The Different Perception and Reaction of Customers Towards Traditional Marketing and Influencer Marketing in Food Industry
The Different Perception and Reaction of Customers Towards Traditional Marketing and Influencer Marketing in Food Industry
The Different Perception and Reaction of Customers Towards Traditional Marketing and Influencer Marketing in Food Industry
This research paper is aimed at investigating the consumer preference for traditional marketing and influencer marketing
in food industry. To accomplish this, the researchers set two questionnaire surveys to collect data. These two
questionnaires investigated consumers’ different attitudes and reaction toward two rose-cake brands (Holiland and LI
ZI QI), by showing them the two different types of advertisements: one for traditional marketing and the other for
influencer marketing. After a detailed analysis of the data collected, it was discovered that both influencer marketing
and traditional marketing have the capability to deliver the persuasive product information and make consumers
desirable to purchase the products. However, consumers tend to pay more creditably and trust to LI ZI QI’s brand, which
is the brand using influencer marketing, and are willing to spend more money on it.
or newspapers that he updates speed cannot keep up with permeated all aspects of our lives [13]. This is why we
them [3]. And fewer and fewer people pay attention to chose the food industry as the topic of this article.
these paper advertisements [4]. as same as telemarketing. Because the development of the food industry is closely
People rarely answer cold calls from strangers, which related to our lives, because food is not only related to
makes telemarketing difficult. With The development of our daily life, but also related to our survival, people do
science and technology, TV print media has been not eat is not to survive. So the argument that we support
neglected and People use mobile phones and computers through these literature reviews is to investigate the
more [5]. And as the pace of life is getting faster and different perceptions and reactions of potential
faster, people are in a hurry on the road, and more and customers to traditional and influencer marketing in the
more people are pubbing -- making it hard to notice the food industry.
ads on the roadside/subway station [6].
2.2 The Advantages and disadvantages of
Influencer marketing The researchers used questionnaire survey to
complete the experiment. There are two questionnaires
Traditional marketing is a rather broad category that being set up; one aims to investigate consumers’ attitude
incorporates m Influencer marketing is a type of social of traditional marketing, and the other is to those of
media marketing that uses endorsements and product influencer marketing. In order not to let these two groups
mentions from influencers–individuals who have a of participants overlap (since having done one
dedicated social following and are viewed as experts questionnaire in advance may affect their choice of
within their niche [7]. Influencer marketing works answering questions in the second questionnaire), we
because of the high amount of trust that social influencers keep these two groups of participants different. There are
have built up with their followers, and recommendations 64 participants answering the questionnaires, and 32
from influencers serve as a form of social proof to your answering each.
brand’s potential customers [8]. Another benefit of
influencer marketing is that it spreads quickly and 4. DATA ANALYSIS
reaches a wide range, because it's online.
Influencer marketing does not require a large budget, 4.1 Traditional Marketing Group
and it does not require the use of a special A-list star, and
According to the different stages of the experiment,
influencer marketing relies on the Internet to spread
we divided the data analysis into three parts: Experiment
quickly. It can be used with a few micro-tier influencers
design, data results and general discussion.
to achieve a more practical and rational application.
Influencers influence people's purchasing power and
gain their trust so that they can sell more effectively [9].
4.1.1 Experiment design
Even influencer marketing is so popular; there are The experiment below aims to investigate the
disadvantages to influencer selling, such as choosing the perception and reaction of potential customers to
wrong influencer, which his is the deadliest of all. A traditional marketing in food industry. We used brand
wrong influencer can make your otherwise good product Holiland, which is, a brand famous for its rose cake, as
worthless [10]. And there's a lot of uncertainty in an example, to test the different reactions of consumers
influencer sales, and there's no way to know if people before and after watching its promotional video. 32
will approve of the influencer you've chosen [11]. But participants finished the questionnaire until March 27th.
overall, influencer marketing is definitely a part of the
future of marketing. 4.1.2 Data results
2.3 The original intention and goal of this paper According to figure1, most of the participants are
from young generation, consisting of 68.75% teenagers
Whether it's traditional marketing or influencer and 21.88% 18-25 aged people.
marketing, it makes a big difference in our lives, even
gradually changing our habits. From these literature
reviews we determined that what we wanted to see was a
comparison between traditional marketing and
influencer marketing, either to show that traditional
marketing is still effective or that influencer marketing is
better in [12]. We still don't know whether influencer
marketing can really beat traditional marketing, but one
thing is certain that the development of influencer
marketing is positive, and the changes it brings have Figure1 illustrates the proportions of our participants
between various ages.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
In graph11, the participants under 18 years old and that chose degree 6 from 10% to 20% after watching the
26-30 are more often using the short-video application in video. The proportion of women that chose degree 1
their daily life. On the contrary, 100% of the participants declined from 22.73% to 9.09% after watching the video.
over 50 years old are more often watching TV. Secondly, two augments could be found in the proportion
of women that chose degree 6 from none to 13.64% and
the women that chose degree 7 from 13.64% to 18.18%.
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203
About graph15, before the video, the average price the present era, compared with traditional marketing, the
that the participant gave is 31.56 yuan, however, after influencer marketing could offer a wider range of
watching the video the average price increased to 34.09 reception from potential customers because of the
yuan. platform- short-video application is now an essential
parts of people’s life. Secondly, customers tend to trust
the influencer product because of its genuineness, the
influencer always try its products in person so that
audiences can know how good it is directly, instead of
the traditional marketing sometimes it’s too exaggerated.
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Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, volume 203