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Griffo, A., Wang, J., Colombage, K. et al. (1 more author)
(2017) Real-time Measurement of Temperature Sensitive Electrical Parameters in SiC
Power MOSFETs. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. ISSN 0278-0046
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Manuscript received March 21, 2017; revised May 17, 2017; accepted July University of Sheffield, S1 4DE, Sheffield, U.K. (e-mail:
5, 2017. This work was supported by European Commission Horizon 2020 – Kalhana Colombage is with Malvern Instruments,
Mobility for Growth Program, under Grant 636170. A. Griffo, J. Wang and T. Ltd., Malvern WR14 1XZ, U.K.
Kamel are with the Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, The
with temperature, typically modelled as an approximately can be considered constant, hence can also be considered
linear dependence. Practical measurement of such as those
reported in datasheets, requires the definition of a current level
at which the gate measurement is taken. Although, current
comparison can be effectively used in static conditions,
similarly to those used in datasheet measurements, it is not
practical for online measurements during switching transients.
The main challenge in online detection of during turn- constant. does not change significantly until is reached.
on transients lies in the sampling of the gate voltage at the is assumed to be constant at a known ambient
correct instant in time since the gate-source voltage has very temperature. It follows that becomes the dominating
fast rising times typically up to . A potentially suitable temperature dependant parameter in (4) affecting gate current
method used for the detection of a quasi-threshold voltage, during turn-on. Assuming the simplified circuit
adapted from [19],[34] where it was proposed for IGBT representation of gate charging process, the peak of the gate
applications, is illustrated in Fig. 2. A voltage across the current can be considered proportional to . A simple
parasitic inductance between the auxiliary Kelvin source (S’) peak detector circuit measuring the voltage across the external
and the source (S) is generated when the device current gate resistor ( ) whose peak is directly proportional to the
starts to rise during device turn-on. The rising edge of the gate current [25]-[27], is outlined in the schematic shown in
voltage across the parasitic inductance, which is Fig. 4.
proportional to , can be used to trigger the sample and Similarly to , the internal gate resistance as TSEP is
hold circuitry acquiring the gate-source voltage effectively potentially load independent. Heavy doping of polysilicon
capturing the start of conduction and therefore the quasi- required for low resistivity gates, typically results in low
threshold voltage. An AND gate activated by the gate drive temperature coefficient of its resistivity [35], potentially
signal, is used to avoid spurious triggering due to noise outside resulting in low sensitivity of as a TSEP.
of the switching transients. Illustrative waveforms of the gate
drive signal, gate-source voltage , voltage across the
external gate resistance and the voltage across the parasitic
inductance during a turn-on event, are shown Fig. 3.
A potentially significant benefit of use as TSEP is its
independence from load current.
Fig. 9. Top (a) and bottom (b) side of the aquisition board
B. Quasi-threshold voltage
The measured quasi-threshold voltage as function of
(a) temperature and load current using the method described in
section II.B is shown in Fig. 13. The expected negative
temperature coefficient of is confirmed. A relatively good
linearity is observed. Good sensitivity of ~9.3mV/°C is shown.
The invariance to load current of is also confirmed.
Fig. 11. Experimental setup (a) and view of the power module (b)
gate resistance and in the gate drive circuit will also affect the method for current effect decoupling for other current-
accuracy of estimation. Therefore, the external gate resistance dependent TSEPs such as the on-state voltage.
should be selected with very low temperature coefficient. The Based on the measurement results of the four candidate
effect of variation of gate drive characteristic with temperature TSEPs, it is evident that is not very sensitive to
may be decoupled by measurement of the gate voltage. temperature variation, and hence this parameter would not be
suitable for online junction temperature monitoring. In contrast,
both the threshold voltage and drain-source on-state voltage
exhibit good temperature dependency. However, is
shown to be independent of device (load) current, which makes
it attractive for practical implementation. While is also
highly dependent on device current, the relationship is quite
linear, and hence by employing the device current measurement
technique shown in Fig. 16, it is possible to decouple the load
effect. Thus, may also be a promising candidate TSEP
for online junction temperature. While the internal gate
resistance variation is also independent of device current, its
sensitivity is relatively low and the signal-to-noise by
employing this parameter as online junction temperature would
be poor. This may compromise the quality of online monitoring
in the electronically noisy environment.
Fig. 14. Measurement of the estimated internal gate resistance as
function of temperature and load current
D. Turn-on transient
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Antonio Griffo (M’13) received the M.Sc. degree Tamer Kamel (M’15) received the B.Sc. and
in electronic engineering and the Ph.D. degree in M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from
electrical engineering from the University of Cairo University, Giza, Egypt, in 2007 and 2010,
Napoli “Federico II,” Naples, Italy, in 2003 and respectively, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical
2007, respectively. From 2007 to 2013, he was a power engineering from the University of New
Research Associate with the University of Brunswick, Fredericton, NB, Canada, in 2015. He
Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K., and the University of is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate
Bristol, Bristol, U.K. He is currently a Lecturer with the University of Sheffield, U.K. His research
with the Department of Electronic and Electrical interests include power electronics, power system
Engineering, University of Sheffield. His research protection, and artificial intelligence applications
interests include modeling, control and condition monitoring of electric in power systems.
power systems, power electronics converters, and electrical motor
drives, for renewable energy, automotive and aerospace applications.