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Emotional Stability Profile Assessment

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Emotional Stability Profile

Karl Ernel Fernandez (2022-08-10 20:51:40)

Victoria Court

Emotional Stability Profile (ESP) is an assessment that measures an individual's emotional stability and helps to identify which
specific factors the candidate has shown instability. The report presents the score in STEN (Standard Ten) format which makes it
easy for the reader to tell if the score is within the average / stable range. Additionally, the report contains score interpretations,
developmental guide, and a validity section which helps in determining the accuracy of the candidate's responses.

Emotional Stability (ES) is described as the ability of an individual to control and regulate his or her reactions to various
situations. Generally, possessing emotional stability can help an individual in facing various difficulties and succeed in his/her
chosen endeavor.

Summary of Scores

Self Esteem

Positive Well-being

Stress Management

Perfectionistic Ideals

Personal Autonomy

Health Anxiety


Within the Normal Range : The candidate's response pattern is consistent with the typical responses of the norming


Interpretation of Scores

Self Esteem
Includes a person's subjective appraisal of
himself or herself as intrinsically positive
or negative to some degree.

Self-Appraisal Social Interaction

The candidate demonstrates astute awareness of The candidate is highly comfortable socializing with
his/her positive attributes. Because of this, s/he may others. S/he tends to be opinionated and unmindful
appear adamant when receiving feedback and of others' points of view. S/he is more focused on
constructive criticisms. S/he may find it particularly expressing what is on his/her mind, which makes
challenging to recognize areas for development and most of his/her conversations to likely be one‐sided.
further improvement.

Coaching Tips Coaching Tips

● Consider a two‐way feedback scheme to ● During meetings or group discussions, establish

emphasize the importance and real purpose of ground rules. Some helpful rules are keeping
providing feedbacks, this will help the other party, comments brief, listening and understanding what
which is to help the other party recognize that there others are saying, or simply raising hands before
may be observations from others which can be a speaking. In this manner, the leader can control the
valid reference for their areas of improvement. participation of everyone in the meeting.

● Provide leadership opportunities that will require ● Delegate tasks where listening is involved such as
the him/her to give other members feedback to listening to the reports on the radio or internet, or
realize its importance to the attainment of a goal. listening to a podcast. This is to develop in his/her
listening skill and allow him/her to recognize that
there can be valuable learning from listening to


Positive Well-being
The state of life that focuses on an
individual's contentment with his or her
life conditions and an optimistic view of
the world, which assists him or her in
maintaining and promoting welfare.

Collective Contentment Optimistic Attitude

The candidate is likely to remain contented despite The candidate exhibits a great deal of optimism
unfortunate events and shortcomings. His/Her toward most of the things that happen to him/her.
highly complacent nature and tendency to be easily S/he is inclined to be unrealistically positive with
pleased and satisfied may adversely affect his/her his/her expectations that s/he is likely to fail to
motivation toward personal growth and anticipate failure and prepare for possible setbacks.

Coaching Tips Coaching Tips

● Encourage him/her to continue to seek ● Make it a point to always manage his/her

development by helping him/her discover potential expectations so that s/he would be prepared for
skills which can be further honed through trainings things that might not go as planned.
and seminars.
● During feedback activities, remind the candidate
● Set challenging goals for this person, to urge about the disadvantages of being too optimistic,
him/her to keep on pushing for personal such as, taking bad risks or making bad investments.
improvement. These goals should be realistic such as Develop in him/her a mindset of vigilance where
accomplishing a more advanced task than what they s/he can develop the skill of looking for possible
are currently working on. Keep in mind that this obstacles and creating contingencies to avoid
exercise aims to sustain improvement in the unwanted incidences.
candidate and avoid stagnation.


Stress Management
The ability of a person to actively and
positively cope with a specific amount of
stress and, at the same time, bounce back
as strong as before from various setbacks.

Resilience Stress Tolerance

The candidate is highly resilient, which makes With an unusually high stress tolerance, the
him/her receptive to a wide range of problems, candidate may start to think that living in a state of
including those that s/he has the capacity to avoid. stress is normal. S/he might settle for a level of
S/he tends to confront various difficulties without dysfunction that limits his/her effectiveness rather
carefully contemplating which issues are worth than solve the core issues and become more
facing and which can be reasonably excluded. effective.

Coaching Tips Coaching Tips

● Guide him/her in assessing which problems ● Acknowledge his/her high stress tolerance but, at
deserve attention and those that may just be the same time, remind him/her that, though it is
distractions. Encourage him/her to just focus on admirable, stress can be lessened by determining
those that matter. what is important and what is not.

● Remind him/her about each one's differences and ● Encourage him/her to look for ways to destress
the need to be compassionate to those who may not and find excitement in doing other things. Make
be as resilient as s/he is. him/her understand how this can be beneficial in the
long run.


Perfectionistic Ideals
Characterized by a person's need to
achieve unrealistic goals by setting high
performance standards and being
hypercritical to oneself and on other

Self-Oriented Perfectionism Other Oriented Perfectionism

The candidate exhibits adequate care when working The candidate is aware that people around him/her
on a task that s/he is not likely to miss important do not think and act the way s/he does. However, he
details. However, s/he is likely to be satisfied in or she will try to introduce his/her standards while
meeting the minimal requirements as opposed to being flexible about others' methods of doing things.
finding ways to further improve his/her output.

Coaching Tips Coaching Tips

● Remind them that, while it is true that reaching for ● Encourage him/her to discern and critically think
perfection is unhealthy, they should always give it what ideas or methods are most beneficial to the
their best. task or project that needs to be accomplished.

● Work with him/her to hone his/her strengths ● Advise that asking others for suggestions and
without instilling that perfection is necessary, instead, carefully listening to them can help him/her
focus on continuous improvement. Provide re-assess the ideas or plan of action s/he has in mind.
opportunities, such as having him/her lead a major With this, s/he can carefully assess his/her plan of
project, to help him/her expand his/her skills. action to accomplish a task or project.


Personal Autonomy
Refers to a person's sense of
self-determination, of being able to make
choices regarding the direction of his or
her actions, including the freedom to
pursue those choices.

Self Reliance Assertive Expression of Ideas

The candidate solely relies on himself/herself in This person stands firm on what s/he believes in.
making decisions even in difficult situations. This S/he has a tendency to insistently point his/her
may prove to be a challenge for him/her to work thoughts out to other people, which makes him/her
with other people as s/he solely relies on appear argumentative toward people who are in
himself/herself, and suggestions from other people opposition.
tend to get dismissed.

Coaching Tips Coaching Tips

● Discuss with the candidate the value of looking at ● Observe his/her behavior and manner during
considering other people's points of view, which can group meetings and discussions. Develop his/her
in effect prove to be help attain their goal. facilitation skills by addressing strengths and areas
for improvement during consultations and
● Working with a team involves working with evaluations.
different individuals. Expose him/her to different
groups of people and allow him/her to interact with ● Encourage him/her to have an open, but still
them formally and casually. Enforce the importance mediated discussions with individuals of dissenting
of teamwork and collaboration for him/her to realize opinions. Being familiar with an opposing view will
the benefits of member contributions especially allow him/her to be more expansive and
when a decision needs to be made for the entire understanding of other ideas aside from his/her own.


Health Anxiety
Characterized by a person's excessive
worry over one's health that causes them
to magnify even the simplest physical
symptoms, which causes distress and
affects their everyday life's subjective
appraisal of himself or herself as
intrinsically positive or negative to some

Reaction to Physical Symptoms Pessimistic View of One's Health

The candidate firmly believes that s/he is not prone The candidate is neither concerned nor stressed over
to catching diseases. The candidate tends to be the idea that physical symptoms could lead to
negligent in dealing with his/her symptoms or something serious. S/he could be slow in reacting to
engaging people who are suffering from illnesses. these symptoms that s/he is likely to wait for it to
become serious before seeking medical help.

Coaching Tips Coaching Tips

● Incorporate health and wellness check as part of ● Develop an environment that values health and
the routine evaluation of this candidate. Asking wellness. Introduce programs that can increase the
questions about the candidate's health can remind person's awareness and its importance.
him/her how vital awareness of one's health is in
overall well-being and performance. ● Always listen to what he/she is sharing with you
when it comes to his/her health experiences.
● Encourage the candidate to become more mindful Introduce health and wellness seminars and tips on
and cautious toward one's health and wellness. how to further improve one's health by starting with
Develop an environment where good hygiene the awareness of self. Create opportunities for
practices and health protocols are observed. Having him/her to join the institution's official health club or
this kind of culture can reinforce the candidate to other related groups for health awareness.
make it a habit to manage one's health and others'
welfare as well.


Validity Section

In this section you will find the two methods used to validate the accuracy of the results which include the
Distortion score and Inconsistency Pairs. Each section contains a short narrative which discusses the
interpretation of the scores.

Distortion Scale

The distortion represents the number of times the candidate has deviated from the most common
response of the norming population. A more detailed interpretation of the distortion score is presented

The candidate's response pattern is consistent with the typical responses of the norming population. The
candidate was candid with his/her responses and shows no significant level of distortion.

Inconsistency Pairs

In the test, pairs of items that are heavily related or share the same thought were identified to ensure
alignment and consistency of the candidate's thought while responding to the statements. Inconsistency
occurs when the candidate agrees to the first statement while disagreeing to the second statement, and vice
versa. The specific statements and the response of the candidate per statement is detailed in the table below.

HR officer or any other user of the report can use this information as guidelines for probing on the candidate's
responses during the interview. The inconsistencies may also suggest indecisiveness, proneness to being
heavily swayed by slight nuances in item wording, being unsure of one's responses or lack of self-awareness.

Statements Response

I demand a lot from other people. Strongly Disagree

I expect people who are important to me to set high goals. Strongly Agree

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