Oil and Gas Production Optimization Lost Potential Due To Uncertainty
Oil and Gas Production Optimization Lost Potential Due To Uncertainty
Oil and Gas Production Optimization Lost Potential Due To Uncertainty
The information content in measurements of offshore oil and gas production is often low,
and when a production model is fitted to such data, uncertainty may result. If production is
optimized with an uncertain model, some potential production profit may be lost. The costs and
risks of introducing additional excitation are typically large and cannot be justified unless the
potential increase in profits are quantified. In previous work it is discussed how bootstrapping
can be used to estimate uncertainty resulting from fitting production models to data with
low information content. In this paper we propose how lost potential resulting from estimated
uncertainty can be estimated using Monte-Carlo analysis. Based on a conservative formulation
of the production optimization problem, a potential for production optimization in excess of
2% and lost potential due to the form of uncertainty considered in excess of 0.5% was identified
using field data from a North Sea field.
Water Gas
flow with components including hydrocarbons, in addition injection
Oil Export
to water, CO2 , H2 S, sand and possibly other components.
Hydrocarbon production is for simplicity often lumped Gas
Reservoir(s) ....
into oil and gas. Production travels as multiphase flow g
from wells through flow lines to a processing facility for Reinjection/To sea
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
(1997). Algorithms 1 and 2 can also be combined with û(θ̂) = arg max q̂otot (θ̂) + bo (θ̂) (27)
more efficient bootstrap methods, see for instance Gigli u
(1996). To limit the scope and complexity of this paper, s.t. q̂gtot (θ̂) + bg (θ̂) ≤ qgmax (28)
we leave such extensions for further work. tot max
q̂w (θ̂)
+ bw (θ̂) ≤ qw (29)
−Uprc ≤ u ≤ Uprc (30)
ui > ul,i ∀i ∈ Wc . (31)
In this section we will study applications of the suggested
(28) is a constraint on gas processing capacity and qgmax
approach, first on a set of synthetic examples, then on data
from a real field. is the processing capacity for gas. (29) is a constraint
on water processing capacity and qw the processing
capacity for water. (31) constrains the gas lift rate of wells
3.1 Introduction with indices in the set Wc which may not have their gas-lift
rates decreased due to flow assurance issues. bo (θ̂), bg (θ̂)
We will consider oil, gas and water rates for each well i
as elements in x̂, that is qoi , qgi and qw
, respectively. The and bw (θ̂) are biases which may be calculated separately
production of individual wells are assumed independent of for each θ̂. All constraints are considered hard in this
each other, or decoupled, as will typically be the case for paper.
so-called platform wells. We will consider two alternative What model structure describes the relation between u
production models, (20) and (21), and y is itself uncertain. It is reasonable to expect a fitted
q̂pi = max{0, qpl,i fz (z i , z i,l ) 1 + αip ∆qgl
} (20) model to be a valid description locally around setpoints
(u, d) similar to those observed in the tuning set. The
q̂pi = max{0, qpl,i fz (z i , z i,l ) 1+ i
αip ∆qgl + i 2
κip (∆qgl ) }, mismatch between modeled outputs ŷ and measurements
(21) ȳ will grow when setpoints outside the range of setpoints
for all wells i and for oil, gas and water p ∈ {o, g, w}, observed in (10) are considered. If production optimization
i considers large changes in u, structural uncertainties may
based on Elgsaeter et al. (2008). qgl is gas lift rate and
z ∈ [0, 1] is the relative production valve opening of dominate and this observation motivates (30). Uprc limits
i △ i
qgl l,i u to within Uprc · 100% of its current value and is a design
well i. ∆qgl = l,i − 1, where qgl is the gas lift rate paramter that must be chosen sufficiently small.
measured at the time of optimization for well i, and qpl,i qgmax and qw max
are themselves uncertain in practice, but
is the measured rate of component p of well i at the identifying or mitigating this uncertainty is beyond the
most recent well test, respectively. fz (z i , z l,i ) is a nonlinear scope of this paper. To avoid overstating qgmax and qw max
kernel which expresses the nonlinear relationship between
and thereby overestimating L̂u and P̂o , we assume con-
valve opening and production, which obeys fz (0, z l,i ) = 0 servatively that the field is producing at its constraints in
and fz (z i , z l,i ) = 1. z l,i is the relative valve opening at the
water and gas capacity at the time of optimization. We
most recent well test. In this paper we choose
wish to solve (27)–(31) at time t = N , the end of the
1 − (1 − z i )k tuning set (10). Measurements ȳ have a high-frequency,
fz (z i , z l,i ) = , (22)
1 − (1 − z l,i )k low-amplitude, seemingly random component which is not
and choose k = 5. During optimization, we consider modeled. If we choose qgmax = q̄gtot [N ] and qwmax tot
= q̄w [N ],
u = ∆qgl , d = z. We will consider θ = [αo αg αw ] for solutions of (27)–(31) will depend to some degree on these
(20) and θ = [αo αg αw κo κg κw ] for (21). high-frequency disturbances. For this reason, we choose to
consider tuning sets where no significant changes are visi-
Let ¯ for
ble in ū[t] and no large disturbances visible in ȳ[t], d[t]
△ the interval t ∈ [N − L, N ] where L << N . Capacities are
qotot = qoi (23) estimated as average measured rates during this interval,
i=1 to reduce dependency on high-frequency disturbances:
qgtot = qgi + qgl
(24) qgmax = avg(q̄gtot [t]) t ∈ [N − L, N ] (32)
max tot
i=1 qw = avg(q̄w [t]) t ∈ [N − L, N ]. (33)
= qoi (25) Similarly, we desire q̂otot (θ̂), q̂gtot (θ̂)and tot
q̂w (θ̂)
to equal
averaged observations over t ∈ [N − L, N ] which motivates
q̄o [t] − q̂otot (θ̂)[t]
where nw is the number of wells. Let q̂otot (θ̂), q̂gtot (θ̂) and bo (θ̂)
tot bg (θ̂) = avg(q̄gtot [t] − q̂gtot (θ̂)[t]) t ∈ [N − L, N ].
q̂w (θ̂) be estimates derived by combining (23)–(25) with
tot tot
(20) or (21) for a given θ̂. bw (θ̂) q̄w [t] − q̂w (θ̂)[t]
In this paper we will consider the following measurement
vector when solving (12) bo (θ̂) is included in the objective function (27) so that (18)
tot T yields P̂o = 0 if (27)–(31) returns û(θ) equal to the imple-
y = qotot qgtot qw
. (26)
mented u at the time of optimization. (bo (θ̂), bg (θ̂), bw (θ̂))
The objective function is chosen as (27) and production may differ from elements of β̂y , as β̂y is an estimate of the
constraints as (28)-(31): bias over in the tuning set, while bo (θ̂), bg (θ̂) and bw (θ̂) are
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
as qgli
change compared with the nonlinear models used 10
in formulation B. The narrow span in predicted rates 6
with formulation A causes comparatively small estimates 2
(L̂u , Q̂) compared with formulation B. Estimates of Q̂ 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
found with formulation A decreases as Uprc increases, f (%)
L |H
u 1
which seems counter-intuitive.
This example indicates that nonlinear models on the form
(21) may be more suitable than linear models (20) in 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
conjunction with the methods suggested in this paper. 2 f
3.3 Case study: North Sea field 0.4
The set of data we will study is from a North Sea field with
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
20 gas lifted platform wells, producing predominantly oil, U
gas and water. Sporadic single-rate well tests are available, prc
17th IFAC World Congress (IFAC'08)
Seoul, Korea, July 6-11, 2008
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