. In other words, the differences in the students' reason-
ing are seen to be socially situated and to reflect the history of their prior partici-
pation in particular practices. As a consequence, my colleagues and I do not take
a cognitive deficit view of the students who made less sophisticated interpreta-
tions. Instead, our reflections on the teaching experiment have focused on the
evolving mathematical practices that constituted the immediate social situation
of their mathematical development as well as on the nature of their participation
in those practices. In doing so, we have treated academic success and failure in
the classroom as neither a property of individual students nor a property of the
instruction they receive. Instead, we have cast it as a relation between individual
students and the practices that they and the teacher coconstruct in the course of
their ongoing interactions. In the last analysis, the ethical dimension of this per-
spective on success and failure in school is perhaps the most important reason
for adopting a viewpoint that brings the diversity of students' reasoning to the
fore while seeing that diversity as socially situated.
Throughout this article, I have focused on the issues of change and diversity as they
relate to the concerns of instructional design at the classroom level. It therefore is
important to acknowledge that the teaching experiment we conducted did not take
place in a social vacuum. Instead, the classroom in which we worked was itself lo-
cated within the sociopolitical setting of one particular school and community and
ultimately within the activity system that constitutes schooling in the United States.
At this broader level, the work of several scholars has made us aware that schooling
involves a number of taken-for-granted policies and practices that foster inequity
due to race, gender, class, and economic status (Apple, 1995;Zevenbergen, 1996).
I therefore anticipate further insights from sociocultural analyses that, although not
necessarily specific to mathematics education, cast into sharp relief social policies
and practices that foster inequity.
At the more local level of the school and community in which we conducted the
teaching experiment, the norms and practices established in the project classroom
were potentially in conflict with those that the students experienced throughout the
remainder of the school day. Furthermore, the students came from a number of dif-
ferent communities within the city in which the school was located and, therefore,
had participated in a diverse range of out-of-school practices, some of which may
have been inconsistent with the microculture established in the project classroom
(cf. Ladson-Billings, 1995; Moll, 1997; Secada, 1992; Warren & Rosebery, 1995).
In an initial attempt to address these concerns, two members of the project staff
followed several of the students throughout the school day to develop an under-
standing both of general school norms and of the groupings that had been consti-
tuted within the student body. In addition, a member of the project staff has
analyzed classroom interactions to identify possible inconsistencies between the
classroom microculture and students' home cultures as well as to examine how the
students perceived themselves and other members of groups within the classroom.
The purpose of these explorations is to delineate issues whose investigations will
contribute to our understanding of equity as it relates specifically to teaching and
learning mathematics with understanding.
In addition to these concerns that take us beyond the classroom, issues of equity
come to the fore when we restrict our focus to instructional design. In the case of
the seventh-grade teaching experiment, a question that we had to address was why
statistics should be taught in school. Two general types of justifications can be
found in the literature. The first refers to developments in the discipline, many of
which have been fueled by the use of computers as exploratory tools. The meta-
phor that emerges from these justifications is that of students as apprentice re-
search statisticians. A second type of justification refers to the increasingly
prominent role of statistical reasoning in both work-related activities and informed
citizenship. The emphasis in this rationale is on social utility, and the image that
emerges for students' roles is as that of consumers of analysis techniques devel-
oped by others.
they developed arguments on the basis of graphs created by others. In the course of
this transition, the students were developing the very competencies that make in-
creasingly substantial participation in public policy discourse possible.
In terms of the broader literature on equity, the approach we have taken to sta-
tistics instruction is broadly compatible with Delpit's (1988) admonition that stu-
dents should be taught explicitly what she calls the culture ofpower. Our approach
also makes contact with the equity pedagogy of Banks and Banks (1995), which
aims to help students from diverse cultural backgrounds develop the ways of
knowing needed to participate effectively within and maintain a just, democratic
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society. Thus, although we look for further inspiration from scholars whose work
focuses on global, structural characteristics of schooling and society, we also con-
tend that a concern for equity is critical when considering issues traditionally ad-
dressed by mathematics educators. In particular, it is essential that we scrutinize
the overall goals we have for students' mathematics education and examine
whether they can be justified in terms of participation in a democratic society. I
will be more satisfied if our work in the area of statistics can serve as a useful ex-
ample in this respect.
The analysis reported in this article was supported by National Science Foundation
(NSF) Grant REC 9604982 and by Office of Educational Research and Improve-
ment (OERI) Grant R305A60007. The opinions expressed here do not necessarily
reflect the view of either the NSF or OERI. An abridged version of this article was
presented as a plenary address at the Twenty-Second Meeting of the International
Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Stellenbosch, South Africa,
July 1998. I thank Pat Thompson for the many conversations we have had about re-
lations among multiplicative reasoning, quantitative reasoning, and understanding
statistics conceptually. In addition, I am grateful to Tony Brown and Lyn English
for helpful comments on a previous draft of this article.
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