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FlowMaster User Manual V2.0

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User Manual
Rev 2.0

Safety First
Warning: Several safety rules must be followed throughout the operation of
FlowMaster. Severe damages will occur to the product or personnel in charge if
the safety rules are not strictly obeyed.

Please note:

 Power OFF the FlowMaster before connecting or disconnecting the

UltimateValve and also wiring of FlowMaster.
 Handle FlowMaster carefully to prevent crack on HMI screen.

Safety precautions must be followed and adhered at all times. There are more
safety rules will be listed in next few pages in the manual.

Rev 2.0


1.1 Product Description 4
1.2 Available Language 5
1.3 FlowMaster Connection 6
1.4 Basic Pin Connection 7
2.1 Main Display 11
2.2 Information Display 12
2.3 Alarm Display 15
3. SETUP 17
3.1 Configuration 18
3.2 Alarm Setup 21
3.3 Analog Setting 22
3.4 Program Setting 23
3.5 Calibration 24
4.1 Analog Mode aka Remote Control 26
4.2 Program Mode aka Local Control 27
4.3 Manual Mode 29
4.4 Factory Default Setting 30
4.5 Factory Default Password 30
5.1 Connection of Cable 32
5.2 Dimension of Flow Master 34

Rev 2.0

1.1 Product Description

The FM-15, FlowMaster is a monitoring hub for all PA UltimateValve series,

which includes digital and analog I/O signals for communicating with industrial
programmable logic controllers. The PA FlowMaster has a built-in touch screen
that is able to manage the entire valve operations. The controller has several
important functions. It can be connected to up to four (4) valves, supports up to
six (6) different display languages, has an auto/manual mode, an alarm system
and is very user friendly.

Front View Side View Top View

Rev 2.0

1.2 Available in six (6) languages:

 English
 German
 Simplified Chinese
 Japanese
 French
 Spanish

Rev 2.0

1.3 FlowMaster Connections

FlowMaster comes with different packages, it could connect from one

UltimateValve or up to four UltimateValve with minor charges. Brings
substantial savings if more than one (1) valve is in operation.

Example of display page for one (1) UltimateValve & four (4) UltimateValve:

1 UltimateValve 4 UltimateValve

Rev 2.0

1.4 Basic Pin Connection

Rev 2.0

The signal names corresponding to the connecting terminals are as shown in the
following diagram.

Note that valve1, valve 2, valve3 and valve4 in the signal names are indicating
the respective valves that are installed with this controller, as a maximum of four
(4) valves can be connected to a single controller. The use of connecting terminal
will be depends on the number of valves that are connected, for example if only
one (1) valve is installed, the terminal of which contains the name of valve1 will
only be use, whilst terminal of valve2 to valve4 will be non-applicable for this

For Digital Inputs section, DI1 – DI4 are correspond to the input valve power on
where each represent valve 1 to valve 4 respectively. DI5 – DI10 are correspond
to product select bit or known as recipe/program, it is listed out in table form in
section 4.2.

For Digital Outputs section, DO1 – DO4 are correspond for each respective
valve output indicator. DO5 – DO8 are correspond to the alarm output of each
valve, the alarming type is listed out in section 3.2.

For Analog Inputs section, AI1 – AI4 are the input terminal of each respective
valve to control the flowrate of the valve from 0 – 10V, which could be
correspond to specific flowrate, for example 0 – 10 V are correspond to 1 – 13 kg
respectively, depends on the maximum flowrate the valve could achieve.

For Analog Outputs section, AO1 – AO4 are the output terminal of each
respective valve to provide feedback signal back to the PLC to display the real
time actual flowrate.

Rev 2.0

Digital Inputs
DI1 Valve1 Enable Input
DI2 Valve2 Enable Input
DI3 Valve3 Enable Input
DI4 Valve4 Enable Input
DI5 Product Select Bit 5
DI6 Product Select Bit 4
DI7 Product Select Bit 3
DI8 Product Select Bit 2
DI9 Product Select Bit 1
DI10 Product Select Bit 0
DIC Digital Inputs Ground

Digital Outputs
DO1 Valve1 On Indicator Output
DO2 Valve2 On Indicator Output
DO3 Valve3 On Indicator Output
DO4 Valve4 On Indicator Output
DO5 Valve1 Alarm
DO6 Valve2 Alarm
DO7 Valve3 Alarm
DO8 Valve4 Alarm
DOC Digital Outputs Ground

Analog Inputs
AI1 Flowrate Analog Input 1 (Valve1)
AI2 Flowrate Analog Input 2 (Valve2)
AI3 Flowrate Analog Input 3 (Valve3)
AI4 Flowrate Analog Input 4 (Valve4)
AIC Analog Inputs Ground

Rev 2.0

Analog Outputs
AO1 Flowrate Feedback Analog Output 1 (Valve1)
AO2 Flowrate Feedback Analog Output 2 (Valve2)
AO3 Flowrate Feedback Analog Output 3 (Valve3)
AO4 Flowrate Feedback Analog Output 4 (Valve4)
AOC Analog Outputs Ground

Power Supply Terminals

Earth contact
0V Ground
24V DC 24V Supply

Rev 2.0


2.1 Main Display

Green Box beside the wording

‘Actual’ / ‘Target’ can be
pressed to swap between
actual & target flowrate

 Actual Flowrate – The actual value of the flowrate

 Target Flowrate – The targeted flowrate value pre-set by user
 Force On/Off – Enable user to force on/force off the FlowMaster by long
press on the square box beside the “Valve On”

Rev 2.0

2.2 Information Display

All the information of FlowMaster & UltimateValve can be viewed by using

FlowMaster including flow rate display, manual/auto control setup, valve status,
system I/O etc. There are three main types of information:

 FlowMaster Information
 Contact Us
 UltimateValve Information

Each information pages have been displayed in the following page of this manual.

Rev 2.0

 FlowMaster Information

Rev 2.0

 UltimateValve Information

 Contact Us

Rev 2.0

2.3 Alarm Display

 Alarm
 To check the alarm information in terms of date, time and faulty
 – To proceed to alarm history page

 Alarm History
 To view back the alarm history

 – To clear all the previous saved alarm history

Rev 2.0

Each alarm type & its troubleshooting guide is listed as below:

Alarm Type Possible Causes Recommended Solution

Option Card  Hardware connection lost  Restart the FlowMaster
Communication  Software timing not match  If the issue persist, call us for
Lost during start-up further assist
 Option card spoiled

Lower Flowrate  Low media or no media  Check the media storage,

Alarm supply piping and pressure or on/off
 Tight alarm band valve
 Reset the alarm band, alarm
delay & start up delay
 If the issue persist, call us for
further assist

Higher Flowrate  Media choked  Check the piping & pressure

Alarm  Tight alarm band  Reset the alarm band, alarm
delay & start up delay
 If the issue persist, call us for
further assist

Valve  Hardware connection lost  Restart the FlowMaster

Communication  Software timing not match  If the issue persist, call us for
Lost Alarm during start-up further assist
 Valve faulty

Option Card  Power Supply Fluctuation  Check the power supply

Low/High Voltage  24V power supply not within voltage
Alarm the range  If the issue persist, call us for
further assist

Rev 2.0

All of the FlowMaster functions can be set up through the setup page, which
includes Configuration, Alarm Setup, Analog Setting, Program Setting, and

 3.1 Configuration
- Configuration of FlowMaster and UltimateValve
 3.2 Alarm Setup
- Setup page for alarm
 3.3 Analog Setting
- Adjust analog output offset (± 1V)
 3.4 Program Setting (Local Mode)
- Setup page for each program auto flowrate
 3.5 Calibration
- Setup for calibration mode and media equation

Rev 2.0

3.1 Configuration

Controller Setting

 Auto/Manual – To switch between auto and manual mode

 – To select either analog or program flowrate input
 – To manually key-in flowrate in main page
 Flowrate Input Select – To select desired flowrate input method
 – To receive input signal from PLC
 – To select the desired programmed flowrate in program
 Measurement Unit – To select desired measurement unit between pound
(lbs) and kilogram (kg).

 Press button to proceed to system setting page

Rev 2.0

System Setting

 Screen Brightness – To adjust the brightness of display

 Negative sign – To decrease the brightness of display
 Positive sign – To increase the brightness of display
 button – To confirm the desired brightness after complete
 Screen Saver – Set the time (in minutes) to enable the screen automatically
blacked out for energy saving purpose
 Date & Time – To adjust the date & time
 button – To confirm the date & time after complete
 Language Select – To select the desired language to be shown in this
controller. Total of six (6) languages are available.

 Press button to proceed to controller setting page

 Press button to proceed to media setting page

Rev 2.0

 Media Type
 Maximum of four (4) media types available on one (1) valve
 Frequency
 To key in the desired frequency in Hertz (Hz)
 Gain Select
 Refer to UltimateValve user manual (page 7-8)
 Follow the hardware number for gain select
 Proportional
 To adjust response time of valve
 Integral
 To adjust flowrate output
 Derivative
 To increase damping effect of valve
 Speed
 To adjust the increment step of response

 Press button to proceed to system setting page

Rev 2.0

3.2 Alarm Setup

 Alarm Band
 Key in the percentage (%) to decide the upper and lower limit to
trigger the alarm
 Particular Point alarm percentage is used. (PT %)
 Default Value is 5%.
 Alarm Delay
 To set the desired alarm delay (in seconds)
 The specification is 1 second for alarm delay according to AMS2430
 User will need to take own responsibility if alarm delay is set
according to user-preference
 Default Value is 5s.
 Startup Delay
 To set the desired startup delay (in seconds)
 Acts as a buffer timing period that will not trigger the alarm even if
the flowrate is out of the preset alarm band within the buffer period.
 Default Value is 10s.

Rev 2.0

 Example, with an input as below :

Flowrate – 3 lbs/min
Alarm Band – 10 %
Alarm Delay – 1 second
Startup Delay – 10 seconds

The alarm will not be triggered within first ten (10) seconds albeit of any
faulty issue found including the flowrate is exceeding the alarm band of
10% which is either higher than 3.3 lbs/min or lower than 2.7 lbs/min. After
the first ten (10) seconds, if the flowrate is exceeding the alarm band of 10%
for 1 second (alarm delay) continuously, then the alarm will be triggered.

3.3 Analog Setting

Analog Input Offset Adjustment

 Input Range(3700-3800)
 Insert Value respective to 10V shown in 3.5 Calibration
in order to have correct 10V to flow limit.

Analog Output Offset Adjustment

 Input Range (-100 to 100)

 Adjust analog output feedback from FlowMaster
approximately +- 1V.

Rev 2.0

3.4 Program Setting

 Selection Box
 To select which line of program to be edited or created
 Product Name
 To set the specific name for each program
 Flowrate
 To set the flowrate for each program
 It is available in both measurement unit of kg/min and lbs/min

 Once the selected program is started, the the process will be carried out
based on the pre-set flowrate value until it is completed.
 Changing of program/flowrate value in the mid of process will not
changing the process outcome.
 Program Select by Product Select Bits Digital Input from behind of
FlowMaster Controller

Rev 2.0

3.5 Calibration

Calibration is used to calibration valve’s equation and analog input offset.

 To calibration valve’s equation, there is a Calibration Manual show details

calibration procedure of UltimateValve.
 To adjust AI1 analog input offset, just need to key in the value of ADC
shown in red circle below into Analog Setting Page, while 10V is applied
into AI1.

Rev 2.0



Auto Manual

Analog Program

There are two different operation modes can be selected which is auto mode and
manual mode whereby auto consists of two sub-modes which are analog and
program while manual mode setting can be adjusted from the main page.

Note: Auto Mode is closed loop control of valve.

Note: Manual Mode is open loop control of valve.

Rev 2.0

4.1 Analog Mode a.k.a Remote Control

Analog Mode is used when user want to remote control FlowMaster by

programmer logic controller PLC’s voltage (0-10V). The procedure is listed

Analog mode’s procedure for Valve ID 1:

1) Make sure UltimateValve to FlowMaster is tightly

connected as shown in 5.0 Wiring Diagrams in
UltimateValve User Manual.
2) Power up FlowMaster and UltimateValve.
3) Select Auto and Analog in Configuration Page.
4) Select either kg or lbs unit.
5) Connect PLC’s analog output (0-10V) and it’s common
to AI1 and AIC respectively as shown in Figure 1.4
Basic Pin Connection.
6) Make sure the UltimateValve is calibrated and
configured. If not please refer to UltimateValve
Calibration Manual for further calibration procedures.
7) Supply adequate voltage to FlowMaster to get desired
Flow Rate by formula below:
𝐷𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒
𝑉𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 𝑥10𝑉
𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
8) Activate the UltimateValve by supply 24V and 0V into DI1 and DIC or long
press 3sc Valve On button in Main Screen. Flow rate will be regulated
9) Deactivate the UltimateValve by supply 0V into DI1 or long press 3sc Valve
On button in Main Screen when valve is regulating the flow rate.
10) Flow rate’s voltage feedback can be obtain from AO1 and reference to
AOC, the formula shown as below:
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑥𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
Note: AIC and AOC must separate from the power’s ground for more accurate
11) Alarm and ValveOn Status can also be obtained from DO5 and DO1
respectively, remember to connect DOC when using Digital Output.

Rev 2.0

4.2 Program Mode a.k.a Local Control

Program Mode is used when user want to control UltimateValve without remote
control by any PLC. The procedure is listed below:

Local mode’s procedure for Valve ID 1:

1) Make sure UltimateValve to FlowMaster is tightly

connected as shown in 5.0 Wiring Diagrams in
UltimateValve User Manual.
2) Power up FlowMaster and UltimateValve.
3) Select Auto and Program in Configuration Page.
4) Select either kg or lbs unit.
5) Go to Program Setting Page to configure desired
recipe settings shown in 3.4 Program Setting.
6) Without six PLC’s digital outputs, ground/ connect 0V
into Product Select Bit 0-5. Use Recipe 0 to alter
desired flow rate.
Note: Only required input one flow rate into kg/min or lbs/min, depend
on which measurement unit is selected.
7) With six PLC’s digital outputs, you can select the recipe by using the digital
output of PLC into digital input Product Select bits DI10-DI5 in FlowMaster.
Table below shows the respective Product Select Bit x to DIx.
DI5 Product Select Bit 5
DI6 Product Select Bit 4
DI7 Product Select Bit 3
DI8 Product Select Bit 2
DI9 Product Select Bit 1
DI10 Product Select Bit 0

Rev 2.0

8) Select the correct recipe with correct Product Select Bits selected as shown
in table below.

9) Product Name will be show in the main page to verify correct recipe selected.
10) Make sure the UltimateValve is calibrated and configured. If not please
refer to UltimateValve Calibration Manual for further calibration
11) Activate the UltimateValve by supply 24V and 0V
into DI1 and DIC or long press 3sc Valve On button in
Main Screen. Flow rate will be regulated afterward.
12) Deactivate the UltimateValve by supply 0V into DI1
or long press 3sc Valve On button in Main Screen when
valve is regulating the flow rate.
13) Flow rate’s voltage feedback can be obtain from AO1
and reference to AOC, the formula shown as below:
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑥𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
Note: AIC and AOC must separate from the power’s
ground for more accurate reading.
14) Alarm and ValveOn Status can also be obtained from
DO5 and DO1 respectively, remember to connect DOC
when using Digital Output.

Rev 2.0

4.3 Manual Mode

Manual Mode is open loop system control of UltimateValve. Open loop mean no
sensor feedback to control valve’s flow rate. Thus, no alarm in this mode.

Target Unit is opening percentage % of UltimateValve.

Actual Feedback Unit is kg/min or lbs/min depend on user selection.

Manual Mode’s Procedure:

1) Select Manual Mode in configuration.

Note: After manual mode is selected, analog and program mode will
be ignored.

2) Return to main page to adjust the target opening percentage of

3) Make sure the UltimateValve is calibrated and configured. If not
please refer to UltimateValve Calibration Manual for further
calibration procedures.
4) Activate the UltimateValve by supply 24V and 0V into DI1 and
DIC or long press 3sc Valve On button in Main Screen. Flow
rate will be regulated afterward.
5) Deactivate the UltimateValve by supply 0V
into DI1 or long press 3sc Valve On button Directly adjust the
in Main Screen when valve is regulating the value if manual
mode is selected
flow rate.
6) Flow rate’s voltage feedback can be obtain from AO1 and
reference to AOC, the formula shown as below:
𝐴𝑐𝑡𝑢𝑎𝑙 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝑥𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
Note: AIC and AOC must separate from the power’s ground for
more accurate reading.
7) ValveOn Status can also be obtained from DO1 and remember to connect
DOC when using Digital Output.

Rev 2.0

4.4 Factory Default Settings

FlowMaster’s default settings is listed in table below:

Analog x Input Offset 3700u
Analog x Output Offset 0u
Auto/Manual Auto
Kg/Lbs Kg
Analog/Program Analog
Vx Alarm Band 5%
Vx Alarm Delay 5sec
Vx Alarm Startup Delay 10sec

x represent 1, 2, 3, and 4 only.

4.5 Factory Default Password

FlowMaster’s have two default passwords can be used by users, which are
configuration password and calibration password. For secure reason, the
password won’t be written down anywhere in this manual.

Note: The only way to get the password is to contact the manufacturer.

FlowMaster’s password can modified and change as customer request in

purchase order before purchase the product or on factory password change

Rev 2.0

There are two (2) types of fixing method for the FlowMaster as shown:

The dimension of the cut-out for panel fixing is as shown:

Rev 2.0

5.1 Connection of Cable

This FlowMaster can be connected to either single UltimateValve or multiple

UltimateValve (up to four valves). It is a simple plug-and-play connection
between the FlowMaster and UltimateValve. The quantity of cables required is
depend on the numbers of UltimateValve – 1 cable for 1 valve, 2 cables for 2

For single-valve connection:

1 cable

For multiple-valve connection:

1 cable 1 cable 1 cable 1 cable

Rev 2.0

The cable is required to connect from the FlowMaster output port to

UltimateValve input port (located top) to complete the installation.

If there are multiple valve to be installed, additional cable will be required to be

connected from first valve output port (located bottom) to second valve input port
(located top), and continue the same practice for the rest of connection of valve
(if applicable).

Output to Next Valve

(If applicable)

Input from FlowMaster

or Previous Valve

Rev 2.0

5.2 Dimension of FlowMaster

Note: Dimensions in mm


Power +24Vdc @ 0.4A

Digital Input 0/24V
Analog Input 0-10V
Digital Output 0/24V
Analog Inputs 0-10V
Weight 1kg/2.2lbs
Temperature 0˚C - 55˚C (32 ˚F-131˚F)

Rev 2.0


The warranty of this product is follow the terms and conditions below:

Warranty Period
One year from shipping date of the product.

Scope of Warranty
Labor and parts costs.

Limitations and Exclusions

 The product serial number or warranty seal has been removed, erased, defaced, altered, tampered or is
illegible; or The product shows evidence of commercial use; impact, shock; accident; fire, flood,
earthquake, lightning or other acts of nature; sand, liquid or food damage; exposure to extreme thermal
or environment conditions beyond product specifications or a rapid change in such conditions;
electrostatic discharge; batter or chemical corrosion; abuse, mishandling, improper installation, operation
or maintenance, use of wrong electrical supply or voltage; damage during shipment to/from manufacturer
authorized service center; improper alteration, modification, adjustment, tampering; replacement of parts
with parts not provided or approved by manufacturer; or dismantling, opening, service or repair
performed other than by manufacturer authorized center; or any other use contrary to the product manual.
Missing accessories or external parts of the Product, unless is made within 7 days from the date of origin
retail purchase;
 Cosmetic damage to outer surface/finishing and external parts of Product, including without limitation
cracks, dents or scratches on the exterior casing;
 Deterioration of the Product due to normal wear and tear, including without limitation rust or stains;
 General maintenance, password reset assistance, routine servicing and cleaning, updating/upgrading of
software, installation of software or applications, product demonstration, or any other service other than
 To the fullest extent permitted by law, manufacturer shall not be in any way liable for any consequential,
incidental, indirect, special or similar damages whatsoever arising from or in connection with the use,
inability to use or performance of the Product, including without limitation loss of revenue, loss of profits,
loss of opportunity, loss of business, loss of goodwill, loss of reputation, failure to realize savings or
other benefits, loss of use of the Product or any associated equipment, loss of damage to other property
due to the malfunction of the Product, costs of substitute equipment, loss due to downtime cost, costs of
recovering, reprogramming or reproducing any program or data stored in or used with a system
containing the Product, or loss, damage, corruption or compromise of data, whether due to breach of
warranty, strict liability, product liability, the negligence of manufacturer, or otherwise, even if
manufacturer is aware of the possibility of such damages. Manufacturer does not exclude or limit liability
for personal injury of death resulting from manufacturer’s negligence.
 In no event shall any recovery against manufacturer exceed the actual price paid for the purchase of the
 Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you assume all risk and liability for loss, damage or
injury to you and your property and to any third parties and their property arising out of the use, misuse
or inability to use the Product not caused directly by the negligence of manufacturer.
 You agree and acknowledge that manufacturer’s limitations and exclusions of liability are reasonable in
the circumstances.

Obtaining Warranty Service

Prior to making a claim under this warranty, please contact the manufacturer by email or telephone with the
following information:

 Name of contact person

 Company name
 Return shipping location
 Product model
 Product serial number

Rev 2.0

 Retails Purchasing Date

If a valid claim is made on a valid warranty during the Warranty Period, manufacturer will repair any defective
parts free of charges within a reasonable period of time, and restore the product to its proper condition. If the
defective product cannot be repaired, it will be replaced with a new unit and the original warranty date will be
continue from previous product. The product should be properly packed to prevent damage in return transit.
Manufacturer will not responsible for any risk of loss or damage during return shipment.

If the product is out of its warranty period, customer need to issue purchase order to manufacturer prior to repair.
If the product cannot be repaired, customer can purchase new unit of valve or refurbished unit at a discount price
with six (6) month warranty.

Manufacturer reserved the right to vary the warranty of this Products from state to state.


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