An Overview of Antennas
An Overview of Antennas
An Overview of Antennas
What is an Antenna?
An antenna is a device that radiates or receives RF signals. An antenna can be as simple as a single wire or as complex as a large dish. It depends on the application!
RF light has a muuuuch longer wavelength than visible light however. In fact, the Sun itself produces relatively little RF. The brightest source of RF in the solar system is the Earth, or, more specifically, US!!!
Wavelength x freq. = c
where c = 3 x 1010 cm/sec What does this mean? In the visible part of the EM spectrum, wavelengths () ~ 1/1000 mm! This gives a frequency () ~ 3 x 1014 Hz. A typical radio station (AM) broadcasts at 1 MHz (106). This gives a wavelength ~ 300 meters!
The type of antenna used is very dependent on the bandwidth sampled and the wavelength of the RF.
PR = [PT GT GR 2] / [4R]2
From this it can be seen that received antenna power increases with 1. Transmitted power 2. Gains (directionality relative to each other) 3. Wavelength And it decreases with distance2.
PdB = 10 log10(P)
An example:
1) A 100 kW transmitter produces 105 Watts of output 2) Log10(105) = 5 3) Therefore PdB = 10 x 5 = 50 dB!
Antenna Feed
So long as the wire separation is d< the currents cancel (or balance!) at the broadcast frequency and the feed doesnt radiate. Both wires will still react to RF, but the electronics are set to ignore variations in the same direction in both wires
An Unbalanced Feed:
The best (and most common) example of an unbalanced feed is a coaxial cable. Coaxial cables send current through a single wire that is shielded by a dielectric insulator. Coaxial cables are used mainly with asymmetric antennas. Coaxial cables can be used in Dipoles (which require balanced feeds) by employing a Balun Transformer.
Balanced side:
Un-Balanced side:
Asymmetric Radiators:
An isotropic antenna is not very efficient and is difficult to use over long distances or a high frequencies. So how do we direct the beam? Most asymmetric radiators use combinations of antennas positioned and operated so as to interfere positively in a given direction.
Antenna gain:
The gain of an antenna is a directional measurement of its power relative to an isotropic radiator (such as a dipole). Like total power, Gain is typically given in units of decibels.
GdB = 10 log10(Pph/Piso)
A positive Gain means that a larger fraction of the radiated power is put in a given direction than in an isotropic system. A negative Gain means that a smaller fraction of the radiated power is put into a given direction than in an isotropic system.
Antenna Gain:
A look back at the Friis function explains why Gain is important in communication. (PR G2). The beam width (half power) is a measure of how directed the beam is.
Asymmetric Antennas
By combining elements into an array we can produce a highly focused and compact antenna. We will be using just such a system when we track our balloon!